A meeting of the Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability Dual Assurance will be held on
Tuesday 15 March 2016 at 1.00pm in the John Usher Room, Northcote House.
Attendees: L Moore, K Gallagher, P Mucklow, M Shore-Nye, P Attwell, H McCann, P Lacey
Apologies: F Vowles
The minutes from the meeting held on 9 February 2016 were AGREED.
Matters/Actions Arising from the October 2015 meeting (not elsewhere on the agenda)
Minute Action
KG to provide action plan, revised
risk register and approve
quantitative environmental
performance targets at March
KG to work with Procurement to
obtain a revised Sustainable
Procurement Strategy (inc value
chain requirements ISO14001) for
the June meeting.
Environmental Targets drafted,
will be reviewed and brought to
next meeting.
Delayed, due to changes to
Procurement Team. No
Sustainable Procurement Strategy
in place presently. Lack of this
strategy may result in negative
scoring in Green League. Item to
be carried forward to the
June/July meeting of Dual
Matters/Actions Arising from the February 2016 meeting (not elsewhere on the agenda)
Minute Action
HM to circulate Estate Strategy bid
document to the group, with all to
feedback to HM by 19 February
circulated feedback
HM has suggested
within the RFA that
funding should
MSN to flag at February’s CSG.
HM to prepare VCEG paper.
AC to clarify with auditors whether
the Master Plan would be a capital
or revenue expense
P Attwell to amend asbestos risk
come from
Risk register has
been updated.
Revised Terms of Reference
PA circulated copies of the revised Terms of Reference for discussion. It was noted that advice had
been sought from C Lindsay.
Bullet point 2 was discussed and it was agreed that this should reflect appropriate infrastructure for
information systems.
Copies of the Terms of Reference, reflecting changes, will be circulated to the group for agreement
at the April meeting.
Update on Estate Strategy – H McCann
The Capital Investment Working Group held their first meeting on 8 March. It was AGREED that
MACE should be invited to attend the next meeting of the CIG Working Group.
The MACE consultation process will be led by strategies (e.g., Research across all Colleges), future
growth information and gap analysis. CIG Working Group will then be asked to agree priorities. A
first draft of the Master Plan will be prepared for July for discussion at VCEG Residential in
September and adoption at the Autumn Council meeting. MSN noted that we need to ensure MACE
are aware of where they need to report and identify support at these meetings.
The University resource to support the Master Plan was queried. H McCann has made no provision
presently for additional University resource and advised that MACE are confident that they have
sufficient resource is in place. MACE have requested a presence on campus throughout the process
and will be based at Lafrowda House.
Noted that the frequency of CIG Working Group meetings may need to increase once the MACE
timeline is known.
5. Update on Residence Strategy – P Attwell
PA advised that useful dialogue has taken place with UPP regarding Spreytonway and Moberly and
we are now awaiting proposals from them. HM added that an informal meeting with planners
suggests that they are keen to see applications for on campus accommodation.
PA noted the need to prepare, should the UPP proposal for Spreytonway and Moberly not be
agreeable, which may result in returning to Council to consider the University developing these sites.
Discussions took place regarding the UPP restrictive covenant. PA confirmed that a further lease and
leaseback arrangement with another party would be outside of the covenant according to legal
The need to be comfortable with the restrictive covenant arrangements and the ability to be able to
justify to any third party were noted.
A visit to view the build type proposed by UPP has been arranged for April with the aim to have a
proposed design at the end of April. Discussion will then take place around planning (UPP would be
responsible for applying for planning) and how the design relates to annual rents, once design has
been agreed the commercial return to the University will also be known. Quayle Munro will be
asked to consider the financials and advice from Quayle Munro will be used to assure Council that
best value has been achieved.
The need to make UPP aware that a financial return is expected was noted.
PA advised that C Cole, Legal Services, has advised that the legal requirements have been met to
pursue a land deal. ACTION: PA to circulate CC research to MS-N.
The Group AGREED that they did not wish to pursue an open contest for development of
PL noted the need to consider the student experience and provide amenity space with large density
projects (laundry, meeting space, external space etc.,). PA added that his team are considering what
enhancement to existing facilities at Birks and Lafrowda will be required for the Spreytonway and
Moberly schemes and whether these will be delivered in the new spaces or elsewhere.
6. LSI & ARC update – H McCann
The LSI completion date of 5 August still stands. PL suggested legal guidance be sought on the issue
of LADS, and that savings should reflect the real cost of delay. Noted that delay beyond 5 August will
increase LADs to £180k per week .
ARC funding has been approved by Council. Phase 1 is fully self-contained and pushing to complete
for end of July, Phase 2 to complete end of September.
Wates are still pushing to put all three claims together and go to Court. Exeter is maintaining the
stance that there are 3 separate issues. A meeting has been planned for 29 April where the
University will state the view that the only remaining issue is enabling works, which it is happy to
discuss. Legal advice will be provided by Burgess Salmon.
7.Direct Works Reorganisation – P Mucklow
Engineering and Direct Works has been created to capture the elements of engineering roles within
Estate Development Services and Property Services and as a result of VSS and PST a rationalisation of
the management structure has taken place. S Tailford was appointed as Direct Works Manager and
is working with P Mucklow to review Direct Works and develop a strategy.
The reorganisation will come into place from April and will see skilled staff and team leaders
released from preventative maintenance and works allocation to provide 3 teams covering campus
and specific teams dedicated to Home Office licenced areas. Team leaders will be allocated zones
for which they are responsible.
Discussions between HR and Unions are ongoing and the organisational chart has been shared. The
aim is to share the new structure with staff and assign roles by the end of May. A new Allocations
Team will be set up over the summer. Work is continuing regarding integration of Technical
Services staff and support.
PM noted that the Direct Works Manager has a clear vision to manage performance, which will be
enhanced using the Team Leader role, Planon and development of KPIs by the QMS Manager.
MSN requested a list of measurable benefits created by the restructure (speed of response, KPI’s
met, increase in jobs completed etc.) ACTION: PM
8. Purpose built student housing in the City – H McCann
HM noted that c5000 beds have been built out in the City since 2007. Currently the Football Club
(320 beds) and St David’s townhouses (139 beds) are in progress.
Discussions are ongoing regarding potential applications for 820 beds, including the bus station
(600), Radmore and Tucker site (refused at 125, reduced to 98) and the Glenthorne Road scheme
Noted that HM has provided a tour for K Hassan and others regarding sites on campus, which the
Council are keen to see coming through.
10. Any Other Business
PL noted the need for onward costs and space implications to be captured within RFAs of individual
projects. MSN agreed the need to identify the consequence chain e.g., the need of decant space as
a consequence of development, and capturing these within documentation.
MSN noted that District Heating may fall within the remit of Exeter City Futures.