ENHANCING THE PERFORMANCE OF AN EPOXY RESIN USING OLIGOMERIC AMIDE ADDITIVES A Dissertation by Janet de los Reyes Master of Science, Wichita State University, 2009 Submitted to the Department of Chemistry and the faculty of the Graduate School of Wichita State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy May 2012 i © Copyright 2012 by Janet de los Reyes All Rights Reserved ii ENHANCING THE PERFORMANCE OF AN EPOXY RESIN USING OLIGOMERIC AMIDE ADDITIVES The following faculty members have examined the final copy of this thesis for form and content, and recommended that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of with a major in Chemistry. David M. Eichhorn , Co-Chair William T. K. Stevenson (deceased), Committee Chair Moriah Beck, Committee Member Denis H. Burns, Committee Member Suresh Raju Keshavanarayana, Committee Member Donald Paul Rillema, Committee Member iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to thank our Maker, for I am nothing if not for Him. I feel deeply indebted to Dr. William Stevenson for giving me an opportunity to work in his group. I am very grateful for his guidance and intellectual inputs in this research. He will always be cherished. I am very thankful to Dr. David Eichhorn for taking me as an advisee after Dr. Stevenson’s death. I also extend my gratitude to the members of my committee, Dr. Moriah Beck, Dr. Dennis Burns, Dr. Suresh Raju Keshavanarayana and Dr. Donald Rillema for their comments and inputs for this dissertation. I want to express my gratitude to Mrinal Agrecha, and Stacy Wolf who helped me conduct some mechanical testings and Matt Opliger who performed some viscoelastic property tests. My sincere appreciation is extended to my former groupmates, Anusha Dissanayake, Dr. Irish Gibson, Dr. Joel Flores, Dr. Rama Gandikota, Amanda Alliband, Ritu Gurung, Roxanne Uy and Van Anh Hoang for all their help and making work enjoyable. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their constant encouragement and support, and occasional positive distractions that helped me kept me sane as I was working on this project. ☺ iv ABSTRACT An antiplasticizer is any chemical that when added, reduces the free volume of a polymer thereby restricting the polymeric chain motions. This type of additive usually increases the modulus and strength but can compromise other important properties such as glass transition temperature and thermal degradation profile. Oligomeric amide additives, which when mixed with TGDDM and DDS, react to form strong hydrogen bonds and reduce the free volume in the system, were synthesized. The nonaromatic additives, especially those that have shorter methylene sequences, had low solubility in the resin, while the mixed amide oligomer additive have better solubility. The effect of these additives to enhance mechanical properties was tested by tensile testing and fracture toughness measurement. Compact tension results indicated that the additives improved the resins’ resistance to crack propagation. In general, when the additive is shorter and additive loading is lower, the material performs better. No general conclusion can be arrived at from the tensile testing due to the variablility of results caused by unavoidable imperfections incurred during specimen preparation. The cure kinetics of the resin was studied using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Dynamic temperature scanning DSC indicated that the cure reaction was not affected significantly by these additives. However, an increase in activation energy was observed. TMA experiments on resins with nonaromatic additives indicated that the additives slightly increased the softening temperature while DMA experiments on resins with mixed amide oligomers show that the additives slightly increase the glass transition temperature. TGA experiments on resins with mixed amide oligomers indicated that the additives did not introduce significant changes in thermal stability. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................... vi LISTOF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ ix LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................ xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................................... xiv CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Epoxy-Amine Curing...................................................................................... 4 1.2 Free Volume ................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Hydrogen bonds .............................................................................................. 8 1.4 Related Studies ............................................................................................... 9 1.5 Controlling Average Chain Length of Oligomers ........................................ 12 1.6 Intrinsic Viscosity ......................................................................................... 13 1.7 Mechanical Properties................................................................................... 14 1.8 Overview of the Study .................................................................................. 16 CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................... 19 EXPERIMENTAL............................................................................................................ 19 2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 19 2.2 Mixing of Resin and the Curing Agent........................................................ 19 2.3 The Additives................................................................................................ 20 2.4 Synthesis of Additives .................................................................................. 21 2.4.1 The Materials ........................................................................................... 21 2.4.2 Synthesis of Nylon-Like Oligomers ........................................................ 22 2.4.3 Synthesis of Mixed Aliphatic-Aromatic Amide Oligomers ........................ 23 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Preparation of Resin with Additives............................................................. 24 The Cure Cycle ............................................................................................. 25 Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements................................................................. 25 Molecular Weight Determination ................................................................. 27 Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy .................................................... 27 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter Page 2.10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)........................................................... 28 2.11 Tensile Testing.............................................................................................. 28 2.12 Fracture Toughness Test ............................................................................... 30 2.13 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis ..................................................................... 32 2.14 Thermo Mechanical Analysis ....................................................................... 32 2.15 Thermogravimetric Analysis ........................................................................ 33 2.16 Differential Scanning Calorimetry................................................................ 33 CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................... 36 RESULTS AND DISCUUSION: NON-AROMATIC ADDITIVES............................... 36 3.2 FTIR.............................................................................................................. 37 1 H NMR ........................................................................................................ 39 3.3 3.4 Solubility Test............................................................................................... 42 3.5 Intrinsic Viscosity ......................................................................................... 43 3.6 Curing of Resin ............................................................................................. 45 3.7 Curing with Oligomer................................................................................... 48 3.8 Tensile test .................................................................................................... 49 3.9 Tensile Testing of Resins Using New Cure Cycle ....................................... 53 3.10 Thermomechanical Analysis........................................................................ 56 3.11 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 58 CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................... 59 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: MIXED AMIDE ADDITIVES ................................... 59 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4. 9 Introduction................................................................................................... 59 Infrared Spectroscopy ................................................................................... 61 Proton and 13C NMR..................................................................................... 63 Intrinsic Viscosity (IV) ................................................................................. 70 Tensile Test................................................................................................... 73 Fracture Toughness....................................................................................... 82 Differential Scanning Calorimetry................................................................ 86 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis ..................................................................... 93 Thermogravimetric Analysis ........................................................................ 95 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter Page 4.10 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 97 CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................... 99 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................... 99 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 102 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 105 A. Infrared Spectra of the Additives..…...……………………………………..106 B. NMR Spectra of the Additive……..………………………………………..113 C. Intrinsic Viscosity and GPC Plots…...……………………………………..122 D. Tensile Test Results………………………………………………………...127 E. Fracture Toughness Results………………………………………………...161 F. Differential Calorimetry Plots……………………………………………...189 viii LISTOF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 1.1 The growing use of composites in aircrafts ............................................................ 2 Figure 1.2 The chemical structures of DDS and TGDDM....................................................... 3 Figure 1.3 Development of cure for an epoxy resin system.6 .................................................. 5 Figure 1.4 The reactions involved in resin curing.................................................................... 6 Figure 1.5 Dissipation of energy through disruption of hydrogen bonds. ............................... 9 Figure 1.6 Chemical Structure of EPPHAA........................................................................... 10 Figure 1.7 A Stress-Strain Curve. The slope of the straight initial part of the curve “a” is taken as the Young’s modulus. ............................................................................ 15 Figure 2.1 Reaction of amine and acid chloride to form amide. ............................................ 21 Figure 2.2 Representative repeat unit for the 10,12 oligomer prepared using a C10 diacid chloride and a C12 diamine. ................................................................................. 21 Figure 2.3 The chemical Structures of the diamines a. p-phenylenediamine, b. mphenylenediamine and c. 4,4’-methylene dianiline. ............................................. 24 Figure 2.4 The Ubbelohde dilution viscometer...................................................................... 26 Figure 2.5 Dogbone dimensions of ASTM D638 Type IV.................................................... 29 Figure 2.6 Dimensions of compact tension specimen............................................................ 31 Figure 3.1 Scheme for the synthesis of Nylon 6,6 ................................................................. 36 Figure 3.2 FTIR spectrum of nylon 6,6 Xn =6....................................................................... 38 Figure 3.3 The acid carbonyl peak in the FTIR of nylon 6,6 Xn =6...................................... 38 Figure 3.4 1 Figure 3.6 13 H NMR spectrum of Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 ............................................................ 39 C NMR spectrum for Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 .......................................................... 41 ix LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Figure 3.7 Page Solubilities of different nylon oligomers in (1) 90% formic acid (2) m-cresol (3) DMF and (4) DMAc. (CD = completely dissolved, PD = partially dissolved and ND = not dissolved) .............................................................................................. 43 Figure 3.8 Intrinsic Viscosity of Nylon 6,6 Xn=6.................................................................. 44 Figure 3.9 Stress-strain curves of control specimens made by Method III. ........................... 47 Figure 3.10 Linear initial part of the stress-strain curve of specimen 1 made by Method III.. 47 Figure 3.11 Comparing TMA output for nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 and control. .......................... 57 Figure 4.1 The chemical structures of the monomers and the corresponding names of their oligomers............................................................................................................... 59 Figure 4.2 Scheme for the synthesis of MDA10 .................................................................... 60 Figure 4.4 FTIR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67, an enlargement of the carbonyl area. ..... 62 Figure 4.5 Proton NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 ..................................................... 64 Figure 4.6 Expansion of aromatic region of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 proton NMR spectrum...... 65 Figure 4.7 Chemical structure of MPDA10 Xn=5 with assigned carbon numbers................ 65 Figure 4.8 13 Figure 4.9 Expanded aliphatic region of C13NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 ............. 67 Figure 4.10 Expanded aromatic region of C13NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67............. 68 Figure 4.11 Expanded carbonyl region of 13C NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 ............ 68 Figure 4.12 Intrinsic viscosity plot for MDA10 Xn=5............................................................. 70 Figure 4.13 Gel Permeation Chromatography of MDA10....................................................... 72 Figure 4.14 Stress-strain curves of MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% ....................................................... 74 Figure 4.15 Initial portion of the stress-strain curve of Control resin specimen 1................... 74 Figure 4.16 Tensile testing curves of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3 % loading. .............................. 76 Figure 4.17 Initial portion of tensile testing curve of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% specimen 1...... 76 C NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67............................................................ 67 x LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page Figure 4.18 Fracture toughness test load-strain curve of control resin specimen 1. ................ 83 Figure 4.19 Plot of Control resin Degree of Cure vs. Temperature Summary......................... 87 Figure 4.20 Plot of Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 degree of cure vs. temperature summary... 88 Figure 4.21 Comparison of control resin and resin with MPDA10 Xn=3.67 @ 5oC/min heating rate............................................................................................................ 88 Figure 4.22 Summary of rate of cure vs temperature for the control resin at different heating rates. ...................................................................................................................... 89 Figure 4.23 Summary of rate of cure vs temperature for the resin containing MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load at different heating rates. .................................................................... 90 Figure 4.24 Plot for ln rate of cure vs 1/T for 0.05 degree of cure of control resin. ................ 91 Figure 4.25 Activation energy vs degree of cure of Control and 3 % MDA10 Xn=3.67 ........ 92 Figure 4.26 DMA of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3%........................................................................... 93 Figure 4.27 Comparing Tangent Delta from DMA scans. ....................................................... 94 Figure 4.28 Change of weight percent of control resin and resin with MPDA10 Xn=3.67 additive with time at 4 ºC/min heating rate. ......................................................... 96 xi LIST OF TABLES Table Page Table 1.1 Typical Tensile Strength, Elongation and Tensile Modulus of Polymers. ............. 8 Table 2.3 The dimensions of the dogbones........................................................................... 29 Table 3.1 Experimental and predicted chemical shifts for Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 ................... 40 Table 3.2 Corresponding MW of Nylon 2 Intrinsic viscosities and their 6,6 oligomer........ 45 Table 3.3 The calculated a parameters of the nylon 6,6 oligomers. ..................................... 45 Table 3.4 The tensile results for Control, made with and without acetone as solvent.......... 48 Table 3.5 Formulation of nylon 6,6 oligomers ..................................................................... 50 Table 3.6 Stiffness of dogbones made with different oligomer additives at 3% load. ......... 51 Table 3.7 Stress at break of dogbones made with different oligomer additives @ 3% load. 52 Table 3.8 Strain at break of dogbones made with different oligomer additives. ................. 53 Table 3.9 Stiffness of the dogbones with different nylon oligomers at 5% load. ................. 54 Table 3.10 Stress at break of the dogbones with different nylon oligomers at 5% load......... 55 Table 3.11 Strain at break of the dogbones with different nylon oligomers at 5% load......... 56 Table 3.12 Softening temperatures of control resin, resins with nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 5% and 10% determined by TMA. .................................................................................... 57 Table 4.1 The number average degrees polymerization of MDA10 and their corresponding reagent ratios......................................................................................................... 61 Table 4.2 Experimental and Predicted chemical shifts for MPDA10 Xn=3.67.................... 66 Table 4.3 Assignment of carbon numbers and chemical shifts in the 13C NMR of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 ................................................................................................................ 69 Table 4.4 Summary of results for intrinsic viscosity experiments........................................ 71 Table 4.5 Summary of gel permeation chromatography results. .......................................... 73 Table 4.6 Tensile testing summary for control resins........................................................... 75 xii LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page Table 4.7 Tensile Testing summary for MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load. ............................. 77 Table 4.8 Formulations of resins tested. ............................................................................... 78 Table 4.9 Tensile Testing Summary for resins containing MPDA10................................... 79 Table 4.10 Tensile testing summary for resins containing MDA10. ...................................... 80 Table 4.11 Tensile Testing summary for resins containing PPDA10..................................... 81 Table 4.12 T-test calculation results ....................................................................................... 82 Table 4.13 Fracture toughness for control specimens............................................................. 83 Table 4.14 Fracture Toughness of Resins with MDA10 additives. ........................................ 84 Table 4.15 Fracture toughness tests results for resins with PPDA10 additives...................... 85 Table 4.16 Fracture toughness tests results for resins with MPDA10 additives..................... 85 Table 4.17 Comparison of the three best resins from each type of additive........................... 86 Table 4.18 Comparison of High-Temperature DMA of MDA10 and MPDA10 Xn=3.67. ... 95 Table 4.19 Summary of weight degradation for control and resins with MPDA10 Xn=3.67.96 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials DBu 1, 8-diazobicycloundec-7-ene base DDS Diaminodiphenyl sulphone DMAc N,N - Dimethyl acetamide DMF N,N - Dimethylformamide DMMP Dimethyl methyl phosphate solvent EHPC Ethyl 4-hydroxy phenyl carbamate reagent EPPHAA Reaction product of 4-hydroxyacetanilide and 1, 2-epoxy-3-phenoxypropane HP-3-PU 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-propyl urea IV Intrinsic Viscosity MDA Methylene diamine MPDA Meta phenylene diamine MY720 Commerical name for tetragylcidyl diaminodiphenylmethane resin PHR Parts per hundred parts resin PPDA Para phenylene diamine curative TGDDM Tetraglycidyl diaminodiphenylmethane resin VCDHAA Reaction product of vinylcyclohexene dioxide and 4-hydroxyacetanilide VCD-EHPC Ethyl 4-(2-(7-oxa-bicyclo[4.1.0]heptan-3-yl)-2-hydroxyethoxy)phenyl carbamate xiv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Epoxy resins are widely used thermosetting plastics possessing properties that are easily altered and tailored. For this reason they have found applications in different fields such as adhesives, coatings, electrical and electronic, and structural applications. The most important application of epoxy resins in the aerospace industry is in the fabrication of fiber reinforced composites for use in structural applications. They constitute the matrix in long fiber reinforced composites. They are used as such for the following reasons: they are light-weight, impregnation of reinforcing fiber is easy, and it has excellent adhesion to the reinforcing fiber. Figure 1.1 shows that the use of composites in both military and commercial aircrafts is steadily growing.1 They are much preferred over other structural components such as metals because of the following properties: they are lightweight, have high strength compared to weight, are corrosion resistant, have low thermal conductivity which makes them good insulators, are non-electrically conductive, and have dimensional stability which means they are resistant to expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. They are also radar transparent. This property plays a key role in stealth bombers.2 The military aircrafts V-22 and Eurofighter, which presently have the highest composite percentage of 80%, are lightweight and very agile. On the other hand, the Boeing 787, formerly known as Boeing 7E7, which was first launched in 2009 has a composition of 50% composite (the highest among the commercial planes), 20% aluminum, 15% titanium, 10% steel, and 5% other materials.3 It uses 20% less fuel than an aircraft with a comparable size making it very economical. 1 Figure 1.1 The growing use of composites in aircrafts Although the resin matrix in a composite may appear to have unimportant mechanical properties due to the presence of reinforcing fibers, matrices are also subjected to tensile stresses. Since the matrix is what holds the fibers together in a composite, when it fails the whole composite’s strength and performance are greatly affected and could cause the whole composite to fail. Since epoxy resins are inherently brittle, much research has been conducted on improving their resistance to mechanical failures. Many epoxy composites used in the aerospace industry are based on N,N,N’,N’tetraglycidyl-4,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane (TGDDM) resin and diaminodiphenyl sulphone (DDS) curative (Figure 1.2) as matrix components. These composites have high mechanical properties and can be used at high temperatures due to their high glass transition temperatures. TGDDM, commercially known as MY720 resin, is a semi-solid and therefore requires only minor modifications to obtain good physical properties in the prepreg. DDS is used as the 2 aromatic amine curative because the electron-withdrawing sulfone group provides latency, molecular fit and relatively stable epoxy/amine links,4-5 which, when combined with TGDDM, give excellent initial mechanical properties. O O S H 2N NH 2 4,4-Diamino diphenyl sulfone or DDS (resin curing agent) O N N O O O N,N,N’,N’-tetraglycidyl-4,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane or TGDDM or MY720 Figure 1.2 The chemical structures of DDS and TGDDM Even though TGDDM/DDS systems provide high mechanical properties due to a high crosslink density, they are inherently brittle materials and have poor resistance to crack propagation. They are known to fail by the growth of internal flaws and micro voids that consolidate into cracks. TGDDM/DDS based composites also have been recorded to have very low fracture toughness values. Various chemical additives have been developed that would improve the fracture toughness and the tensile strength of these systems without having adverse effects on other properties such as the glass transition temperature (Tg) and solvent resistance. Compounds having terminal amine functionality are often used as additives as they can easily react with the epoxide groups of the resin. 3 1.1 Epoxy-Amine Curing The process of curing epoxy resins involves reaction of monomeric or oligomeric polyfunctional epoxide molecules with a curing agent (which is usually an amine compound) and catalyst, to form a highly crosslinked, rigid structure. The curing takes place in stages.6 The first stage involves combining the epoxy resin and curing agent. The resin is a viscous liquid and the curing agent is either a liquid or a low-temperature melting solid. When combined and after a catalyst is added and heated, the curing agent and resin react, accompanied by release of additional heat which helps to increase the speed of reaction. The second stage results in the formation of linear chains of combined curing agent and epoxy resin. At this stage, the material is still liquid but its viscosity increases rapidly. Continued heating causes the linear chains to crosslink to form a network with a very high molecular mass. At this stage of cure (third stage), the material is a strong solid gel. The final stage is carried out at a more elevated temperature to push the crosslinking process to completion. The product is a very strong, chemically resistant material. A representation of the curing process is shown in Figure 1.3. 4 Development of cure for an epoxy resin system.6 Figure 1.3 The mechanism of epoxy-amine curing has been widely studied. There are three basic reactions 4,7-8 (Figure 1.4) First is (1) attack of the primary amine lone pair on the least hindered methylene of the epoxide, opening the ring and producing a secondary amine and a hydroxyl group; (2) the secondary amine reacts further with another epoxide to form a tertiary amine and another hydroxyl group; (3) the hydroxyl groups of the products in reactions (1) and (2) react with any excess epoxide to form an ether linkage. 1) Epoxy – Primary Amine OH O NH2 + H2C CH NH 5 CH2 CH 2) Epoxy-Secondary Amine OH O + NH H2C N CH CH2 CH 3) Etherification CH2 CH2 CH2 CH O H2 C CH HO Figure 1.4 CH2 O + OH CH H2C CH The reactions involved in resin curing. Reaction 2 is slower than reaction 1 due to steric factors in the secondary amine. The tendency of the etherification reaction to take place depends on the temperature and the basicity of the diamine and increases with the initial ratio of epoxy/amine.7 It is insignificant if the reactants are mixed in stoichiometric amounts or with an excess of the amine. It occurs at high temperatures and advanced degrees of cure, especially if the epoxy is in excess in the mixture. This leads to a more brittle resin, therefore this reaction is unwanted. 1.2 Free Volume Chain flexibility is a major factor in establishing polymer properties such as stiffness, strength, glass transition and melting temperature, and thermal stability. The more flexible the polymer chains are, the easier it is for the segments to acquire translational motion. If the polymer chains are stiff, the bulk polymer will have high stiffness, glass transition and melting temperature and will be more thermally stable. With an appropriate packing of polymer chains, intermolecular forces of attraction can exert an effect on holding the chains together and thus 6 help make the chains less flexible. Good packing occurs when the polymer chains have structural regularity, symmetry, compactness and a certain degree of flexibility. 9 The influence of packing on the properties of polymers can be explained by the concept of free volume. Free volume may be considered as the unoccupied volume by the atomic species of the material. The bigger the free volume, the bigger the space for polymer segment mobility and the easier it is for polymer molecules to slip from one another. Therefore free volume determines any physical or mechanical property of a polymer that is dependent on the ability of a polymer to physically respond or move in response to external stress.10 This has led to the idea of antiplasticizing polymers by using small compounds as additives to fill the free volume or introduce attractive forces such as hydrogen bonds to make polymer chains less mobile, and therefore improve stiffness and tensile strength. The early attempts at antiplasticization involved adding low molecular weight compounds to polycarbonates, polyesters, and poly(sulfone ether) as reported by Jackson and Caldwell in 1967. 10-13 When a low molecular weight material is added to a polymer the resultant free volume of the system, f, can be described by the relationship f = V1f1 + V2f2 + KV1V2 where V1 is the volume fraction of the polymer and f1 is the fractional free volume of the polymer, while V2 and f2 refer to the additive. K is an interaction parameter.12-14 The free volume decreases when f2 is small and K is a large negative number which coincides with the additive as a stiff polar molecule able to form strong interactions with the polymer. In such a case antiplasticization occurs, thereby stiffening the polymer. 7 1.3 Hydrogen bonds As mentioned before, secondary forces have influence on flexibility and therefore play a significant part in the polymer’s properties. Polar functionalities in polymer chains or side groups can lead to interchain secondary bonding. These forces can result in a higher tensile strength and melting point. These hydrogen bonds are the reason for the high tensile strength and melting point of polyacrylic acid, nylon 6, and polyamide-imide. (Table 1.1) Polyamide-imide and nylon 6 both contain amide and carbonyl groups and polyacrylic acid contains hydroxyl groups that can form hydrogen bonds between adjacent chains.14 Table 1.1 Typical Tensile Strength, Elongation and Tensile Modulus of Polymers. Polymer Type Ultimate Tensile Strength Elongation Tensile Modulus (MPa) (%) (GPa) Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 40 30 2.3 Polyacrylic Acid 70 5 3.2 Nylon 6 70 90 1.8 Polyamide-Imide 110 6 4.5 Polycarbonate 70 100 2.6 Polyethylene, HDPE 15 500 0.8 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) 55 125 2.7 Polypropylene 40 100 1.9 Polystyrene 40 7 3 To propagate a crack in a polymeric material, energy must be available to at least equal the surface energy of the two new surfaces produced by the growth of the crack.15 If attractive 8 forces such as hydrogen bonds are present, part of the available crack energy G will also be dissipated to break the hydrogen bonds. This means to increase the crack length, a greater amount of crack energy is needed because part of it, which is equal to the hydrogen bonding energy, H, is spent to disrupt the hydrogen bonds. (Figure 1.5) Crack Energy G N C H O O H C N Figure 1.5 1.4 N C H O Q = H bonding energy Crack Energy G - Q O H C N Dissipation of energy through disruption of hydrogen bonds. Related Studies Since epoxy resins are brittle yet used as matrices for composites, several studies about improving their mechanical properties have been conducted. Modifying polymers by the use of an additive is more cost effective and flexible than switching to a more expensive polymer due to the range of additives that can be formulated. Therefore, numerous studies have been conducted to develop additives that improve the physical and mechanical properties of epoxy resins. Many antiplasticizer additives first reported were characterized by their bulky, stiff structure due to the idea that stiffening is governed by the ability to fill free volume, thereby reducing chain mobility. Haldankar reported that a compound that has a flat, compact structure and has a polar group like the phthalimide group in N-(2,3-epoxypropyl) phthalimide is an effective antiplasticizer in the diglycidyl bisphenol-A (DGEBA, EPON 828) – methylenediamine resin system because it can facilitate good packing.16 In the same paper, the dependence of modulus 9 on free volume of the epoxy resin system was reported. The modulus increased as the free volume decreased. The free volume was calculated as the difference between specific volume and occupied volume, with the occupied volume being determined by the extrapolation of the rubbery coefficient of thermal expansion data to zero Kelvin. McLean reported successful development of a range of additives that improve the strength (up to 60%) and stiffness (up to 70%) of amine cured epoxy resins, as well as improving the ability of the specimens to yield before fracture using EPPHAA (Figure 1.6) as a representative of the series, which is a reaction product of epoxyphenoxy propane and 4hydroxyacetanilide.17 However, there were decreases of glass transition temperatures in the epoxy resins. The fracture toughness values for EPPHAA-containing samples were strongly strain-rate dependent. There was a significant increase in the toughness at low testing rates however. O NH O O OH Figure 1.6 Chemical Structure of EPPHAA In another paper, Garton, et al. reported that EPPHAA and VCDHAA (a reaction product of vinylcyclohexene dioxide and 4-hydroxyacetanilide) increase the tensile modulus of conventional epoxy-amine systems by over 60% and tensile strength by over 50% while producing a ductile mode of failure.18 They found a reduction in the free volume by adding these compounds to the resin system at low strains and that such hinders polymer segmental motion 10 and so increases the modulus. However, resin systems also exhibit a very low Poisson’s ratio and strains about 5% cause an increase in free volume sufficient that ductile failure can occur. It was also reported that the coefficients of thermal expansion and water uptake of the resins were reduced. However, it was reported by Zerda that a small, non-aromatic molecule, dimethyl methyl phosphate (DMMP) was still capable of enhancing mechanical properties of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (EPON 825 from Shell) through antiplasticization.19 It was found that 10 pph yielded maximum mechanical properties enhancements. Both the tensile strength and modulus increased by 2%. It was also reported that the introduction of DMMP resulted in flammability enhancements. On the other hand, Don described an antiplasticization behavior in the polycaprolactone (PCL)/polycarbonate (PC) – modified epoxy system, cured with an aromatic amine up to 15 parts modifier.20 This means that a high molecular weight polymer can also serve as an antiplasticizer in the same manner as a low molecular weight compound. The initial modulus increased and the fracture toughness and the elongation at break decreased with the addition of the PCL/PC modifier with only a slight decrease in glass transition temperature with modifier content up to 15 phr.2 It is found in his research that the formation of hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl groups of PCL/PC and the hydroxyl groups in the epoxy leads to antiplasticization. It is thought that a strong interaction is probably leading to a decrease in the free volume of the matrix. The FTIR analysis indicated appreciable hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl groups not only in PC but also in PCL with the hydroxyl groups in the epoxies. In general, an additive, no matter how small or large, bulky or not can still act as an antiplasticizer as long as it either has strong interaction toward the polymer or can fill the free 11 volume. And also, unfortunately, improving one property of a resin can be achieved sometimes only at the expense of another.15,16 Usually, the use of an additive is very property-specific in nature. 1.5 Controlling Average Chain Length of Oligomers Synthesizing oligomeric additives with multi-hydrogen bonding capable functionalities of different lengths can be achieved by using a concept introduced by Carother in step-growth polymerization. The average chain lengths of polymers or oligomers can be controlled by adjusting the stoichiometric mole ratios of the reactants. In a linear polymer composed of equimolar mixtures of two monomers, the number average degree of polymerization, X n (which relates to average chain length) is given by the Carother’s equation9: Xn = 1 1− p (1) where p is the extent of reaction. If one of the monomers is stoichiometrically in excess, the relationship between the extent of stoichiometric imbalance (r) and X n , for this type of reaction is given by the modified Carother’s equation: Xn = 1+ r 1 + r − 2rp (2) where r is the mole ratio of functional groups of monomers or reactants. If p 1, that is the reaction approaches completion or loss of all of one type functional group, the modified Carother’s equation relating X n to r simplifies to Xn = 1+ r 1− r (3) 12 Based on this equation, the average chain length can be estimated by adjusting the stoichiometric imbalance, r. The number average molecular weight, M n of the polymer is calculated by multiplying the number average degree of polymerization by the molecular weight, M o , of the repeating unit. (4) M n = X nMo If a diamine and a dicarbocylic acid or diacid chloride are used as monomers in a condensation reaction, using this idea, oligomeric amides of different lengths can be made. 1.6 Intrinsic Viscosity The viscosity of a polymer solution is dependent on the concentration and the average molecular size of the sample and therefore the molecular weight of the polymer. The intrinsic viscosity, also known as limiting viscosity number [η ] , of a polymer gives a measure of the volume of the solvated polymer coil. It constitutes an accepted marker of chain length which may be converted to an absolute value of molecular weight if Mark-HouwinkSakurada constants are available.21 The viscosity average molecular weight, M v , is related to viscosity through the MarkHouwink equation, [η ] = KM vα , where [η ] is intrinsic viscosity for the polymer/solvent system and the α and K are empirical constants for the particular system where α is dependent on the polymer-solvent pair and temperature.22 The intrinsic viscosity number is the limiting value of the specific viscosity/concentration ratio extrapolated to zero concentration. To measure it, viscosities at different concentrations are determined and then viscosity at zero concentration is extrapolated. 13 Experimentally, [η ] can be determined by measurements of flow times of solvent (to) with a series of dilute polymers of known concentration (tc) in a viscometer. Specific viscosity is calculated as follows:9 η sp = ηc − ηo tc − to = ηo to (1) Based on the Huggin’s equation η sp c 2 = [η ] + k 1 [η ] c (2) where c is the concentration of dilute polymer solution and k1 is a positive constant. The intrinsic viscosity can be determined by plotting η sp c against c and extrapolating to zero concentration. When [η ] is determined, the Mv can then be calculated using the Mark-Houwink equation if the empirical constants are known. However, based on the equation, even without knowing the values of these constants, it can be said that when [η ] increases Mv of the polymer also increases. 1.7 Mechanical Properties How a resin matrix in a composite responds to external stress is a huge concern in the aerospace industry. Mechanical testing includes, amongst other tests, the measuring of ultimate strength, Young’s modulus and fracture toughness. Ultimate strength is defined as the maximum tensile stress which a material is capable of developing. Stress is defined as the intensity (measured per unit area) of the internal distributed forces, or components of force, which resist a change within a body.23 It may be calculated based on the original dimensions of the cross section of the body. The modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus, E, a measure of stiffness, is the ability of a material to resist deformation when stress is applied. It is represented by the slope of the initial straight segment of the stress-strain curve obtained from a uniaxial tension test. 14 (Figure 1.7) Strain is the deformation of a material’s dimensions when stress is applied or simply, elongation. These properties can be measured by stress-strain tests, the most common of which is the uniaxial tensile test. In stress-strain tests the buildup of force is measured as the material is being deformed at a constant rate. The tensile test used in this research is described in the American a Yield Stress Stress Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D638 -02 (Type IV) method.24 Strain Figure 1.7 An example of a stress-strain Curve. The slope of the straight initial part of the curve “a” is taken as the Young’s modulus. In general, plastics that are: a. Soft, weak – have low modulus of elasticity, yield point and elongation at break. b. Hard, brittle – have high modulus of elasticity, no well defined yield point and low strain at break. 15 c. Soft, tough – have low modulus of elasticity, low yield point and high strain at break d. Hard, strong – have high modulus of elasticity, yield point and moderate stress and strain at break e. Hard, tough – have high modulus of elasticity, yield point, stress and strain at break. Brittle failure, otherwise known as fracture starts from nucleation and propagation of imperfections such as micro and macro cracks. These cracks can propagate, that is, to increase its surface area if there is sufficient energy to form new surfaces. The energy needed to form new surface is called fracture energy.20 The fracture energy needed for the formation of a new fracture surface is defined as (1) δτ = GδS Where G is the energy released per unit area of the crack (rate of elastic strain energy release) and δS the crack growth increment. . There are different techniques used to measure fracture toughness and each uses a different geometry. They are the double-cantilever beam, impact test and compact tension. This research employed the use of compact tension for measuring mode-1 fracture toughness (opening mode). 1.8 Overview of the Study The goal of this research was to synthesize additives that can enhance the mechanical properties of the MY720-DDS resin system. The additives would have functional groups which can form hydrogen bonds. It was expected that these additives will fill free volume and that added hydrogen bonds would yield additional attractive forces to the hydroxyl group of the epoxies thereby antiplasticizing the resin system. It was also hoped that these hydrogen bonds 16 would act as energy absorbers during crack propagation thereby increasing the fracture toughness of the resin system. The type of compounds that were explored were short chain amide oligomers since the amide functional group has a carbonyl and N-H group that can form hydrogen bonds. The additives were designed to be amine terminated so that they could react with the epoxies of the resin. The first part of the research was spent on exploring amine-terminated nylon-like oligomers produced from reacting non-aromatic diacid chlorides and diamines while the second part was spent on exploring mixed oligomeric amides produced from reacting non-aromatic diacid chlorides and aromatic diamines. This is the general structure of the additives that were used in this research: where n= 3-9. Different types of oligomers were made by varying the monomers used and different oligomer lengths were made by adjusting the stoichiometric imbalance of the monomers. The additives were characterized by FTIR and NMR. The variation of average chain lengths and average molecular weight were verified via intrinsic viscosity experiments and gel permeation chromatography, respectively. The effects of the additives on modulus and strength were studied, as well as how the properties change at various loads through tensile testing and on fracture toughness through compact tension. The glass transition temperatures and softening temperatures of the resins were studied by dynamic mechanical analysis and thermomechanical analysis. The degradation of the 17 resins with temperature was conducted through thermogravimetric analysis. And lastly, how the additives affect the kinetics of the resin curing was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. 18 CHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Introduction The properties of additive-containing resins were compared to those of a control resin. This control resin is made from MY720 and the curing agent DDS. The formulation was based on a commercial resin called 934 Resin, which was known to contain MY720, DDS and traces of the catalyst, BF3. The DDS in 934 Resin is slightly in excess to make sure all epoxy functionalities in the resin are reacted to form a network, and also to prevent etherification reactions. The 934 Resin contains a catalyst, BF3, which enables the resin to cure at a fast rate even at low temperatures. Since in this study, there was no need to cure the resins at low temperatures, BF3 was not used but higher curing temperatures were employed. The properties of the cured resin proved to be similar to those of the resin cured with a catalyst. It is stiff, has high glass transition temperature and is somewhat brittle. 2.2 Mixing of Resin and the Curing Agent It was necessary that the base resin mixture was formulated in order to achieve best properties so that a proper comparison can be made with the additive enhanced resin mixture. In this research, three methods of preparing the base resin (control resin) were attempted over a large number of experiments. 1. The DDS powder was added to the resin in a paddle mixer and the mixture was heated. 2. The DDS powder was added to the resin in a high shear mixer and the mixture was heated. 3. The DDS powder was dissolved in acetone and added to the warmed resin in a high shear mixer. A stir bar was then added, and the mixture was stirred and warmed in a heated oil bath 19 under vacuum. The temperature of the resin was raised to keep the mixture fluid as acetone was lost by vacuum pumping. Acetone was chosen to be the solvent in this method because it is the only low boiling point solvent in which it would dissolve. It was observed in Methods 1 and 2 that the DDS did not mix homogeneously with the resin. Resins made from Method 1 and 2 have undissolved particles which would act as nuclei for crack propagation. On the other hand, it was observed that Method 3 produces a homogeneous mixture and at 140 oC it is flowing and can be poured into a mould. Method 3, therefore, was used as the mxing method for all resins in this study. 2.3 The Additives The molecules that were synthesized to be used as additives were aliphatic amide nylon- like oligomers and mixed aliphatic-aromatic amide oligomers. Their linkages, -CONH- can hydrogen bond and they can be synthesized in a way that they are going to be amino groupterminated (-NH2) so that they could react with the epoxy groups of the resin. The additives synthesized in this research were based on the reaction product of diamines and aliphatic linear diacid chlorides. The peptide linkage may be produced in a number of ways. However, the reaction between an aliphatic amine and an acid chloride is one of the simplest and easiest to control experimentally. The reagents are simply mixed at room temperature with solvent and a strong bulky base to remove the HCl by-product. The reaction is inexpensive, a low temperature reaction and yields hydrogen bonding capable and thermally stable amide oligomers. The reaction is illustrated in Figure 2.1 below. 20 O C H2N Cl (-HCl) Figure 2.1 O H C N Reaction of amine and acid chloride to form amide. A representative of the additives made for this work - the reaction product of a C10 diacid chloride, i.e. a diacid chloride with ten carbon atoms, and a C12 diamine, that is a diamine with twelve carbon atoms - is reproduced below in Figure 2.2. This additive is classified as a saturated oligomer 10,12 where m is the number of repeating units. H H [ [ O N H Figure 2.2 H N N O H m Representative repeat unit for the 10,12 oligomer prepared using a C10 diacid chloride and a C12 diamine. 2.4 Synthesis of Additives 2.4.1 The Materials The materials used in the additive syntheses are the following: 1,6-diaminohexane (98%, Acros Organics), 1,8-diaminooctane (98%, Acros Organics), 1,10-diaminododecane (97%, Aldrich), 1,12-diaminododecane (98%, Aldrich), p-phenylenediamine (99%, Acros Organics), m-phenylenediamine (98%, Aldrich), methylenedianiline (97%, Acros Organics), adipoyl chloride (98%, Acros Organics), sebacoyl chloride (97%, Aldrich), 1,12-dodecanedioyl 21 dichloride (98%, Acros Organics), N,N-dimethylacetamide (99%, Acros Organics) and 1,8diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (98%, Aldrich). 2.4.2 Synthesis of Nylon-Like Oligomers The system was flushed with nitrogen to remove water and water vapor. The diamine was dissolved in an aprotic solvent, N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc) in a flask. A bulky base, 1,8diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) was added. The diacid chloride in the same solvent was added slowly with stirring. The reaction was allowed to proceed for at least an hour. Finally, the reaction mixture was removed and added to a large excess of acidified distilled water to precipitate the product. The product was filtered off and added to fresh water, then stirred overnight to remove impurities, then filtered and vacuum dried. The diamine was always in excess so that the oligomer was amine terminated and can easily react into the polymerizing resin mixture. The number of moles of the deficient functionality , in this instance, diacid chloride in the reaction flask is denoted as “A” and the number of moles of diamine, the excess functionality, is “B”. Assuming that the reaction has proceeded to completion, the relationship between the extent of stoichiometric imbalance (r) and their theoretical average chain length, X n , for this class of reaction is X n = 1+ r , as discussed in 1− r Chapter 1.5 .The average molecular weight is calculated as, M n = X n × M o , where Mo is the average of the masses of the reacting monomers. e.g. If A= 1 and B= 1.25 r = A/B = 0.8 and therefore, Xn= 9 22 The nylon-like oligomers synthesized are listed in Table 2.1 below with their corresponding theoretical average chain lengths and their theoretical average molecular weights. Table 2.1 List of nylon-like oligomers used as additives. material #C in moles moles #C in theoretical Theoretical r Diacid diacid diamine Diamine Xn Mn (=A/B) Chloride "A" "B" (1+r)/(1-r) Xn*Mo oligomer 6,6 6 6 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 415.25 oligomer 6,6 6 6 1 1.5 0.67 5 565.74 oligomer 6,6 6 6 1 1.4 0.71 6 678.89 oligomer 6,8 6 8 1 1.5 0.67 5 635.87 oligomer 10,8 10 8 1 1.5 0.67 5 776.13 oligomer 6,12 6 12 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 569.68 oligomer 6,12 6 12 1 1.5 0.67 5 776.13 oligomer 10,12 10 12 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 672.63 oligomer 10,12 10 12 1 1.5 0.67 5 916.39 oligomer 12,12 12 12 1 1.75 0.57 5 724.11 oligomer 12,12 12 12 1 1.5 0.67 5 986.52 2.4.3 Synthesis of Mixed Aliphatic-Aromatic Amide Oligomers The mixed aliphatic-aromatic oligomers were made in the same way as the aliphatic oligomers were synthesized except for PPDA which had to be mixed with the solvent DMAc and heated to dissolve because it was less soluble in the chosen solvent. The diacid chloride used was sebacoyl chloride (C10) and there were three diamine compounds used to react it with, namely, p-phenylenediamine (PPDA), m-phenylenediamine (MPDA) and 4,4’-methylenedianiline (MDA). See Figure 2.3 for their chemical structures. 23 a. b. H2N NH2 H2N c. NH2 H2N Figure 2.3 NH2 The chemical Structures of the diamines a. p-phenylenediamine, b. mphenylenediamine and c. 4,4’-methylene dianiline. The mixed amide oligomer additives that were synthesized are listed in Table 2.2 below. Table 2.2 Synthesized mixed amide oligomers. Additive MPDA10 MPDA10 PPDA10 PPDA10 PPDA10 MDA10 MDA10 MDA10 2.5 #C in Diacid Chloride 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 moles diacid "A" moles r theoretical Theoretical diamine (=A/B) Xn Mn "B" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.75 1.5 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.75 1.5 1.25 0.57 0.67 0.57 0.67 0.57 0.80 0.67 0.80 (1+r)/(1-r) Xn*Mo 3.67 503.41 5 685.84 3.67 503.41 5 685.84 9 1234.51 3.67 668.77 5 911.14 9 1640.04 Preparation of Resin with Additives It was found that the additives did not easily dissolve into the resin mixtures. To ensure dissolution, the MY720 resin, additive and acetone (solvent) were mixed at room temperature using a high shear mixer for about one hour. Once the additive was mixed thoroughly with the resin to form a homogenous mixture, the curing agent, DDS, was added and the mixture was stirred again using the high shear mixer. Then the mixture was heated in an oil bath under rotary pump vacuum to remove acetone. The temperature of the mixture was gradually increased so that the mixture remained fluid as acetone was being pumped out. Once the temperature reached 140 oC, the resin was poured into a mould and cured. 24 2.6 The Cure Cycle After the resin and curing agent have been mixed and heated, the mixture is then poured into a stainless steel mould and then cured. As discussed in Chapter 1, the epoxy-amine reaction involves two main reactions. First, is the reaction of a primary amine with an epoxy group to form a secondary amine and the second one is the reaction of the secondary amine with an epoxy group which is a slower reaction and needs a higher temperature to form the network. The cure cycle of the resin used two heating steps at substantially higher temperatures. Two cure cycles were tried in this research. The first one was carried out by an initial cure cycle of 2 h @ 140oC followed by 2h @ 200oC in a programmable, digital, forced air oven. It was shown by DSC that it only cures the resin to 90%. The cure percentage did not meet the acceptable degree for stability purposes which is around 95%26 so another cure cycle was attempted, which was 2 hrs at 140oC and the second heating step was still at 200oC but prolonged for 4 hrs. This cure cycle resulted in 97% resin cure and thus was used in all subsequent experiments. The % cure was calculated using the following formula: φuncured − φ cured x100 = % φuncured cure, where Фuncured (535.6 J/g) is the heat required to fully cure an uncured resin and Фcured is the residual heat of cure determined by DSC (53.9 J/g for resin cured at 2 hours at 140 oC and 2 hours at 200 oC and 17.1 J/g for resin cured for 2 hours at 140 oC and 4 hours at 200 oC). 2.7 Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements In order to determine whether or not there was some control achieved over the average molecular weight of the polyamide oligomer by adjusting the ratio of diacid to diamine, oligomer fractions were characterized by dilute solution viscometry. 25 About 1 g of sample was dissolved in either filtered 90% formic acid (for nylon-like) or filtered m-cresol (for aromatic additives) in a 25 mL volumetric flask. The flask of solution along with a stock solution of 90% formic acid and Ubbelohde viscometer (Figure 2.4) were then placed in a water bath held at 25oC. A 10 mL portion of the solution was placed in the viscometer through tube 1. Tube 3 was then covered, while the solution was sucked from tube 2 using a rubber bulb until the solution filled the bulb above line A. The stopper at tube 3 was then released and at the same time, the suction from tube 2 was released. The solution flows back down and flow time of the solution from line A to line B, t, was taken. This process was done in three trials and the average flow time was calculated. The solution in the viscometer was then diluted by adding 2 ml of the solvent quantitatively. The solution was allowed to mix and the temperature to equilibrate by blowing air using a rubber bulb. The same process of elution was done in three trials and the average flow time was calculated. The solution was successively diluted with 2 ml of solvent and for each dilution the time of flow was measured for 3-4 times to determine the average flow time at different concentration of additive. 1 2 3 A B Figure 2.4 The Ubbelohde dilution viscometer. 26 2.8 Molecular Weight Determination The molecular weight and polydispersity index, that is, a measure of molecular weight distribution of polymers and oligomers can be determined by GPC. This technique involves separating the polymers or oligomers based on their hydrodynamic size. The sample solution is passed through a column packed with a porous material. The smaller molecules can penetrate more into the pores and therefore are more retained and eluted at a longer time. The larger molecules on the other hand, can penetrate less into the pores and therefore passes through the column in a less hindered route and are eluted faster. This technique is done by first performing a calibration using a series of standards of known molecular weight. The retention time for these standards is then used to create a calibration curve. The standard used in the GPC was polystyrene. The additives were studied via GPC using DMAc with 5 g/L LiBr as eluent, with PSS GRAM 10:m, 30Å, 8x50mm as precolumn, PSS GRAM, 10:m, 30 Å, 8x300mm, PSS GRAM, 10:m, 100 Å, 8x300mm and PSS GRAM, 10:m, 3000 Å, 8x300mm as columns, with temperature held at 70 oC and flow rate at 1.0 mL/min. 2.9 Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Infrared spectroscopy can often give an idea of what functionalities are present in additives. The presence of the amide I band, the amide carbonyl peak (a strong peak that usually appears around 1640 cm-1) and amide II band (the C-N stretching peak for an amide, a medium band which appears around 1540 cm-1) were all sought to confirm the formation of amide groups. This technique can also determine if there were unreacted monomer reactants. If unreacted acid chloride exists a peak around 1815-1770 cm-1 would be observed or if hydrolyzed unreacted acid chloride is present, a peak around 1640 cm-1 would be observed. 27 About 3 mg of additive was mixed with 300 mg of pre-dried KBr. The mixture was pressed into a disc then subjected to FTIR using a Nicolet Avatar 360 FTIR. 2.10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) NMR is an important tool in elucidating chemical structures of organic compounds. The synthesized additives are fairly large, thus insoluble in most NMR solvents. However, the additives were soluble in trifluoroacetic acid-d1 and thus this solvent was used for all H-NMR and CNMR runs. Approximately 0.1 mg of additive was dissolved in about 1.0 mL of deuterated trifluoroacetic acid and analyzed in a Varian Mercury 300MHz instrument. Samples were subjected to both 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The results were compared to those generated by the NMR spectra predictor, ACD/Labs. The chemical structure is drawn using the software and the NMR spectra can be predicted by the software using HOSE code and neural net algorithms to provide the most chemical shifts. It can also predict positions of chemical shifts in different solvents. 2.11 Tensile Testing Tensile testing is considered as the most fundamental type of mechanical test that can be performed on a material. It is simple and relatively inexpensive. By pulling, the material reacts to forces being applied in tension and its strength and its extension can be measured. In preparing tensile specimens, the heated uncured resin (refer to Chapter 2.3) was poured into a dogbone-shaped stainless steel mould, which was pre-treated with silicone mould release agent and cured (refer to Chapter 2.5). The dimensions of the dogbones are shown in Figure 2.5 and Table 2.3, in accordance with ASTM D638 Type IV.25 28 . Figure 2.5 Table 2.3 Dogbone dimensions of ASTM D638 Type IV. The dimensions of the dogbones. Dimensions mm W- Width of the narrow section 6 L – Length of the narrow section 33 WO – Width overall 19 LO – Length overall 115 G – Gauge length 25 D – Distance between grips 65 R – Radius of fillet 14 RO 25 T - Thickness 3 The sides of the dogbones were smoothened using very fine aluminum oxide sandpaper to achieve uniformity on their surfaces and eliminate imperfections especially on their thin 29 bodies. The width and thickness of the narrow section were measured using a vernier caliper. The dogbone specimen was pulled using an Instron Tensile Tester machine. A clip-on strain extensometer was used to measure strain. The specimen was stretched at a speed of 5 mm/min [about 0.2 in. /min] in accordance with ASTM D638-02. Force and elongation were measured and used to calculate stress (σ) and strain (ε). Stress (σ) was calculated by dividing the force at each time step by the cross sectional area of the narrowest section of the specimen. Strain (ε) was obtained by measuring the extension of a gage length of 1 inch. 2.12 Fracture Toughness Test Fracture toughness is a material’s property which describes the ability of a material to resist fracture. It is indicated by the amount of energy required to propagate a preexisting flaw. It is very important since flaws are not completely unavoidable in the processing and flaws lead to premature fracture. To determine the fracture toughness of the resins, compact tension specimens were made. The resins were cured the same way as the tensile specimen but cured in a rectangular mould with a thickness of 1/4 inch. The cured resins were then cut using a band saw and press drilled to form rectangular-like specimens as shown in Figure 2.6 using the same dimensions described by Cottington.27 30 Thickness: 0.64- 1 cm, 0.3 ≤ a/W ≤ 0.7 cm, hole diameter: 0.4 -0.5 cm Figure 2.6 Dimensions of compact tension specimen. The specimens were tested using the same Instron Tensile tester for tensile testing but using fixtures at a testing rate of 0.5 in/min .The force at break of each specimen was recordeded to calculate the fracture energy in J/m2 using the equation below. Y 2 P@a FractureEnergy (G ) = EW 2b 2 Where Y - Geometrical factor P - load at break in pascals (N/m2) a - Crack length in meters E - Elastic modulus in pascals (determined from tensile test) W- Hole to edge distance in meters b - Thickness in meters 31 The fracture toughness was then calculated as (√(E*G)) with units of Pa*m1/2. 2.13 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Dynamic mechanical analysis is a thermo analytical technique that can be used to study viscoelastic properties of a material. The sample is subjected to a low sinusoidal stress and the resulting strain is measured. The storage modulus and loss modulus can be determined as a function of temperature or time as the polymer is deformed under the oscillating force. The shear elastic modulus (G’) is used to determine the stiffness of the material.28 The shear loss modulus (G”) sheds light on the viscous damping and energy dissipation properties of the material. DMA is also used to determine the glass transition temperature or α transition of a material. Cured samples were shaped into 1 inch by 0.25 inch and were sent to National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) for DMA. The samples were tested using TA DMA Q800 with a test fixture of 20 mm, 3-point bent clamp with 15 micrometers oscillating amplitude. Samples were tested at 1 Hz at a ramp rate of 5 ºC/min from 100 ºC to 300 ºC to determine the alpha transition and -140 ºC to 30 ºC to determine the beta transition. In DMA, an oscillating force is applied to a sample of material and the resulting displacement of the sample is measured. The sample deforms under the load. From this, the stiffness of the sample can be determined, and the sample modulus can be calculated. By scanning the temperature during DMA, the abrupt change in modulus due to the transition from glassy to rubbery state, the glass transition temperature is determined. 2.14 Thermo Mechanical Analysis Thermo Mechanical Analysis is used to determine the glass transition temperature and thermal expansion coefficients of materials. It measures the physical dimension change of a sample due to thermal expansion or indentation at the softening point as a function of temperature and time. The glass transition (Tg) of a polymer corresponds to the thermal transition 32 of the material from a brittle glassy state at lower temperature to a rubbery state at higher temperatures. By interpolating the straight line portions of the graph, a value for Tg can be obtained. Samples of the cured resin were sent to National Institute for Aviation Research. The samples were shaped into little squares with the dimensions of 0.25 in. x 0.25 in. and tested using TA TMA Q400 at a constant load of 1 N and ramped from 100-280 oC, at 5 oC/min. 2.15 Thermogravimetric Analysis It is important to study how a material degrades with temperature in order to determine the range of temperatures at which the material is stable. The effect of the additives on the degradation pattern of the resin was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In this method, the weight of a sample is measured as the material is heated. The percentage weight loss is recorded against sample temperature. The weight loss curve can be easily differentiated to achieve a vs T rate curve. The samples were prepared by pulverizing using a cryogenic grinder and were sent to NIAR for TGA. Each sample was tested by placing on a basket-shaped platinum pan and heated from 30 oC to 750 oC at heating rates of 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 oC/min under nitrogen atmosphere. 2.16 Differential Scanning Calorimetry Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) measures the heat flow that accompanies phase transitions and chemical reactions. In this research, DSC was used to study the kinetics of resin cure by determining the relationship between degree of cure (α) and the rate of cure (dα/dt) of the samples as a function of temperature and calculating the activation energy for the cure reaction (Ea). The general formula for rate of reaction for epoxy cure is;28 33 (1) dα = kf (α ) dt where α is the degree of cure, t is the reaction time, k is the reaction constant and f(α) is a function of degree of cure. Usually, k shows an Arrhenius type temperature dependence (2) k = Ae − Ea RT where A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy of cure, R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol K) and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Therefore, − Ea (3) dα = A f (α )e RT dt However, (4) dα dα =Φ dt dT where Φ is the heating rate. Substituting equation 4 into 3 gives, − Ea (5) dα Φ = Af (α )e RT dT Taking the logarithm of the above variables results gives, (6) ln{Φ E dα } = (ln A + ln f (α )) − a dT RT At a constant α, ( lnA + ln f (α) ) is a constant and ln{Φ Therefore in ln{Φ dα } becomes proportional to 1/T. dT dα } vs 1/temperature plots, m= -Ea/R dT The activation energy of cure can then be estimated for values of α from 0.05 to 0.95, thus can show any changes in the reaction mechanism at different α’s. 34 The effect of the additives on the kinetics of the curing of the resin was studied. About 710 mg of the uncured resin was loaded in a T-Zero aluminum DSC pan and sealed with T-Zero aluminum lid. For all DSC experiments the sample was equilibrated at 30 oC and then ramped from 30 oC to 350 oC at a specific rate using TA Q2000, which was pre-calibrated with a sapphire calibration disc. This process was done for the following heating rates ranging from 120 oC/min. To verify whether the resin was fully cured after the first heating, the resin sample was cooled down to 30 oC at a rate of 30 oC/min and reheated to 400 oC at 10 oC/min. No excess exotherm was observed for all samples, so it was concluded that all resins were fully cured after the first heating. TA universal analysis software was used to analyze DSC results. The degree of cure (α) was calculated by dividing the area of the cure exotherm at that point by the total exotherm area times 100. The degree of cure intervals of 0.05 was differentiated with respect to time using Origin software, which yielded rate of cure at that value of α. Plots of rate of cure vs temperature were constructed for each heating rate using Microsoft Excel. Summary graphs for degree of cure (α) and rate of cure vs temperature were then generated using Microsoft Excel to determine the effect of heating rate on the above two factors. Logarithms of rate of cure vs 1/temperature plots for each degree of cure ranging from 0.05 to 0.95 were constructed. Activation energy of the curing at different values of α was then calculated using the gradients of these plots. 35 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND DISCUUSION: NON-AROMATIC ADDITIVES 3.1 Synthesis of Oligomers The first additives synthesized in this research were a set of nylon-like molecules based on the reaction products of aliphatic linear diamines and aliphatic linear diacid chlorides. The oligomers were synthesized by using the following representative scheme shown in Figure 3.1. o Cl Cl + DMAc H 2N NH 2 DBU o O N H H 2N N H O Figure 3.1 H + DBU•HCl N H n Scheme for the synthesis of Nylon 6,6 The amine reactant added to the reaction mixture was in slight excess. Hence, the oligomer products were amine terminated at both ends. Since control over stoichiometry was a crucial aspect of the reaction, the conditions of the synthesis were controlled in such a way that none of the monomers would be lost to side reactions. Since one of the monomers is a diamine and the other monomer is a diacid chloride, using a protic solvent in the synthesis was not an option. The acidic hydrogen of the solvent would react with the amine and the diacid choride is very sensitive towards nucleophiles. The solvent used DMAc, is an aprotic polar solvent. DMAc was a good choice since it hydrolyzes in acidified water and therefore can be washed away easily from the oligomer product. 36 The addition of base, 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) was needed to react with HCl produced in the reaction to prevent the amino groups from reacting with the HCl so produced to form salts that will not react with the acid chloride. Furthermore, if the amine chain ends are present as the salts, this would also prevent the oligomers from eventually reacting with epoxy groups in the resin. The DBU base is very bulky and its basic nitrogen is sufficiently sterically hindered that it will not itself react with the diacid chloride. The use of a smaller bulky base such as triethylamine (TEA) was attempted, however the oligomers precipitated out in the middle of the reaction leading to poor control over molecular weight. The solubility of the oligomers in DMAc/DBU mixture was better compared with DMAc/TEA. The oligomer produced in the reaction was isolated by precipitation by addition of acidified water with stirring. DBU was washed off by filtering the precipitated oligomeracidified water mixture and additional washing with acidified water. 3.2 FTIR The IR spectrum for nylon 6,6 Xn =6 oligomer, reproduced in Figure 3.2 (all other spectra are shown in Appendix A) reveals a strong carbonyl amide I band at 1637 cm-1 and medium amide II band at 1539 cm-1, which is due to C-N bending. The large peak at 3320 cm-1 also confirms the presence of N-H stretching of the amides. The medium absorption peak at 3295 cm-1 is due to amide hydrogen bonded N-H, further confirming this hypothesis. An enlargement of the carbonyl section shows a little hump around 1750 cm-1 (Figure 3.3) This means that the additive has a negligible amount of acid impurity which was a product of the hydrolysis of the diacid chloride. This also means that the oligomer is not acid-terminated, and therefore, is amine-terminated. 37 Nylon 6,6 Xn=6 2.50 2.00 Amide I absorbance 1.50 Amide II 1.00 0.50 0.00 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 - wavenumber (cm ) Figure 3.2 FTIR spectrum of nylon 6,6 Xn =6. Nylon 6,6 Xn=6 2.50 2.00 absorbance 1.50 1.00 Acid C=O 0.50 0.00 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 - wavenumber (cm ) Figure 3.3 The acid carbonyl peak in the FTIR of nylon 6,6 Xn =6. 38 1550 1500 3.3 1 H NMR The proton and 13 C spectra obtained for Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67, are reproduced below in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.6. All other NMR spectra are given in Appendix B. Trifluoroacetic acid NH 1 Figure 3.4 H NMR spectrum of Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 Shifts observed in the NMR spectra were compared to modelled shifts generated using ACDLABS (9.0) software. Figure 3.5 shows the structure of Nylon 6,6 Xn=3. O H2 N 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 NH 3 2 11 12 O 13 14 16 15 NH 17 18 19 20 21 22 NH2 23 24 1 Figure 3.5 Chemical structure of Nylon 6,6 Xn=3 with numbered atoms. 39 Table 3.1 Experimental and predicted chemical shifts for Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 Carbon number assignment on Figure 3.5 Chemical shift generated by ACD software/ ppm 6, 20 1.30 Chemical shift observed experimentally in Figure 3.4/ ppm 1.55 8,22 1.50 1.80 5,19 1.58 1.90 12 1.69 2.65 11,14 2.21 2.75 9,23 2.54 3.40 4,18 3.07 3.60 It was observed that the spectra predicted from ACD software and those that were observed experimentally were similar, however, the peaks show up more downfield in the experimentally determined one. However, the chemical shifts obtained using ACD software were predicted using methanol-D as the solvent while the samples were dissolved in trifluoroacetic acid which is a more polar solvent than chloroform and therefore the peaks were observed further downfield. Seven prominent peaks, excluding the peak at 11.7 ppm, which is from the solvent deuterated trifluoroacetic acid, were observed in the experimental spectrum and are consistent with the ACD predicted spectrum. The small broad NH peak observed at 6.85 ppm is way downfield compared to the one predicted in ACD which is at 5.25 ppm. This is probably observed because the NH groups in the additive forms hydrogen bonds with the solvent. Small peaks found at 2.2, 3.5, and 3.8 ppm indicates the presence of traces of DBU. 40 The 13C NMR spectrum (Figure3.6) of nylon 6,6 Xn = 3.67 was difficult to interpret. See Figure 3.6, Based on the structure in Figure 3.5 the 8 methylene carbon atoms are expected to be seen in the spectrum. However, the sample was a mixture of nylon 6,6 oligomers. The Xn was 3.67 but this is only the theoretical average length. This means longer and shorter chains are present in the mixture. And the presence of longer chains result in the appearance of quite a number of peaks in the spectrum. However it can still be pointed out that the sample has a carbonyl peak at 181 ppm which is quite high compared to a normal amide carbonyl. The downfield shift is caused by extensive hydrogen bonding among the carbonyl groups. The peak at 44.96 ppm is the peak for carbon atoms next to nitrogen atoms and the peak at 36.21 ppm is the peak for the carbon atom next to a carbonyl. The peaks at 50 ppm and 55 ppm are due to the pressence of DBU which means that DBU was not completely removed by washing. Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 4000 3500 Trifluoroacetic acid absorbance 3000 2500 DBU 2000 1500 1000 500 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 ppm Figure 3.6 13 C NMR spectrum for Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 41 20 0 3.4 Solubility Test Nylon polymer is known to be insoluble in most solvents. Its solubility is suppressed by the polar amide groups. Molecular dissolution requires strong interaction between the solvent and the amide groups to disrupt the inter-chain hydrogen bonding of the amide groups. Moreover, the hydrophobic interactions of the methylene sequences must also be loosened. The most common solvents for nylon 6,6 are strong oxy-acids such as H2SO4 and formic acid and solvents having solubility parameters close to its own like phenols (e.g. phenol and cresols). Nylon 6,6 possesses solubility parameters29 (Hildebrand) of δd=18.62, δp=5.11, and δh=12.28 (δ in MPa1/2). Solubility parameters for m-cresol are δd=18.0, δp=5.1, and δh=12.9. Because the synthesized oligomers have a range of lengths of methylene sequences and low molecular weights they might not have the same solubility as long chain nylon 6,6. Therefore, solubility had to be tested before performing experiments which would require dissolution, such as intrinsic viscosity (IV). The solubility of nylon-like oligomers in 90% formic acid and m-cresol were tested. These two are commonly used in IV experiments for nylon 6,6. Solubility in DMF and DMAc were also of interest since DMAc was used as the solvent in the synthesis and DMF is a close relative. All oligomers were soluble in m-cresol. This means that the solubility parameters of the other oligomers must also be close to the parameters of m-cresol. The solubility in 90% formic acid decreases as the methylene sequences gets longer (Figure 3.7). The same behavior was also observed concerning the solubility of the additives in DMAc and DMF. It is commonly known that as the polymer chain length increases, in order to maintain solubility, the difference in solubility parameter between the polymer and solvent must be lessened. 42 CD 1 CD 2 PD 3 PD 4 CD 1 a. Nylon 6,6 CD 1 CD 2 CD 2 PD 3 PD 4 ND 3 ND 4 b. Nylon 6,8 PD 4 PD 3 PD 1 CD 2 d. Nylon 10,12 c. Nylon 6,12 PD 1 CD 2 ND 3 ND 4 e. Nylon 12,12 Figure 3.7 3.5 Solubilities of different nylon oligomers in (1) 90% formic acid (2) m-cresol (3) DMF and (4) DMAc. (CD = completely dissolved, PD = partially dissolved and ND = not dissolved) Intrinsic Viscosity Intrinsic viscosity (IV) experiments were conducted to determine whether there was some control of the oligomer length by adjusting the mole to mole ratio of diacid chloride to diamine. The nylon 6,6 aditive was soluble in 90% formic acid and thus this solvent was used for IV experiments. Figure 3.8 shows the plot of specific viscosity divided by concentraion versus concentration for nylon 6,6, where the y-intercept of the equation of the curve was taken as the intrinsic viscosity of the oligomer. 43 Nylon 6,6 Xn=6 30 Intrinsic Viscosity 25 y = 866.63x + 10.664 2 R = 0.9736 nsp/C 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 C (g/ml) Figure 3.8 Intrinsic Viscosity of Nylon 6,6 Xn=6 Since the Mark-Houwink-Sakurada parameters of Nylon 6,6 in formic acid at 25oC are known from the literature (K= 11.0 x 10-2 mL/g and a = 0.72),29 the molecular weights of the oligomers can be estimated by using the Mark-Houwink equation, [η ] = KM va as discussed in Chapter 1.5. However, this is not going to give the true average mass since the parameter is experimentally determined for nylon polymers of high average masses. The α parameter gets closer to the value of theta (θ), 0.5, as the polymer chain length is reduced. Theta is a condition at which the polymer coils act like ideal chains, assuming exactly their random walk coil dimensions. Corresponding molecular weights calculated from the equation using the parameters for nylon 6,6 and the molecular weights when α =0.5 and α =0.72 are listed in Table 3.2. Formula weight is calculated as X n x Mo, where Mo is the weight of the repeating unit. 44 Table 3.2 Corresponding MW of Nylon 2 Intrinsic viscosities and their 6,6 oligomer. Oligomer Nylon 6,6 Nylon 6,6 Nylon 6,6 Xn 3.67 5 6 IV (mL/g) 2.9283 5.1931 10.6640 MW/g (α=0.72) 708.67 2228.78 9398.42 MW/g (α=0.72) 95.38 211.37 574.20 Formula Weight 415 565 678 From the results it is apparent that when either a value is used the average polymer molecular weight or chain length increases with the theoretical X n . Therefore, we are exerting a modicum of control over average molecular weight, M n , by adjusting the ratio of the diamine to diacid chloride in the additive synthesis reactor. When the α values are calculated from the intrinsic viscosities and the formula weight it can be noted that the α parameter does approach 0.5 (Table 3.3). This further proves that adjusting the monomer ratio indeed controls the average chain length of the oligomers. As the X n is reduced, the α value approaches its theta (θ) value of 0.5. Table 3.3 The calculated a parameters of the nylon 6,6 oligomers. Oligomer Nylon 6,6 Nylon 6,6 Nylon 6,6 3.6 Xn IV (g/ml) Formula Weight 3.67 2.9283 414.71 5 5.1931 565 6 10.664 678 Calculated a 0.54 0.60 0.70 Curing of Resin Making dogbones was not a straightforward process. Sometimes the cured specimens contained bubbles and these specimens had to be discarded. It was thought that the bubbles were caused by residual acetone, the solvent that was used in mixing the resin and curative, evaporating as the resin is cured in the mould. This would mean that acetone was not completely removed by vacuum pumping prior to curing. To address this issue, three alternative methods of 45 preparing the resin mixture were tested as described in Chapter 2.2. In Method I, the MY720 resin and the DDS were heated and mixed in a paddle mixer - upon reaching 140 oC, the resin mixture was poured into a mould. Method II uses a shear mixer instead of a paddle mixer. And lastly, in Method III, the resin and the DDS are dissolved in acetone then heated and mixed. (See Chapter 2.2 for more detailed procedure.) After achieving a homogeneous mixture, the acetone was pumped off while heated until the temperature is 140 oC, poured into a mould and then cured. Mixing the curing agent DDS with the MY720 without a solvent turned out to be difficult even with heating and the use of a paddle mixer or shear mixer. The mixture could not be homogenized. The cured dogbones made by these methods had some observable undissolved curing agent. Mixing was much easier when solvent was used (Method III). The mixture with acetone was heated and stirred. When the temperature of the oil bath reached 140 oC and the acetone was pumped off, the mixture became viscous but could still be poured into the mould. The cured dogbone resin looked clear and free from undissolved particles. Tensile tests were performed on these dogbones and their stress-strain curves were generated. An example of these plots are shown on Figure 3.9 which are generated using the dogbones that were made using Method III. The slopes of the initial straight line of the curves (slope from 0% to 0.5% straight arbitrarily chosen) were taken as the moduli and the average modulus was calculated. An example of this is shown in Figure 3.10, i.e. from the initial part of the curve of specimen 1 of control resin made by Method III. 46 Tensile Testing Curves for Control Resin (Method III) 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 sp 1 sp2 stress (Pa) 4.00E+07 sp3 sp4 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 strain (%) Figure 3.9 Stress-strain curves of control specimens made by Method III. Control Resin Specimen 1 (Method III) 2.00E+07 stress (Pa) 1.80E+07 1.60E+07 y = 33944286.6692x + 361418.5040 1.40E+07 R = 0.9997 2 1.20E+07 1.00E+07 8.00E+06 6.00E+06 4.00E+06 2.00E+06 0.00E+00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 strain (%) Figure 3.10 Linear initial part of the stress-strain curve of specimen 1 made by Method III. 47 The averages of the tensile results for the dogbones are listed on Table 3.4. Table 3.4 The tensile results for Control, made with and without acetone as solvent. Average Stress at Break (Mpa) Std.Dev (MPa) Material Control Method III 34.0856 1.4112 Control Method I 34.5058 0.7034 % change 1.2328 Average Stiffness (Mpa) Std. Dev (Mpa) 48.5179 1.6434 30.6917 5.5058 % Change Average Strain to Break 0.0159 (1.590%) -36.7415 0.00928 (0.928%) Std. Dev % Change 0.00126 (0.126%) 0.00200 (0.200%) -41.6352 The undissolved particles in the resin cured without the use of solvent (Method I) had become nuclei for crack formation, thus the resins failed at a low stress. Its stiffness is 36.7% and strain to break is 41.6% lower than the ones made using Method III. No resins made using Method II were tested because none of the dogbones made were suitable for testing. Some were already broken in the mould. It is apparent that the use of acetone in mixing of the resin made things easier and resulted in specimens with better properties. So even though this method sometimes produced bubbles in the specimens, it is still used for all succeeding experiments. Samples containing bubbles in the test zone were discarded. Those that had few surface bubbles were recovered by surface smoothing with sandpaper. 3.7 Curing with Oligomer The amine to epoxy mole to mole ratio was kept constant at 1.1:1 for all resin systems including systems with additive. The amount of amine terminated additive loaded to the resin was also taken into account when adjusting stoichiometry. 48 There were some issues regarding the solubility of oligomers with shorter methylene segments, namely nylon 6,6, nylon 6,8 and nylon 10,8 in the base resin. These oligomers did not completely dissolve during mixing with the base resin, DDS, and acetone prior to curing even at 140 oC. As a result cured resins made with the previously mentioned additives possessed some visible particles throughout the cured resin. However, mixtures made using nylon 6,12, nylon 10,12 and nylon 12,12 oligomers were more homogeneous. These longer segment oligomers produced a more homogenous cured resin. These resins were a little opaque but with no visible particles. It was also observed that the longer the oligomer (keeping the structure fixed) the more opaque was the final cured resin. In some instances, we were completely unable to mix resin with additive. For example, mixing powdered nylon 6,6 oligomers with resin dissolved in acetone overnight prior to adding the DDS curative was attempted. With heating or without heating the nylon 6,6 type would not dissolve. 3.8 Tensile test The first resins prepared for tensile test were cured using the cure cycle 2 hours at 140oC and 2 hours at 200 oC because it was not known yet that this cure cycle only cured about 90% of the resin. The resins prepared in this cure cycle are listed in Table 3.5 and their formulations are also given in the same table. 49 Table 3.5 Formulation of nylon 6,6 oligomers. material moles diacid "A" moles diamine "B" r (=A/B) theoretical Xn (1+r)/(1-r) MY720-DDS g DDS/ g MY720 g additive/ 1g of MY720 0.6472 0 1.1 Amine NH/epoxy nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.6173 0.05 1.1 nylon 6,6 Xn=5 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.6253 0.05 1.1 nylon 6,6 Xn=6 1 1.4 0.71 6 0.6289 0.05 1.1 nylon 6,8 Xn=5 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.6277 0.05 1.1 nylon 10,8 Xn=5 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.6308 0.05 1.1 nylon 6,12 Xn=3.67 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.6254 0.05 1.1 nylon 6,12 Xn=5 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.6312 0.05 1.1 nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.6287 0.05 1.1 nylon 10,12 Xn=5 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.6337 0.05 1.1 nylon 12,12 Xn=3.67 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.6301 0.05 1.1 nylon 12,12 Xn=5 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.6346 0.05 1.1 Stress-strain curves for these resins are shown in Appendix B. The results of the tensile tests are given in Tables 3.6-3.8. In general, the stiffness of the resin increased when fortified with the nylon additives. It can be noted in Table 3.6 that as the theoretical Xn increases, the stiffness decreases, see results for resins #2, #3, and #4 for nylon 6,6, resins #7 and #8 for nylon 6,12 and resins #9 and #10 for nylon 10,12. However, resins #11 and #12 nylon 12,12 have an opposite trend. 50 Table 3.6 Stiffness of dogbones made with different oligomer additives at 3% load. 1 Material Control Xn (Theoretical) (1+r)/(1-r) X Stiffness Average Standard Stiffness % (MPa) deviation (MPa) Change 31.3225 0.9334 X 2 Nylon 6,6 3.67 33.4132 0.5452 6.6748 3 Nylon 6,6 5 30.4412 1.3864 -2.8136 4 Nylon 6,6 6 30.2533 0.0593 -3.4135 5 Nylon 6,8 5 32.2860 1.2824 3.0761 6 Nylon 10,8 5 31.7545 1.1859 1.3792 7 Nylon 6,12 3.67 34.0990 1.7906 8.8642 8 Nylon 6,12 5 33.9584 1.6408 8.4153 9 Nylon 10,12 3.67 33.8266 0.8405 7.9946 10 Nylon 10,12 5 33.4612 0.3593 6.8280 11 Nylon 12,12 3.67 32.1563 0.2433 2.6534 12 Nylon 12,12 5 32.1751 0.2574 2.7220 Resins #2-6 failed at stresses a lot lower than that of the control resin (Table 3.7). It was expected that these resins would fail at a lower stress than the control because of the presence of undissolved particles in the cured resin. These particles served as nuclei for crack formation. However, generally, for resins #7-12, which had better dissolution in the resin mixture, those with Xn =3.67 oligomers failed at stresses higher than those which are fortified with Xn =5 and that of the control. This shows that the oligomers with higher methylene content have a positive effect on the resin in terms of strength. However, increasing the theoretical chain length had an adverse effect. We believe that this is related to solubility issues. The longer the theoretical average chain lengths the less soluble the oligomer is in the resin mixture. 51 Table 3.7 load. 1 Stress at break of dogbones made with different oligomer additives @ 3% Material Control Stress at Break Xn % Change Standard (Theoretical) (1+r)/(1-r) Average (MPa) Deviation (Mpa) X 67.6899 5.9206 2 Nylon 6,6 3.67 37.0206 5.3071 -45.308532 3 Nylon 6,6 5 25.1346 0.7279 4 Nylon 6,6 6 26.0263 2.2538 -61.550689 5 Nylon 6,8 5 19.8043 2.6305 -70.742607 6 Nylon 10,8 5 40.6702 3.2257 -39.916856 7 Nylon 6,12 3.67 76.8637 10.3891 13.5527 8 Nylon 6,12 5 69.4538 0.7230 2.6059 9 Nylon 10,12 3.67 84.3584 8.8296 24.624796 10 Nylon 10,12 5 66.9616 8.3421 -1.0759 11 Nylon 12,12 3.67 75.3148 13.7355 11.2645 12 Nylon 12,12 5 65.6532 5.3717 -3.0089 -62.86802 The results for strain-to-break tensile experiments summarized in Table 3.8 show congruence with stress at break. Resins #2-5 in Table 3.8 exhibit lower strains compared to the control while resins #7, 9 and 11 which were all resins with Xn =3.67 had extended longer than the control when they failed and are higher compared to their analogs with Xn =5. We believe that this is again solubility related. Due to the presence of the undissolved particles, resins #1-6 do not take long to elongate before they break. 52 Table 3.8 Strain at break of dogbones made with different oligomer additives. Xn Material 3.9 1 Control 2 (Theoretical) (1+r)/(1-r) Strain at Break Standard Deviation % Change X 0.02 70 (2.702%) 0.003399 (0.3399%) Nylon 6,6 3.67 0.01 40 (1.400%) 0.001414 (0.414%) -48.1481 3 Nylon 6,6 5 0.0 120 (1.20%) 0.007482 (0.748%) -55.5556 4 Nylon 6,6 6 0.0 123 (1.23%) 0.007307 (0.731%) -54.4444 5 Nylon 6,8 5 0.00 59 (0.590%) 0.000781 (0.0781%) -78.1481 6 Nylon 10,8 5 0.0 137 (1.37%) 0.001155 (0.116%) -49.2593 7 Nylon 6,12 3.67 0.0 277 (2.77%) 0.002887 (0.289%) 2.5926 8 Nylon 6,12 5 0.026 (2.6%) 0.0002828 (0.0283%) -3.7037 9 Nylon 10,12 3.67 0.0 333 (3.33%) 0.005686 (0.569%) 23.3333 10 Nylon 10,12 11 Nylon 12,12 5 0.024 19 (2.419%) 0.003965 (0.396%) -10.4074 3.67 0.02 908 (2.93%) 0.007578 (0.758%) 7.7037 12 Nylon 12,12 5 0.02 448 (2.45%) 0.002602 (0.260%) -9.3333 Tensile Testing of Resins Using New Cure Cycle Since it was found out previously that oligomers of nylon 10,12 and nylon 12,12 have some positive effects on the mechanical properties of the MY720 resin, dogbone resins fortified with 5% of these oligomers were made using the new cure cycle, 2 hours at 140 oC and 4 hours at 200 oC and then tensile testing was performed. Table 3.9 shows the stiffness of the resin with additives. Stiffness decreased by a small percentage apart from nylon 12,12 Xn=3 at 5% load. No general pattern can be concluded in terms of the effect of Xn of the oligomer. 53 Table 3.9 Stiffness of the dogbones with different nylon oligomers at 5% load. material MY720-DDS control stiffness standard average deviation (MPa) (MPa) 34.0856 1.4112 Stiffness % change Nylon 10,12 Xn=3 5% 32.2651 0.4462 -5.3410 Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 5% 33.4695 0.8089 -1.8075 Nylon 10,12 Xn=5 5% 33.9174 0.0535 -0.4936 Nylon 12,12 Xn=3 5% 34.7467 1.3209 1.9395 Nylon12,12 Xn=3.67 5% 31.8300 0.2477 -6.6173 Nylon 12,12 Xn=5 5% 32.8598 0.6410 -3.5962 The effect of the additives on stress at break is shown in Table 3.10. It can be seen that all of the resins with additive broke at stresses higher than that of the control with nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 improving the resin by 57.9%. However, no general trend could be concluded based on the results. 54 Table 3.10 Stress at break of the dogbones with different nylon oligomers at 5% load. stress at break control Nylon 10,12 Xn=3 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=5 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=3 5% Nylon12,12 Xn=3.67 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=5 5% stress at break % change average (MPa) 48.5179 standard deviation (MPa) 1.6434 67.3995 3.4096 38.9168 76.5965 7.8769 57.8727 62.8425 7.7879 29.5244 72.6986 1.6213 49.8387 65.1828 8.0533 34.3478 68.1505 7.1093 40.4646 material The results for the comparison of strain at break are shown on Table 3.11 The extensions at break of the resins with additive were higher than that of the control. This means that the resin had become less crack sensitive. Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 increased the strain at break by 92.4%. Again no trend can be concluded in terms of the effect of structure of additive or Xn . 55 Table 3.11 Strain at break of the dogbones with different nylon oligomers at 5% load. strain at break material Control Nylon 10,12 Xn=3 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=5 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=3 3% Nylon 12,12 Xn=3.67 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=5 5% Average 0.01590 (1.590%) 0.02530 (2.523%) 0.03059 (3.059%) 0.02249 (2.249%) 0.02674 (2.674%) 0.02417 (2.417%) 0.02497 (2.497%) standard deviation 0.01260 (0.1260%) 0.001959 (0.195%) 0.005296 (0.53%) 0.004031 (0.403%) 0.001725 (0.172%) 0.003571 (0.357%) 0.004972 (0.497%) extension at break % change 59.1195 92.3899 41.4465 68.1761 52.0126 57.0440 In general the addition of nylon 10,12 and nylon 12,12 oligomers improved the properties of the resin. Both the stress at break and extension at break were increased with a minimal decrease in stiffness except for nylon 12,12 Xn=3 at 3% load because it improved all three properties studied. No general trend could be established and this could be because it was hard to control uniformity of the specimens. Achieving perfect specimens was hard because most of the times the specimens would contain gas bubbles. 3.10 Thermomechanical Analysis Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) can determine the softening temperature of a material. The TMA results for the cured resin, resins with 5% load and 10% load of nylon 10,12 Xn =3.67 are shown in Figure 3.12. It was determined that the softening temperature of the fortified resins were higher than that of the control. Softening temperature is affected by the strength of the intermolecular forces of attraction in the material. The stronger the forces the higher the temperature required to soften. The additives in the resin are capable of hydrogen bonding which is the strongest among all intermolecular forces. So these hydrogen bonds were responsible for making the resin more resistant to softening. 56 It is interesting that the softening temperatures of the resin with 5% and 10% additive were about the same. This might be brought about by the opposing effect of the decrease in crystallinity of the resin when more of the additive is loaded. Although the additives are creating hydrogen bonds, the crystallinity of the material decreases as more of the additive is added. TMA: Resins with Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 vs Control Resin 200 0 µm -200 Control -400 Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 10% -600 -800 -1000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Temperature (°C) Figure 3.11 Comparing TMA output for nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 and control. Table 3.12 Softening temperatures of control resin, resins with nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 5% and 10% determined by TMA. TMA (Tm) Sample # Control Resin Resin with Nylon 10,12 Xn=367 5% Resin with Nylon 10,12 Xn=367 10% 57 Dimension Change Tm [°C] Tm [°F] 326.58 619.84 331.28 628.30 330.81 627.46 3.11 Conclusion The additives synthesized are amide oligomers and are amine terminated as suggested by FTIR and NMR results. The length of the oligomers can be somewhat controlled by adjusting the mole ratio of the reacting monomers. The additives did not easily homogenize with the resin especially the additives that contain monomers with shorter methylene sequences, resulting in deterioration of mechanical properties of the resin. Nylon 10,12 and Nylon 12,12 additives improved the tensile strength and increased the strain to break of the resin. It can be said that these nylon oligomers apparently did create hydrogen bonds as reflected by the increase in the softening temperature and the increase in tensile strength of the resin when compared to control. Because of the low solubility of the additives in the resin, the research went into the direction of exploring additives with lesser crystallinity but with some bulky groups that may help make the resin stiffer. These oligomers are going to be discussed in the next chapter. 58 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: MIXED AMIDE ADDITIVES 4.1 Introduction In chapter 3, it was concluded that the nylon-like oligomers were too crystalline and thus solvating in the resin was a problem. To address this issue, the research went into the direction of using less crystalline oligoamides. As dicussed in Chapter 3, it was determined that the longer the methylene sequence in the oligomer, the more soluble the oligomer becomes in the resin, resulting in a cured resin with better mechanical performance. Based on those ideas, the new set of oligomers explored were mixed oligoamides made from a diacid chloride with long methylene sequence, sebacoyl chloride (C10) and aromatic diamines, namely methylenedianiline (MDA), p-phenylenediamine (PPDA) and m-phenylenediamine (MPDA). These aromatic diamines have bulky and rigid rings that makes the additive less crystalline. The nomenclature of their corresponding oligomers is shown in Figure 4.1. O a. + H2N NH2 Cl Sebacoyl Chloride MDA H2N MDA10 Cl MPDA10 Cl PPDA10 O O NH2 b. Cl + Cl Sebacoyl Chloride MPDA O O c. H2N NH2 PPDA Figure 4.1 + Cl Sebacoyl Chloride O The chemical structures of the monomers and the corresponding names of their oligomers. 59 Synthesis of Oligomers The synthesis scheme for MDA10, as a representative for this new set of oligomers is shown in Figure 4.2. The synthesis is very similar to the synthesis of nylon-like oligomers in Chapter 3. N.N-dimethylacetamide is still used as the solvent and DBU is still used as base to neutralize HCl produced in the reaction. O + H2N DBU•HCl HCl NH2 Cl Cl O O + NH H2N NH H NH O Where n= 2.67, 4 and 8 Figure 4.2 DMAc DBU n Scheme for the synthesis of MDA10 The different number average degrees of polymerization ( Xn ) or simply the theoretical chain lengths of the additive were made by adjusting the monomer ratios. For MDA10, for example, see Table 4.1. The corresponding theoretical molecular masses are also listed below. The number average molecular weight (Mn) was also calculated by multiplying Xn with Mo, where Mo is the average mass of the two monomers sebacoyl chloride and the diamine. Different theoretical chain lengths of MPDA10 and PPDA10 oligomers were also preapared in the same manner. 60 Table 4.1 The number average degrees polymerization of MDA10 and their corresponding reagent ratios. Ratio Theoretical Theoretical Oligomer Moles Sebacoylc Moles Chloride (A) MDA (B) r=A/B Mn = Xn *M0 Xn MDA10 MDA10 MDA10 4.2 1 1 1 1.75 1.5 1.25 0.57 0.67 0.80 3.67 5 9 661.49 901.21 1162.18 Infrared Spectroscopy Figure 4.3 below is a representative IR spectrum of the additives. All other spectra are given in Appendix A. The MDA10 Xn=3.67 IR spectrum reveals a carbonyl amide I band at 1660 cm-1 and medium amide II band at 1540 cm-1, which is due to C-N bending.. The medium absorption peak at 3295 cm-1 is due to amide hydrogen bonded N-H. This showed that the additive has an amide functionality. Enlargement of the carbonyl area in Figure 4.4 shows the absence of a band around 1750 cm-1 which means that the product was free from acid impurity, a hydrolysis of the diacid chloride. This also means that the oligomer is not acid-terminated. The large peak around 1610 cm-1 is due to carbon to carbon aromatic double bond. 61 IR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 wavenumber (cm-) Figure 4.3 FTIR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 IR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 No Acid C=O 0.40 0.20 0.00 1800 1700 1600 1500 - wavenumber (cm ) Figure 4.4 FTIR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67, an enlargement of the carbonyl area. 62 4.3 Proton and 13C NMR The 1H NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn =3.67 in deuterated trifluoroacetic acid is reproduced in Figure 4.5. The spectrum shows three prominent peaks in the aliphatic region and bunched up peaks in the aromatic region which is expanded in Figure 4.6. The spectrum was compared to the one predicted by ACDLabs NMR simulator for MPDA10 Xn=5 (Figure 4.7). The experimental and predicted spectra were comparable despite the fact that the simulation was predicted in methanol-d. The chemical shifts of the experimental result were more downfield because trifluoroacetic acid is more polar than methanol. Their chemical shifts are listed in Table 4.2. Peaks at 2.754 ppm are due to protons 11, 18, 31 and 38 which are closest to electron withrawing carbonyl groups. Protons 13, 14, 15, 16, 33, 34, 35 and 36 have have about the same high field chemical environments and thus their peaks are bunched up at 1.484 ppm. The peak for protons 12, 17, 32 and 37 is at 1.890 ppm. The NH peaks are shifted to very low field region. The experimental NMR spectrum shows two faint peaks around 9.037 and 9.379 ppm, which are due to the NH groups, while the software’s prediction is at 5.14 ppm. The large downfield shift shows that there is extensive hydrogen bonding interaction between the solvent and the oligomer. Of the two NH peaks, the one that is more deshielded should be due to the NH that is involved in the amide bond. 63 Proton NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm Figure 4.5 Proton NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 ACD HNMR predictor software indicates that there are seven peaks in the aromatic region of the ACD spectrum. These correspond to the seven peaks observed in the experimental spectrum. The CH groups belonging to the terminal benzene rings appear more upfield than those from the central aromatic group. This is because the terminal benzene rings are connected to highly electron donating NH2 groups, whereas the central aromatic ring is connected to two amide groups that are less electron donating. When considering the terminal benzene rings of our additive, the ortho and para positions (with respect to NH2) are negatively charged due to the mesomeric effect of the NH2 and NHCO groups attached to it. Therefore those CH groups resonate at a position more upfield when compared to the CH group in the meta position. This trend is observed in the chemical shifts observed for the ACDLABS generated spectrum as well. When considering the central benzene ring of the prepared additive, NHCO is electron donating and therefore the ortho and para positions in relation to the two substituted positions have high electron density making them more upfield than the meta CH. This trend is again similar in the spectrum predicted by ACDLABS. 64 Proton NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 (expanded aromatic region) 9 8 7 ppm Figure 4.6 Expansion of aromatic region of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 proton NMR spectrum. 46 5 6 1 H2N O 4 10 9 3 2 7 N 12 11 14 13 16 15 NH 18 17 NH 23 19 21 22 31 24 28 29 8 H 8a Figure 4.7 O 33 32 35 34 40 39 37 36 47 38 42 NH 41 O 20 27 25 26 O 30 Chemical structure of MPDA10 Xn=5 with assigned carbon numbers. 65 45 44 43 NH2 48 Table 4.2 Experimental and Predicted chemical shifts for MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Carbon/Nitrogen numbers From Figure 4.7 13, 16, 33, 36 Chemical shift generated by ACD software (ppm) 1.38 Experimental Chemical shift (ppm) 1.484 14, 15, 34, 35 1.34 1.484 12, 17, 32, 37 1.82 1.890 18, 31 2.19 2.754 11, 38 2.23 2.754 2, 43 6.43 7.435 6, 45 6.99 7.438 4, 47 7.00 7.500 5, 46 7.15 7.520 25, 27 7.28 7.560 26 7.39 7.900 23 7.96 8.131 7, 48 5.14 9.073 8, 21, 28, 41 5.14 9.379 In the aliphatic region of the spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 there are also peaks at 3.523 and 3.665 ppm due to the methyl groups of incompletely removed DMAc solvent. These 2 peaks confirm trace amounts of DMAc present in the mixture (which can be confirmed by the carbonyl peak in the 13C NMR spectrum). The small peaks with chemical shifts 2.23, 2.31, 3.50, 3.64 and 3.71 ppm are due to incompletely removed DBU. The experimental 13 C spectrum for MPDA10 Xn=3.67 additive is shown in Figure 4.8, the aliphatic region is expanded in Figure 4.9 and the expanded aromatic region is shown in Figure 4.10. 66 CNMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm Figure 4.8 13 C NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 CNMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 (Expnaded Methylene Region) 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 ppm Figure 4.9 Expanded aliphatic region of C13NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 67 CNMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 ( Expanded Aromatic Regoin) 15000 10000 5000 0 140 135 130 125 120 115 ppm Figure 4.10 Expanded aromatic region of C13NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Expanded Carbonyl Region of C13 Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 15000 10000 5000 0 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 ppm Figure 4.11 Expanded carbonyl region of 13C NMR spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 68 Table 4.3 Assignment of carbon numbers and chemical shifts in the 13C NMR of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Carbon numbers in Figure 4.7 1, 44 Predicted Chemical shift generated by ACD software (ppm) 139.22 Experimental Chemical shift observed (ppm) 139.896 2, 43 117.79 119.675 3, 44 138.80 133.205 4, 47 114.70 124.002 5. 46 130.02 131.008 6, 45 114.70 125.230 9, 39 171.68 180.943 19. 29 171.68 180.380 11, 18, 31, 38 37.63 37.986 12, 17, 32, 37 25.60 28.074 13, 16, 33, 36 29.43 30.835 14, 15, 34, 35 27.56 30.657 22, 24 138.80 137.741 23 117.79 119.859 25, 27 129.62 125.8 26 130.02 132.669 The observed experimental chemical shifts correlate to those predicted by ACD software. Observed shifts are slightly more downfield due to the fact that samples were dissolved in highly polar trifluoroacetic acid. Shifts from ACD C13NMR predictor software were predicted in methanol as solvent. The experimental spectrum indicates traces of impurities. The tiny peak at 176.963 ppm is most likely due to DMAc. The two peaks at 180.943 and 180.380 ppm are due to the oligomer’s carbonyl groups. The aromatic region of the experimentally obtained spectrum shows 10 peaks, which is consistent with the structure. The most downfield of these are C1 and C44 which give a peak at 139.896 ppm. The remainder of the aromatic peaks and their chemical shifts are listed in Table 4.3. The peak at 39.644 ppm observed in the experimentally obtained spectrum could be due to methyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom of DMAc. The peak at 19.108 ppm is due to the methyl group attached to the carbon of DMAc. The peak at 37.986 ppm is the most deshielded 69 carbon of the oligomer and it is due to carbons 11, 18, 31,38 of Figure 4.7. All the other peaks can be attributed to DBU and DMAc that is present in the mixture. The NMR spectra of the other oligomers are given in Appendix B. 4.4 Intrinsic Viscosity (IV) The reduced specific viscosity plot obtained for MPDA10 Xn=5 is shown in Figure 4.12. All other IV plots are given in Appendix C. By extrapolating the plot to C=0, the intrinsic viscosity is estimated to be 16.482 mL/g of oligomer. The intrinsic viscosity experiments for MPDA10 and MDA10 additives were done using filtered m-cresol as the solvent since the additive is not very soluble in 90% formic acid. Intrinsic Viscosity Plot for MPDA10 Xn=5 26 24 y = 153.82x + 16.482 nsp/C 22 2 R = 0.9824 20 18 16 14 12 10 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 C (g/ml) Figure 4.12 Intrinsic viscosity plot for MDA10 Xn=5 The intrinsic viscosity values obtained for the additives are summarized in Table 4.4 below. 70 Table 4.4 Summary of results for intrinsic viscosity experiments. Additive Xn Intrinsic viscosity (mL/g) MPDA10 3.67 14.327 5 16.482 9 16.844 3.67 19.808 5 22.112 9 27.165 MDA10 It is apparent that there is a control over the intrinsic viscosity by adjusting the theoretical number average degree of polymerization, Xn. The intrinsic viscosity increases with Xn. This indicates that by controlling the molar ratio of reactants, the oligomer can be lengthened or shortened. No intrinsic viscosity experiments were performed on PPDA10 additives due to difficulty of finding a suitable solvent. They are only partially soluble in m-cresol and in 90% formic acid. 4.4 Gel Permeation Chromatography The gel permeation chromatography results support our conclusion from intrinsic viscosity experiments. GPC chromatograms of MDA10 additives are shown in Figure 4.13 while GPC chromatograms for the MPDA10 additives are shown in Appendix C. PPDA10 additives were not sent for GPC since a good solvent was not found. The chromatograms show the mass distribution of the three additives. There is a shift towards higher masses as Xn increases. 71 GPC for MDA10 1.00 0.90 MDA10 Xn=3.67 MDA10 Xn=5 MDA10 Xn=9 0.80 W(log M) 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 Molar Mass (Da) Figure 4.13 Gel Permeation Chromatography of MDA10 The average molecular weight, Mw (or weight average molecular weight) of the MDA10 and MPDA10 additives are listed in Table 4.5.The results show that adjusting the theoretical Xn indeed controls the molecular weight of the additives. The polydispersity index, D of each type of oligomer, which relates to the range of distribution of weights, is also given in the table. All of them are above 2 which are typical for condensation polymerization. The chromatogram of MDA10 Xn=5 looks like it has more low molecular weight species (most probably due to DBU and DMAc impurities) compared to the other two. Since it has more impurities, its dispersity index is higher than the rest of the additives. 72 Table 4.5 Summary of gel permeation chromatography results. Oligomer MDA10 MPDA10 4.5 Xn Mw (Dalton) D 3.67 5115 4.41 5 8770 7.34 9 9551 3.06 3.67 6320 2.17 5 7830 2.87 9 15200 3.11 Tensile Test Stress-strain curves such as Figure 4.14 were plotted and the stress at break, strain to break and moduli which were taken from the slope of the initial portion of the curves such as Figure 4.15, were determined. All other plots are given in Appendix D. Four control resins were tested and the summary of results are given in Table 4.6. 73 Tensile Testing Curves for Control Resin 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 sp 1 sp2 stress (Pa) 4.00E+07 sp3 sp4 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 strain (% ) Figure 4.14 Stress-strain curves of MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Control Resin Sample 1 2.00E+07 1.80E+07 1.60E+07 y = 33944286.6692x + 361418.5040 1.40E+07 R = 0.9997 stress (Pa) 2 1.20E+07 1.00E+07 8.00E+06 6.00E+06 4.00E+06 2.00E+06 0.00E+00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 strain (% ) Figure 4.15 Initial portion of the stress-strain curve of Control resin specimen 1. 74 Table 4.6 Tensile testing summary for control resins. Specimen 1 2 3 4 Ave Stdev % RSD modulus (MPa) Strain to failure (%) 33.9443 1.676 33.2176 1.567 36.1218 1.421 33.0587 1.696 34.0856 1.590 1.4112 0.126 4.1402 7.931 stress at break (MPa) 50.2620 47.5573 46.7422 49.5101 48.5179 1.6434 3.3872 The low average ultimate strength to break from the above experiments indicates that MY720 and DDS forms a brittle material. The percentage relative standard deviation (RSD) for the modulus and stress at break are fairly low, indicating a consistent sample preparation. However, the strain to failure shows a high %RSD and this could be due to imperfections such as bubbles on the specimens that would affect crack formation. The tensile curves of resin specimens containing MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at a loading of 3% are shown in Figure 4.16 and the initial portion of the first specimen is shown in Figure 4.17. The summary of results is given in Table 4.7. All other tensile testing plots and results are given in Appendix D. 75 Tensile Testing Curves of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimens 7.0E+07 6.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 stress (Pa) 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain % Figure 4.16 Tensile testing curves of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3 % loading. Initial Portion of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 1 2.0E+07 1.8E+07 y = 35,686,956.1411x + 608,338.3224 1.6E+07 R2 = 0.9997 stress (Pa) 1.4E+07 1.2E+07 1.0E+07 8.0E+06 6.0E+06 4.0E+06 2.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 strain % Figure 4.17 Initial portion of tensile testing curve of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% specimen 1. 76 Table 4.7 Tensile Testing summary for MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load. Specimen Modulus (MPa) 1 2 3 4 Ave Stdev Strain to Failure (%) 35.6870 35.9517 33.8357 36.0078 35.3705 1.0328 1.691 2.020 1.530 1.719 1.740 0.2044 Stress at Break (MPa) 54.0702 63.4879 48.2066 55.1947 55.2398 6.2946 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% loading gives a 3.77% improvement on modulus, 13.85% improvement on stress at break and gives a 9.43% increase on strain to failure when compared to control. This suggests that the material has become stronger and less brittle upon addition of the additive. The resins listed in Table 4.8 were tested. The formulations of the resins tested are given in the same table. The amount of curing agent added is adjusted to the type of oligomer and oligomer loading used. 77 Table 4.8 Formulations of resins tested. material moles diacid "A" moles diamine "B" r (=A/B) Theoretical Xn (1+r)/(1-r) MY720-DDS control w/ solvent g DDS/g MY720 g additive/ g of MY720 N-H in additive /epoxy 0.6472 0 1.1 MPDA10 XN=3.67 3% 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.5729 0.03 1.1 MPDA10 XN=3.67 5% 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.5768 0.05 1.1 MPDA10 XN=5 3% 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.5768 0.03 1.1 MDA10 Xn =3.67 3% 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.5765 0.03 1.1 MDA10 XN=3.67 5% 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.5689 0.05 1.1 MDA10 XN=3.67 10% 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.5504 0.10 1.1 MDA10 Xn=5 3% 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.5795 0.03 1.1 MDA10 Xn=5 5% 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.5740 0.05 1.1 MDA10 Xn=9 3% 1 1.25 0.8 9 0.5831 0.03 1.1 MDA10 Xn=9 5% 1 1.25 0.8 9 0.5801 0.05 1.1 MDA10 Xn=9 10% 1 1.25 0.8 9 0.5725 0.10 1.1 PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% 1 1 1.75 1.75 0.57 0.57 3.67 3.67 0.5729 0.5630 0.03 0.05 1.1 1.1 PPDA10 Xn=3.67 10% 1 1.75 0.57 3.67 0.5384 0.10 1.1 PPDA10 Xn=5 3% 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.5768 0.03 1.1 PPDA10 Xn=5 5% 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.5696 0.05 1.1 PPDA10 Xn=5 10% 1 1.5 0.67 5 0.5515 0.10 1.1 PPDA10 Xn=9 3% 1 1.35 0.8 9 0.5817 0.03 1.1 MDA10 XN=9 5% 1 1.25 0.8 9 0.5776 0.05 1.1 The tensile test results for resins with MPDA10 additives are given in Table 4.9. Attempts to prepare several resins with MPDA10 additives were made, however only resins containing MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% and 5% loading and MPDA10 Xn=5% were successfully made. The others have imperfections not tolerable for testing. Moreover, it was decided not to pursue attempting to prepare again the resins that were unsuccessfully made because based on the results the mechanical property deteriorates as % load and Xn are increased. 78 Table 4.9 Material MY720DDS control w/ solvent MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MPDA10 Xn=5 3% Tensile Testing Summary for resins containing MPDA10. No of samples tested Stiffness Ave (MPa) StDev (MPa) 34.0856 1.4112 35.3705 1.0328 35.21 35.1162 % change stress at break Ave (MPa) StDev (MPa) % change Strain at break Ave StDev 0.01590 (1.590%) 0.00126 (0.126%) % change 48.5179 1.6434 3.7696 55.2398 6.2946 13.8545 0.0174 (1.74%) 0.00204 (0.204%) 9.4340 0.8260 3.2976 42.2310 8.1233 -12.9579 0.01301 (1.301%) 0.00305 (0.305%) -18.1761 1.3063 3.0236 38.2780 9.8276 -21.1054 0.01170 (1.1697%) 0.00371 (0.3708%) -26.4969 4 4 4 3 Among the three resins containing MPDA10, the Xn=3.67, with 3% loading is the only one that shows improvement. There was a 3.77 % increase in modulus, 13.85% in stress at break and 9.34% in strain at break. This means that the material has become stronger and stiffer. However, the resins with 5% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 and 3% MPDA10 Xn=5 show improvement only in modulus and show deterioration in stress at break and strain at break. The results for resins with MDA10 additives are given in Table 4.10. Resin MDA10 Xn=9 at 5% loading gave the best result. The additive has improved 1.59% in modulus, 56.61% stress at break and 58.30% strain at break. It can be noted that resins with 5% loading gave the most improvement for all three Xns. This could be because resins having 5% additive have more hydrogen bonds than those that only have 3% and resins having 10% additives have solubility issues. Undissolved additive can act as nucleus that starts crack propagation. As for the effect of the Xn, no conclusion can be arrived at since there is no consistent pattern; either increasing or decreasing property measurement is observed. 79 Table 4.10 Tensile testing summary for resins containing MDA10. Stiffness No of samples tested Ave (MPa) StDev (MPa) MY720DDS control w/ solvent 4 34.0856 1.4112 MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% 34.1093 0.8667 7 32.7234 Material MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 10% MDA10 Xn=5 3% MDA10 Xn=5 5% MDA10 Xn=9 3% MDA10 Xn=9 5% MDA10 Xn=9 10% % change stress at break strain at break ave StDev % change -11.0722 0.0159 (1.59%) 0.01367 (1.367%) 0.0126 (0.126%) 0.00159 (0.159%) -14.1139 6.3819 23.5808 0.02128 (2.128%) 0.002865 (0.287%) 33.8634 40.0822 5.3990 -17.3868 0.01234 (1.234%) 0.00178 (0.178%) -22.3899 6.9496 44.6762 1.1815 -7.9181 0.01335 (1.335%) 0.001067 (0.011%) -16.0377 0.5098 1.4666 47.8403 8.1951 -1.3966 0.0163 (1.53%) 0.00347 (0.347%) -3.7736 34.9359 1.3248 2.4946 45.3621 1.9981 -6.5044 0.01418 (1.418%) 0.00222 (0.222%) -10.8176 34.6280 2.5493 1.5913 75.9837 2.5167 56.6096 0.02517 (2.517%) 0.00368 (0.368%) 58.3019 34.7171 2.0688 1.8527 55.9826 10.955 15.3855 0.01872 (1.872%) 0.00491 (0.491%) 17.7358 Ave (MPa) StDev (MPa) 48.5179 1.6434 0.0695 43.1459 3.8543 0.5060 -3.9964 59.9588 34.6935 1.9574 1.7835 36.4544 1.1120 34.5855 % change 4 5 3 4 3 4 5 The results for resins with PPDA10 additives are shown in Table 4.11. The resins that gave the best results among them are those that contain 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 and 5% PPDA10 Xn=5, showing increase in modulus, stress at break and strain to failure. The resin with PPDA10 Xn=9 at 5% loading had greater stress at break and strain at break improvement than the Xn=5, however the material is less stiff. The resins that showed improvement on tensile strength also showed an increase in strain-to-failure which indicates that the additives have a toughening effect. The PPDA10 additives are consistent with the MDA10 additives that resins with 5% additives are best in all three Xns. And as expected, resins with 10% loading of additive show 80 very poor mechanical properties due to solubility issues. As for the effect of Xn on the three mechanical properties, no general trend can be arrived at. Table 4.11 Tensile Testing summary for resins containing PPDA10. Number of samples tested average (MPa) Standard deviation (MPa) MY720DDS control 4 34.0856 1.4112 PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% 33.7534 1.3193 5 35.4719 35.5554 Material PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 10% PPDA10 Xn=5 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 10% PPDA10 Xn=9 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 5% Stiffness Stiffness % change stress at break strain at break stress at break % change average Standard deviation Extension at break % change 0.0126 (0.126%) 0.00196 (0.196%) 18.3019 Average (MPa) standard deviation (MPa) 48.5179 1.6434 -0.9747 55.2709 3.388851 13.9187 0.0159 (1.59%) 0.01881 (1.881%) 0.5827 4.0670 57.7422 7.747524 19.0121 0.0187 (1.87%) 0.00335 (0.335%) 17.6101 0.7181 4.3120 38.4683 1.332717 -20.7131 0.01132 (1.132%) 0.00017 (0.017%) -29.9874 4 3 33.5802 1.5652 -1.4828 53.6544 9.556974 10.5868 0.01823 (1.823%) 0.00492 (0.492%) 14.6541 34.7140 1.6147 1.8436 59.7335 1.3237 23.1164 0.02001 (2.001%) 0.0001 (0.01%) 25.8491 35.0071 1.0232 2.7035 49.7156 3.4654 2.4686 0.01597 (1.597%) 0.00472 (0.472%) 35.0655 1.0791 2.8749 46.4452 10.30997 -4.2721 0.01458 (1.458%) 0.00421 (0.421%) -8.3019 33.5841 0.6073 -1.4173 56.9832 13.1904 14.8558 0.02023 (2.022%) 0.006130 (0.613%) 27.1698 5 4 0.4403 4 4 4 Among all the resins tested the MDA10 Xn=9 at 5% loading gave the best mechanical property improvement. To determine whether the percent changes listed in Tables 4.9-4.11 are significant, the results were analyzed through T-test at 95% confidence interval. The values were calculated and listed in Table 4.12. 81 Table 4.12 T-test calculation results Resin with: MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MPDA10 Xn=5 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 10% MDA10 Xn=5 3% MDA10 Xn=5 5% MDA10 Xn=9 3% MDA10 Xn=9 5% MDA10 Xn=9 10% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 10% PPDA10 Xn=5 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 10% PPDA10 Xn=9 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 5% DF 6 6 5 9 6 7 5 6 5 6 7 7 6 5 7 6 6 6 6 t (table value) Stiffness 1.9432 1.4695 1.9432 1.3753 2.0150 0.9848 1.8331 0.0350 1.9432 1.6661 1.8946 0.5195 2.0150 2.3861 1.9432 0.6663 2.0150 0.8083 1.9432 0.3723 1.8946 0.5183 1.8946 0.3643 1.9432 1.8160 2.0150 1.6258 1.8946 0.5019 1.9432 0.5861 1.9432 1.0573 1.9432 1.1032 1.9432 0.6529 Calculated t stress at break 2.0665 1.5171 2.1132 2.6075 3.4721 2.9794 3.4076 0.1621 2.3035 18.2755 1.3325 3.6231 2.3294 8.6184 1.0483 10.5299 0.6246 0.3971 1.2737 strain-tofailure 1.2512 1.7515 2.1639 2.3906 3.4379 3.3625 2.1115 0.2167 1.317 4.7664 1.1126 2.5581 1.5646 6.1072 0.9118 6.5034 0.0287 0.6007 1.3838 Note: Results in red are greater than t (table value) and therefore the difference of these results from the control are significant. 4.6 Fracture Toughness The load-strain plot for the first control specimen and the summary table for the calculation of fracture toughness are shown in Figure 4.18 and Table 4.13. The rest of the plots for the control resin are in Appendix E. 82 Control Resin Specimen 1 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Figure 4.18 Fracture toughness test load-strain curve of control resin specimen 1. Table 4.13 Fracture toughness for control specimens. control 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average STDEV % RSD geometrical factor, Y 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 Fracture load P (N) 207.32 208.87 230.05 227.95 205.16 193.39 crack length a (m) 0.0026 0.0024 0.0028 0.0027 0.0030 0.0034 elastic modulus E (Pa) 34085597.75 34085597.75 34085597.75 34085597.75 34085597.75 34085597.75 hole to edge fracture fracture dist W thickness energy toughness (m) (J/m2) (Mpa*m1/2) b (m) 0.025 0.0064 1498679.19 1.5322 0.025 0.0064 1266426.78 1.4879 0.025 0.0064 1749935.54 1.7610 0.025 0.0064 1630029.55 1.7198 0.025 0.0064 1509593.72 1.6256 0.025 0.0064 1499269.52 1.6313 1.6263 0.10 6.4 The average fracture toughness of the control was found to be 1.6263 MPa*m1/2 The fracture toughness results of the resins with MDA10 additives are given in Table 4.14. All resins with MDA10 additive tested showed improvement in fracture toughness. The additive that improved the resin’s fracture toughness the most is MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load, increasing the fracture toughness by 26.62%. Fracture toughness of resins with additives with 3% additive load 83 have higher fracture toughness compared to the ones with 5% load. It can be observed from the resin with 5% additives that the fracture toughness decreases with Xn. Table 4.14 Fracture Toughness of Resins with MDA10 additives. material control MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MDA10 Xn=5 3% MDA10 Xn=5 5% MDA10 Xn=9 5% ave fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.6263 2.0592 2.0471 1.9783 1.8529 1.8362 %RSD 6.44 7.33 5.52 7.30 10.81 7.83 % change 26.62 25.87 21.64 13.94 12.91 no. of specimens 6 4 4 3 4 6 The fracture toughness test for resins containing PPDA10 additives are given in Table 4.15. All PPDA10 additives also showed improvements. Just like the resin-MDA10 additives series, the PPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load gave the greatest improvement, increasing the fracture toughness by 33.93%. Resins with Xn=3.67 and Xn=9 additives also follow the same trend as the resins with MDA10 additives where the fracture toughness of resins with 3% additive have higher average fracture toughness than the corresponding resins with 5% load. For resins with 3% load, fracture toughness decreases with additive Xn. The result for resins with PPDA10 Xn=5 at 5% showed an increase of 29.88%, which is inconsistent with trend. 84 Table 4.15 Fracture toughness tests results for resins with PPDA10 additives. material control PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 5% PPDA10 Xn=9 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 5% ave fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.6263 2.1781 1.9658 1.8726 2.1122 1.8246 1.7886 %RSD 6.44 8.63 4.06 4.87 5.08 7.32 2.57 % change 33.93 20.88 15.14 29.88 12.19 9.98 no. of specimens 6 6 4 6 4 6 5 Compact tension specimens were also made for resins with MPDA10 additives that were tested for tensiles. The results are given in Table 4.16. Table 4.16 Fracture toughness tests results for resins with MPDA10 additives. material control MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MPDA10 Xn=5 3% ave fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.6263 1.9567 1.8906 1.8381 %RSD 6.44 8.80 6.73 5.04 % change 20.32 16.25 13.02 no. of specimens 6 5 6 3 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load gave the most improvement among the three additives showing 20.32% increase in fracture toughness. The average fracture toughness of resins with 3% Xn=3.67 is higher than the resins with 5% additive load and resins with 3% of MPDA10 Xn=5. . The results show that the additives indeed introduce secondary forces of attraction between chains in the resin causing the fracture toughness to increase. Two general trends can be observed. First, increasing the additive load decreases the fracture toughness. This is attributed to the solubility of the additive in the resin. The additives are not very soluble at higher loads. So the higher percentage additive the more likely it is that a fraction of the additive will not 85 dissolve. Undissolved particles can act as nuclei in crack propagation and thus leads to the decrease in fracture toughness. A second observation is that fracture toughness decreases with Xn. This observation can be attributed to decrease in resin crosslink density as well as the decrease of solubility of the additves in the resin as the size of the additives increase. Comparison of resins containing MDA10, MPDA10 and PPDA10 all having an Xn=3.67 and at 3% load are given in Table 4.17. PPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load gave the greatest improvement among the three. The PPDA10 is less bulky compared to MDA10 and has a more linear structure than MPDA10 and thus creates a better fit for formation of hydrogen bonds. Table 4.17 Comparison of the three best resins from each type of additive. material control MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% PPDA19 Xn=3.67 3% 4.7 ave fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.6263 2.0592 1.9567 2.1781 %RSD 6.44 7.33 8.80 8.63 % change 26.62 20.32 33.93 no. of specimens 6 4 5 6 Differential Scanning Calorimetry Data generated from dynamic temperature scanning were used to construct plots for the degree of cure (α) as a function of temperature over a range of heating rates from 1 °C/min to 20 °C/min. A summary of plots of α vs T obtained for the control resin is shown in Figure 4.19. The cure reaction shifts to higher temperatures at higher heating rates. At slower heating rates such as 1 and 2 ºC/min the cure is complete by 230 ºC. At higher heating rates such as 20 ºC/min, curing is not completed until 286.1 ºC. At slower heating rates, the molecules have sufficient time to unravel, rearrange themselves and react. However, at faster heating rates molecules are not given sufficient time therefore will need to be heated to higher temperatures in order to react and form a network. 86 Similar curves were plotted for resin containing MDA10 Xn=3.67 at a 3% load. Again, the area percentage values generated by the DSC instrument for plots of heat flow vs temperature were used to calculate the degree of cure. Plots of degree of cure as a function of temperature at different heating rates (1 ºC/min to 20 ºC/min) were constructed. These plots are summarized in Figure 4.20. The cure reaction also shifts to higher temperatures as the heating rate increases. At lower heating rates of 1 ºC/min, the cure reaction is completed by 243 ºC. However, at higher heating rates, 20 ºC/min for instance, the temperature must be raised up to 293.1 ºC to completely cure the resin mixture. These temperatures are not very different from those obtained for the control resin. A comparison plot in Figure 4.21 shows the additive has no significant effect on the ultimate curing temperatures. Control Resin Degree of Cure vs Temperature Summary 1.2 1 1C/min 2C/min 3C/min 4C/min Degree of Cure 0.8 5C/min 7C/min 10C/min 15C/min 20C/min 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Temperature (ºC) Figure 4.19 Plot of Control resin Degree of Cure vs. Temperature Summary 87 Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 Degree of Cure vs Temperature Summary 1.2 1C/min 1 2C/min 3C/min Degree of Cure 0.8 4C/min 5C/min 0.6 7C/min 10C/min 15C/min 0.4 20C/min 0.2 0 100 Figure 4.20 120 140 160 180 200 220 Temperature (ºC) 240 260 280 300 Plot of Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 degree of cure vs. temperature summary. Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 @ 20 ºC/min 1.2 Degree of Cure 1 control 0.8 with additive 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature (ºC) Figure 4.21 Comparison of control resin and resin with MPDA10 Xn=3.67 @ 5oC/min heating rate. 88 Using the software, Origin, the plots for degree of cure vs temperature were differentiated with respect to time to construct plots of rate of cure dα as a function of temperature. A dT summary of rate of cure vs temperature plots obtained for the control resin at heating rates ranging from 1 ºC/min to 20 ºC/min is shown in Figure 4.22. Control Rate of Cure vs Temperature Summary 4.00E-01 3.50E-01 1cmin 2cmin 3cmin 4cmin 5cmin 7cmin 10cmin 15cmin 20cmin Rate of Cure 3.00E-01 2.50E-01 2.00E-01 1.50E-01 1.00E-01 5.00E-02 0.00E+00 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Temperature (ºC) Figure 4.22 Summary of rate of cure vs temperature for the control resin at different heating rates. It is observed that the rate of cure increases with heating rate. It can also be observed from the plot that the maximum shifted to higher temperature at higher heating rates. Figure 4.23 summarizes the rate of cure as a function of temperature at heating rates ranging from 1 ºC/min to 20 ºC/min for control resin containing MDA10, Xn=3.67 additive at 3% load. The rate of cure profile is very similar to that of the control resin. The rate of cure increases as the heating rate is increased. The temperature at which the highest cure rate is achieved also increases with 89 increasing heating rate. This means that the additive MDA10, Xn=3.67 at 3% load does not alter the rate of cure significantly. Resin Containing MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load Rate of Cure vs Temperature Summary 4.00E-01 1C/min 2C/min 3C/min 3.50E-01 Rate of Cure 3.00E-01 4C/min 5C/min 7C/min 10C/min 15C/min 2.50E-01 2.00E-01 20C/min 1.50E-01 1.00E-01 5.00E-02 0.00E+00 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Temperature (ºC) Figure 4.23 Summary of rate of cure vs temperature for the resin containing MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% load at different heating rates. Using the data above, plots of ln (rate of cure) against 1/temperature (K) were constructed at different degrees of cure ranging from 0.05 to 0.95. A typical plot of ln rate of cure vs 1/temperature for the control resin is reproduced in Figure 4.24. The remaining plots are given in Appendix F. 90 ln Rate of Cure vs. 1/T for 0.05 Degree of Cure 0 ln rate of cure -1 -2 -3 -4 y = -7,687.090x + 13.718 2 -5 R = 0.987 -6 0.0021 Figure 4.24 0.00215 0.0022 0.00225 0.0023 1/T (1/K) 0.00235 0.0024 0.00245 Plot for ln rate of cure vs 1/T for 0.05 degree of cure of control resin. The slope of each graph was multiplied by the gas constant (8.314 J/mol K) to obtain the activation energy for each degree of cure. The calculated activation energies were plotted against degree of cure for each resin system (Figure 4.25). 91 Activation Energy Comaprison Acivation Energy (J/mol) 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 control 20000 with 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Degree of Cure Figure 4.25 Activation energy vs degree of cure of Control and 3 % MDA10 Xn=3.67 The activation energy of the control slightly decreases during the curing process. This is because during the curing process hydroxyl groups are formed and these hydroxyl groups catalyze the process. However, towards the end of the curing process, the activation energy increases because at this point the resin is already very viscous and has already formed a network Therefore, it would be harder for the reacting functional groups to meet and react. The comparison suggests that addition of the additive increases the activation energy of the curing process. This is probably due to the secondary forces brought by the additives. The interchain attraction brought by the additive makes it more difficult for chains to move and functional groups to meet and react. 92 4.8 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis The storage modulus, G’ was plotted on a linear scale to observe the drop off in G’ at higher temperatures. Tan (δ) max is an easier method of determining Tg and is more accurate. Figure 4.26 compares the storage modulus of resin systems containing MPDA10 Xn=3.67 and MDA10 Xn=3.67 additives with fixed chain lengths, Xn=3.67. The storage modulus vs temperature is compared against that measured for the control resin. Resins with additives at 3% have higher storage moduli at lower temperatures than the control. However at higher temperatures their storage moduli are about the same. Storage Modulus (MPa) Comparing Storage Modulus 3010 Control 2510 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MDA10 Xn=5 3% 2010 1510 1010 510 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Temperature (°C) Figure 4.26 DMA of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% 93 300 350 400 Figure 4.27 compares the tangent delta values of resin system containing MPDA10 and MDA10 additives with fixed chain lengths, Xn=3.67. Comparing Tangent Delta 1 0.9 Tangent Delta 0.8 Control 0.7 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% 0.6 MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% 0.5 MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Temperature (C) Figure 4.27 Comparing Tangent Delta from DMA scans. The results of Figure 4.26 and Figure 4.27 are summarized in Table 4.18. Addition of an additive slightly increased the glass transition temperature of the control resin. The percent change ranges from 0.70-1.41 are too low and insignificant from application stand point. However, the slight increase in Tg suggests that the additives have slightly decreased the resin’s free volume. MPDA10 Xn=3.67 has a slightly greater effect than MPDA10 Xn=3.67. This is because MPDA10 has a less bulky structure than MDA10 and therefore can form a more 94 crystalline structure with the resin. As the loading of MDA10 Xn=3.67 is increased, the cross link density of the resin decreases causing a minimal decrease in the Tg. Table 4.18 Comparison of High-Temperature DMA of MDA10 and MPDA10 Xn=3.67. Sample Control MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% 4. 9 Onset Storage Modulus % Change (Based on Tg Tg Tg in [°C] [°F] Celcius) 234.88 454.78 236.52 457.74 0.70 236.35 457.43 0.63 238.19 460.74 1.41 Peak of Tangent Delta % Change (Based on Tg Tg Tg in [°C] [°F] Celcius) 251.7 485.06 253.62 488.52 0.76 253.57 488.43 0.74 253.71 488.68 0.80 Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA plots for the control and resin containing MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at loadings of 3%, 5%, and 10% and were constructed in Figure 4.28, obtained using a heating rate of 4 ºC/min and inert atmosphere. TGA MPDA10 Xn=3.67 (4C per min) 120 Weight Percent (%) 100 control 3% 80 5% 10% 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature (Celcius) 95 600 700 800 Figure 4.28 Change of weight percent of control resin and resin with MPDA10 Xn=3.67 additive with time at 4 ºC/min heating rate. The onset and endset temperatures of degradation for the control resin, heated at 4 ºC/min, were found to be 325.57 ºC and 393.49 ºC respectively. During this degradation a weight change of 41.54% was observed. Upon heating resin mixtures containing MPDA10, Xn=3.67 at loadings of 3%, 5% and 10% at the same heating rate, the degradation onset temperatures were found to be 313.90 ºC, 305.55 ºC and 307.57 ºC with weight degradation of 39.13%, 39.61% and 43.41% respectively. The results are summarized on Table 4.19 Table 4.19 Summary of weight degradation for control and resins with MPDA10 Xn=3.67. MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Heating Rate = 4 C/mim Onset Endset Additive Load Temperature Temperature Degredation TO [°C] TO [°F] TE [°C] TE [°F] ∆ Weight (%) Control (0%) 325.57 618.03 393.49 740.28 41.54 3% 313.90 597.02 399.22 750.60 39.13 5% 305.55 581.99 401.96 755.53 39.61 10% 307.57 585.63 418.34 785.01 43.41 The onset of degradation has been shifted towards lower temperatures, lowering the thermal stability of the resin mixture. This is probably due to the decrease of crosslink density of the resin as the percentage of additive is increased. The percentage weight change also remains approximately the same as that of the control resin, indicating that no new degradation processes occur by the addition of the additive to the resin. 96 4.10 Conclusion MDA10, MPDA10 and PPDA10 oligomers were synthesized and characterized. From FTIR and NMR results the oligomers were proven to contain amide groups. Intrinsic viscosity experiments and GPC show that there was some control over the chain length of the oligomer by adjusting the ratio of reacting monomers. Fracture toughness tests show that all oligomers tested improved the toughness of the resin suggesting that the hydrogen bonds of the amide groups added resistance towards crack propagation. It is observed that the resins containing 3% have greater fracture toughness than the resins containing 5% additive. The decrease in toughness can attributed to the solubility of the additives into the resin since they are not very soluble at higher loading. From the tensile tests, it can be observed that the best resins from the tests have a moderate load of additive, which is at 5%. From 3% to 5% the mechanical performance improves which suggests that the more hydrogen bonds (from the additive) introduced, the stronger and stiffer the resin becomes. However, when the load is at 10%, the mechanical performance deteriorates. Again this behavior is attributed to solubility of the additives to the resin additives. At 10% loading, some of the additives are not dissolved in the resin and will initiate crack propagation during the testing The additives slightly increase the glass transition temperature of the resin based on dynamic mechanical analysis results. This suggests that the additives are causing the resin molecules to be more compact thus, decreasing the free volume and becoming less mobile. This most likely was caused by formation of hydrogen bonds by the amide groups in the oligomer. The increase in the glass transition temperature is only minimal, however, the goal of using 97 additives that does not decrease the glass transition temperature of the resin was at least achieved. From the thermal degradation analysis, it can be concluded that the additives do not lead to new degradation processes. Even though addition of the additives slightly decreases the onset of degradation temperatures, the change is insignificant and the percentage weight change also remains approximately the same as that of the control resin. The results from differential scanning calorimetry suggest that addition of additive increases the activation energy of the curing process. This is most likely caused hydrogen bonds of the amide groups of the additive. The hydrogen bonds gave the material more rigid and less resistant to movements making the resin more viscous during the curing process making it more difficult for the reactive groups to meet. 98 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS The goal of this research was to synthesize hydrogen bonding additives that can enhance the mechanical properties of the MY720-DDS resin system. It was hoped that these additives will fill free volume to antiplasticize the resin (increasing stiffness and strength); the hydrogen bonds would yield additional attractive forces thereby making the resin more resistant to crack propagation; and lastly that these additives would not have adverse effect on other important resin properties such as glass transition temperature and thermal degradation resistance. Oligomeric amides additives were synthesized by reacting diamine monomers and diacid chloride via condensation polymerization. The amide (–CONH-) group is capable of hydrogen bonding. Oligomers with different number average degree of polymerization, Xn (i.e. related to average chain length) were synthesized. FTIR and NMR studied proved that the additives have amide functionalities. Intrinsic viscosity experiments and gel permeation chromatography results proved that there is a control over chain length by adjusting the reacting monomer ratio. The first part of the research focused on non-aromatic additives. Dog bone-shaped resins with additives of different Xn and at different additive loadings were prepared via the cure cycle 2 hours at 120 oC and 2 hours at 200 oC. It was noticed that the additives are not very soluble in the resin. Some resins are very brittle due to the presence of undissolved additives. Some of them were already broken and discovered upon dismantling of the mould. The good and better specimens were used for tensile testing. It was noticed out that the performance of the cured resin was better when the additive has a longer methylene sequence. It was also found that the resins were only 90% cured using the cure cycle. The cure cycle was then adjusted to 2 hours at 120 oC and 4 hours at 200 oC and it resulted in 97% completion, which exceeds the industry 99 requirement of 95%. All the succeeding resins were then cured using the new cure cycle. The resins with additives in general, using the new cycle increased the tensile strength and strain to break but slightly decreased the stiffness with the exception of the resin with 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=3 where all tensile strength, strain-to-failure and stiffness increased. The additives therefore, were more of plasticizers than antiplasticizers. TMA experiment, runs on resins with Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 additives and control resin show that the additive increases the softening temperature. This behavior can be attributed to the hydrogen bonds introduced by the additives to the resin. The polymer chains do not move as easily with the additive due to the additional presence of forces of attraction. Since solubility was an issue, the research went into a new direction and explored additives that were less crystalline but have bulky groups to introduce some sort of rigidity to hopefully improve the resins stiffness. Mixed amide oligomers were synthesized. These additives were more soluble in the resin compared to the non-aromatics. In general, the resins with moderate additive loading (5%) are better than those that have 3% and 10% loading. Resins containing 5% and 10% MDA10 Xn=9, 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67, and 5% and 10% PPDA10 Xn=5 improved all the three mechanical parameters stiffness, tensile strength and strain to failure. The best resins were the ones containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 (1.6% stiffness, 56.6% tensile strength and 58.3% strain to failure increase). However, resins containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 has an increase of 4.1% stiffness, 19.0% tensile strength and 17.6% strain–to-failure has a greater increase in stiffness. However, the variability of the results in general were a little high. This is because producing a perfect specimen was hard to achieve. Imperfections like bubbles sometimes cannot be eliminated 100 Fracture toughness tests show that the additives increase the resins’ resistance to crack propagation. Resins containing 3% have greater fracture toughness than the resins containing 5% additive and fracture toughness decreases with Xn. The decrease in toughness can attributed to the solubility of the additives into the resin since they are not very soluble at higher loading or when the additive becomes longer. The additives MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% and 5% loading and MPDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3% loading slightly increase the glass transition temperature indicating that the hydrogen bonds made the resin polymer chains less mobile. Thermal degradation analysis shows that the additives do not lead to new degradation processes. Differential scanning calorimetry runs show that the MDA10 Xn=3.67 additive at 3% loading increases the activation energy of the curing process. This is most likely by caused hydrogen bonds of the amide groups of the additive. 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ChemTech Publishing, 2001. 104 APPENDICES 105 APPENDIX A Infrared spectra of additives Nylon 6,6 Xn=3 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 1,450 950 450 1,450 950 450 wavenumber (cm-1 ) Nylon 6,6 Xn=5 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) 106 APPENDIX A (Continued) Nylon 6,6 Xn=6 2.50 2.00 absorbance 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1,450 950 450 1,450 950 450 -1 wavenumber (cm ) Nylon 8,10 Xn=6 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) Nylon 6,12 Xn=3 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) 107 APPENDIX A (Continued) Nylon 6,12 Xn=5 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 1,450 950 450 1,450 950 450 1,450 950 450 -1 wavenumber (cm ) Nylon 10,12 Xn=3 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) 108 APPENDIX A (Continued) Nylon 10,12 Xn= 5 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 1,450 950 450 1,450 950 450 -1 wavenumber (cm ) Nylon 12,12 Xn=3 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) 109 APPENDIX A (Continued) MDA10 Xn=3.67 1.20 1.00 Absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 1,450 950 450 Wavenumber (cm- ) MDA10 Xn=5 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 -1 wavenumber (cm ) 110 APPENDIX A (Continued) MDA10 Xn=9 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3,950 3,450 2,950 2,450 1,950 1,450 950 450 -1 wavenumber (cm ) MPDA10 Xn=3.67 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 1600 1200 800 400 wavenumber (cm-) MPDA10 Xn=5 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 wavenumber 111 APPENDIX A (Continued) MPDA10 Xn=9 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 wavenumber PPDA10 Xn=3.67 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3950 3450 2950 2450 1950 1450 950 450 1450 950 450 wavenumber PPDA10 Xn=5 1.20 1.00 absorbance 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3950 3450 2950 2450 1950 wavenumber 112 APPENDIX B NMR SPECTRA a. 1H NMR 1 H NMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=3.67 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm 1 H NMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 ppm 113 5 4 3 2 1 0 APPENDIX B (Continued) 1 HNMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm 1 H NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm 1 H NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=5 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 ppm 114 5 4 3 2 1 0 APPENDIX B (Continued) 1 H NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=9 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 ppm 1 H NMR Spectrum of PPDA10 Xn=3.67 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ppm 1H NMR Spectrum of PPDA10 Xn=9 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 ppm 115 5 4 3 APPENDIX B (Continued) b. 13C NMR Spectra 13 C NMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=3.67 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 Expanded C NMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=3.67 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 ppm 116 80 60 40 20 0 APPENDIX B (Continued) 13 C NMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=5 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 C NMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=9 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 Expanded CNMR Spectrum of MDA10 Xn=9 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 ppm 117 80 60 40 20 0 APPENDIX B (Continued) 13 C NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 Expanded C NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=3.67 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 0 ppm 13 C NMR Spectrum MPDA10 Xn=5 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 ppm 118 80 60 40 APPENDIX B (Continued) 13 Expanded C NMR Spectrum MPDA10 Xn=5 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 C NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=9 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 0 ppm 13 Expanded C NMR Spectrum of MPDA10 Xn=9 200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 ppm 119 80 60 40 APPENDIX B (Continued) 13 C NMR Spectrum of PPDA10 Xn=3.67 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 Expanded C NMR Spectrum of PPDA10 Xn=3.67 200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm 13 C NMR Spectrum of PPDA10 Xn=9 1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 ppm 120 80 60 40 20 0 APPENDIX B (Continued) 13 Expanded C NMR Spectrum of PPDA10 Xn=9 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 200 180 160 140 120 100 ppm 121 80 60 40 20 0 APPENDIX C INTRINSIC VISCOSITY Nsp/C vs C for Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 16 y = 686.2x + 2.9283 14 2 R = 0.946 12 Nsp/C 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 C (g/ml) nsp/C vs C Nylon 6,6 Xn=5 16 14 y = 622.2896x + 5.1931 12 2 R = 0.9418 nsp/C 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 C (g/ml) 122 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 APPENDIX C (Continued) Nsp/C vs C for Nylon 6,6 Xn=6 30 25 y = 866.63x + 10.664 2 R = 0.9736 nsp/C 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 C (g/ml) Nsp/C vs C for MDA10 Xn=3.67 35 30 nsp/C (ml/g) 25 y = 382.06x + 19.808 20 2 R = 0.9812 15 10 5 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 C (g/ml) Nsp/C vs C for MDA10 Xn=5 45 40 y = 392.07x + 22.112 35 R = 0.9989 2 nsp/C 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 C (g/ml) 123 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 APPENDIX C (Continued) Nsp/C vs C for MDA10 Xn=9 45 40 35 nsp/C 30 y = 453.24x + 27.165 25 2 R = 0.9826 20 15 10 5 0 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 C (g/ml) 0.020 0.025 0.030 Nsp/C vs C for MPDA10 Xn=3.67 25 20 y = 182.5x + 14.327 2 R = 0.577 nsp/C 15 10 5 0 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 C (g/ml) Nsp/C vs C for MPDA10 Xn=5 26 24 nsp/C 22 y = 153.82x + 16.482 R2 = 0.9824 20 18 16 14 12 10 0.000 0.010 0.020 C (g/ml) 124 0.030 0.040 0.050 APPENDIX C (Continued) Nsp/C vs C for MPDA10 Xn=9 25 20 y = 99.824x + 16.844 2 nsp/C R = 0.9821 15 10 5 0 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 C (g/ml) GPC for MPDA10 1.0 0.9 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 MPDA10 Xn=5 MPDA10 Xn=9 0.8 0.7 W(log M) 0.6 t 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 Molar Mass (Da) 125 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 APPENDIX C (Continued) GPC for MDA10 1.00 0.90 MDA10 Xn=3.67 MDA10 Xn=5 MDA10 Xn=9 0.80 W(log M) 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 Molar Mass (Da) 126 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 APPENDIX D TENSILE TEST RESULTS a. For Specimens Cured for 2 hours at 140 ºC and 2 hours at 200 ºC Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,6 Xn = 3.67 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,6 Xn=3.67 4.50E+07 4.00E+07 Stress (MPa) 3.50E+07 sp 1 sp 2 3.00E+07 2.50E+07 2.00E+07 1.50E+07 1.00E+07 5.00E+06 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,6 Xn = 3.67 Nylon 6,6 Xn = 3.67 5% specimen stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) sp 1 40.7732 1.351 33.5287 sp 2 32.2679 1.042 33.4529 ave 36.5206 1.197 33.4908 st dev 6.0142 0.218 0.0536 % RSD 16.4679 18.261 0.1600 127 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,6 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,6 Xn=5 2.50E+07 stress (Pa) 2.00E+07 sp1 sp2 1.50E+07 sp3 1.00E+07 5.00E+06 0.00E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,6 Xn = 5 Specimen sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 ave st dev % RSD Nylon 6,6 Xn = 5 5% stress (MPa) strain (%) 22.5451 0.702 20.5422 0.63 23.2582 0.73 22.1152 0.6873 1.4081 0.0516 6.3672 7.5055 128 modulus (MPa) 33.7170 33.0620 33.1545 33.3112 0.3545 1.0642 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,8 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,8 Xn=5 Stress (Pa) 2.50E+07 2.00E+07 sp 1 sp 2 1.50E+07 sp 3 1.00E+07 5.00E+06 0.00E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,8 Xn = 5 specimen 1 2 3 ave stdev % RSD modulus (MPa) 33.4971 31.2711 32.4586 32.4089 1.1138 3.4368 strain (%) 0.653 0.538 0.632 0.6077 0.0612 10.0779 129 stress (MPa) 21.7459 16.8106 20.8506 19.8024 2.6293 13.2779 0.7 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 3.67 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 3.67 7.00E+07 stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 sp 1 4.00E+07 sp 2 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 3.67 Specimen sp 1 sp 2 Ave st dev % RSD Nylon 6,12 Xn = 3.67 5% stress (MPa) strain (%) Modulus (MPa) 63.8586 2.503 30.5020 50.5676 2.152 29.1099 57.2131 2.3275 29.8060 9.3981 0.2482 0.9844 16.426574 10.66357 3.302661 130 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn=5 8.E+07 7.E+07 stress (Pa) 6.E+07 5.E+07 sp1 sp2 4.E+07 3.E+07 2.E+07 1.E+07 0.E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 5 Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 5 sample stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus MPa) sp 1 68.5274 2.603 35.1186 sp 2 68.9426 2.620 32.7982 ave 68.7350 2.6115 33.9584 st dev 0.2936 0.0120 1.6408 % rsd 0.4271 0.460 4.8318 131 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 3.67 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 Stress (MPa) 1.00E+08 9.00E+07 sp1 8.00E+07 sp 2 7.00E+07 sp 3 sp 4 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 6,12 Xn = 3.67 sample sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 sp 4 ave st dev % RSD Nylon 10, 12 Xn = 3.67 5% stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) 74.3288 2.748 34.4210 90.9595 3.840 32.9011 65.3933 2.499 32.0302 87.7869 3.541 34.0632 79.6171 3.157 33.3539 11.9119 0.636 1.0953 14.9614 20.152 3.2839 132 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=5 8.00E+07 7.00E+07 Stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 sp 1 sp 2 4.00E+07 sp 3 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 5 nylon 10,12 Xn=5 specimen stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) sp 1 71.4643 2.602 33.2409 sp 2 72.0848 2.691 33.2669 sp 3 57.3356 1.964 33.8758 Ave 66.9616 2.419 33.4612 st dev 8.3421 0.397 0.3593 % RSD 12.4580 16.393 1.0738 133 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 3.67 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=3.67 1.00E+08 stress (Pa) 8.00E+07 sp 2 sp 3 sp 4 6.00E+07 4.00E+07 2.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 1 2 strain (%) 3 Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 3.67 specimen sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 Ave st dev % RSD nylon 12,12 Xn=3.67 5% stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) 64.6362 2.353 32.0030 70.4983 2.645 32.0235 90.8098 3.787 32.4342 75.3148 2.928 32.1536 13.7355 0.758 0.2433 18.2374 25.879 0.7566 134 4 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=5 8.00E+07 sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 7.00E+07 Stress (MPa) 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 5 nylon 12,12 Xn=5 5% specimen stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) sp 1 69.6994 2.663 32.4721 sp 2 67.7015 2.523 32.0355 sp 3 59.5587 2.159 32.0177 ave 65.6532 2.448 32.1751 st dev 5.3717 0.260 0.2574 % RSD 8.1819 10.626 0.7999 135 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) b. Tensile Test Results for resins cured for 2 hrs at 140 ⁰C and 4 hours at 200 ⁰C Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 3 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=3 8.00E+07 7.00E+07 stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 strain (%) 2 2.5 Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12, Xn = 3 nylon 10,12 Xn=3 2h at 140C 4h at 200C Specimen stress (MPa) strain (%) Modulus (MPa) sp 1 64.9886 2.391 32.5807 sp 2 69.8105 2.668 31.9496 sp 3 45.1569 1.445 34.5777 Ave 59.9853 2.1680 33.0360 st dev 13.0662 0.6413 1.3719 % RSD 21.7823 29.5789 4.1528 136 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 3.67 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 9.00E+07 8.00E+07 sp 1 7.00E+07 sp 2 stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 sp 3 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 3.67 nylon 10,12 Xn=3.67 2h at 140C 4h at 200C Specimen stress (MPa) Strain (%) modulus (MPa) sp 1 68.3478 2.559 32.6462 sp 2 77.4019 3.005 33.9737 sp 3 84.0397 3.614 33.0546 Ave 76.5965 3.059 33.2248 st dev 7.8769 0.530 0.6799 % RSD 10.2836 17.311 2.0464 137 4 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn=5 8.00E+07 7.00E+07 stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 10,12 Xn = 5 nylon 10,12 Xn=5 2h at 140C 4h at 200C specimen Stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) sp 1 68.3493 2.534 33.9516 sp 2 29.8793 2.691 34.0191 ave st dev 49.1143 27.2024 2.6125 0.1110 138 33.9854 0.0477 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 3 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 X=3 8.00E+07 7.00E+07 Stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 sp 1 5.00E+07 sp 2 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 3 Specimen sp 1 sp 2 ave st dev % RSD nylon 12,12 Xn=3 2h at 140C 4h at 200C stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) 71.5521 2.552 35.6807 73.8450 2.796 33.8127 72.6986 2.6740 34.7467 1.6213 0.1725 1.3209 2.230217192 6.452283269 3.801445543 139 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 3.67 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon12,12 Xn = 3.67 8.00E+07 7.00E+07 sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 stress (Pa) 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain (%) Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 3.67 Nylon 12,12Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen stress (MPa) strain (%) modulus (MPa) sp 1 70.8773 2.67 32.0052 sp 2 39.9186 1.36 30.8887 sp 3 59.4882 2.165 31.6549 Ave 56.7614 2.065 31.5163 st dev 15.6585 0.661 0.5710 % RSD 27.5865 31.995 1.8118 140 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 5 Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn=5 9.00E+07 sp 1 sp 2 sp3 8.00E+07 stress (Pa) 7.00E+07 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% Nylon 12,12 Xn = 5 Nylon 12,12 Xn = 5 5% specimen stress (MPa) strain (%) Modulus (MPa) sp 1 76.3364 3.056 32.2354 sp 2 63.5238 2.105 32.8278 sp 3 64.5912 2.329 33.5162 Ave 68.1505 2.497 32.8598 st dev 7.1093 0.497 0.6410 % RSD 10.4317 19.914 1.9507 141 3.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) d. Tensile Testing Results for Specimens Containing MDA10, MPDA10 and PPDA10 Oligomers Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 sp5 sp6 sp7 stress (Pa) 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 specimen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ave stdev % RSD modulus (MPa) 33.8336 33.5845 34.2566 33.9762 34.2275 35.8359 33.0508 34.1093 0.8666 2.5408 strain (%) 1.368 1.269 1.291 1.557 1.362 1.138 1.585 1.367 0.159 11.622 142 stress (MPa) 42.8236 39.8232 40.9951 48.5604 43.5227 38.4628 47.8336 43.1459 3.8543 8.9333 1.8 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens with 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 8.0E+07 7.0E+07 sp1 6.0E+07 stress (Pa) sp2 5.0E+07 sp3 sp4 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen 1 2 3 4 ave stdev %RSD modulus (MPa) 33.1941 32.0142 32.7554 32.9298 32.7234 0.5060 1.5464 strain to failure (%) 1.922 2.612 1.948 2.028 2.1275 0.326 15.329 143 stress at break (MPa) 55.6028 69.4020 56.6752 58.1551 59.9588 6.3819 10.6437 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=3.67 6.0E+07 sp1 5.0E+07 sp2 sp3 4.0E+07 stress (Pa) sp4 sp5 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen Modulus (MPa) strain to failure (%) stress at break (MPa) 1 36.9211 0.98 35.1407 2 36.5445 1.468 49.2595 3 33.1914 1.296 39.7964 4 34.2304 1.173 37.9162 5 32.5800 1.252 38.2985 ave 34.6935 1.234 40.0822 stdev 1.9574 0.178 5.3990 %RSD 5.6421 14.451 13.4698 144 1.6 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=5 Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=5 5.0E+07 stress (Pa) 4.5E+07 4.0E+07 sp1 3.5E+07 sp2 3.0E+07 sp3 2.5E+07 2.0E+07 1.5E+07 1.0E+07 5.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=5 specimen modulus (MPa) strain to failure (%) stress at break (MPa) 1 36.4612 1.390 45.9595 2 35.3390 1.403 45.4694 3 37.5630 1.212 42.5996 ave 36.4544 1.335 44.6762 stdev 1.1120 0.107 1.8150 % RSD 3.0505 7.994 4.0625 145 1.6 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=5 Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=5 4.5E+07 4.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 3.5E+07 stress (Pa) 3.0E+07 2.5E+07 2.0E+07 1.5E+07 1.0E+07 5.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=5 sample modulus (MPa) Strain to failure (%) stress at break (MPa) 1 34.4491 1.310 42.2216 2 34.9568 1.475 47.2632 3 35.0137 1.299 42.2669 4 33.9222 2.037 59.6095 Ave 34.5855 1.530 47.8403 stdev 0.5098 0.347 8.1951 % RSD 1.4741 22.695 17.1302 146 1.4 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=9 Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=9 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 sp1 sp2 4.0E+07 stress (Pa) sp3 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=9 Specimen Modulus (MPa) strain (%) 1 36.2114 2 33.5668 3 35.0296 ave 34.9359 stdev 1.3248 % RSD 3.7920 147 1.163 1.523 1.567 1.418 0.222 15.634 stress at break (MPa) 39.5324 46.9286 49.6253 45.3621 5.2256 11.5198 1.8 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 9.0E+07 8.0E+07 sp1 stress (Pa) 7.0E+07 sp2 6.0E+07 sp3 5.0E+07 sp4 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 strain (%) Specimen modulus (MPa) 1 36.7700 2 36.7993 3 33.1452 4 31.8003 ave 34.6287 stdev 2.5493 % RSD 7.3619 148 2.466 2.559 3.010 3.240 2.819 0.368 13.050 stress at break (MPa) 72.8903 75.7899 76.2144 79.0401 75.9837 2.5167 3.3122 3.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=9 Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=9 8.0E+07 7.0E+07 sp1 sp2 5.0E+07 sp3 4.0E+07 sp5 stress (Pa) 6.0E+07 sp4 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 10% MDA10 Xn=9 sample modulus (MPa) strain (%) 1 38.0369 2 34.7003 3 34.6780 4 32.4633 5 33.7085 ave 34.7174 stdev 2.0688 % RSD 5.9590 149 1.378 2.328 1.302 2.162 2.192 1.872 0.491 26.210 stress at break (MPa) 47.4443 69.7930 42.4859 59.6200 60.5699 55.9826 10.9552 19.5689 2.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 7.0E+07 6.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 stress (Pa) 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen modulus (MPa) strain (%) 1 35.6870 2 35.9517 3 33.8357 4 36.0078 Ave 35.3705 stdev 1.0328 % RSD 2.9199 150 1.691 2.020 1.530 1.719 1.740 0.204 11.747 stress at break (MPa) 54.0702 63.4879 48.2066 55.1947 55.2398 6.2946 11.3951 2.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 5% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 6.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 5.0E+07 stress (Pa) 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen modulus (MPa) Strain (%) 1 34.7244 2 35.6717 3 34.3274 4 36.1150 Ave 35.2096 Stdev 0.8260 % RSD 2.3460 151 0.951 1.245 1.693 1.313 1.301 0.305 23.468 stress at break (MPa) 31.9386 41.5788 51.6853 43.7212 42.2310 8.1233 19.2354 1.8 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=5 Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=5 5.0E+07 4.5E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 4.0E+07 stress (Pa) 3.5E+07 3.0E+07 2.5E+07 2.0E+07 1.5E+07 1.0E+07 5.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen strain (%) stress (MPa) modulus (Mpa) 1 1.277 41.7537 34.8148 2 0.757 27.1849 36.5468 3 1.475 45.8956 33.9869 ave 1.170 38.278 35.1162 stdev 0.371 9.8276 1.3063 % RSD 31.705 25.6743 3.7199 152 1.6 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 7.0E+07 6.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 sp5 stress (Pa) 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen 1 2 3 4 5 ave stdev % RSD modulus (Mpa) strain % Stress (Mpa) 35.8097 1.636 52.9495 33.2881 1.829 54.0202 33.8838 2.051 58.5377 32.1790 1.778 51.6643 33.6062 2.109 59.1830 33.7534 1.881 55.2709 1.3193 0.196 3.3889 3.9086 10.441 6.1313 153 2.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 8.0E+07 7.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 stress (Pa) 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimen modulus (MPa) strain % stress (MPa) 1 36.1325 1.704 54.5014 2 35.7912 1.541 50.3034 3 34.9861 2.316 68.4302 4 34.9777 1.903 57.7337 ave 35.4719 1.866 57.7422 stdev 0.5827 0.335 7.7475 % RSD 1.6427 17.928 13.4174 154 2.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 10% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Specimens Containing 10% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 4.5E+07 4.0E+07 sp1 3.5E+07 sp2 stress (Pa) 3.0E+07 sp3 2.5E+07 2.0E+07 1.5E+07 1.0E+07 5.0E+06 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 10% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 specimens strain % stress (MPa) modulus (MPa) 1 1.118 37.01552 34.7453 2 1.127 38.75530 35.8071 3 1.151 39.63420 36.1137 ave 1.132 38.46834 35.5554 stdev 0.017 1.3327 0.7181 % RSD 1.507 3.4645 2.0196 155 1.4 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 7.0E+07 6.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 sp5 stress (Pa) 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 Specimen modulus (MPa) strain % stress (MPa) 1 34.9193 1.242 40.32238 2 35.3081 1.570 50.06721 3 33.6436 1.747 52.61501 4 31.7737 2.173 60.14417 5 32.2561 2.383 65.12327 ave 33.5802 1.823 53.6544 stdev 1.5652 0.459 9.5570 % RSD 4.6611 25.189 17.8121 156 3 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 stress (Pa) 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 Specimen strain % stress (MPa) modulus (MPa) 1 1.377 44.2704 35.3012 2 1.655 51.9385 35.6315 3 1.456 45.5443 33.9393 4 1.429 45.5165 34.8249 ave 1.479 46.8175 34.9242 stdev 0.122 3.4654 0.7354 % RSD 8.225 7.4018 2.1057 157 1.8 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 10% PPDA10 Xn=5 Specimens Containing 10% PPDA10 Xn=5 Stress (Pa) 7.00E+07 6.00E+07 Sp 1 Sp 2 5.00E+07 Sp 3 Sp 4 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 10% PPDA10 Xn=5 specimen strain (%) stress (MPa) modulus (MPa) 1 2.008 58.7975 33.5722 2 1.994 60.6695 35.8558 3 1.102 37.4085 35.6084 4 1.285 41.9867 34.9919 ave 1.597 49.7156 35.0071 stdev 0.472 11.7427 1.0232 % RSD 29.563 23.6197 2.9229 158 2.5 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 stress (Pa) 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 Specimen modulus (MPa) Strain ( %) stress (MPa) 1 33.7138 1.860 55.1534 2 34.7895 1.774 55.2160 3 35.5154 1.022 35.1204 4 36.2434 1.175 40.2908 ave 35.0655 1.458 46.4452 stdev 1.0791 0.421 10.3100 % RSD 3.0773 28.878 22.1982 159 1.8 2 APPENDIX D (Continued) Tensile Testing Curves for Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=9 Specimens Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 8.0E+07 7.0E+07 sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 6.0E+07 stress (Pa) 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 strain % Tensile Testing Summary for Specimens Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=9 Specimen strain (%) stress (MPa) Modulus (MPa) 1 1.588 47.5440 33.7188 2 1.424 44.2970 34.3718 3 2.693 71.7302 32.9774 4 2.384 64.3618 33.2683 ave 2.022 56.9832 33.5841 stdev 0.613 13.1904 0.6073 % RSD 30.312 23.1478 1.8083 160 3 APPENDIX E FRACTURE TOUGHNESS Stress-Strain Curves of Control Resins Control Resin Specimen 2 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Control Resin Specimen 3 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 161 0.03 0.035 0.04 APPENDIX E (Continued) Control Resin Specimen 4 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Control Resin Specimen 5 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Control Resin Specimen 6 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 162 0.01 0.012 0.014 APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 1 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 2 2.5E+02 Load (N) 2.0E+02 1.5E+02 1.0E+02 5.0E+01 0.0E+00 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 4 3.0E+02 2.5E+02 Load (N) 2.0E+02 1.5E+02 1.0E+02 5.0E+01 0.0E+00 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 163 0.025 0.03 0.035 APPENDIX E (Continued) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test on Resins Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 1 2 3 4 average std dev % RSD geometrical factor 23.146148 23.146148 23.146148 23.146148 fracture load (N) P 224.45 243.84 318.79 269.17 crack length a (m) 0.00331 0.00349 0.00235 0.00277 elastic modulus E (Pa) 34109276.87 34109276.87 34109276.87 34109276.87 hole to edge dist W (m) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 thickness b (m) 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 fracture energy (J/m2) 102308.36 127318.49 146523.94 123132.56 Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 Fracture Tougness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 1 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Tougness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 2 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 164 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 Fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.8681 2.0839 2.2356 2.0494 2.0592 0.15 7.33 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Tougness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 3 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Tougness Test for MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 4 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=3.67 MDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 1 2 3 4 average std dev % RSD geometrical factor 23.14614784 23.14614784 23.14614784 23.14614784 fracture load (N) P 272.93 385.96 278.13 238.70 crack length a (m) 0.00270 0.00153 0.00259 0.00305 elastic modulus E (Pa) 32723385.49 32723385.49 32723385.49 32723385.49 165 hole to edge dist W (m) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 thickness b (m) 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 fracture toughness (J/m2) 128623.20 145758.65 127888.10 111141.36 128352.83 14136.08 11.01 Fracture Toughness (MPa*m1/2) 2.0516 2.1840 2.0457 1.9071 2.0471 0.11 5.52 APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress-Strain Curves for Resin Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=5 Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=5 3% Specimen 1 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=5 3% Specimen 2 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Dispalcement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=5 3% Specimen 3 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 Crosshead Dispalcement (cm) 166 0.014 0.016 0.018 APPENDIX E (Continued) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=5 MDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen geometrical factor fracture load (Pa) P crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) 1 23.14615 360.53 0.0014 2 23.14615 327.46 3 23.14615 267.78 fracture energy (J/m2) 36454413.14 0.025 0.0064 105957.58 1.965355 0.0015 36454413.14 0.025 0.0064 92954.43 1.840815 0.0030 36454413.14 0.025 0.0064 124316.49 2.128822 Fracture Toughness (MPa*m1/2) average 1.9783 std dev 0.14 % RSD 7.30 Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=5 Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 1 70 60 Load (N) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 2 140 120 Load (N) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 167 0.05 0.06 0.07 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 3 100 90 80 Load (N) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.018 0.02 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness Test for MDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 4 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=5 MDA10 Xn=5 5% geometrical factor, Y fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) 1 23.14615 77.33 0.0320 2 23.14615 321.27 3 23.14615 4 23.14615 elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) 34585453.93 0.025 0.0064 115777.48 2.001054 0.00180 34585453.93 0.025 0.0064 112418.64 1.971814 98.79 0.0120 34585453.93 0.025 0.0064 70683.86 1.563532 277.01 0.00219 34585453.93 0.025 0.0064 101686.51 1.875333 average fracture toughness (J/m2) fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.8529 std dev 0.20 % RSD 10.81 168 APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 1 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 2 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 3 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Crosshead Dispalcement (cm) 169 0.04 0.05 0.06 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 4 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.045 0.05 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 5 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 6 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Crosshead Displacement(cm) 170 0.025 0.03 0.035 APPENDIX E (Continued) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test on Resins Containing 5% MDA10 Xn=9 MDA10 Xn=9 5% geometrical factor, Y fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) 1 23.14615 360.04 0.0011 2 23.14615 353.33 3 23.14615 4 5 6 fracture energy (J/m2) fracture toughness (Pa*m1/2) 34628706.08 0.025 0.0064 86172.14 1.7274 0.0013 34628706.08 0.025 0.0064 95064.26 1.8144 361.15 0.0013 34628706.08 0.025 0.0064 99319.94 1.8545 23.14615 283.75 0.0024 34628706.08 0.025 0.0064 115317.00 1.9983 23.14615 260.77 0.0028 34628706.08 0.025 0.0064 114247.71 1.9890 23.14615 313.17 0.0013 34628706.08 0.025 0.0064 77050.43 1.6334 average 1.8362 std dev 0.14 % RSD 7.83 Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 Fracture Toughness for MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 3% Specimen 1 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 171 0.02 0.025 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 3% Specimen 2 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 3% Specimen 3 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 3% Specimen 4 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Crosshoead Displacement (cm) 172 0.025 0.03 0.035 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 3% Specimen 5 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test on Resins Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) 35370539.97 0.025 0.0064 97388.93 1.8560 0.00299 35370539.97 0.025 0.0064 105449.91 1.9313 238.16 0.00289 35370539.97 0.025 0.0064 96988.07 1.8522 23.14614784 305.71 0.00261 35370539.97 0.025 0.0064 144322.90 2.2594 23.14614784 267.02 0.00238 35370539.97 0.025 0.0064 100403.25 1.8845 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) geometrical factor, Y 1 23.14614784 217.48 0.00348 2 23.14614784 244.15 3 23.14614784 4 5 fracture energy (J/m2) fracture toughness (Pa*m1/2) average 1.9567 std dev 0.17 % RSD 8.80 Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 3% MPDA10 Xn=9 173 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness For MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen 1 400 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness For MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen 2 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 0.02 0.025 Fracture Toughness For MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen 3 400 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 174 0.02 0.025 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness For MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen 4 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 0.01 0.012 Fracture Toughness For MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen 5 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 0.02 0.025 Fracture Toughness For MPDA10 Xn = 3.67 5% Specimen 6 450 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 175 0.05 0.06 0.07 APPENDIX E (Continued) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test on Resins Containing 5% MPDA10 Xn=3.67 MPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 average std dev % RSD geometrical factor, Y 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 23.14615 fracture load (N) P 352.13 299.68 363.42 253.30 323.87 324.45 crack length a (m) 0.0015 0.0019 0.0012 0.0027 0.00194 0.0013 elastic modulus E (Pa) 35209621.42 35209621.42 35209621.42 35209621.42 35209621.42 35209621.42 hole to edge dist W (m) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 thickness b (m) 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 0.0064 fracture energy (J/m2) 110549.16 101423.12 94200.97 102969.09 120948.90 81335.96 101904.53 13573.46 13.32 Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 1 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 2 400 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 176 0.02 0.025 Fracture toughness (Pa*m1/2) 1.9729 1.8897 1.8212 1.9041 2.0636 1.6923 1.8906 0.13 6.73 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 3 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% Specimen 4 600 500 Load (N) 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 PPDA10 Xn=3.67 3% hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) fracture toughness (J/m2) fracture toughness (Pa*m1/2) 33753364.41 0.025 0.0064 124471.35 2.0497 0.00155 33753364.41 0.025 0.0064 120758.32 2.0189 319.25 0.0023 33753364.41 0.025 0.0064 145346.17 2.2149 480.69 0.00122 33753364.41 0.025 0.0064 174778.87 2.4289 geometrical factor, Y fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) 1 23.14615 207.782 0.00465 2 23.14615 354.48 3 23.14615 4 23.14615 average 2.1781 std dev 0.19 % RSD 8.63 177 APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress- Strain Curves for Resins Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 1 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 2 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 3 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 178 0.04 0.045 0.05 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% Specimen 4 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 0.035 0.04 0.045 Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=3.67 PPDA10 Xn=3.67 5% elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) 1 23.14615 217.33 0.0036 35471875.43 0.025 0.0064 99478.72 1.8785 2 23.14615 347.19 0.0015 35471875.43 0.025 0.0064 106674.77 1.9452 3 23.14615 304.30 0.0020 35471875.43 0.025 0.0064 109261.52 1.9687 4 23.14615 312.37 0.0021 35471875.43 0.025 0.0064 120892.39 2.0708 thickness b (m) fracture toughness (J/m2) fracture toughness (Pa*m1/2) geometrical factor, Y average 1.9658 std dev 0.08 % RSD 4.06 179 APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn = 5 3% Specimen 1 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn = 5 3% Specimen 2 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn = 5 3% Specimen 3 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 180 0.05 0.06 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn = 5 3% Specimen 4 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.04 0.045 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn = 5 3% Specimen 5 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=5 PPDA10 Xn=5 3% geometrical factor, Y fracture load P (N) crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) fracture toughness (J/m2) fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1 23.14615 245.03 0.0027 33580167.25 0.025 0.0064 101029.92 1.8419 2 23.14615 281.99 0.0019 33580167.25 0.025 0.0064 94159.58 1.7782 3 23.14615 255.75 0.0024 33580167.25 0.025 0.0064 97830.09 1.8125 4 23.14615 326.06 0.0018 33580167.25 0.025 0.0064 119265.00 2.0012 5 23.14615 272.19 0.0024 33580167.25 0.025 0.0064 110810.06 1.9290 average 1.8726 std dev 0.09 % RSD 4.87 181 APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 1 400 350 Load (N)) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 2 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 3 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 182 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 4 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=5 5% Specimen 5 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test on Resins Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=5 PPDA10 Xn=5 5% geometrical factor, Y fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) 1 23.14615 354.96 0.0017 2 23.14615 230.50 3 23.14615 4 5 elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) 34924215.12 0.025 0.0064 128351.51 2.1172 0.0036 34924215.12 0.025 0.0064 114609.84 2.0007 337.21 0.0022 34924215.12 0.025 0.0064 149901.91 2.2881 23.14615 241.40 0.0035 34924215.12 0.025 0.0064 122216.86 2.0660 23.14615 234.27 0.0038 34924215.12 0.025 0.0064 124966.85 2.0891 average 128009.39 2.1122 std dev 13245.36 0.11 % RSD 10.35 5.08 183 fracture energy (J/m2) fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) APPENDIX E (Continued) Stress-Strain Curves for Resins Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 1 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 2 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 3 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 184 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 4 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 5 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 3% Specimen 6 350 300 Load (N) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 185 0.02 0.025 0.03 APPENDIX E (Continued) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test for Resins Containing 3% PPDA10 Xn=9 PPDA10 Xn=9 3% geometrical factor, Y fracture load (N) P crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) fracture toughness (J/m2) fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1 23.14615 266.17 0.00215 35065514.88 0.025 0.0064 90907.06 1.7854 2 23.14615 351.65 0.00148 35065514.88 0.025 0.0064 109224.80 1.9570 3 23.14615 247.82 0.00235 35065514.88 0.025 0.0064 86136.07 1.7379 4 23.14615 339.11 0.00170 35065514.88 0.025 0.0064 116670.76 2.0227 5 23.14615 274.28 0.00181 35065514.88 0.025 0.0064 81262.26 1.6880 6 23.14615 332.89 0.00133 35065514.88 0.025 0.0064 87963.19 1.7563 average 1.8246 std dev 0.13 % RSD 7.32 Stress Strain Curves for Resins Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=9 Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 1 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 2 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 186 0.02 0.025 APPENDIX E (Continued) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 3 300 250 Load (N) 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 4 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Crosshead Displacement (cm) Fracture Toughness for PPDA10 Xn=9 5% Specimen 5 400 350 Load (N) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Crosshead Displacement (cm) 187 0.02 0.025 0.03 APPENDIX E (Continued) Summary of Fracture Toughness Test of Resins Containing 5% PPDA10 Xn=9 PPDA10 Xn=9 5% hole to edge dist W (m) thickness b (m) 0.025 0.0064 geometrical factor, Y fracture load P (N) crack length a (m) elastic modulus E (Pa) fracture toughness (J/m2) 1 23.14615 335.28 0.00125 2114713.10 2 23.14615 279.71 0.00205 1674548.75 0.025 0.0064 2004363.63 1.8320 3 23.14615 252.77 0.0024 1894792.73 0.025 0.0064 1693658.10 1.7914 4 23.14615 377.89 0.00111 1772602.21 0.025 0.0064 1871417.84 1.8213 5 23.14615 348.71 0.00125 2106793.70 0.025 0.0064 1509811.92 1.7835 1390524.99 Fracture toughness (MPa*m1/2) 1.7148 average 1.7886 std dev 0.05 % RSD 2.57 188 APPENDIX F DIFFERENTIAL CALORIMETRY PLOTS Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 1 ºC/min 1.2 Degree of Cure 1 0.8 0.6 control with additive 0.4 0.2 0 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Temperature (ºC) Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 2 ºC/min 1.2 Degree of Cure 1 0.8 control with additive 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 120 140 160 180 200 Temperature (ºC) 189 220 240 260 APPENDIX F (Continued) Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 3 ºC/min 1.2 Degree of Cure 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 control with additive 0.2 0 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Temperature (ºC) 1.2 Degree of Cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 4 ºC/min Degree of Cure 1 0.8 0.6 control with additive 0.4 0.2 0 100 150 200 Temperature (ºC) 190 250 300 APPENDIX F (Continued) 1.2 Degree of Cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin Containing 3% MDA10 Xn=3.67 at 7 @5 ºC/min Degree of Cure 1 0.8 0.6 control with additive 0.4 0.2 0 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (ºC) 1.2 Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 @10 ºC/min Degree of Cure 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 control 0.2 with additive 0 100 150 200 Temperature (ºC) 191 250 300 APPENDIX F (Continued) 1.2 Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 @15 ºC/min 1 Degree of Cure 0.8 0.6 control with additive 0.4 0.2 0 100 -0.2 150 200 250 300 Temperature (ºC) Degree of cure vs Temperature of Control Resin and Resin with MDA10 Xn=3.67 @ 20 ºC/min 1.2 Degree of Cure 1 control 0.8 with additive 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 150 200 250 Temperature (ºC) 192 300 350