Workforce Management and Optimization using Stochastic Network Models

Workforce Management and Optimization using
Stochastic Network Models
Yingdong Lu, Ana Radovanović and Mark S. Squillante
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
January 2006
Mathematical models have been playing crucial
roles in workforce management during the last several decades, from the use of linear programs in staff
scheduling to the application of queueing techniques
in call center management. In this study, we are
interested in the stochastic modelling of the workforce capacity planning process, and we provide performance analysis and analytic decision support for
this process. As previously mentioned, demands are
streams of engagements. Each engagement requires
the service of several different classes of resources for
a certain amount of time. After the completion of the
engagement, a reward is collected, and the resources
are available to be assigned to other engagements. For
example, to fulfill an IT service contract, a team consisting of a project manager and several IT specialists
are needed for a period of three months. If there are
not enough resources to fulfill the demand of an engagement, the engagement is at risk of being lost and
financial penalties are incurred with such losses. This is
a very typical model for the business processes in consulting service, hospitals and government. In fact, our
study is directly motivated by resource planning problems in a major IT consulting company. We model this
problem by a stochastic loss network, then calculate
the minimum capacity required for a high percentage
of engagements to be fulfilled.
We develop a model based on stochastic loss networks
to characterize the dynamics and uncertainty in general workforce management and optimization. We formulate profit maximization problems with serviceability constraints under different assumptions on demand
and supply. Though these optimization problems are in
general nonlinear programming problems, we are able
to observe some intrinsic properties of the functions
that facilitate efficient computation of the optimal solution. Numerical results demonstrate that our model
provides capacity planning decisions that yield better
results than available in current practice.
The efficient management and planning of a large workforce is a challenge faced by many companies, especially those in the service industry, in which revenue is
largely accounted by the billable time charged on their
employees’ commitment on business engagements. A
typical service engagement consists of different tasks,
and simultaneously executed by resource (workforce)
with different attributes (skills). Any shortage of the
required resources can result in the failure of the entire
engagement. Meanwhile, there can be many types of
engagements with different resource and time requirements. In addition, uncertainty appears naturally in
engagement demand, process and resource supply. Ignoring the uncertainty will result in high risk of losing
engagements, resulting in lost revenue. Therefore, we
are dealing with a stochastic planning problem with
multi-type demand and multi-attribute supply.
Stochastic loss networks have been extensively studied as models for telecommunication networks (e.g.,
see, Kelly et al. [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]). However, there
are also significant differences between our model and
those in traditional loss networks. First, in comparison with circuit-switched networks, human resources
exhibit a much higher degree of flexibility. For example, an engagement can require only 20% of a certain
resource, and the same resource can be used to handle
multiple engagements. These assumptions create new
features in the model formulation, which require us to
search the solutions in a much larger domain.
at 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, June 2006, Shanghai,
China. Also presented at International Workshop on Applied
Probability, April 2006, Connecticut, USA.
The second major difference is time scale. In
telecommunications networks, the duration of the calls
are usually more homogeneous, and small in comparison with the planning horizon. However, in our workforce study, the length of engagement duration can vary
across a large range, from several hours to one or two
years, while the planing horizon in the service industry is usually a month or a quarter. Therefore, these
differences need to be correctly captured in the model.
The third difference is the action lead time. The actions in the planing problem include: additions (hire),
reductions (lay-off) and reallocations (retrain) of resource capacities. Besides the cost associated with
them as in telecommunication applications, there are
also significant lead times and uncertainties that are
associated with these actions.
As in the case of telecommunication networks, the
stochastic model has a closed-form expression for the
stationary distribution of the number of engagements
in the system. However, since the state space grows exponentially as the capacity increases, it becomes computationally expensive to use the exact formulas to
obtain performance measures such as engagement loss
probabilities. A fixed point approximation scheme is
widely used as a method to estimate the loss probability in communication network applications. Several
recursive procedures for identifying the fixed point have
been suggested and shown to be efficient in searching
for the fixed points; see, e.g. [11]. However, these
procedures do not provide flexibility in incorporating
the additional requirements in our model, such as serviceability and financial objectives. We formulate an
overall performance optimization problem, in which the
fixed point is characterized by a nonlinear constraint.
Along with serviceability constraints, and financial objectives, the optimization problem produces a desired
capacity plan. We are also able to formulate a stochastic dynamic programming to incorporate actions
hiring and firing over time, and lead to overall optimal performance (e.g., profit maximization). We develop computational methods to efficiently solve this
dynamic program.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we present the detailed mathematical model
and some preliminary results. Then, in Section 3, we
discuss the optimization problems that are addressed.
Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 4.
the capacity of resource type i. Furthermore, there
are J engagement types, indexed from 1 to J, that
arrive as independent Poisson processes with rate λj ,
j = 1, 2, · · · , J. Hence, the overall arrival process is a
Poisson process with rate λ, λ = λ1 + λ2 + · · · + λJ .
For each engagement type j, j = 1, 2, · · · , J, let Aij ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , I, represent the amount of resources i required by an engagement of type j. Upon an arrival of
an engagement, it is accepted only if all the resources
required are available; otherwise, the engagement is
lost. For each type j engagement, let Fj (·) be a distribution function Rfor its service time, and µj the service
rate, i.e., µj = ( 0 (1 − Fj (y))dy)−1 . In the rest of the
paper we will use ρj to denote λj /µj , 1 ≤ j ≤ J, which
in the queueing literature is well known as the traffic
intensity. After the service has been completed, the engagement leaves the system, and all the resources are
released. The performance metric of interest is the loss
probability Lj , 1 ≤ j ≤ J, i.e., the probability of losing
an engagement of type j due to insufficient resources.
Let n(∞) be a vector whose elements represent the
long-run average number of engagements of each type
in the system. From classical results on loss networks,
e.g., see [10], it is well known that
π(n) = G(C)−1
ρj j
n !
j=1 j
n ∈ S(C),
where π(n) := P[n(∞) = n],
S(C) := {n ∈ ZJ+ : An ≤ C}
ρj j
G(C) = 
Although important for theoretical development, the
Erlang formula (1) can not be used for computing the
stationary loss probability due to its high complexity.
In many similar applications, the Erlang fixed point
method, an approximation scheme that considers independence between loss events for different resource
types, has been shown to be effective. In this study,
we take a similar approach. Moreover, since Aij can be
fractional implying possibly fractional capacity values,
we relax the fixed point method to allow the variables
to take on nonnegative real values.
Thus, define
B(a, x) = a−x ea Γ(x + 1, a)
A stochastic network model
where Γ(x, a) denotes
We assume that our planing horizon is [0, T ] and is
long enough for the system to reach stationarity. There
are I resource types, indexed from 1 to I. Let Ci be
Γ(x, a) =
e−y y x−1 dy.
B(a, x) is obtained by continuous relaxation of the Erlang formula (1) without the normalization coefficient
G(C)−1 ; this can be easily verified using the definition of the Gamma function (see also Jagerman [5] for
numerical properties of this relaxation).
Next, let Bi , i = 1, 2, · · · , I be the probability of
insufficient resources of type i, 1 ≤ i ≤ I, and, by the
Erlang fixed point approximation we have
Bi = B(ηi , Ci ),
ηi , (1 − Bi )−1
Aij ρj
In order to cope with fluctuating engagement arrival
rates, we use a stochastic dynamic program to identify
the optimal policy u∗ that governs capacity planning
actions, such as hiring and firing, that maximizes an
overall profit throughout the planning horizon.
Assume that a planning horizon has N stages of
fixed length T , long enough for the system to reach
stationarity within each stage. Then, for engagement
type j, 1 ≤ j ≤ J, assume that its arrival rate changes
from stage to stage according to a Markov chain, Λj ,
with transition matrix Pj . Assume that the lead time
of all planning actions is denoted by L where L ≤ T .
Planning actions are taken within the stage, and their
cost incurred within the stage, such that they become
effective at the beginning of the next stage. We assume
the hiring and firing costs to be a linear function of the
, and fired, Fi,n
, under
number of people hired, Hi,n
policy u, in period n, with rate hi and fi , respectively.
Furthermore, following the single-stage notation, Ci,n
and Luj,n denote the resource i capacity, the probability of insufficient resources of type i and the loss
probability of engagements of type j, respectively, for
stage n and under policy u.
Under the above assumptions, the optimal control
problem that maximizes the overall profit can be formulated as follows:
e−β(n−1) E 
Rj Λj (1 − Luj,n )
(1 − Bk )Akj
represents the effective demand rate for resource type
i, i = 1, 2, . . . , I, assuming the mutual independence of
loss events for different resource types.
Finally, Lj , j = 1, 2, · · · , J, can be estimated as
Lj ≈ 1 − (1 − Bi )Aij .
Optimization formulations
The goal of the optimizations addressed in this paper
is to maximize the profit rate while satisfying serviceability requirements. In our problem, cost is incurred
for using resources and we assume that it is a linear
function of the resource capacities. For each class i resource, let ci be a cost rate paid for a unit of resource
type i, 1 ≤ i ≤ I. Revenue is collected for each accepted engagement and we again treat it as a linear
function of the effective arrival rate, i.e., the arrival
rate discounted by the loss effect. For each accepted
engagement of type j, 1 ≤ j ≤ J, let Rj be the collected revenue; thus, the overall revenue rate for type
j engagements is Rj λj (1 − Lj ). Service requirements
are represented as constraints on the engagement loss
probabilities, where we assume that they can not exceed some pre-specified value αj for type j, 1 ≤ j ≤ J.
rj λj (1 − Lj ) −
ci Ci,n + hi Hi,n + fi Fi,n
= B(ηi,n
, Ci,n
), 1 ≤ n ≤ N , 1 ≤ i ≤ I;
u Aij
1 − (1 − Bi,n )
≤ αj , 1 ≤ n ≤ N , 1 ≤ j ≤ J;
= Ci,n−1
+ Hi,n−1
− Fi,n−1
, n = 2, 3, . . . , N ;
where β ≥ 0 is the discount factor.
Under the assumption of stationarity, a single-stage
model provides optimal resource capacities. More
specifically, the optimization problem takes the following form:
Single-stage model
Stochastic dynamic programming
ci Ci
We have developed a set of optimization models based
on stochastic loss network models for workforce management and planning. Our models capture the basic dynamics of the workforce evolution and provide
optimal decisions for cost minimization while meeting
service requirements. Numerical results show that the
Bi = B(ηi , Ci ), 1 ≤ i ≤ I;
(1 − Bi )Aij ≤ αj , 1 ≤ j ≤ J.
models provide better results than those available in
current practice.
In both of our models, the basic optimization problem is a nonlinear programming problem. When Aij
satisfies certain nonsingularity conditions, see, e.g.,
[10], the problem is a convex program with a strictly
convex objective function (obviously after some simple
transformation to the single stage problem), hence, the
uniqueness of the solution can be guaranteed, and the
problem can be solved very efficiently. In general, we
can not expect the uniqueness of the solution in terms
of Bi , and, therefore, the optimization can be very difficult. However, we show that the solution is unique
to Lj , and then exploit this fact together with an
open-source interior-point software package, IPOPT,
to efficiently obtain the optimal solution. During this
process, we also employ other numerical procedures
that include: functional transforms to smoothing out
the constraints; introducing proper intermediate variables and slack variables; and so on. Details can be
found in our related works that focus on the computational aspects of the problem.
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