Week 9 • Inter-Office Memo, Fax, & E-mail • A. Inter-Office Memo – Format • A memo generally correspondence written from one person in a company to another in the same company • Most companies provide business forms and restrict interoffice memo to one subject at a time, to facilitate filing & encourage conciseness, and clarity • A memo can also be as an informal letter to someone outside the company. • Block format is usually used. Week 9 • A. Inter-Office Memo – Parts • A memo generally has five parts: – TO: Do not include an address or title, such as Mr. Or Ms. – FROM: Instead of a signature, the sender signs his or her initials next to his or her name. You can decide whether or not to add the person’s job title, such as “Manager.” – DATE: This is the date of the memo. – SUBJECT: The subject line sometimes abbreviated as “SUB:”, “SUBJ:”, “RE:”, or “REF” (for “Reference”). The subject line tells what the memo is about. – BODY: The body of a memo discusses the subject. Week 9 • B. Fax – Format • A fax (short for facsimile) is a type of correspondence sent electronically through phone lines. A long fax is more expensive to send than a short one. • Most businesses have a separate telephone line for receiving and sending faxes. This is called a dedicated line. Week 9 • B. Fax – Parts • A fax transmission often has two parts. – Cover Sheet » If a fax is more than one page, include a cover sheet. The cover sheet is the first page pf the fax. This page may vary from company to company, but usually includes the following sections: addressee’s name & title, sender’s name & title, sender’s fax & phone numbers, date, number of pages, subject/reference line, and message. » It is important to include how many pages are in the fax. The recipient needs to know if all the pages were sent. » It is also important to include phone numbers on the cover sheet. If a page is missing or the fax is unclearly transmitted, you can call and ask the sender to fax it again. – Attachment » An attachment is the material you are sending Week 9 • C. E-Mail – Format • Many companies send messages both internally and externally through their computers. These messages are called electronic mail or e-mail. E-mail is a fast and inexpensive way to communicate and a less formal method of correspondence. • In addition to sending messages, you can attach an existing file, such as a word-processed document or a spreadsheet or a picture file, to an e-mail message Week 9 • C. E-Mail – Parts • There are usually five parts to an e-mail message. • The sender’s name and the date & the time are provided automatically by the computer. • The sender types in the e-mail address of the person receiving the message, the subject, and the message. Week 9 • C. E-Mail – Guidelines • 1. Don’t send messages in all capital letters. Typing in all capital letters show anger or impatience. • 2. Try to respond to e-mails immediately. Let the sender know you’ve received the message. If you don’t have time to respond completely, send a message saying when you will be able to respond. • 3. Re-read your e-mails before you send them. Once they are sent, you can’t get them back. Be careful of your tone. The recipient may not understand that you are saying something in a humorous way, for example. • 4. Write a short and specific description of your message in the subject line. • 5. If your e-mail program has a spell-check feature, use it. Week 9 • C. E-Mail – Guidelines • 6. Your message is not private. Other people can read it, either by mistake or on purpose. Your reader could send it to other people. Be careful of what you say. • 7. Be careful and safe about the information you share over email. • 8. Check your e-mail inbox frequently. • 9. Remember that not everyone has the same background as you. They may not understand that Dr. Pepper is a soft drink or that Kleenex is a tissue. • 10. Be polite and professional. Try not to send e-mails that are very long. Week 9 – Homework Assignment » 1. Write a memo asking your secretary to draft a condolences letter to one of your employee. » 2. Write a fax, include a cover sheet, about sending your resume to a company. » 3. Write an e-mail asking your secretary to draft a congratulation letter for 50th wedding anniversary of your friend.