THE GRADUATE EXPERIENCE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY WHAT’S INSIDE FACULTY................................................................................... 2 OUR NEWEST HIRES............................................................ 6 FACILITIES............................................................................. 12 RECENT ALUMNI.................................................................. 18 CURRENT GRADUATE STUDENTS..................................... 24 ANN ARBOR.......................................................................... 32 NEW PEOPLE, NEW RESOURCES. Welcome to Michigan Astronomy. We’ve undergone an unparalleled transformation over the last several years, and we want you to know about it. We’ve hired new faculty; invested in world-class telescopes, surveys, and computing resources; and restructured the curriculum, all to prepare our graduates for cutting-edge research in the top ranks of academia. We’ll introduce you to these elements in the pages that follow. But the truth is that the best faculty and telescopes are only valuable if you have access to them. In many ways that’s the real value of doing graduate work at Michigan—we put students first. Oleg Gnedin (left) and Jon Miller What do we mean by “students first”? It’s the way we run our department and prioritize our resources. It means as a graduate student, you’ll do all the things you’ll do as a professional—but with the support and guidance of faculty mentors. You’ll write your own telescope proposals—often first where your priority is guaranteed, like Magellan or MDM, and later where the competition is more challenging, like Hubble or Spitzer. You’ll lead research teams and author papers with Michigan faculty, postdocs, and collaborators. You’ll present so regularly, you’ll get good at it—several times a year within the department and at conferences where you’ll expand your professional network. And you’ll do this all from day one with increasing independence along the way. Students first also means we’ll support you not just as an emerging researcher, but as a person. We pride ourselves on an environment where faculty and students are fully engaged in each other’s success. It’s a model that is serving our students well. Recent alumni have gone on to prestigious postdoctoral fellowships like Chandra/Einstein, Hubble, Sagan, and NSF. Not only that, but they report that they genuinely enjoyed their time at Michigan. But don’t let us tell you; see for yourself. We’ve asked our newest faculty, recent alumni, and current graduate students to share their experiences at the University of Michigan Department of Astronomy. We hope you’ll appreciate their insights and decide to visit. There’s no better way to see for yourself what our transformation can mean for your future. Sincerely, JON MILLER OLEG GNEDIN Graduate Chair and Advisor Graduate Recruiting and Admissions “THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY WERE EXCITED ABOUT THEIR RESEARCH, BUT THEY WERE JUST AS EXCITED ABOUT EACH OTHER’S WORK. I KNEW IF I CAME HERE PEOPLE WOULD BE FOCUSED ON HELPING ME SUCCEED.” —ANNE JASKOT, PHD STUDENT MATT WALKER PHD ‘07: FA CULTY “WHILE I WAS AT U-M, THE DEPARTMENT ROUGHLY DOUBLED IN SIZE. EACH YEAR THERE WERE NEW HIRES WITH FRESH PROJECTS AND CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE. EVERYTHING A YOUNG ASTRONOMER NEEDS IS THERE— ACCESS TO WORLD-CLASS OBSERVATORIES AND BRIGHT, ENERGETIC PROFESSORS TO BE ADVISORS.” Associate Professor Sally Oey visits with colleagues and students at the department’s weekly tea and colloquium. STARS, STAR FORMATION, AND EXOPLANETS EXTREME ASTROPHYSICS HUGH ALLER JOEL BREGMAN ELENA GALLO JON MILLER MATEUSZ RUSZKOWSKI OUR FACULTY BY PRIMARY AREA EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY Several professors span multiple areas; they are listed in the area that represents the largest portion of their work. 4 ERIC BELL GUS EVRARD OLEG GNEDIN MARIO MATEO TIM MCKAY CHRIS MILLER SALLY OEY DOUGLAS RICHSTONE PATRICK SEITZER MONICA VALLURI FRED ADAMS TED BERGIN NURIA CALVET LEE HARTMANN JOHN MONNIER A MAJOR PART OF OUR DE PARTME NTAL TRANSF ORMATION HAS INVOLVE D OUR FACULTY. THRE E -QUARTE RS HAVE BE E N HIRE D IN THE L AST 10 YE ARS—A F IGURE UNMATCHE D AMONG L E ADING ASTRONOMY DE PARTME NTS. THIS HAS BROUGHT AN INF USION OF F ORWARD-L OOKING RE SE ARCHE RS, AL L E AGE R TO ME NTOR THE NE XT GE NE RATION OF SCHOL ARS. Their observational and theoretical research spans important and emerging areas in astrophysics, including cosmology, galaxy evolution, dark energy, dark matter, black holes, star and planet formation, stellar feedback/galactic energy budgets, large-scale surveys, and instrumentation, among others. Our faculty are helping design the major sky surveys, building advanced instruments for Magellan and CHARA, writing annual review articles, conducting state-of-the-art modeling, and planning the next generation of observatories. Their scope is broad enough that you can change your focus while you’re here and know there’ll be expertise to match. And it’s deep enough that you can form a thesis committee with whom you can push boundaries and challenge conventional thinking. Best of all, you’ll have access to this expertise. All our faculty advise and mentor students. In addition, each advisor generally works with only one or two graduate students at a time. This means that students are able to work closely with their mentors and benefit from sustained and direct interaction. ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 5 Elena Gallo Specialties: OBSERVATIONAL EXTREME ASTROPHYSICS; BLACK HOLES WHAT SHE DOES: Elena Gallo is working to shed light on the nature of low-luminosity, supermassive black holes in the nearby universe. Using a comprehensive sample of some 200 galaxies from the AMUSE surveys, she plans to fill in much-needed information on their role in galaxy evolution. By looking at black holes with a range of masses, luminosities, and colors in a variety of settings (dense clusters vs. field galaxies), she is hoping to address a number of fundamental questions: What is the luminosity distribution of black holes in nearby galaxies? How do they evolve from high- to low-luminosity? What proportion and types of galaxies have them? How are they affected by galaxy mergers? How do they affect their surroundings? This work complements her ongoing research on jets from nearby stellar-mass black holes. DATA SHE’S USING: The AMUSE surveys combine data from the Chandra X-ray Telescope with ground- and space-based facilities (Very Large Array, Magellan, Hubble, and Spitzer). HER BACKGROUND: BS, University of Milan/Italy; PhD, University of Amsterdam/Netherlands; Chandra Fellow, UC/Santa Barbara; Hubble Fellow, MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. FAVORITE BREAKTHROUGH: PhD research, published in Nature, on the relationship between the energy entering stellar-mass black holes from accretion of gas and the energy flowing out through collimated jets. Demonstrated that energy outflows were comparable to energy inflows, but that much of the outflow was in the form of kinetic energy vs. radiation. Provided quantitative insight into the nature of black holes’ contribution to local energy budgets. WHY MICHIGAN? “FROM MY EXPERIENCE, THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS. IT IS THE PERFECT BALANCE BETWEEN EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AND SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION.” 6 Chris Miller Specialties: DATA MINING; GALAXY CLUSTERS WHAT HE DOES: Chris Miller is a leader in BIG-SURVEY INVOLVEMENT: “U-M has shown that it astroinformatics—mixing computer science, advanced statistics, and data mining to answer key cosmological questions. His specialty is looking at galaxy clusters through the field’s largest data sets to trace the distribution of matter in the universe. After years exploiting the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, he’s now heavily involved in the Dark Energy Survey and is a key player in the development of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The LSST was identified as a highest priority in the National Research Council’s decadal survey, and its unprecedented data set is expected to lead to further insights into the nature of dark energy and matter. understands the future of astronomy by getting in on the major surveys—like Pan-STARRS, the Dark Energy Survey, and the LSST. We’re helping to build the surveys, which means we’ll understand how to get the most from the data. Our goal is sending out graduate students who can work with this data as if they grew up with it. That’s how they’ll generate new discoveries—and that’s what will propel them to the next level of faculty positions and postdocs.” HIS BACKGROUND: BS, Penn State; PhD, University of Maine. Postdoc at Carnegie-Melon bridging computer science, statistics, and astronomy to create a highquality galaxy cluster catalog. Led data management at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Chile. Hired at U-M under a presidential initiative for advancing data mining research. COLLABORATIONS: “The best way I’ve found to deal with large, complex, high-dimensional data sets is to collaborate. It’s still common for astronomers to be working with an outdated statistical toolkit. But at U-M, we have a weekly seminar series where we discuss our problems with people in statistics and computer science to be sure we’re using the most advanced methods to examine our data.” FAVORITE BREAKTHROUGH: Used his galaxy-cluster WHY MICHIGAN? “THE RESOURCES HERE ARE JUST SPECTACULAR. WE DO BIG-DATA WORK ON THE FLUX HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SYSTEMS AND CAN FOLLOW UP WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE WORLD’S GREATEST TELESCOPES LIKE MAGELLAN.” research to support the Hot Big Bang theory by aligning findings from opposing cosmological epochs. Miller was the first to see the signatures of sound waves from the very early universe that were “frozen into” the matter-density distribution we see today. His analysis of the current universe synched neatly with the acoustic oscillations of the early universe detected in the cosmic microwave background. Demonstrated the power of combining big-survey analysis and his own observational data. ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 9 Eric Bell Specialties: MAJOR SKY SURVEYS; GALAXY FORMATION WHAT HE DOES: Eric Bell studies the physics of galaxy formation, particularly how galaxies interact and merge. He’s using large data sets from Pan-STARRS and Hubble to determine what happens when galaxies of different masses interact; how often such interactions happen; and what the effects are on galaxies’ shapes, star-formation activity, and dark matter. WHAT HIS COLLEAGUES SAY: “Eric is a mastermind in acquiring large observational survey data and making sense of it. He’s expert at finding what those billions of data points really mean.” HIS BACKGROUND: BS, University of Glasgow/UK; PhD, University of Durham/UK; Postdoc at University of Arizona on star formation and galaxies’ stellar massto-light ratios; led galaxy-evolution research at Max Planck Institute for Astronomy/Germany. FAVORITE BREAKTHROUGH: Provided the first observational support for collisional formation of elliptical galaxies. These galaxies were widely thought to have been formed in the early universe because they contain old stars, but precise dating was difficult. Theorists challenged this view by proposing that ellipticals were forming continuously through the collision of spiral galaxies. Using a combination of HST and COMBO-17 data, Bell helped settle the debate. He showed that the number of elliptical galaxies was increasing with time—and at a rate that fit neatly with collision models. “When we asked the modelers for predictions, they fell right on top of our data points,” he says. “It’s not often you show observationally that the existing consensus was wrong and that the modelers were right. That was fun.” WHY MICHIGAN? “I HAD NO IDEA THIS WOULD BE MY DREAM JOB. BEING IN GERMANY, I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ALL THE CHANGES AT U-M. IT WON ME OVER IMMEDIATELY AS A VIBRANT PLACE WITH ASTRONOMERS WHO REALLY KNOW THEIR STUFF.” 10 PROFESSOR CHRIS MILLER: FACILITI ES “BEING INVOLVED IN ALL THE NEW LARGE SURVEYS, THE INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION, AND STUDENTS’ PRIVILEGED ACCESS TO RESOURCES LIKE MAGELLAN— THAT’S WHAT’S HELPING OUR STUDENTS PUSH THE BOUNDARIES OF SCIENCE AND BE COMPETITIVE IN THE TOP RANKS OF THE FIELD.” TELESCOPES MAGE L L AN & MDM: PRIVIL E GE D ACCE SS THAT SPANS THE SKIE S Graduate students often can’t believe they receive “privileged access” to the world-class telescopes in which U-M is a partner. This means PhD students have priority over faculty, postdocs, and research scientists in observing for their thesis. U-M’s access to the Southern Sky is through our partnership in the twin 6.5-meter Magellan Telescopes in Chile. U-M’s 10% share in this premier facility means students can undertake projects with long timelines and numerous targets. More than half of our PhD students from the last 10 years have done work here. In addition, students interested in instrumentation can work with Professor Mario Mateo, who has just completed a major upgrade to his ground-breaking fiber spectrograph at Magellan. His original instrument yielded a 100-fold increase in the number of targets that could be sampled at a given time and allowed his group to generate intriguing observational challenges to the theory of cold dark matter (page 23). His new version is even more powerful, flexible, and efficient. As the major sky surveys generate new detections, Mateo’s spectrograph is well-positioned to follow up on their chemistry, temperature, and velocity. Current graduate student Jeb Bailey is leading calibration efforts and plans to use the instrument to search for and analyze exoplanets. U-M is also a partner in the MDM Observatory at Kitt Peak, Arizona. Its 2.4- and 1.3-meter telescopes are equipped with an array of optical and infrared instruments, making it useful as both a research and training platform. U-M’s portal to the Northern Sky, MDM offers a strong complement to research at Magellan in areas from galaxy clusters to star formation. HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE: During their time here, students average more than eight refereed publications, four conference trips, and two Magellan visits. 14 “As a student, I was shocked at the level of access I had to the world’s best equipment. I spent something like 100 nights at Magellan in Chile—right there with my hands on the telescope.” —MATT WALKER, PHD ‘07 ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 15 Georgia State University’s CHARA Array on Mount Wilson, California INTE RF E ROME TRY E XPE RTISE THAT OPE NS DOORS AT CHARA In addition, students have special access to the world’s top facility for optical/infrared interferometry, Georgia State University’s CHARA Array on Mount Wilson, California. U-M is one of only a handful of institutions worldwide with this level of access, thanks to Professor John Monnier’s work developing cutting-edge instruments for this facility. These include: lMIRC (THE MICHIGAN INFRARED COMBINER): Monnier’s newest update allows all six of CHARA’s telescopes to work together, making it the most powerful combiner for infrared interferometry in the world. He and his students have used MIRC to image the surfaces of a variety of stars for the first time (page 22). lFRINGE-TRACKER: This instrument boosts MIRC’s performance, correcting for atmospheric turbulence and helping to image faint objects like the planet-forming disks around young stars. lADAPTIVE OPTICS: Monnier and his graduate student Xiao Che are building part of the “next big thing” at CHARA, a wavefront sensor for the array’s adaptive optics upgrade. This will allow a nearly six-fold increase in the number of young stars that can be imaged successfully by CHARA. “U-M is a great place for students interested in instrumentation,” says Monnier. “This is because Mario and I work on instruments that are technologically advanced but at the scale of a single group. A lot of instrumentation projects in astronomy today involve big contracts that are not accessible to students. But here, we’re able to come up with an idea, design it, build it, and carry out experiments with it. You get hands-on experience at every step in the process.” “We have one of the best collections of X-ray astronomers in the country. The observations we’re trying to do are not straightforward; we can only do them because my advisor is so experienced and there’s so much depth in the department.” —MIKE ANDERSON, PHD STUDENT SURVEYS MULTIPLE WAVELENGTHS “One of the things that made me an attractive postdoc is my experience observing in multiple wavelengths. I’ve gotten data in X-ray with Chandra, in ultraviolet with Hubble, in optical with MIKE at Magellan, in near-infrared with SpeX at NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, and in mid-infrared from Spitzer. This is ideal for trying to understand how disks form, and I got this experience at Michigan.” —CATHERINE ESPAILLAT, PHD ‘09 U-M has made a strong commitment to the future of astronomy by investing in preferred access to major sky surveys like the Dark Energy Survey and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. This means our faculty have been involved in building the surveys, giving them unique insight into how to make best use of the data. CLOUD COMPUTING The department’s instrumentation, theoretical, data-mining, and image-analysis projects place high demands on computing resources. That’s why we access the University’s new cloud environment, where the infrastructure is continuously updated to stay ahead of demand—even from the data-intensive sky surveys. KEY FEATURES: lThe new Flux high-performance computing facility lDirect connection to the NSF’s Teragrid/XSEDE open scientific-discovery infrastructure with petaflop computing capabilities lCampus-wide Value Storage with multi-terabyte data volumes lInternal bandwidth within the Flux environment up to 25 Gbps (25x faster than Ethernet) lExternal connectivity to the National LambdaRail backbone at 10 Gbps 16 ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 17 A L UMN I CATHERINE ESPAILLAT, PHD ‘09: “U-M IS A POWERHOUSE IN STAR FORMATION. HAVING PEOPLE LIKE NURIA CALVET, LEE HARTMANN, TED BERGIN, JOHN MONNIER, FRED ADAMS, AND JON MILLER ON A THESIS COMMITTEE TAKES YOUR RESEARCH TO THE NEXT LEVEL. IT GIVES YOU THE CREDIBILITY OF HAVING BEEN TRAINED BY THE BEST.” 18 ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 19 Catherine Espaillat, PhD ‘09 John Tobin, PhD ‘11 USING SPITZER AND SUBMILLIMETER ARRAY TO EXAMINE DISK STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION IN CIRCUMSTELLAR DISKS USING RADIO INTERFEROMETRY TO STUDY THE EARLIEST STAGES OF STAR AND PLANET FORMATION CURRENT POSITION: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow transitioning to Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow, HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) PHD RESEARCH: Observational evidence for planet formation around pre-main sequence stars ADVISOR: Nuria Calvet Catherine Espaillat was the first to identify pretransitional disks around low-mass, pre-main sequence Prior to Espaillat’s thesis, researchers had identified stars T Tauri stars (right). These disks, in which a central surrounded by both full and transitional disks. Espaillat was the first to identify pre-transitional disks (above) by region is cleared between an inner and outer dust ring, modeling detailed data from Spitzer and other sources. lent strong evidence for dust clearing due to planet formation vs. the competing photoevaporation theory. Espaillat identified these pre-transitional structures using original observations from Spitzer and NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility with models co-developed by her advisor. RESEARCH UPDATE: Espaillat’s predictions were recently confirmed by the observation of a young planet in the pre-transitional disk of star LKCa 15. SKILLS TRAINING: “At Michigan, I wrote all my own telescope proposals, and my fellow students did, too. This is different than in a lot of departments where faculty write them and you just look over their shoulder. With feedback from my advisor and an interesting topic, I was successful in getting time on Hubble and Spitzer— where less than ~10% of proposals get accepted. It gives me confidence that I can get grants and support myself professionally.” CURRENT POSITION: Hubble Fellow, National Radio Astronomy Observatory PHD RESEARCH: Shape, composition, and dynamics of protostars’ clouds and disks CO-ADVISORS: Lee Hartmann and Ted Bergin John Tobin studied the shape and motion of gas clouds around protostars. Tobin’s findings challenged conventional thinking that young stars’ clouds were spherical and well-ordered. Instead, using infrared shadow images from Spitzer, he showed that these clouds were not spherical but “filamentary,” or loosely cylindrical. In addition, radio observations of dense gas tracing molecules showed that the velocity profiles of the clouds were governed not by rotation but by the inward motion of gas toward the protostar. He showed that rotation only becomes significant much closer to the star than previously thought, where it causes the cloud’s in-falling gas and dust to form an orbiting disk. His insights are helping to transform understanding of the earliest phases of star formation. WHY MICHIGAN? PREPARATION WHY MICHIGAN? FACULTY EXPERTISE 20 “U-M prepared me for the future because I was trained in so many observational methods—optical spectroscopy, infrared, single-dish radio, and radio interferometry. Interferometry is going to become even more important as ALMA gives us a view of the radio sky that’s as good as Hubble gets for optical images. I know I’m prepared to take advantage of these next-generation facilities.” ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 21 Ming Zhao, PhD ‘09 Matt Walker, PhD ‘07 USING GROUND-BASED PHOTOMETRY AND SPECTROSCOPY TO DETECT AND CHARACTERIZE EXOPLANETS DEVELOPING WAYS TO TEST THE COSMOLOGICAL MODEL OF COLD DARK MATTER CURRENT POSITION: Hubble Fellow, Harvard CfA PREVIOUS POSITION: Postdoc, Cambridge Institute of Astronomy/UK PHD RESEARCH: Observational approaches to dark matter WHY MICHIGAN? INSTRUMENTATION EXPERTISE “One of the reasons I came to U-M is because it has top experts in interferometry. My advisor gave me lots of training on telescopes and interferometric techniques. This is critical because at CHARA, you’re in charge and have to solve all your own problems. It also gave me the skills and confidence as a brand-new postdoc to approach technicians at Palomar with an algorithm I developed to stabilize the telescope’s tracking. We improved the guiding precision by a factor of ~10 and made three detections of planetary atmospheres shortly thereafter. This was all thanks to the training I got at Michigan.” ADVISOR: Mario Mateo Matt Walker worked with his advisor to collect a data set of unprecedented size that provided insight into the dark-matter distribution in dwarf galaxies. They used Mateo’s custom-built fiber spectrograph to increase the available sample from 100 to nearly 3,000 stars in four galaxies. They also collaborated with the U-M statistics department to develop a method for moving beyond mass measurements of dark matter to assessing its distribution. Walker and Mateo provided the first direct observational challenge to models’ predictions that dark matter forms centrally concentrated cusps. Their evidence for a more distributed “core” model raises important questions about the assumption of cold dark matter. WHY MICHIGAN? RESEARCH CALIBER “By the end of my time at Michigan, I remember thinking I could walk into a conference and know I had the world’s best data set for the galaxies we were looking at. Ultimately that’s why I was an attractive candidate on the job market; I was sitting on data from which, even years later, we’re continuing to extract new information.” COLLABORATION: “Working with statisticians at U-M is what really let us address problems that hadn’t been done before. U-M not only has a culture of collaboration, it has formal structures that encourage it, as well. An internal grant helped us put together a team from astronomy, statistics, and philosophy to collaborate on dark matter.” INSTRUMENTATION: “The other critical boost to our work was Mario’s spectrograph. With a vastly CURRENT POSITION: Postdoc, Penn State increased sample, we identified two independent stellar systems in the same galaxy. By measuring their mass and how far each was from the galaxy’s center, we could determine the mass distribution. This was a major insight that wouldn’t have been possible without this advance in instrumentation.” PREVIOUS POSITION: NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, Jet Propulsion Lab PHD RESEARCH: Precision observations of stars and exoplanets ADVISOR: John Monnier Ming Zhao worked with his advisor to push the limits of interferometry to get the first near-IR images of rapidly rotating stars and very close binaries. His work made use of the Michigan Infrared Combiner (MIRC) developed by Monnier for the CHARA long-baseline interferometer array. By using MIRC and aperture synthesis imaging, Zhao was the first to resolve the well-known binary Beta Lyrae. The images were detailed enough to show the primary star interacting with the disk of the secondary. Zhao was also among the first to image main-sequence stars other than the Sun – the rapid-rotators Altair, Alderamin, and Rasalhague. He and Monnier revealed not only the stars’ oblate shapes but also their uneven surface brightness. Zhao segued into exoplanets by studying the hot Jupiter Upsilon Andromedae b, where he obtained the best upper limits of the planet/star contrast ratios in the H band to date. 22 ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 23 MELISSA MCCLURE PHD STUDENT: GRADUATE S TU DENTS “THE DEPARTMENT REALLY WORKS TO HELP YOU GET WHAT YOU’LL NEED FOR A CAREER IN ACADEMIA. FOR EXAMPLE, I’M THE SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATOR ON AN UPCOMING PROPOSAL AND WILL LEAD A RESEARCH TEAM OF FACULTY AND POSTDOCS – IT’S LIKE AN APPRENTICESHIP WITH A SAFETY NET.” WHY MICHIGAN? THE CUTTING EDGE “I came to U-M because of the caliber of the faculty. I was especially interested in the star-formation group. There’s Nuria, my advisor, who’s an expert in modeling; John Monnier, who’s a fantastic instrumentalist; Ted Bergin, who does amazing things in astrochemistry; and Lee Hartmann, who spans observation and theory, and wrote one of the leading books on the subject. We’re in a race to publish with groups from Caltech, Harvard CfA, and Europe—it’s truly the cutting edge of things.” PRESTIGIOUS POSTDOCS Postdocs are an important indicator of a department’s success. These include the types of fellowships our recent graduates are getting (pages 18-23) as well as the types of fellows who choose Michigan Astronomy for their postdoctoral work. Our 21 current postdocs include recipients of the field’s most prestigious awards like NASA’s Hubble, Einstein, and Sagan Fellowships. 26 Melissa McClure PHD STUDENT l NSF FELLOWSHIP ADVISOR: Nuria Calvet SPECIALTY: Evolution of particles in protostellar envelopes and circumstellar disks PHD RESEARCH: Melissa McClure is looking at the clouds and early disks around young stars to gain insight into how diffuse dust grains crystallize and lump together—ultimately creating conditions for planets to form. She is looking at both the physical changes in the particles—how they go from amorphous dust grains to highly structured silicate crystals—and also the transport mechanisms—how these crystals are carried to the outer reaches of the disk. McClure is taking advantage of the crystals’ unique spectral signatures to explore their location, density, and movement within the disk. She is using Spitzer data to determine the composition of the disks’ planet-forming regions; Herschel data to examine their outer regions; and Magellan data to assess stellar parameters and the innermost disk edge. Using models co-developed by her advisor, McClure hopes to further clarify where in these disks terrestrial planets are likely to form. ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 27 WHY MICHIGAN? COLLABORATION “This is a great young department that’s very driven. We’re also strong in the field of black holes, both observationally and theoretically. My advisor freely shares research ideas and data, and organizes meetings so I can see what his postdocs are doing and vice versa. One of them just pointed out a new test I could do to make my paper stronger. I really appreciate that kind of support.” WHY MICHIGAN? CONNECTIONS “This is an incredibly supportive department. A great example is students’ annual research presentations. What’s special about Michigan is that the faculty attend these talks—not just your advisor, but most of the faculty. This means that every professor will know your name and know where you are with your research and how they can help if you need it.” Mike Anderson PHD STUDENT l NSF FELLOWSHIP ADVISOR: Joel Bregman Ashley King PHD STUDENT l NASA EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE FELLOWSHIP ADVISOR: Jon Miller SPECIALTY: Relationship between black hole inflows and outflows PHD RESEARCH: Ashley King is researching how accretion onto black holes, which is seen in X-ray, affects the production of jets, which is seen in radio. Rather than looking at individual measurements across multiple galaxies, King is comparing inflows and outflows within a single galaxy over multiple points in time. “We’re looking at these observations simultaneously,” she says, “so, if we see a flare in the X-ray, we can determine if we’ll see a flare in the radio at the same time or later indicating jet production.” She is interested ultimately in what is driving these jets, from magnetic fields to radiation pressure. She plans next to compare various sizes of black holes to determine how mass affects their outflows. RESEARCH UPDATE: King and her advisor recently detected the fastest wind ever recorded from a stellar-mass black hole. Their findings were surprising because the wind’s speeds matched those measured only for supermassive black holes, and the wind appeared to be carrying away up to 95 percent of the matter in the surrounding disk. 28 SPECIALTY: Hot halos PHD RESEARCH: Mike Anderson is using X-ray observations to test theoretical predictions that large galaxies formed from and are surrounded by diffuse hot gas. These “hot halos” have been difficult to detect, even with the best X-ray telescopes, but Anderson and his advisor have been the first to detect one around a spiral galaxy by employing novel observational techniques. Using estimates of the halo’s mass, density, and temperature, Anderson was able to rule it out as a solution to the enigmatic problem of galaxies’ “missing baryons.” He demonstrated that the galaxy’s missing matter could not be accounted for in a halo of the mass they detected. He plans to work with Professor Oleg Gnedin on simulations that will further connect his observations to theories of galaxy formation. FAVORITE PROGRAM FEATURE: Astrocoffee. “Every day for a half-hour, the department gets together over coffee to discuss important new papers. We cover two a day, and everybody presents once or twice a semester. We get to hear from a range of experts, and I’ve learned a lot about trends in the field and what a good paper should look like. It’s been incredibly valuable.” FACULTY BREADTH: “My thesis committee is full of people who work on hot halos from different perspectives: X-ray astronomers; people who do simulations; and people who do observations of the early universe. I listen to them debate different ways to look at the topic and get a much fuller picture of how to connect my observations to theory.” ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 29 WHY MICHIGAN? RESEARCH FROM DAY ONE “Doing research right away is important. I’ve been doing research since I first got here, and I was encouraged to go to conferences early on to present my results. So even though I’ve just finished classes, I’m already active in the astronomy community.” WHY MICHIGAN? COLLEGIALITY Dan Gifford PHD STUDENT l NSF FELLOWSHIP “From the first time I visited, I fell in love with the program. The faculty are warm and welcoming, and there’s a tight bond among the graduate students. By the time I was here a year, I’d had at least one conversation with every faculty member—and when we give talks, faculty approach us afterward and suggest new dimensions to make our results more useful or accepted. With the grad students, we all work on the same floor, and go to happy hours and film festivals. It’s a happy, relaxed department. Grad school is demanding, so that support system is really important.” Anne Jaskot PHD STUDENT l NSF FELLOWSHIP ADVISOR: Chris Miller ADVISOR: Sally Oey SPECIALTY: Galaxy clusters SPECIALTY: Gas budgets in galaxies and star formation PHD RESEARCH: Dan Gifford is working with his advisor, Chris Miller (page 8), to make the caustic method a more common tool for measuring the mass of galaxy clusters. A currently underused complement to techniques like weak-lensing and measuring the X-ray temperature of a cluster’s hot gas, the caustic method relies on the position and relative velocities of a cluster’s constituent galaxies. Gifford and Miller are hoping to make the method more accessible to astronomers because of its usefulness in the context of large surveys like the LSST, Dark Energy Survey, and Pan-STARRS. They are aiming to identify a scaling relation between a cluster’s mass and its galaxy count that will help astronomers create mass estimates for clusters too distant for the other techniques to be effective. PHD RESEARCH: Anne Jaskot is using radio data to examine what causes intense star formation in galaxies. While researchers have previously looked in detail at individual galaxies, she is looking instead at large populations of both starbursting and non-starbursting galaxies in the hopes of identifying representative insights. She’s combining data on neutral hydrogen from the radio-based ALFALFA survey with optical information on galaxies’ star-formation properties. Because evidence suggests that the total amount of neutral hydrogen in both galaxy types is the same, Jaskot is interested in learning whether intense star formation is the result of the distribution of gas in a galaxy, galaxy structure, or mergers that provide a sudden large influx of gas. FLEXIBILITY: “I really appreciate how supportive faculty are of following your own interests. My advisor’s interests are related but somewhat different from mine. She’s been very good at encouraging me where our interests overlap and connecting me with other professors who have related interests. This flexibility has allowed me to branch out into areas that are new to me like radio astronomy.” 30 ASTRO.LSA.UMICH.EDU 31 ANN ARBOR The city of Ann Arbor combines the charm and quality of life of a small town with the range of educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities of a larger city. An array of music, theater, restaurants, shops, museums, parks, and special events make Ann Arbor an eclectic and desirable destination. Highlights include the Ann Arbor Art Fair, the Summer Festival, and Big Ten athletics. In addition, the area is served by numerous parks. There is an arboretum/botanical garden right on campus; 13 Metroparks provide a 25,000-acre greenbelt for year-round outdoor activities; and wooded trails like the 17-mile Pinckney-Potawatomi are ideal for hiking, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing. Ann Arbor regularly receives national attention as one of the best places to live. Recent honors include: #1 College Town, Forbes Magazine #1 Most Educated City, The Business Journals “20 Most Innovative Cities”, 2thinknow 32 P ROGR A M M E C H A N IC S STRUCTURE: Total program length is generally 5 to 5-1/2 years. The first two include research projects, classes, and the opportunity to teach. The remaining time is devoted to thesis research. APPLICATION DEADLINE: First week of January. FUNDING: Students receive a stipend, plus health and dental coverage. We also support student applications for prestigious external fellowships. THE RANKINGS Rankings are only part of the story, but we’re pleased that they capture a rising department at a top-tier university. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: #1 US public institution, The Times of London 2011 Higher Education Supplement #4 national public university, US News & World Report 2011 DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY: #6 in research quality/departmental impact, The Science Impact of Astronomy PhD-Granting Departments in the United States by Anne Kinney of NASA (2008 special guidance article for prospective graduate students) PHOTO CREDITS Cover: NASA/JPL-Caltech; pages 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 27-32: U-M Photo Services; page 2: NASA, ESA and J. Hester (ASU); page 4: Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO & ESA; Infrared: NASA/ JPL-Caltech/B. Williams (NCSU); page 6: NASA/CXC/ITA/INAF/J.Merten et al, Lensing: NASA/STScI; NAOJ/Subaru; ESO/VLT, Optical: NASA/STScI/R.Dupke; page 9: courtesy of Dan Coe; page 10: Gemini Observatory/AURA/Eric Bell; page 12: NASA, ESA, SAO, CXC, JPL-Caltech, and STScI; page 14: courtesy of Matias del Campo, X-ray (NASA/CXC/M. Karovska et al.); Radio 21-cm image (NRAO/VLA/J.Van Gorkom/Schminovich et al.), Radio continuum image (NRAO/VLA/J. Condon et al.); Optical (Digitized Sky Survey U.K. Schmidt Image/ STScI); page 15: Kristin Woodley; page 16: Mark Boster, Los Angeles Times, January 2011; page 18: NASA, ESA, R. O’Connell (University of Virginia), F. Paresce (National Institute for Astrophysics, Bologna, Italy), E. Young (Universities Space Research Association/Ames Research Center), the WFC3 Science Oversight Committee, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); page 20: NASA/JPL/Caltech; page 21: NASA/JPL-Caltech/J. Tobin (University of Michigan); page 24: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss; page 26: ESO/NASA/JPL-Caltech/S. Kraus TO LEARN MORE, PLEASE VISIT US AT: The University of Michigan Department of Astronomy 830 Dennison Building 500 Church Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1042 734-764-3440 THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: Julia Donovan Darlow, Ann Arbor; Laurence B. Deitch, Bingham Farms; Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms; Olivia P. Maynard, Goodrich; Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor; Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park; S. Martin Taylor, Grosse Pointe Farms; Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor; Mary Sue Coleman, ex officio NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY STATEMENT The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University of Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Senior Director for Institutional Equity, and Title IX/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity, 2072 Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1432, 734-763-0235, TTY 734-647-1388. For other University of Michigan information call 734-764-1817. © 2012 The Regents of the University of Michigan MM&D 110572