CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE ETHNOLOGICAL STORAGE: II METHOD AND THEORY AS APPLIED AND DEVELOPED AT THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology by Nancy J. 9-Dmberg January, 1977 The Thesis of Nancy J. Blomberg is approved: Antonio Gi~lman, PhD.\ Committee Chairperson California State University, Northridge ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES . iv LIST OF FIGURES v ABSTRACT • . . . • vi INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. 1 CHAPTER 1 ENVIRONMENT AND THE AGING PROCESS 4 Natural Aging Biochemical and Microbiological Aging 2 - METHODOLOGY OF ETHNOLOGICAL STORAGE: THEORETICAL ASPECTS • • . . • • 11 o Textiles Agents of Destruction Atmosphere Pollutants Light Micro-Organisms Storage Units Wood Basketry Ivory, Bone Feathers Skin and Skin Products Conservation Laboratory 3 STORAGE OF ETHNOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS AT LACMNH: MODEL DEVELOPMENT o o o • o 62 Environmental Controls Equipment Layout 4 CLASSIFICATION AND COMPUTERIZATION CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY o 73 81 83 o iii LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Causes of Damage to Mus,eum Objects . 5 2. Moisture Retaining Capacity of Air 7 3. Ranges of Dimensions of Cotton Fibres 4. Wet and Dry Breaking Strengths of Raw and Degraded Cottons . . • • • • • • • • 14 14 . 17 5. Insect Pests of Textiles • . 6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Wood vs. Metal Shelving . . • • • • • . . . • . • • 25 7. Hygroscopic Behavior of Wood . • 8. Methods of Processing Skin . • • 50 9. Conservation Requirements of Materials and Their Acco~modations . • • • . . . . • . • 60 10. • 32 The Structure of Computerized Catalog Systems • . . • . iv • . . . . . • • • . . • 79 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Effect of change in relative humidity (P~) on the Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) for Various Moisture Sensitive Materials at Room Temperature • • • • • • . • • • • 31 2. Diagram of Vertical Section Through Calfskin 47 Diagram of Vertical Section Through Cattle Hide 47 Diagram of Vertical Section Through Sheepskin !' 47 Diagram of Vertical Section Through Goatskin 48 Diagram of Vertical Section Through Pigskin 48 3. 4. 5. 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 7. Storage Unit for Rolled Textiles 8. LACMNH Anthropology Storeroom (GEE-7) Proposed Layout 68 LACMNH Anthropology Storeroom (GE-7) Proposed Layout 69 9. • • • 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. LACMNH Conservation Lab Proposed Layout . . 72 11. Sample Page, University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology . . . • • 12. • • 77 Sample Catalog Card, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Ethnology Section . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . 80 v ABSTRACT ETHNOLOGICAL STORAGE: METHOD AND THEORY AS APPLIED AND DEVELOPED AT THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY by Nancy J. Blomberg Master of Arts in Anthropology January, 1977 This thesis examines museum storage techniques for ethnological specimens, including the environment surrounding an artifact (to determine the effect it plays in the aging of fragile objects}, and the nature of organic materials and the optimum conditions required by each artifact for survival. I I Application of these prin- ciples is made to the Ethnology collections at tne Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Development of these facilities takes into consideration actual budgetary constraints, existing space, and the resources of a small staff. vi 1 p • Several existing classification systems for ethnological collections are considered in the light of their applicability to LAC~-1NH collections. Future com- puterization interests of LACMNH are explored in conjunction with the development of their .classification system. Data was obtained primarily from library research and examination of numerous existing museum facilities. vii INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The condition of an antiquity or a work of art depends on two main factors--the materials of which it is composed, which vary enormously, and the conditions to which it has been subj~cted in the course of its life history. (Plenderleith 1971:1) Museums are the repositories for material culture. In most cases the artifacts therein are com- posed of diverse materials ranging from fragile textiles to stone stelae. To ensure their survival each speciman must be considered in the light of the two facts stated by Plenderleith. But an objects life history does not end once it reaches a museum. The environment within the 1 II museum must I provide for its survival for countless future 1 I generations. The aim of this paper is to carry Plender- ~ I leith's statement a step further and consider proper I storage conditions for ethnological collections. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. Chapter 1 analyzes the effects of light, role in the acceleration of the aging process. Chapter 2 outlines ideal conditions for each type of material being archived. Achievement of such ideals is often difficult for museums with low budgets, 1 I 2 and the following chapter focuses on an existing facility. In Chapter 3 a working storage procedure has been developed by using the collections of the Ethnology Section of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACMNH). Application of this model has been made considering actual budgetary constraints, existing space, and available staff. It should be noted that the Ethno- logical collections at LACMNH are not limited to the materials discussed in my thesis; however, I have chosen to limit myself to those materials most susceptible to deterioration. . The final chapter examines several classification systems for ethnological collections in use at other museums. Modifications of these enabled the development of a system ideally suited to the collections at LACMNH. 'l'his system is designed to allow for future expansion and eventual computerized inventory of the collections .. Methodology has centered on two main sources: library research and inspection of several existing museum facilities. Institutions examined were: 1) Los Angeles County Museum of Art 2) Museum of Cultural History, UCLA 3) Museum of Man, San Diego 4) Santa Barbara Museum of Natural 5) Nevada State Museum, Carson City His~ory I 3 These visits provided additional insight into specific problems. All museums visited lacked ideal facilities. Stabilization of temperature and humidity levels, insufficient space, and inadequate budget were the most frequently encountered problems. The knowledge gained of these problems and their attempted solutions, along with information gleaned from library research were combined in designing new facilities for LACMNH. Selection of these institutions was based on one or more similarities to LACMNH: · · · · · scope of collections size of collections size of budget facilities available computerization interests C:hapter 1 ENVIRONMENT AND THE AGING PROCESS Museum studies have come a long way in the second! half of this century. Modern curators have come to real- ize that their responsibility towards the collections goes a lot further than just exhibition of an artifact. Besides having an expertise in his area of scholarship, the curator must have a thorough grounding in the proper care of the artifacts entrusted to the museum. Very few museums have adequate display space for their collections. In reality only a very small proportion ever finds its way to the exhibit halls. Thus proper storage and study facilities have become a great concern for the curator. I l Literature on the subject of museum storage, although greatly increased in the last twenty years, is still lacking. Although a great deal has been published with regards to art objects, the area of ethnological storage has been largely ignored (Guldbeck 1972). On the road to designing proper facilities we must identify the causes of deterioration. Such causes an'd their results can be summarized in Table 1. Ethnological materials are composed largely of organic materials and are thus particularly susceptible 4 5 Table 1 Caqses of Damage to Museum Objects - i·. ·-; . ::.; --~ ...._. ·... Contaminated. M· ·. Humidity . j .. . 1 .. .. B~ Neglect r ol. ---..... . . .,-_-A....,k. . . Y: S~ur. H~ ~ dioxide . . sulphide ·- ·.-~~: · ScaiWng Tendering ... . ... _,_. Embrittlement by desiccation . _ -~ =to light, heat, and humidity _:..:· Damage to marquetry .I Slackening ofcanns Blackening of lead pigments Tarnishing of metals . Rapid ~ Movement of hygroscopic materials · W arp.ilig of wood Flaking of paint Activation of soluble salts ~- wetness . . :..,, .- ...,· . .. ::. ._··. ·~-'---...:Damp ___--nFungi I Heat Bact=D. Weakening of adhesives Rotting of size - Staining of paper, vellum, etc. Blurring of inks Mildewing of leather Metallic corrosion encouraged. Loss of adhesion of illuminations . Adhesion ofloaded. papea _ Tightening of auvas Moth Rats and Mice (Plenderleith 1971:18) 6 to injury. Lodewijks (1963) identifies three broad types of injury: 1) 2) 3) natural biochemical and microbiological mechanical Once an object reaches a museum it is no longer subjected to use and thus mechanical aging does not concern us. Numbers one and two do need further consideration. Natural Aging Natural aging occurs through an objects exposure to light, temperature, and humidity variation. Stowlow explains photochemical activity, the ability of light to stimulate chemical change: The heat from sunlight or from a powerful electric lamp suggests that light is a form of energy. A rise in temperature increases the general agitation of atoms and molecules and speeds up the rate of a chemical change. The energy of light gives an added boost which makes these atoms and molecules more reactive and liable to change. Thus excited, dyes may fade, long-chain molecules (polymers) in fibers of paper or textiles may become broken, or portions of other substances may be converted to colored compounds, as in the discoloration of paper, varnishes, and drying oils {1966b:298). Although light is the obvious enemy of colors and causes the bleaching of objects, high temperature, humidity, and oxygen help speed up deterioration. Tern- perature fluctuations are most harmful when combined with humidity variation. 7 The concept of relative humidity (rH) must be examined. Dudley gives us a good working definition: Relative humidity is the proportion of actual moisture to the maximum possible amount of moisture in the air at a specified temperature. It is expressed in percentages. All air contains some water vapor, mixed with air gases. The amount varies, but at a given temperature, there is a maximum limit to the amount the air will hold. This limit is low at low temperatures, high at high temperatures. When air holds its limit of moisture i t is at 100% relative humidity (1958:59). The following table expresses the principle that the higher the temperature, the greater the capacity for moisture: Table 2 Temperature in °C Grammes of water vapour per kilogramme of dry air rH = 20% rH = 60% rH ""' 100%! 0 0.38 2.28 3.82 20 1.43 8.69 14.61 40 4.55 28.30 48.67 60 12.50 83.35 152.45 (Coremans 1974:97) I I ' I ,_ When temperature is reduced its capacity for moisture retention is also reduced and condensation occurs. This II 8 moisture is then deposited on the artifact much to its detriment. As the humidi.ty in the air fluctuates, so does the moisture content of the artifacts. Ethnological 1 II .I specimens, being composed largely of organic material with a cellular structure, are exceedingly hygroscopic. Because of this property they constantly seek to maintain an equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere. Constant! ! fluctuations in this environment will damage the artifacts depending on the type of material composing each specimen. Natural aging is further accelerated by two ~ypes of atmospheric pollutants: 1964). solid and'gaseous {Buck Such large, solid particles as soot, lint, dust and pollen are deposited on specimens every day. When the object is dusted the particles act as an abrasive and gradually wear down the surface. Such particles, espe- cially dust, are also exceedingly hygroscopic and can act as moisture attractants. Insect infestation, depending on the type of material attacked, can be devastating and must be controlled. I Methods include maintaining clean facilities a'nd collections, and regular fumigation {Plenderleith 1971). Gaseous pollutants, found in metropolitan areas where most museums are located, are especially harmful I 9 to artifacts. Most harmful are sulphurous gases which originate with.the burning of fuel. Their further con- version to sulphuric acid, by the addition of moisture, causes enormous damage to the materials composing ethnological artifacts {Stowlow 1966a). Thomson {1965) examines ozone and its effect on organic materials. Ozone attacks the double bonds be- tween carbon atoms and causes their breakage, thus resulting in the gradual chemical disintegration of the object. Ozone is especially dangerous in Los Angeles, and other cities with a similar potential concentration of this pollutant. Biochemical and Microbiological Aging Lastly, biochemical and microbiological aging must be considered. These processes are responsible for the growth of bacteria, molds and fungi on objects. Micro-organisms can cause widespread destruction especially among textiles. Staining and eventual rotting of the material can be expected where micro-damage is occurring {Plenderleith 1971, Leene 1972, Lodewijks 1963). How is the aging process to be retarded? answer is environmental control. The Museum storerooms, as well as exhibit areas, must be air-conditioned to the specific requirements of the objects! Buck identifies 10 four functions that any air-conditioning system must incorporate: 1) 2) 3) 4) control of humidity control of temperature air filtration ventilation (1964:53). Humidity, combined with temperature changes, have a direct bearing on an artifact's condition. Both must be carefully monitored at regular intervals to assure stability of the artifacts. Filtration of pollutants is accomplished by activated carbon filters. I lation of air throughout the storeroom is Proper circua must to avoid stagnant pockets of air which may create undesirable I I mini-environments. Cameron proposes l the model museum environment: The ideal environment would provide pollutant~ free air, total darkness, a constant temperature in the range 60-65°F., a relative humidity constant in the range 50-60%, vibration free structure and protection against shock and sound waves, an absence of all organisms (including humans), a site on high land, a fire-proof structure, elaborate emergency backup control systems, and the co-operation of the Almighty (1968:17). Cameron's suggestions are slightly impractical but not all points are unobtainable. Such objectives must be sought in order to prevent deterioration before it begins. Ultimately such precautions are £ar less costly than the loss of irreplaceable artifacts through neglect. I I. l Chapter 2 METHODOLOGY OF ETHNOLOGICAL STORAGE: THEORETICAL ASPECTS Having learned in Chapter 1 that all materials react differently to the environment according to their composition, it is necessary to examine each type of material composing ethnological specimens to determine specific requirements for their survival. This chapter surveys the storage requirements of the most fragile types of ethnological artifacts. I .I I Textiles I Background Historically the word textile comes to us from the Latin, tegere, meaning to weave. Such a- definition taken literally could encompass a great deal of woven materials of all types. Leene discusses textile proper- ties including "handling, drape and suppleness" (1972:4). By applying these properties to the definition of textiles she omits baskets and mats. I choose to consider these in a separate section. Ethnological textiles, in-the past, have been composed totally of natural materials. Synthetic fibres did not enter the picture until the twentieth century and consequently are represented in only a few modern 11 12 artifacts. Furthermore synthetic fibers are relatively resistant to deterioration. Only those natural fibers (wool, silk, cotton, and flax) which are the most numerous and susceptible to decay will be considered here. Natural fibers may be divided into two categories: animal origin (wool, silk) vegetable origin (cotton, flax) Animal fibers are composed of keratin which produces the smell of burnt feathers when ignited. Vegetable fibers contain cellulose and produce an odor like burnt paper (Plenderleith 1971:100). Such broad distinctions are initially useful but a closer look at the properties of each type of fiber is necessary since the designing of proper storage facilities depends upon a thorough understanding of the nature of the fibers concerned. Wool Wool originally evo:l,ved as a protective agent for the sheep and consequently is able to withstand a great deal of abuse. Individual hairs, if examined under a microscope, are covered with numerous scales. These scales can easily interlock with those of other hairs and , thereby form a strong bond. For storage purposes it is vital to know that moisture can be trapped under these scales and lead to the decay of the fiber (Bellinger 1963: 193) • 13 Silk Silk worms (Bombyx mori) spin a protective cocoon for themselves by the extrusion of a double filament surrounded by silk gum-. This gum sericin must be boiled off before the filament can be utilized as thread. Once cleaned, the remaining £ilaments have a smooth surface producing 400 to 1000 continuous yards from a single cocoon. Great care must be taken not to fold silk fabric or breakage of these fibers will result. While silk fil- ament is very strong, it is not spun before being woven. This results in an absence of other filaments to form as tight a bond as wool (Bellinger 1963:193). Cotton Cotton fiber was evolved to isolate the seeds maturing inside the cotton plant (Gossypium sp.) from moisture. Individual fibers are long and flat with either a right (Z) or left (S) hand twist along its length. Hardly uniform in nature, cotton varies im- mensely according to type. Table 3. Such variations are seen in While the chart refers only to the four stan- dard commercially available types of cotton it does express some of the great range of variation to be found in cottons. Such variation among-the fibers necessarily produces a variation in the coarseness of the yarn and the f~brics produced from it. 14 Table 3 Ranges of Dimensions of Cotton Fibres Length (rom) Mean Maximum Type ( Diameter = 0.001 rom) Mean Indian 12-20 20-36 14.5-22 American 16-30 24-48 13.5-17 Egyptian 20-32 36-52 12.0-14.5 Sea Island 28-36 50-64 11.5-13.0 (Leene 1972:13) Leene (1972:14) further states that the strength ·of cotton depends on two factors: relative humidity of the environment and whether or not it has been subjected to harmful amounts of light or heat. Table 4 illustrates some of these corresponding strengths: Table 4 Wet and Dry Breaking Strengths of Raw and Degraded Cottons Cotton Yarn Breaking Strength (g) ~vet Dry Elongation at Break (%) Wet Dry Raw 216 324 7.1 11.3 Degraded by Light 122 79 2.73 Ca.4 (Leene 1972:14) 15 These factors must be taken into consideration when handling ethnological cottons. Linen Linen is derived from the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) and as such is composed largely of cellulose. Linen fibers serve as strengtheners in the plant stem while also carrying water along its length. This movement of water creates a smooth fiber which is also quite sturdy. The fiber varies in size and strength depending upon its location in the stem (Bellinger 1963: 192). She further states that when any of the above mentioned fibers are • . . exposed to an atmosphere saturated with moisture, linen absorbs 13 per cent of its weight, cotton 21 per cent, and both wool and silk 30 per cent (1963 :'193). Agents of Destruction Armed with the preceding data, one can gain a clearer picture of what types of destruction might result from improper care. Textiles are particularly suscept- ible to damage caused by several factors: insects, atmo- spheric pollutants, light and micro-organisms. Each needs consideration here. Insects Insects probably cause the greatest amount of destruction to textiles. Wool fibers are the most ! I 16 susceptible to damage by insects, especially moths, which feed directly on the fiber itself. Hueck (1972:77) mentions another source of trouble--those insects which are not feeding directly on the textile fibers themselves but on another material in close proximity,- and inadvertantly damage the textile. Examples are seen in Table 5. Of all the destructive agents working on textiles, insects are probably the easiest to control. Prevention of damage can be accomplished by using chemical deterrants such as para-dichlorobenzine crystals or napthalene in closed containers. Hueck (1972:89) recom- mends the use of at least 100 grams of PDB for every cubic meter of storage cabinet renewed every six months. Furthermore to obtain maxiinum benefit from the vapors, temperatures should be greater than 68°F. While all authors (Hueck 1972, Plenderleith 1971, Guldbeck 1968) agree that prevention of infestation is of I primary importance, all recognize that.occasionally a serious infestation can occur for one reason or another. Such an occasion calls for a professional exterminator due to the wide variety of chemicals used which are potentially dangerous to humans as well as the artifacts. I Table 5 Insect Pests of Textiles Name Substrate Type of Damage Tineola bisselliella Humm (common clothes moth) Preferably wool, fur, felt, but they accept other proteinaceous food. Occur naturally in birds' nests. Superficial grazing. Holes. Silk and excrements produced. Same as above, larvae build cases from silk and bitten thread. Moths Tinea pellionella L. (case-bearing clothes moth) Same as above; larvae form tunnels in the material, made of silk and bitten threads. Trichophaga tapetzella (tapestry tnoth) Hofmannophila pseudospretella Staint (brown house moth) Endrosis sarcitrella (white shouldered house moth) Occurs on wool. Feeds on wool, etc; and stored food. Prefers stored food, but occurs on wool. ,--------·--------··----·---------------- Same as above; produce a mess of frass stuck together with . silk threads. I-' ·--------·--------·---.,-·-···--~---· '-l .,..,.., Table 5 (Continued) Name Substrate Type of Damage Carpet Beetles Anthrenus museorum L. (museum beetle) Anthrenus verbasci L. (varied carpet beetle) Anthrenus scrophulariae L. (common carpet beetle) Anthrenus vorax Waterh. (furniture carpet beetle) Anthrenoceros australis Hope Attagenus piceus Oliv (black carpet beetle) Attagenus pellio L. Wool, fur, felt and proteinaceous stored materials, without preference. Mainly holes of irregular shape. No silk. On microscopical examination, typical bristles from the larvae are found. Excrements very fine, hardly visible. Lepisma saccharina L. (silverfish) Rayon and-many types of stored food, paper and related materials. Irregular holes in rayon and, occasionally, other textiles. Niptus hololeucus Fald. (golden spider beetle) Stored food and debris of vegetable or animal origin. Holes bitten by adult beetles generally more knurled than of carpet beetle larvae. Other Pests ,_. ·--------------· ----- 00 Table 5 (Continued) Name Substrate Type of Damage Cockroaches (many species) Polyphagous, including sizing of textiles, glue, etc. Not specific for textiles, although rayon is eaten. Superficial grazing and irregular holes if amenable food is present. Termites (many spe.cies) Wood and many other cellulose-containing materials. Textiles are readily eaten. Complete devastation, often progressing from the dark back or inside of attacked materials. Many termites build tunnels. Wood-boring beetles (many species) Wood. No preference for textiles, acceptance as food doubtful. Neat round holes in wooden boards may be continued in stored textiles. (Hueck 1972:78) 1-' \0 ·---------·- ·---··--··~ 20 Atmosphere Pollutants All forms of atmospheric pollution (gaseous and solid) are particularly damaging to textile fibers (Buck 1964:53). Presenting such a large surface area to such pollution increases the susceptibility of textile fibers to such solid pollutants as dust, soot, lint and pollen. Thomson (1972:108) states that the textile serves as a filter to trap airborne particles. Dirt itself is abra- sive to the fabric but more importantly it can contain sulphur dioxide. When so 2 is converted to sulphuric acid, by the addition of iron, it can greatly damage the cellulose structure of cotton and linen. Ozone concentrations often found in large amounts in Los Angeles further hasten this deterioration. Thomson readily admits a lack of specific knowledge of the effects of gaseous pollution on wool and silk and calls for more data. There is disagreement as to the best method of pollution control within the museum. Electrostatic pre- cipitators which are the most effective means of removing solid particles also produce ozone (Thomson 1965:157). Activated carbon filters, the alternative, while not producing ozone remove only 60 per cent of the sulphur dioxide on the first pass. If this air is recirculated then this figure can be expected to rise somewhat (Thomson 21 1972:100). Each type of control has its limitations. Selection of one over the other should .depend on the circumstances of the individual museum. Obviously if the museum is in an area already high in ozone, then an electrostatic precipitator is out of the question. However, if sulphur dioxide is more of a problem a precipitator would seem likely. Light Light damage to textiles varies according to the nature of the fibers and the dyes (Geijer 1963:185). Animal fibers are slightly more resistant to such decay than are vegetable fibers. Light varies according to wavelength: 1) Invisible ultraviolet radiation, wavelength 3000-4000 ~ 2) Visible light, wavelength 4000-7600 A 3) Invisible infra-red radiation, beyond 7600 A 0 0 (Thomson 1972:101) The harmful effects of type three are small and thus concentration must be on 1 and 2. The energy produced by light combines with fabric dyes to cause chemical reactions. This results in fading of the colors and weakening of the fibers leith 1971:118). (called tendering). (Plender- 22 Ultraviolet light, which is present in sunlight and emanates from fluorescent tubes is by far the most dangerous. Visible light, both natural and artificial, also cause noticeable damage. Control of light energy in the storeroom is generally agreed upon by ·most authors, and can be achieved quite easily (Plenderleith 1971, Thomson 1972, Guldbeck 1968, Buck 1972). Fluorescent fixtures· should be equipped with filters to eliminate harmful rays, natural light should be eliminated, and all lights should be kept to a minimum level and turned off when not in use. Micro-Organisms One final agent of deterioration to be considered is attack by micro-organisms. Vegetable fibers, due to their cellulose content, seem to be the most susceptible to this type of attack (Hueck 1972:80). the most damaging micro-organisms. Fungi are among Once cellulose is broken down by fungal attack the fabric strength is lost. Further damage may result in staining of the fabric by the growing fungus. Contrary to Hueck (1972:80) who believes that bacterial attack on wool is hardly ever a problem, Nopitsch (1953:3582) states: 23 Bacteria are introduced with the raw wool, on earth-clogged footwear, or with dust, which is apt to contaminate the entire factory unless the premises are kept reasonably clean. According to the recent literature, the minimum moisture content of wool necessary for the development of bacterial attack is 40 per cent and the minimum temperatures are said to range between 25 and 40 c. (77 and 104 F). These conditions outlined by Nopitsch are present in a great many museum storerooms. He cautions that the ex- tent of the damage is often difficult to detect without a microscope and appears only as premature wear (1953: 3583). Most experts (Nopitsch 1953, Hueck 1972, Buck 1972, Plenderleith 1972, Dudley 1958) do agree as to the proper method of control for such micro attacks. As high levels of temperature and humidity are conducive to bacterial growth each must be carefully regulated. Exact levels of relative humidity required vary from author to author: 1965 = Dudley 1958 = 40%, Hueck 1972 - 50%, Myers 55-65%, Fikioris 1973 less than 40%. = 50%+ 5%, Nopitsch 1953 = The only figure that is not in keeping with the majority is Nopitsch. Perhaps the reason for this is the very early date, 1953, at which it was written. All others do agree that 70 per cent rH is the minimum humidity necessary for mold formation. A tern- perature range between 65° and 70°F. is generally recommended by all. 24 Storage Units To safeguard a collection, proper storage units are as important as are environmental controls. If tex- tiles are crammed into tight compartments, folded, or otherwise physically abused, deterioration occurs in spite of elaborate atmospheric regulations. Conservators disagree as to the_best type of construction materials for storage units, .metal vs. wood. Not only textile storage is concerned in this regard but all types of ethnological materials. Advantages .and dis- advantages of both are discussed by Dudley (1958}, Guldbeck (1972}, and Reynolds (1962}. of all arguments presented. Table 6 is a composite While there would seem to be slightly more pluses in favor of metal, some of the dis-· advantages of each can be overcome by certain modifications. The surface resilience of metal can be improved by lining shelves with linoleum to prevent ceramic chipping (Dudley 1958}. Staining of textiles from contact with acidic wooden shelves or drawers can be eliminated by covering the storage units with acid-free paper (Buck· 1972:117}. the wood. Such paper will eventually absorb acid from Periodic inspection is necessary to determine .I when to change the paper. A more -permanent solution is to seal the surface with sealant. Wooden units can be f I painted with fire-retardant chemicals to lessen this danger. I ~------------------------~-------------------------------------- ~ 0 0 0.. :s:CD :s:Ill Ill CD li Ill ""'' rt rt I-> ::t:' 0.. rt < ::s Ill I-> Ill lQ CD til I + Great Strength ::t:' 0.. < Ill I + Not susceptible to insect damage ::s rt Ill lQ CD til Ill I + Does not warp or split ::s 0.. t:l 1-'· til Ill 0.. I + Easily adjustable < Ill ::s rt' Ill lQ CD til I + Fire resistant 0 HI ~ 0 0 0.. + I Does not conduct heat .< til :s: CD rt + I Resiliant surface Ill I-> (/) ::J" CD I-> < 1-'· sz Inexpensive + I + I No condensation problem I + No acidity ::s lQ 8 PJ tr I-> CD 0'\ 1. ! 26 Each individual museum must weight the advantages and disadvantages of each in relationship to the museum's specific situation. If a museum is located in a tropical climate where high humidity is a problem, metal shelves are not advisable. Another museum may find itself with good humidity control but an insect problem, thus having a need for metal units. Once this basic problem has been addressed the requirements of each specific textile must be considered. I There is basic agreement in the literature as to the best1 methods to be utilized {Fikioris 1973, Buck 1972, Harvey 1963, Myers 1965). Large, flat textiles such as rugs, and blankets should be rolled rather than.folded so as to minimize the danger of thread breakage.· Large card- board tubes {minimum 3" diameter) are recommended as a support medium. Tubes should first be covered with an inert material such as polethylene or acid-free paper to prevent the textile from acid deterioration. Once the object has been rolled on the tube it should be covered with yet another piece of polyethylene tied with muslin strips. Stress on the textile is eliminated by insertion of a metal or wooden pole through the cardboard tube. This unit should then be suspende~ on a length of chain or by pegs along a wall. Dresses, shirts and blouses that have sufficient fiber strength should be stored on hangers padded at the 27 shoulder. Padding relieves some of the stress on the shoulder seam. Heavily beaded garments, or those too fragile to handle, must be laid flat in drawers. Ideally, only one object per drawer, with no stacking . (Harvey 1963) . . Irregular shaped objects such as hats and shoes can be stored on open shelves if insects and dust are not problems. Closed cases or drawers should be used / otherwise (Fikioris 1973). Not all objects will conform to the above rules. Each piece must be considered in the· light of its condition as well as material composition. Wood The Nature of Wood The physical properties of wood must be identified if we are to come to an understanding of the behavior of wooden artifacts. Buck (1963:1.57) identi- fies the basic material of all wood, regardless of species., as: 1) 2) 3) cellulose hemicelluloses lignin He calls these the "solid substance" of wood or "gel material." species. Gel concentration varies from species to 28 Wood may be thought of as a solid foam of gel material. If the voids are sparse and small, the wood will be hard and dense . • . . A sequence of decreasing wood density and strength--such as oak, ash, chestnut, pine, and spruce--follows a sequence of increasing void volume. Near the limit is balsa, in which the gel material exists only as a filmy structure of thin membranes. As cell walls become thinner, they may yield more easily under mechanical stress, or even collapse into the cell voids (Buck 1963:157). Furthermore this gel material has the capacity to adsorb and desorb moisture in the atmosphere thereby causing the cell walls to expand and contract. Throughout its lifetime a tree contains nearly twice its dry weight in water. As soon as it is cut down it begins to lose this water to the atmosphere. This process is referred to as "seasoning" (Guldbeck 1972). Buck gives us an exact definition: Seasoning is a process of slow drying whereby the free water or sap which fills the cell cavities of recently cut wood escapes by devious routes throughout the porous structure and leaves the cells empty (1952:39). Seasoning is considered complete when an equilibrium with the moisture content of the air has been reached. Popular opinion holds that wood is considered stable upon completion of the seasoning process. Studies on seasoned and unseasoned wood conducted by Buck (1952) to be examined later, show this to be false. Two other properties of wood, elasticity and plasticity need to be discussed first. I' II i 29 An elastic body is one that spontaneously recovers its normal bulk or shape after any distortion by an external force (Buck 1963: 157). Buck uses a spring as exhibiting such a property. When under stress it contracts, but release of the stress allows the spring to assume its original shape. Wood is also plastic in that it can be bent permanently to assume a specific shape. Both these properties increase greatly when heat and moisture are applied to the wood (Buck 1963). I 1 I I I ! Destructive Agents: Humidity and Insects Humidity can cause damage to wood in two ways: 1) 2) by causing the shrinking and swelling of .the cell structure, and by encouraging fungus growth. From the discussion of the nature of wood it was determined that wood is exceedingly hygroscopic, even after seasoning. The extent of that hygroscopicity must be discussed now. Stowlow explains the concept of equilibrium moisture content: Under ordinary circumstances cellulose materials such as wood, canvas, and wool contain moisture. They have what is known as an equilibrium moisture content which can be measured. It is the amount of water vapor contained by a material when it has reached equilibrium expressed as a percentage of its dry weight at a particular temperature. Materials increase their equilibrium moisture content up to a maximum fixed quantity as the relative humidity in the air l 30 surrounding them increases. When the relative humidity drops, moisture is released; when relative humidity increases again, moisture is re-absorbed. The recognized v~garies in this cycle are known as the phenomenon of hysteresis (1966:168). Figure 1 shows the effect of humidity on various hygroscopic materials. Examination of this chart reveals that of all such materials, wood is by far the most affected by changes in humidity. I / Such absorption and de- sorption produces swelling and shrinking of the wood. Continual stresses such as these can cause the wood to warp and split. Seasoning of the wood does not decrease the I hygroscopic behavior of wood. Buck (1952:42) states that I "it is live or green wood which is stable because it is constantly swollen to the maximum." Experiments con- ducted by him on specimens at the Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University, show just how unstable seasoned wood actually is. The results can be found in Table 7. While there seems to be a slight decline in hygroscopicity in the oldest specimens, Buck says that: It is very slight, and further evidence would be needed to demonstrate that it exists at all (1952:43). The second type of damage resulting from excess - humidity is the development of fungus. present in the air. Spores are ever High humidity (greater than 70%) is necessary for their growth (Stowlow 1966) • Rather than 31 30 12. 8 60 RH Figure 1. 0 eo 100 /o Effect of change in relative humidity (RH) on the equilibrium moisture con- · tent (EMC) for various moisture sensitive materials at room temperature 1, wood; 2, Kraft paper; 3, newsprint paper; 4, fir plywood; 5, homosote board; 6, masonite board; 7, cotton; 8, linen; 9, styrolite (expanded polystyrene, density 0.02 gm/cc.) (Stowlow 1966:176) r-_.....;...._ _ _ _ _ _,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Table 7 No. Wood Approximate Age Source 1 Poplar - tentatively identified as Pepuius deltoides Secured at a lumber yard, described as unseasoned less than 1 year 2 Ash--Fraximus americana Secured at a lumber yard, described as well seasoned less than 10 years 3 Oak--Quercus, a white oak type species not identified Secured at a lumber yard, described as well seasoned less than 20 years 4 Yellow poplar--Liriodeudron tulipifera From a timber taken from a demolished building 75-125 years 5 Chestnut--Castanea dentata From a timber taken from a demolished building 75-125 years 6 Oak--Quercus, a white oak type, species not identified Taken from the support of a 1 painting by Holbein 7 Ash--Fraximus, species not identified Taken from a dowel in a panel painted by Benvenuto di Giovanni :• 400 years 2 450 years w ·----- ···---·--. -----------·----- 1\J -~- . ---...- -·-----.--··---·----· Table 7 (Continued) No. Wood Approximate Age Source 8 Poplar--Populus, species not identified Taken from a panel painted by Spinello Aretino 550 years 9 Poplar--Populus, species not identified Taken from a panel painting, signed and dated, Giuliano da Rinuini--1307 650 years 10 Ash--Fraximus, species not identified Taken from a dowel found in the above panel, of specimen No. 9 650 years 11 Fig~-Identified as Ficus 3 Taken from the panel of a Fayum portrait 1800 years 12 Fig~-Identified as Ficus 3 Taken from an Egyptian XII . dynasty sarcophagus 3700 years NOTES: 1 specimen consisted of a number of small splinters. 2 Although sound otherwise, the specimen contained a few worm holes. 3 Presumably Ficus sycomorus, a tree common in ancient and modern Egypt. Cf. A. Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries, London, 1934. w w ---~·--•·w--------~------·~----""""'~""....,.______ -------"'~,.....,_,.....,~_...,...,...'-'~•-•••""~"".......,._._,_,, ;' Table 7 (Continued) 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 9 Y£LLOW ASH OAK POPLAR CI<(STNUT OAK ASH POPLAR /0 YrJ. 2011-t. 75·125 11-t. 15·1<51-t-1 400 Yr1. 45011-1. 550\oh. POPLAR AS" FIG FIG G50Yr,. t8ooYn. JlOOYr>. POPlAR ,GC:.:_____:::_~=-=~-~-== I Yr. 85u ~ •. /t;LLrJr-L-:-~:---r---G-~~tt---:-;---; 121 r ~ 1 Q ""' "':';:. . tel ....·~ I ,81 1 1,'1 • ~ I of ... I 1 ., 8 1u l I I I n I' I 1 II il ' 1 \ .6 1: ~ rI II \f 1 1 , ~ . ~ I ; r '1 1 ,r , · R \ .' k I l: I II II o \t 1--+ \ ..I ~ ~ ~ II R j I' ,r '"f iI y i!l flo Ii p 4 lI .!l. w ~ ~4~------------------------------------------------------------~------------------0 £1"'''~;..,. M>-111118 Conl1nt at eot, II If. ~· 2 D 6?~ lt.M. A <40't lf 201, II M. II M \ (Buck 19 52 : 4 7 ) w ~ ·--- -------------- 35 feeding upon the wood itself, most molds seem to develop because of such nutrients as grease or oil present in the wood. Fungus of the dry rot variety is most common in objects continually subjected to water such as canoes or totem poles (Plenderleith 1971). Prevention of both types of humidity-related damage to wood is possible. Most conservators (Guldbeck 1972, Dudley 1958) agree that a constant relative humid-· ity of 55 per cent prevents warping and splitting of wood. Furthermore, this low level prevents fungus at- tack. Clean artifacts are also a deterrant to mold formation. Insects. Some major insect pests capable of infesting wood are the powder-post beetle (Lyctus), the death-watch beetle (Xestobium) , and the common furniture beetle (Anobium). Each can do a great deal of damage before it is discovered (Plenderleith 1971). Fumigation of objects upon entering the museum is a must to prevent the infestation from spreading to the remainder of the collection. The egg stage is often unaffected by fumigation and therefore regular, periodic fumigation is necessary to prevent re-infestation (Plenderleith 1971). 36 Storage Units I .I I I Wood has been exploited by man since paleolithic times. Man has done almost everything with wood--made his home of it, made fires with it to cook his meals, used it for utensils, weapons, and implements, built ships and bridges of it, used it for making vehicles, furniture, art objects, and musical instruments, and, in modern times, transformed it into paper and even clothing. It is not surprising therefore, that wood forms a large part of the collections in museums--particularly in ethnographical and folk museums--and its conservation is a matter of considerable importance (Planderleith 1971: 124) 0 This statement by Plenderleith describes the range of uses of wood and focuses on a major storage problem. This variety of wooden artifacts produces the need for a variety of storage units. Objects can range in size .from large boats to tiny figures. Their function can range from carefully handled ceremonial masks to heavily-used household grease dishes. Wooden artifacts exist in all shapes, sizes and conditions and the storage units chosen must reflect these variances. Choice of wood vs. metal should be made considering the factors previously discussed. Heavier objects such as boats, and canoes are better stores on sturdy metal shelving. of ways: Masks can be stored in a variety in drawers, on open shelves, or hung on strong wire mesh. Many Oceanic pieces such as shields, masks and ancestor figures have a surface of extremely fugitive paint. This feature should be considered when 37 storing such objects.. Dudley (1958: 73) states that a spray fixative may be used to prevent paint loss on Melanesian specimens. Many wooden artifacts are a composite of several materials and thus deserve special consideration. bows are often strung with sinew. Wooden Age increases the brittleness of the sinew, making it susceptible to breakage. In some cases it may be wise to store the bow unstrung to prevent this breakage from occurring. The curator should do so however, with the full knowledge that it can probably never be re-strung safely. Wooden pipe sterns that are completely decorated with porcupine quill embroidery serve as another good example of a cornposite item. While the wooden foundation might not need the protection of insect proof cabinets, porcupine quills are highly susceptible to insect attack and should be safeguarded against it. All features of an object should be taken into consideration when designing proper storage units. Basketry The Nature of Basketry Crowfoot (1956) divides basketry and matting quite generally from weaving: Baskets are vessels made by hand by interlacing two or more sets of strands in different ways, 38 and these ways are sometimes closely similar to weaving. Mats.may be made in a similar manner to basketry, but are often true weaves (1956:414). Basketry represents a very ancient technology using mainly plant fibers. By about 5,000 B.C., basketry and weaving have already been developed in distinct directions. The material of basketry is generally unspun vegetable fibres, though hand-twisted cords are found in some types of baskets, especially for handles and bases, and are sometimes used in matting. Obviously the fibres used depend on the local vegetation, but even when they have been preserved they are often difficult to identify (Crowfoot 1956:415). Two techniques are generally recognized in the manufacture of basketry: twined or woven basketry. (1} coiled or sewn, and (2) Each has numerous variations (James 1901}. Suitable basketry materials are endless. Mason (1902) offers what he considers to be an incomplete list of some 85 plant types used in basketry by American Indians alone. While basketry materials are not limited to plants, their use has predominated. In the manufacture of their baskets the Indians have ransacked the three kingdoms of nature-mineral, animal, and vegetal . • . The chief dependence, however, of the basketmaker is upon the vegetal kingdom. Nearly all parts of plants have been used by one tribe or another for this purpose--roots, stems, bark, leaves, fruits, seeds and gums (Mason 1902:197). Once completed, baskets were put to a wide variety of uses. Large utilitarian baskets received 39 p ' considerable wear. Many were used in connection with food from sturdy burden baskets, to tightly woven cooking containers, to large graneries. As a consequence, muse- ums generally receive specimens that have been subjected to substantial wear. Destructive Agents Past use of baskets for food gathering or storage usually requires a thorough cleaning of the specimen once it reaches a museum. While insects can feed directly upon the plant fiber itself, trapped food particles further attract them (Mason 1902:540). Some specimens contain feather or wool decoration which is another insect attractor {Dudley 1958:63). High humidity produces mold growth on the baskets and Dudley {1958:67) recommends a level of 55 per cent rH be maintained in the storeroom. Good ventilation~ further inhibits mold formation. Storage Units ' Storage facilities for baskets depends on the nature of the basket itself. Dudley (1958:63) states that baskets can be stored in several ways: shelves, in cartons, or in cabinets. on open If open shelves are used, care must be taken to prevent dust build-up on the specimens. Cabinets and cartons should not be sealed as good circulation must be permitted. Dudley !I 40 further states that while sturdy baskets should be stored individually, it is advisable to stack a few very flexible baskets inside one another to provide mutual support. Large mats or sails require the same care regarding humidity level and insect protection. Because of their size and brittle nature, large flat pieces should never be folded, but should be laid flat. If space does not permit this, they should be loosely rolled (Dudley 1958). Ivory, Bone The Nature of Bone and Ivory Once worked and polished, bone and ivory are very difficult to distinguish. Guldbeck discusses the characteristics of bone and ivory and offers a working definition: Ivory, teeth and tusks contain a hard, dense core of dentine with a fine longitudinal grain structure, and have an outer coating of enamel; whereas bone is somewhat softer and of a coarser cellular structure (1972ll34). Plenderleith agrees on the difficulties in attempting to distinguish worked bone and ivory. Identification by chemical analysis is not conclusive and Plenderleith explains why: In both materials the main inorganic constituents are the same, namely calcium phosphate associated with carbonate and fluoride, and the organic tissue of both is ossein; . . . (1971:148). 41 He suggests microscopic examination as the definitive method. Properties revealed are: In cross-section, bone shows a rather coarse grain with characteristic lacunae, whereas Ivory, being composed of the hard, dense tis·sue known as dentine, is more compact and is characterized by the presence of a network composed of tiny lenticular areas resulting from the intersection of systems of striations that may be seen radiating from the center of the tusk (Plenderleith 1971:149). Sources of ivory include elephants, walrus, hippopatomi, whales, mammoths and mastodons. The prop- erties of each vary slightly according to provenance (Beigbeder 1965). Walrus and whale ivory have been sub- jected to a lifetime of water. Mammoth and mastodon ivory has considerable antiquity and has probably been buried for several thousand years prior to its being worked. Bone is available from a variety of animals and ! I l ~ its density varies from species to species. More readily! available than ivory, bone is fashioned into a wider range of utilitarian objects. i1 The scarcity of ivory generally causes it to be reserved for manufacture into finer objects (Plenderleith 1971). Agents of Destruction Ivory and bone are extremely fragile and susceptible to deterioration. The directional proper- ties of the grain in both bone and ivory causes their L--------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 42 warping and splitting when exposed to the continual stress of excess heat and moisture. The osseins consol- idating them disintegrate when exposed to water for a prolonged period of time. Sunlight causes ivory and bone to darken and lose their natural color (Guldbeck 1972, Plenderleith 1971). This extremely fragile nature of ivory and bone must be protected in a rigidly controlled environment. Vital to the well-being of these materials is a constant humidity maintained at a fairly high level of 55 per cent (Dudley 1958, Daifuku 1960, Fall 1973). The most dangerous atmospheric pollutant ·j destructive to ivory and bone, is sulphur dioxide. Once it has been converted to sulphuric acid it begins to react with bone and ivory causing the disintegration of their inorganic framework (Guldbeck 1972, Plenderleith 1971). Proper air filtration in the museum environment can prevent this from happening. Insects and rodents can further damage bone and ivory specimens (Daifuku 1960:121). Ca-reful inspection and fumigation of the premises is a must. Storage Units Most objects made of bone- and ivory are relatively small in size. For maximum protection from all types of possible damage they are best stored in 43 drawers or closed cabinets. Each piece should be prevented from movement in storage drawers. Fall (1973) recommends padding drawers with velvet to act as a shock absorbent. She cautions against using cotton padding with intricately carved ivory pieces, as particles of fiber may become lodged in cracks and could tear off pieces of ivory. Any storage of ivory and bone objects should be designed to protect their fragile nature from all destructive forces. Feathers The Nature of Ethnographic Featherwork Ethnological artifacts containing feathers are generally composed of several types of materials. feathers are near~y The always only an ornamentation on some type of sturdier foundation. Examples include: Porno baskets, Plains Indian headdresses, Polynesian masks and South American ceremonial clothing. On each of these, feathers serve mainly as the decoration, while the foundation provides the support for the object. In such cases, all of the materials composing the object must be considered when attempting to provide proper museum storage. 44 Destructive Agents Feathers are particularly susceptible to moth attack. Total destruction of a piece occurs if simple fumigation is not a regular practice. The fading of feathers is another major type of deterioration and can be caused by three factors: light, paradichlorbenzene crystals, and sulphuric acid (Gowers 1972). Ultraviolet light plays the major role in the fading of feathers. Combined with the use of paradi- chlorobenzene crystals, such light can rapidly speed the fading process. Light should be kept to a minimum in the storeroom and the use of uv filters. in exhibit cases and storerooms as well, is a necessity. Gowers (1972) explains the action of sulphuric acid, the third factor in feather fading: It is believed that, for example, the lipochromes usually present in red and yellow feathers can be caused to fade· in the presence of sulphuric acid, • . • (1972: 228) . Such atmospheric pollutants as sulphur dioxide must . then be screened out by means of activated carbon filters. Dust, a type of solid atm~spheric pollution, is abrasive to delicate feathers and should also be removed by filters. 45 ' Storage Units Since feathered objects occur in all shapes and sizes, no one particular type of storage can be recommended. If the object is small enough it should be kept in an insect-proof cabinet to protect it from moth damage. Plastic bags should be used to cover large ob- jects and prevent dirt build-up (Gowers 1972) • Because of the fragile nature of the quills, ::::::::sh:::::::i::df:::::::t~hould be protected from I Requirements for each type of materials composing! the artifact must also be considered for optimum storage. Skin and Skin Products The Nature of Skin The wide variety of animal skins employed by primitive peoples (bison, deer, walrus, seal, cow, pig, alligator, lizard, snake, goat and sheep, etc.) makes a general discussion of the nature of skin very difficult. The myriad processing methods employed further complicates the problem. Some fundamental features can be outlined and Plenderleith defines some of the basic terms: The word skins is used as a general term for all classes of materials, whether raw, cured, or processed, and skin from the l~rger animals, such as horse and cow is known specifically as I ! I ' 46 hide. Curing refers to a first-aid or field treatment to prevent putrefaction, and processing to any more permanent treatment including the manufacture of leather (1971:24). Basically all skins (mammalian) consist of two layers: 1) 2) epidermis, the thin outer layer corium, the thick inner layer Each of these consists of several sub-layers. Reed (1972) and Arnold (1925) have detailed descriptions of the nature of the various skins. The epidermis is removed prior to tanning (except in furs) and this discussion involves mainly the inner layer, corium. This corium consists of a network of flexible protein (collagen) fibers. Reed (1972) states that: . . . it is this complex, three-dimensional network of fibres which gives leather its unique character for as yet it has not been possible to produce it artificially. It is also undoubtedly the basis of the high tensile strength and general toughness shown by skin products (1972:29). The drawings by Reed (1972) show the variations in the fiber layers found in different animals. When an animal dies the skin is immediately susceptible to attack by bacteria. Curing to remove all attached fat and muscles must occur at once to prevent putrefaction. per cent water. In life, the corium consists of nearly 60 Upon flaying, this water is lost, re- sulting in a hardening of the skin~ In this state the p ' 47 I -·-···1 . ------'-·-----------------. Figure 2. Diagram of vertical section through calfskin. (This, together with Figures 3 to 6, shows relative extent of the papillary and fibre network layers in different animals.) Figure 3. Diagram of vertical section through cattle hide. ' f 1 l [ Figure 4. ' ! I Diagram of vertical section through sheepsk1n. ! 48 Figure 5. Diagram of vertical section through goatskin. I ll l -~ Figure 6. Diagram of vertical section through pigskin. (Reed 1972:34, 35) 49 skin is relatively immune to bacterial attack but must be processed to be of any use (Plenderleith 1971). Processing methods vary from culture to culture and from century to century. Although the specific chem- icals involved may differ, three basic processes are recognized: 1) 2) 3} vegetable tannage (tanning) mineral tannage (tawing) oil tannage (chamoising) (Waterer 1972) All are intended to render the corium useful for manufacture into various objects. cesses can be found in Reed (1972), and Arnold (1925) • methods graphically. Details of these proWaterer (1972, 1973) Table 8 shows the various processing Artifacts in museum collections might have been processed by any of these methods. It is important to their proper care that the curator rec- ognize the method used as a semi-tanned specimen would need to be treated differently in storage than a fully tanned specimen. Many ethnological specimens, especially those made by Eskimos, are only semi-tanned. Schaffer (1974) discusses the processes employed: For tanning, Canadian Indians and Eskimos use oil and smoke. Both are the oldest methods of tanning, known already to the-prehistoric man of Europe in the interglacial period 8,000 B.C. In the former method the skin is impregnated with a . poly-unsaturated oil which is oxidized by air during gentle heating, resulting in 50 Table 8 METHODS OF PROCESSING SKIN ·Flayed hide or skin I Soaking in acqueous liquor ~ Curing I Unhairing (loosening and cleaning the structure to make pelt) Scudding (temporary preservation) Soaking Fleshin I Splitting Scudding I Pickling ----- Tanning Treatment with certain chemical reagents (called tanning agents) to produce LEATHERS . ·. h. l F1n1s 1ng processes dyeing, to impart colour spraying, to impart colour, gloss finishes, smoothness, wear resistance, etc. Fat-liquoring and currying application of water-resistant fatty materials to control handle; drape, flexibility, durability, stretch, water resistance. Rolling, Staking, Pressing, Embossing, Glazing, Buffing Parchment and rawhide materials Wet pelt is dried in air at room temperature under tension, using a frame on which to stretch the sheet Finishing processes for parchment might include: mechanical thinning, paring, shaving, scraping, chemical cleaning of surface, grease removal, rubbing or pouncing with abrasive materials (powders), bleaching, colouring, surface finishes for evenness and smoothness, etc. Rawhide materials apart from occasional bleaching to whiten the surface, these receive no further finishing treatments. (Reed 1972:47) 51 permanent blocking of the unstable end groups of the fibril proteins. Fish and seal are the main source of poly-unsaturated oils, but tribes living far from the coastal regions use animal fats to which brain and liver extract, as an emulsifying agent, is added. This is necessary because animal fat is saturated and does not react with the fibers in itself. Only a moderate tanning effect is achieved by this method, which is attributed mainly to the phosphate content of the brain. In the smoking methods the aldehydes in the burning products of wood react with the groups of the collagen protein chains. This process is akin to the presentday formaldehyde tannage (1974:68). She further explains that these incomplete processes yield a product that readily absorbs and desorbs water. Once the artifact dries excessively the collagen shrinks irreversibly. Precautions should be taken in storage to prevent this. Another raw material used extensively by Eskimos is gut or intestine. Schaffer describes its properties: This material differs from skin both in the molecular composition of the proteins and texture . . • The structure is so dense that it is impervious to water. Processing by the Eskimos consists mainly of scraping, the removal of the innermost mucous membranes, so that only the outermost serious membrane remains together, with the two muscularis tissue layers adjacent to it (1972:72). Such processing yields a specimen which will be brittle when dry and subject to breakage. Skins with the fur left on are also common ethnological items and need mention. does not remove the epidermis. Initial curing The flesh side is scrapedi1 clean to prevent putrefaction, leaving only a thin layer I 52 of corium. Alternate ~etting and drying, with the addition of oils or chemicals varying by culture, complete this simple process (Plenderleith 1971). However, now the museum curator must consider not only the requirements of the skin but the attached hair also. Determination of the type of skin and method of processing employed by the maker are the first steps towards preservation of any skin or skin product. Agents of Destruction Because of the very nature of skin it is highly susceptible to destructive forces. Guldbeck emphasizes the extent of this susceptibility: Skin, even more than any other organic material, is so adversely affected by excesses of heat, moisture, and/or microorganisms that there is frequently nothing left of its original nature and characteristics; and even the best conservator or protein chemist may be unable to solve the problem (1972:87). Examination of the agents of destruction is of assistance in designing proper storage units. Gaseous Pollutants. The harmful effects of sulphur dioxide on leather have been recognized for over a century. Plenderleith describes the first documented case of such deterioration: In 1843 Michael Faraday, when lecturing at the Royal Institution in London, exhibited leather-bound volumes belonging to the 53 Athenaeum Club that were in a shocking state of decay. This condition he attributed to the products of combustion of coal gas, and he proceeded to demonstrate that the moisture from a gas flame, condensed on cold metal, contained sulphuric acid. The Athenaeum ventilating pipes were, in fact, thickly coated with green vitriol {iron sulphate), from the action upon iron of the acid fumes evolved on combustion and these same acid fumes were responsible for the decay of the leather bookbindings and upholstery {1971:21). Damage manifests itself as a powdering of the leather. Since air pollution does not seem to be decreasing, the harmful gases must be filtered out of the air in the museum building. Humidity. constant level. skin goods. Humidity must be maintained at a Both high and low extremes can damage High humidity encourages fungus growth and once established fungus is difficult to eradicate. Pro- longed attack causes staining and erosion of the skin. Exposure of leather to water encourages bacterial growth and gradual disintegration of the material {Plenderleith 1971, and Nopitsch 1953). Extremely low humidity is equally as damaging as high humidity. Combined with heat and/or sunlight, dry conditions embrittle skin goods irreversibly. Exposure for lengthy periods of time can do even more damage. Plenderleith uses articles found in Egyptian tombs as examples of extreme deterioration: ,. 54 Exposure to the prolonged action of a low humidity, as in some Egyptian tombs, has converted skin into a black syrup of bitumastic appearance, which is sometimes found to be still tacky, but sometimes has run into a hard black solid with a superficial resemblance to ebonite (1971:29}. The ideal level of humidity is generally agreed to be: 55 per cent. Below 50 per cent embrittlement occurs, while above 65 per cent fungal growth takes place (Guldbeck 1972, Dudley 1958, and Plenderleith 1971}. Plenderleith believes such environmental control is far preferable to the use of chemical fungicides which could themselves conceivably damage the leather. Insects, Rodents. Stringent measures must be taken to prevent insect and rodent infestation of skin collectionse Moths and beetles are especially destruc- tive and often hard to detect until the damage is done. Furs are particularly susceptible to moth attack. Para- dichlorobenzene crystals are effective moth deterrants if used in tightly sealed containers and in great enough volume. Rodents being of greater body size than insects potentially cause more damage. Guldbeck amusingly states _the problem: • . . a mouse is just as happy to chew on Admiral Perry's mukluk or the cover of the Gutenberg Bible as on one of Pancho Villa's pistol belts (1972:89}. 55. Furthermore their urine stains can be damaging and difficult to remove (F. Gallo 1963). Eradication of such pests by baited traps is usually effective. Constant vigilance in the storeroom must be maintained to prevent damage to the objects by any agent. Storage Units Skin products have had wide applicability to primitive peoples everywhere. Their extensive usage is discussed by Plenderleith: The entire skin of an animal was sometimes sewn up and used as a water-carrier, or filled with air and used as a float or buoy; skin was used to cover primitive canoes or coracles; it was used for sails, tents, domestic utensils, hunting gear, harness, and accoutrements of every kind. The internal organs of animals were also utilized. Vases and waterproof clothing were made from the intestines of the cow and walrus, floats from bladders, and utensils from the stomach of the camel. Masks were made by moulding moist skins or bladders over a suitably modelled shape and allowing them to dry in position; the shape of the mould was retained by the tissue, which could then be stabilized by waterproofing with fat or oil (1971:22). These objects just described have as wide a range of. size as function. The combination of size and suscepti- bility to deterioration must determine the choice of storage units. In areas of high, uncontrolled humidity, metal shelves present a condensation problem thus making their use unsuitable. If insects are a problem, wooden units' 56 I should not be used. Siz.e permitting, objects should be kept in tightly sealed cabinets for protection from such insect damage (Guldbeck 1972) • Waterer (1973) stresses the need to maintain the precise shape of the leather objects by padding them with acid-free tissue paper. Leather should never be folded. Shirts and dresses should ideally be stored on tailor's dummies shaped to the exact measurements of the object. He emphasized that no matter what the object, " . . • the aim should always be to ensure that it rests in a position devoid of any strain" {1973:35). The extremely fragile nature of skin products, the wide range of processing techniques, and their destructive agents should be fully understood by museum curators to ensure the survival of these specimens. Conservation Laboratory Time is ultimately the enemy not only of man but of man's handiwork. {Savage 1967, no page) Conservation attempts to retard the destructive forces of time upon objects of man's handiwork. The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works {IIC) defines conservation as: . . . any action taken to determine the nature or properties of materials used in any kinds of cultural holdings or in their housing, 57 handling, or treatment, any action taken to understand and control the causes of deterioration and any action taken to better the condition of such holdings • . . and the word 'conservator' shall be construed accordingly (Keck 1963:199) When an object has begun to deteriorate for any number of reasons a decision as to its treatment must be made. Enter the conservator. With extensive training in chemistry and the physical properties of objects, the professional conservator advises the curator as to the measures which should be taken to restore an object to good condition (Keck 1963, Ruhemann 1963, Marconi 1963). An unresolved controversy exists in the museum profession around what Coremans (1974:106) refers to as the "reconstitution of the original." As soon as an artifact leaves its makers hands it begins to deteriorat&l Over the years it acquires somewhat different characteristics than when it was newly made. should the object be restored? To what age then If an object was made in 1700 A.D. and has been in continual use it will have changed throughout the intervening years. Should resto- ration be to its original-appearance, its appearance in 1800 A.D. or 1900 A.D.? Burcaw objects to restoration to its original condition • • . • it is an object that has been used and is typical that is important. To erase all clues of such use is in a way to create an 58 artificiality and to make the object something of an abstraction. A brand new saw is the idea of a saw. It becomes a real saw after a man has sawn boards with it to build a house (Burcaw 1975:96}. Coremans points out the inadvertent deception associated with restoration to the original condition: . • • the visitor believes he creation of a revered genius, may be only the result of the ventions of various restorers centuries (1972:106}. is admiring the and what he sees successive interin the course of All authors agree that it is a complex problem and that each piece requires individual consideration. I would agree with Burcaw and Coremans in their aversion to total reconstitution to the original. A Navaho blanket that has been heavily used and subsequently repaired by the user is an example of cultural process. For a conservator to remove the repair and re- weave the piece to its original state is to negate the object's ethnographic condition. Stabilization of an object to prevent further deterioration is essential, but removal of all evidence of use is to deny the cultural history of the object. Once the decision concerning restoration has been made by the curator, in consultation with the conservator, the work is begun. I will consider in this thesis the basic requirements of museum conservation laboratories. 59 The first requirement in designing a lab is the identification of its function to the museum it will serve (Organ 1968:5). Will it be required to handle all types of treatment from basic cleaning to complete restoration of the original condition? Equipment required and its physical arrangement will depend on the type of work to be performed. Once the major purpose has been identified, two major constraints must be considered: penses. space and ex- How large a space is available and what is the size of the budget allocated to equip it? The space designated for the conservation lab should be large enough to accommodate the artifacts to be treated, plus the equipment necessary to treat them. Organ (1968:229) presents a list of materials and their possible treatment needs (see Table 9). Regardless of the size of the laboratory there are certain essential conditions which must be met. Temperature and humidity should be carefully controlled. Some artifacts requiring extensive treatmentmay remain in the lab for an extended period of time and must therefore be protected in an environmentally controlled room. For the same reason adequate security should also be a concern. Organ (1968:25) stresses the need for the safety of lab personnel. Extensive use of vaporous chemicals Table 9 Conservation Requirements of Materials and Their Accommodations -·- 1!1. I . . . fTl1l l t..11ther c.--!aamlcatf!n-... •f'lum,;Jnl" ......_.,a~lpU~n---. p ::t~~ Tutllea Wood b~Jn• •hd ,.h. Con•oUd1Uon Woohlnl SU••• Cleonlnt Coppor :;:'~"':;,, r..•• ::, Tin tron •net S:tnl Ston• C•,•mle• Ol•u Af---- ll COL/1 SO.., SJ J 1 ,:,. 50toU !Iii te !! I P J P c;:~:!t ContOlld•tlOh Gold a ... stt••• II il I It Wuhlnc 4 - Fumlt•U011--.. J+ory --·11 i.II/1/IDI I . If I HH J h il fjl --OAIEI-- lkin ~~ 1 I .P ~ ?~::. J J I .I J J I I J I J i .! J J J <so I I <so ttobln.tnc 1 J .1 1 ' 1 ltobiUdnt I I J I I I I ' 1 J P J I , J , ./ f ct ..nlnt J ci ..nlnt I J .1 t (;OO.I!If_df_t on _lt~~~~::r. .1 D•·••lthtl J ? __ £!!~';~-- 1 C~•uoll- \,;Onulla~tfQII ' -. on .1 P 1t'athlnl .J ;. <so .11 een1t. J eonat. j <40 ::::::.'7 ./ • e•,. <so J In 5.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.2 s.2.U s.t.U 5.2.2 5.2.2 U.J 5,2.3 5.2.4 $.2.~ s.z,~ 5.1,5 I,J.I - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ' ' - - - L - - - - L - - - - - - ' - - - L - - - - ' - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - L - - _ L ____.._ ____.__ _.______ P • polltlblr :~!:t ' -~ ----· - --'----" ./I • •••nUeJ (Organ 1968:228 ------ 0'1 0 61 can cause fume build-up. eliminate this hazard. Proper ventilation is needed to Proper first aid equipment should be available to lab workers. Organ presents (pg. 383) a list of commonly used dangerous chemicals, their symptoms of overexposure and treatment. A final considera- tion prompted by the use of.chemicals is the necessity for appropriate fire extinguishers. Guldbeck (1972:13) discusses the four basic types recommended for specific kinds of fires. The type he believes is best suited to museum needs is the dry powder form (monoammonium phosphate) • It is capable of extinguishing all classes of fires (combustibles, inflammable liquids and electrical equipment) and yet is harmless to the artifacts. No matter how good the conservation lab, prevention of damage is far preferable to treatment after the fact. Chapter 3 STORAGE OF ETHNOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS AT LACMNH: MODEL DEVELOPMENT Extensive renovation and expansion of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History has occurred during the past two years. As a direct result of this program the Ethnology collections, which were previously housed in a non-environmentally controlled room, are scheduled to move to new facilities in 1977. In this section of my thesis I have developed a realistic plan for these new facilities, utilizing the fundamentals outlined in Sections I and II. Modifica- tions of these ideals were based on several existing constraints: · available space scope of the collections . limited budget . small staff Environmental Controls New facilities developed for the Anthropology Section include two large rooms measuring approximately 68 1 x 40 1 and a ..smaller room approximately 20 1 x 12'. All rooms are in close proximity to each other," being 62 63 situated one above the other. All rooms are secure and are tied into the main security system of the Museum. Environmental conditions in the new storerooms are ideal. The air-conditioning system is designed to maintain a constant relative humidity of 50-55 per cent with a temperature of 60°F. Fumigation of all artifacts takes place as they enter the building. Regular scheduled fumigation of the new storeroom will occur on a six month basis. Equipment Two types of storage units will be utilized: ·· open shelves and sealed cabinets. The basic storage unit will be banks of adjustable steel shelving. These will allow.for maximum space utilization and flexibility. While metal uprights as well as metal shelving would be the ideal, the budget allows only for the purchase of steel uprights with wood platforms. Replacement of these wooden shelves by metai shelves is planned on a gradual basis as funds are available. All wood shelves will be sealed to prevent acid damage to the artifacts. shelf unit is 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. Each In most cases two units fastened end to end will be used. Approximately 100 metal cabinets will be received from another department at LACMNH and utilized in the new Ethnology storeroom. Each cabinet is tightly sealed to 64 prevent insect penetration and each has the additional advantage of a built-in lock for extra security. Each case measures 43"h x 22"w x 20"d, and has sliding drawers at adjustable heights. The drawers are wood and will be sealed to prevent acid damage. The floors in the new storeroom are concrete, which have been sealed to prevent excess shedding of concrete dust. Further protection for the collections is being sought in the attempt to have resilient flooring installed. Such flooring eliminates harmful concrete dust and provides the additional benefit of a cushioned surface to reduce any artifact breakage. Having no bud- geted monies for this expense, staff and volunteer efforts are being directed towards soliciting donations of such flooring. Layout The scope of the Ethnology collections at LACMNH is worldwide. Not limited geographically, these collec- tions include objects of every size, shape and material. In order to provide maximum access to the collections by both staff and researchers, objects are stored essentially by culture. They are initially sorted by continent, then culture area, and finally by tribal affiliation. Within this tribal framework, like objects are kept together. In addition to providing quick 65 ' accessibility to objects, maximum utilization of a small space occurs when objects of a similar size are kept together. An example of the above system can be seen in the storage of a Sioux catlinite pipe. storage purposes would be: Its breakdown for North American continent, Plains Indian culture area, Sioux tribe, catlinite pipe drawer. Some objects require special consideration and are sorted initially by material: tiles and leathers. baskets, pottery, tex- In all of these cases, however, final,, arrangement is still by culture. This existing system will be adhered to in the new storeroom • . Detailed floor plans can be found in Figures 8, 9 and 10. Textiles Two different methods of storage will be utilized depending on the nature of the object to be stored. Large, flat textiles will be rolled on cardboard tubes which have been covered with foil or polyethelene, to prevent acid deterioration of the textile. Additionally polyethelene will cover each rolled textile as a protection against dust. This tube will be supported by a central pipe and arranged within the framework of a 4' X 8' shelfless unit. Location of these textiles will be on the upper floor in the units adjacent to the , stairwell. ! ' 66 Figure 7. Storage Unit for Rolled Textiles Miscellaneous textiles such as shirts, pants, hats, belts etc. will be stored in sealed cabinets. As few items as possible will be placed in each drawer. If layering is necessary, the system in use at the San Diego Museum of Man will be implemented. Each piece to be layered is separated by a piece of muslin slightly larger than the specimen. The muslin is hemmed at two ends and has a dowel running through these ends. When pieces need to be removed from the drawers they are thus individually supported to prevent strain on the textiles and the dowel rods provide handles by which to grip the muslin. Each muslin support is carefully labelled with the number of the specimen which it holds. Location of these textiles will be on the bottom floor adjace·nt to the conservation lab. 67 Wood Since the artifacts made of wood vary greatly in size, their storage will be both on open shelves and within sealed cases. Fugitive paints on specimens will be protected by enclosing the artifacts in clear po,lyethelene bags. Large boats will be stored on the bottom floor on large, open racks. Basketry Because of the large number of baskets in the collections at LACMNH and because of their fragile nature, these items will be kept together and arranged by culture within themselves. the upper floor. Storage will be on open shelves on Protection from dust build-up will be provided by large sheets of muslin attached to the outside of the storage units. Ivory, Bone Objects of these materials will be housed in the sealed cases on the lower level. Such cases· afford maxi- mum protection from insects and dust. In the case of small, 'fragile ivories, the drawers will be compartmentalized and padded to fit the individual specimen. Feathers, Leather, Fur Such specimens will be kept in the sealed cases, I size permitting. I I Where size does not allow, the objects 68 I I F Africa Africa I) TABLE TABLE Q) Q) rz... ~ ·r-1 ""' I 0 Ul ' .Q ltj E-t """ ~elanesia ~ustralia Indonesia !Micronesia Polynesia I Navaho I Textiles • I ~ Africa I Asia Navaho I Textiles Ul Oceania I Oceania Navaho ll:i I Textiles I I Navaho ' South¥ est k- f- E.Woodlan~ Arctic Subarctic So.Americ~ N W rne~~ MP~n-nmPr~'R ..:r::· E-t s 0 0 1-1 Q) 1-1 0 +J Ul I Chimayo Textiles f\ B' Ul 1:81 Califc rnia Q) ...-1 ltj Q) ...-1 ~ Pueblo Pottery Africa I ~I +J Textiles I Meso & So.Americc Textiles ' 1 l-.lnrt-h America (Sealed cases) z tJj tJj ~ ~ (/) (/) ~ I (j) ~ 1-3 1-3 1-'· :::1 CD llJ I TABLE Textiles 1-3 CD ~ c1" I r- 1\ I f8j Meso ~ I New Guinea Sealed Cases & D'-1 ..... CD {/.1 ~ South America Textiles (Sealed cases) 1/ 1-'· --~ [>< -. I- ~- Conservat1.on Laboratory r j r 1lr Scale in Feet LJCJ Figure 9. l I rJ ~ sf -l Is~ ~ J J LACMNH Anthropology Storeroom (GE-7) Proposed Layout 0\ \,0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 will be kept on the large shelving units. facilities for furs have not been provided. Cold storage Fur objects will be stored within the sealed cases and thus be maximally protected against insects. Paradichlorobenzene crystals will be used to further guard against insect pests. Conservation Laboratory Currently at LACMNH conservation facilities are non-existent. With the upcoming move to the new wing, space for such a laboratory will become available. This room will be environmentally controlled and in close proximity to the new ethnological storeroom on the lower floor. With no County funds available for its development, the LACMNH Ethnology staff is currently seeking grant monies and private funding to support it. Initially the lab will be concerned primarily with basic conservation: examination, cleaning, and strengthening of the specimens. Having no professional conservator on the staff, all work will have to be limited to those operations not requiring complex chemical conservation. Equipment essential to basic conservation functions include: · microscope · ultrasonic cleaning · ultraviolet examination light 71 · drying oven • refrigerator • photographic equipment airbrasive cleaning unit · work counters and sinks • conservation library Future plans call for a gradual elaboration of the laboratory until ultimately a full time conservator and his staff can operate a much larger, regional center for the conservation of ethnological materials. J li I CD li I Be- ~ I {ll Door 11' Cabinets I tt l I Open 1 neath .....- I I j,Cabinets I B 'I I I I j [[] I D !Drawers j (Camera 1' Equipment) ~~- !Chair I -"' -oo ~ ('") Ill tr 1-'· :::1 CD rt {ll 36i' High I I Oven ·- s T A I R s r - - .... - . u.v. Light 1-'· tt::1 ~ ('") CD~ CD - Ill "0 tr 1-'· :::1 CD ......... 1-' rt -oo {ll 1-'· IChairl tt::1 CD~ CD - "0 ' Refrig-f erator ~ ...... - _..J ·Airbrasive Cleaning Unit ' 0 Figure 10. LACMNH Conservation Lab Proposed Layout I 1 I 2 t 3 I 4 I Scale in Feet -...] "' '. Chapter 4 CLASSIFICATION AND COMPUTERIZATION Classification and storage of museum collections by some organized system is imperative for ease of retrieval. Several methods can be suggested by the objects themselves: geographic provenience, culture, function, material, or any other number of its attributes. Donor, collector, date of acquisition or manufacture might be additional categories. Any classification system must meet the specific needs of the museum concerned. Museums with limited collections might find storage by donor very satisfactory& Larger institutions with diverse collec- tions intended primarily for research purposes would most likely find storage by culture more useful. The Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History falls into the latter category. Development of their classification system was designed to meet the requirements of a large institution having diverse collections to serve students and researchers. Several existing sys- tems were examined during the development phase. The finished product is largely the result of modifications to systems in use at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia and the Heard Museum, Phoenix. 73 74 The Heard system consists of a three-part identification of the object by continent, culture area, and tribe. An example of such a sequence would be: sw NA North America NA Southwest Navaho Elabora·te lists of continents, culture area and tribes were organized by the Heard Museum to accommodate their collections. The Museum of Anthropology at Columbia developed their system II for~two potential users: . . those who will be conducting an ethnological inventory." and II • the small museum who may be considering cataloguing its collections" (Schneider 1970:1). Classification is by culture and object. Culture codes were taken directly from Murdock's (1963) Outline of World Cultures. Most significant was their attempt to compile an elaborate object dictionary attempting to standardi.ze terminology: i.e. Trousers not Pants Lacking the manpower needed to design a totally new system, LACMNH staff sought an already existing systern which could be modified to suit their needs. ~Fur- thermore, duplication.of efforts seemed a waste of time. J 75 Whatever system was chosen would have to fulfill specific requirements: 1) The system had to be all inclusive regarding world cultures and objects since LACMNH collections encompassed tribes from the entire world. 2) The system had to be simple to understand and implement, as volunteer labor would be used to process materials. 3) Future computerization of the catalog required that t.he system be able to mesh with such a project without re-processing all materials. The culture code used by the Heard Museum satisfied the need for world culture codes. Elaboration of the tribal listings was necessary but the Heard system was flexible enough to accommodate additions. Further~ more such a system could be easily learned by anyone since there was a direct correlation between code and the word i t represented. NA SA AF North America South America Africa Murdock's system arbitrarily uses numerical representations of words coded and thus is more difficult to memorize. Such arbitrariness also seems to have a greater potential for mistakes to occur in the cataloguing process. The object dictionary of the University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology was found to be fairly complete. Where terms were lacking, additions could be 76 made without disturbing the system. Most importantly it was on a fairly specific level, with all terms included (and excluded) being carefully defined (see Figure 11) . Furthermore this dictionary has the extra advantage of being fairly well-known and accepted by many museums considering computerization in the future. It seems generally agreed upon that this. attempt at terminology standardization will serve as the foundation for a comprehensive guide to standard ethnological terminology for museum catalog use. The system in use at LACMNH uses the culture code of the Heard Museum and the object dictionary compiled by the Missouri Museum. This information is attached to each object with Museum accession number and donor name. Storage of the objects follow this system exactly. Con- tinent, culture area, tribe and specific object (where space permits) determine the artifact's location in storage. Experience has determined that retrieval of objects is requested most often by culture and specific object. This system ideally satisfies these retrieval needs. Within this retrieval system the artifact's .environmental needs are accomplished by provisions already outlined in Chapter 3. Data retrieval concerning the collections at LACMNH is currently difficult. The size of the collec- tions (300,000 - 500,000 items) as well as the 77 BOW DRILL MOUTHPIECE (Manufacturing) - Wheel-like or --- elongated top to a bow drill. This is held in the mouth to steady the shaft while one.hand holds the item to be drilled and the other hand moves the bow to turn the drill. Frequently mistaken for other items. general category: BOW DRILL BOW GUARD use: BOW GUARD (BRACELET) ARM ORN BOW GUARD (BRACELET) ARM ORN (Personal Adornment) a bow guard is a leather cuff used to protect the wrist from the bow string. If it is decorated with a silver ornament or is a wide silver bracelet, then BRACELET should be added to the description. includes: KETO, KETOH WRIST GUARD general category: ARM ORN , BRACELET Hunting Equipment War Equipment ORN BOWL CONT (Household) - A bowl is a vessel with an ----open mouth; the· height of the item never greater than the diameter. includes: KAVA BOWL MIXING BOWL POI BOWL SOUP BOWL general category: CONT specific items: OIL BOWL CONT SEED BOWL CONT TEA BOWL CONT TOBACCO BOWL CONT related items: DISH Figure 11. Sample page, University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology. 78 disorganized format o£ the data, make traditional methods of retrieval tedious. Recognition of these problems has prompted the LACMNH staff to seek to convert to machine retrieval in the near future. Punch cards have been deemed insufficient for the size of the LACMNH collections. Manipulation of large amounts of data require storage on magnetic media: tapes or discs (Chenhall 1971) . The development of mechanized retrieval will follow the steps in Table 10. At the present phase of development, computer program selection is inappropriate. Numerous options are currently available--Selgem, Griphos, Gipsy, Taxir. (See Chenhall 1975) Each will be evaluated when data identification (phase I) and data documentation (phase II) have been completed. Flexibility is being maintained by adopting a I the appropriate program. Standardization of terminology I is a concern if a national data bank is to be established., classification and coding system capable of meshing with A catalog sheet has been developed by LACMNH with these future plans in mind. (See Figure 12) for its use has also been outlined. A specific format I 79 Table 10 The Structure of Computerized Catalog Systems Phases Key Decisions Functions I Data identification Object selection Data determination II Data documentation Forms design Recording for entry Collection, processing, and sorting of specimens Attribute identification Classification Coding Format Punch cards, terminal keyboard, paper tape, magnetic tape, magnetic cards, optical character scanner III Data entry Input to computer Batch processing, real-time processing Verification Automatic (with machine checks for terminology and syntax), manual (off-line) Hard copy or display format IV Error correction File maintenance v File inquiry (data analysis) Sorting Merging Indexing Storing File search (retrieval) Sorting Summarizing Research design criteria (search and sort parameters) Calculations Statistical tests Report generation Format Adapted from "Computer-Aided Decision.;...Making Procedures for Archaeological Field Problems" (Sylvia W. Gaines, Ph.D. diss., Arizona State University, 1972). Figure 12. Sample Catalog Card, Los Angeles County Museum of Natura Ethnology Section co 0 CONCLUSIONS In this thesis I have endeavored to bring together a diverse array of literature on the causes of deterioration of materials and apply it directly to ethnological collections housed in museums. Uncovering the causes of deterioration led to the search for preventative measures. The environment surrounding an artifact has been seen to be crucial to its survival. Methods of stabilizing that environment and to what specifications have been examined closely. From this theoretical discussion on a rather abstract level, I proceeded to reality . . The Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History was faced with a large ethnological collection in rapidly deteriorating condition. Recognition of this problem and the attempted so- lutions have been discussed. Briefly mentioned were the computerization interests of LACMNH. Reaction to computer use throughout the museum profession has been mixed. Some have typecast the computer as a mysterious black box, while others see it as the cure-all for every catalog-related problem. The truth is somewhere in between. To think of the computer as a -panacea is to misconceive it just as much as to think of it as a mechanizing monster. Both stereotypes overestimate the role of the computer in research (complimenting each other in that 81 82 l respect} , for computers do .not hand down verdicts, but report results which one must judge, and which can be no better than the preparation for them (Hymes 1965:19). Automatic data processing equipment changes daily. The state of the art has progressed so rapidly in the past ten years that the possibility of less technicallyoriented solutions ded. t~ museum problems has greatly expan- A study of museum computer use could easily be the subject of another thesis. This thesis has explored a much neglected area: the general care of irreplaceable artifacts from their placement in storage to their speedy retrieval out again. Since museum collections contain the remnants of rapidly declining cultures, it is imperative that this surviving record remain intact. Museum studies have advanced slowly but steadily with several universities offering museology degrees. (See Burcaw 1971) As more and more graduates of these programs enter the profession, museum facilities can be expected to improve greatly. p BIBLIOGRAPHY I i ! I l I f I I 83 • 84 Arnold, John R. 1925 Hides and Skins. A. W. Shaw and Co., Chicago and New York. Baer, N., N. Indicator, J. H. Frantz and B. Appelbaum 1971 The Effect of High Temperature on Ivory. Studies in Conservation 16, No. 1:1-8. Baxi, Smita J. 1965 Planning Museum Buildings. Museology, 1:12-21. Beigbeder, 0. 1965 Ivory. Studies in G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Bellinger, Louisa 1963 Basic Habits of Textile Fibres. 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