Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide (Western slope of Hatton Bank,

Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide
(Western slope of Hatton Bank,
NE Atlantic Ocean)
M. Sayago-Gil, D. Long, L.-M. Fernández-Salas, K. Hitchen,
N. López-González, V. Díaz-del-Río, and P. Durán-Muñoz
Abstract The Spanish interdisciplinary research project ECOVUL/ARPA focuses
on the western slope of Hatton Bank (NE Atlantic Ocean). As part of this project,
interpretation of multibeam bathymetry data, very high resolution seismic profiles
and sediment samples collected by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, permitted
to identify the Talismán Slide, an underwater landslide developed within the deepwater sediments of the Hatton Drift. Within the slipped mass, present day sea-bed
morphology is rough, comprising blocks, ridges, steps and secondary slides. Seismic
profiles show the slide mass to be supported by a sequence of contouritic deposits.
Trigger mechanism for the Talismán Slide is likely a combination of several causative
factors such as erosion (caused by bottom currents) and an earthquake event which
accelerated the slide process.
Keywords Talismán Slide • geomorphology • Hatton Bank • NE Atlantic Ocean
The Spanish interdisciplinary research project ECOVUL/ARPA (Instituto
Español de Oceanografía) focuses on the western slope of Hatton Bank (Rockall
Plateau, NE Atlantic Ocean). During this project, the Talismán Slide has been
identified as an underwater landslide located at 57°35’N, 20°18’W and developed
M. Sayago-Gil (), L.-M. Fernández-Salas, N. López-González, and V. Díaz-del-Río
Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Puerto Pesquero,
s/n. Apdo. 285, 29640 Fuengirola (Málaga), Spain
D. Long and K. Hitchen
British Geological Survey, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3LA, UK
P. Durán-Muñoz
Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, Cabo Estay-Canido,
Apdo. 1552, 36200 Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
D.C. Mosher et al. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences,
Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol 28,
© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010
M. Sayago-Gil et al.
within the deep-water sediments of the Hatton Drift at about 1,358 to 1,900 m
water depth.
Many factors (such as size, location, sedimentology of migrating depocenters,
changes in seafloor pressures and temperatures, variations in seismicity and volcanic
activity, changes in groundwater flow conditions, presence of gas hydrates, internal
sea waves, etc.) are relevant to submarine slope instability (Holmes et al. 1998;
Konrad and Dubeau 2003; Maslin et al. 2004; Lawrence and Cartwright 2009). Lee
(2009) proposes that the dominant factor influencing the timing of submarine
landslides occurrence in NE Atlantic Ocean margin is glaciation. An association
likely exists because of the formation of thick deposits of sediment on the upper
continental slope during glacial periods making it more prone to fail and increased
seismicity caused by isostatic readjustment during and following deglaciation.
In this paper we present a study of the morphologic, seismic and sedimentary
aspects of the Talismán Slide, in order to establish a hypothesis about its origin and
the trigger mechanism for its initiation. Slides on remote margins, as Talismán Slide,
are rarely reported. The Talismán Slide is a slope failure on deep water, sediment
starved, contourite dominated margin with no direct glacial sediment input which
is in contrast to failure on other NW European margins. Data obtained in this study
cover only the proximal and mid portions of the slide. Consequently, all interpretations
given in this work correspond solely to these specific parts of the slide.
Hatton Bank comprises the western part of the Rockall Plateau which is a broad
topographically-elevated region with respect to the adjacent Iceland ocean basin
(Fig. 1). The Rockall Plateau is underlain by continental crust which, before
the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean in the Mesozoic to early Cenozoic (Stoker
et al. 1998; Roberts et al. 1999; Doré et al. 1999; Coward et al. 2003), was juxtaposed
between SE Greenland and NW Europe. The present configuration of the Rockall
Plateau is the result of a complex geological evolution involving tectonism, massive
volcanism and differential subsidence and inversion. The western margin of Hatton
Bank is a slope remote from any major terrigenous sediment supply at present and it
is over 360 km from the closest onshore sediment source (MacLachlan et al. 2008).
The study area is located on a plastered contourite-drift (the Hatton Drift)
(McCave and Tucholke 1986) developed on the western flank of Hatton Bank.
Contourite drifts are deep-sea sediment deposits that accumulate under the influence of strong thermohaline bottom currents (Stow and Lovell 1979) that have been
active since the Miocene at least based upon DSDP holes in the study area (Bianchi
and McCave 2000; Huizhong and McCave 1990). Bottom currents can erode,
mould, transport and redistribute sediments supplied to the slope and rise by
downslope flows and vertical settling (Weaver et al. 2000) as well as by alongslope
transport which is the main responsible of the contourite deposits (Stow and
Holbrook 1984). The western slope of Hatton Bank is influenced by a branch of
Labrador Sea Water which meets with the Iceland-Scotland Outflow Water (Fig. 1)
Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide
Fig. 1 Study area location on general bathymetry. Dashed arrows: bottom currents; Purple:
Iceland-Scotland Outflow Water, Orange: Lower Deep Water, Red: Deep Northern Boundary
Current (Modified from Bianchi and McCave 2000; MacLachlan et al. 2008)
forming the Deep Northern Boundary Current (DNBC) (McCartney 1992) and
possibly the Lower Deep Water (Bianchi and McCave 2000) which travels to the
Iceland Basin where they circulate anticlockwise (Van Aken 1995).
Despite difficulties in detecting seismic activity in the Hatton Bank area because
of distant land-based seismometers, two recent earthquakes have been recorded in
1998 on Hatton Bank (Richter Local Magnitude (RLM) = 3.5) and in 1999 on
Lousy Bank (RLM = 3), 550 km to the north-east. This shows that although Hatton
Bank is located on a ‘passive’ margin, it is not aseismic (Simpson and Ford 1999;
Simpson et al. 2000) and the intra-plate earthquake events are not unusual.
This work has been carried out using three kinds of data sets: multibeam bathymetry,
seismic data and sediment samples.
Kongsberg-Simrad-EM300 multibeam echosounder data were collected over the
western slope of Hatton Bank between 2005 and 2007, providing 100% coverage
(50 m resolution grid) from 1,300 to 1,900 m water depth with a total covered surface
of 390 km2. All data have been integrated into ArcGIS Desktop for visualization.
M. Sayago-Gil et al.
A network of 80 km (approx.) of very high-vertical resolution seismic profiles
was collected with the parametric echosounder Topas from 2005 to 2007. Seismic
data have been interpreted using Kingdom Suite software to investigate the
sequence stratigraphy.
Two samples of surficial sediment (Box-Corer, 0.25 m2) have been obtained to a
distance of ~40 km from the Talismán Slide. The percent of the main components
and foraminifera content of the sediments have been determined by means of wet
sieve, Sedigraph 5120 and trinocular microscope.
The western slope of Hatton Bank shows a range of water depth between 600 and
2,900 m and the slope break is located at 1,000 m (approx.) (MacLachlan et al.
2008). The study area is located on the western middle slope of Hatton Bank.
The overall gradient of the western slope of the bank is approximately 2° although
locally up to 40° (in determined morphologies). The bank has a SW–NE orientation
in the southernmost part (where the Talismán Slide is located) and W–E in the
north. Talismán Slide is located within the Hatton Drift (a contourite deposit).
Based on the seismic data, this deposit is characterized by a variable sediment
thickness (up to 250 ms), generally increasing basinward, onlapping upslope as a
wedge with well stratified layers.
The maximum upslope extent of the headwall of the Talismán Slide scar is
located at 1,358 m water depth and the main trend of the slide scar is ESE-WNW.
The slide scar area covers a minimum of 194 km2 and extends at least 15 km downslope, reaching at least 1,900 m water depth.
Morphometrical Features
The Headwall Scarp is 7.7 km long and is located between 1,358 and 1,386 m of
water depth. It shows a NNE-SSW trend with an irregular form, slightly curved
basinward. The headwall scarp varies in height between 50 and 76 m and it has a
slope angle about 30°. The Northern Sidewall has an ESE-WNW trend and a
linear form. The scarp height is between 76 and 100 m with a slope of 34°.
The Southern Sidewall shows a NE–SW trend with a zigzag pattern. It has a scarp
height of 50 m decreasing downslope to 30 m and shows the gentler slope of the
scarp (25°) (Fig. 2).
The minimum volume of geological material removed by the slide is ∼15 km3
based on the average thickness of the slipped mass (approximately 75 m) and the
slide scar area (194 km2). The present day relict basal surface has a mean slope of
1°–2° and displays various discontinuous morphologies, some of which have positive relief up to 20 m (blocks) whereas others occur as negative relief (depressions)
Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide
Si outh
de e
wa rn
High: −0.14
Low: −50.68
Fig. 2 Main features of the Talismán Slide. (a) 3D visualization and general description of the
slide. Z = water depth. (b) Scarp heights of different points on the sidewalls and headwall. H =
scarp height. (c) Slope angle of different points on the sidewalls and headwall. S = gradient of the
slope. (d) Backscatter image obtained by means of multibeam echosounder
both of which have a step-like appearance. Many of these forms are perpendicular
to the scar. Within the slide scar, secondary scarps occur both perpendicular and at
various angles to the sidewall scarps. Secondary ridges are mainly transverse to the
scar at right angles to the direction of movement (Fig. 3). Moreover, some deposits
are seen attached to the southern sidewall (i.e. sidewall collapse deposit). Based on
the backscatter data it is possible to observe the highest values (−0.14 dB) in the
steepest zones and the lowest values (−50.68 dB) into the mass slide (Fig. 2d) that
have contributed additional information about roughness, slope and sediment type
in order to obtain a morphological sketch of the slide.
M. Sayago-Gil et al.
Fig. 3 Morphological sketch of the part studied of the Talismán Slide
Seismic Features
Seismic profiles show that the slid mass is bounded by very steep sidewalls (Fig. 4a)
and a steep headwall scarp (Fig. 4b). Under the seabed three seismic facies can be
differentiated: the deepest is shown as a well stratified unit preserving the internal
structure which has been interpreted as a contourite sequence (Hatton Drift); above
a chaotic unit has been interpreted as the remnant debris deposit; finally on top, a
thinner unit can be observed that is composed by recent post-slide sediments. The
average thickness of the slipped mass is approximately 75 m and the resulting chaotic
deposit (debris unit) has a maximum thickness of 20 m. The slide plane cuts into the
sequence of contouritic deposits that are overlain by the chaotic unit of the slide mass.
The contourite sequence and the uppermost unit thicken towards the northern sidewall
of the slide. The chaotic unit does not show a clear trend of thickness increase.
Sedimentary Features
Analyses of two samples from the contourite drift at a similar water depth to the
headwall of the slide show that the present day sea-bed sediments in the area of the
Talismán Slide are muddy sands and sandy muds (Fig. 5). In both samples, the sand
fraction is composed of carbonate rests of planktonic foraminifera, mainly from
genus Orbulina and Globigerina (Fig. 5).
Fig. 4 Topas seismic profiles obtained on Talismán Slide. (a) Cross seismic section showing the northern sidewall and the sediment deposit. (b) Longitudinal
seismic section showing the steep headwall of the Talismán Slide. (c) Location of seismic sections A and B on multibeam bathymetry
Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide
M. Sayago-Gil et al.
Fig. 5 (a) Location of the sediment samples of Box-Corer. (b) Percent of main components of
the sample HB_BC_15. (c) Percent of main components of the sample HB_BC_11. (d) Photograph
of the trinocular microscope. Or: Orbulina. G: Globigerina. Os: Ostracod
Table 1 Principal dimensions submarine landslides in the NE Atlantic Ocean including the part
studied of the Talismán Slide in this work
depth (m) (km2)
Volume Run-out Width
(km3) (km)
Storegga Slide (Bryn et al.
2003; Issler et al. 2003;
Bryn et al. 2005)
Miller Slide (Long
et al. 2003)
Afen Slide (Bulat 2003;
Wilson et al. 2004)
Walker Slide (Long
et al. 2003)
Part of Talismán Slide
90,000 3,300
West Shetland slope
Slope of Hatton Bank 1,358
Other Slides
A partially-buried slide, here informally named the Granadero Slide, has been
reported by MacLachlan et al. (2008) about 160 km north of the Talismán Slide and
with a E–W orientation. Volumetrically the depression requires almost 26 km3 of
sediment to anneal it to the surrounding slope. Its headwall scarp is at 1,400 m
water depth and the slide extends to 2,500 m water depth. It has been described as
a funnel-shaped depression of 17 km long downslope. At its upslope termination is
more than 13 km wide but narrows downslope. MacLachlan et al. (2008) proposed
that this slide may have been triggered by undercutting from turbidity currents.
Four other slides in the NE Atlantic Ocean have been taken into account in order
to develop a hypothesis about a possible trigger mechanism for the Talismán Slide.
Table 1 shows the principal dimensions of the other slides compared with the part
of the Talismán Slide covered in this study.
Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide
Discussion and Conclusions
The Talismán Slide, which is located on Hatton Drift (middle western slope of
Hatton Bank), can be considered as translational slide, based on the classification
of Varnes (1978) which defines this type of slide as ‘a landslide mass moves along
a roughly planar landslide surface with little rotation or backward tilting’.
Different morphologies have been described on Talismán Slide (Fig. 3). Secondary
scarps and localised crests, within the area of the slide scar, occur both perpendicular
and at various angles to the direction of slide movement. Crests parallel to the scar
are interpreted as extensional ridges of the proximal part of the slide mass. Some
gravitational deposits (southern sidewall collapse deposits), which occurred after
the main slide, have been identified adjacent to the southern sidewall and may
explain its lower scarp heights and angles compared with the northern sidewall
scarp (Fig. 2). This process may also have caused retrogression and the irregular
shape of the southern sidewall. Therefore the shape of the southern sidewall, after
the first phase of the slide event, could be different (e.g. linear) and the slide scar
could be narrower. Some scarps, on the remnant surface, define depressions which
could represent several phases of a single slide event.
The chaotic unit of the slide mass defined on the seismic profiles, is interpreted
as the remnant debris flow of the main slide although it could be composed of units
derived from several phases of movement. The debris flow unit is draped by more
recent sediments which possess well-defined layers and a maximum thickness of
10 m. In some locations, this uppermost layer wedges out against blocks of the debris
flow. The contourite sequence and the uppermost unit thicken towards the northern
sidewall of the slide which indicates an accumulation of sediments in the north part
of the slide, probably due to the action of the bottom currents flowing toward North
in this area.
The Talismán and Granadero slides occur at similar water depths on the
continental margin slope of Hatton Bank, deeper than comparable slides in NE
Atlantic Ocean (Table 1). Granadero Slide was defined as a failure complex with a
polyphase failure history. It shows a 17 km long funnel-shaped depression downslope
and there is no evidence for the displaced mass, which could be buried or eroded
by the turbidity currents associated with the Maury Channel system (MacLachlan
et al. 2008). A similar slide morphology was reported for the Afen Slide (Wilson
et al. 2004). The slide scar of the Talismán Slide extends, at least, 15 km downslope
but scour and the debris lobe combined might extend for several tens of kilometres
Iceland-basinward. The Talismán slide is poorly imaged on the wide-range side-scan
sonar data (GLORIA) gathered in 1987 covering the deepwater west of Hatton
Bank (Elliott and Parson 2008) andrefore is not well constrained downslope
from the ECOVUL/ARPA multibeam coverage. Elliott and Parson (2008) and
MacLachlan et al. (2008) examined a multibeam data set (CD118) down slope of
the Talisman Slide and make no mention of disturbed material. This may imply that
the slide is of limited extent down-slope or that displaced material has subsequently
been buried or eroded by the strong bottom currents active in the area (DNBC).
The Talismán Slide occurs within an acoustically well-layered drift sequence.
Changes in current regime may have eroded the toe of the drift thereby removing
M. Sayago-Gil et al.
Fig. 6 Sketch illustrating the evolution proposed in this work for the Talismán Slide in order to
establish a hypothesis about its origin and the trigger mechanism for its initiation (Grey arrow:
bottom current; Black arrow: movement of the slide mass)
support at the base of slope and initiating failure (Fig. 6). Alternatively increases in
sedimentation at the top of the slope could have overloaded the upper part of the
drift causing instability. Along-slope currents further down-slope, east of Endymion
Spur, have created an erosional channel (MacLachlan et al. 2008) and may have
eroded supporting sediments causing failure of the slope.
In addition, two recent earthquakes recorded on Hatton Bank and Lousy
Bank (Simpson and Ford 1999; Simpson et al. 2000) evidence that local
minor earthquakes are not unusual in the area. In this sense, the trigger mechanism
for the Talismán Slide is likely a combination of several causative factors such
as erosion (caused by the bottom currents) and an earthquake event which
accelerated the slide. Other contolling factors such as steep topography or lithology
could be involved.
Other slides that occurred in the NE Atlantic Ocean (e.g. Storegga, Miller,
Afen and Walker slides) occur relatively close to the emerged continent (Table 1).
Most of these slides are also associated with contourite deposits and several of them
occurred, at least their last phase, during the Holocene. However the Talismán
Slide has up to 10 m of sediments draped over the debris flow unit and occurs in
an area of low sedimentation rates compared to other parts of the margin. It is
thus suggested that the Talismán Slide is older than, at least, the last phase of
the slides in Table 1, but younger than the Granadero Slide which has a thicker
sediment cover.
Geomorphology of the Talismán Slide
Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the project Ecovul/Arpa (Instituto
Español de Oceanografía). D Long and K Hitchen publish with permission of the Executive
Director of the British Geological Survey (NERC). GM Elliott and M Duchesne, as reviewers, are
thanked for their comments that vastly improved this paper.
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