The Impacts of Tourism on Potable Water Supply An Investigation of the South West Water Region Abby McMillan Centre for Sport Leisure and Tourism Showcase, th June 2011, Exeter • Provides drinking water and waste water services to 1,648,800 customers in the South West • Private company owned by Pennon Group • Regulated industry • Annual audit called `June Return’ • Periodic Review every five years Rationale for Studentship • Develop a deeper understanding of the demand for potable water generated by tourism within SW England • With South West Water (SWW), this project will examine the use of potable water among accommodation providers and visitor attractions in SW England. • The second aim is to predict likely water usage using regression models with historical data of part usage in this important sector • Part of SWW Water Resource Management Plan which will require a forecast of likely demand until 2039/40 • Climate effects from the UKCIP09 dataset will be considered to assess the impact of climate change on tourism and water usage. Objectives • Identify current level of, and temporal variations in, demand among accommodation providers • Investigate variations in demand based on operating attributes of businesses (size, grading, whether metered). • Examine the extent to which climate change has had, or will have, an impact on water demand in the tourism sector. • Produce a model of tourism water demand and use this model to forecast future demand (based on major current sector scenarios). Methods: Stage 1 • Stage 1: Secondary Analysis by GIS (Objectives 1 and 2) • A GIS (Geographic Information System) regional database has been created and has combined: • Metering data on individual properties thorough postcodes • Information on size, grading, and other business attributes • Merged SWW billing data with SWT accommodation provider data • Will add: Future climate predictions provided by the latest UKCIP09 Methods: Stage 2 • Primary research with tourism enterprises (Objectives 3 and 4) • Postal survey of 250 businesses • Follow-up interviews (20-30 businesses) • Survey will also look at: – The perceived image of climate change on water use – Water saving measures , water monitoring, reasons for water management Tourism and Climate Change Futures • Plan different scenarios • Account for longer drier summers • Extreme weather events • Higher visitor numbers • Will higher visitor numbers mean higher water usage or will this be offset by businesses implementing water efficiency measures? • Run Climate models • Surveys of tourism businesses to calibrate models. Thank you – any questions? • Research presented here was conducted during an ESRC Studentship under its Capacity Building Clusters Award (RES-187-24-0002) in partnership with South West Water • For more information about this project and the work of the Centre for Sport, Leisure and Tourism research, see • Contact Abby McMillan on