A First-Order Interior-Point Method for Linearly Constrained Smooth Optimization1 Paul Tseng2 , Immanuel M. Bomze3 , Werner Schachinger4 Abstract: We propose a first-order interior-point method for linearly constrained smooth optimization that unifies and extends first-order affine-scaling method and replicator dynamics method for standard quadratic programming. Global convergence and, in the case of quadratic program, (sub)linear convergence rate and iterate convergence results are derived. Numerical experience on simplex constrained problems with 1000 variables is reported. Key words. Linearly constrained optimization, affine scaling, replicator dynamics, interior-point method, global convergence, sublinear convergence rate 1 Introduction Consider a linearly constrained smooth optimization problem max f (x), x∈Λ (1) where Λ = {x ∈ Rn | Ax = b, x ≥ 0} with A ∈ Rm×n , b ∈ Rm , and f : Rn → R is continuously differentiable. We assume without loss of generality that A has rank m. This problem has been well studied and many iterative methods have been proposed for its solution, such as active-set methods and interior-point methods; see, e.g., [1, Chapter 2], [10, Chapter 5], [6, 9, 11, 19]. 1 The research of the first author is supported by the National Science Foundation, Grant No. DMS-0511283. 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A. (tseng@math.washington.edu) 3 Department of Statistics and Decision Support Systems, University of Vienna, Brünnerstr. 72, A-1210 Wien, Austria. (immanuel.bomze@univie.ac.at) 4 Department of Statistics and Decision Support Systems, University of Vienna, Brünnerstr. 72, A-1210 Wien, Austria. (werner.schachinger@univie.ac.at) 1 In what follows, riΛ = {x ∈ Rn | Ax = b, x > 0} denotes the relative interior of Λ and k · k denotes the 2-norm. An important special case of (1) is the standard quadratic program (StQP), where Λ is the unit simplex and f is homogeneous quadratic, i.e., A = e> , 1 f (x) = x> Qx, 2 b = 1, with Q ∈ Rn×n symmetric and e ∈ Rn a vector of 1s. Applications of StQP include maximum clique, portfolio selection, graph isomorphism [2, 22]. By adding a nonnegative multiple of ee> to Q (which changes f by only a constant on Λ), we can assume that qii > 0 and qij ≥ 0 ∀ i, j, (2) so that Qx > 0 componentwise for all x ∈ Λ. In [2, 3, 4, 22, 23], a remarkably simple interior-point method called replicator dynamics (RD) was used for solving StQP: xt+1 = X tgt , t = 0, 1, . . . , (xt )> g t x0 ∈ riΛ, (3) where g t = Qxt , X t = Diag(xt ). The assumption (2) implies that g t > 0 and xt ∈ riΛ for all t. In fact, (2) is necessary and sufficient for Qx ≥ 0 and xT Qx > 0 for all x ∈ Λ. This method is reminiscent of the power method for finding the largest (in magnitude) eigenvalue of a square matrix, with the unit Euclidean sphere replaced by the unit simplex. Starting the RD method in riΛ is essential. If it is started at an x0 in the relative boundary of Λ, then all xt will stay in the relative interior of the face of Λ that contains x0 . The RD method has a long history in mathematical biology, and it connects three different fields: optimization, evolutionary games, and qualitative analysis of dynamical systems; see [3] and references therein. It arises in population genetics under the name selection equations where it is used to model time evolution of haploid genotypes, with Q being the (symmetric) fitness matrix, and xti representing the relative frequency of allele i in the population at time t (see, e.g., [20, Chapter III]). Since it also serves to model replicating entities in a much more general context, it is often called replicator dynamics nowadays. The continuous-time version of the RD method is known to be a gradient system with respect to Shahshahani geometry; see [12]. This suggests that the method may be useful for local optimization. In fact, (3) 2 has the remarkable property that, under assumption (2), the generated sequence of iterates {xt } converges [15] (i.e., has a unique cluster point) and, given that we start in riΛ, the limit x̄ is a first-order stationary point of (1). This contrasts with other interior-point methods for solving (1), for which additional assumptions on Q are required to prove convergence of the generated iterates; see [6, 11, 19, 25, 27].√ Additionally, the objective values f (xt ) increase with t, kxt − x̄k = O(1/ t), and convergence rate is linear if and only if strict complementarity holds at x̄. In [4], the RD method (3) was applied to solve medium-sized test problems from portfolio selection and was shown to be superior in performance to classical feasible ascent methods using exact line search, including Rosen’s gradient projection method and Wolfe’s reduced gradient method. A variant of the RD method that uses exact line search was also considered. Recently, some of the aforementioned results were extended to the case where Λ is a product of simplices, under the name of multi-standard quadratic program (MStQP); see [5]. However, in practice the RD method seems slow on large instances of both StQP and MStQP. Can this method be improved and extended to the general problem (1) while retaining its elegant simplicity? Denoting, as always in the sequel, X t = Diag(xt ), we can rewrite (3) as xt+1 − xt = X t [g t − (xt )> g t e] , (xt )> g t so we can interpret the numerator as the search direction and 1/(xt )> g t as the stepsize; see [4, Equation (15)]. What if we do a line search along this search direction instead? This motivates the following interior-point method for solving the special case of (1) where Λ is the unit simplex (f need not be homogeneous quadratic): xt+1 = xt + αt dt , dt = X t r(xt ), t = 0, 1, . . . , x0 ∈ riΛ, (4) with 0 < αt < −1/ minj r(xt )j , where r(x) = ∇f (x) − x> ∇f (x)e = [I − ex> ]∇f (x). The restriction on αt ensures that xt ∈ riΛ for all t. Note that, for x ∈ Λ, we have minj r(x)j < 0 unless r(x) = 0, in which case x is a stationary point of (1). Among existing interior-point methods, the RD method (4) is most closely related to the first-order affine-scaling (AS) method of Dikin [7] for quadratic 3 programming and extended by Gonzaga and Carlos for linearly constrained smooth convex minimization [11]. Their method, when specialized to (1), has the form xt+1 = xt + αt dt , dt = (X t )2 r(xt ), t = 0, 1, . . . , x0 ∈ riΛ, (5) where αt is chosen by a limited maximization rule on (0, −1/(minj dtj /xtj )), µ ¶ x> X∇f (x) 1 > r(x) = ∇f (x) − e= I− ex X ∇f (x) , kxk2 kxk2 and X = Diag(x). They showed that every cluster point of {xt } is a stationary point of (1) when f is concave. The proof extends an idea of Dikin [8] and makes use of a constancy property of ∇f on each isocost line segment. Subsequently, Bonnans and Pola [6] and Monteiro and Wang [19] proposed first- and second-order AS trust-region methods based on generalizations of this search direction. In [6, Theorem 2.2], αt is chosen by an Armijo-type rule and it is shown that every cluster point of the generated iterates is a stationary point provided a certain relaxed first-order optimality system has a unique solution or has isolated solutions, and an additional technical condition holds. In [19], the analysis in [11] is extended to show every cluster point of the generated iterates is a stationary point provided f is either concave or convex. In general, global convergence analysis for these kinds of interiorpoint methods, including (4), is nontrivial due to the search direction being componentwise proportional to the current iterate. Upon comparing (4) with (5), we see that they differ mainly in that one scales its direction by X t while the other scales by (X t )2 . Also, r(x) is obtained by subtracting from ∇f (x) componentwise a weighted average of it components. In fact, the two methods (4) and (5) belong to a general class of first-order interior-point methods for the general problem (1) that has the form xt+1 = xt + αt dt , dt = (X t )2γ r(xt ), t = 0, 1, . . . , x0 ∈ riΛ, (6) where γ > 0, 0 < αt < −1/(minj dtj /xtj ), and r(x) = ∇f (x) − A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ ∇f (x) = [I − A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ ]∇f (x) . (7) (Here X 2γ denotes X raised to the power 2γ, in contrast to X t . The meaning of the exponent should be clear from the context.) Thus, γ = 1 yields the 4 first-order AS method while γ = 1/2 yields the RD method. Since A has rank m, AX 2γ A> is positive definite and hence invertible whenever x > 0. We will discuss (inexact) line search strategies for choosing the stepsize t α so as to achieve fast global convergence. We will show that if αt is chosen by either an Armijo rule or a limited maximization rule, then every cluster point of {xt } is a stationary point of (1) under a primal nondegeneracy assumption and additional assumptions such as f being concave or convex; see Theorem 1(c). Thus if f is concave, then every cluster point would be a global maximizer. In the special case where f is quadratic, we show that {f (xt )} converges at a sublinear rate of O(1/t1/ max{γ,2γ−1} ); see Theorem 2. To our knowledge, this is the first rate of convergence result for a first-order interior-point method when the objective function f is nonlinear. Moreover, we extend the result in [15] to show that, for γ < 1, {xt } converges sublinearly and, under primal nondegeneracy, its limit x̄ is a stationary point of (1). If in addition γ ≤ 21 and x̄ satisfies strict complementarity, then {f (xt )} and {xt } converge linearly. On the other hand, if 21 ≤ γ < 1 and x̄ does not satisfy strict complementarity, then {xt } cannot converge linearly. Why are we interested in a first-order method if its convergence rate can be sublinear? They have much simpler iterations compared to second-order interior-point methods [9, 27, 30] and hence may be suited for solving very large problems (n ≥ 10000). The case of multiple simplex constraints is a good example. In this case, AX 2γ A> has a block-diagonal structure corresponding to the simplices and r(x) decomposes accordingly. In general, if m is small or AA> has a nice sparsity structure, then r(x) can be inexpensively computed from ∇f (x). Our analysis and numerical experience suggest that a value of γ < 1 is superior to values of γ ≥ 1. Our main contributions are: a unified algorithmic framework, practical stepsize rules, a comprehensive global convergence analysis and, for quadratic f , convergence rate analysis, and implementation and testing of the method. Our results can be extended to handle upper bound constraint x ≤ u by working with Diag(min{x, u − x}); see, e.g., [27]. For simplicity we do not consider this more general problem here. 2 Properties of search direction The following lemma shows key feasible ascent properties of the search direction dt . 5 Lemma 1 For any γ > 0 and x ∈ riΛ, let X = Diag(x) and d = X 2γ r(x), where r is given by (7). Then we have Ad = 0 and ∇f (x)> d = kX −γ dk2 = kX γ r(x)k2 . Moreover, d solves the following subproblem © ª maxn ∇f (x)> u | Au = 0, kX −γ uk ≤ kX γ r(x)k . u∈ R (8) Proof. Let g = ∇f (x) and denote by Pγ = I − X γ A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX γ the matrix of orthogonal projection onto the null space of AX γ . Then Pγ> = Pγ = (Pγ )2 . We have from (7) that X −γ d = X γ r(x) = Pγ X γ g, so X −γ d is in the null space of AX γ and hence Ad = (AX γ )(X −γ d) = 0. Also, g>d = = = = (X γ g)> (X −γ d) (X γ g)> Pγ X γ g kPγ X γ gk2 kX −γ dk2 , where the third equality uses Pγ = (Pγ )2 . The minimum-norm property of orthogonal projection implies that d solves the subproblem (8). We will make use of the following primal nondegeneracy assumption, which is standard in the analysis of AS methods, especially when the objective is nonquadratic; see [6, 7, 11, 19]. Assumption 1 For any x ∈ Λ, the columns of A corresponding to {j | xj 6= 0} have rank m. Assumption 1 is satisfied when Λ is the unit simplex or a Cartesian product of simplices. The following result is well known; see [7, 11]. Lemma 2 Under Assumption 1, AX 2γ A> is nonsingular for all x ∈ Λ and r is a continuous mapping on Λ, where X, r are given by (7). 6 3 Stepsize rules For general f , we propose to choose αt by an Armijo-type rule [1, Section 2.2.1]: αt is the largest α ∈ {α0t (β)k }k=0,1,... satisfying f (xt + αdt ) ≥ f (xt ) + σα(g t )> dt , where g t = ∇f (xt ), 0 < β, σ < 1 are constants and ½ ∞ if dt ≥ 0; t 0 < α0 < −1 else. minj dtj /xtj (9) (10) Notice that if dt = 0, then (9) is satisfied by any α ≥ 0 and the Armijo rule yields αt = α0t . Since dt is a feasible ascent direction at xt by Lemma 1 and α0t > 0, αt is well defined and positive. In the special case where f is a quadratic or cubic function, we can choose t α by the limited maximization rule: αt ∈ arg max f (xt + αdt ). (11) 0≤α≤αt0 4 Global convergence In this section we analyze the global convergence of the first-order interiorpoint method (6), (7). The proof uses ideas from [1, Section 1.2] and [11], [19, Appendix A]. As with RD and AS methods, the proof is complicated by the fact that the direction mapping x 7→ X 2γ r(x) is undefined on the relative boundary of Λ. Even when it is defined and continuous on the relative boundary of Λ, as is the case under Assumption 1, it may be zero at a non-stationary point. Theorem 1 Assume Λ0 = {x ∈ Λ | f (x) ≥ f (x0 )} is bounded. Let {xt } be generated by the method (6), (7) with {αt } chosen by the Armijo rule (9) and {α0t } satisfying (10). Then the following results hold with g t = ∇f (xt ). (a) xt ∈ riΛ for all t, {f (xt )} is nondecreasing, and {xt }, {dt } are bounded. (b) Assume inf t α0t > 0. Then {(g t )> dt } → 0, {(X t )γ r(xt )} → 0, and every cluster point x̄ of {xt } satisfies Diag(x̄)(∇f (x̄) − A> p̄) = 0 If supt α0t < ∞, then {xt+1 − xt } → 0. 7 for some p̄ ∈ Rm . (12) (c) Suppose inf t α0t > 0, supt α0t < ∞, Assumption 1 holds, and either (i) f is concave or convex or (ii) Λcs consists of isolated points or (iii) every x ∈ Λcs satisfies strict complementarity (i.e., xj − r(x)j 6= 0 for all j), where Λcs = {x ∈ Λ | Diag(x)r(x) = 0, f (x) = lim f (xt )}. t→∞ Then every cluster point of {xt } is a stationary point of (1). Under (ii), {xt } converges. (d) If inf t α0t > 0 and ∇f is Lipschitz continuous on Λ, then inf t αt > 0. Proof. (a). Since x0 ∈ riΛ, by using (6) and Lemma 1 and an induction argument on t, we have that xt ∈ riΛ and αt > 0 for all t. Also, αt satisfies (9), so (6) implies f (xt+1 ) − f (xt ) ≥ σαt (g t )> dt = σαt k(X t )−γ dt k2 ∀t, (13) where the equality uses Lemma 1. Thus {f (xt )} is nondecreasing. Then xt ∈ Λ0 for all t. Since Λ0 is bounded, this implies {xt } is bounded. Also, (6) implies kdt k = k(X t )2γ r(xt )k ≤ max(xtj )γ k(X t )γ r(xt )k j and (7) implies k(X t )γ r(xt )k = kPγt X γ g t k ≤ kX γ g t k, where Pγt is the matrix of orthogonal projection onto the null space of A(X t )γ . Since {xt } is bounded and ∇f is continuous so that {g t } is bounded, this shows that {dt } is bounded. (b). Suppose inf t α0t > 0. Let x̄ be any cluster point of {xt }. Since xt ∈ Λ0 for all t and Λ0 is closed, x̄ ∈ Λ0 . Since f is continuous and, by (a), {f (xt )} is nondecreasing, we have {f (xt )} ↑ f (x̄) and hence {f (xt+1 ) − f (xt )} → 0. Then (13) implies {αt (g t )> dt } → 0. (14) Consider any subsequence {xt }t∈T (T ⊆ {0, 1, . . .}) converging to x̄. Let ḡ = ∇f (x̄). By further passing to a subsequence if necessary, we will assume that either (i) inf t∈T αt > 0 or (ii) {αt }t∈T → 0. In case (i), we have from (14) 8 that {(g t )> dt }t∈T → 0. In case (ii), we have from inf t α0t > 0 that αt < α0t for all t ∈ T sufficiently large, implying that the ascent condition (9) is violated by α = αt /β, i.e., f (xt + (αt /β)dt ) − f (xt ) < σ(g t )> dt . αt /β (15) Since {dt } is bounded, by further passing to a subsequence if necessary, we ¯ Since {αt }t∈T → 0 and f is continuously can assume that {dt }t∈T → some d. differentiable, the above inequality yields in the limit that ¯ ḡ > d¯ ≤ σḡ > d. Since 0 < σ < 1, this implies ḡ > d¯ ≤ 0. Thus lim supt∈T ,t→∞ (g t )> dt ≤ 0. Since (g t )> dt ≥ 0 for all t, this implies {(g t )> dt }t∈T → 0. Then Lemma 1 implies © t γ t ª (X ) r(x ) t∈T → 0, and hence {r(xt )J c }t∈T → 0, where J c = {j | x̄j > 0}. By (7), the system of linear equations in p ∈ Rm (g t − A> p)j = r(xt )j ∀j ∈ J c has a solution. Let pt be its least 2-norm solution. Since the coefficient matrix in this system does not change with t, it follows from {g t }t∈T → ∇f (x̄) and {r(xt )J c }t∈T → 0 that {pt }t∈T converges to some p̄ satisfying (∇f (x̄) − A> p̄)j = 0 for all j ∈ J c . Thus (12) holds. Since {xt } is bounded by (a), the above argument shows that {(g t )> dt } → 0, {(X t )γ r(xt )} → 0, and every cluster point x̄ satisfies (12). By (13), for all t, (g t )> dt = k(X t )−γ dt k2 = 1 1 kxt+1 − xt k2 t −γ t+1 t 2 k(X ) (x − x )k ≥ . (αt )2 (α0t )2 maxj (xtj )2γ If supt α0t < ∞, then since {(g t )> dt } → 0 and {xt } is bounded by (a), this implies {xt+1 − xt } → 0. (c). Suppose that inf t α0t > 0, supt α0t < ∞, and Assumption 1 holds. Let x̄ be any cluster point of {xt }. Let X̄ = diag(x̄), r̄ = r(x̄). We have from {(X t )γ r(xt )} → 0 in (b) that X̄ r̄ = 0 or, equivalently, X̄(ḡ − A> p̄) = 0, 9 where ḡ = ∇f (x̄) and p̄ = (AX̄ 2γ A> )−1 AX̄ 2γ ḡ. Thus x̄ belongs to Λcs , and x̄ is a stationary point of (1) if and only if r̄ ≤ 0. Suppose that f is concave or convex. We show below that r̄ ≤ 0. The argument is similar to one used by Gonzaga and Carlos [11]; also see [19, Section 3.3]. First, we have the key result that {r(xt )} → r̄. (16) Its proof is given in Appendix A. If r̄ 6≤ 0, then there would exist some j̄ ∈ {1, . . . , n} such that r̄j̄ > 0. Then X̄ r̄ = 0 implies x̄j̄ = 0. By (16), there exists t̄ such that r(xt )j̄ > 0 for all t ≥ t̄, so that dtj̄ > 0 for all t ≥ t̄ and hence xtj̄ > xt̄j̄ > 0 for all t ≥ t̄. This contradicts x̄j̄ = 0. Suppose that, instead of f being concave or convex, Λcs consists of isolated points. Since {xt+1 − xt } → 0 so the set of cluster points of {xt } form a continuum, (b) implies {xt } → x̄. Then (16) holds and the same argument as above yields r̄ ≤ 0. Suppose instead that every x ∈ Λcs satisfies strict complementarity. Let ª © Λ̄cs = x ∈ Λcs | r(x)J¯0 = 0, r(x)J¯+ > 0, r(x)J¯− < 0 , where J¯0 = {j | r̄j = 0}, J¯+ = {j | r̄j > 0}, J¯− = {j | r̄j < 0}. Since every x ∈ Λcs satisfies strict complementarity, Λ̄cs is isolated from the rest of Λcs , i.e., there exists a δ > 0 such that (Λ̄cs + δB) ∩ Λcs = Λ̄cs , where B denotes the unit Euclidean ball centered at the origin. Since the set of cluster points of {xt } forms a continuum and, by (b), is contained in Λcs , this set must in fact be contained in Λ̄cs . Hence for every j ∈ J¯+ we have r(xt )j > 0 for all t sufficiently large, so dtj > 0 for all t sufficiently large, implying lim inf t xtj > 0, a contradiction to x̄j = 0. Thus J¯+ = ∅, i.e., r̄ ≤ 0. (d). Suppose that inf t α0t > 0 and ∇f is Lipschitz continuous on Λ with Lipschitz constant L ≥ 0. Then it is readily shown using the mean value theorem that ∇f (x)> (y − x) − L ky − xk2 ≤ f (y) − f (x) 2 ∀x, y ∈ Λ (see [1, page 667]). For each t ∈ {0, 1, ...}, either αt = α0t or else (9) is violated by α = αt /β, i.e., (15) holds. In the second case, applying the above inequality with x = xt , y = xt + (αt /β)dt and using (15) yields µ µ ¶2 ¶ αt t αt t > t L αt αt t 2 t (g ) d − kd k ≤ f x + d − f (xt ) < σ(g t )> dt . β 2 β β β 10 Dividing both sides by αt /β and rearranging terms yields (1 − σ)(g t )> dt ≤ L αt t 2 kd k . 2 β By Lemma 1, (1 − σ) kdt k2 L αt t 2 t −γ t 2 kd k . ≤ (1 − σ)k(X ) d k ≤ (maxj xtj )2γ 2 β Since αt 6= α0t , we have dt 6= 0, so this yields (1 − σ)/(maxj xtj )2γ ≤ Lαt /(2β). Thus in both cases we have ½ ¾ 2β(1 − σ) t t α ≥ min α0 , . (17) L(maxj xtj )2γ Since inf t α0t > 0 and {xt } is bounded, this shows that inf t αt > 0. The assumption in Theorem 1(c)-(d) of (10) and inf t α0t > 0 is reasonable since, by (a), {dt } is bounded, so the right-hand side of (10) is uniformly bounded away from zero. Theorem 1(d) will be used in the convergence rate analysis of the next section. Similar to the observation in [1, page 45], Theorem 1(a)-(c) extend to the limited maximization rule (11) or any stepsize rule that yields a larger ascent than the Armijo rule at each iteration. Corollary 1 Theorem 1(a)-(c) still hold if, in the interior-point method (6), (7), αt more generally satisfies 0 < αt ≤ α0t , t f (xt + αt dt ) ≥ f (xt + αarmijo dt ), t where αarmijo is chosen by the Armijo rule (9). Proof. Theorem 1(a) clearly holds. Theorem 1(b) holds since (13), (14), (15) t in its proof still hold with αt replaced by αarmijo . This yields {(g t )> dt } → 0 t and {d } → 0. The proof of Theorem 1(c) is modified accordingly. Theorem 1(c) under condition (i) is similar to [11, Section 3] and [19, Theorem 3.14] for the case of AS methods (γ = 1). Theorem 1(c) under condition (ii) is similar to [6, Theorem 2.2], [30, Theorem 3] for the case of AS methods. In particular, Assumption 1 is equivalent to (H3) in [6], 11 and condition (ii) and Λcs are refinements of, respectively, (H1) and (OS)I solutions in [6]. When f is quadratic, Λcs consists of isolated points if and only if it is a finite set. The convergence of {xt } for AS methods has been much studied. In the case of linear f , convergence has been shown for first-order AS methods [14, 18, 28]. In the cases of concave quadratic f or a more general class of quadratic f and box constraint, convergence has been shown for second-order AS methods [17, 25, 27]. For more general f , convergence has been shown for AS methods under Assumption 1 and condition (ii) in Theorem 1 [30, Theorem 3], [6, Theorem 2.2], and for second-order AS methods, assuming f is concave or convex and ∇2 f has a constant null space property [26], [19, Theorem 4.12]. 5 Sublinear convergence when f is quadratic In this section we show that, in the special case where f is quadratic, {f (xt )} generated by the first-order interior-point method (6), (7) converges sublinearly. The proof, which uses Lemma 1 and Theorem 1, adapts the linear convergence analysis of a second-order AS method with line search [27, Theorem 1]. To our knowledge, this is the first rate of convergence result for a first-order interior-point method when f is nonlinear, and it does not assume primal nondegeneracy (Assumption 1). Moreover, by adapting the proof of [15, Theorem 3.2], we show that the generated iterates {xt } converge sublinearly for γ < 1 and, under primal nondegeneracy, the limit is stationary for (1). If in addition γ ≤ 12 and strict complementarity holds, then convergence is linear. But if supt α0t < ∞, 12 ≤ γ < 1 and strict complementarity fails, then convergence cannot be linear. This suggests γ < 1 may be preferable to γ ≥ 1, which is corroborated by the numerical results in Section 6. Theorem 2 Assume f (x) = x> Qx/2 + c> x for some symmetric Q ∈ Rn×n and c ∈ Rn . Assume Λ0 = {x ∈ Λ | f (x) ≥ f (x0 )} is bounded. Let {xt } be generated by the method (6), (7) with {αt } chosen by the Armijo rule (9) and {α0t } satisfying (10) and inf t α0t > 0. Then the following results hold with ω = 1/(γ̄ − 1) and γ̄ = max{1 + γ, 2γ}. (a) There exist υ ∈ R and C > 0 (depending on x0 ) such that 0 ≤ υ − f (xt ) ≤ Ct−ω 12 ∀t ≥ 1 . (18) (b) Assume γ < 1. Then there exist x̄ ∈ Λ0 and C 0 > 0 (depending on x0 ) such that 1−γ kx̄ − xt k ≤ C 0 t− 2γ ∀t ≥ 1. Suppose Assumption 1 also holds. Then x̄ is a stationary point of (1). Moreover, if γ ≤ 21 and x̄ − r(x̄) > 0, then {f (xt )} converges linearly in the quotient sense and {kx̄ − xt k} converges linearly in the root sense. If instead supt α0t < ∞, γ ≥ 21 and x̄−r(x̄) 6> 0, then {kx̄−xt k} cannot converge linearly. Proof. We have from Theorem 1(a) and its proof that {f (xt )} is nondecreasing and (13) holds or, equivalently, f (xt+1 ) − f (xt ) ≥ σαt kη t k2 ∀t, (19) where we let η t = (X t )γ rt , rt = r(xt ). Thus {f (xt )} converges to a limit υ and {f (xt+1 ) − f (xt )} → 0. Since ∇f is Lipschitz continuous on Λ, Theorem 1(d) implies inf t αt > 0. Then (19) implies {η t } → 0. For any J ⊆ {1, ..., n}, let ) ( 1 ¯ t t 1+γ ∀j ∈ J , ¯ x ≤ |ηj | , (20) TJ = t ∈ {0, 1, ...}¯ tj 1 t 1+γ |rj | < |ηj | ∀j ∈ J c 1 where J c = {1, . . . , n}\J . Since (xtj )γ |rjt | = |ηjt | so that either xtj ≤ |ηjt | 1+γ or 1 else |rjt | < |ηjt | 1+γ , it follows that each t ∈ {0, 1, ...} belongs to exactly one set TJ for some J (because evidently J 6= K ⊆ {1, ..., n} implies TJ ∩ TK = ∅). Since the number of subsets J is finite, there is at least one J such that TJ is infinite. Consider any J such that TJ is infinite. Then, for each t ∈ TJ , the following linear system in (x, p) xJ = xtJ , > t c Q> j x − Aj p = −cj + rj ∀j ∈ J , x ≥ 0, Ax = b, (21) has a solution, e.g., (x, p) = (xt , pt ), where pt = (A(X t )2γ A> )−1 A(X t )2γ g t and Qj , Aj denote the jth column of Q, A, respectively. Now, let k · kν 13 denote the ν-norm. (We drop the subscript ν for the Euclidean norm where ν = 2.) By the definition (20), (k(xtJ , rJt c )k1+γ )1+γ ≤ kη t k1 ∀t ∈ TJ , (22) so {η t } → 0 yields {(xtJ , rJt c )}t∈TJ → 0. Thus, the right-hand side of (21) is uniformly bounded for t ∈ TJ , so an error bound of Hoffman [13] implies that (21) has a solution (y t , q t ) that is bounded for t ∈ TJ . Since {(xtJ , rJt c )}t∈TJ → 0, any cluster point (y, q) of {(y t , q t )}t∈TJ satisfies yJ = 0, > c Q> j y − Aj q = −cj ∀j ∈ J , y ≥ 0, Ay = b. (23) Thus, this linear system has a solution. Let ΣJ denote the set of solutions for (23). Since (xt , pt ) is a solution of (21), an error bound of Hoffman [13] implies there exists (x̄t , p̄t ) ∈ ΣJ satisfying k(x̄t , p̄t ) − (xt , pt )k ≤ C1 k(xtJ , rJt c )k1+γ ∀t ∈ TJ , (24) where C1 is a constant depending on Q, A, and J only. We claim that f is constant on each ΣJ . If (y, q) and (y 0 , q 0 ) both belong to ΣJ , then (23) yields 1 0 (y − y)> Q(y 0 − y) + (Qy + c)> (y 0 − y) 2 1 0 = (y − y)> Q(y 0 − y) + (Qy + c − A> q)> (y 0 − y) 2 1 0 = (y − y)> Q(y 0 − y), 2 f (y 0 ) − f (y) = where the second equality uses A(y 0 − y) = 0 and third equality uses yJ0 = yJ > c and Q> j y − Aj q = −cj for all j ∈ J . A symmetric argument yields f (y) − f (y 0 ) = 1 (y − y 0 )> Q(y − y 0 ). 2 Combining the above two equalities yields f (y 0 ) = f (y). For any t ∈ TJ , we have (Qx̄t + c)> (xt − x̄t ) = (Qx̄t + c − A> p̄t )> (xt − x̄t ) X t > t t = (Q> j x̄ + cj − Aj p̄ )xj j∈J X t t > t t t t = (Q> j (x̄ − x ) − Aj (p̄ − p ) + rj )xj , j∈J 14 where the first equality uses A(xt − x̄t ) = 0, and the second equality uses (x̄t , p̄t ) ∈ ΣJ . If γ ≤ 1, then this together with 1 f (xt ) − f (x̄t ) = (xt − x̄t )> Q(xt − x̄t ) + (Qx̄t + c)> (xt − x̄t ) 2 and the definition of η t = (X t )γ rt yields |f (xt ) − f (x̄t )| ¯ à !¯ ¯1 ¯ X ¯ t t > t t > t t > t t t t t ¯ = ¯ (x − x̄ ) Q(x − x̄ ) + (Qj (x̄ − x ) − Aj (p̄ − p ))xj + xj rj ¯ ¯2 ¯ j∈J X ¡¯ ¯ ¢ 1 t t t¯ t 1−γ t t t > t ¯(Q> ) |η | + (x ≤ |(x − x̄t )> Q(xt − x̄t )| + (x̄ − x ) − A (p̄ − p ))x j j j j j 2 j∈J X¡ ¢ ≤ C2 kxt − x̄t k2 + k(Qj , −Aj )k k(x̄t , p̄t ) − (xt , pt )kxtj + (xtj )1−γ |ηjt | j∈J 2 1+γ ≤ C2 C12 kη t k1 + X 1 k(Qj , −Aj )k C1 kη t k11+γ xtj + (xtj )1−γ |ηjt | j∈J 2 1+γ ≤ C2 C12 kη t k1 + C1 X 1 1 2 k(Qj , Aj )k kη t k11+γ |ηjt | 1+γ + |ηjt | 1+γ , j∈J where C2 is a constant depending on Q only; the first inequality uses xtj |rjt | = (xtj )1−γ |ηjt |; the third inequality uses (22) and (24); the last inequality uses (20), γ ≤ 1, and t ∈ TJ . It follows that 2 |f (xt ) − f (x̄t )| ≤ CJ kη t k11+γ ∀t ∈ TJ , (25) where CJ is a constant depending on Q, A, J , ϑ, and x0 . If γ > 1 instead, 1−1/γ then by using xtj |rjt | = |ηjt |1/γ |rjt |1−1/γ and supt krt k∞ < ∞, we similarly 2 1/γ obtain (25) but with “kη t k11+γ ” replaced by “kη t k1 ” (also using 2/(1 + γ) > 1/γ). Let C3 be the maximum of CJ over all J such that TJ is infinite. Since {f (xt )} ↑ υ and {η t } → 0, it follows from (25) that {f (x̄t )}t∈TJ → υ. Since x̄t ∈ ΣJ for all t ∈ TJ and f is constant on ΣJ , this implies f (x̄t ) = υ for all t ∈ TJ . This, together with (25), the subsequent remark, and CJ ≤ C3 , yields υ − f (xt ) = f (x̄t ) − f (xt ) 15 2 , γ1 } min{ 1+γ ≤ C3 kη t k1 2 = C3 kη t k1γ̄ ¡ ¢1 ≤ κ f (xt+1 ) − f (xt ) γ̄ (26) for all t ∈ TJ with some constant κ > 0, where the second inequality uses (19) and inf t αt > 0. The above inequality yields, upon letting ∆t = υ −f (xt ) and rearranging terms, µ t ¶γ̄ ∆ t+1 t ∆ ≤∆ − . (27) κ This holds for all t ∈ TJ and all J such that TJ is infinite. Since each t ∈ {0, 1, ...} belongs to TJ for some J , then (26) and (27) hold for all t sufficiently large, say t ≥ T . γ̄ (a) Take C ≥ κ γ̄−1 sufficiently large so that (18) holds for t = 1, . . . , T . Then an induction argument shows that (18) holds for all t ≥ 1. In particular, γ̄ if (18) holds for some t ≥ 1, then we have from C ≥ κ γ̄−1 that (C/κ)γ̄ ≥ C and hence (27) yields µ t ¶γ̄ µ ¶γ̄ µ ¶ ∆ C 1 C 1 C t+1 t ∆ ≤∆ − ≤ ω− ≤ C ω − ωγ̄ ≤ , ω κ t κt t t (t + 1)ω 1 ω 1 where the last inequality holds since ωγ̄ = 1 + ω and (1 − t+1 ) ≥ 1 − t+1 (using ω ≤ 1). This proves (18). (b) Assume γ < 1. Then γ̄ = 1 + γ < 2. Using (6), we have for all t ≥ T that kxt+1 − xt k = αt k(X t )γ η t k ≤ αt kxt kγ∞ kη t k kη t k2 = αt kxt kγ∞ t kη k √ αt kη t k2 ≤ kxt kγ∞ n kη t k1 ≤ kxt kγ∞ √ ∆t − ∆t+1 n σ µ C3 ∆t ¶ γ̄2 , where the last inequality uses (19) and (26) which holds for all t ≥ T as explained above. Since xt lies in the bounded set Λ0 so that supt kxt k∞ < ∞, 16 this implies γ̄ kxt+1 − xt k ≤ C4 (∆t − ∆t+1 )(∆t )− 2 Z ∆t γ̄ ≤ C4 t− 2 dt ∆t+1 ´ C4 ³ t 1− γ̄ t+1 1− γ̄2 2 − (∆ = (∆ ) ) 1 − γ̄2 for all t ≥ T , where C4 > 0 is some constant. Thus for any t2 ≥ t1 ≥ T , we have t2 X t=t1 kx t+1 ´ C4 C4 ³ t1 1− γ̄ t2 +1 1− γ̄2 t1 1− γ̄2 2 −x k≤ (∆ ) − (∆ ) ≤ . γ̄ γ̄ (∆ ) 1− 2 1− 2 t Since ∆t1 → 0 as t1 → ∞, this shows that the sequence {xt } satisfies Cauchy’s criterion for convergence and hence has a unique cluster point x̄. Moreover, the triangle inequality yields ° t ° t2 2 °X ° X C4 ° ° t1 1− γ̄2 kxt2 +1 − xt1 k = ° (xt+1 − xt )° ≤ kxt+1 − xt k ≤ γ̄ (∆ ) °t=t ° t=t 1− 2 1 1 ´ ³ 1− γ̄2 so taking t2 → ∞ and then using (18) yields kx̄ − xt1 k = O (t−ω . ) 1 Moreover, γ̄ = 1 + γ and ω = 1/γ, so ω(1 − γ̄2 ) = 1−γ . 2γ t Assume also that Assumption 1 holds. Then {r } converges to r̄ = r(x̄) (since r is continuous by Lemma 2) and it readily follows from (6) and {xt } → x̄ that r̄ ≤ 0. Suppose x̄ − r̄ > 0, i.e., there exists J¯ ⊆ {1, . . . , n} such that r̄J¯ < x̄J¯ = 0 and x̄J¯c > r̄J¯c = 0. Then {(xt , rt )} → (x̄, r̄) and η t = (X t )γ rt imply xtj = O(|ηjt |1/γ ) ∀j ∈ J¯ and |rjt | = O(|ηjt |) ∀j ∈ J¯c . 2 Repeating the preceding argument yields (25) with “ 1+γ ” replaced by “min{2, γ1 }” and (27) with “γ̄” replaced by “max{1, 2γ}”. The latter in turn implies that, for γ ≤ 12 , ∆t+1 ≤ (1 − 1/κ)∆t 17 for all t sufficiently large, so that {∆t } → 0 linearly in the quotient sense and, by the above argument, {kxt − x̄k} → 0 linearly in the root sense. Suppose instead supt α0t < ∞, γ ≥ 12 and r̄j̄ = x̄j̄ = 0 for some j̄. Then supt αt < ∞ and (6) yields xt+1 /xtj̄ = 1 + αt (xtj̄ )2γ−1 rj̄t → 1. j̄ Thus {xtj̄ } cannot converge linearly to 0 in the quotient or root sense, and hence neither can {kxt − x̄k}. As γ decreases, ω increases while the proof of Theorem 2(a) suggests that γ̄ C increases (since κ γ̄−1 → ∞ as γ̄ → 1). This cautions against taking γ too small. Theorem 2(b) shows γ = 21 is a good choice in theory. However, the numerical results in Section 6 suggest the resulting method may be prone to roundoff errors. The convergence of {xt } for γ = 1 remains an open question. Since the proof of Theorem 2(a) is adapted from that of [27, Theorem 1], why can we prove only sublinear convergence and not linear convergence? This is because the amount of ascent f (xt+1 ) − f (xt ) is only guaranteed to be in the order of k(X t )γ rt k2 (see (19)) instead of kX t rt k (see [27, Lemma 1]). To prove linear convergence, we would need to establish not a constant lower bound on αt , as in Theorem 1(d), but a lower bound in the order of 1/k(X t )γ rt k. This may be the price we pay for the simpler iterations of a first-order interior-point method. The linear convergence results in [19, Lemma 4.11] and [27, Theorem 1] hold for second-order AS methods only. When γ < 1, the ellipsoid associated with dt (see (8)) tends to be rounder (since xγj < xj when xj > 1 and xγj > xj when xj < 1). This may give some intuition for the better convergence behavior of {xt }. x2 γ<1 γ=1 Ax = b t x x 1 γ>1 Figure 1: The ellipsoid associated with dt , centered at xt (n = 2). 18 6 Numerical Experience In order to better understand its practical performance, we have implemented in Matlab the first-order interior-point method (6), (7), with αt chosen by the Armijo-type rule (9), to solve (1) with simplex constraint (A = e> , b = 1) and large n. In this section, we describe our implementation and report our numerical experience on test problems with objective functions f from Moré et al. [21], negated for maximization. In our implementation, we use six different values of γ (γ = .5, .8, .9, 1, 1.1, 1.2). We use the standard setting of β = .5, σ = .1 for the Armijo rule (9), and we choose ½ ½ ¾¾ t−1 0.95 t t −5 α t α0 = min αfeas , max 10 , 2 = , αfeas , β − minj (dtj /xtj ) t with α−1 = ∞. Since e> dt = 0, we have αfeas > 0 whenever dt 6= 0. Thus t t {α0 } satisfies (10) and inf t α0 > 0. Moreover, if αt−1 is small, then so is α0t . This can save on function evaluations since often αt ≈ αt−1 . In our experience, this yields much better performance than α0t = .99/kX t r(xt )k used in [6, Algorithm 1] for the case of γ = 1. For f , we choose 9 test functions with n = 1000 from the set of nonlinear least square functions used by Moré et al. [21] and negate them. These functions, listed in Table 1 with the numbering from [21, pages 26-28] shown in parentheses, are chosen for their diverse characteristics: convex or nonconvex, sparse or dense Hessian, well-conditioned or ill-conditioned Hessian, and are grouped accordingly. The first three functions ER, DBV, BT are nonconvex, with sparse Hessian. The next two functions TRIG, BAL are nonconvex, with dense Hessian. The sixth function EPS is convex, with sparse Hessian. The seventh function VD is strongly convex with dense Hessian. The last two functions LR1, LR1Z are convex quadratic with dense Hessian of rank 1. The functions ER and EPS have block-diagonal Hessians, and VD, LR1, LR1Z have ill-conditioned Hessians. Upon negation, these convex functions become concave functions. The functions and gradients are coded in Matlab using vector operations. Since the starting points given in [21] may not satisfy the simplex constraint, we use the starting point x0 = e> /n 19 for the first-order interior-point method. We terminate the method when the residual k min{xt , −rt }k is below a tolerance tol > 0. Note that rt depends on γ. We set tol = 10−6 for all problems except DBV, BT, EPS, and LR1Z. For DBV, BT and EPS, this is too tight and tol = 10−4 , tol = 10−3 and tol = 10−3 are used instead. For LR1Z, this is too loose and tol = 10−7 is used instead. Roundoff error in Matlab occasionally causes this termination criterion never to be met, in which case we quit. In particular, we quit at iteration t if the Armijo ascent condition (9) is still not met when α falls below 10−20 . Table 1 reports the number of iterations (iter), number of f -evaluations (nf), cpu time (in seconds), final objective value (negated), final residual (resid), final stepsize (step), and strict complementarity measure minj (xj − rj (x)) (sc). All runs are performed on an HP DL360 workstation, running Red Hat Linux 3.5 and Matlab (Version 7.0). We see from Table 1 that iter and nf vary with γ but the best performance is obtained at γ = .8, with lower nf and iter on average. The ratio of nf/iter is typically below 4, suggesting that the Armijo rule typically uses few f -evaluations before accepting a stepsize. For a simple first-order method, the number of iterations looks quite reasonable on all problems except BT (whose Hessian is tridiagonal), for which interestingly γ = .5 yields the best performance. However, the method seems prone to roundoff error when γ = .5. The final stepsize tends to increase with γ. This is consistent with the lower bound (17), which increases with γ (since maxj xtj < 1). When γ > 1, a smaller residual may be needed to achieve the same accuracy in the final objective value; see LR1 and LR1Z. For the nonconvex functions BT and TRIG, multiple local minima could exist and, depending on the starting point, the method can converge to different local minima with different objective value. The sc values in Table 1 suggest that strict complementarity holds for all problems. To see how theP method performs on a degenerate problem, we > 2 2 test it on f (x) = −(e x) − n−1 j=1 xj , for which (1) has a unique stationary point x̄ = (0, ..., 0, 1)T that violates strict complementarity at all except one component. On this problem, γ = .5 yields the best performance, e.g., when tol = 10−6 , it terminates with iter = 7, nf = 8, cpu = .01, and sc = 2 · 10−8 . 20 7 Monotonely Transformed Methods In [22, 23, 24, 4] an interesting exponential variant of (4) is studied for solving the special case of (1) with homogeneous quadratic f and simplex constraints. We extend this variant to allow for general f and general monotone transformation as follows. Suppose Λ is the unit simplex. Consider the method (6) but, instead of (7), we use e> X 2γ ψ(∇f (x)) e with X = Diag(x), (28) e> X 2γ e where ψ : R → R is any strictly increasing function, and ψ(y) means applying ψ to y ∈ Rn componentwise. Taking ψ(τ ) = eτ yields the exponential variant when γ = 1/2. Taking ψ(τ ) = τ yields the RD method (4) when γ = 1/2 and the first-order AS method (5) when γ = 1. To avoid numerical overflow, we can replace the exponential by a polynomial when t exceeds some threshold. This monotone transformation, which is related to payoff monotonic game dynamics [23, Eq. (8)], seems to apply only in the case of simplex constraints. r(x) = ψ(∇f (x)) − Lemma 3 Suppose Λ is the unit simplex, i.e., A = e> , b = 1. For any x ∈ Λ, let X and r(x) be given by (28) with ψ any strictly increasing function. Then the following results hold. (a) Xr(x) = 0 if and only if X(∇f (x) − p(x)e) = 0 and r(x) ≤ 0 if and only if ∇f (x) − p(x)e ≤ 0, where µ > 2γ ¶ e X ψ(∇f (x)) −1 p(x) = ψ . e> X 2γ e (b) d = X 2γ r(x) satisfies e> d = 0 and ∇f (x)> d ≥ 0. Moreover, ∇f (x)> d = 0 if and only if Xr(x) = 0. Proof. (a). This follows from (28) and the strictly increasing property of ψ. (b) For any x ∈ Λ, d = X 2γ r(x) satisfies e> d = 0 and ¶ µ e> X 2γ ψ(g) > > 2γ g d = g X e ψ(g) − e> X 2γ e = (g − ρe)> X 2γ ψ(g) = (g − ρe)> X 2γ (ψ(g) − ψ(ρ)e) ≥ 0, 21 > 2γ X e where we let g = ∇f (x) and ρ = ge> X 2γ e . We used monotonicity of ψ, which implies (y−z)[ψ(y)−ψ(z)] ≥ 0 for any two y, z ∈ R. Moreover, the inequality is strict unless gj = ρ for all j with xj 6= 0. In this case, Xψ(g) = ψ(ρ)x and X 2γ ψ(g) = ψ(ρ)X 2γ e, so that µ ¶ e> X 2γ e Xr(x) = X ψ(g) − ψ(ρ) > 2γ e = ψ(ρ)x − ψ(ρ)x = 0 . e X e The converse implication Xr(x) = 0 ⇒ g > d = 0 follows similarly. Remark 1 In the case of ψ(τ ) = exp(θτ ) with θ > 0, we have ° µ µ ¶ µ ¶ ¶°2 ° γ ° θ θ > ° ∇f (x) d ≥ 4 °X exp g − exp ρ e ° ° 2 2 (cf. Lemma 1). This follows from the inequality (y − z)[exp(y) − exp(z)] ≥ £ ¤2 4 exp( y2 ) − exp( z2 ) , which holds for any y, z ∈ R. Extension of the above analysis to the case of multiple simplices is straightforward. Lemma 4 Let Λ bePa Cartesian product of m unit simplices of dimensions m×n n1 , . . . , nm (so that m satisfying i=1 ni = n), corresponding to A ∈ {0, 1} > n > m A e = e ∈ R , Ae = (n1 , . . . , nm ) , and b = e ∈ R . For any x ∈ Λ, let g = ∇f (x) and r(x) = [I − A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ ]ψ(g) with X = Diag(x), (29) where ψ : R → R is any strictly increasing function. Then the following results hold. (a) Xr(x) = 0 if and only if X(g − A> p(x)) = 0 and r(x) ≤ 0 if and only if g − A> p(x) ≤ 0, where ¡ ¢ p(x) = ψ −1 (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ ψ(g) . (30) (b) d = X 2γ r(x) satisfies Ad = 0 and g > d ≥ 0. Moreover, g > d = 0 if and only if Xr(x) = 0. 22 Proof. The proof of (a) is as in Lemma 3 above. For the proof of (b), we analogously let ρ = (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ g. Furthermore we observe that A> ψ(ρ) = ψ(A> ρ) by the properties of A, and obtain ¡ ¢ g > d = g > X 2γ ψ(g) − A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ ψ(g) ¡ ¢> = g − A> ρ X 2γ ψ(g) ¡ ¢> ¡ ¢ = g − A> ρ X 2γ ψ(g) − A> ψ(ρ) ¡ ¢> ¡ ¢ = g − A> ρ X 2γ ψ(g) − ψ(A> ρ) ≥ 0, where the inequality is justified as in the proof of Lemma 3. Again, the inequality is strict only if X(ψ(g) − A> ψ(ρ)) = 0, which can be used to show that Xr(x) = 0 if and only if g > d = 0. Lemma 4 remains true if different ψ functions are used for different simplices. Lemmas 3 and 4 generalize [4, Theorem 3] for the special case of γ = 12 and ψ(τ ) = exp(θτ ) with θ > 0. By Lemma 4(b), d = X 2γ r(x) is a feasible ascent direction at every x ∈ riΛ. Using Lemma 4, we can extend Theorem 1(a)-(c) and Corollary 1 to the monotonely transformed method, assuming furthermore that ψ is continuous. Theorem 3 Assume Λ is a Cartesian product of m unit simplices, with A and b given as in Lemma 4. Then Theorem 1(a)-(b) still holds. Moreover, Theorem 1(c) under condition (ii) or (iii) still holds if r is instead given by (29) with ψ any continuous strictly increasing function. This remains true when the Armijo rule is replaced by any stepsize rule that yields a larger ascent as described in Corollary 1. Proof. It is readiy verified that Assumption 1 holds so that, by Lemma 2 and continuity of ψ, r given by (29) is continuous on Λ. It is then readily seen from its proof that Theorem 1(a) still holds. The proof of Theorem 1(b) yields that {(g t )> dt }t∈T → 0, where {xt }t∈T (T ⊆ {0, 1, . . .}) is any subsequence of {xt } converging to some x̄. Since r is continuous on Λ, this yields in the limit that ḡ > X̄ 2γ r(x̄) = 0, where ḡ = ∇f (x̄) and X̄ = Diag(x̄). By Lemma 4(b), X̄r(x̄) = 0. Assuming supt α0t < ∞, we prove that {xt+1 −xt } → 0 as follows: Since {xt } is bounded and every cluster point x̄ satisfies X̄ γ r(x̄) = 0, the continuity of r implies 23 {dt } = {(X t )2γ r(xt )} → 0. Since supt α0t < ∞ so that supt αt < ∞, {xt+1 − xt } → 0. The proof of Theorem 1(c) under conditions (ii) or (iii) still holds. The proof shows that every cluster point x̄ of {xt } satisfies r(x̄) ≤ 0 as well as X̄r(x̄) = 0. By Lemma 4(a), x̄ satisfies X̄(ḡ −A> p(x̄)) = 0 and ḡ −A> p(x̄) ≤ 0, where p is given by (30). Thus x̄ is a stationary point of (1). It is not known if Theorem 1(c) under condition (i) or Theorem 2 can be extended to the monotonely transformed method. 8 Appendix A In this section we assume f is concave or convex and prove (16) following the line of analysis in [11] and [19, Appendix A]. Let J¯ = {j | r̄j = 0}, J¯c = {1, . . . , n} \ J¯, and Λ̄ = {x ∈ Λ | xJ¯c = 0, f (x) = f (x̄)}. Lemma 5 Λ̄ is convex. Proof. Since X̄ r̄ = 0, x̄ satisfies the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality condition for the restricted problem optimize {f (x) | Ax = b, xJ¯ ≥ 0, xJ¯c = 0} , where “optimize” means “maximize” when f is concave and means “minimize” when f is convex. Thus x̄ is an optimal solution of this restricted problem and Λ̄ is its optimal solution set. Since this problem is equivalent to a convex minimization problem, its optimal solution set is convex. Lemma 6 If f is constant on a convex subset of Rn , then ∇f is constant on this subset. Proof. See, e.g., [16]. Using Lemmas 5 and 6, we have the following lemma. Lemma 7 r(x) = r̄ for all x ∈ Λ̄. 24 Proof. For any x ∈ Λ̄, Lemmas 5 and 6 imply ∇f (x) = ḡ = r̄ + A> p̄. Thus (7) yields r(x) = (I−A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ )(r̄+A> p̄) = (I−A> (AX 2γ A> )−1 AX 2γ )r̄ = r̄, where the last equality uses r̄J¯ = 0 and xJ¯c = 0, so that X 2γ r̄ = 0. Using Theorem 1(b) and Lemma 7, we have the following lemma. Lemma 8 Every cluster point of {xt } is in Λ̄. Proof. We argue by contradiction. Suppose there exists a cluster point x̂ of {xt } that is not in Λ̄. Since x̂ ∈ Λ and f (x̂) = f (x̄), this implies x̂ĵ > 0 for some ĵ ∈ J¯. Since f (x̄) ≥ f (x0 ), Λ̄ lies inside the bounded set Λ0 , so Λ̄ is compact. Then, by Lemma 2, r is uniformly continuous over Λ̄. Lemma 7 implies that, for all δ > 0 sufficiently small, we have |r(x)j | ≥ |r̄j |/2 ∀ j ∈ J¯c , ∀x ∈ Λ̄ + δB, (31) where B denotes the unit Euclidean ball centered at the origin. Take δ small enough so that δ < x̂ĵ . Then x̂ 6∈ Λ̄ + δB (since |x̂ĵ − xĵ | = x̂ĵ > δ for all x ∈ Λ̄). By Theorem 1(c), {xt+1 − xt } → 0, so the cluster points of {xt } form a continuum. Since there exists a cluster point in Λ̄ and another not in Λ̄ + δB, there must exist a cluster point x̃ in Λ̄ + δB but not in Λ̄. Since x̃ ∈ Λ and f (x̃) = f (x̄), the latter implies x̃J¯c 6= 0. Since x̃ is in Λ̄ + δB, (31) implies |r(x̃)j | ≥ |r̄j |/2 for all j ∈ J¯c . Thus X̃r(x̃) 6= 0, where X̃ = Diag(x̃), a contradiction of Theorem 1(b). Since Λ̄ is compact and r is a continuous mapping on Λ, Lemmas 7 and 8 imply {r(xt )} → r̄. This proves (16). References [1] Bertsekas, D. P., Nonlinear Programming, 2nd edition, Athena Scientific, Belmont, 1999. [2] Bomze, I. 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