APSF APPLICATION COVER SHEET (PLEASE COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW AND SUBMIT AS THE COVER SHEET FOR YOUR APSF APPLICATION) NAME: _______________________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PROJECT TITLE: _______________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION CHECKLIST 1. PROPOSAL ABSTRACT – (250 word maximum) 2. PROPOSAL NARRATIVE – (4 pages maximum) 3. BUDGET WORKSHEET – (attach to application materials) 4. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION – (2 pages maximum) 5. COMPLETE TEACHING & SERVICE RECORD for last 5 years including course enrollments – (attach to application materials) 6. CONFIDENTIAL LETTER OF EVALUATION from relevant chairs/directors commenting on the timing of the request and the faculty member’s project as it relates to readiness for the next promotion – (1 page maximum) 7. FOR PROPOSALS WITH A BUDGET >$30K – Signoff of chair(s) indicating support for a minimum of 25% cost sharing to be included in Chair/director letter 8. CURRENT CV Completed