International Studies Proposal  Summer 2014

International Studies Proposal Summer 2014
Program director’s name /Department: Dr. Peitsang Wu /IBA Program name: Summer Program in Design Thinking Program site(s): Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK Duration: 5 weeks during summer, 22 June – 17 July 2015 The class will be on Mon‐Fri, rest of the week will be free time. Number of students: Min 10 persons join with 學海公費團. Cost per student: ₤2,000/person (NT$104,000 / person) Contact Person: Dr. Peitsang Wu, Phone: 6577711 ext 8701, Email: Program Purpose: Being ahead of the competition and standing out from the crowd is essential in today’s business world. So is being able to demonstrate creativity. These skills are very sought after by employers, and so being able to demonstrate these will reinforce competitiveness in the job market. The Design Thinking Summer School is therefore aimed at business and marketing students and graduates who wish to enhance their creativity by combining techniques from the design and marketing professions so that they generate new and innovative ideas and solutions. During the second and third weeks of the course you will attend marketing and design classes. The final week is where you will be immersed in a design project to test your new knowledge. From a marketing and management approach you will explore how to incorporate innovation in everyday business practices. You will look at consumer behavior and current marketing trends. You will learn how to improve your project management skills, how to be strategic in leadership and how to use effective presentations skills to communicate your ideas with confidence. In your design classes you will explore rapid concept generation techniques, and examine how the design, problem solving and idea generation processes work. Instead of traditional lectures and seminars you will be actively involved in studio design projects. You will try your hand at drawing as a tool for improving your observation skills and as a way to analyze objects and systems, and learn why drawing is the communication tool favored by creative people. You will also consider prototyping and sketch modelling to present your concepts. There will be workshops on how designers view their clients and customers, and how entrepreneurs can develop brand and logo awareness when setting up a new business. You will be working with design professionals and current students to aid your development, with case studies that will support your understanding of the creative process. The lectures, workshops and studio activities will be accompanied by talks from professionals who are continually applying design thinking methodology to their work, as well as visits to museums and galleries. There will an organized trip to London one Saturday to explore the design culture of our exciting capital. This course will be taught by experts from Nottingham Trent University's business school and product design department. This program is approved by: International College, I‐SHOU University Date: 費用包含:
1) 4週課程
2) Homestay住宿(每天包含2餐,周末3餐)
3) 1天整天倫敦戶外教學:
4) 提供接機及送機的服務
票價: 約 65,000 元 (若稅有異動, 票價也會跟著異動)
學生可以辦國際學生證 (ISIC), 可以買到較便宜票價. 辦國際學生證需台幣 300 元.
旅遊平安險 有分幾種類型, 從 600 元至 1,300 元. 請看附加檔. 學生辦護照 女生辦護照的話是 1,500 元, 男生若未服兵役的話是 1,100 元. 觀光簽證 赴英旅遊、探親、遊學、參加會議、洽辦商務,停留不逾六個月,均可享免簽證入境待遇
總價:NT$104,000+65,000+770= NT$ 169,770元
1.國(內)外旅遊基本型 (15 歲以上)
◎ 海外急難救助費用(限海外旅遊地區)
200 萬意外險含 20 萬意外醫療
從 6/24-8/3 共 41 天 每人保費 NTD600 元
2.國外旅遊加值型 (15 歲以上)
200 萬意外險含 20 萬意外醫療
從 6/24-8/3 共 41 天
每人保費 NTD700 元
3.國外旅遊基本型+豪華型旅遊不便保障 (15 歲以上)
200 萬意外險含 20 萬意外醫療
從 6/24-8/3 共 41 天 每人保費 NTD1,100 元
4.國外旅遊加值型+豪華型旅遊不便保障 (15 歲以上)
200 萬意外險含 20 萬意外醫療
從 6/24-8/3 共 41 天
每人保費 NTD1,300 元