Acknowledgement Systems: Catch ‘em being Good Adapted from Chris Borgmeier, PhD

Catch ‘em being Good
Adapted from Chris Borgmeier, PhD
Portland State University (503) 725-5469
PBS: Defining Features
Teaching Expected Behavior
Increase Structure and Predictability by explicitly
teaching Behavioral Expectations and Routines.
Reduce the mystery and chaos by making expectations
explicit through formal teaching
Develop a “United Front” across all staff through
consistent language & expectations
Increased Structure + Decreased Chaos = Fewer
PBS: Defining Features
Reinforcing Expected Behavior
 Teaching alone is not enough, we also need
to regularly Reinforce students for following
Improving the School Climate
 By increasing the number of Positive
Interactions between staff and students we
are improving the school climate.
Acknowledgment Systems
 To reinforce school rules, behavioral expectations & positive
Promote a more positive school environment
 School-wide 5:1 positive/negative interaction ratio
 Regular school-wide celebration of positive behavior
Increase positive interactions between staff & students
Prompt busy adults to remember to reinforce positive behavior
Acknowledgment Systems
Big pay-off for limited expense
 Immediate
reinforcement with tokens that are
accessible to all students
 Link with school wide celebration of positive
 Lottery system helps to keep incentives cheap
Lot of kids have chance to win… but pay out is cheap
Small tangible rewards
Public recognition is often powerful
the program catchy – link with school rules &/or
school mascot
 Make
Cougar paws, Pawsitives, Starbucks, Bravo tickets, etc.
Acknowledgment Systems
Research shows that when we
1) Set our standards for reinforcement high (set a high level of
performance) and
2) Don’t give rewards each and every time behavior(s) occur
(make it unexpected)
The likelihood that behavior decreases over time (e.g.decrease in intrinsic motivation) does not occur
Cameron, J., K.M., Pierce, W.D. (2001). Pervasive Negative Effects of Rewards
on Intrinsic Motivation: The Myth Continues. The Behavior Analyst, 24, 1-44.
(Meta-analysis that examines two previous meta-analysis (Cameron & Pierce
(1994) and Deci, Koestner & Ryan (1999)) - with differing results pertaining to
effects of praise and tangible rewards on intrinsic motivation.
To consider when developing an
acknowledgment ticket
Must be Easy for Staff to use
Limit writing, and make easy to carry around - fit in pocket
If not easy to use & carry, it won’t be used Spark Award.doc
Frequent feedback for students
ALL staff should have tickets
ALL students should be able to access tickets &
acknowledgment, even those students with most challenging
At least 50% of the students should get acknowledged every 2
Train staff how to hand out
“Sergio, thank you for picking up Jackie’s book for her
you are being very Respectful. I want to recognize
your good behavior with a Caught Being Good ticket, I
really appreciate it when you follow the school rules.”
Always pair the ticket with a verbal explanation that
is genuine, clear & specifically identifies the
Link with school rule
It is best to provide the ticket immediately after the
student engages in the behavior
Acknowledgement Assemblies
Part of regular school routine
 Students
should be able to work towards a
Be Creative!
 System
& reinforcers must be
developmentally appropriate
across elementary, MS & HS
Reinforcer Ideas
Usually any trinkets paired
with public recognition
School supplies
Bubble parties
Middle & High School
Homework pass
Discounts at school store
Tickets to school dance
Time w/ peers
Pizza party
Social & listen to music
Lunch w/ staff
Staff serve spaghetti
In-school movie
Early release from class
Class parties or cultural
Movie tickets
Focus of Acknowledgment System
Beginning of year
Heavy emphasis on reinforcing all school rules & expectations
As year progresses and specific areas of concern come
up in the school
Can begin to target specific behaviors or areas that the data has
shown to be difficult
i.e. hallway behavior, appropriate language, etc.
Returning from breaks, or entering months in which there
were higher referrals in previous years
May want to re-teach expectations & remind staff to boost up use
of acknowledgments
Frequently Asked Questions
Should we track Positive Referrals?
 Track
it broadly, not individually
Are teachers going through enough referral pads?
How many should be given out?
 Better
to err on the side of more than less
 Need to be genuine & verbally paired w/
reason, not handed out indiscriminately
Frequently Asked Questions
Shouldn’t students be expected to do these things
without being rewarded?
Sure, BUT students are bringing a varied set of experiences
and skills to school, unfortunately some students may not get
enough acknowledgment at home
How many of you feel you get acknowledged often enough for
the work you do?
This system should not replace regular verbal praise and pats
on the back for students …all this system provides in addition
for most students is a small piece of paper
This system is as much to help remind the adults to catch kids
doing the right thing in school… we get busy and too often get
caught up focusing on predominantly negative behavior
(5 to 1 ratio)
School-wide Foundation
It is important that an Acknowledgment system is
accessible to ALL students all the time
Schools can also have other systems for
recognizing students
 Classroom
reward system in addition to school-wide
 Perfect attendance
 Honor Roll