Modul 6 National Identities & Basic Values The Classical Legends of Australian Identities I. A. The Bushman Legend Dr. Russel Wird’s description on Bushman’s stereotypes : 1 A practical man 1 Rough 1 Ready in his manner 1 Quick to decray affection 1 Great improviser 1 No impulse to work hard 1 Gambles heavily and drinks deeply 1 Skeptical on religious values, intellectual and cultural pursuits 1 Independent person 1 Hates officiousness and authority 1 Hospitable and has strong mate ship B. The Founding Fathers 1 Convicts, ex - convicts, and currency Working class Brutality of the prison system Harshness of life in colony Anti - authoritarian morality Strong physical endurance Resourcefulness C. Celts and Currency 1 Mostly Irish immigrants 1 Working class middle class 1 Antipathy to British rule 1 Precocity 1 Rough 1 Disliking authority 1 Independence 1 Egalitarianism D. The Bush Rangers 1 Convicts or ex - convicts who broke the mate ship among them 1 Runaway convicts labor 1 Completely independent 1 Anti - authoritarian 1 Tough and resourceful 1 Loyal to his mates 1 Considered as the “wild colonial boys” excluding women II. The Pioneer Legend Pastoralist and farmers immigrants (1880’s – 1890’s) professional men, squatters 1 Characteristics Courage Enterprise Hard work Perseverance Pioneers Including women 1 Enemies Drought Flood Fire Attacks of the Aborigins Middle - men Lack of capital III. Ned Kelly, folk hero 1 Wild 1 Out - law Person anti authoritarian 1 Rough 1 Mate ship IV. Anzac 1 Heroism 1 Physical endurance 1 Anti - authoritarian 1 Strong mate ship Modern Legends I. Suburbanist 1 Love outdoor activities Shopping Discotheque Sport cars Surf board II. Fair go, mate 1 Money 1 Providing work for men 1 “Battler” underdog top dog 1 Casual / ordinary 1 Mate ship III. Having a good time 1 Beer consumption 1 Sport Worshipping the body Sand and sea identity 1 Simple pleasure Causes of the Change of Australia Identity I. Disappearance of British Empire Monarch >< republic II. No longer dominated by people from British Isles White >< non - white III. Located in Asia Profitable areas for Australian good and services IV. Modernization 1 No more in common with the legend of bushman 1 Living in comfortable suburb 1 Working in white - collar jobs 1 Requiring high level education V. Australian Basic Values Three Basic Values 1 Mateship A strict code of conducts among men that stresses equality and friendship. It is male concept. 1 Egalitarianism The belief that all people are equal or the spirit of asserting the equality of people 1 Fair Go Giving people a fair chance to do something. Nothing should stop people from reaching their goals. VI. The change concept of egalitarianism Before 1970’s After 1970’s Narrow definition Encouraging multiculturalism Encouraging mediocrity Supporting equal employment opportunity Authoritarianism Access and equity in public services Behavioral uniformity Facilitating the minority groups Conformity Only for men Not for women, ethnic minorities, or Aborigines