Business Process Owners/Stakeholers PI, Chair, KeyAd, Business Manager HR, Fin, RA, IT, Student Services, Facilities PI RA PI locates funding sources and communicates info to dept. staff Find Funding RA Communicating Service Model PI Provide overall plan for proposal Preparation and write science RA, HR,Fin IT, Facilities Student Srvcs. Effort, Space, Students, DMP, Equipment, Budget/Justification, Rules (sponsor & dept), costsharing Bs. Manger Key Ad, Chair Oversees dept rules Insures dept needs and PI’s needs are met PI Provide necessary documents and Info on timely basis RA Provide clear timeline for submission and provide necessary documents Bs. Manger Key Ad Chair PI RA HR,Fin IT, Facilities Student Srvcs. Bs. Manger Key Ad Chair Proposal Preparation Submission Insures dept support is in place to provide for smooth submission Conduct the science, spend the award Per the sponsor’s and University’s rules Communicate the PI’s vision and sponsor’s and University’s rules for the project to staff who are helping PI spend the money Appoint faculty and students, purchase equipment, manage data, insure appropriate fiscal spending and tracking, appropriate infrastructure, follow the rules. Consult with PI, RA, and Business manager whenever necessary Oversee grant spending. Help resolve any issues that arise. Award