Innovative Practices in Developmental Mathematics (IPDM)

Innovative Practices in
Developmental Mathematics
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning Disabilities
(LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at LaGuardia Community College?
April 15, 2016
Salvatore Sommella, Adjunct Lecturer
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with
Learning Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Objective/Aims
• Review Research regarding Learning Disabilities (LD)
• Survey of LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) Math096
• Examine Strategies to:
• Improve Problems solving capabilities
• Improve chances of passing CUNY Algebra final test
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with
Learning Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• I would like to thank and acknowledge the following individuals who
motivated me to examine LD and Math Education
LaGuardia Community College - MEC
Qi-jiian Gau, (Jan) - IT Inst. Research and Analysis
Mr. Jhony Nelson, Office of Students with Disabilities
Dr. Barbara Lawrence – Mathematical Methods Professor, Pace University
Dr. Peter McDermott – Professor of Education, Pace University
La Guardia Community College
Learning Disabilities (LD) Types
• Dyscalculia
• Deficient in number-handling
region intraparietal sulcus (5% of
school population). As common as
• Dyslexia
• Attention deficit syndrome
• Nonverbal Learning Disability
• Right Hemisphere Disability
• May affect
• Comprehension of abstract
• Acquisition of fundamental
mathematics concepts (numeration,
place value, and estimation (Bos &
• Similar but not the same as
• High Functioning Autism (HFA)
• Asperger’s Syndrome
La Guardia Community College
Learning Disabilities (LD) Types
• Asperger Syndrome (AS)
• Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
• Developmental disorder identified
by Hans Asperger in 1940’s
• Characteristics
• Physical Disability
• Attention deficit
• Inability to apply high-order thinking
and reasoning
• Remarkable memory of facts
• Interpret language in a very literal
La Guardia Community College
• Learner cognitively impaired
• Shows signs of poor planning and
problem-solving ability
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Learning Disability (LD) Facts/Observations
• Myth – Okay to be rotten in Math.
• Adult math illiteracy handicaps both daily living and vocational prospects
• Mathematical knowledge, reasoning, and skills are as important as reading
• Many LD students have trouble
• Memorizing basic number facts
• Inconsistent in calculating – paying attention to operational sign, borrowing and carrying
and sequencing the steps in complex operations
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Learning Disability (LD) Facts/Observations (cont’d)
• Many LD students have trouble
• Memorizing basic number facts
• Inconsistent in calculating – paying attention to operational sign, borrowing and carrying
and sequencing the steps in complex operations
• LD students are hampered by language aspects of mathematics resulting in
• Confusion in technology
• Difficultly in following verbal explanations
• Weak verbal skills for monitoring complex calculations
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Some Characteristics of Learning Disabled (LD) Students
• Learned Helplessness – Expect to Fail: Lack of Confidence
• Passive Learners – cannot connect what they know with what they are
• Memory Problems – remember basic operation facts & problem solving
• Attention Problems – “miss” important pieces of information
• Cognitive/Metacognitive Thinking Deficits – ability to monitor their learning
• Low Level of Academic Achievement – not enough time to master skills
• Math Anxiety – difficulty creates anxiety-ridden students
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• The Good News – Michelle Goldstein, Professional Staff Congress CUNY, April 2016 NYSUT
• “Students come to class anxious to overcome ill-equipped backgrounds and
forge ahead with remarkable unbridled determination.”
• “I am inspired when a student who struggled with a math concept suddenly
understands it.”
• “Many demonstrate a passionate commitment for self-sufficiency.”
• “Community College students should be held up as true examples of the
American Dream.”
• “Community propels the student into the next chapter.”
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Self-Regulation – the ability to regulate one’s cognitive activities
• Research points to fact the students with LD are poor self-regulators who
benefit from strategy instruction that incorporates self-regulation training
(Graham & Harris, 2013; Wong, Harris, Graham & Butler, 2003)
• Swanson’s study (Swanson, 1999; Swanson & Sachs-Lee,2000) revealed that
direct instruction and strategy instruction were the two most effective.
• Kroesbergen & van Luit (2003) found
• Self-regulation most effective for mathematics learning
• Direct instruction more effective for basic skill acquistion
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Suggested Instructional Strategies
• Very clear, direct instruction with constant checking for understanding
• Direct, literal questioning rather than open-ended questioning
• Avoid overuse of complex language that requires deeper interpretation (e.g.
metaphors, idioms)
• Use visual cues as much as possible
• Set goals and work toward them
• Provide opportunities for guided practice in solving problems prior to
independent practice
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Suggested Instructional Strategies
• Write a journal of reflections denoting what worked and didn’t for a particular
• Make Math Fun!
• Teach students how to use Cornell Notes
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Ideas for Discussion
• Day 1 – create index card of student info along with expectations, strengths &
weaknesses and background to obtain data
• Administer Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Test to obtain additional data
• Use online student learning system (ex. EducoSoft) to group students for
differentiated instruction (DI). Create specialized test and analyze data
• Try to have 1 class every week or 2 devoted to problem solving without
electronic devices.
• Actively teach Polya’s problem-solving processes and strategies
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Ideas for Discussion (cont’d)
• Incorporate various content literacies into curriculum (Edmondo, Animoto)
• Create verbal formative assessments to enable students to demonstrate
learning without formal testing
• Build confidence by creating small successes in math for LD students
• Teach students skills to succeed in the 21st Century (critical teaching,
• Investigate how to align objectives with English Department “Writing Across
the Curriculum”
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with Learning
Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes at
LaGuardia Community College?
• Ideas for Discussion (cont’d)
• Encourage students to take advantage of all resources available (API/SGA
• Work closely with OSD to identify students in class who might be OSD
• Further research in trying to identify LD students who have Dyscalculia, NLD
and other identified LDs
• Graphic Organizers/Mind Maps
• Using Graphic Calculators/Maple as tool to enhance learning
La Guardia Community College
Mind Map
La Guardia Community College
References used to create presentation
The following material was used to create the Power Point slides.
Donaldson, J.B., & Zager, D. (2010). Mathematics interventions for students with high functioning autism/Asperger’s syndrome. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 42(6), 40-46.
Montague, M. (2008). Self-Regulation strategies to improve mathematical problem solving for students with learning disability. Learning
Disability Quarterly, 31(1), 37-44.
Pólya, G. (n.d.). How to solve it: A new aspect of mathematical method.
Creative Problem Solving in School Mathematics 2nd Edition. (n.d.). Retrieved from
La Guardia Community College
Do Self-Regulation Strategies Work Better for Students with
Learning Disabilities (LD) taking Remedial Mathematics Classes
LaGuardia Community College?
Thank You
Salvatore Sommella