Table of Contents Staff Resources

Table of Contents
Staff Resources
School Improvement Plan - Goal #1 and Targets
Instructional Roadmap
Instructional Model .
Instructional Assessment Steps
PLC : Common Language Definitions
Backward Design
Summary of Backward Design
The Stages of Backward Design
Integrating Backward Design and Differentiation - blank template
Integrating Backward Design and Differentiation - with questions
Backward Design: Stage 1
Summary of Stage 1
Stage 1 - Desired Results
Elements of Backward Design: Stage 1 - blank template
Elements of Backward Design: Stage 1 - with questions
Tips for Finding Big Ideas
Backward Design: Stage 2
Summary of Stage 2
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Assessment Plan
Circle Chart
Description of Summative/Formative Assessment
Elements of Backward Design: Stage 2 - blank template
Elements of Backward Design: Stage 2 - example
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Elements of Backward Design: Stage 2 - blank template
Elements of Backward Design: Stage 2 - example
Six Facets of Understanding
Pre-Assessmen ts
Backward Design: Stage 3
Summary of Stage 3
Stage 3 : Developing a Learning Plan
Strategies to Deepen Student Thinking
School-wide OAKS data
AYP Progress
CFG Protocols
Atlas - looking at data
Data Driven Dialogue
Learning from Student Work
Student Work Gallery
Writing Workshop Feedback Protocol
What? So What? Now What?
Assessment Literacy
Strategies for Differentiated Instruction
iWrite - iWrite rules part I and II
Think Dots
Grading Practices
Goal #1 - School Improvement Plan
Through shared targets and essential learnings, teachers will
assess student knowledge, differentiate instruction to meet
the needs of each student, monitor student progress through
learning activities and common formative assessments, and
then re-teach critical information and skills when needed.
Professional Learning Communities designate
essential learnings for each trimester.
Essential learnings are the focal point of unit
Assessment plan includes both formative and
summative assessments. Pre-assessments are
given prior to unit planning. Students are asked
to apply knowledge and skill through the use of a
given prior to unit planning. Students are asked
to apply knowledge and skill through the use of a
performance task.
Professional Learning Communities collect and
analyze student data to inform future instruction.
Teachers plan for differentiated instruction monitor, reflect and adjust when needed.
Instructional Roadmap
Revised Instruction-Assessment Model with Data Analysis
COmmon Formative Assessments. Larry Ainsworth and Donald Viegut
Instructional Assessment Steps
1. IdentifY the particular Essential Learnings in anyone content area for an
upcoming unit of study.
2. IdentifY big ideas, transferable concepts, as well as knowledge and skills.
3. Write Essential Questions matched to the Big Ideas to focus instruction for
teachers and to forecast learning goals for students.
4. Review the various types and formats of assessments available.
5. Select the assessment type or types that will provide the most credible evidence
that students have learned the concepts and skills.
6. Create the pre- and post-assessment items for the particular assessment type(s).
See Assessment Literacy section of ToolKit.
7. Administer pre-assessment to students; score and analyze results.
8. Reference the pre-assessment results; plan differentiated instruction, daily
lessons, and learning activities needed for students to learn the concepts and skills
and to express the Big Ideas in their own words.
9. Teach the unit, assess periodically, and use differentiated instructional strategies
to meet individual learning needs.
10. Administer post-assessment to students; score and analyze results with PLC
10. Administer post-assessment to students; score and analyze results with PLC
Common FormatWe Assessments, Ainsworth and Vzegut
Professional Learnin Communities: Common Lan
An approach to designing a curriculum or unit that begins with the end in mind and designs
toward that end.
Detennine Desired Results ------- Create Assessments
--- Create a Learning Plan
Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe
Incorporating instructional practices that maximize engagement and learning by meeting the needs
of each student.
An assessment created collaboratively by a team of teachers responsible for the same grade level or
Learning by Doing, pg. 214
Formative Assessment: 11£or learning"
Formative common assessments are used to determine what the student has learned at a specific
point in time in order to inform the teacher of specific areas that need to be taught again or
addressed in a new fonnat.
LA Alignment
Summative Assessment: 110£ leamingn
Summative common assessments of learning are used to detennine the material the student has
learned at a specific point in time. These are often used as gatekeepers, grade determiners, and or
accountability measures.
LA Alignment
Ute practice of creating lessons that accommodate different students in a single classroom. A
classroom may have students with a wide range of abilities and rather than "teach to the middle/'
thereby losing the students who need extra help as well as those who need little repetition. a
teacher may alter lessons so that all students in a classroom will benefit.
The specific inferences, based on big ideas, that have lasting value beyond the classroom.
Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe
Professional Leamin Communities: Common Lan
A set of learning standards detennined by a PLe for each course, grade level and unit of
instruction to which each student is held accountable for demonstrating proficiency. Essential
learnings define priorities for instruction and assessment, and are detennined as being
fundamental for student understanding and transferable to success in schooling, life or high-states
Essential learnings cannot be differentiated.
Essential learnings are big ideas and conceptual understandings for unit planning that are being
developed through daily instruction. Essential learnings give the content meaning and connect the
facts and skills.
A question that lies at the heart of a subject or a curriculum (as opposed to being either trivial or
leading), and promotes inquiry and uncoverage of a subject.
Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe
The rules of behavior that are part of the ideology of the group. Norms tend to reflect the values of
the group and specify those actions that are proper and those that are inappropriate.
A task that uses one's knowledge to effectively act or bring to fruition a complex product that
reveals one's knowledge and expertise.
Understanding !nI Design, Wiggins and McTighe
A formula for sheltered instruction that promotes the Ianguage I content development of learners.
Professional Leami
Communities: Common
Strategical and Specific
The state's set of learning standards defined by grade level or clusters of grades.