Pertemuan 3 Communicative Speaking Activities Matakuliah : <<Kode>>/<<Nama mtkul>>

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Communicative Speaking Activities
Pertemuan 3
Why do these people ask questions ? There are of course many
possible answers. For example :
 Father asking mother about daughter – he has just arrived home and
she is not in the room, so he wonders where she is.
 A friend calling at Hana’s house and asking her mother – she wants to
go out with her.
 Someone being interviewed for a job ( e.g. as a secretary ). The
interviewer needs to know because the job involves typing.
 Someone enquiring about a room which they want to rent, or someone
booking a room in a hotel; they want to know if it is suitable.
In all the conversation, the two people are genuinely exchanging
information. There is something that one person does not know and
wants to find out, and that is why he or she is asking a question. We
can say that the person has a “communicative need”. A need to
communicate because one person has information which another does
not have.
When one person has the information which another does not have and
need to know, this is called that there is an “information gap”.
3 kinds of “information gap” activity :
Guessing games
Information gap exercises for pairwork
Exchanging personal information.