Spatiotemporal machine learning Anand Rangarajan and Sanjay Ranka Dept. of CISE


Spatiotemporal machine learning

Anand Rangarajan and Sanjay Ranka

Dept. of CISE

University of Florida

Remote Sensing: Big Spatial Data


Spectral AVIRIS ( 20m , 224B ): On demand , airborne, 700km/hr.

ARIES ( 30m , 32B , 7 day )

Landsat-1 (MSS):

80m , 4B , 18 day revisit


1M (SPOT, IKONOS, WorldView)


2000 Sub-meter (Aerial, …)

AVHRR ( 1KM , 5B , 1 day)

MODIS ( 250m-1KM , 36B , 1-2 days )

5TB/day – Heterogeneous data


How to map informal settlements (slums, barrios, shanty towns, …) in an efficient manner?

Very High Resolution




Objects may be same (e.g.,

Buildings, Roads,

…), but not the spatial patterns


Sample-based ML versus Spatiotemporal ML

Expert labels

Sample-based classification



Unsupervised learning

Permutation (acid test)

Spatial image classification


K-Means Clustering

Support vector machine

Pixel dictionary



Graph partitioning


Superpixel dictionary

Not invariant

Novel Framework

Superpixel formation

Superpixel descriptor

Building the Superpixel graph

Initializing the graph labels

Label refinement


Superpixel Descriptor

Intensity histograms

Corner density

Size of Superpixels

Binary feature based on coarse scale tessellation

All these features are concatenated to obtain a 54 dimensional descriptor for each superpixel

Superpixel formation

Parcellation into homogenous regions

Huge reduction in data complexity

Semi-supervised Learning: Initializing the graph labels

The expert labels a very few pixels (ground truth)

This sparsely available ground truth is used to learn a classifier.

Several approaches are used:

K- nearest neighbors (based on k-d trees)

SVM (we use a linear kernel in our framework)

Once the classifier is obtained, rudimentary labels are obtained for all the superpixels

Label refinement

Labels obtained in the previous step are rudimentary.

This can cause artifacts (neighboring regions belonging to same class can get different labels).

Laplacian propagation is used to smooth the labels obtained in the previous step .

Laplacian propagation

Minimize the following cost function separately for each category:

𝑌𝑌 𝑖𝑖 is 1 if the superpixel belongs to the category and 0 otherwise.

𝑋𝑋 𝑖𝑖 is relaxed to take real values

Maximum value of 𝑋𝑋 for each category is used as the

Performance and Accuracy

• Our approach labels approximately 90% of the pixels correctly in 20 minutes for a 1000 x 1000 image patch while Citation KNN takes 27.8 hours and GMIL takes 3.1 hours for a 1000 x 1000 image patch, at a fixed grid size.

• Our approach does not require experimentation to obtain the right grid size which is an unsolved problem.

• Our segment boundaries correspond to natural object boundaries.


Most of the steps are easily parallelizable using data decomposition techniques (Parallel versions using

MPI, Apache Spark in development).

Expect to be able to process 200 square km per core per day

Using 1000 cores should result in processing of

200,000 sq km per day.

Manu Sethi, Yupeng Yan, Anand Rangarajan, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Sanjay

Ranka: An efficient computational framework for labeling large scale spatiotemporal remote sensing datasets.

IC3 2014: 635-640

Manu Sethi, Yupeng Yan, Anand Rangarajan, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Sanjay

Ranka: Scalable Machine Learning Approaches for Terrain

Classication datasets.


Tessellation of Rio

10.8K * 9.8K

2K * 2K patches

Combine results

35000 superpixels


Superpixel descriptor: Corner Density

Corner density is negligible in forest regions but quite high in urban and slum regions. We use Harris corner detector for obtaining the corners.


Most of the steps are easily parallelizable using data decomposition techniques (Parallel versions using

MPI, Apache Spark in development).

Expect to be able to process 200 square km per core per day

Using 1000 cores should result in processing of

200,000 sq. km per day.

Manu Sethi, Yupeng Yan, Anand Rangarajan, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Sanjay

Ranka: An efficient computational framework for labeling large scale spatiotemporal remote sensing datasets.

IC3 2014: 635-640

Manu Sethi, Yupeng Yan, Anand Rangarajan, Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Sanjay

Ranka: Scalable Machine Learning Approaches for Terrain

Classication datasets.


Images and Dictionaries: Coding, denoising and registration

Source: SPIE

Image Patches

3D, 4D and 5D blocks

Mixtures of HOSVDs

Research Q: Generalization to non-uniform tesselations?

IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 2008, IEEE T-PAMI 2013

Joint work with Arunava Banerjee

Hyperspectral Imaging

(Joint work with Paul Gader)

The hyperspectral realm: Numerous bands at each pixel

Segmentation, Unmixing and

Classification: Spatiotemporal ML





GRENDEL (Graph-based Endmember

Extraction and Labeling




Machine Learning for Vortex Visualization

Simulation data containing vortices

Physics-based feature detectors combined via machine learning into compound classifier (CC)

Machine learning Physics

Spatio-temporal machine learning for turbulent flow?

Computer Graphics Forum, 2014

CC has lower error rate and better sensitivity and specificity

Representation of Multilevel Structures

Making Waves With Shapes

Quantize classical system Linear Schrödinger

Wave magnitude: Probability, Phase: Curve geom.

Apps : Correspondence, indexing, classification

Research Direction: Can other classical problems like shortest paths on manifolds be “quantized”?

NSF 1143963: IEEE CVPR 2012, SIAM Math Anal. 2012

Shape Complex Segmentation
