Homework Assignment Tugas 1, tugas perorangan, membaca bahan untuk pertemuan ke-6

Homework Assignment
Tugas 1, tugas perorangan, membaca bahan untuk
pertemuan ke-6
Tugas 2, tugas perorangan, dikumpulkan pada pertemuan
ke-6, Write a letter reference for one of your co-workers or
classmates. Use real descriptions and specific examples of
this or her work and work habits. (You don’t have to use
his or her real name.)
Tugas 3, tugas perorangan, dikumpulkan pada pertemuan
ke-6, Write an e-mail announcing a new employee. The
new employee is you. Use information about yourself in
the e-mail.
Tugas 4, tugas perorangan, Please look definitions of these
words in the glossary at the end of the book: a). branch, b).
contact, c). employee announcement, d). employee
relations, e). extend, f). follow through, g). letter of
introduction, h). letter of reference, i). reliable, j). under
pressure, k). unspecified.