Minutes from the meeting of the Advisory Board for Arts and Culture which was held on
Wednesday 24th March between 11:30 and 13:00 in Queens 1D.
In Attendance:
Janice Kay, Michael Wykes, Jessica Gardner, Jane Clarke, Gareth Oughton, Gina Cox,
Phil Attwell, Richard Wells, Helen Taylor, Pippa Warin, Camilla Hampshire
Marc Jordan, Catherine Brace, Elena Isayev, Nick Kaye, Richard Lamming, Kate Tyrrell,
Christine Allison.
1. The Minutes of the previous meeting (AC/10/01) were accepted and the Chair
led the discussion of matters arising:
a) GO reported that there is currently no Students’ Guild Art & Culture strategy,
but they are looking into it as part of their strategic plan so that it activity
references University Art & Culture activity. There is no specific sabbatical
officer with the Art & Culture remit, but due to review of structure, the Finance
Activities and Trading Officer is no more, but the new VP Participation and
Campuses will be looking at other Guild activities, retaining the Arts Chair
which will be well supported.
b) With regard to the Planning area for Culture which brings together all citywide cultural organisations, it was report that PW and CH are on the group
with HT. Having proposed a networking meeting, funding was declined last
summer, but there is a new possibility for that meeting to take place. Having
CH on the panel for the launch event on 29th is an important signal to the
City. The Chair requested to track this with an item for the next meeting:
Action HT. Whilst it is extremely difficult to find money to facilitate that kind of
stakeholder conversation, PW reported that the Exeter and Devon Planning
Area for Culture might support stakeholder engagement, using University
premises for this.
c) With regard to the Cultural Audits and the shift to Colleges, the University is
thinking about academic areas differently. Therefore it might be an idea to
pause and re-start in relation with Colleges. Action HT to bring a proposal of
how to do this to the next meeting.
d) Regarding exhibition space at the Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies, JC
has been progressing discussions with the MLA. Unfortunately there are too
many exits and entrances for insurance, but recommendations have been
made. JC will put a paper to the Infrastructure Strategy Group for support to
upgrade and is meeting with Brunei Gallery at SOAS. The Chair asked JG to
work with JC on this. Action JG. The Dow exhibition is keen to be involved
with the Children’s exhibition, which is making excellent progress and its
opening on 16th September, will be mentioned in the Autumn Festival.
e) There was some confusion over the status of the new website with regard to
the previous one and MW was tasked to ensure that the new site would be
ready for the launch event. Action MW.
f) The group had a related discussion around a proposed Events Calendar
listing ‘what’s on’ at the University. Talks had progressed with
Communication Services regarding the mechanics of this, and the group
suggested that further links could be made with partner organisations in the
city. Action PA to liaise with GO to see how student and University activities
can link up with DCC etc. to display information and return for the next
meeting with a draft workflow and other items about this.
g) HT updated the group on the Exeter Film which will be managed by the
Exeter Phoenix through a national competition next year. Honorary graduates
could be invited to judge it, and it is seen as a high profile opportunity.
2. Revised Terms of Reference: the Group received the revised Terms of
Reference and requested a more partnership based approach to items 4 and 5,
as well more clarity about Cornwall and collaborations with other organisations.
Additions were suggested to the List of Members in the context of a flexible
membership that reflects specific meeting agendas. Action MW. The suggested
re-wording is as follows:
To collaborate with key regional partners to promote the University of Exeter’s
contribution to cultural issues at a regional, national and international level, and
to act as a point of coordination for regional organisations to maximise the
University’s potential impact and contribution to the wider community
3. SPaRC Update: the Group received the Dual Assurance update for Strategy
Performance and Resources Committee update.
4. Major Events Budget: with pressures on available funding and a high demand
for support, the group was keenly aware of the need to maximise the impact and
value for money of the projects that it supported. The importance of maintaining
the link between research and the major events budget was underlined, and the
group discussed the proposals that were under consideration. In particular, the
group discussed the proposal to support the AHRC-funded conference in the
School of Geography and discussed the new proposals for additional pop-up
banners. The importance of consistent branding was noted, and the group
underlined the flexibility of banners, with a longer term view of pump priming for
future years.
In terms of 2010/11 and onwards, the chair noted the importance of the budget
being used to leverage other money, and the potential to work more closely with
external agencies. Similarly, the University is eligible to apply for Lottery and
Your Heritage funding where matched funds are required. HT underlined the
scale of work involved in event management which needs to be considered in
terms of ‘full economic costing’. The ambition of the 2009/10 budget was noted,
when a large number of projects had been supported, with great success, but
fewer, higher profile and collaborative projects such as the Exeter Children’s and
Du Maurier Festivals might be more common in future.
The University is investing further in arts administration, and the Chair suggested
that a small sub-group who could plan how to plan future years, in partnership
with other agencies, looking at longer term planning and fitting in with
stakeholders plans. This could also help to focus terms of reference and
maximise the contribution of external members, as well as how the Visual Arts
might feature more prominently. Action JG to take forward as a T&F group to
agree the process. CH noted that the University is well placed to host a small
number of high profile events, and that it is not in competition with other
5. Visual arts Framework
The Group received the final draft of the Visual Arts Framework that had been
prepared by Modus Operandi. GC gave an overview and the Chair noted the
scale of the vision inviting the Group to focus on those elements which should be
priorities. Suggestions included the development of a programme of Visiting
Fellows, and closer alumni involvement. With regard to the recommendation to
adopt a ‘percent for art’ approach, the Group noted other Universities practice
and the importance of urging all new projects to think along such lines, although
without necessarily incorporating a formal policy in the short term, but aiming for
a longer term view. The group underlined the importance of art in the Business
School extension.
JG noted how galleries can be a cost effective way to come up with high impact
in this area, and how we should work more closely with Buildings and Estates as
well as with partners in the City. PW endorsed this view noting that Arts Council
England is prioritising visual arts. Action HT to convene a small working group,
with City representatives to explore local collaboration.
6. Arts and Culture Development Fellow’s report
HT spoke to the paper highlighting the progress that has now been made and
recent successful grant applications which the University has either led or been
involved in. Both the Exeter Children’s Literature Festival and the major presence
by the University in the Du Maurier Festival are of particular note, and both
events will see the University’s name publicised widely through brochures and
advertising. CH also noted the importance of having a single point of contact for
from an external perspective. The Chair thanked HT for another excellent report
of activities.
7. Employability
The Group received a paper outlining several possibilities for advancing the link
between the Art and Culture Strategy and Employability. Noting the arrival of
Paul Blackmore, the new Director of Employability, the Chair looked to discuss
the Strategy with him as well as exploring links within his team, particularly
around the area of internships. Action JK to engage Paul Blackmore on this
issue with a view to his making an initial report at the next meeting. Further
discussion revolved around the need to integrate Art and Culture within the new
College structure, and especially with reference to employability. The Group
noted the University’s self-evident strengths in this respect with reference to
alumni working in film and media where we could cluster our strengths.
8. Any Other Business
The suggestion was made to present every graduating student during degree
week 2010 with a photograph of the Forum project detailing the design work by
Alexander Beleschenko. Action JK to review the idea and costs with VCEG.
Date of the next meeting:
Wednesday 7th July 15:00 – 17:00
May 2010