Jefferson Davis High School
Welcome to Pantherette Tryouts!
No experience Needed
We are really glad and excited that you decided to become part of our family :O)
There are many changes happening within the organization, so make sure you check out our FAQ
page on our website for more detailed information.
We know you are up to the challenge and it might be a little difficult, but please DO NOT get
discouraged! With hard work and dedication you will become a successful dancer!
What to wear during auditions?
 ·Black top, black pants or shorts (need to wear tights with shorts), dance shoes
 ·Hair in bun, red lipstick, & no jewelry.
What are you going to learn during auditions?
 ·Stretching technique
 ·1 routine with a kick line
What are you going to get evaluated on during auditions?
 ·Dance routine with kick line
 ·Showmanship, enthusiasm, and execution of movements
 ·You will be evaluated by at least (2) qualified judges.
 ·You will audition in a group of 3-4 in a closed audition. You will get your number the day you audition.
 ·Score of at least 70 points overall for B Squad
Guidelines for auditions:
 Be on time
 No chewing gum at any time
 No food or drink in dance area
 No talking during instruction
 All snacks should be finished by 3:30 p.m. Bottled water only.
 No jewelry, pagers, cell phones, and/or battery operated devices
 Friends and family members cannot be in practice area
Making Pantherette B Squad
Difference between Varsity and B Squad
Everyone participates during football season. However, only Varsity members perform during the 1/2 time show
and B Squad performs right before the football game begins. *(Tentative)
Bottom line this is the main difference.
Varsity members will try out the weekly dance before formations are made.
Varsity and B Squad will be dress a differently during football games.
Both squads will participate in sport events, competitions, parades, pep rallies, etc.
All expectations are the same for Varsity and B Squad.
Dear Parent:
I am glad that your daughter/son is interested in auditioning for the JDHS Pantherette Dance/Drill Team. I feel
that is important that you are aware of the expectations and requirements from each girl/boy who make the team.
My expectations of the girls/boys that are on the team are:
 Each dancer must be enrolled in my performance class the following school year.
Per HISD policy, each dancer must maintain at least 70 average in all classes,
Each dancer must maintain an “S” or above in conduct and maintain good attendance in all classes.
Attend all scheduled workouts.
Attend all football games & scheduled sport games.
Participate in all fund-raising activities.
Participate in various community events, parades and special performances.
Once your son/daughter makes the team:
 Per HISD Athletics all dancers are required to get a physical and have health insurance. You can purchase
HISD insurance for $35.
 Acquire practice dance wear and shoes.
 She/he will receive the Pantherette Constitution that they will have to abide by.
 The dancer will receive a calendar of events to plan accordingly.
As you can see, Pantherettes takes a lot of dedication and commitment. Varsity Volleyball or Basketball players
may not audition since our schedules overlap. He/She will be able to participate in other sports/clubs; however
they must provide their schedules to his/her coaches. If you or your daughter/son feels that (s)he cannot meet
these expectations, (s)he should not participate in auditions. It is an honor to be selected as a member of the
Award Winning Pantherettes.
Required enthusiasm and dedication is not only from the students, but from the parents as well. I hope each of
you will be willing to support your daughter/son and become part of the Pantherette Booster Club to help the
team prepare and earn the title of a Pantherette. If you have any further questions, I can be reached at
(713) 226-4900 or via email at sreyna@houstonisd.org.
We are pleased that you have chosen to audition for a position on the Award-Winning Pantherette Dance/Drill
Team. Best of luck to everyone!
Ms. S. Reyna, Pantherette Director
Mr. Francisco Rodriguez, Pantherette Assistnat Director
Pantherette B Squad Mandatory Items Needed
Black racer back practice top
Varies depending on store
Black Wide Jazz Pants
Varies depending on store
Cowboy Hat
Field tights (SUNTAN SHIMMERY)
Varies depending on store
Insurance or waiver
Or FREE with HISD waiver form
Jazz shoes or dance sneakers
Varies depending on store
Pantherette winter jump suit
11.95 each
Silver sequin belt
White halftime boots
Performance Skirt
These items can be bought at any dance store.
And remember, you can always buy items from former Pantherettes.
All items that you buy, you keep.
The above items we use every year.