Sunrise Lesson Plan: Behavior Management Template

Sunrise Lesson Plan
Focus Area:
What do we expect the students to do?
How will we teach the expected behavior?
Reason the expectation is important: (put reason here)
Provide opportunities to practice and build fluency:
(present role plays of different settings that the teachers or students
How will we prevent problem behaviors from occurring?
Actively supervise students in trouble spots:
(give examples)
Provide reminders of expected behaviors before they occur:
1. Teachers will review expected behavior periodically throughout the
How will we give feedback to students?
Positive feedback for expected behavior:
1. Teachers and students deliver praise for students who ?????
2. Teachers can give Sunbursts for students who?????
3. Students can give SPARK awards for students who ?????
4. Teachers can give class-wide praise for ???????
Corrective feedback for problem behavior:
1. When a student does not follow the rule, remind him or her of the
expected behavior and ask for a statement of the rule. Ask the
student to tell why the rule is important.
2. Ask the student for a “do over” where they replay the situation.
3. For students with chronic problems, refer the student to your team and
continue the process from there
How will we review behavioral expectations with students?
Review behavioral rules and expectations regularly: To be determined by
teams (based on data)
1. During the first week, schedule daily reminder sessions for the whole
2. In the following weeks, provide reminders at least every 2-3 days or
more frequently if student behavior worsens.
3. Fade the schedule of teaching, monitoring, and reminding based on
data and collective teacher impressions
4. Provide a booster session a troublesome times (e.g., before holidays)
5. Utilize “teachable moments”
Provide reminders to students on their performance: After the first week,
provide reminders and praise to students following the rule and corrective
feedback to those who are not meeting expectations.
How will we measure our success?
How will we determine if expected behaviors are improving?
(fill in here)
How will we determine if problem behaviors are improving?
(fill in here)