62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:23 AM Page 313 Chapter 7 Understanding and Designing Forms Figure 7.1 UML Class Diagram for ELERBE, Inc. Order Detail m Inventory 1 m 1 1 m Shipment Detail m Order 1, m 1 313 Shipment 1 Customer 1, 1 m Invoice m, m Cash Collection Table 7.1 Tables Used in ELERBE’s Order Processing Application Panel A: Inventory Table ISBN Author Title Price Quantity_ On_Hand Quantity_ Allocated 0-256-12596-7 Barnes Introduction to Business $78.35 4,000 200 0-127-35124-8 Cromwell Building Database Applications $65.00 3,500 0 0-135-22456-7 Cromwell Management Information Systems $68.00 5,000 50 0-146-18976-4 Johnson Principles of Accounting $70.00 8,000 250 0-145-21687-7 Platt Introduction to E-commerce $72.00 5,000 40 0-235-62400-6 Rosenberg HTML and Javascript Primer $45.00 6,000 0 ISBN ⫽ unique international standard number assigned to the book; Price ⫽ standard selling price; Quantity Allocated ⫽ quantity of books committed to customer orders but not yet shipped Panel B: Customer Table Customer# Name Address Contact_Person Phone 3450 Brownsville C.C. Brownsville, TX Smith 956-555-0531 3451 Educate, Inc. Fairhaven, MA Costa 508-888-4531 3452 Bunker Hill C.C. Bunker Hill, MA LaFrank 617-888-8510 Panel C: Order Table Order# Order_Date Customer# Status 0100011 05/11/2003 3451 Open 0100012 05/15/2003 3451 Open 0100013 05/16/2003 3450 Open (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:23 AM Page 315 Understanding and Designing Forms Chapter 7 315 A user-friendly system should not require the user to figure out where all the order data are stored and then view or record data in three or four tables. These data entry steps of locating information from multiple tables and writing information to multiple tables can be combined into a single form. The form presents an easy-to-use interface for end-users. End-users do not have to know the table design or figure out the tables required to store data about specific events. Rather, the order entry form in Figure 7.2 organizes the order data in a way that is familiar to the end-user. Once the user enters the data into the form, the DBMS automatically stores the data in the appropriate tables. Figure 7.2 Order Entry Form Layout for ELERBE, Inc. Order Entry Form 1 Order# Order Date1 Customer#1 Customer Name2 Contact Person2 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Customer Address2 ________ Phone2 ________ (Subform): ISBN3 Title4 Author4 Unit Price4 Quantity3 Extended Price5 ________ __________ ______ _______ _______ _________ ________ __________ ______ _______ _______ _________ ________ __________ ______ _______ _______ _________ ________ ________ __________ __________ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ Sales Tax6 Total5 _________ _________ 1 Data will be added to the Order Table. Order# will be assigned by the system. Data will be displayed by system after the user selects the customer from a drop-down list. Source: Customer Table. 3 Data will be added to the Order_Detail Table. 4 Data will be displayed by system after the user selects the book from a drop-down list. Source: Inventory Table. 5 Calculated by system. 6 Calculated by system and added to the Order Table. 2 Event Analysis and Forms The event analysis process discussed in Chapter 2 and used in subsequent chapters can help you in identifying the need for input forms. Table 7.2 lists the events for ELERBE, Inc., and identifies those that require forms. Since the events listed require information from Customer and Inventory master tables, events for maintaining these files have been added to the list. As the table indicates, seven forms have been suggested. Relationship between Input Forms and Tables As noted earlier, forms are commonly used to add data to tables. However, there is not a one-to-one mapping between forms and tables. Three relationships between 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 316 11:23 AM Part II Page 316 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems tables and forms are possible. Only the first one has a one-to-one relationship between a form and a table. 1. One form for recording data in one table. The Customer Maintenance Form in Table 7.2 is an example of this type of form. This form is used to add data to just one table (Customer). 2. One form for recording data in two or more tables. This is the case for the Order Entry Form listed in Table 7.2. It results in adding a record to the Order Table and one or more records to the Order_Detail Table. 3. Two or more forms for recording data in one table. As seen in Table 7.2, two forms are used to record data in the Inventory Table, one for maintaining inventory (other than prices) and another for maintaining inventory prices. Table 7.2 Events and Forms for ELERBE, Inc. Name of table(s) in which data are recorded, if any Event Input form required? Respond to customer inquiries none No Take order Order, Order Detail Yes Pick goods none No Ship goods Shipment, Shipment Detail Yes Form Name Order Entry Enter Shipment Bill customer Invoice Yes Enter Invoice Collect cash Cash Receipt Yes Cash Receipt Maintain customer Customer Yes Customer Maintenance Maintain inventory Inventory Yes Inventory Maintenance Maintain inventory prices Inventory Yes Inventory Price Maintenance Types of Input Forms We classify forms used for data entry into three types: single-record entry forms, tabular entry forms, and multi-table entry forms. Figure 7.3 shows these three types of forms. Figure 7.3 Classification of Data Entry Forms Types of Forms Used for Data Entry Single-Record Entry Form Used to enter or modify a single record in a single table Tabular Entry Form Used to enter or modify several records in a single table Multi-Table Entry Form Used to enter or modify records in two or more related tables 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:23 AM Page 317 Understanding and Designing Forms 317 Chapter 7 Single-Record Entry Form. A single-record entry form shows only one record at a time (see Figure 7.4A). This form is used to add, delete, or modify data in a single record in a particular table. Such forms are frequently used for maintaining master file data. Examples include the Inventory Maintenance, Customer Maintenance, and Inventory Price Maintenance forms for ELERBE, Inc. Note that more than one entry form can be used to record data to a single table. In Figure 7.4A, the inventory clerk can enter most of the data required for the Inventory Table, but not the price. Figure 7.4B shows a different form that is used for entering prices. The reason for the separation is that the inventory clerk is assigned the duty of entering new inventory products, but the company wants the prices set by the sales manager only. Figure 7.4A Single-Record Entry Form (used by inventory clerk) Inventory Maintenance Form Figure 7.4B Single-Record Entry Form (used by sales manager) Inventory Price Maintenance Form ISBN Author Title ISBN Price ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Tabular Entry Forms. The tabular entry form provides a spreadsheet-like design for entering multiple records in a single table. This type of form is frequently used to record a batch of events. For example, if cash receipts are received in the mail in the morning, a cash receipts clerk may have a batch of cash receipts to record. A spreadsheet format might speed up data entry. Figure 7.5 displays such a form. The clerk can quickly move from one row to the next as each cash receipt is entered. In this case, the form keeps a running total of the dollar amount of the cash receipt records entered so far. If the cash receipts clerk had used an adding machine to total the amount of cash receipts before data entry, the user could compare the total at the bottom of the form to the adding machine total. Figure 7.5 Tabular Entry Form for Entering Data to the Cash Receipt Table for ELERBE, Inc. Cash Receipt Form Cash Receipt# Date Invoice# Customer# Customer Name Check# Amount Cumulative Amount: ________ 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:23 AM Page 317 Understanding and Designing Forms 317 Chapter 7 Single-Record Entry Form. A single-record entry form shows only one record at a time (see Figure 7.4A). This form is used to add, delete, or modify data in a single record in a particular table. Such forms are frequently used for maintaining master file data. Examples include the Inventory Maintenance, Customer Maintenance, and Inventory Price Maintenance forms for ELERBE, Inc. Note that more than one entry form can be used to record data to a single table. In Figure 7.4A, the inventory clerk can enter most of the data required for the Inventory Table, but not the price. Figure 7.4B shows a different form that is used for entering prices. The reason for the separation is that the inventory clerk is assigned the duty of entering new inventory products, but the company wants the prices set by the sales manager only. Figure 7.4A Single-Record Entry Form (used by inventory clerk) Inventory Maintenance Form Figure 7.4B Single-Record Entry Form (used by sales manager) Inventory Price Maintenance Form ISBN Author Title ISBN Price ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Tabular Entry Forms. The tabular entry form provides a spreadsheet-like design for entering multiple records in a single table. This type of form is frequently used to record a batch of events. For example, if cash receipts are received in the mail in the morning, a cash receipts clerk may have a batch of cash receipts to record. A spreadsheet format might speed up data entry. Figure 7.5 displays such a form. The clerk can quickly move from one row to the next as each cash receipt is entered. In this case, the form keeps a running total of the dollar amount of the cash receipt records entered so far. If the cash receipts clerk had used an adding machine to total the amount of cash receipts before data entry, the user could compare the total at the bottom of the form to the adding machine total. Figure 7.5 Tabular Entry Form for Entering Data to the Cash Receipt Table for ELERBE, Inc. Cash Receipt Form Cash Receipt# Date Invoice# Customer# Customer Name Check# Amount Cumulative Amount: ________ 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 318 11:23 AM Part II Page 318 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems Note that the Customer# and Customer_Name on the form are in gray. Data for these attributes are not entered in this form. They are simply displayed in the form for confirmation. As soon as the Invoice# is entered, the system locates the invoice record in the Invoice Table and retrieves the Customer#. The Customer# is displayed. The system then uses the Customer# to locate the customer record and displays the Customer_Name. Thus, three tables are involved in this process: the Cash Receipt Table, to which records are being added, and the Invoice and Customer tables from which data are being retrieved and displayed. Multi-Table Entry Forms. The multi-table entry form is used to add data to more than one table. For example, the Order Entry Form in Figure 7.6 records data in both the Order and Order_Detail tables. For every order, there can be many order detail records. When data are entered to records that are in a one-to-many relationship, a main form is used. A main form has two parts—a main part that is used to add data to the “ones” table and a subform that is used to add data to the “many” table. Entering data in the “main” part of the form results in adding one record to the Order Table; entering data in the “subform” part adds as many records to the Order_Detail Table as there are products ordered. Figure 7.6 shows a main form/subform arrangement. The areas in Figure 7.6 that are in gray indicate that data are displayed but not entered in those fields. Once the Customer# is entered, the system responds with Customer_Name, Contact_Person, Customer_Address, and Phone automatically. Once the ISBN is entered, the system responds with the Title, Author, and a default Unit_Price. The default price can be overridden. The user then enters the quantity. The Extended_Price, Sales_Tax, and Total figures are not entered either. They are calculated by the computer. Notice that the distinguishing feature between a multi-table entry form and other entry forms is that data are being written to more than one table. We shall Figure 7.6 Multi-Table Entry Form with Main Form and Subform for ELERBE, Inc. Order Entry Form Order# Order Date Customer# Customer Name Contact Person ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Customer Address Phone ________ ________ (Subform): ISBN Title Author Unit Price Quantity Extended Price ________ ___________ _________ _______ _______ _________ ________ ___________ _________ _______ _______ _________ ________ ___________ _________ _______ _______ _________ ________ ________ ___________ ___________ _________ _________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _________ _________ Sales Tax Total _________ _________ 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 322 11:23 AM Part II Page 322 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems Figure 7.7 Use Case Diagram and Forms Maintain Inventory Data Inventory Control Maintain Inventory Prices Sales Manager Maintain Customer Data Credit Department Enter Customer Order Order Entry Clerk Record Shipments Shipping Clerk Record Sales Invoice Billing Clerk Record Collection Cash Receipts Clerk Print Cash Receipts Report later. As we go through the explanation of Table 7.3, we will point out some differences that you should consider when designing single-record or tabular forms. Also, the comprehensive example later in the chapter will apply the template to all three types of forms. We now consider five elements of a form that require documentation. Attributes Recorded in Tables. Attributes recorded in tables are indicated in the documentation template in Table 7.3 in the row labeled “Attribute recorded in tables.” Additional data displayed on the form, but not recorded, are shown in the next row of the template. ▪ Table 7.3 shows the data tables in which the form data are recorded. As can be seen near the top of the table, the form is a multi-table form that records data in two tables, Order and Order_Detail. We know this because there are two tables in which data are recorded, as indicated in the row, “Attribute recorded in tables.” The significance of the row, “Attribute displayed but not modified” will be discussed shortly. The format in Table 7.3 also applies to single-record and tabular forms. For these forms, only one table will be used in recording data. 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 324 5/23/2002 11:24 AM Part II Page 324 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems reading from tables. In other words, the user is not recording new data for these attributes. ▪ ▪ Table 7.3 shows other tables that provide data that are displayed but not entered. Two such tables are used in the Order Entry Form. Customer information is displayed from the Customer Table. Note that there is only one customer for the entire order. Thus, the customer details also appear in the main form. Data are also displayed from the Inventory Table. Based on the ISBN entered, the system displays the Title and Author retrieved from the Inventory Table. As with the tables in which data are recorded, Table 7.3 shows which tables are used in the main form and the subform. We can see that the Customer Table is used in the main form, while the Inventory Table is associated with the subform. Calculated Fields. Forms may also include fields calculated from the data in tables. For example, the Quantity field (Order_Detail Table) and Price field (Inventory Table) can be used to compute the Extended_Price. The Total of Extended_Price, another calculation, is displayed on the main form. Foreign Keys. A final issue to consider as you develop the form template relates to foreign keys. In the Order Entry Form, consider the following foreign keys and their purposes: (a) The Customer# in the Order Table links the order to the correct customer so that the Customer_Name can be retrieved and displayed. (b) The ISBN in the Order_Detail Table links the detail record to the Inventory Table so the Author and Title can be displayed. Queries. In Microsoft Access, the main form and subforms are each designed to capture information in a table or query. If the main form consists of data from two tables (Order and Customer), you should join the main form tables into a join query before building your form. Queries make it easier to link related data. If you join the Customer and Order tables into a query and use this query in building your form, the system will automatically display customer information when a Customer# is entered. Figure 7.8 shows a query in MS Access that joins the Customer and Order tables. Figure 7.8 Query to Join Customer and Order Tables as a Step in Designing an Order Entry Form 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 328 Invoice Entry Screen from Great Plains Dynamics Software: Elements of a Form Figure 7.9 5/23/2002 Page 328 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems 11:24 AM Part II 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:24 AM Page 335 Understanding and Designing Forms Chapter 7 335 is given in Exhibit 7.5, and the UML class diagram and attributes are presented in Figure 7.11. Figure 7.10 Fairhaven Convenience Store: UML Class Diagram and Attributes Inventory Product# Sale Sale# SSN (1,m) Sale Detail Sale# Product# (m,1) Manager SSN (m,1) Deposit Deposit# (m,1) Primary keys are in boldface, and foreign keys are in italics. The detail table uses two foreign keys as a compound primary key. Exhibit 7.5 Revenue Cycle for H & J Tax Preparation Service Table Primary Keys Foreign Key Information Attributes Needed Manager SSN Last_Name, First_Name, Address, File_ Stat (tax filing status), Exemptions Inventory Product# Description, Price, Supplier, Reorder_Point, Quantity_On_Hand Sales Sale# SSN Date, Sales_Tax, Payment_Type, Account# Sales Detail Sale# Product# Sale# Product# Quantity_Sold, Price Deposit Deposit# SSN Date, Amount (This exhibit provides data for several Focus on Problem Solving boxes.) H & J Tax Preparation Service offers a variety of tax services. Information about these tax services is provided in the following Tax Service Report: Tax Service Report Service# Service Description Fee Year-to-Date Revenues $100 $120,000 1040 Federal Individual Income Tax Form 1040 (long form) Sch-A 1040 Schedule A (itemized deductions) 50 51,000 Sch-B 1040 Schedule B (interest & dividend earnings) 50 53,300 Sch-C 1040 Schedule C (sole proprietorship) 110 84,000 State State Income Tax Return 80 81,000 Corp Corporate Income Tax 30 (per hr.) 103,000 The company is interested in developing an automated system for recording services rendered and billing clients. Except for the tax software used to prepare the (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:24 AM Page 337 Chapter 7 Understanding and Designing Forms Figure 7.11 UML Class Diagram for H & J Tax Preparation Service 337 (This figure provides information for many of the Focus on Problem Solving boxes.) (1,m) Services Service# (1,m) Service Request Details Request# Service# Invoice Details Invoice# Service# (m,1) (m,1) Service Request Request# Client# Accountant# Accountant Employee# (m,1) Client Client# (1,1) (m,1) Invoice Invoice# Request# (m,1) Table Primary Keys Foreign Key(s) Informational Attributes Services Service# Description, Fee, Year-to-Date_Revenue Client Client# Client_Name, Address, Telephone Accountant_Name Accountant Accountant# Invoice Invoice# Service Details Service Request Request# Invoice_Date, Amount_Due Request#, Service#, (compound primary key) Same as keys in compound primary key Fee Request# Client#, Accountant# Request_Date rative: (1) Make sale and (2) Deposit cash. In addition to these events, we have to include any maintenance events required to set up and modify reference data in master files. A review of the UML class diagram shows two master files: (1) Inventory and (2) Manager. Maintenance events are required for each of these files. Once you have determined the events, decide which ones involve entering data in forms. Forms are required for each of the two events in the process described in Exhibit 7.4 on page 334 and the two maintenance events. Table 7.5 applies the Identify Form Template from Exhibit 7.2 on page 320 to this case and indicates the forms required for Fairhaven Convenience Store. Table 7.5 Events and Forms for Fairhaven Convenience Store Event Name of table(s) in which data are entered, if any Input form required? Maintain manager Manager Yes Maintain inventory Inventory Yes Make sale Sales, Sales Detail Yes Deposit cash Deposit Yes Next, we draw a use case diagram that lists all of the required use cases (forms) and shows the communication with the appropriate actors. We assume that there are only two actors involved with the system—the owner and the manager. In Figure 7.12, the file maintenance functions are assigned to the 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 338 11:24 AM Part II Page 338 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems owner. This assignment is appropriate because the owner would probably want the sole authority to hire managers and to determine what inventory to sell. The recording functions are assigned to the manager because the manager has the responsibility of carrying out the exchange and because no other clerks are available for recording events. We will now consider the design of each type of input form introduced earlier: single-record form, tabular form, and multi-table form (with main form/subform format). Complete the requirements in box 7.d to make sure that you understand how to identify the forms required for an application before proceeding to the next section. Figure 7.12 Use Case Diagram for Fairhaven Convenience Store Maintain Inventory Data Owner Maintain Manager Data Record Sales and Cash Receipts Manager Record Deposits Manager (third shift) Focus on Problem Solving 7.d Identifying the Need for Forms (P1, P2) H & J Tax Preparation Service Required: 1. Review Table 7.5 and Figure 7.12. Identify the input forms required for the system described. 2. Prepare a use case diagram for H & J Tax Preparation Service. Assume that the owner records information about employees and services and that the secretary records the other information in the system. The solution to this Focus on Problem Solving box appears on page 351. Check your answer and make sure you understand the solution before reading further. Single-Record Data Entry Form: Maintenance of Manager Table for Fairhaven Convenience Store The first type of form that we will consider is a single-record form. As mentioned before, the Manager Maintenance Form shows one record of a table at a time (e.g., Figures 7.4A and 7.4B on page 317). These are the simplest forms to design and implement using a DBMS since they involve only a single record in a single table. 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:24 AM Page 339 Understanding and Designing Forms Chapter 7 339 Table 7.6 uses the Form Design Template from Exhibit 7.2 on page 320 and summarizes the design of this form in terms of the underlying tables. Figure 7.13 shows a possible layout for the form. Table 7.7 identifies possible controls that could be used in this form. Note that only some of the controls discussed in the previous section can be used to control file maintenance because of the lack of the need to enter foreign keys. Table 7.6 Content and Organization of Manager Maintenance Form (Single-Record Form): Fairhaven Convenience Store Title on Form Manager Maintenance Form Type of Form Single-record form Data Table Manager 1. Attribute recorded in tables SSN, Last_Name, First_Name, Address, File_Stat, Exemptions 2. Attribute displayed but not modified 3. Foreign keys that link this table to the others used in the form (if any) Format Attribute Names and Calculations Used Main form SSN, Last_Name, First_Name, Address, File_Stat, Exemptions Subform (For main form/subform format only) Formulas for calculations: Figure 7.13 Layout for Manager Maintenance Form: Fairhaven Convenience Store Table 7.7 Input Controls and Use Case Description for Manager Maintenance Form: Fairhaven Convenience Store SSN Last Name First Name Address Manager Maintenance Form ___________ ___________ ___________ File Stat ____________ ___________ Exemptions ____________ Panel A: Manager Maintenance Form—Data Item Controls Data Item Control Features SSN Format checks (number with nine digits) Last_Name Format checks (certain characters, such as punctuation, not permitted) First_Name Format checks (certain characters not permitted) Address Format checks (certain characters not permitted) File_Stat Look-up feature Exemptions Format checks (must be number), validation rule (should be less than maximum number of exemptions possible) (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:24 AM Page 341 Understanding and Designing Forms Figure 7.14 Deposit Form: Layout Deposit# SSN Last Name First Name Date Amount Table 7.9 Input Controls and Use Case Description for Deposit Form: Fairhaven Convenience Store Chapter 7 341 Deposit Form _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Panel A: Deposit Form—Data Item Controls Data Item Control Features Deposit# Computer-generated serial number SSN Computer-generated based on user log-in Last_Name Confirmation First_Name Confirmation Date Default Amount Validation rule Panel B: Deposit Form—Use Case Description 1. The manager selects the “Enter Deposit” option from the menu. 2. The manager enters his username and password. 3. The system obtains SSN based on username. 4. The system displays the Enter Deposit Form. 5. The system displays a Deposit#. 6. The system displays the current date. 7. The manager enters the amount of the deposit. 8. The system asks the user to review the data entered and accept. 9. The manager reviews the data and saves the record. Complete the requirements in box 7.e before proceeding to the next section. Focus on Problem Solving 7.e Design a Single-Record Form (P3, P4, P5) H & J Tax Preparation Service Design a single-record form for maintaining client data. Required: 1. Describe the content and organization of the Client Form using the Form Design Template similar to Table 7.8. (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 342 11:24 AM Part II Page 342 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems (concluded) 2. Draw a layout for the Client Form. 3. For each data item on the form, design appropriate internal controls. Document the controls using the Data Item Controls Template similar to Panel A of Table 7.9. 4. Write a use case description for data entry using the Client Form. Follow the format in the Use Case Description Template similar to Panel B of Table 7.9. The solution to this Focus on Problem Solving box appears on page 352. Check your answer and make sure you understand the solution before reading further. Tabular Data Entry Form: Inventory Maintenance for Fairhaven Convenience Store Recall that a tabular form has a spreadsheet-like design that is useful for adding more than one record to a single table. A tabular form for maintaining inventory is presented in Figure 7.15. Note that several inventory records could be added on a single display page. If several inventory records are being created at one time, this form is more efficient for data entry than a single-record form. Complete the requirements in box 7.f to test your understanding of tabular data entry form. Figure 7.15 Layout for Maintain Inventory Form: Fairhaven Convenience Store Maintain Inventory Form Product# Description Price Supplier Reorder-Point _________ _______________ _______ _____________ _____________ _________ _______________ _______ _____________ _____________ _________ _______________ _______ _____________ _____________ Focus on Problem Solving 7.f Design a Tabular Form (P3, P4, P5) H & J Tax Preparation Service Design a tabular form for H & J Tax Preparation Service for recording cash collection data. This form is not listed in the use case diagram since cash collection was not included in the narrative. However, we are including this problem to help you understand the design of tabular forms for event data. Assume that each collection is for just one invoice. Required: 1. Describe the content and organization of the Cash Receipt Form using the Form Design Template similar to Table 7.8 on page 340. Assume that the Receipt#, Invoice#, Date and Amount of each cash receipt are recorded in a Cash Receipt File. The client’s name should be displayed on the form for confirmation. 2. Draw a layout for the tabular Cash Receipt Form. (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 344 11:24 AM Part II Figure 7.16 Layout for Sales/Cash Receipt Form: Fairhaven Convenience Store Page 344 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems Date Payment Type Account#/Check# Sales/Cash Receipt Form ___________ Manager Last Name ___________ Sale# ___________ _______ _______ Product# Description Quantity Unit Price Extended Price __________ __________ __________ __________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Sales Tax _________ Total _________ Table 7.11 Input Controls and Use Case Description for Sales/Cash Receipt Form: Fairhaven Convenience Store Panel A: Sales/Cash Receipt Form—Data Item Controls Data Item Control Features Sale# Computer-generated serial number Date Default is current date, validation rule (e.g., dates must be within the current period) SSN Determined by computer from username entered at time of log-in For each item purchased by customer: Product# Scanned, referential integrity Price Default from Inventory Table Description Confirmation Quantity Format checks, validation rule (e.g., Quantity should not exceed 999) Extended Price Computer-generated Amount Computer-generated Sales Tax Computer-generated Payment_Type Drop-down box requiring selection of one of three choices: cash, check, or credit card Account# Panel B: Sales/Cash Receipt Form—Use Case Description 1. The manager starts a session by entering his username and password. 2. The system obtains his SSN from the Manager Table based on his username. 3. The manager selects the “Record Sale” option from the menu. 4. The system displays the Date (current date). 5. The system assigns a unique Sale#. (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 346 11:24 AM Part II Page 346 Understanding and Developing Accounting Systems The use case diagram was introduced as a tool that can clarify the various ways the system is used during the events in a process. A complete use case diagram would show all of the occurrences in which the system is used as well as the “actor” who is interacting with the system. For each use case in the diagram, a use case description can be prepared that provides the details of the interaction between the user and the system for that particular use (e.g., Record customer order). Since there is a great deal of interaction between the user and the system when recording data in a form, use case descriptions are helpful in documenting the data entry process. We found that using forms to enter data can be more efficient than keying data directly into data tables and can result in opportunities to apply internal controls to the entry process. Forms can be constructed that provide look-up, record checking, confirmation, validation rules, and other features that improve the efficiency and accuracy of the data entry process. A template was introduced that can be used to document the content and organization of forms. Three formats for data entry forms were considered—single-record, tabular, and multi-table. The multi-table form may require a main form/subform format. For purposes of review, the three formats are presented together in Figure 7.17. In the next four chapters, we will study the details of accounting applications. Chapter 8 will emphasize the organization of information activities and the relationship between accounting modules such as purchasing, inventory, and general ledger. Chapters 9 through 11 will discuss accounting applications for the acquisition and revenue cycles in some depth. Figure 7.17 Layouts for SingleRecord, Tabular, and Multi-Table Forms with Sample Data Single-Record Entry Form Inventory Maintenance Form ISBN ___________ Author ___________ Title ___________ Tabular Form Cash Receipt Form Cash Receipt# Date Invoice# Customer# Customer Name Check# Cumulative Amount Amount __________ Multi-Table Form with Form and Subform Order Entry Form Order# Order Date Customer# Customer Name Contact Person ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Customer Address ________ Phone ________ (continued) 62006_JonesRama_CH07.qxd 5/23/2002 11:24 AM Page 347 Understanding and Designing Forms 347 Chapter 7 Figure 7.17 Concluded ISBN Title Author Unit Price __________ __________________ ____________ _______ __________ __________________ ____________ _______ Quantity Extended Price _______ _______ _________ _________ Sales Tax _________ Total _________ KEY TERMS Check boxes. A check box is a graphical interface or a box on a form that indicates whether a particular option has been selected. The user can click on the box to turn the option on or off. When the option is on, an X or check mark appears in the box. Check boxes are similar to radio buttons, but more than one option can be selected. (327) Command buttons. Command buttons, sometimes referred to as push buttons, cause an action to occur when selected by the user. A common example is a button that is selected to print a form that is currently being displayed. (326) Computer-generated values. Information calculated by the computer based on data that it already has. Examples include calculations that appear on forms and reports and the automatic assignment of serial numbers to identify records in a table. (332) Confirmation. A control where the system helps the user confirm that the data entered were correct by displaying related data from another table. For example, when the Customer# is entered in an order, the system obtains the Customer_Name from the Customer Table and displays it on the form. (330) Default. A value or setting that a program automatically selects if you do not specify a substitute. For example, a sales system may be set up so that the default sales price is the standard price in the Inventory File for that product. Defaults can be overridden. (331) Form. A formatted document containing blank fields that users can fill in with data. When the form is displayed on a computer screen, the data entered in the blank fields are saved to one or more data tables. (315) Form interface elements. Objects on forms used for entering information or performing actions. (326) Format checks. A control that ensures the data entered are of the correct type, length, and format for the particular field. For example, letters cannot be entered in a field where a number or a date is expected. (331) Join query. A query that matches records in two or more tables. The two tables must be joined by at least one common field. When a join query is executed, the result is a presentation of data from both tables. (324) Look-up feature. A drop-down list of appropriate choices for data entry in a particular blank field in a form. When the user moves the data entry point to the blank field, the list becomes available. This feature is commonly applied when the data to be entered are foreign keys. (326) Main form. A form that is used to add data to two or more tables that have a one-to-many relationship. The form has two parts—a main part and a subform. The main part of the form is used to add data to the ones table, and the subform is used to add data to the many table. (318) Multi-table entry form. A form that is used to enter or modify records in two or more related tables. Frequently includes a main form and a subform. (318) Radio buttons. Radio buttons are also called option buttons. A radio button is a graphical interface in the shape of a button that can be included