Important Dates Checklist (Students who are both Teaching Fellows and Honors students)

498: Fall 2015
Important Dates Checklist
Students who are both Honors AND Teaching Fellows
By 19 August: register for xxx498
By 16 September: turn in Research Information Form
N.B.: it does require signatures (plan ahead!)
Teaching Fellows who are also Honors need to schedule a meeting
PRIOR to Thursday 3 December for signing the thesis with Dr Pitts
( or 760-8814) and Dr Bower (;
Thursday 3 December: Final, unmarked copy of thesis (paper and digital
copy) due to Dr Pitts for all Honors Teaching Fellows who are completing their
student teaching in Spring 2016.
Thursday 3 December: Final, unmarked copy of thesis (digital copy and
printed title page with all signatures) due to Dr Bower for all Teaching Fellows
who are completing their student teaching in Spring 2015.
Copies: After signed approval from Dr Pitts and Dr Bower, take thesis to
Meredith’s Copycenter for copying onto 100% rag (cotton) paper. Student
pays for paper copies. How many are needed? (see below)
HONORS Binding: Fill out form for binding ($10 each)
You need:
* 1 copy for library (binding cost covered for Honors/TFs students only)
* 1 copy for department (ask if department covers cost)
* x number of personal copies
Teaching Fellows who are also Honors: After Jean Rick at the library has
received your thesis to be bound, she will notify Dr Pitts who will inform the
Registrar that you have completed your thesis requirement for Honors.
Honors students who are also Teaching Fellows also must submit an
electronic copy of their thesis and one printed title page with completed
signatures to the Teaching Fellows Office prior to Reading Day.
Teaching Fellows: you must have Honors credit noted on transcript prior to
What information must be included on the Title Page? (Yes there is a specific format!)
Also note the different title page and required permission and copyright page for the digital file:
 Do you need to use a particular citation form? Determined by discipline.
 Do you need a Bibliography or Works Cited page? Yes
 Do you need to present your research in a public venue? Yes
For the answer to these and other questions: see the Meredith Honors Website:
(sample title page for Honors/Teaching Fellows thesis)
Diane P. Doright
An Honors thesis Submitted to the Department of History and Politics
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Teaching Fellows Program and
the degree of Bachelor of Arts
Meredith College
Raleigh, North Carolina
April 19, 2015
Honors Student ______________________________
Date ____________________
Thesis Director ______________________________
Date ____________________
Teaching Fellows Director ______________________
Date ____________________
Honors Director ______________________________
Date ____________________