Introducing Voyant & Google’s Ngram Viewer Spencer D. C. Keralis Postdoctoral Fellow in Academic Libraries, Council on Library & Information Resources & UNT Libraries Spencer D. C. Keralis Postdoctoral Fellow in Academic Libraries, Council on Library & Information Resources & UNT Libraries @hauntologist Distant Reading Franco Moretti “Conjectures on World Literature,” New Left Review (I, Jan-Feb 2000). Graphs, Maps, Trees. (London, New York: Verso, 2005) Stanford Literary Lab. Wordle Spencer D. C. Keralis. “Feeling Animal: Pet-Making & Mastery in The Slave’s Friend.” American Periodicals (Volume 22, Number 2, 2012). Google’s n-Gram Viewer a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of Used to reveal trends in word use across a broad corpus, defined by the user (and Google books, of course), and over specified durée Voyant “a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts.” Analytic tools to examine a user-specified corpus. Text analysis of research institution policies governing the retention and sharing of research data. Text analysis of funding agency guidance to applicants 420.4969 Limitations Visualizations of “text data” are information products, not knowledge products. Proximity proves nothing without context. Unable to read metaphor, puns, figures of speech, etc. Close reading, and contextual understanding still required for proper analysis.