. I -t· "' :-:t. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSI'l'Y, NOR'l'HRIDGE MEASURING TEE HEALTH ADMINIS'I'Rl\.TOR 'S PREDISPOS I'I'ION \\ TOWARD SUPPORTIVE LEADERSHIP A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Health Services Administration by - Michael D. Cragin Hay, 1975 The thesis of Michael D. Cragin is approved: California State University, Northridge May, 1975 i.i ·' DEDICATION In studying the history of the human mind, one is impressed again and again by the fact that the growth of the mind is the widening of the range of consciousness, and that each step forward has been a most painful and laborious achievement. Carl Jung, M.D., Zurich, 1928 Mindful of Dr. Jung's observation, this thesis is gratefully dedicated to Donald G. Siegel, M.D., who persisted in explicating the meaning of pain, labor and achievement. iii r---·--.. ·-·~·--·- -·- -·-··-·---~-··. ·-··-----···-··-·--·--..- .......... .. - .. . . . .. ~ l ! TABLE OF CONTEN'l'S . . . ii APPROVAL PAGE. .iii DEDICNPION • • • LIST OF TABLES • • V' I vi• ABS'l'RACT • . . . ix DEFINITION OF TERMS. l I. IN'rRODUCTI ON •i II. III. IV. . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITERNrURE REVIEW. OBJECTIVES ME'I1HODOLOGY. . 6' i 7< I v. VI. VII. FINDINGS • • . 16: SUMMARY OF VlAl-JA.GEiv1ENT AND T:R:ZmF.R ~~T-.fiP I I FROM THE REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. ~-VIII. REPERENCES • II BIBLIOGRAPHY ! IX. . . . . . 17 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOH.M.ENDATIONS. 'fiHF.ORV 18. . 27 • • 29 j APPENDICES . lI I A. l B. NEl\L PREFERRED VALUES SURVEY INSTRillftENT. C. LIFE ORIENrATIONS SURVEY D. CLUSTERS OF SIGJ'.UFICAr-."1' CORREI..A'l1 IONS BETWEEN LIFO A1iD OTHER PERSONALI'l'Y Jl.iEASURES • • • • • • • 38 E. TABULAR PRESEN~ATIONS OF Tiill RESEARCH FitiDINGS • • • • • • • • I1IKERT ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE SURVEY INSTRUMENT • • . . 31 ! iv INSTRUMEh~ • . . . 32 (LIFO) 33 • • • • • 39 : LIST OI.•, TABLES Table I. Summary of Test Population Source . . . . . . 39 Table II. Explanation of the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Score Ranges. .40 Tabulation of the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Scores With th"e~~L i£-e· o:erentc:rti:ons··~ survey Supporting-Giving (S/G) and Controlling-Taking (C/T) Scores (correlation and mean values included) . . . . . . .41 Tabulation of the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Scores With the Life Orientations Survey Adapting-Dealing (A/D) and Conserving-Holding (C/H) Scores (correlation and mean values i nl"' 1. ndei'l) .42 Table III. Table IV. Table v. '\ Table VI. Tabulation of the Neal Preferred Value Scores With the Life Orientations Supporting-Giving (S/G) and Controlling-Taking (C/T) Scores (correlation and mean values included) . . . . . • . . . Tabulation of the Neal Preferred Value Scores With the Life Orientations Adapting-Dealing (A/D) and Conserving-Holding (C/H) Scores (correlation and mean values included) • . . . • . . . . . . .43 .44 Table VII. Tabulation of the Neal Preferred Value Scores With the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Scores . . . . . . . . • • . 45 Table VIII. Surrmary of Correlation Values With I.evals of Significance • . L.. "--~~·-~·--·--·------~--~. ·- ·- -.... ~-. ~ ~ .......... - . ---.. ·--·- ~ .. ----···-. v .46 ABSTRACT MEASURING THE HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR'S PREDISPOSITION TOWARD SUPPORTIVE LEADERSHIP by Michael D. Cragin Master of Science in Health Services Administration May, 1975 A study is described in which the scores from three leadership strength survey instruments were tested for The three sets of scores were generated by administering the following three behavioral survey instruments to a test population of health service team administrators: (1) Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey Instrument (LIFO)~ (2) Neal Preferred Values Survey~ (3) Likert Organizational Profile Survey (supportive leadership scores). A test of significant statistical correlation was dei..:ermined for: vi (1) Life Orientations Leadership Strength scores (LIFO) and Likert.Organizational Profile Survey Supportive Leadership scores; (2) Life Orientations Leadership Strength scores (LIFO) and the Neal Preferred Value-· scores; (3) Likert Organizational Profile Survey Supportive Leadership scores and Neal Preferred Value scores. Correlation was determined by the raw score formula 1 for determining the correlation coefficient (r) between two sets of scores. The Fisher-Yates table of significant correlation coefficient values, for populations of r _::_30, was consulted to ascertain the degree of significance for the calculated r. Significance testing indicated that in the test population of practicing managers: (1) there exists a significant correlation (.55) between the LIFO Supporting-Giving Leadership Strength scores and the Likert scores for the administrator's perception of the degree to which he practices Supportive Leadership; (2) there exists a significant inverse correlation (-.56) between the LIFO Adapting-Dealing Leadership Strength vii ~---·-~·-· ·- ••~T. • i l' scores and the Likert scores for the administrator's perception of the degree to which he practices Supportive Leadership; (3) there exists a less than significant correlation between the eight Life Or:i::e\B:·ta,tion&;, Leaaersh:ip ·- Strength scores and the Neal Preferred Value scores; (4) there exists a less than significant correlation between the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Supportive Leadership s~ores Value scores. viii and Neal Preferred DEFINITION OF TERJvlS (1) Correlation of Scores. A mutual or equivalent relationship between the scores on two survey instruments. (2) Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine. A branch of medicine which determines by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition by use of radioisotopes. (3) Health Administrator. The formal leader of a health delivery team officially invested with the authority of directing the team operation. {4) Instrument. A written survey or test which measures the present leadership disposition under observation as perc~ived and reported by the subject respondent. (5) Li:Ce Orientations Leadership Strength Survey Instrument (LIFO) . A leadership strength assessment that indicates which of four leadership styles an individual uses most frequently to influence others (Supporting-Giving, Controlling-Taking, Conserving-Holding, Adapting-Dealing). ( 6) Likert Orga.n i.z_ational Profile Survey (Likert)__ . A. survey instrument in which the subject's responses indicate the prevalent organizational climate with regard to leadership communications, motivation, decision-making goals, and control. ix (7) Neal Preferred Value Survey (Neal)·. survey instrument in which the respons~s A written indicate the predisposition of the subject toward social or organizational change. (8) Participative Management. A technique of group achievement wherein the group actively participates in the decis.ion-:'makin.g. process rela.tive to achievement of organizational goals. (9) Statistical Significance. A finding generated by a sample study is evaluated by statistical analyses to establish its applicability to the general population. If by approved methods of statistical analyses it is shown significant, it can be classified as applicable to the y.~ner.aL pu.pu~La.tion from which the. bcllll:f).ie WdS urdw!l. , I Confidence levels place restrictions in the extent of this . applicability. ( 10} Sup__29rting-Giying Behavioral Pattern or Strength. One of four behavioral repetoires suggested by the Life Orientations Survey authors on which a subject relies for achieving his goals. (11) Team. A comprehensive work unit whose concerted effort is directed at delivering diagnostic nuclear medicine to a patient. (12) Test Population. A group of health care administrators assembled for testing. Data generated by the test population will be extrapolated to represent the X population of all health care administrators within certain levels of confidence. xi I. INTRODUCTION A test population of practicing health service team administrators will be administered the Likert Organizational Profile Survey. The same group will be retested with the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey and the Neal Preferred Value Survey. The three sets of scores thus generated will be tested for correlation with each other. ! Should the less complex and expedient Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey or the Neal Preferred Value Survey significantly correlatewith the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Supportive Leadership scores, either of the former instruments would be indicated as preferable to the more complicated and I · expensive Likert Instrument for testing the administrator's potential for Supportive Leadership which is requisite to a participative style of management. 1 II. LITERATURE REVIEW Three approaches were used in the literature search: (1) A computerized bibliographic citation list generated by Medlars II, using the National Library of Medicine National Interactive Retrieval Service. Relying on key words as Hospital Management Systems, Hospital Management, Team Management, Managers, and Manager and Management Testing, a list of 300 citations or findings were compiled. This list represents a four-year retrospective search beginning in March 1975 and is international in coverage. (2) An inspection of the following categories in the National Index Medicus for the period of March 1975 through March 1974 covering the following subclassifications in the Index Medicus: (a) Hospital Administration; (b) Hospital Personnel; (c) Personnel Management including psychological testing. 2 3 ,-------·- -- ! Four pertinent publications were discovered through the Index Hedicus search. Index Medicus was not surveyed beyond March 1974, since any findings here would only duplicate the Medlars findings. (3) Personnel Hanagement Abstracts through 1973 were researched in the following headings: (a) Management of Change; (b) Motivation; (c) Personnel Functions; (d) Tests. -I Summary ! \ 'l'hese three approaches to a literature review indicated: (1) one reference to the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey instrument which included discussions of cross correlations with five other survey instruments; specific Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey scores were shown to have Statistically significant correlation with specific scores of the five other leadership inventory surveys. Appendix 4 D is a summary of these significant correlation coefficients.between the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey scores and the five other surveys. Conspicuously absent from the survey are any correlations of the Likert Organizational Profile Survey and Neal Preferred Value Survey with the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey. (2) three references to the Likert Organizational Profile Survey without any correlation studies. (3) one extensive reference to the Neal Preferred Value Survey. again without any correlation studies. It can be concluded from the literature review that management research preoccupies itself with: (1) inherent problems of management as: (a) communications; (b) employee relations; (c) unionism; (d) budgetary restrictions and consequences; (e) plant operations. 5 (2) descriptive studies of the productive team vs. the non,_ or less· than productive team generally without significant commentary. (3) (to a much lesser degree) new concepts of management techniques. The miniscule amount of citations that dealt with manager testing usually were suggestive of the Likert Organizational Survey, that is, testing with an ambition towards conversion to participative management. Throughout the literature review there were no references to testing of a manager's predisposition toward participative management or to correlation studies between the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey 'instru~ent, the Neal Preferred Value Survey, and the Likert Organizational Profile Survey. III. OBJECTIVES This research will statistically test to determine if a significant correlation exists between: (1) L'ife Orientations Leadership Strength Survey scores (LIFO) and Likert Organizational Profile Survey Supportive Leadership Style scores; (2) Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey scores (LIFO) and Neal Preferred Value scores; (3) Likert Organizational Profile Survey Supportive Leadership Style scores and Neal Preferred Value scores. Should a significant correlation be shown, the more extensive and expensive Likert Organizational Profile Survey might be replaced with the more simple and inexpensive I,IFO or Neal for testing an administrator • s ' supportive potential necessary for participative style of management. 6 IV. METHODOLOGY Test Population This research was confined to a test population of administrators of diagnostic nuclear medicine teams. These administrators have retained their positions for at least twelve months and supervised teams which deliver inpatient and outpatient diagnostic nuclear medicine. This data base may appear narrow, but diagnostic nuclear medicine, a rapidly growing branch of diagnostic medicine, can be looked on as a microcosm of diagnostic patient service, since it incorporates many aspects of other 1 diagnostic and ancillary patient services. As such, data i qenerated by studying a test population of adminisi::rato:rs of diagnostic nuclear medicine teams, can be considered ; representative of findings from teams delivering other types of patient care. In all, fourteen nuclear medicine team managers from hospitals throughout the Southern California area were included in the test population. Particular caution was taken to select teams from various types of hospitals including public, voluntary, and proprietary, and with different governing officials (sta.te, federal, private, church affiliated). 'rhis step was taken to eliminate any parochial effect which might result from collecting data from hospitals similar sponsorship. operatin~ under Table I is a summary of the source of the test population and the hospital governing 7 0 r ·:authority they represent. The average bed size of the representative hospitals was 650. Test Instrument A (Likert Organizational Profile Survey~ The Likert Organizational Profile Survey (See . Appendix A) departs from the usual organizational survey in that it measures causal variables affecting productivity as opposed to the measurement of productivity itself as an indicator of group or team climate. Likert discounted productivity or end-result measurements.because they "commonly reveal problems when it is too late to take corrective action. End-result measurements, moreover, usually provide neither adequate information about the causes of the undesired results, nor the best clues to guide decisions to solve them·or prevent them." 1 The end-point of the Likert survey was a preliminary diagnosis requisite to conversion of a group to System 4 management. It is in System 4 through participative management that a group maximizes itself by showing efficient productivity, personal satisfaction, and a host of other beneficial aspects, such as greater group loyalty, high performance goals, greater cooperation, less feeling of unreasonable pressure, higher motivation to produce. But, the question arises, v-:hat are the causal variables which must be altered to convert a group to 9 System 4? Exhaustive research by Likert and others generated a list of variables which were classified into three causal groupings: (1) the character of the organizational structure; (2) the leadership principles employed; (3) major assumptions concerning motivation. , The design of the Likert Organizational Profile Survey incorporated carefully constructed questions whose 1 responses would disclose the position of the group or team toward these three causal groupings. Of particular concern to this thesis is the second group ofvariables: leadership principles. As commented •' on previously. the primary fundamental requisite to sustaining a successful System 4 management is Supportive Leadership style. Likert concluded that Supportive Leadership style initiated by the supervisor ultimately influenced the interactions of the group members. A group operating in a supportive atmosphere had embarked on the first step toward a successful conversion to System 4. For this investigation, attention will be directed to the responses of those questions (Nos.l, 2, and 3) of the extensive Likert Organizational Profile, which probe the 2 extent of Supportive Leadership. The test population will be administrators of health teams who have 10 supervised their teams for a period of at least twelve months. These teams and their managers will not have been subject to management technique changes during this twelve-month period. Inspection of .the first three questions of the Likert . Organizational Profile in Appendix A will facilitate the discussion of scoring the responses. The test population subject is asked to complete the entire questionnaire, answering the questions as a supervisor of an on-going team. He is not advised about how questions relate to personal or organizational characteristics. The construct of the numerical value scale for answering the questionnaire allows the subject to weigh his single response to each question. If, for example, he feels :'strong about answering the first question wi t:h SOJ\ffi, hP. ' might place the X a little to the right under the SOME zone of the metered answer line. The technique of scoring the responses begins by assigning a numerical value to each response according to the following scheme: the minimum score of zero is at the left extreme of the meter while the maximum score of 4 is a·t the right extreme. Each major division in the excursion from left to right is an incremental increase by 1.0. Using this process, a numerical value is assigned to each response in the first three questions (This set of questions establishes the extent of self-perceived Supportive Leadership or supervision.). The arithmetic average of these three scores is determined and the first three questions are assigned a mean score value. Interpretation of this mean score is displayed in Table II. The mean score of the first three questions (extent of self-perceived Supportive Leadership) for each manager from the test population will be established. It can be said that as the score of a manager approaches 4.0, his inclination towards Supportive Leadership style increases and as it approaches 0.0, his inclination towards , Supportive Leadership declines. Test Instrument B (Neal Preferred Value Questionnaire) (See Appendix B). This survey is designed to establish the predisposition of the subject towards change. The attitudes towards change in group process is inferred by the responses of the subject to a set of questions. The validity of these questions to inventory the disposition of the subject towards change was the focus of the research by Neal prior to beginning a study on social change. Neal describes the process of developing her questionnaire in her discussion on measuring orientations toward change: "One hundred and t:wenty cliche-like statements expressing attitudes towards change, values, and interests were formulated from suggestions culled from .lL spontaneous remarks, current periodicals, other attitude scales, and more formal literary sources. These were administered to several pretest samples for which the subjects were chosen because of their conservative or liberal orientations (as judged by their peers). Selection was made in favor .of those items that best discriminated between known conservative and liberal subjects. 3 Those test questions which were given favorable response by the known liberal pretest subjects were statistically screened for consistency of response by the known pretest li15erar subjects. 'r11ose questions shown statistically 'significant were considered discriminatory, or qne~tions which when administered to a general population could discern those subjects favorably disposed to change. The construct of the numerical value scale for answering used in this thesis survey allows the subject to place his response to the discriminatory question somewhere along a gradation between definitely false and definitely true. This metered response would indicate the extent of.the predisposition toward change. Scoring the five discriminatory questions is similar to scoring the Likert Organizational Profile. A numerical value is assigned the response to each question. Like the 13 Likert Survey, the minimum score is zero and the maximum score is 4.0. Each major division along the left to right excursion is an incremental increase of 1.0. The five numerical scores are arithmetically averageed to establish the subject's mean Neal score. As a subject's mean value approaches 4.0, his predisposition favorable to social change increases. Test Instrument C (Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey--LIFO) (See Appendix C) • of eighteen questions. The LIFO instrument is a battery 4 The subject is forced into grading four set responses to each question. These graded : responses to each question rely on the subject's personal experiences. The four set responses to each question, I\ which the subject scores, are different for each of the eighteen questions. of four scores. Scoring the I . IFO generates two sets The subject's first set of four scores indicates that behavior most relied on under productive conditions. The second set of four scores indicates that behavior most relied on under productive conditions. The second set of four scores indicates that behavior most relied on under defensive conditions. In either situation, the four scores refer to the four leadership strengths: {1) Supporting-Giving: ___________ ( 2) _ Controlling-:'I'aking: _· _______________ -~------ ___ .. ________________ . 14 (3) Conserving-Holding; (4) Adapting-Dealing. The behavioral pattern that is predominate for the subject, in either situation, is signified by the ·behavior pattern having the highest scored value. Each LIFO survey administered to a subject from the test population will generate eight scores. Each of the test population will be interviewed at their leisure to determine their willingness to participate in the study. Cooperating subjects will then be instructed on the technique of completing the three survey questionnaires. Th~ subjects will not be advised as to how the questions relate to personal or organizational characteristics, but they will be advised ,that the three instruments are management surveys. The subjects will additionally be advised of the confidentiality of the results and will be offered an opportunity to review the findings with the investigator after publication of the research. Questions will be invited from the subjects at the conclusion of the interview. The investigator will then wi thdra\.Y from the subject instructing him to complete the surveys at his leisure. Statistical Ana~yses (Correlationl Each of the eight LIFO scores (four productive and four defensive) taken from the test population, will be 1..---· :analyzed for correlation with the test population's Likert _Organizational Profile Leadership Style score. The eight LIFO scores will again be analyzed for correlation with the test population's Neal Preferred Value score. Finally, the .Neal Preferred Value score will be tested for correlation ,with the Likert Leadership Style score. Computation will be done on a Hewlett-Packard Model 2200 computer. For each of these correlations, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) will be computed following the raw score method of Downie and l 5 . Heath. The r is computed by: i r= Nl:XY - (l:X) (l:Y) Significance of the calculated r will be established 6 by consulting the Fisher-Yates Table of Significant Correlation Coefficient Values for Populations of n<30 for Various Levels of Confidence . .................... ............. ....................- --·-·· ---·--·-------. ----------------- -- .. --------·-·«-- ................ -- ................................ . V. FINDINGS Tables III through VII present in comparative tabular form the scores from the test population on the three leadership strength surveys. Table VIII is a correlation summary of the three surveys and includes levels of confidence for each correlation coefficient taken from the Fisher-Yates table. 7 The significant correlations uncovered by this study are: {1) there is a significant correlation {0.55 at the 95 percent level of confidence) between the LIFO Supporting-Giving Leadership Strength scores and the Likert scores for the administrator's perception of the degree to which he practices Supportive Leadership; {2) there exists a significant inverse correlation {-0.56 at the 95 percent level of confidence) between the LIFO Adapting-Dealing Leadership Strength scores and the Likert scores for the administrator's perception of the degree to which he practices Supportive Leadership. 16 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND REC01'1MENDATIONS These findings indicate that in the general population of health administrators, the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Survey Supporting-Giving , score will correlate with the subject • s Supportive Leadership Strength score on the extensive Likert Organizational Profile Survey. In addition, the findings indicate that in the general population of health administrators, the Life Orientations Leadership Strength Adapting-Dealing score inversely correlates with the subject's Supportive Leadership style strength score on the extensive Likert Organizational Profile Survey. The simple and expedient LIFO can the:r:efore be used in place of the Likert as a test of an administrator's I potential for participative style of management. A high LIFO Supporting-Giving Leadership Strength score which approaches 4.0 indicates a subject in the general population of health administrators whose leadership style is more towards the Likert 4.0 or Supportive Leadership style. A health administrator whose score approaches 1.0 on the LIFO Supporting-Giving Strength indicates a .subject whose leadership style approaches the autocratic style or non~participative style of management. Supportive Leadership is requisite to the preferable participative style of management which is expanded on in the next section. 17 VII. SUMMARY OF MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP THEORY FROM THE REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE In concluding a discussion of hospital management, McLachlan observed that, "What we need above all is to develop a theory of management with a strong enough philosophical base to enable us to avoid the undesirable restrictions to individual ~nd professional freedom which are death to dynamism." 8 The challenge put forth by McLachlan, then, is to find a theory of management which sustains a dynamic productive force in the health organization. Such a theory, admonished Plachy, should not place itself outside :'the cornprehensive definition of management: ; . "getting 9 things done through people." Commenting on this definition of management, Plachy suggests that, "We are not talking about a mechanical perfectable process. We are talking about human nature." 10 Schmitz in a study of employee motivation explored different management theories and reflected that, "One of the·more promising approaches to improved employee motivation is 1 participative manageme1:t 18 1 • This theory 19 holds that all other things being equal, employees will be strongly motivated to ·do a good job in a work environment where the organization's goals parallel - their needs, where at all levels employees feel that the organization needs them. In short, employees should be allowed to plan, organize, and control their jobs in the best way they see fit within the parameters that their levels in the . . . ,.11 organ1zat1on 1mpose. The research of White focused on this participative management theory. His findings which were generated by studying supervisors in a hospital setting contrasted the :'effective or productive supervisor wi t:h t.hP wenl<: or ineffective supervisor. The productive supervisor was distinguished as one who was more likely to: {1) obtain subordinates' ideas on job-related problems and be aware of their subordinates' problems before making decisions; {2} share information with their subordinates; {3) provide support to their subordinates; {4) have greater trust and confidence in their subordinates; ' t.......~••• -.---- ·-~-·-" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - · · · · - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • ----~ -- ~------·----·- ------ ------~--~---·--- ------------ -----·-- - - - - - -~------- ----- ·- ------ -- -~~- ----· •• - - ·' 20 (5) provide incentives of rewards and involvement, and avoid threats and punishment; (6) share decision-making, goal-setting, and review and control functions with . . the1r subord1nates. 12 These distinguishing factors serve to introduce here a renowned theory of management extensively described by Rensis Likert as System 4 or Participative Management. The early management research of Likert and associates at the University of Michigan emphasized the effect of supervisory or leadership style on group 13 productivity. These studies correlated the productivity of a group with the supervisory style 1 exercised by the manager of the group. This research concluded with the germinal finding that highly productive groups were managed by supervisors who were "employee centered" and were informal in their approach to group members. Additionally, managers of highly productive groups withdrew from direct supervision of group members. Rather, a common trait of the productive group was that decision-making about goal achievement was often left to the group membership. Likert suggested that a member's identity with the group was enhanced when he was afforded effective involvement in goal achievement. Commenting on this involvement, Dale observed that, 21 II . if employees understand objectives and have a chance to express.their own opinions--perhaps see those opinions acted on in some cases--they will gain a feeling of participation in the enterprise, and only as they participate can they have an opportunity for self-actualization." 14 These early findings, which correlated high productivity with democratic participative supervisory style, and low productivity with autocratic supervision, were expanded by Likert to consider the full range of supervisory styles and productivity. Likert defined four contiguous styles or systems of management. At one 'extreme of this contiguity is situated the autocratic style or exploitive authoritive management (System 1) while at the opposite extreme is situated the democratic sfyle or participative group (System 4). Between these two extremes are two intermediate styles or systems: benevolent authoritive and consultative (Systems 2 and 3). Dale has described the last two (Systems 3 and 4) management systems as differing only in the amount of confidence placed in the group by the supervisor {substantial amount of confidence as complete . ) 15 confJ.dence . . . . In add1t1on, Dale commentlng on the System 4 notes that " • the organizational goals are 22 .. h . . . . . . establ1s ed by group act1on except 1n cr1s1s s1tuat1ons. .,16 The species of supervision associated with Systems 1 and 2 are evident from the names assigned these systems. Subsequent· research by Likert has generated findings 1 which conclude that ". . the management system of a (group) is a major factor in determining its ' d . . pro uct1v1ty. .,17 Moreover, Likert summarized his findings on productivity under different management systems by noting that, II management systems more . toward System 4 are more productive and have lower costs and favorable attitudes than do those systems falling more . toward System 1. Those firms or plants where System 4 is used, show high productivity, low scrap loss, low costs, favorable attitudes, and excellent labor relations. The converse tends to be the case for companies or departments whose management system is well toward System 1. (Additionally) shifts toward System 4 are accompanied by long-range improvement in productivity, labor relations, costs, and earnings. The long-range consequences of shifts toward 18 System 1 are unfavorable ... Conversion to System 4 presumes certain alterable or causal variables which are prerequisites to a successful System 4 management operation. These fundamental variables requisite to System 4 are: (1) a well organized plan of operation for the group; (2) high. performance goals by the manager; (3) high technical competence by the manager and staff assistants. These prerequisite causal variables are basic to all systems but what distinguishes System 4 from the other systems are two additional .variables: (4) the principle of Supportive Leadership; (5) group methods of supervision. 'These additional causal variables are not only the distinguishing variables of System 4; they are the significant factors in implementation of a successful conversion to System 4 management. Supportive Leadership as a fundamental variable was given considerable attention in System 4 research by Likert. Likert, quoting from an earlier publication, suggested that, II the leadership an9 other processes of the organization must be such as to insure a maximum probability that in all interactions and in all relationships 24 within the organization, each member, in the light of his background,.values, desires, and expectations, will view the experience as supportive and one which builds and maintains his sense of personal , . worth and 1mportance. II 19 Expanding on the principle of Supportive Leadership, Likert observed that, . the relationship between the II superior and subordinate is crucial. This relationship, as the principle specifies, should be one whtch is supportive and ego-building. The more often the superior's behavior is ego-building rather :\ than ego-deflatinq, the better will be the effect of his behavior on organizational performance. . Both the behavior of the superior and the employee's perceptions of the situation must be such that the subordinate, in the light of his background, values, and expectations, sees the experience as one which contributes to his sense of personal worth and importance, one which increases and maintains his sense . . . . . of s1gn1f1cance and human d1gn1ty. ..20 This contribution towards the sense of personal worth and dignity is the vehicle whereby the group member identifies ·with his group. As the individual maintains and enhances his sense of identification and significance and feels his , worth underwritten in supportive leadership, so shall the group solidarity and productivity be enhanced. System 4 as depicted in the above discussion 1s highly desirable to the team striving for effective and efficient operation. But, the achievement of System 4 is not a simple transition. In concluding his chapter on productivity under the different management systems, Likert noted that, II • a science-based management, such as System 4 is appreciably more complex than other systems. It requires greater learning and appreciably greater skill to use it well, but it yields impressively better results. The route to achieving System 4 might be expedited if the disposition toward Supportive Leadership of the manager or supervisor of a group aspiring to System 4 management could be disclosed. Supportive Leadership is a necessity which is fundamental to the installation and successful operation of System 4 management. The supervisor of a group that aspires conversion to System 4 must know his predisposition to supportive 26 supervision--a fundamental factor in successful System 4 management. The Life Orientations Survey instrument might be considered recommended protocol for detecting the predisposition of a practicing or prospective health service administrator toward a fundamental requisite of participative management, Supportive Leadership. VIII. ; 1. Rensis Likert: Management and p. 130. REFERENCES The Human Organization: Its New York, McGraw-Hill, 1967, Valu~. 2. Ibid., p. 232. 3. Augusta Neal: Values and Interests in Social Change. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1965, p. 48. 4. Atkins-Katcher Associates: Life Orientations Survey Manual. Beverly Hills, Atkins-Katcher Associates, 1973, p. 28. 5. N. M. Downie and K. W. Heath: Basic Statistical Methods. New York, Harper and Row, 1970, p. 96. 6. R. A. Fisher and F. Yates: Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural, an~ Medic~l Research. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., 1931 (as reprinted by Downie and Heath, ibid., p. 318). 7. Ibid. 8. Gordon McLachlan: ''Effectiveness and Efficiency in Hospital Management and the Interdependence of Health Services". Bulletin of the New York Aca<i~I!lY-~9f Hedicine, Vol. 48, No. 11, December 1972, pp. 51-58. 9. Roger Plachy: "Lessons in Leadership". Modern Hospital, Vol. 119, No. 5, November 1972, pp. 115-122. I J j ;10. 1 Ibid. 11. Homer Schmitz: "Participative Management. A Technique for Employee Motivation". Hospital Progress, Vol. 52, No. 11, November 1971, pp. 50-54. 12. Harold White: "Leadership: Some Behaviors and Attitudes of Hospital Supervisors''. Hospital Progress, Vol. 52, No. 11, November 1971, pp. 41-45. 13. Daniel Katz, Nathan Maccoby, and Nancy c. Morse: Productivity, Supervision and Moral~- in An Office Situation. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, 1950. 14. Ernest Dale: Manaqement: Theory and Practice (second edition) . New York, McGravv·-Hill, 1969, p. 440. 27 28 Ibid. Ibid. - ! 17. Likert, 2£· cit., p. 38. 18. ~bid., 19. Rensis Likert: New Patterns in Management. McGraw-Hill, 1961, p. 103. 20. Likert, 21. Ibid., p. 46. 22. Atkins-Katcher, Q£· cit., p. 75. p. 36. QQ· New York, cit., 1967, p. 48. . ' ' ! L ....... -- ...... ···-····-······-·- ... ··-··-···-·--·· .. ··-- .... -··-- .... ·-- ...... ·····- -··. ··- ... . IX. · 1. Atkins-Katcher Associates: Life Orientations Survey Manual. Beverly Hills, Atkins-Katcher Associates, 1973. 2. Bennett, A. c.: "Systems Approach to People Manage}Tlent". Hospitals, Vol. 46, No. l, January 1972. 3. Brown, K. R.: "Program-Oriented Delivery: A Proposal for Hospital Management''. Canadian Hospital, Vol. 50, No. 2, February 1973. 4. Browy, H. J.: "Techniques for Improving Managerial Effectiveness". Hospital Progress, Vol. 55, No. 3, March 1974. 5. Dale, Ernest: Manaqement: Theory and Practice (second edition). New York, McGraw-Hill, 1969. 6. Dielman, R. W.: "Recruiting and Retaining Nuclear Medicine Personnel". Hospital Pro9.res~, Vol. 54, No. 4, April 1973. 7 D0~•rn; e Methods. '8. 9. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY N M. ; 2:nrl Hp;:o_th, K. W" : Basic Statistical New York, Harper and Row, 1970. Fisher, R. A., and Yates, F.: Statistica] Tables for Biological, Agricultural, and Medical Research. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., 1931. Fletcher, J. W.: "A Nuclear Medicine Information System". Health Service Report, Vol. 88, No. 10, December 1973. 10. Johnson, B. D.: "Medical Matters in Hospital Illlanagemen·t". British Medical Journal, Vol. 3, No. 822, August 1972. 11. Katz, Daniel, Maccoby, Nathan, and Morse, Nancy C.: Productivity, Supervision and Morale in An Office Situation. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, 1950. ,12. Likert, Rensi.s: New Patterns in Management. York, HcGraw-Hill, 1961. '13. Likert, Rensis: The Human Organization: Its Ma!)aqement and Val_y.e. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1967. 29 New 30 14. 11 McLachlan, Gordon: Effectiveness and Efficiency in Hospital Management and the Interdependence of Health Services". Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 48, No. 11, December 1972. 15. Mate, J. R.: "Annual Administrative Reviews: Personnel Management". Hospitals, Vol. 47, No. 7, April 1973. 16. Millward, R. C.: "Functions and Administration of Hospital Management Committees". Community Health, Vol. 4, No. 4, January-February 1973. 17. Neal, Augusta: Values and Interests in Social Change. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1965. 18. Plachy, R.: "Lessons in Leadership". Modern Hospital, Vol. 119, No. 5, November 1972. 19. Schmitz, H. H.: "Participative Management: A Technique for Employee Motivation". Hospital Progress, Vol. 52, No. 11, November 1971. 20. Starcevich, M. M.: "Employee Organizational Attachment and Job Expectations". Hospital Progress, Vol. 55, Na. 5, May 1974. 21. Turner, G. P.: "Quality Management of the Human Pote:ntL1l". Canadian Hospital, Vol. 50, No. 7, July 1973. 22. University of Michigan: Personnel Management Abstracts. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, Vols. 17-22, 1969-1974. 23. Volante, E. M.: "Better Management of People Resources". Hospital Progr~, Vol. 55, No. 6, June 1974. 24. Whitaker, P. H.: "The Computer--Its Value in Hospital Management". Radiography, Vol. 38, No. 451, July 1972. 25. White, H. c.: "Leadership: Some Behaviors and Attitudes of Hospital Employees''. Hospital Progress, Vol. 52, No. 10, October 1971. 26. White, H. C.: "Leadership: Some Behaviors and Attitudes of Hospital Supervisors". Hospital Progress, Vol. 52, No. 11, November 1971. 't.,.--~~~ - - ·--·--~·- • ·:' 'i APPENDIX A ..... LIKERT ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE SURVEY INSTRUMENT '. .._...., .-vc1t C.Oilrld'cn<c lr>d trust h ~ ,... In 1~ fue llub.Qrlllr~ltUJ ~o I ._...._-.;:.,....._ the., fcc I lo talk. to auperlors 1t.ovl ~ Jcbl .. - -: ... , •t••• I 1 ..,... ~frf'l\ ere '"~'dl .. ldut ,.o..,....,t •<>4 uu4 kl4ooe tft&tl contlnu:theiJ1 1. J. J. ouulondly " t& fi'CICI"'II"Ifll'vtc ft.tdc of I ,•• ,.. 2 thtot.IU.) ,.~,;,,_,.,, 4 ,....,,,.,... ) ,.,..,,.. h . '. ' lr.voh·~'""'"''J I I I I I '• ,.,..._ ) and I rup.!mllt.111ty•fch fN' 6dl.ln·fnt .,,,,.,,.,lon's fOot It! Wert little ~....,~~,.,,._ h.-.orl c-.htt1 .. -~ -.,..,c- .t t"- vua.1l 41rcctl0ft l11ht"Ntlon flowt ~-..c:cvral• h ~r4~vnlut1Qftl ft..J.dcrttc • - n t eo,.,.,. Ros.t:lybrt.~~r4 . ao.-..... ·-ccvr•t.a .... n, .I J I .,, ... ,.., ho...S ., ·~diN-: •• t -·· At W.at le ... l er• tf.ec.talona aatd l~r41fiUU tr• .. I .. . v~. •-.----·;"'r ... =· . . -----._- •..~..._:-::-:~~ .:J.:J ' ,. . .. ~-. I I lfu11 l~ccvrue . ,-.. "c • Vflll • rec.c.pllw:- .. IM L-'---J'--':......t-~---~.__.~.__,____._--~..__.__ __.___._--'-...J.I._ .L.L.U I . fhr:t~ Ktl~UU G __ ,.,.,. -n .Qui&• ..... latlitcor W3l1 ..... _.. I __j__L I ,,._, pollq at Pelh:y •t top. ~c.hiMs . . ·:_.,..4tiC'co.oey., too..iM\dwp-- fotl-iUy whirl. 1-vtplciOII :-". I ,,.. .. , ct.el ......_..__.___.___.___.___,__.__.__.__.__-'--_ _..__"--''--'--'---'J. Aow """II <10 lur-e don ftrw:w ~·....:. lcl.tl-fr lhtlc LJ~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~- h l&o.t:h~ul ~lc:aliCt\.IC.Ccph~f ~ S j _..,, ~"tiClj.ttiDf'l 10 1llrov#f>OUI hot ~11"3ctlon lllt•tr•tc4 II .,..,.., ,. ....., J.,vol"d I• uh.tltll to lA•Ir ..ar.kl kculonclly c,oo,nlul - ,.,.,,. '"YOI.,.I kucrallr conuhe.t .: -·.,I' II .,._., ~' <l.oeclslcn-...altl""l ,.roc. . . COI\II'"vta to "'tlutl<lo"J' .: a.t•tl"ly llul• ·._ j S , , ....... 10004 """"'.,... ort''"h•tlon..l. to-It utt:blhhcd2 aaw ~ cove:u ruru-u 1e soals h erftrs .....4 ~~~~u :r• ecwttrl~utiM I) h Afler lhcvulon. Itt ~Hift.ra ln.,Ju4 '. iwlo'I(VO,I•I .:ontrlbvtlon I· trout- cctlo." . (cJl.C.tpot 1ft c.rllh) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lent rttllt•"c• ., ,,_, Little er Ao441rcte retlsr-ce ~K~n• ftt"ufttJ I> '" Aodcuu 4otlc,•tlon te ·~, le-... 1• Qvrtc llcJw c ..'IR(Ctttr•t•d ll'e -.11 U)nlrol functlortd "'"'ly at to,. ,..,.,~ .; ... .., lnJor .... l or,...,lutf.-. ftlhtlflt Vlt tor-I 0o1cr t~t·e • II ·• . ._.,, .! / S.O...tr.u.s "u•llr ."... I a-.. r •• •~ tcU·iv14o~~I\Ce pw.olthr-ent \hat Ire co''• Jf'ed'•·•UI,..It,. 0 •nJ otfrlcr C..,....lhtl IIIUC fori 'VIdtiJ tMrot:l •••4 ' l " ao-·--•1o.clt •• fo,...l .. 17 Sclt-v.. ll•ru:::c. •ro&lc..-"tolvl"l I D . It ::..-· _-_ - .• --~·~ <!-~ •·... .... _ . • !. . ' :·~··I . -' ·• •" ·~ F -·· • .·.- .-. __ .. __ ·.,··------·---··-;- -- ------·- ... ---~--- '· ~- 31 .• . .. -- ~-.- ;;- - ...... · - ---. • • - • ----------·-···----------- -- ., APPENDIX B NEAL PREFERRED VALUES SURVEY INSTRU¥illNT ~ -~ (1) l'hei" i.s r"" lly """"thin~ 1:_ · ·- · · ·I .. ; ,_ ·.; I -I to T "~rr· (2) H I a!Jout cnthu:;i...f(•r c!:.:;.:l_-_c. rcfre.G~Iin~· DS:l fc~ J "'' r·~_. -...... ~ ·-· ~-~ . ,- .... ~:-~--<-- • ~ -~-~ : .. :- ·;·. . · -.- ·;:;.. ;-~' ~- L---i; ~·;<- ~.--J- ~~-:-~ ·---~-- ~-----~!_ """" t.oavi ct J\Ja:!;, l ,-oulc.J devot~ r.:ur-1. l~: ~ :c• c~~_.._: ~C' :·o\"C"ncnt :o. 1"hi:; !.er.-:-.s to ~" to lk' finf ~.C.l] at onct') .- _- 'l'ruc llc!initcly l _ _ -I rruc I ----~~-----~--~~------------J----------~----~ be· a l'rir:ary n"cd today. Ghould do SO:tt\! ...... thin~ nou ''"' nu:;t rcspo!ltl False False ..... -~ .. ..·_- ..· .. :·~,. ~·· •..-... ~_:.·. -... : DefinHe)y Definitely Chnn~e j l.'C [._____}_·_a~l-s_"____-~l 1- ____~_·a.~l~s-"--~--4----r__r_"L"--~---&'~·___T_r~uLe~~ ·J... -,j .,' .-· ..... (4) lf you \."ant to get <~ny·..-hl'rl', it's the polfcv of 'he sys- - -~-- tc!Q ns n .t::v,!c that :~-.:-cds. to ~" cha,-.roetl, nQt just the behavior of i:.olatcd individ- uals. _. - - . ·- .- • .. ·-:····_.-. llcfinHcly l_r_-.,_-.l._,·,_.c_____,___F_._"_!.._i_"_._~~~-----~1~~- (3) "J"hc current situ::>t·ion in the N"f•::r.)~atioa calls for ·' .... Vcfinitely . ·; ~. l>dinitely Definitely· False False · Truo. True I · i : (S) Any or~aniz~tional structure becomes A dc;•c!!!nin~ \."Cihht in tine a.nd need:o to-be rc-l Definitely False ' Definitely True 'l'rue ~~----~~-----L------J------~----_J-------~-----4------~ ·:-;·· .,.-._..,o.· vitalized. _.::.. __ .• . .. ... -~ ·' .. ·- ... . -~- .. ~·- .... .•i I l . -..:...:..... ... -~ t r ... • -· -·.. . ~ --~ _; . ·-:. --~ ~...... . ! -.:· I .:. ·-. ..•.. . :-·: • -: . -- - .~ -":! -=-: .... _: .• ;'.: ~:·: !.:· i .. ·• i I· ~- ·. .~--. . --~ •. - -. . -· ~-- ... ..... .. ... .. -·· . 1. ;It~-1 . . ! : . :·:;, ..-. .. ~- ·. I .. -:~· -~- .-......_. . . ·.. : . . . . ,-:. .-: .- :-,: ' _:,·; ._: ._;·::=:-:-\<~!~::~~;(:s·~-- >":~:.:~~~~~-~\~:~_~:-,'_ . x~-.·:._-.- _-; . ..•:: ·- ·:• ~ .. I; ·- •• • - ~· ••• :_ . ·.'#-~ ........... . ·,: ·-··· ,.- -~ ·•. . -: .•-__ -·_.-_.-_--•• --.·,# -_·_--.---~:_:::. _._· .- .-. . . •. ··: _ ----~ ~; ·-;:·!: :... ; -·:_: .. ... _:·· . j•::- ·. L_____,..._----~. ·- ..:··>"":· .. ·..... '· : 32 ·- .. '. ~:~.-~_-,·.-: ... - .. ,·::· • . ~: :· . • 1' .• :,·· .. APPENDIX C LIFE .ORIENTATIONS SURVEY INSTRUMENT .. (LIFO) I• .·1 I I . : . : . - ·- .. . --· .•. .. ' -~:- - f' DIRECTIONS t· .-..-.~- -~..---- -./:,. · .... This· is not a test with right or wrong answers. It is a questionnaire which permits you to describe your ma,or and m1nor orientations to life, in order to ident1fy the productive and counterproductive ways 1n which you use your strengths. .You will be g1vcn self-descriptive statements, each followed by four posc;.ihiP Pnrfin~~ You ?rP. ~0 ~~-j:::-c!: t~iC c;-~~.- ;n •'vh:c;; ,uu ;..,ld CCh.. i) ending applies to you. In the blank spaces to the left of each end1ng. 1111 in the numbers 4, 3, 2, and 1, according to wh1ch ending is most like you ~ and least hl<e you...J.!l ·i ~-. ·?'· PLEASE FILL IN THIS EXAMPLE -. ·: .- ....l MOST OF THE TIME I AM: ....... · .- good-natured and helpful. . . . . . . • . • . . . . . .- . hard-working and lull of plans ......••..••• economical and thoughtful . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . charming and popular, . . . . . . . • . . . • . . ·, ·... ... ( ( ( ( . ... :· _ t /·· t i .I - . >. -:•. i ~·: . -~· . :.. :.. -TEAR OFF THIS PAGE AND . . PROC~ED ·. -i .. 00 NOT USE 4. 3. 2, or 1 MORE THAN ONCE. If the statements that follow in this questionna"e have two or more endings · that seem equally l1ke you, or are not l1ke you at all. please rank them anyway, even though it may be difficult. Each endmg must . be ranked 4, 3, 2. or 1. . •. .. ... F,. _ .... . .. ~~- : ... WITH QUESTIONS ON PAGE 1 COPYRIGHT() 1961.1911 . AlKU4S-KAlCHER ASSOCIATES. lNC . ... l·· :-.........:.._ ·,. . .-.- ---~ .• -., ·:-· .. •. ·--:~.-· · 33 :;:_._·. .. ... ",; . -· 34 . PAGE r-c 0 0 0 0 \. H (._ 0 L D --H E: . l ·i fEEL MOST E 1'N 00 (J) L() ;_ 0 0 0 + 2. sec an opportunrty for leadership and go alter it. + 3. look after my own interests ;;nd let others look alter + + + ( c ._ C' c + ~- •..; ..::-..._:.. I 0+ 0 + I -:.. lor adv1ce. 10. ontercstcd and enthus1astrc at..~ut JOrnrng me rn what I want to do. 11. tustty treated. respected. and apprecrauve of the -conSiderat•on I give them. 12. pleased. unpressed. and dcsrrous of havong me around. + + + 0+ 0 0 D .. ~ ~ - . , ·--.! ~ 13. relyrng on the other person·s sense of IUSt1ce. -- . ·- _., ...._,, t· ... 14. !ryii·~g tv out~ii (:' oulrnaueuvcr the oo.hc.r person. i f 15. remaining composed. methOdical. and immovable. I. t·· 16. being open-mmded and adaptable to the other person. .. IN .RELATIHG TO OTHERS I MAY: I 0+ 0 '.' -. 9. well regarded. capable. and worthy of being called on ~- 0 ... ·I o I o .- -IN A DISAGREEMENT WITH ANOTHER PER SOU I CAN GAIN MORE BY.: + Ci '! . . ·: c: i . 6. an actrve. energetiC, and self-conltdent manner. _I MAKE OTHERS FEEL: + 0+ 0 ; AM MOST APT TO TREAT OTHERS II~: 5. a respectful. pohtc. and admrrmg manner. 8. a congenial. soc•al. and friendly manner. + their~.- myself to lit in '"111 ti>c 91 oup I am 0 0+ ( ~dJUSt 7. a careful. reserved. and orderly manner: ·,·-0 _-, - 4. 0+ 0 ( WITH MYSELF WilEN 1: 1. acl ,-dcahsttCi:tlly and w1th optun•sm. R J PLEA~ED + + + + 17. become conhdent1at and g1ve my trust evero to those who do not s~em to seek ot. 18. become aggressrve and take advantage of them. before realizmg I have not g1ven them much cons<deratron. 19. become suspiCIOus and aloof and treat them w1th too much reserve. 20. become too lroendly and lmd my,elf woth people. ~ven when I am not espec•ally mv•ted. :;_I IMPRESS OTHERS J.S: .. ':. ... ~\ v' 1- -f. _. . ; :·_, 24. an inconsrstent person who neve·r takes a real stand ot hos own. COPVJIIGHf ct:1 t%i ._- r-· '> 21. a narve person who has l:!lle self-conhdence or init1attve. 22. a .. sharp operator .. who always tnes to get the best of the bargarn. · 23: a stubborn md1V1dual who is cold toward others. . . '-· ···: . . :_. ttji1 ·. . :·. -_ ,U.,.1,4S ,;,A J(.Hl P. .lS$.0(..io\ T£"i INC . '~- - - - - T E A R OFF THIS PAGE AND PROCEED WITH PAGE 2. - -; ------ .... - -~, ·-.-·- . .. ' !· _ - _ 4' · ... ~ .... - ••• . :. -. .· .· - .... ~ ~; : __ .. -.:_. ·' ...... -- .. . : . ~- - -·--- '~- ~:.,. ·' -,-. ., 35 . .... PAGE 2 FEEL I CAN fiEST liiN PEOPLE OVER BY BEING: 0+ :D 25. modest and ideahshc. +, 0+ 0 "+ •I -= ... -~--"""- r----..-.. -~--;.:::........_-;-.;..- -- . . ·.· IN RELATING TO OTHERS I AM MOST APT TO BE: -;. 29. trusting. conf,ding. and suppo,tivc of others. 30. qu;ck ·to develop useful ideas and to organize others to carry H1em out. 31. practical. togocal. and careful to l.now woth whom I om <Jeahng. 32. curious to know all about them and anxious to ....- . lot in woth what they expect or me. FIND IT MOST SATISFYING WHEH 0+ 0 - . . . :-. -:---";-...: :_,:~. . ~ . .:~- ~-..;...----~~~-=~. 26 ..entertaining and lively. 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ .__._ ·,_._._ i . ..... r-, ·,. 27. patient and practical. -l .. 26. persuasive and winning. OTHEF~S SEE ME AS: ~:- 33. a loyal. trustong lroend. +. 0+ 0+ . ~-. -. '.· ->. . - ::---. _,_,__. 34. a person who can lake ideas and make them work,''"35. a person who is practical and thinks lor himself. ~ 36. a noteworthy and sognilocant person. .·..... . . r ~- .· !_ .. IF I DON'T GET WHAT I WAHT FROM A PE:RSO!i I TEND TO: 37. gove up reac1oly and just•fy his. inabolity to do it. 0+ \ ·o + -. ,.. ·.. ·' .' .[.,,"" .. it anyway. 39. feel ind•llerent and lind another way to get what I want. .CO. laugh rl off and be lle~it>lo about the whole thing .. .+ ·.' '· _~.:.·.:·': ~ I IN THE FACE OF FAILURE I FEEL IT IS BEST TO: .Cl. turn to others and count on them to help me out 0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ ~ '· ;.·i 36. claim my rights and try to talk him into doing 0+ :0 -:,.•.-. 42. light lor IH)' L i'." . I· . (< rights and lake what I really deserve. 43. hold on llgl11 to what I already have and keep a dose eye on others. 44. keep up a front and try to sell myself as well as pOSSible. ... ---.... I'M. FEARFUL THAT AT TIMES I MAY IMPRESS OTHERS AS BEING:' 0+ 0+ •s. ....i ---._,. 47. 0 + 46. supertoc•al and anention-seek;ng. co~d C~YH:C_.Ht and stubborn. ,· - f ·_. ~. !{) 1'1b7 11)/1 ATKtNS-KAtCHt:.A ASSOCIATtS lNC I . ,,, .··-,.-. •.. - - - - T E A R OFF THiS PAGE AND PROCEED WITH PAGE 3 ... ---r-... ::~· -- .:. ::· ~...-: .- . . } -~· :- ·~~-~ :. ·._·· . .·.:.-: -. . . ?- . _:~ _._. ~ ;_-.- . :··· -·-··- :·· -·~-;~c _._.. ---~--- ";•" l·- ·. 46. aggressive and conceited. + ·.; t. ->· s.ubmtsstvc and tmpress1onable. ·o ... :~ .-~--7~--~-:-~ ..:~ ':;.:.·:~·;:~·~-:~L~:.~-:; ~:_"-:_;.-~-:. .). -_-;,.;~--~--:;.;_: ~~:- - : '-· . '·-·-..-·.· -·· · . ·.-_. .... .. -·: - ·.- ;-"_ ~ ...... 36 · PAGE 3 FE.EL THE BEST WAY TO GET At!EA[> IH TtiE WORLD 15 TO: 0 0 D 0 49. bo a worthy p£;r~un and count on those in authonty to recogniZe that worth. 50. work to estabfl~il a rig'lt to advancement. and then c.laim it. 51. preserve and build on what already havo.· • - .... -~ • . ..... 0 0 0 53. lind out from others how they have met the problem and follow the•r adw•cc. 54. match wtts with the person and get around htm as bes! I can. 55. decide for myself what IS right and then stand by :J 56. change myselt to l•t in and make the rclat1onsh•p rncrc harf"Tlomous. ~ 57. a trustang person who apprectates advice and counsel. 58. _a self-confident person who takes the initiative in gettang people go•ng. .,· 59. a steadfast person who deals with others in a careful manner. 60. an ent~us•ast1c person who can lit in with almos! anyone. •. 61. s1mply accept defeat ano I D . ' 0 :J ; .!· . : ~- . 4 . _.. ·~ ~ _,... ... ~~,._-----_.; --~ ...., ...... •.- .;;.· -.:• .:.- :· - . ~ .M-;~ ...... ,. . .-.-~.--~ ·- i t for what I want -)· l --1 .-,_. _--~._ : ..:~··~·~·f :·_ AT TIMES I AM APT TO BE: ~ .. - : 66. aggressive, grasping, and concetled. = 67. suspicious. cold, and critical. ·' 68. chiidish. and given to seeking the spotlight. ~AT ·-- .... f ·-; 1"1MES I MAY MAKE: OTHER PEOPLE FEEL: -:...~·-"'·-- '- ;· 69. superaor and condescendmg toward me. -~- - 70. taken advantage of and angry with me. ,.- .. :~.-- .• ._. 71. distant and cold toward me. 72. mistrustful and di~believing toward rne . __.,--_. .._.-.···· COPYFltGtH (.() t967 1971 ~:- - ..... ·- . ·-"'- ' .[ : ..· r.~-·-' -~- ·.!. .. . I -TEAR OFF THIS PAGE AND SC011E ANSWEHS ON NEXT PAGE. :-·-.·-··--· :.. _.- . -: ~~-- ;. . . . .t . 65. easily influenced and without confidence. ATKINS-K•HCHER ASSOCIATES. II'.C ... ·. •"'-·••- clsev~here. 0 0 0 D 0 loo~ 62. engage, in a contest of WitS, r«ther than lose out and get nothing. 63. be suspicious and possessive. rather than give up what I have. 64. compromise and go along for the ·time being. Q ._..., >--~- - - - ...... - . . _.;.= ,- I FEEL THAT IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS IT I$ BETTER TO: :J 0 ·,. . _·.-,f. ~--~ •• · · - ---- :.:.~- ;.,__-: .... _ ~:-- - .... my own conv1ct•ons. I IMPRESS OTHERS AS: .... .: .., ...~ .. ......,...---.,;.. 52. develop a wtnntng personality that wdl attract the notice or onwrs. IN SOLVING TilE PROBLEM OF \\OR KING WITH A DIFFICULT PER>ON, I: -~ . _-·- :--.-· ·. •· .. ·.. - :... .·· . _ ...-_. ... _· -.". ··.:~·-. ....• .. --~:::··;---~--: ,.. r ~ • . ... ~- ;_·,;~_· . • ,jf •· LIF$'- . .ADD YOUR ANSWERS IIORIZONTALLY AND l'lAC[ SUM IN llJlLf.'[() l'OXES. LIFE 01\!EH lt1 liO:lS '" SUP.VEY TtitN ADD BO>.ES VeRTICALLY AS INDICATED CY ARf<OWS. NAME· GROUP: _____________ A AGE: DATE: B FEMALE0 .- c ;.· ; ~ - -: cr _ f..!AL( . ·-· .-- E --------+ • G . ~- 1---------~-----------1-------~ H :. : -·- ~- '. '! :- ---·- J -_;.. ·• -.-:- ._.. :· -·:;-._-~_-- .. ~-~:...; . . __........ ;_ ~_-, :_· l I 1· SCO~ES .. '9 D • + + "t01Al. + •to ·- AD OL CS HD 1-------.. b - ~' -·..-:--. ·. i e i . ·. '. ' _ __ · '·; ,·, .... . ',. ~ :-~ -~ . '- _.-~ ., •· _,. I ·-:···""". -. .: ---;-...~···-·- . -- ... --,-. ~.:--:· .. ,>- ·•.;.::·· . ~, .... ·_. ' •. .J _-· l:-_ --~~~c_.;·.;.. --~- ~- -_ ~=-- ~.:. --~ .- --~- .. : } · L:·-·:--.. . ----: . ---------- ----- .~z-~-:--·------r~-:-:--·:c~~---.......-~- ------:-·:----~----:- -- :+--·-·____.,_,:_____:~_~--:---·-:.-~- --:~-~~~:~;:;-~,.--~:':-~--; ~~=--:~:;--<?: ... - ·-·:·. ····... ·: ·. . -. .. ~-- .. . : ~· :" . ·- .. _.· ". ; I APPENDIX D CLUSTERS OF CORRELATJDHS BET~EEN LIFO AND OTHlk FERSOfiALITY ~fh~U~ES S!Gn!FICA~T u ro OTHER SPt ,--- PrRSONf..l!TY ___ _Jilh~U~IS~---- ll FO CT+ (r " Control e•pressed wa~tcd" Ac • Affection expressed 1-w = Affc(tion ~f'- -.23 -.22 -.34 .33 l! FO r--- CS+ fJRO- B (r;<lGC) "le • Inclusion o:pressed lw = Inclusion ~ant~d Cw • Control u ro UFO -.:>8 • ~1 -.40 .4 s LT- -. 37 .23 l:l!DU: (ll•75) ferhanicll (c.-nputa t i onol .30 .43 Arthtic Literary Hus ica 1 Socia 1 Service Clerical f (\R!l - ~! I.P-':f ~.,,,~I -.25 uro AD- .. ~ • .cu -.31 .2J -.3:> .2:: .30 SciPnl ific Persuasive ~ CS- .4 9 -.3 6 -.3S ~."ar.ted uro -. 3·1 .4 7 -.39 "" I. -.29 31 -.34 Uf:::?:·) Orivc t [ncrsy (G) Self-P.estrair.t (R) Social l'orr.iunce (II} Soci~rility (S} J":-not~0!'"•?1 ~.t~~~lit~:(L) -.35 .45 -.31 .42 .41 rrctd()':l frcrc. Senst.:ivity{O) -.50 I .4 ~ .4 1 -.3H . A!)neablen~ss {F) Suieo~so·ir.dcr.r.ess .4 0 -.3& -.41 -.3 4 (T) Confidence in ft,ople {P) ALLPORT· VERr;Oil (SlUDY OF VALUES)(N•75) lheon•t i ca 1 "R" £c<;no~ic -.30 '1 S11 Social "X" Powet' "Y 11 Spiritua 1 ''Z'' "-, M.t1.f'.J. ("0") (N=75) .3 1 - /.esthetic "T" -.3} .36 .30 .30 • 34 -.32 .3 6 -.30 .3 :... ----- l ----------~, . . i !· "' ' -" 38 APPENDIX E Table I. Summary of Test Population Source Hospital Governing Authority How Many Health Administrators Used From a Hospital With This Governing Authority State of California 5 Federal Government 1 Military 2 County of Los Angeles 1 Religious 2 Community 1 Proprietary 2 (Total Number of Health Administrators Used ih Survey: 14) !...._. 39 40 Table II. Mean Score Range Explanation of the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Score Ranges Prevalent Form of Self-Perceived Leadership 0-1 Authoritative (totally non-supportive) 1-2 Benevolent Authoritative (non-supportive) 2-3 Consultative to Supportive 3-4 Supportive .. • , ~ Table III. '\ I ·~ • Administrator Number Likert Score LIFO S/G 1 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.8 2 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.6 2.3 3 3.2 2.7 2.0 3.3 3.3 4 2.8 3.1 2.7 1.8 2.3 .5 2.2 2.7 2.2 1.4 2.2 6 3.2 3.0 2.6 2.4 1.9 7 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.4 8 3.0 3.1 2.1 2.6 "2. 3 9 2.6 3.0 2.1 2.9 2.6 2.1 3.2 : 2. 7 .·' ·.: :. '.! ' .. ; .. "•i ,,. -·:.·,, 1.... •'. ,·'' ) .\-: _:,· ' ··.-·. ~·: ~::-··' ~·· ' ' ~... I ··.·.· . .. ... -~. .' '· .-:; :~ ;• ;<_11 ,·· ... \, ·.:~;: .. 12 .:::.i ·~.: .. 13 ~·. . . . ,. . .. ; . ·. :.. . ;":· . ~ ·.•· 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.0 2.2 1.9 2.3 3.1 .' 2.3 .\ ~~ 1.2 . ' -~ ..... 2.8 ...... ~ . 2.4 2.7· .•, ... · · •, ··~~-:--:" ~ ~55 2.5 . "; . ~. .. . .. 3. 2" •\ ~18 2.6 ! ~ ·2. 2 . '2. 7 2. 7. ( .\ ,• .... ·,· .. ~ j 1' 2.8 \; 2. 5 l, .36 -.08 I .) .~ : . I (-) {/ '·', ~ ., ; ·.· ..... .. ·· .... J·: · ~ ' 2. 7. ~ ' i·.;~. ·,d ' ·,,, ·~ . .'. :·· ,•• LIFO C/T ~ 2.9 ..... . :"i" .. .,.. ·.. Mean· ~- ...:.-.-: ~:. ) :~ .t-: 2.8 ·I ... •\ ';! :- ', ' ( ~ 2.9 3.0 ' :..· .' . ' ... ~ -~: ·.:• (-) . /' ·,.'·,• ··.- ~ ~ .••' <14 ,1, ,, LIFO C/T LIFO S/G ) "• ...... , ·' .\·. ::; ,.; '· '.l ·. •.'_.:, .~ . '. ·, ,.. '·10 . '•, ( :-; .•' ~:: Tabulation of the Likert Org~nizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Scores With the Life Orientations Survey Supporting-Giving (S/G) and Controlling-Taking (C/T) Scores (correlation and mean values included) ' '• -~i ' .·,... ..' 'i )' ' j• • ' ), .. ·, ' . ,• ·----------- __________ ,J:::. ,.., -·~·' ,._ ...... ..._ ___ _,_,_ 1-' ~- •. I -:;. Table IV. Tabulation of the Likert Org~nizati•.;nal Profile Survey Leadership Style Scores With the Life Orientations Survey tv3.apting-Dealing (A/D) and Conserving-Holding (C/H) Scores (correlation and mean values included) .• '; Administrator Number .. :· 1 Likert Score !uiFO C/H ( ) !:. '"i.' •' i :..::~ ( l !:. 2.5 2.8 2.6 1.6 1.8 2 2.0 1.9 2.4 3.5 2.4 3 3.2 2.1 2.3 1.9 2.0 ... 4 2.8 3.2 2.i 1.9 2.3 1': ·s 2.2 3.7 3.4 2.1 2.1 6 3.2 2.0 2.7 2.6. 2:9 7 2;9 2.7 1.7 2.1 .1:7 2.6 2 .,8 . 2. 6 2.8 3.4 1.3 2.1 2.6 2.2 .! ' . LIFO A/D (-) LIFO A/D ' '!:. 1 ·.. I LIFO C/H _l:)_ • r.; .: -~ 2.4 r. 8 .. . 9. :·· ....·.· ' ''/.·-. ~ 3.0 2.7 3.0 2.6 2.2 1.7 I 'I !:. ..~- '\ ' .'· ... ,.-~ ·.·,·· ;:. ·.' . !-• -~ ....;__ ... ~~ .· ..... ......,.: l·· ~.~~ j" t .. 1·.i ., :: ·2.L ' .11 3.2 2.8 2.4 ·.' ... ·'· ·.. '. -~ ·:~ 1.8 ·' -~- ;:. 2.6 12 2.2 2. 7 :13 3.1 3.1 •, ·'· ·'tr 10 . '-~ . . ;. __ 2.6 14 3.3 ;· ·,· 2.:3 2.6 2.7 ';.' 1·/,., ·'·~·: : · "~ 2.7 <Mean ·. . <·: . :\::·:_.·.· ~ 2.6 .. ! .•• ~ -0.0€ 2.5 ~ ~ ~; .: ··· •.. 1.9 i 1.8 ·; -~ "''·~· .·:, ·.' -0~22 ;, -:.;' ~ ~ ' ·---~·---·· ...~-------- ...~~ --~ ·----·- -~- ......, .. - 1 -0.56 . : 2.4 ~ .14 : .,''; ) --~- ,'~ . ... .2 .1 -~· 2.2 ' ,. 2.2 I' ,·. .('··~.,._ ·. • •• : ,1. ::. .:;· .-_:_·· : ~ .'. ( •.· . _1, , '·.,I } ' ·. ~: ., ; ~ N ,. •,· •, .. .. '• •. / ·Table v.· 1:' .. Tabulation of the Neal Preferr~d ·value Scores With the Life Orientations Supporting-Giving (S/G) and c'ontrolJ ing-Taking (C/T) Scores (correlation and mean values included) · : Neal Score .LIFO S/G l 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.8 2 2.5 2.0 2.8 2.6 2.3 3 2.5 2.7 2.0 3. 3 • 3.3 4 2.0 3.1 2.7 1.8 5 2.0 2.7 2.2 1.4 2.2 6 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.4 1.9 7 3.6 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.4 ·j·.··· 8 3.6 3.1 2.1 ··.·· .... 9 2.7 3.0 2.9 ! -~ .. Ad.'llinis tra tor Number . ,. .... ;., ; .':' :~· •,.• ····; i ·,. ,! :I; :: ••' :· r-.l·~-~ ·,">;• (·~- ·.l·/·~ .•' '•·I, . t ~ ; t • 10 2.5 2.8 2.3 11 2.3 3.0 2.8 12 :.· . ..... · . . : 13 ·.:: ,., ·. ·:,( 14 ~.. . .;·· ·.Mean ..,. 1.9 2.6 2. 3 .. • '3.6 3.0 '2. 7 2.7 •.' :~-~ . ' I ~ , ··''· 2 .·6 ·,' LIFO C/T !:. \· __l::2 ~ . !:. •\ 2.3 . i· .. ::· 2.3 ·\ 2.1 i 2.9 I :I " ): . .~ ,l ., 2'.6 .2. 7 j' '· '2.7 'l 3. 2 i ::- . . 2.2 l ' J '· 2. 8 2.6 . ~ 28 l(' ··..· .2.5 2.9 2.8 2.7 ···. ·····• I ; 2.s· 0.31. ~,. ! t' ' '.· ' :.. . 04 ·~ ,... ~ ~:'-'. ·...: ,.".: ''( ... . -~· 2.4 ' ···.·. ( ',.•, ; :~ ·.; ,·. .. :'· .• .. -·. ~-~ .a :,. . f -~.... ' .·.: l ::~ '' '.' .. ,'~ ·' 2.1 3.2 1·2 -" ··... ..~,: ) '~-~ (I ··.. · ~: ; ·_{. .. ,i . ' ·_:f · ..;,,-· ( ' ~ ~. 2.5 :::· ~· ;~ •• ~ ~· '. ;; .( ' f ...... ' ,,:• ',·,. 1:.;' •, :·: .. .. I LIFO C/T !:. .,; ! ...: :.·:- LIFC' S/G ___i: •.L_ !:. ;·. :. ~ • I ( ) i·' ~. .. ·---.·······- . . ··-· i i,.. : ~ w -~------ -------- -----·-·· .... , ~-- --~--- .....- ..... ·-· ............. -··' ' ..... - -.~· . .4' _;· ~ ~- !I .. ' ~~ ,,; .. :·:, I 2.6 1.6 1.8 2 2.5 1.9 2.4 3.5 2.4 3 2.5 2.1 2.3 1.9 2.0 4. 2.0 3.2 2-7 1.9 2.3 5 2.0 3.7 3.4 2.1 2.1 6 3.0 2.0 2.7 2.6 7 3.6 2.7 2.4 3.6 2.7 3.0 2.7 2.2 1.7 ·•.:. .. · '· •.1.' "',., : ;., ., :i;;. ::·.. :,.·, ,,.· ,. . ,.. --· ~-. '1.:.\• l. ,·.·· ... ·~·/· ... 10 2.5 1,8 '11 2.3 2.8 12 2.5 2.7 2.6 3.1 3.6 2.6 -::.·._ . 13 .. ..•.. 14 ... ! ' ' !: ·.. '•. .. • ~. ·,>Mean .)·..f_-::.·: I' 'i :~·'- ....... .... . .·J <·. .. r "'~. ~ ::. ,. ' ' ,· ·.-.· ..··, . ·-, ... ~.·~-~~ ,..., .,., ' '. ·2.6 ., 2.8 ,·, .. ·': . ·~ 07 '• ·· ... , _,.: ·•·. .·. ,.~ .... ,. ..< ~: ·.:·, :·~ .:·: . '·:{ :/ ..· ., ., .. · .., ~~ 2.1 2.6. ·2.2 2.2 •' :. ·.~ ,, .. ·· 1.3 '. ~ . ..:. ,. ~ .: :; i:.'.: ~ .r 2 2 \ o 'I " ·, .. l. •'·. 2 ~ 1 '· 1 ' ;.. .1·7 l' ,. :2. 3 .: 1~ ·''.l ~ 3.4 ,1.8 ~~~ ·': 2.6 2.6 ; 2.8 ,'• ..... 1. 9 ·) ..:.· ; . I'{ -.25 ~ 2.6 ;._·:;- 2 .. 7 !: 2.9 I· 1 .. 7 ,•:: 2 8 •'. . ·.; ..'' 3 -'3 l:.L 2.1 J 2-4 LIFO A/D !: 1.7 ··,· 2.1 .... ( ) '!: • ',! 2.7 LIFO A/D _J~:)__ ··, . ::.·· '• _u .· .. ·. ' ... ' •:'. .... .. ·... · ·: •. 9 · · .. LIFO C/H 2.8 8 .·:., ~-~--- 2.5 ' '.·.· -- ··- -· -···-··--·--.. 1 . '•! •. . .LIFO C/H ,, '• .· ___, Neal Score ·l . " Administrator Number i ! .. ..... ··--·- Tabulation of the Neal l?refqrred Value Scores 'l'i'i th the Life Orientations Adapting-Dealing (A/D) and Co~scrving-Holding (C/H) Scores (correlation and mean values included) . Table VI. .,,.i'. '· •. •., ,'1 '.09. ' .. l·. r ) :·(. II l· •: \. .· . ,•,' ·,'·,· ,• ~ ' ~ .t:-· 45 Table VII. Tabulation of the Neal Preferred Value Scores With the Likert Organizational Profile Survey Leadership Style Scores Administrator Number Likert Score Neal Score 1 2.5 2.5 2 2.0 2.5 3 3.2 2.5 4 2.8 2.0 5 2.2 2.0 6 3.2 3.0 7 2.9 3.6 8 ·3. 0 3.6 9 2.6 2.7 10 2.6 2.5 11 3.2 2.3 12 2.2 2.5 I 13 3.1 2.6 I 14 2.6 3.6 Mean 2.7 2.7 \\ ! I I r t .26 i I'. I . L____ -.. -------··-----·······-··· ········ ........ -----. .····· ----- .... -- --------------·-------·- .--··---.. --- ---....... ·- . ----- -" --......... ---- . --------... ····-. . .----· .... .. . " 46 ~·able J~cvels Summary of Correlation Values Nith of Significance Correlated \'lith £ Level of Significance (-I:) Likert .55 95 LIFO Supporting-Giving (-) Likert .18 Insignificant (~·) Likert • 36 Insignificant ·LIFO Controlling-Taking·(-) Likert .08 Irisignificant LIFO Conserving-Holding (+) Likert . -.06 Insignificant LIFO Conserving-Holding (-) Likert -.22 Insignificant LIFO T•:aapting-Dealing (+) Likert -.56 95 J,IFO hdapti~g-Dealing (-) Likert .14 Insi9nificant LIFO Supporting-Giving (+) Neal .31 Insignificant J,IFO ,-.· ~:. VIII. Support~ng-Giving LIFO Controlling-Taking_ -· ·- -.-. ---- -- l. . .06 ·-· It1signiflcant '' :LIFO Supporting-Giving (-) Neal :LIFO Controlling-Taking (+) Neal .28 :LIFO Controlling-Taking(-) Neal -.04 lns_i •LIFO Conserving-Holding (+) Neal -.25 Insignificant \l,IFD ConsPrving-Holding ( -) Neal .07 Ins isn.'d. .)_can l LIFO Adapting-Deoling (+) Neal -.17 .Insignificant J,IFO Adapting-Dealing (-) Neal .09 __ Insignificant Likert Supportive Leadership Style Neal .26 Insignificant Insignificant ~n:i f-1 ('"?._~1_.- -·;- ·.-{ .. · ~" ': .- . - --~. :- - .;· f -:;.~•- ~-- :· .1 -.-.--.. .. : t .·_;_. ' ·.•_._.- ... _ - · -'·i; ... -- ... ·_ ~·- ...- ~- /·" ·- . ,. __ .... _. . ~ ·-- .. •· •• !· - :_-: ~ ........ :-.~·... -.. /.,.; -..·...;.:. ~---