Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity
 LaGuardia Academic Integrity Policy:
 Website (
 College Catalogue (p. 173)
 CUNY website
 Reference to the policy should be included in the syllabus
 It is important to enforce the policy
Academic Integrity
Violations of academic integrity include:
 Plagiarism
 Using unauthorized notes during exams
 Submitting the same assignment more than once
Academic Integrity
Procedure when a violation is detected:
 File the form!
 Protect the student’s right to due process
 Protect and justify your decision of any
Academic Integrity
 The form is filed in the office of the Chief Academic
Integrity Officer, Luis Merchant
 The information is kept separately from other records
 The information does not appear on student records and
Academic Integrity
 Prevent Plagiarism:
 Design of the assignment:
 Make it unplagiarizable!
 E.g. Staged assignment
 Very specific instructions
 Provide:
 Information on plagiarism
 Instructions on proper citation
Academic Integrity
 Deter Plagiarism:
 Add a paragraph on academic integrity
 Use a detection device and let students know
 E.g. SafeAssign
 Detect Plagiarism:
 Google
 Blackboard SafeAssign
Academic Integrity
Blackboard SafeAssign:
 Detects plagiarism
 Detects a match with material on the internet
 Detects a match with other student submissions through the system
 Shows percentage of match
 Shows a comparison with the source
 Shows a link to the website
 Deters students from plagiarizing
Academic Integrity
 How to create an assignment in SafeAssign:
 In Blackboard (edit mode):
 > Create Assignment > Safe Assignment
 How to check submissions in SafeAssign:
 In the control panel:
 > Course Tools > Safe Assign
 Watch the tutorial at:
Academic Integrity
Finally, Just for Fun:
Found on
 “Is there a website in which i can give a plagarized
text and it will unplagarize it?for example i give a
link or a text and it writes it in its own words”
 one of the answers:
 “I don't know of any website like that. But if one existed, and
you copied the unplagiarized text and used it as your own,
wouldn't you be plagiarizing the website that unplagiarized
the original work for you?”
Academic Appeals
Academic Appeals Committee
 Who are we?
 We are a sub-committee of the Academic Standing
 The committee body consist of the chair of the Academic
Standing Committee, members of the faculty and a
representative from the Registrar’s Office.
 We meet twice a month.
 In 2012 we reviewed an average of 30 Appeals per
The Academic Appeals Process
Student initiates the appeals process in the Counseling Department (B-100). A counselor assists the student
by reviewing their written statement and by helping them organize supportive documentation.
After the Appeal is signed by both the student and the Counselor, it is sent to the Registrar’s Office.
The Registrar’s representative compiles the appeal to be reviewed by the committee and adds additional
documentation such as students’ transcripts and attendances records.
The appeals cases are divided among members of the committee. Each member is responsible for reviewing
their cases and for presenting its findings to the committee. The decision to approve or deny an appeal is
made collectively.
Students are informed in writing of the committee decision within 7 business days.
 We only approve requests to change grades to W.
 Appeals requesting to change a passing grade are
forwarded to the department chairperson.
 Before the student files an appeal requesting a change in
grade, he/she is advised to speak to the instructor and
the chairperson.
 We also review the reinstatement appeals filed by
students that were academically dismissed.
Policy on Early Advisement to
Improve Student Performance
April 2013
Policy on Early Advisement
College policy requires that faculty will:
 I.
Provide students with clear-cut course objectives and
requirements, and evaluation criteria (criteria for grading);
 II.
Administer some form of evaluation (e.g., quiz, exam,
written assignment) by the end of the fourth (4th) week of a 12week session; or by the end of the second (2nd) week of a 6-week
session; the evaluation is to be returned and discussed with
students; and
 III.
Initiate early contact with students performing poorly;
assist students by offering advice and by referring students to labs
or to the Counseling Department, B-100
Note: This policy can be found in the 2012-2013 College Catalog, page 187.
Incomplete Grade Policy
April 2013
Incomplete Grade Policy
The “IN” grade is intended for situations
which arise that are beyond the student’s
Incomplete Grade Policy
The “IN” grade may be awarded to students
who have not completed all of the required
course work but for whom there is a
reasonable expectation of satisfactory
Incomplete Grade Policy
A student who is otherwise in good standing in a course–defined
as complying with the college attendance policy and maintaining
a passing average–but who has not completed at most two major
assignments or examinations by the end of the course may
request an incomplete grade.
Incomplete Grade Policy
A student must provide, before the instructor submits grades for
the course, a documented reason, satisfactory to the instructor,
substantiating the request for an “IN” grade.
The student must fill out an Incomplete Grade Request Form
with the course’s instructor.
Incomplete Grade Policy
The request from includes a deadline by which any missed
assignment(s) must be completed.
A student receiving an “IN” is required to submit all completed
work by the end of the semester following the one in which the
“IN” is given.
Incomplete Grade Policy
Grade Change
Upon completion and formal evaluation of the missed work, the
instructor must submit an official Change of Grade Form to the
Failure to submit such form will result in an automatic
conversion of the “IN” to an “FIN”.
Incomplete Grade Policy
Academic departments may designate courses in which an “IN”
may not be give.
Also developmental skills courses may have different “IN”
policies. Check with your department.
Incomplete Grade Policy
More Information
College Catalog of Courses
Academic Standing Committee Website