The Pliocene Shelburne Mass-Movement and Consequent Tsunami, Western Scotian Slope D.C. Mosher, Z. Xu, and J. Shimeld Abstract Submarine mass-movement is a significant process along continental margins, even along passive margin slopes. Interpretation of seismic reflection profiles along the Scotian margin, for example, indicates the Cenozoic section is dominated by mass transport deposits (MTD) at a spectrum of scales. Occasional exceptionally large MTDs are observed which seem particularly foreign in a passive continental margin setting. The Shelburne MTD was recognized from exploration industry seismic reflection data along the western Scotian Slope. It is a buried Plio/ Pleistocene feature that extends in excess of 100 km from the upper slope to the abyssal plain and maps to an area in excess of 5,990 km2 and a volume >862 km3. Its features demonstrate that it is a frontally-emergent MTD with a slump portion and a debris flow/run-out portion. Tsunami simulations were generated for this event, one assuming the slump portion generated the tsunami, the other, both the slump and debris flow contributed. For a mass movement comparable in scale to the Shelburne MTD, these simulations demonstrate that the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, would be impacted within 70 to 80 minutes by a 13–25 m high wave, depending on the MTD source volume (slump or slump and debris field). Keywords Submarine landslide • mass-failure • mass-transport deposit • tsunami • geohazard • seismic reflection D.C. Mosher () and J. Shimeld Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada Bedford, Institute of Oceanography, 1 Challenger Dr., Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2 e-mail:; Z. Xu Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maurice-LaMontagne Laboratory, PO Box 1000, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4 Canada e-mail: D.C. Mosher et al. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol 28, © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010 765 766 1 D.C. Mosher et al. Introduction On November 18, 1929, a submarine landslide off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland caused a devastating tsunami (Mosher and Piper 2007), demonstrating that even passive continental margins are prone to submarine geologic hazards. The landslide and ensuing turbidity current severed 12 undersea trans-Atlantic communication cables (Doxsee 1948) and the tsunami claimed 28 lives on the south coast of Newfoundland. Mosher and Piper (2007) showed from seafloor multibeam bathymetric data that there is little telltale geomorphologic evidence that a catastrophic event as recent as 80 years ago occurred; the slope morphology looks much the same as the remainder of the continental margin. In contrast, seismic imaging of the eastern Atlantic margin has led to the understanding that submarine mass failure is a significant process along the continental slope; mass transport deposits (MTD) probably comprising in excess of 50% of the stratigraphic section. These deposits occur at a spectrum of scales, but occasional exceptionally large (>100’s of km3) MTDs are observed. The initiating mechanisms of such deposits along passive margins remain enigmatic. Additionally, given that a seemingly geologically unrecognizable mass-failure generated a tsunami in 1929, there is a question as to the tsunami-generating capability of these exceptionally large MTDs. The Shelburne mega-slump is one such mass failure identified on seismic data from the western Scotian Slope (Fig. 1). Study of its stratigraphic position, morphology and seismic attributes are used to determine its origin and depositional style, and its metrics are used to numerically synthesize a resulting tsunami and its potential impact. 1.1 Regional Geology Rifting of the Nova Scotia margin began in the Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic (230–175 Ma), followed by Jurassic seafloor spreading (Wade and MacLean 1990). Thick Jurassic and Cretaceous strata overlie Triassic salt (Wade and MacLean 1990), the latter of which has mobilized into significant salt diapirs and salt canopies that affect even the modern seafloor morphology. Prodeltaic shales accumulated along the Scotian margin during the Tertiary and continued fine-grained sediment progradation dominated through to the present. Deep canyon incision during major sea level lowstands occurred through the Tertiary and again in the Quaternary. In the later Miocene, the Western Boundary Under-current influenced sediment distribution on the margin (Campbell and Mosher, this volume) creating unconformities in some locations and sedimentary deposits in others. Rapid sedimentation of largely fine-grained sediments ensued with the onset of terrestrial glaciation during the Pliocene and ice sheets extended close to the shelf edge in the Pleistocene, drastically affecting sea level and shelf and slope sedimentation processes (Mosher et al. 2004). Low-grade seismicity along the margin occurs even into the present, in part related to remnant glacial rebound strain and in part inherited from old tectonic terrains (Mazzotti 2007). The Pliocene Shelburne Mass-Movement and Consequent Tsunami 767 Fig. 1 Study area location on the Scotian margin, also showing the location of two adjacent exploration wells 1.2 Methods The principal data set used in this research is part of a 2D multichannel seismic grid (8 × 8 km-spacing) covering the Scotian margin with 35,000 line-km of data. These data were acquired for with the vessel Geco-Prakla using a 7,918 in3 airgun array towed at 7.5 m depth and an 8,000 m long hydrophone array consisting of 320 channels with 25 m group interval. The shot point interval was 37.5 m resulting in 106-fold data. Signals were sampled for 14 s at a 2 ms sample interval. Data were processed with re-sampling to 4 ms, radon multiple attenuation, spherical divergence and exponential gain recovery, deconvolution, brute stack, NMO, DMO stack, FK filter and Kirchoff migration, time variant filter, FX deconvolution and relative amplitude scaling. Seismic data were imported into Seismic MicroTechnology Inc. Kingdom Suite version 8.2 interpretation software for imaging and horizon tracing. Horizons were digitally picked and isochron maps rendered within this software suite. The tsunami model used for this study is based on a set of depth-averaged, linearized shallow water equations with the Coriolis force and frictional force included. The numerical algorithm for the simulation is similar to that proposed by Heaps (1969), but the dynamics is assembled in a highly sparse matrix. With such 768 D.C. Mosher et al. a dynamics matrix, we can use it in one of two ways: (1) matrix-vector multiplication, and (2) vector-matrix multiplication. The latter is suitable to generating allsource Green’s function (Xu 2007) for tsunami preparedness when the source of a tsunami cannot be known beforehand. In this study, we know the location and metrics of a tsunami source and we wish to know how the consequent tsunami propagates and affects the near and far fields. This scenario calls for the first way of using the dynamics matrix; thus the tsunami simulations presented in this paper are obtained recursively by such matrix-vector multiplications, with the initial vector related to the area and height of the slump and debris flow. The model is on a spherical coordinate and grid resolution is 5 minutes in both longitudinal and latitudinal directions. 2 2.1 Results Seismic Mapping Investigation of the TGS seismic grid along the Scotian margin led to identification of many MTDs in the Cenozoic succession. Some of these MTDs are exceptionally large, involving >100 km3 of sediment. One of the largest and youngest identified is referred to as the Shelburne megaslump (Shimeld et al. 2003), located adjacent to the Shelburne G-29 exploration well on the western Scotian Slope (Fig. 1). This well was drilled in 1985 in 1,154 m water depth to a target depth of 4,005 m. The Albatross B-13 exploration well, drilled in 1,341 m water depth to a total depth of 4,046 m, is about 10 km to the east of the MTD. The Shelburne MTD appears to consist of two fundamental parts, based on the seismic reflection profiles: at the upslope portion, in present water depths of 750–1,350 m, is a <700 ms thick deposit of folded and faulted stratigraphy (Figs. 2 and 3). The base of this deposit rests on top of conformable reflections. The top of the deposit is irregular because of faults and contorted folds, but it has been infilled with chaotic reflections, leveling out the terrain. Above this contorted and incoherent unit, there is largely coherent stratigraphy that is ∼600 ms thick at its upslope extent and 100–200 ms thick above the folds at the outboard end. The contorted unit truncates abruptly against a ramp of undeformed stratigraphy (Figs. 2 and 3), marked in Fig. 2 at the downslope position of the labeled slump. Laterally, the unit defines a sharp contact with undisturbed stratigraphy in a similar ramp-like contact. This upslope deformed part of the Shelburne MTD maps to an area of 260 km2. The second part of the Shelburne MTD commences at the aforementioned undeformed ramp. The contorted unit abuts against the ramp in the downslope direction and then continues on top of undeformed section, creating a deposit of incoherent and deformed reflections that is initially about a maximum of 400 ms thick. The base of this deposit defines a high amplitude reflector which appears to occasionally skip to different stratigraphic levels. The top of the unit is highly irregular with The Pliocene Shelburne Mass-Movement and Consequent Tsunami 769 Fig. 2 Seismic profile showing the upslope portion of the Shelburne MTD (highlighted in yellow). The slump transitions to a debris flow in a frontally-confined manner, with a possible slide portion involved in the transition Fig. 3 Dip seismic profile showing an enlargement of the slump region of the Shelburne MTD. It demonstrates a rotational component in the upslope region, frontal confinement downslope, and over-topping the frontal ramp as a slide/debris flow relief of 10’s to >100 ms. Internally, the deposit consists of a mélange of coherent but contorted and incoherent reflections. Beyond about 14 km downslope of the ramp, internal reflections of the deposit become nearly incoherent and it’s top is smooth relative to the initial portion. Occasional high amplitude reflection events appear within the deposits that are coherent over kilometers of distance. The unit thins distally from the contorted unit, extending 80 km in the downslope direction 770 D.C. Mosher et al. and fanning out laterally (along strike) to the east and west, covering a total area of about 5,730 km2. Along its lateral and downslope edges, the incoherent unit develops into conformable, high amplitude and coherent reflections. There are no direct velocity data within the Shelburne MTD, but ties to the Shelburne G-29 well log data show the equivalent interval has velocities averaging about 2,000 m/s. This value is in agreement with refraction velocity analyses conducted further to the east in the Torbrook block (LeBlanc et al. 2007). This value of 2,000 m/s was used to convert time–thickness to thickness in meters. As line spacing is insufficient over the feature to directly derive its spatial dimensions, the total volume was calculated by first determining sediment thickness along line, then generating an isopach map using a grid interval of 800 × 800 m (Fig. 4) with an inverse-weighted distance technique. The volume of each grid element was calculated using the thickness value for that element and then all grid elements were summed to provide total volume for the feature. Using this technique, the average thickness of the upslope portion of the feature is ∼450 m and its volume is 117 km3, covering an area of 260 km2 (Table 1). Fig. 4 Isopach of the Shelburne MTD, upslope perspective view Table 1 Metrics of the Shelburne MTD Area (km2) Slump Debris Total 260 5,730 5,990 Thickness (km) 0.450 0.129 Volume (km3) 117 745 862 Dip length (km) 10 80 90 The Pliocene Shelburne Mass-Movement and Consequent Tsunami 771 The second portion of the MTD, with strongly incoherent reflections, covers an area of 5,730 km2. Its average thickness is 129 m and total volume is 745 km3. The total volume of mobilized sediment for the Shelburne MTD, therefore, is about 862 km3 affecting a total area of about 5,990 km2 (Fig. 4). The entire unit rests on a major regional unconformity that spans nearly the entire Scotian margin (Campbell and Mosher, this volume). With ties to the Shelburne G-29 well, this unconformity is recognized to be probable mid-Miocene in age. The top of the MTD appears to be capped by sediment judged to be Late Pliocene to very Early Pleistocene in age. The mass failure, therefore, likely occurred about the time of the Plio-Pliestocene boundary. 2.2 Tsunami Simulation The characteristics of a tsunami generated by a submarine landslide are mainly determined by the volume, the initial acceleration, the maximum velocity, the water depth and the possible retrogressive behaviour of the landslide (Harbitz et al. 2006). Two tsunami models were calculated and simulations were produced (Fig. 5); (1) the input function used only the metrics of the slump portion of the MTD, and (2) the input function used the slump and debris flow components. There is little knowledge of volumes of material that may have been displaced as a translational slide versus slump, yet a slide may be more efficient at generating a tsunami than a slump (Grilli and Watts 2005). For the purposes of these tsunami solutions, the seafloor is assumed to have displaced by an instantaneous vertical displacement of the MTD thickness and area. It is also assumed that the water depth at the time of failure was equivalent to todays. Wave dissipation and friction are considered in the numerical solution. Figure 5a shows the synthesized tsunami wave field, generated by the slump portion of the MTD, as it strikes Halifax. The initial wave is negative because of the style of seafloor displacement reflected at the sea surface. This surface deformation results in initial drawdown impacting most of the central and southwestern coast of Nova Scotia at about 50 minutes post failure, followed by a 13 m-high wave striking Halifax at about 70 minutes (Fig. 5b). Figure 5c shows the tsunami wave field generated by the slump and debris flow combined. In this case, because the centre of deformation is slightly outboard, the leading negative wave arrival time at Halifax is 60 minutes post-failure and the first inundation wave reaches Halifax, the capital and principal population centre at about 75 minutes (Fig. 5d). Due to local topographic wave amplification, it is over 25 m in height. The wavefront of the tsunami impacts the eastern seaboard of the U.S. coastline after about 180 minutes, again with a leading negative wave. In the first scenario (slump only), the inundation wave is only 0.13 m high at New York. In the second scenario, with the slump and debris field, the inundation wave is 3 m at New York. The tsunami wave hits Bermuda 772 D.C. Mosher et al. Fig. 5 Results of tsunami simulations based on initiation by the Shelburne MTD. (a) and (b) show results from a tsunami generated solely by the slump, whereas (c) and (d) show results from a tsunami generated by the slump and debris flow. In both cases, the leading wave is negative as a result of the initial landslide displacement, followed by a positive inundation wave. In scenario (a), a 13 m high tsunami wave strikes Halifax at about 70 minutes post-failure. In scenario (b), a 28 m high wave strikes Halifax at about 80 minutes post-failure at about the same time as Halifax; over five times the distance, but the wave velocity is greater in deep water. 3 Discussion and Conclusion The two principal units of the Shelburne MTD describe a “frontally-emergent” submarine landslide as defined by Frey-Martinez et al. (2006), with a blocky initial portion terminating abruptly against a ramp and then a thinner deposit of chaotic reflections overtopping the ramp and spreading downslope. This initial portion, showing folding, contortion and faulting, is interpreted to represent the initial The Pliocene Shelburne Mass-Movement and Consequent Tsunami 773 slump of the Shelburne landslide, enlarged in the seismic profile on Fig. 3 and shown as the thickest portion in the isopach map on Fig. 4. This upslope portion shows clear evidence of seaward dipping faults and landward-verging folds, probably in response to initial extension and rotation during failure (Fig. 3). Outboard, the faults are landward dipping and folds seaward-verging in response to compression of the mass abutting the ramp (Figs. 2 and 3), thus the slump appears to have been partially contained by this ramp. Material of incoherent reflections infill low areas on top of the deposit (i.e. in the synclines of folds and grabens of faults), likely material that slumped onto the deposit after initial rotation and translation of the main mass. The MTD overtops the frontal ramp at its downdip and outboard position and spills onto what is probably the paleo-seafloor. It spreads downslope and laterally as a ∼200 to 400 m thick debris flow, although initial coherent stratigraphy within the deposit probably reflects a slide component. Coherent but contorted reflections within the flow and its hummocky surface at this upslope portion suggest that the flow was blocky, perhaps transporting relatively intact blocks of sediment as it transitioned from a slump to slide to a debris flow. Beyond about 14 km downslope from the ramp, the surface of the deposit is smoother and internal reflections are chaotic, suggesting a well-mixed debris flow. Occasional coherent and relatively continuous reflectors within the deposit may represent internal flow shear or confluence of different branches of the flow. The deposit occasionally skips to lower or higher stratigraphic levels, likely reflecting the complexities in the paleoseafloor. At its lateral extents, contorted reflections merge into laterally coherent reflections, likely representing transition of the failure from debris flow to turbidity current. The Shelburne MTD maps from available seismic data to a total area of nearly 5,990 km2, and a volume of 862 km3. This volume is five times that of the 1929 Grand Banks landslide (Piper and Aksu 1987; McCall et al. 2005), and equivalent to the initial failure of the Storegga slide (Storegga is an accumulation of at least three distinct events) (Haflidison et al. 2005; Mason et al. 2006). Although the trigger mechanism for the Shelburne MTD is beyond the subject of this study, it is presumably earthquake initiated, as suggested by Mosher et al. (1994) for most mass-failures on the Scotian margin and as was the case for the 1929 landslide. The Grand Banks and Storegga landslides are known to have generated tsunamis that impacted surrounding coastlines. In the case of the 1929 event, wave heights of 3–8 m are estimated with run up elevations of 13 m (Ruffman 1997; Clague et al. 2003). For the Storegga submarine landslide, maximum run up heights of 20 m above the contemporaneous high tide level are suggested (Bondevik et al. (2005). Bondevik et al. (2005) and Lovholt et al (2005) modeled tsunamis from this slide, assuming retrogressive slide behaviour and calculated open water wave heights between 5.7 and 7.2 m and wave heights in excess of 20 m at a coastal site proximal to the source (Sula, Norway). Our two tsunami simulations for the Shelburne MTD; one generated by just the slump portion of the MTD and another by the slump and debris flow, demonstrate open water wave heights of 2 and 5 m, respectively. Inundation waves striking Halifax, 200 km from the failure site, arrive 70–80 minutes 774 D.C. Mosher et al. post-failure with wave heights of 13–25 m. If such waves inundated Halifax at the time of the failure, all evidence onshore would either be now submerged or eliminated by subsequent Pleistocene glaciations. In both scenarios, such events today would clearly pose significant risk to life and societal infrastructure along the Nova Scotia coastline. Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their appreciation to TGS-Nopec for permitting use of the seismic data and to D.C. Campbell and S. Bartel for assistance with interpretation and technical issues. This work was conducted under the NRCan Geoscience for Ocean Management Program. We also thank the reviewers Drs. K. Moran and A. Zakeri for critiquing and improving this manuscript. References Bondevik S, Lovholt F, Harbitz C, Mangerud J, Dawson A, Scendsen JI (2005) The Storegga slide tsunami – comparing field observations with numerical simulations. Mar Pet Geol 22: 195–208. 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