The Significance of Mass-Transport Deposits for the Evolution of a Proglacial Continental Slope T.J. Huppertz, D.J.W. Piper, D.C. Mosher, and K. Jenner Abstract The continental slope off southeast Canada has been influenced by ice sheet fluctuations in the Pleistocene. These ice sheets have supplied the bulk of the sediment, which is the driving process for the observed slope architecture. Several studies with a more local scope have explored the Late Quaternary geological history of the Scotian slope and have used the sedimentary sequence including mass-transport deposits (MTDs) to understand depositional processes on the slope over time. Using this existing understanding of the geological setting on the slope, a new slope-wide regional seismic stratigraphy was developed. This stratigraphy was used to understand variations of MTD deposition on a regional scale on the Scotian Margin. The spatial occurrence of different types of MTDs and their relationship to the regional morphology is used to establish different MTD zones. Mapping of the zones improved the understanding of slope stability and the importance of MTDs for continental-margin evolution. Keywords Mass-transport deposits • mass failure • geohazards • seafloor geomorphology • submarine canyon • submarine valley • slope classification • Scotian Slope 1 Introduction Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) are widely recognized along continental margins and record a component of the erosional history of continental margins. Regional studies have emphasized on the importance of mass wasting along glaciated continental margins (Canals et al. 2000; Piper 2005; Rise et al. 2005; Wilken and Mienert 2006). T.J. Huppertz () University of Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences, FB 5 Klagenfurter Strasse 28359 Bremen, Germany e-mail: D.J.W. Piper, D.C. Mosher, and K. Jenner Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 1 Challenger Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2, Canada D.C. Mosher et al. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol 28, © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010 631 632 1.1 T.J. Huppertz et al. Regional Geology The Scotian Slope (Fig. 1) is a mid-latitude margin, which has been influenced by advance and retreat of ice sheets since at least oxygen isotope stage 12, when high sedimentation rates in deeper water were first observed (Piper et al. 1994; Piper and Normark 1989). The ice sheets supplied large amounts of poorly sorted sediment to the shelf edge as till, together with suspended sand and mud in glacial outwash. Sedimentation rates on the slope are as high as 1–5 m/ka when glacial ice crossed the shelf. Major mass-transport flows were common in the late Quaternary of the Scotian Slope. Several studies with a more local approach have reported the stratigraphic and volumetric importance of such flow deposits along this margin (Berry and Piper 1993; Campbell et al. 2004; Gauley 2001; Mosher et al. 2004; Piper 2001; Piper et al. 1985; Shor and Piper 1989). Most of the flows were initiated during glacial stages, but a clear link between glaciation and MTD deposition could usually not be shown (Mosher et al. 2004). Some MTDs are related to retrogressive failure initiated on the lower rise by over-steepening by salt tectonic processes and triggered by seismic shaking (Mosher and Piper 2007). Failure was probably favored by high rates of proglacial sedimentation on the continental slope (Piper 2005). Seaward of some transverse troughs, glacigenic debris flows formed by direct flow of till into deep water. Large blocky failures resulted from failure along weak layers, as a result of erosion by canyons (Piper and Ingram 2003). In contrast to previous studies that have focused on individual MTDs and have emphasized processes, the work reported here attempts a regional synthesis of MTDs throughout much of the Scotian margin, in order to place the formation of MTDs in a spatial and temporal context. It is based on a new Quaternary slope-wide seismic stratigraphy that was established from Huntec sparker and airgun seismic data. The stratigraphy was developed from previous studies (Campbell et al. 2004; Gauley 2001; Hundert and Piper 2008; Piper 2001) and jump-correlated (correlation based on character including presence of erosional surfaces, across canyons where no continuous sections exists) across canyons based on regional sedimentation rates and correlation using widespread MTDs. Age control for the shallow sequence is given by published radiocarbon dates in piston cores (Piper 2001); the age of markers deeper in the stratigraphy was based on correlation with till tongues on the upper slope and ties to wells (Piper 2001; Piper and Brunt 2006). The reflectors shown in Figs. 2–4 have the following approximate ages: sea bed is usually Holocene (Piper and Campbell 2002), 935 = last glacial maximum (Piper and Sparkes 1990); 880 = marine isotope stage 6 (Piper and Sparkes 1990); 800 to 845 = early Quaternary (Piper 2001; Piper and Ingram 2003). Shallow mass transport deposits along the Scotian slope have been identified using high resolution Huntec boomer and sparker systems, which can image the upper 100 m of sea bed at a vertical resolution of 1 m (Mosher and Simpkin 1999). Lower resolution airgun seismic data was used for the deeper sedimentary sequence from 100–500 m subbottom, at a resolution of tens of meters. Fig. 1 Overview map of the Scotian Slope and its different MTD zones, for more details see results section; inset A shows the working area along the SE Canadian continental margin: NS: Nova Scotia, NF: Newfoundland, (a) Laurentian Channel, (b) Northeast Channel The Significance of Mass-Transport Deposits for the Evolution 633 634 T.J. Huppertz et al. Fig. 2 Typical central Scotian slope Airgun seismic line from Zone 1 showing seismic reflectors and erosional planes (back dashed lines) and their relationship to MTDs. Deeper lying disturbances can have a pronounced impact on the upper sequence; the age control of the seismic reflections was taken from previous studies in the area: Piper and Campbell (2002), Piper and Sparkes (1990), Piper (2001) and Piper and Ingram (2003); area covered by stratigraphy box is a data gap 2 Distribution of Mass-Transport Deposits Sediment failures occur throughout the slope area from the shelf break at ∼500 m to the lower slope at 4,500 m. No clear stratigraphic variability in failures can be resolved at the resolution of the seismic correlation, but the distribution of MTDs varies spatially. Those failures that are not related to canyons, e. g. off Western The Significance of Mass-Transport Deposits for the Evolution 635 Fig. 3 Airgun seismic profile showing the age control on the major scarp at ∼2,100 m water depth. The first continuous reflection under the scarp is close to the base of the Quaternary sequence. This profile is from area 1 and shows well stratified sediments with few erosional surfaces within the sequence; reflector colors as Fig. 2 Bank (Campbell 2000), can be related to scarps and failure planes upslope from the deposit (Fig. 2). Within canyons, small MTDs are interbedded with turbidite sands and appear linked to failures on canyon walls and at the heads of the canyons (Jenner et al. 2007). Head scarps are widely found along the Scotian margin and range from a few meters to hundreds of meters high (Fig. 3), both at the seafloor and buried by younger sediment. Some scarps appear to be the result of repeated retrogressive failures (Mosher et al. 2004). The oldest scarp in the central area cuts back to at least oxygen isotope stage 6 (Fig. 3). In some cases, more than one MTD appears geometrically linked to particular failure planes and erosional surfaces upslope and downslope (Fig. 2), implying that once established, a failure surface might evolve and release several retrogressively failed MTDs. Downslope, MTDs are commonly thinner on the mid-slope and thicker on the rise, suggesting bypassing of sediment. Spatially, the distribution of MTDs is closely related to the shelf and slope morphology, the prevailing ice sheet regime and the occurrence of older failures in the area. Variation in these parameters has been used to classify the slope into different zones, each with different distribution of MTDs (Fig. 1, Table 1): 636 T.J. Huppertz et al. Fig. 4 Airgun seismic slope-parallel transect between the Barrington Debris flow area and the Scotian Gulf showing the sedimentary sequence in the western slope area with several small, lensoid-shaped MTDs. some of the stratified units may represent overspill deposits from turbidity activity. The black dashed lines are prominent erosional surfaces and may represent paleo-horizons Table 1 Summary of MTD zones on the Scotian Slope; DF = debris flow, MTDs = masstransport deposits Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Slope character Erosion Slope gradient Type area Smooth slope, inter-canyon areas Areas highly dissected by deeply incised canyons, small lensoid MTDs on canyon floors Abundant lenticular MTDs on low angle slopes MTDs in areas with stable canyons off shelf troughs Widespread failures, no well developed canyons Few scarps Low Off western Bank In canyons very high, in areas between canyons low Locally, linked to MTDs In canyons and areas of overspill High erosion, widespread Variable Verrill Canyon to Logan Canyon DF corridor Low to medium Low to high west of Scotian Gulf NE Fan and Laurentian Fan Albatross area, Barrington DF area Off Scotian Gulf Widespread debris flows and Widespread cut-and-fill morphology, little stratification Deeply incised old canyon High to very high systems with major wall failures, no canyons along shelf break Medium Low to medium high easternmost Scotian Gulf Zone 1 includes areas of smooth slope and inter-canyon areas characterized by thick, well stratified sediments with few erosional surfaces and related MTDs <20 ms thick. The overall regional slope gradient is low and lacks deeply incised canyons. The outer shelf areas are characterized by shallow banks. The type area is the slope off Western Bank between Mohican Channel and Verrill Canyon (Table 1). The Significance of Mass-Transport Deposits for the Evolution 637 Zone 2 consists of areas highly dissected by canyons, with canyon floors covered by MTDs and turbidite sands (e.g. as described by Jenner et al. 2007). Intercanyon highs between canyons are well stratified but show frequent erosional surfaces throughout, many of which terminate in arcuate headscarps. Zone 2 occurs in areas of higher regional gradient seaward of shallow banks that in many places show buried tunnel valleys (King 2001; Piper et al. 2007). The type area is the areas from Verrill Canyon to the area just west of the Logan Canyon debris flow corridor (Table 1). Zone 3 is characterized by abundant and lenticular MTDs, which occur throughout the stratigraphic succession (Fig. 4). Individual deposits are volumetrically small. The thin interbedded stratified sediments are of minor importance and frequently show erosion and cuts; they are usually highly discontinuous. The upper slope shows discontinuous sequences with frequent erosion (Table 1). Zone 4 is characterized by mass transport deposits in areas, where stable canyon systems off shelf troughs have been observed, e. g. off NE Fan (Robichaud 2006) and Laurentian Fan (Skene and Piper 2006). These areas are characterized by deeply incised, narrow canyons from the shelf break to almost 4,000 m water depth with MTDs along the canyon floors in the case of NE Fan and on levees in the case of Laurentian Fan (Table 1). Zone 5 is characterized by widespread failures with no morphologically well developed canyons. The head scarps of these failures are usually difficult to identify because retrogressive failures may have eroded older head scarps. The MTDs are sometimes related to shallow canyon systems and can cover large areas downslope. They may have infilled or eroded older canyon systems completely. The individual flows are several tens of meters thick and frequently their thickness cannot be observed on the seismic data; most of the flows have a local source area and show short runout distances and blocky surfaces (Albatross area [Shor and Piper 1989] Barrington debris flow area [Mosher et al. this volume]) (Table 1). Zone 6 is characterizes by widespread debris flows and cut-and-fill morphologies. This zone was only observed off the Scotian Gulf (Fig. 1), where almost no stratified sequences occur (Piper 2000). The lower slope is characterized by several small lobe-like structures built from few canyons on the slope (Table 1). Zone 7 is found on the easternmost Scotian Slope and is characterized by deeply incised canyons and major wall failures (Piper and Ingram 2003) which created to major MTDs on the rise and outer slope. The complete slope is characterized by MTDs of various sizes. No stratigraphic control was possible in this area (Table 1). 3 Discussion There are several different types of MTDs found along the Scotian slope: (a) Massive blocky MTDs, mostly found in Zone 5 are likely derived from deeply buried, consolidated sediment on the upper to mid slope (Barrington area: Mosher et al. this volume; Albatross area: Shor and Piper 1989). 638 T.J. Huppertz et al. (b) Retrogressive failures like the 1929 failure. These are common in zone 1 and in intercanyon areas of Zone 2. They may be favored by high sedimentation rates from plumes; triggering may be from retrogressive failure from salt tectonics on the lower slope or from steep canyon walls. (c) Glacigenic debris flows. As argued by Piper and Normark (submitted), these are absent on the steep slopes off Laurentian Channel and Northeast Channel, probably because they have transformed to turbidity currents. They appear to be present off the Scotian Gulf in Zone 6. (d) Stacked small-scale lensoid-shaped MTDs. These flows are mostly found in areas with no canyons and a low slope gradient as the large parts of the western Scotian slope in Zone 3. These flows were initiated by local failures due to cutting by melt water and retrogressive failures (Hill 1984) or from mud tectonics and related oversteepening (Piper and Sparkes 1987). (e) Major slope-wide erosion in areas of deeply incised canyons where wall failures are frequently observed. These MTDs were only observed in Zone 7 where the MTDs have eroded most of the slope sequence at least once and can be found down to the rise areas (Piper and Ingram 2003). The observed distribution of different types of MTDs along the margin may indicate that the character of the initiated MTD is somehow related to the regional slope gradient and the processes along the slope break. The different zones have different slope gradients (Fig. 5). Overall, slope and upper rise gradients are less west of Mohican Channel than in the east. Upper slope gradients are least in Zones 1 and 6 whereas highest slope gradients are found in zone 7 and 5. Slope erosion is thus related to gradients: low MTD activity is found in Zones 1 and 2 which have low gradients, whereas steeper slopes are characterized by major slope failures (Zones 5 and 7). An exception are the shelf troughs, where major sediment transfer to the shelf break occurs, especially off the Laurentian Channel (Shaw et al. 2006) and the NE Channel (Hundert and Piper 2008), where sediment from Scotian Shelf sources creates sediment failures and characterizes the areas seaward of the troughs. In the case of slope failures, the failed sediment consists principally of blocks of variably consolidated slope sediment (Mosher et al. 2004). The role of sediment transported directly from the shelf, such as jökulhlaups at ice maxima (Tripsanas and Piper 2008) or by storms after ice has retreated (Piper 2005) in some cases erode only surficial sediments (Canals et al. 2006), but in the case of larger event will erode deeper lithified sediment along the canyon walls (Piper et al. 2007). The extent and frequency of sediment failure appears related to the erosional history of an area. Most of sediment failures occur over time in the same areas (mainly Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) whereas Zone 1 and the local highs of Zone 2 have been stable for most of the Quaternary (Figs. 1, 3, and 5). Therefore, sediment failure is likely related to processes, which occur again and again in the areas of observed sediment failures. The presence of MTDs also enhances the possibility of more frequent failures in the same areas as failure can precondition for further failures (Fig. 5). Due to sediment failures, slope angle and stability are changed significantly and may promote retrogressive failure or change the pathways for turbidity currents flowing down the slope. Lobe areas, such as the area seaward of the Laurentian Channel, are only The Significance of Mass-Transport Deposits for the Evolution 639 Fig. 5 (a) Slope gradient variations along the Scotian Slope, dark colors indicate steep slope angles; (b) summary figure of the spatial variation of the seismic Airgun stratigraphy (colored bars as in Fig. 2) and thicknesses of MTDs (gray bars) and erosional planes (wavy lines) on the Scotian Slope, the length of the vertical bars represents penetration depth on the seismic data; transect points between 2,300 and 2,500 m water depth constructed in areas where frequent failures generate the lobe. Thus, over several glacial cycles, areas of failure are generally similar and can be used to predict future areas of geohazards by sediment failures (Fig. 5). Isolated sediment failures within an area are more likely related to random slope failures which are not related to cyclic events as glaciation, but are more likely related to random initiating events such as passive margin seismicity. 4 Conclusions Construction of the Quaternary Scotian Slope has been highly impacted by several different types of mass transport deposits. The distinct character of the different types of MTDs could be used to classify the slope into seven different MTD zones. 640 T.J. Huppertz et al. These zones are: (1) well stratified areas with few MTDs; (2) highly canyonized areas with mostly complete sequences in intercanyon areas; (3) areas of several small-scale lensoid MTDs; (4) MTDs on local highs and canyon floors in areas with stable canyons and shelf troughs; (5) area of widespread local failures on the mid-slope with few shallow channels; (6) large blocky debris flows; and (7) areas of deeply incised canyons with slope-wide sediment failures. The spatial distribution of these different zones allows an assessment of the role of direct glacial supply, preconditioning by high sedimentation rates and older failures, and the effect of canyon erosion and regional gradient on the style of MTDs on the slope. Acknowledgments This is Natural Resources Canada Earth Sciences Sector 2009 Contribution. 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