Qingguo (Jack) Huang

Dr. Qingguo (Jack) Huang
Promotion To Associate Professor with
Tenure – from Jan. 2007 to August 2011
Dr. Qingguo (Jack) Huang
• Promotion To Associate Professor with Tenure
– from Jan. 2007 to August 2011
• 70% research and 30% teaching
• B.S. Nanjing University. Environmental Science
• Ph.D. Nanjing University. Chemistry 1995
• Ph.D. University of Michigan. Environmental
Engineering 2003
Additional Academic Experience
• Research Fellow, Univ. of Michigan. 2003-2006
Resident Instruction
• CRSS 3050 – Introduction to Water Quality with
Lab. Fall 2007; Spring 2009 - 2011. Ratings 1.90,
1.15, 1.32 (1.0 = Excellent).
• CRSS 4660/6660 - Chemical Analysis of
Environmental Samples with Lab. Spring 2008;
Fall 2009. Ratings 1.60, 1.58.
• AESC 4950 - Special Problem in Agricultural
and Environmental Studies. Spring 2008
• PHRM (VPHY, ENSC) 6910. Introductory
Toxicology (group taught course). Fall 2009,
Graduate and Post-Doc. Activity
Graduate Students Major Advisor
1. Rashmi Singh, Ph.D (2008-)
2. Sudeep Sidhu, Ph.D (2008-)
3. Qi Luo, Ph.D (2011-)
4. Liwen Zhang, PhD (2008-)
5. Qi Luo, MS (2008-2010)
6. Liang Mao, Ph.D. (Co-advisor, Nanjing
University) (2007-2009)
7. Lina Zhuo, Ph.D. (Co-advisor, NW A&F Univ.,
China (2010-)
Graduate Students Advisory Committees
• 2-MS; 2-PhD
Post Doctoral Researchers
• Junhe Lu
Research Areas of Activity
• Environmental behavior and control of
emerging contaminants
• Environmental implication and
application of nanotechnology
• Green technology in thatch management
and bioethanol production
Scholarly Activities
• Book Chapters. Total - 5; 2007→ 1
• Journal Articles. Total 63; 2007→24 (12
senior author or with graduate student
or Post Doc as 1st author); 5 JA in
• Professional Society Proceedings and
Abstracts. 2007→ 32, 24 senior author
• Patent. Methods and composition
using fungal laccases to reduce turf
thatch. Huang and others, Sept. 2010.
Journal Impact Factor: 2007→
All 24 Journal Articles
• Range 1.73 to 6.10; Ave. 3.97
• Highest. Environ. Health Perspectives
(1) - 6.10.
• Enviro. Sci. & Tech. (12) -- 4.83
Grants and Gifts
13 Grants and Gifts Funded. PI (6); Co-PI
• EPA Star grants (3); DOD SERDP (1)
• $781,967 Huang
• $2.54 m. Total
30 Grants and Gifts Submitted (not funded)
3 Grants Pending
• NSF Career (1)
Professional Activities
• Professional Societies – Member: Amer. Chem. Soc.;
SSSA; Assoc. Envir. Eng. and Sci. Professionals.
Attended 14 professional meeting since 2007.
Organization of Symposium for SSSA 2011 Meeting.
• Invited Talks (2007→): 14; 10 International (China,
• Presentation/Poster Awards (Graduate Students) – 7
• Other
--- Invited external researchers for seminars (7)
--- Active in collaborative university research with
others within CSS, other UGA units, national, international
--- Reviewer of Manuscripts (53); Grants (2); Panels (1)