r-~·-··-----~---·-·------ -------~-----~--~-=··~-~-·"-·- ! CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE LEVELS OF COLIFORMS IN SHELLFiSH FROM SANTA MONICA BAY h A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Health by Steven L. Saylors ~ July, 1976 . ,. ___ ,_ . .__ ~,-~~~ 1 l The Thesis of Steven L. Saylors is approved• Dr. R~S. Stasiak California State University, Northridge j ! -------..--------------------"~---·-----·--··-·----·------,.)' L--~-------~-~----~- ii TABLE OF CONTENTS I Page I vi !ABSTRACT ,Chapter i 1 INTRODUCTION 1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM HYPOTHESES 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS . 18 RESULTS DISCUSSION 4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . 32 5 RECOMMENDATIONS . . 34 . .. . .REFERENCES iii 36 LIST OF TABLES ! Page !Table i i ' 1 WATER TEMPERATURES AND MPN'S FOR TOTAL AND FECAL COLIFORMS FOR BOTH AREAS 21 2 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE AN OVA 23 3 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA - Analysis of the Data from the Hyperion Area 23 4 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA - Analysis of the Data from the Point Dume Area 24 5 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA - Statistical Analysis of the Data Comparing the Two . 30-Foot Depths 25 MPN COUNTS FOR TOTAL COLIFORMS FROM SEAWATER TAKEN AT THE BKR AREA 25 . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv r LIST OF FIGURES Page iFigure I ! I 1 Diagram of Hyperion Outfall Pipe Illustrating Depths and Distances . • . . . . • . 3 Diagram of the Top of the Big Kelp Reef Showing Depths Versus Distances From Shore 11 3 Graph of Depth Versus Temperature at the Hyper ion Area 26 4 Graph of Depth Versus Tempe.rature at the . BKR Area 26 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . ABSTRACT LEVELS OF COLIFORMS IN SHELLFISH FROM SANTA MONICA BAY by Steven L. Saylors Master of Science in Environmental Health The soft parts of the common rock scallop, Hinnites 'muZtirugosus, were tested to determine the levels of sewage pollution indicators (coliforms1. A positive con- firmed test for fecal coliforms, as determined by multiple tube fermentation, was considered as an indication of sewage pollution. Two different areas within the Santa Monica Bay were compared. One area was near the Hyperion Treatment Plant outfall pipe; the other was near Point Dume, where no sewage pollution was thought to exist. In each area, water and scallops from three different depths, viz., 30, 60 and 100 feet, were sampled to determine the levels of coliforms. All scallops from the Hyperion area were found to have very high levels of both total and fecal coliforms. The scallops from Point Dume exhibited vi the 30-foot depth and the deeper depths at both locations. This disparity in indicator concentrations.was probably related to a thermocline located between the depths of 30 feet and 60 feet. At the Hyperion location a significant difference in indicator organisms was also found between ' the 60-foot depth and the 100-foot depth. vii ~~---- 1j· Chapter 1 l INTRODUCTION I : Shellfish have been associated with the spread of ' !human disease since 1603 (Bengsch, 1972). This spread of :disease is not due to the shellfish themselves but rather ~to the pollution of their aquatic environment by man's sewage. When untreated sewage is dumped into the marine environment it enters a complicated. system, part of which includes shellfish. The term shellfish includes animals from all of the following classifications: crustaceans, echinoderms, and molluscs. are the bivalve molluscs. The animals of prime concern They are filter feeders (Russel- Hunter, 1968) and pump large quantities of water through their gills in order to strain out small particles of food. These bivalves are not particular about the particles they ingest. Accordingly, they filter out and concentrate what- ever is present in the water. If sewage solids are present, :they too are filtered out and concentrated. If viable !pathogens are present in the sewage they will also be 1present in the bivalves. Sewage and pathogens are not I jseemingly harmful to the bivalves, but if the bivalve is I ·eaten raw by a human, disease can be spread. The disease :pathogens that are known to be transmitted by shellfish !include enteric bacteria such as SaZmoneZZd typhi 3 Vibrio 1 2 . . ... r-:~------ _..,__,_.,.....,.w........,.._~-·----~--.,_,-.- ...-,....,.",."""'~..,., _.,,-,,.....,..,.,".=·""""'"'....,.~'·'7>.~>-~ jaholerae, and th~ agent responsible for gastroenteritis. l iAlso enteric viruses such as those responsible for infectious hepatitis have been shown to be associated with !.shellfish consumption (Bengsch, 1972). Eating of raw I !shellfish, i.e., oysters, scallops,. mussels, etc., is a f :common practice in Europe and also for many people here in !the United States. The consumption of raw shellfish has ibeen shown to be the cause of many disease epidemics · (Earampoorty, 1975). STATEMENT OF PROBLEM It would seem reasonable to imagine that with our modern day technology there would be no sewage pollution 'in the waters of the United States. .is not the case. Unfortunately, this The Santa Monica Bay is a prime example. The Hyperion Treatment Plant, located at Dockweiler Beach, just west of Los Angeles International Airport, treats the sewage for a large part of Los Angeles County. Approxi- mately 3.5 million people are served by the plant, with a daily average of 347 million gallons of sewage handled. The plan of the plant calls for secondary aereation treatment of all sewage, which would render all pathogens harmless (Callahan, 1976). However, the plant is not large enough to handle the tremendous amounts of sewage it. receives each day. 1 Therefore only about 100 million lons are subjected to secondary treatment. gal~ The remainder ; is subjected only to primary treatment (settling), which --------·--·------·------------------------ . 3 ,.......-----·~-------···---"~----·-~·----·-~·~~---···~~··~·-··-·· jremoves only a portion of the bacterial population. All !effluent; primary and secondary treated, is pumped out !through a pipe eight feet in diameter, that is five and !one-half miles long. I . This results in large amounts of !sewage, and possibly pathogens, entering the Santa Monica ! iBay on a daily basis. The depth of discharge is approxi'mately 33 fathoms :1975}. (U.S. Department of Commerce Chart 18744, The depths and distances from shore of the outfall ipipe are showri in Figure 1. 0 ' Seawater ~ <!.) <!.) so ~ s:: •r-1 100 Ocean Bottom ..c '~ <1.) ,Q 150 200 ~------------------------------------------------------~~ 1 2 4 3 5 Miles From Shore Figure 1. Diagram of Hyperion outfall pipe illustrating depths and distances. The length of the pipe is designed to take the sewage out far enough and deep enough to prevent any pollution from reaching shore (Callahan, 1976}. The distance from shore insures that a reasonable amount of dilution will occur should the currents of the Bay or the phenomenon of ' 'upwelling carry the polluted water back near the beach. It 4 fisimportantto "Insuretfla:tthebea-cl1 waTers-arecre·an~·anCi······ \ jfree from pollution so that the 25 milliort people that I /visit the beaches of Santa Monica Bay each year will be lprovided with safe bathing (Los Angeles County, 1975). I1 Depth is the most effective barrier to contamination ! i iOf the beach waters. The Santa Monica Bay exhibits, as ! 'most ocean waters do, a thermocline (Callahan, 1976; Hardy, 1 1970}. A thermocline is a layer of water where drastic ;temperature change occurs. The body of water above the thermocline is generally several degrees warmer than the body of water below it (Friedrich, 1969). The average depth of the thermocline in the Santa Monica Bay is approximately 40 feet (Callahan, 1976). This agrees with the Eastern Pacific average of 15 meters (CAL COFI, 1958} and also with readings taken in the Atlantic, around England, of 15 meters (Hardy, 1970). A thermocline is capable of acting as a barrier between the two bodies of water it separates (Friedrich, 1969). It tends to prevent the transport of gases, nutrients, particles, and water from one layer of water to the other. Any particles of plankton that are falling in the upper layer of water will tend to 'concentrate at the thermocline (Friedrich, 1969). It is this barrier ability of the thermocline that prevents the influx of sewage into the swimming waters along the beaches ·of Santa Monica Bay (Callahan, 1976). Even though the , effluent is slightly warmer than the receiving water at the J end of the pipe it will still not be capable of rising or 5 - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - ------·-----~~---·.. ·~~=·-~--~·=··-· ;··-"··--·-·-·'"-"-·-----·--~- ldiffusing up through the thermocline (Callahan, 1976). ; l ' I l This barrie~ phenomenon dictates that pollution will !normally be held down below 40 feet in depth ~nd almost a I ~mile from the beaches of Santa Monica Bay.. The Bay is !relatively flat and slopes off to qeeper depths gradually; ! !therefore the depth of 40 feet is located quite a distance i !from shore. A direct health problem could exist, though, ;for scuba divers. An indirect health hazard exists for i i ;those ingesting shellfish harvested from the contaminated region. Many scuba divers participate in this sport for the purpose of procuring food for their personal consumption. They actively hunt fish, crustaceans, echinoderms, and molluscs. A prime target that is considered a delicacy is the rock scallop, Hinnites muZtirugosus (Tasto, 1974). This bivalve is one type of game that many divers actually prefer to eat raw. It is important to realize that rock scallops are filter feeders. They live attached to rocks and are found at all depths from low tide out to depths in -excess of 30 fathoms (Hancock, 1959). They are also very common in the Santa Monica Bay. Locating rock scallops has been made easy for the :diving public by the Department of Fish and Game. ! There lare several artificial fishing reefs located in the Santa i ·Monica Bay that were constructed in the early sixties and ,are clearly marked {Carlisle, 1964). These reefs are 'located in 55 to 75 feet of water and are constructed 6 r~~-------~~-··-·--·-~------~--~---··----------~~.,-·.··'"·~--~~~-- iffiainly of large rocks. . I 1 . !rock scallops. The reefs are also located below the I !thermocline in the Bay. ildel I!the They make an ideal location for One of these reefs, tpe Marina Rey reef, is located only 3.4 miles from the end of Hyperion outfall pipe (Chart 18744, 1975). 1 Another prime location for harvesting rock scallops is the outfall pipe itself. The pipe is constructed of con- crete, a good, hard, porous material that meets the substrate needs of rock scallops perfectly. Theoretically, .there could be scallops growing at the very end of the outfall pipe where the sewage is discharged. However, the depth at the end of the pipe (198 feet) is too deep for sport divers to chance. But a logical maximum depth of 120 feet for sport divers would put them within 1.9 miles of the end of the pipe (see Figure 1). The dispersion of effluents is accomplished by many mechanisms such as dilution, currents, and tides. Dilution by itself would be insufficient to move sewage miles in the short time that pathogens are alive. The movement of water :by currents and tides is the fastest,most effective means 'of spreading sewage in the ocean (Stewart, 1971). Wind generated currents have been known to flow at speeds of up 1to 7 miles per hour (Friedrich, 1969). These currents can [also flow at depths in the same or opposite direction to 1 ·the surface currents (Friedrich, 1969). The movement of tides within a shallow bay tends to create a sloshing ;motion that helps to mix the water present and in so doing ·--- -------------------~----··•"·-----··--·-·····,_ .... 7 fsl?re'a"d -wha-teveris pre sent:-rn-tlie--wa t.er.-"T11emove'inen't·-'"of ... ____ _ jcurrents and tid~l action is the probable means of dispers- i . jing sewage dumped into the Santa Honica Bay. .The disper- lsion of the sewage could carry it into the areas where I ;scallops grow and are harvested by divers. I l There are no data concerning the speed of currents i 'within the Santa Monica Bay. It is therefore hard to pre- !diet the distances sewage pollution could be carried while still in a viable state. Studies by Savage and Hanes, in 1971, showed that coliform bacteria were capable of living up to 12 days in seawater. Coliforms are only used as indicators of the presence of sewage, but their life expectancy is similar to the pathogens whose presence they indicate (Clark, 1964). However, viruses are capable of living ·for much longer periods of time (60 days or more) in seawater (Vaughn, 1975). Considering the-amount of time that · coliforms and viruses are capable of surviving in se·awater, it is clear that even with a minimum of water movement that extensive dispersion could occur. In the ocean, miles are small when steady movements over days are concerned. The discharge of untreated and partially treated ! sewage beneath the thermocline, along with the known harvesting of shellfish below this thermal barrier indicate that a potential health hazard exists. Divers and those ' ingesting the shellfish collected near the discharge are potentially at risk to the acquisition of a variety of ! intestinal diseases. 8 ~-- l:-t"' is important to examine thi~-i?~tial-~iih-~~~--~~"~" !hazard to determine the actual danger of disease transmission. Examination of the water alone would be insufficient since the employees of Hyperion already do this, and state that pollution standards for swimming areas are met (Callahan, 1976). However, there is a large difference :between the standards for swimming areas (2400 mpn/100 ml) land the standards for shellfish growing areas (70 mpn/100 'ml), (Foster, 1971; Bengsch, 1972). The difference is due to the fact that shellfish concentrate pollutants well beyond the levels found in the water. This concentration may be as high as 60 times the level of the surrounding water (Bengsch, 1972). Examination of the shellfish themselves is very important for it can indicate the amount of a pollutant a person could ingest by eating a shellfish growing in a contaminated area. scallop. The best choice for a test animal is the rock Its ability to live at all depths within the Bay makes it possible to test all areas and depths. Other com- manly eaten shellfish from the Bay, i.e., mussels and clams, live in a narrow band of depths and·are found close 'to shore. 1 thermocline They are not found in deep water below the (Ricketts, 1968). By choosing an animal that l :lives at all depths of concern, greater consistency of ! 'results can be obtained than by using different animals : from different depths. ' Testing of different depths will ) indicate whether the thermocline really does restrict the 9 frising,_o:f-~ew~ged.Tscharged -below i~-·~---~--·=·~-", I Based on·probable levels of pollution,· two distinctly !different areas in the Santa Monica Bay were selected for I !analysis. I Ioutfall. l ! The main area of concern was the Hyperion sewage Rather high levels of pollution were expected in this location due to the large amoun~s of sewage being t !introduced on a daily basis. The other area selected was in the waters off of Point Dume. There should be low 'levels of pollution, if any, in this area since there are ,no sewage outfalls within 4 miles. The closest sewage out- fall is from a plant that treats all of its sewage by secondary methods, and has a relatively small volume of .flow. The Hyperion area is located off Dockweiler Beach, just east of Los Angeles International Airport. Locations of possible scallop collection are the-Marina del Rey Fish and Game Reef, the detached breakwater of Marina del Rey, and the actual outfall pipe itself. The first two loca- tions are constructed of rock and are known by local divers for their scallop production. · structed of concrete sections. The outfall pipe is conAt the joint of each sec- 'tion there is a small crack where scallops can establish a firm attachment. There are, in fact, many scallops attached to this part of the pipe. There was evidence, in . the form of fresh scars on· the rocks and the pipe, that indicate that scallops are being harvested regularly from ; a~l ·three locations. --- ------·-----------~------··~·---· .. ·---- ... 10 lection in the Hyperion area~ There are many scallops I !available and finding the pipe is relatively easy. jancho~ A small drug along the bottom in a direction parallel to the I jshore,will attach itself to the outfall pipe. The pipe ,sits on the bottom, from a depth or 20 feet, to the final depth of 198 feet (see Figure 1). This allows collection ifrom all depths in the same area. The breakwater and the Fish and Game Reef were both tested once. They presented limitations since they are very restrictive in depth. The breakwater is a maximum of .35 feet deep, while the Fish and Game Reef is located in 65 feet of water. Both of these locat~ons have ample supplies of scallops and are the target of regular scallop collec·tion by many divers. The Point Dume area is on the extreme north end of the Santa Monica Bay. A reef known to local fishermen as the Big Kelp Reef (BKR) was selected as the sampling site. The reef is located halfway between Paradise Cove and Point Dume. It runs in an east-west direction starting in 30 feet of water and extends out to a depth in excess of 250 feet. The BKR is an excellent fishing reef and until the ilast few years was very seldomly visited by divers. l There :are an abundance of scallops available here at all depths. 'Due to the lack of people collecting these scallops, most •of them are very large in size, measuring some 6-10 inches lin diameter. This area is gaining in popularity as a diving ~~-- .. -~.~-~~- ... --.~-·---------.---·----------·- - - - - - - - -...- •. ~.__......,.__,_~~~~·~·~-.~·•->.>' 11 are being consumed. Isewage The only possible loca·l sources of in this area are boats and faulty septip systems of !houses on shore. j 30' I 50 ;~ Q) iQ) ! ~ 100 150 200 2 Miles 1 Mile Figure 2. Diagram of the top of the Big Kelp Reef showing depths versus distances from shore. Both areas were tested at three different depths--25• 35 feet, 60-70 feet, and 90-100 feet deep. were chosen as a respresenta~ive These depths cross-section of the depths to which divers would descend. Water quality was assessed by testing for bacterial indicators of pollution. This was done following the methods outlined in Recommended Procedures for the Examina:tion of Sea Water and SheZZfish. The specific method utilized calls for the multiple tube fermentation test for the coliform group. This is the most commonly used test to indicate the purity or pollution of shellfish. 1 It should be realized that coliforms are not pathogenic in themselves, but are recognized only as indicators of recent 1 12 ~(c-iart;-1964). Ijfrom ·coliforms are capable of living 5 to 12 days in seawater, depending on the water tem- i jperature and the natural bacteria level of the seawater !(Mitchell, 1971). The coliform group includes all of the l ;aerobic and facultative anerobic, gram-negative, nonsporef I :forming, rod-shaped bacteria .that ferment lactose with gas ' :formation within 48 hours at 35° C. )of coliforms were tested for, . coliforms. Two different groups i.e. , total coli forms and fecal . Coliforms are found in the feces of warm- ;blooded animals, the guts of cold-blooded animals, in soils, .and also on many plants (Clark, 1964). The total coliform count includes all types of coliforms from all sources. 'The fecal coliforms are by definition supposed to be only from the feces of warm-blooded animals. Unfortunately, there is no 100% sure way of separating fecal coliforms from total coliforms. The elevated temperature test (44.5° c. for 24 hours in EC media) is capable of eliminating about 91 percent of non-fecal coliforms, but some will still show positive (Kabler, 1964). counts should be viewed accordingly. Therefore all fecal Of these fecal counts there is no means at all of separating human fecal .coliforms from other warm-blooded animal fecal coliforms (Kabler, 1964). As a result, the fecal counts could be misleading as to the amounts of possible disease-containing sewage. For the above reasons, it is necessary-to consider all fecal coliforms as indicators of recent human fecal pollution (Kabler, 1964). The presence of human feces 13 [-~-·--·--·- ~- lmust be considered as indicative of dangerous contamination, ~possible of spr.eading disease (Kabler, 1964). Testing for lcoliforms is the standard method of determining the saniltary quality of shellfish (Standard Methods, 1970). The l :maximum allowable count of fecal coliforms for market shell,. I i !fish is an MPN (most probable number) of 230 per 100 grams :of tissue. Also, an approved shellfish growing area has a median coliform count of not more than 70 MPN per 100 ml. of· water (Bengsch, 1972). These stan.dards are based on the exgmination of the entire animal, excluding shell. For oysters, mussels, and clams this is· applicable since the entire animal is generally eaten. sent a special situation. However, scallops pre- Commercially the only part of ;the scallop processed and sold is the single adductor muscle, known as the eye (Willbout, 1961). The eye must be free of pieces of roe, gut, and shell particles (Homans, 1961). By consuming only the adductor muscle, the chances of ingesting pollution are greatly reduced. Work with the northern quahaug, Mercenaria mercenaria, by Cabelli and Heffernan in 1970 showed that Escherichia coli, a fecal coliform, tended to be concentrated in the digestive gland and siphon. The remaining parts of the c~am rarely exceeded or equaled in concentration the levels of E. coli present in the water. If this also applies to scallops, then the majority of people that collect and eat their own scallops are relatively safe from disease. Very few people :eat the entire animal including digestive gland, gills, and 14 . rg;~;;;ds- .--Ho~;;;t~r;-;r~-pur i ~-th~t-;a't""th~·~·-~-- --~.,,,, !entire artimal I lsta~king the< r~w, as suggested in Euell Gibbonst book, . B~ue Eyed Sca~~op. These people ,need to be I !assured that they will not be exposing themselves to pos1 !sible disease. i HYPOTHESES 1. There is no significant difference in bacterial indicators of sewage, in rock scallops, between the Hyperion area and the Point Dume area. 2. If a thermocline is nificant difference between the layer of cline and the layer cline. 3. Levels of coliforms in test samples do not exceed accepted standards for water quality at any of the depths sampled. 4. The coliform concentrations found in the rock scallops in the test areas do not exceed the recommended standards for shellfish. 5. The coliform levels in the \vaters at the test areas do not exceed the standards for shellfish growing areas. present, there is no sigin ind~cator organisms water above the thermoof water below the thermo- 15 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW There is very little information concerning the rock scallop Hinnites multirugosus. The only sources were descriptions of the animal by Tasto in 1974 and Hancock in 1959. They stated that th~animal lives in depths ranging from low tide out to greater than 30 fathoms. covei:ed the range of the scallop. and ~eeding, They also In regards to metabolism no studies were discovered. Fortunately most of the bivalve filter feeders exhibit similar feeding, pumping, and filtering characteristics. R. D. Purchon in his book The Biology of the Mollusca, describes the pumping action of the mussel Mytilus. states that M. He edu lis pumps an average of 1. 5 liters per hour at 14° C.; also that M. californianus will pump even more (5.1/hour) in colder water farther north. Oysters showed the highest rate of pumping with averages from 33 to 48 liters per hour, depending on temperature (Bengsch, ;1972). It is apparent that bivalves will pump large amounts of water through their gills, depending on the tem\perature and the animal in question. Due to a lack of l 'literature on the rock scallop, it is necessary to assume that it is similar in filteration rate to the rest of the bivalve group. 16 ~---Th~- pumpi~;t~-;I·-hlval;~~comp ii~h~7-two···-thl~g~: lit supplies ampl~ water for the respiration of the animal land enables the animal to filter large numbers of plankton lJfrom l the water as food (Bengsch, 1972). The particles fil- tered from the water range in size from 111 on up to larger ,sizes (Morton, 1960). M. edu~is can filter out and retain particles as small as 1 11 (Purchon, .1968). Ostria virginica, ;an oyster, filters out particles from 1 11 up to 60 11 in size. Anything smaller or larger is not retained by the animal (Purchon, 1968). When particles are filtered out they are retained in the mucous sheets covering the gills (Bengsch, 1972). This filtering process results in a net concentration of whatever particles are present in the water (Morton, 1960). The concentration of particles can be up to 60 times the levels of the surrounding water (Bengsch, 1972). If coliforms are present in the water, they will also be concentrated by the bivalves. Coliforms fall in the 2-3 11 range, a size within bivalve capacity (Davis, 1973). This is the reason that shellfish growing areas must have water that is much cleaner than swimming water (Bengsch, 1972). Whatever the number of coliforms present in the ,water, it will be much higher in any shellfish present. { Viruses present a special situation. smaller than bacteria (Mitchell, 1971). They are much By theory, they should not be concentrated by bivalves due to their small :size. However, viruses have the ability to adsorb to 17 fU- vingtissu~and in-so-dOing ,=1Ive-aTong--Eime~in. ~seawat'er- !(Mitchell, 1971). Hepatitis virus is a common problem with l . . !shellfish growing in contaminated water I (Bengs~h, 1972). !viruses may be an even greater prob~em than bacteria, due ! jto a longer survival period in seawater (Mitchell, 1971). Any sewage dumped into the oceap waters becomes part of that water and moves with it (Stewart, 1971}. Stewart, 'in a study of an ocean outfall, found that water movement {currents) are the main factor in the distribution of sewage around the outfall. He found that 100 feet from the opening {at the surface) dilutions ranging from 42:1 to 92:1 were common. Ten thousand feet downstream a further dilution of 10:1 was the average. The distance sewage moved was in relation to the speed of the current (Stewart, 1971). C. W. Chen, in a study of the San Diego outfall, also found that current was the main factor affecting spread of sewage. Information presented by Friedrich in Marine Biology states that currents are known to exist flowing in all directions, at all depths, and at many different velocities. Hardy in the Open Sea states the same thing concerning cur!rents. Most currents are driven by winds at the surface, but a counter-current at depth is very common (Friedrich, : 1969). ! This would explain the movement of water below the · thermocline. ~-----~ Chapter 3 I MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples were collected from the Hyperion area and the BKR on 3 different dates. Equal numbers of samples were taken from 3 different depths at each location, i.e., 25-35. feet, 60-70 feet, and 90~100 feet. The first sampling con- sisted of 2 specimens taken from each depth; the second, 3 from each depth; the third, 5 from each depth. In order to process the samples in the laboratory-immediately after collection, only one location was sampled on any one day. Specimens were taken by hand while using scuba diving gear. Since scuba diving requires at least 4 to 5 feet of visibility in the water, collection was attempted only on days that were relatively calm with clear skies. With these conditions the water was adequately clear and sufficient light was available to see when working at the 100foot depth. As a result, all samples were collected under • very similar weather and ocean conditions. · An attempt was made to only collect scallops that were ; 2 to 4 inches in diameter. This worked very well at all : locations and depths except at the 100-foot depth at the ' • BKR. Due to the extreme dep·th; the amount of time allowed ·on the bottom is limited to 10 minutes. Therefore selec- • tivi.ty \•las reduced to taking what was immediately 18 19 r·-----' javailable. ---------·----~-'~<--<~w"•--<~·,0<''-~'''--=,',W~'"' All scallops found at this location and depth iexceeded 6 inches in diameter. t This size differential should have no bearing on the data as results ·are expressed MPN (most probable number) per 100 grams of animal. The scallops were removed from the rocks and placed in plastic bags while still at the'depth of collection. ,The temperature of the water at each depth was recorded at this time. A u.s. Divers Aqua-Lung Temperature Gauge was used to record all water temperatures. Upon surfacing, the plastic bags containing scallops were placed in an ice chest full of ice. This procedure insured fresh living samples upon arrival at the lab. Time from collection to processing in the lab was approximately 30 to 90 minutes. The dates of collection were as follows: BKR February 24, March 16, and March 31; Hyperion March 2, March 30, and April 13. The scallops were processed individually according to the· methods i i Recommended Procedures for the Examination of Sea Water and Shellfish (APHA, 1970}. The completed multiple tube fermentation test was run, using lauryl tryptose media for the presumptive test, brilliant green lactose bile broth 2 percent for the confirmed test for itotal coliforms, and EC media for the confirmed test for :fecal coliforms. l . necessary. For the completed test 3 steps were Tubes of lactose broth were inoculated from the presumptive tubes and examined for gas production. ;Nutrient agar slants were inoculated with material from the 20 p~e-;~p.t;;;~·test ~d examined-;i~pical-iYfu;-g~:~~-·-..~"···"·· l:taining charac.teristics. 1 l Also plates of eosin methylene blue were streaked, incubated, and examined for typical /coliform colonies. In all fermentation tests that were positive, i.e., I 'produced gas, an MPN was determined for that sample from the appropriate MPN table in Recommended Procedures for the :Examination of Sea Water and SheZZfish (APHA, 1970). There was only one problem in using rock scallops for this Part of the procedure calls for the e~periment. sterilization of the lip of the shell by scrubbing with a brush and alcohol. On most bivalves this is rather easy and effective since their shells are rather smooth. How- ever, the rock scallop shell has many radiating ribs and short spines that make an ideal attachment surface for encrusting organisms. pletely cover~d Many of the samples taken were com- with encrusting organisms to the point that it was hard to determine where the scallop's lip or opening was. In these cases a wire brush was used to clear away all encrustations before sterilization. RESULTS Table 1 gives the MPN's of total coliforms and fecal coliforms for the samples tested. This information is presented according to area and depth. In addition to the , estimated concentrations for the indicat.or organisms, water ·temperatures at the collection site are presented .. ) '·~ ......,....... ......... ~ -.... ,,.---,-~.--_..._~.....-.~... ~-~-~_ 21 r·-· ......... ,..,....,.._.=>..,.>-,,...'<'~¥;tt", ... ~ on--~-~ ~--.--~, Table 1 I l WATER TEMPERATURES AND MPN'S FOR TOTAL AND FECAL COLIFORMS FOR BOTH AREAS l I 1 HYPERION - ! Total i 1 2 3 3,500 9.000 16,000 4 9,000 5 6 7 8 9 10 16,000 6,000 16,000 6,000 6,000 3,500 Fecal 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Fecal 16,000 16,000 9,000 25,000 25,000 16,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 . 6, 000 9,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 9,000 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total Fecal 35,000 9,000 35,000 35,000 25,000 35,000 25,000 35,000 35,000 25,000 9,000 6,000 6,000 9,000 9,000 6,000 3,500 9,000 6,000 6,000 ~- •'<-'•""""~·'·'··~··•· ~-"'·•·-·•"""'~"-'"'"'-.·""c.u--~·F•' '" Total 58° 58° 57° 57° 57° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° Total 52° 52° 50° 50° 50° 52° 52° 52° 52° 52° Total 51° 51° 49° 49° 49° 51° 51° 51° 51 o. 51° .... ' . --·~ ....... ...,_...,._ .._,....,,..____ - - Temperature F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51° 51° 52° 52° 52° 49° 49° 49° 49° 49° 100 Feet Temperature F. Eecal 3,500 2,500 500 800 1,300 2,500 3,500 1,300· 1,300 1,300 ~- 60 Feet BKR - Temperature F. 59° 59° 56° 56° 56° 59° 59° 59° 59° 59° Fecal 9,000 9,000 6,000 3,500 800 1,300 3,500 3,500 6,000 6,000 100 Feet Temperature F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BKR - Temperature F. ••&.,.-~....._•'-¥'~•· 30 Feet Fecal 16,000 16,000 2,500 500 9,000 9,000 3,500 16,000 6,000 6,000 60 Feet HYPERION - 1 2 3 BKR - Temperature F. 250 250 900 250 900 250 250 900 250 250 HYPERION 1 2 3 30 Feet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v~•---~ ~·--~~-·'""•-c-• 50° 50° 51° 51° 51° 49° 49° 49° 49° 49° .Jo~ ·• ~· . -~·" ··-~···" __ ,_- ... - 22 ~---T~ d;t"; were te-;t~;d~-~g-~-f;;t-o~ial-·d~s-ig;;-f~;;""o""~""w·"" I !analysis of vari~nce. The least squares method was used to l ·reduce the error term to a minimum. Comparisons were made between the MPN' s for tc>tal coliforms of one area versus the other, the 30-foot depth versus all deeper depths, and the 60-foot depth versus the.lOO-foot depth. By analyzing .in this wav differences that existed between locations or depths were distinguished. In the factorial analysis of variance of the MPN's for total coliforms from the scallops, the following symbols were used to designate certain comparisons: yl = the comparison of the two areas relative to total coliforms. y2 = the comparison of the 30-foot depth with all deeper depths regardless of area. y3 = the comparison of the 60-foot depth with the 100-foot depth regardless of area. y4 + 5 = the intersection between the factors. e = y = the the error term. deviation scores for the raw data. The results of this analysis are pr~sented in Table 2. The data in Table 2 indicate three important points: (1) yl is significant, is also significant. probability level. (2) y2 is significant, and {3) y4 + 5 They are all significant at the 0.01 Since the interaction terms were sig- nificant, additional evo.luation of relevant factors was i required. A graph of the means at the two locations shows that the means cross, giving a dis ordinal interaction. This type of 23 ,-~-~-- ------------------------------------------Table 2 ... ~--_....,_ _,..,""""'"'~"''""""''' ~ SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA !==================================================================== !source lI Sums of Squares d.f. Mean Square F R y1 y2 3,101,766,000 1 3,101,766,000 84.7 .64 360,810,720 1 360,810,720 9.8 .22 y3 108,570,240 1 108,570,240 2.9 .12 _y4 + 5 1,821,376,980 2 910,688,490 24.8 .49 e 1,976,327,803 54 36,598,662 y 7,380,942,593 59 interaction dictates that the two locations be analyzed separately. By using the same analysis of variance for one factor with three levels, and doing each area separately, more specific information was obtained. Analysis of the data from the Hyperion area yielded the results presented in Table 3. Table 3 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA Analysis of the Data from the Hyperion Area Source l Sums of Squares d. f. Mean Square R F 1,601,873,280 1 1,601,873,280 27.2 .66 460,800,000 1 460,800,000 7.8 .35 e 1,586,600,000 27 58,759,260 y 3,648,860,540 29 y30 y60-90 These results show that a significant differenceexists between not only the 30-foot depth and deeper dept~s, but 24 .. .. r-~------~-----·-· --·----·---·~-·----~··~--·--·--·~~-----~~~-- "~ also between the_ 60-foot depth and the 100-foot depth. 1 i !These differences are significant at a probability level of I10.01. Analysis of the data from the Point Dume area yielded l I ithe results shown in Table 4. Table 4 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA Analysis of the Data from the Point Durne Area ·Source Sums of Squares d. f. Mean Square F R y30 172,992,240 1 172,992,240 12.46 .53 y60-90 45,300,500 1 45,300,500 3.26 .27 e 374,745,413 27 13,879,459 y 608,394,643 29 These results show that there is a significant difference between the 30-foot depth and the deeper depths at a probability level of 0.01. It also shows that there is no significant difference between the 60-foot depth and the 100-foot depth. A significant difference in total coliforms exists between the different areas. However, there did not appear to be any difference between the shallow depths (30 feet) of the two areas. Table 5 presents the results of the 30-foot data for both collecting areas. The analysis shows , that there is no significant difference between the 30-foot depths of the two different areas. 25 r · - ·------- Table 5 SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE ANOVA Statistical Analysis of the Data Comparing the Two 30-Foot Depths 1 i==================================================================== jSource Sums of Squares Mean Squar-e d.f. y 1,056,250 1 1,056,250 e 441,625,000 28 15,772,321 y 483,237,500 29 R F .06 The seawater was also tested at each area to determine the quality of the water by itself. once at each area and depth. This was done only The testing date was the same as the last scallop collecting date for each area. Unfor- .tunately the samples for the Hyperion area were destroyed accidentally while in transit from the collecting area to the lab. Therefore only MPN's from the BKR are available for review. Table 6 MPN COUNTS FOR TOTAL COLIFORMS FROH SEAWATER TAKEN AT THE BKR AREA 30 Feet 60 Feet- 100 Feet 5/100 m1. 3/100 ml. 3/100 ml. Figures 3 and 4 show the temperatures in the collect; ing areas as related to depth. In both areas the thermo- cline is located between 30 feet and 60 feet. This thermal 26 60 .. - -.... 59 58 (J) (J) '!-f 0.0 (J) 0 \ -----\ \ 57 U'l . ------ March 2 March 30. ...... April 13 56 +J •r-1 (J) ~ ~ (J) 55 54 !-f "@ 53 J:L. \.::_ ~--= ::;...·.-~ ;;..; :..·..: :..-.:..:.,:. :.::..:..:. -:..-..:: 52 51 50 ,49 48 30 60 100 Depth in Feet Figure 3. Graph of depth versus temperature at the Hyperion area. 60 59 U'l (J) (J) !-f 0.0 (J) 0 (J) !-f ;:I +J cd !-f (J) 0.. s (J) E- +J •r-1 (J) ..r:: ~ (J) !-f ..r::cd 1:-L. __ ..,_,._,.. . _ February 24 March 16 58 ------ 57 ....... March 31 56 ----- 55 ' 54 53 -,_ 52 51 so '\ 49 '- -~ - ... --- -- ------ -- - ·- - - -- - - -- - -- ---- 48 30 60 100 Depth in Feet Graph of depth versus temper; aFigure 4. ture at the BKR area. 27 rb~;i·~;--;;-·~~~~~1 mov~nt-was-preS'~nt:On~ll-~~~;piing·~····-·»; days. The location of the thermocline agrees with the !California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries !<cAL Inves~igation COFI) studies conducted along the coast and also with I ithe measurements made by the employees of the Hyperion ! Treatment Plant. DISCUSSION The two study areas are generally similar in water conditions, but the influence of man and his sewage has added a new dimension. By introducing sewage effluent at a depth of 198 feet in the Hyperion area the total coliform distribution is reversed, i.e., the concentration of these ;bacteria increases with depth and distance from shore. The :Point Dume area can be considered a natural condition due to a minimal impact by man. In this latter area numbers of coliforms decrease with depth and distance from shore. The large number of coliforms introduced with the sewage effluent in the Hyperion area produces coliform concentrations in the water which are extremely high when compared with the normal situation. At both locations a statistically significant difference in coliform concentrations was found between the 30- i foot depth and the deeper depths. This difference was ' :shown to be related with the thermocline, which was found ·to be present between 30 feet in depth and 60 feet in depth. It is possible that the thermocline was responsible for the 28 ,-~-~-"·~···~---·~~~·-..~---~-- ---------·--·-·~------·--~--~·-·-·--·.. ·-··~····~--.-~.. ., ...... ~··•'>• ............... .. !difference by acting as a barrier to downwards· dispersion 1in the Point Dume area and conversely to upwards dispersion lin the Hyperion area. I Another factor must also be considered. This variable i (is distance from the source of the coliforms. In the Point :nume area all coliforms found were of the non-fecal ;variety. Non-fecal coliforms are considered to be from soil and/or plants. The Point Dume location is not heavily populated by humans. Therefore there are still large areas of uncovered soil that are subject to wind and rain erosion. This exposed soil is probably the source of the coliforms found in the scallops taken from this location. As the soil is blown or washed into the ocean it is diluted as it spreads out to sea. Therefore the farther from shore, the more diluted the soil coliforms. from shore, the deeper the water. Also, the farther It follows that as the coliforms are carried farther out to sea and diluted, the fewer the counts that would be found in the water and resultantly the scallops. The Hyperion area is completely different. neighboring shores are heavily p~pulated 'very little soil is left unexposed. is out of the west, or on shore. soil tends to be blown inland. The with humans and The predominant wind Therefore, any exposed Although some coliforms in this marine environment undoubtedly originate on land, the imain source of coliforms seems to be the Hyperion outfall. The data show that as distance from the outfall increases, 29 jthecOiifo;;. c;;~tsdema:se(seeFig~tth~---· IHyperion location a statistically significant difference in !coliform concentrations was found between all ·three depths. !This difference probably was due in part to the dilution as I jpollutants are dispersed vertically and horizontally. This j part of the Santa Monica Bay -is shallow and larger horizontal distances must be traveled to change depths. In ·fact, almost three-quarters of a mile separates the differ-ent depths that were sampled. Therefore horizontal disper- sion is probably more important than vertical dispersion in producing the reduction in coliform concentrations which were noted. Determining which fac·tor, distance or thermocline, predominates will be left to future studies. Vertical (surface to bottom water) sampling of the marine water in the test area would help to clarify the significance of these factors. The data taken in this study does not specify which factor is dominant, but both must be considered as important. An especially interesting aspect of the data is the fecal coliform counts. Not a single fecal'coliform was 'found from scallops taken at the Point Dume area. This leads one to believe that the area is indeed clean and unpolluted by man. Water contact sports in these waters seem to entail no health hazard due to the presence of enteric pathogens. Even the collecting and consumption of ga.me should be considered safe and t..>lorry free. 30 r-~-Thef~~li~-;ta~ion found in the ------:~--"~-~-~~~---~-- Hyper ion area d.eserves special notice. . ~·- All of the scallops !taken and tested exhibited fecal coliform counts above the !maximum level allowable for the marketing of shellfish. I ! )In fact, all of the scallops taken from the two deeper l ;depths had counts that were ten times in excess of the allowable level. If these levels are representative in the area, it is highly possible for some unsuspecting person :to take and consume shellfish from these waters and-contract a serious intestinal disease. Levels of fecal coliforms found in the shellfish taken from the Hyperion area justify testing for specific ·enteric pathogens. Testing for pathogens might answer questions about the degree of health hazard involved. This .study has shown that bacterial indicators of sewage pollution are present in high numbers. Because of the large numbers of total and fecal coliforms, the presence of pathogens must be assumed. The State Regional water Quality Control Board and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency have imposed new water quality standards that would require 100 percent 'secondary treatment of all sewage handled by the Hyperion ;Treatment Plant (Evening OutZook, May 12, 1976, p. 1). t :unfortunately some of the people that are served by the i 'plant are opposed to the cost of upgrading the system, _which has been estimated at $194 million. The Santa Monica , City Council has demanded that the two above agenci:es prove 31 r,~-~---·---·o<--~·-----·-··--·-·-----------~----~·----·-"-····-···-~-~~~-·-"--·-···'·····-· ,.,,....... . tthat the sewage discharge is harmful to the fish and marine l !environment before charging them their share of the upgrad- ling costs (Evening Outlook, May 12, 1976). What they have !not considered is the potential danger to man and that i isecondary treatment would eliminate almost all pathogens in I .·the sewage. ---~--------------·----·-··~~-·~''· Chapter 4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This study has demonstrated the following: 1. That a thermocline does exist in the Santa Monica Bay between the depths of 30 feet and 60 feet; 2. The thermocline appears to act as a barrier to the vertical movement of pollution indicator bacteria; 3. That excessive numbers of coliforms, total and fecal, are present in the Hyperion area (especially below the thermocline); 4. That there was no significant difference between the surface waters (above 30 feet in depth) of the two areas; 5. That distance from source of coliforms is important relative to the concentrations of coliforms; 6. That the rock scallop Hinnites multirugosus is an excellent shellfish to test for pollution indicators when depth is an important factor; and 7. That the sewage effluent discharged into the Santa Honica Bay may represent a serious health hazard to both divers and to those who consume their game. The above points describe what this study has shown, but of equal importance are the questions raised by this :study. There are many important questions that need to be • addressed. has be~n The fact that pollu·tion indicators are present shown. The null hypothesis that no difference ' . e.xists bet'Vveen the two areas has been rejected. 32 The 33 _forsl1eii£'fsli____ ,~__,., . """: fh:ypothe;is~·-thatwaterquailtystand.arcts.. !growing areas·is Iibe I answered. ~et, needs more information before it can - The levels of fecal coliforms p~esent !scallops were well above acceptable standards. I (thermocline does exist and play a ~ole in the And a in the movement of ! ;particles vertically through the water layers. But how 1 effective is the thermocline in restricting particle move- ment? How polluted is the water and how much do the seal- lops concentrate the pollutants? What types and how viable ·are the pathogens present in the sewage dumped? r----·~ ! I I Chapter 5 RECOMMENDATIONS Studies should be conduc-ted to answer the following questions. How effective is the thermocline? A series of water samples should be tested from each of many different -depths to determine the levels of particles above and below :the thermocline. This should tell if it really restricts the movement of particles. The levels, types, and viability of ·specific disease pathogens should be determined for the waters and shellfish in the Hyperion area. If viable disease pathogens are present, then a public information program should be conducted to educate the public of the danger present. The type and effectiveness of the sewage treatment plant should be upgraded to insure that a possible disease spread will not occur. The upgrading of the Hyperion Treatment Plant is already being considered for the near futur~, but public sympathies are leaning toward saving monies rather than upgrading. The possible health impact should be considered all important. Saving a few dollars could mean loss of life. Another question to be answered is the amount of dis!persion ·the sewage effluent undergoes. 34 How far does it 35 r;;~~=ho~ fas~e answers to thes~~ue~~i~·~~-;ii~""-·w·· l frell the extent of the pollution problem. ~- Many questions remain unanswered at this ·,time, but ihopefully they will be answered in the near future, before l'a j problem develops, such as disease, that cannot be cured. ------··-- - - - · r~-·-· ~---=--<'j l I I REFERENCES ! ! !American Punlic Health Association. Recommended Procedures I for.; the Examination of Sea Water and Shellfish. 4th t ed.; New York, 1970. Bengsch, H. "The nature of shellfish and ecological factors contribute to their role in food borne human disease." Journal of Environmental Health 34(4), January-February, 1972. 1 California Cooperative Oceanic Fishe~ies Investigation. Progress Report (July 1, 1956-January 1, 1958). Callahan, George. Plant Engineer, Hyperion Treatment Plant. Personal communication, April 15, 1976. Carlisle, J. G., Jr.; Turner, c. H.; and Ebert, E. E. "Artificial habitate in the marine environment." California Department of Fish and Game Publication #124, 1964. Chen,.C. W. and Orlob, G. T. "The accumulation and significance of sludge near San Diego outfall." WPCF Journal 44(7), July 1972:1362. Clark, H. F., and Kabler, P. w. "Revaluation of the significance of coliform bacteria. 11 Journal of American Water Works Association 56(1-12) July 1964:931. Davis, Dulbecco, Eisen, Ginsberg, Wood. Microbiology. 2nd ed.; Hagerstown, Maryland: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1973. Earampoorty, S., and Koff, R. "Health hazards of bivalve mollusk ingestion." Annals of Internal Medicine 83 (107), 1975. Foster, D. H., and Hanes, N. B. "A critical examination of bathing ~ater quality standards." WPCF Journal 43(11) November 1971:2229. :Friedrich, H. Marine Biology. Seattle, Washington: University of Wash1ngton Press, 1969. Gibbons, Euell. Stalking the Blue Eyed Scallop. Ne~v York: D. McKay Company, 1970. 36 New York, 37 .. r--~,= --·--~'"··--·-~--~--------,-··-··~--·~-----·--·=-~-=~·-~--~··-·"····---~~ 'Hancock, Allan. "Pacific Expedition. 11 Eastern Pacific 23 (_19.59}. l lHardy, Sir Alister. The Open Sea. Mifflin Co., 1970. Pectinidae of the ....". Boston, Mass.: Houghton· jffomans, R. E. S. Sanitary and quality control of the Canadian scallop industry. Shellfish Sanitation Workshop, 4th Proceedings, November 28-30. Edited by 1 Eugene T. Jensen. U.S. Dept. HEW - Div. Environmental l Engineering and Food Protection, Shellfish Sanitation i Branch, Washington D.C. ! ! ! Kabler, P. w., M.D., Clark, H.F., and Geldreich, E. E. 11 Sanitary significance of coliform and fecal coliform organisms in surface water." Public Health Reports 79(1), January 1964. Los Angeles County Department of Beaches Activity Report, 1975. Mitchell, R. "Destruction of bacteiia and viruses in seawater." Journal of Sanitary Engineering, Div. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 97(NSA4), August 1971:425. Morton, J. E. 1960. Mollusca. New York: Harper and Brothers, Purchon, R. D. Tqe Biology of the Mollusca. Pergammon Press, 1968. New York: Ricketts, E. F., Calvin, J. Between Pacific Tides. Revised by Hedgepeth, J. w. 4th ed.; Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1970. Russell-Hunter, W. D. A Biology of Lower Invertebrates. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1968. Salvato, J. A., Jr. Environmental Engineering and Sanitation. 2nd ed.; New York: Wil_ey-Interscience, 1972. 11 'Savage, H .. P., and Hanes, N. B. Toxicity' of seawater to coliform bacteria." Water Pollution Control Federation Journal 43(5), May 1971:854. i f ;stewart, T. E., Putnam, H. D., Jones, R. H., and Lee, T. N. "Diffusion of sewage effluent from ocean outfall. 11 Journal of Sanitary Engineering, Div. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 97(NSA4), Augus·t 1971:485. 38 ,bi fTa~to ;.,·R~,N~ne v7:L;~~r~ c~1i~i~~~i~-~;;~:;:~,~-~-"l Marine Resources Leaflet No. 6, State of California. The Resourc~s Agency, Department of Fish and Game. I •U.S. Department of Commerce. Santa Monica Bay, Chart 18744. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1 National Ocean Survey, 19th edition, May 24, 1975. l ! jVaughn, J. M., and Metcalf, T. G. "Coliphages as indicators of enteric viruses in shellfish raising estuarine · waters." Water Research 9, 1975:613-616. I 'Willbout, F. C., Jr. Sanitary control of the Massachusetts scallop industry. Shellfish Sanitation Workshop, 4th Proceedings, November 28-30, 1961. Appendix F. Edited by Eugene T. Jensen. U.S. Dept. HEW- Div. Environmental Engineering and Food Protection, Shellfish Sanitation Branch, Washington D.C.