University of Maryland Extension Master Gardener Application Baltimore County 2016 Mail Form to: Anna Glenn Master Gardener Coordinator UME Baltimore County Extension Office 1114 Shawan Road Cockeysville, MD 21030 Date / *If accepted, you will need to commit to attend the Master Gardener Training classes which will start on August 26th and run 10 weeks (non-consecutively) until Nov 18th. Classes are from 3:00pm on Fridays. Class registration fee is 275$ per person Class size is limited to 30 participants* / Phone (Home) Name (Work) Address (Mobile) Best time to call County of Residence E-mail Emergency Contact Volunteer experience (List most recent experience first.) Organization Volunteer Duties From month/year To month/year From month/year To month/year Employment experience (List most recent experience first.) Employer Position and Responsibilities Current employment status: Retired Full time Volunteer availability: (Circle all applicable) Number of Days per week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Preference: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Part time Friday Saturday Other (please explain) Sunday No Preference How did you hear about the Master Gardener program? Advertisements at Baltimore County Public Libraries Advertisements at Baltimore County Public Schools Advertisements in local newspaper Ask A Master Gardener Booth at a Farmers Market or Fair Baltimore County Extension Website Community Fair/Event Demonstration Garden at Baltimore County Center for MD Agriculture Facebook Friend that is a Master Gardener Maryland Agricultural Resource Council event/calendar Spring Lecture Series offered by the Baltimore County Master Gardeners Other: _________________________________ The mission of the Maryland Master Gardeners is “to support the University of Maryland Extension mission by educating residents about safe, effective and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities.” How do you see yourself contributing to the mission of education? Develop/support community gardens Training & Development Maintain Demonstration Gardens Work with Adults with Disabilities Organize & schedule programs Work with Children Plant Clinics at Farmer Market Work with Seniors Serve on Leadership Write Educational Articles Speak to garden clubs Other _______________________ My top 3 reasons for wanting to join the Baltimore County Master Gardeners are to (check all that apply): Educate others in my community Promote safe, effective, sustainable practices Expand my knowledge of gardening Satisfy a career development need Have access to UMD training and professors Socialize with people with similar interests Make a difference in my community Other: ____________ Play in the dirt What other special skills can you bring to the organization? Advertising/Communications Construction Creative art skills Data Entry and Organization Event Planning Finance Fluency in another language_______________ Fundraising Graphic Design Horticultural Therapy Landscape Design Leadership Photography Public Speaking Writing Other:_____________________________ Please mark the areas of horticulture in which you have expertise (aka. you already feel comfortable teaching others about these topics). Check all that apply. Plant Propagation Herbs Aquatic Gardening Pollinators Horticultural Therapy Bay-wise Gardening Pruning Houseplants Botany Soils/compost Invasives Ecology Turf grass IPM Entomology Vegetable production Landscape design Floral Arrangements Native Plants Fruit production Water Quality and Conservation Organic Gardening Greenhouses Weeds Plant Pathology Herbaceous plants Wildlife Gardening Woody plants Class attendance is important. Classes run from 8:45-3 (with a 45 minute lunch break) on Fridays for 10 weeks in the fall. Please check any dates that you know you will NOT be able to attend training classes. Aug 26th October 7th September 2nd October 14th th September 9 October 21st th September 16 November 11th Sept 30th November 18th Why do you think that you would make a good Master Gardener? What skills/character traits/passions will serve you well in this role? Please describe, this is your chance to sell yourself! Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you? Please write any additional comments below. Have you ever been convicted of, pled nolo contender to, or received a deferred or suspended sentence for a crime more serious than a parking offense in this or any other state, territory, or country? ______ No _____ Yes If yes, give date, nature of offense, and disposition: (A criminal record will not necessarily prevent an applicant from being a Master Gardener Volunteer. A criminal record will be considered as it relates to the specifics of the volunteer position for which you are applying.) Follow-up Interviews If you are selected for a follow-up interview, you can expect to be called within the first two weeks of July. References LIST 3 people not directly related to you who have definite knowledge of your character and skills. We are most interested in speaking with people who have known you in a work-related or volunteer role. *Notify your references that they will be contacted by Baltimore County Master Gardeners. Name Phone Email How would they prefer to be contacted? ___phone ____email ____ either is fine Name Phone Email How would they prefer to be contacted? ___phone ____email ____ either is fine Name Phone Email How would they prefer to be contacted? ___phone ____email ____ either is fine I authorize the University of Maryland Extension to contact the listed references and to verify the information provided. I understand that misrepresention or omission of facts is cause for nonappointment as a volunteer. If appointed as a volunteer, I agree to abide by the philosophies of the University of Maryland Extension and to fulfill the volunteer responsibilities to the best of my ability. Signature Date The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression. Date received:________