Math Committee PowerPoint 11/10/2009

Math Renewal Committee
November 10, 2009
NCSD web page
Math Activity
Create a perfect square using all four of the pieces given.
How would the area be different if I add one more piece
Discuss by table group.
Pass out one square per person.
Productive Disposition Jigsaw
Phase 1
Group A: What does a successful math student look like?
Group B: Example Video
Group C: Foundations for Success Recommendation #14
Group D: Adding it Up pgs. 131-133
Productive Disposition Jigsaw
Phase 2
Work in groups (one group per grade level K-6, parents, and
Take turns sharing information from Phase 1. Each group
member/s will have 5 minutes to share what was discussed
during Phase 1.
List all possible ideas for building productive disposition in
the classroom. Put lists on poster paper to be displayed for
the group.
All groups will participate in a gallery walk to see all ideas.
Productive Disposition Lesson Plan
Working in grade level groups or as a group of specialists,
create a lesson plan to bring productive disposition into the
Use any of the ideas seen during the gallery walk to guide
your thinking.
Teach this lesson in your classroom and be prepared to
discuss the results prior to our next math committee meeting.
Some of these lessons will be video taped to share at the
building level as an example of how to create productive
disposition in the classroom.
Thank you for taking a risk and your willingness to be an
instructional leader.
Building Level Planning
Sit in building groups
Create a document similar to last time that outlines what must
be shared vs. optional items.
Check in (white Building Planning Sheet)
For next time – Please fill out the blue Building Planning
Sheet. This information is tremendously valuable for us as it
guides our future meetings (formative assessment).
Conclusion – Next Steps
Closing comments
Next Steps:
Teach a lesson that highlights productive disposition
Site Renewal Activities:
Mathematical Rope
Drilling into standards (if not done previously)
NCSD Web page
Optional Items – (Math Beliefs and productive disposition)