The Power of Shame and the Rationality of Trust Steve Tadelis∗ UC Berkeley Haas School of Business PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE! May 14, 2007 Abstract Experimental evidence and a host of recent theoretical ideas take aim at the common economic assumption that individuals are selfish. The arguments made suggest that intrinsic “social preferences” of one kind or another are at the heart of unselfish, pro-social behavior that is often observed. I suggest an alternative motive based on “shame” that is imposed by the beliefs of others, which is distinct from the more common approaches to social preferences such as altruism, a taste for fairness, reciprocity, or self-identity perception. The motives from shame may explain observed behavior in some previously studied experiments, and more importantly, they imply new testable predictions. Experiments confirm both that shame is a motivator, and that trusting players are strategically rational in that they anticipate the power of shame. Some implications for policy and strategy are discussed. JEL classifications C72, C91, D82 ∗ This work was inspired during the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economic workshop in August 2004. I am grateful to Gary Charness for sharing his experimental design and his experience. I also thank Yossi Feinberg, Shachar Kariv, John Morgan, Muriel Niederle and Larry Samuelson for helpful discussions. Victor Bennett and Constança Esteves provided outstanding research assistance. This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation and by UC Berkeley’s X-Lab at the Haas School of Business. 1 1 Introduction At the market level, the selfish rational choice model that has been the workhorse of economic analysis works surprisingly well given its simple structure and extreme assumptions. However, when human subjects are put to tests of individual decision making in simple strategic situations, their behavior departs from theoretical predictions in one systematic way. Namely, individuals seem to exhibit some form of “pro-social” behavior, in which they sacrifice some of their own monetary payoff to increase (and sometimes decrease) the payoff of others. (See Camerer 2003 for an excellent summary of these results.) Such pro-social behavior is manifested in daily life by a variety of so called acts of kindness (offering donations, helping strangers), as well as contributions to the public good (voting, volunteering). This casual empiricism and the experimental results suggest that individuals have “other-regarding” preferences, for which many mechanisms have been proposed. These preferences include altruism (direct and Indirect (Andreoni, 1990)); inequity Aversion (Fehr and Schmidt (1999)); preferences for fairness (Rabin (1993)), preferences for reciprocity (Falk and Fischbacher (2006)). and even more involved preferences such as regards for self-identity (Akerlof and Kranton (2000)), or combinations of the intrinsic and extrinsic concerns (Benabou and Tirole, 2006). These preferences are primarily driven by intrinsic considerations–they are an expression of one’s preferences over outcomes that include the payoffs of others, or how these payoffs were reached. As such, I take liberty in loosely combining these mechanisms for pro-social preferences under the title of “guilt”: being selfish causes a player to experience some intrinsic loss of utility. This broad notion is somewhat cavalier in its breadth, and is different than the recent description of preferences with guilt as modelled by Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2006, 2007). They define guilt as a loss of utility for a player who believes that he disappointed another player. Hence, players have preferences over monetary outcomes, and over the beliefs of their opponents. the later mostly playing a role through issues such as disappointment: I lose utility if you are disappointed, the latter being a function of your beliefs. I refer to shame as a distinct motivator as compared the guilt, or the broad host of intrinsic preferences. As noted by a teen self-help web site1 , “Guilt and Shame are closely connected emotions, we tend to feel guilty when we have violated rules or not lived up to expectations and standards that we set for ourselves. If we believe that we “should” have behaved differently or we “ought” to have done better, we likely feel guilty. Shame involves the sense that we have done something wrong that means we are “flawed,” “no good,” “inadequate,” or “bad” and is usually connected to the reactions of others. Anytime you catch yourself thinking ‘if they knew ______ then they would not like me or would think less of me,’ you are feeling shameful.” 1 2 This quote (and similar ones that appear on a variety of websites) summarizes quite well the accepted distinction between these emotions. As Tangney (1995) writes, “there is a long-standing notion that shame is a more “public” emotion than guilt, arising from public exposure and disapproval, whereas guilt represents a more “private” experience arising from self-generated pangs of conscience.” As such, preferences that incorporate shame must include a preferences over the perception, or beliefs of others, and not just some intrinsic preferences over physical outcomes. Three questions then arise, which are the focus of this paper. First, if both shame and guilt, as referred to above, can motivate pro-social behavior, can these two distinct motivators be empirically distinguished? Second, if they can, and if shame is confirmed as a motivator, do players act as if they perceive the power of shame to direct their own behavior? And finally, what are the public policy and strategy implications for the design of public and private institutions? This paper offers an affirmative answer to the first two questions, and some insights into the third. I begin the analysis in Section 2 with a simple game of trust to model these kind of preferences and to apply notions of equilibrium behavior, which is illustrative of the kind of forces that would identify preferences for shame. I resort to the well established structure of ex post beliefs being formed given a prior distribution of “types,” and given beliefs over behavior and the environment. I endow some players with preferences over the beliefs of others, as in Geanakoplos, Pearce and Stacchetti (1989), and adapt a rather common notion of sequential equilibrium, similar to the recent work of Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2007). In particular, the game I analyze and explore is a simpler variant of the well know “Trust Game,” (in the spirit of Berg, Dickhaut and McCabe, 1995). Player 1 can trust player 2 or exit with a safe outside option. If trusted, player 2 can return in kind by cooperating, but at a sacrifice of an additional monetary payoff that he receives from defecting. A selfish player 2 will therefore never cooperate, and anticipating this player 1 should never trust. Two sources of noise are then introduced. First, the game has an element of “imperfect monitoring” as introduced by Charness and Dufwenberg (2006): following trust, player 1 cannot always be certain wether a low payoff is the result of player 2 defecting, or the result of bad luck.2 Second, the game has some incomplete information: Player 2 can be either selfish, or thoughtful. A thoughtful type of player 2 cares about the ex post beliefs of player 1, in particular, a thoughtful player 2 would prefer that player 1 not think he is selfish. In equilibrium, given the prior beliefs of player 1 over the types and strategies of player 2, player 1 will form a posterior belief over the type of player 2, and this belief is what player 2 cares about. Testing whether shame, as defined above, has an impact on the choices of 2 This captures examples such as a principal who hires an agent for a fixed wage in a hidden action setting, a trader relies on carrier to deliver his goods, constituents electing a politician to increase their welfare, etc. where the outcome can be poor despite the adequate behavior of all players. 3 players is done by manipulating the ability of player 1 to decipher whether a bad outcome is a result of bad luck or of selfish behavior of player 2. Using this idea, Section 3 shows that it is possible to manipulate the ex post beliefs of player 1 without changing other parameters of the game, which in turn implies that if preferences over shame are not present, equilibrium behavior will not change. As such, if player 2 does care about shame (the beliefs of player 1), the theory suggests a testable implication on the behavior of player 2: if player 1 can more easily establish whether bad outcomes correspond to selfish behavior then player 2 is more likely to act cooperatively. This offers an answer to the first question posed: preferences driven by shame can be distinguished from those driven by guilt (i.e., intrinsic motivations). Answering the second question is also a consequence of simple equilibrium analysis: a rational player 1 will anticipate the change in shame-based incentives for player 2 following different informational environments. If the informational environment implies that a thoughtful player 2 is more likely to cooperate, then player 1 should be more inclined to trust player 2. Thus, trust can be explained as a rational response to the incentives provided by shame, and finding his behavior would imply that rational players act as if they perceive the power of shame, offering an affirmative answer to the second question. This simple theoretical exercise is then applied to a series of laboratory experiments as described in Section 5, which manipulate the information along the lines described above. The experimental results described in Section 6 strongly support the hypotheses that are derived from the theoretical analysis. Thus, without ruling out that some intrinsic motivations explored in previous studies are drivers of pro-social behavior, the motivation implied by shame is strong and robust, as is the equilibrium response of rational players. This is in line with a complementary paper by Andreoni and Bernheim (2007) in which players care about how others perceive them. Following the experimental analysis, Section 7 offers a discussion that focuses on three main issues. First, shame-based preferences can be considered as a reduced form of more complex reputational preferences that players would exhibit in repeated games with incomplete information (e.g., Kreps et. al., 1982). Despite the fact that players are playing a one-shot game, they may perceive the situation as part of a repeated game, either rationally or as a rule of thumb, which can explain the experimental results. To what extent the players can rationally consider the experimental interaction as part of a repeated game is a judgement call, but I will argue that it is not very convincing and that the rule of thumb, which may be a result of evolutionary pressures, may be more convincing. A second issue raised in the discussion is the ability of shame based preferences to explain the behavior observed in other experimental settings, and what kinds of new experiments would the theory suggest as good testing grounds. Finally, I offer some thoughts on the implication of shame-based preferences to both private sector strategy (contractual relationships) and public policy. 4 2 Modelling Shame: A Noisy Trust Game As described in the introduction, shame is defined as an emotion that induces behavior due to the fear of what others will think about the player in question. Hence, it is natural to assume that the beliefs of others must include some “bad” type of person that they can attribute to the player n question, and the incentive mechanism follows from the player’s aversion to being thought of as bad. It would be rather straightforward to introduce a general form of preferences that would capture this idea. Indeed, in a recent paper, Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2007) introduce preferences that depend on the beliefs of others. However, instead of having bad types and incomplete information, they endow players with expectations over monetary outcomes, and these beliefs form the basis for disappointment (i.e., you get less than you expect.) Thus, the preferences of players in Dufwenberg and Battigalli (2007) are over money and over the ex post beliefs of others, the latter beliefs being related to expectations about outcomes instead of types of other players. To offer a general model that introduces such “bad” type, however, may be context dependent. This is particularly true of one views preferences over the beliefs of others as a reduced form rule of thumb that replaces more complex behavior in repeated games where reputational concerns are present. I defer this discussion to section 7.1, and turn to a simple trust game to illustrate the idea of preferences for shame, and the behavioral consequences and predictions if such preferences are present. Section 7.2 expands on how to consider further variants in a variety of different games. 2.1 Perfect Information and Monetary Payoffs Imagine a simple trust game in which player 1 (the trustor) can trust (T ) or not-trust (N ) player 2 (the trustee), and if trusted, player 2 can cooperate (C) or defect (D). Trust followed by cooperation is Pareto superior to not-trust, but following trust, player 2 must incur a cost to cooperate. Defection, however, imposes a cost on player 1. There is imperfect success to cooperation: with probability p ∈ (0, 1) cooperation succeeds and player 1 receives a high payoff, while with probability 1 − p cooperation fails, and player 1 receives a payoff of zero, identical to defection. Conditional on cooperating, the pecuniary payoffs to player 2 do not depend on success. This trust-game has he structure used in the experiments of Charness and Dufwenberg (2006), and with perfect information can be described by the game in Figure 1. 5 1 N T 2 v v C D Nature p 1- p c/p c 0 d 0 c Figure 1: A Simple Trust Game In this game, the payoff from player 1 choosing N is v > 0 to both players, while if player 1 chooses T and player 2 chooses C then both get an expected payoff of c > v. Following trust, the cost of cooperating for player 2 is d − c > 0. These payoffs imply that the game has a unique equilibrium: player 2 will never cooperate if he is trusted since d > c, and in turn player 1 will never trust since v > 0. Unlike most trust games (see, e.g., Camerer 2003), there is added noise by having Nature move after player 2’s cooperative action. The effect is that even when player 2 acts cooperatively, there is some chance that player 1 will receive the same low payment he gets from player 2’s choice of defection. Hence, if player 1 were only to observe his own payoffs, a payoff of 0 can be attributed to either selfish behavior of player 2, or just bad luck.3 2.2 Incomplete Information and Preferences over Shame To add a dimension of pro-social behavior, I add a simple layer of incomplete information. Player 1 is assumed to be selfish in the sense that only pecuniary payoffs matter to him. Player 2, in contrast, can either be selfish, or he can have some form of pro-social tendencies. As argued in the introduction, one can think of either guilt or shame as being separate motivators, and as such a distinction ought to be made. I formalize the difference between guilt and shame as follows: guilt is associated with the intrinsic cost of “cheating” player 3 This “technology” is present in Charness and Duwefenberg (2006), but they do not make explicit use of the noise in their theoretical or experimental analysis. Instead, they use it as a form of “hidden action” in taht it relates to the standard principal-agent model. 6 1 after he chose to trust player 2. Shame, in contrast, is associated with the intrinsic cost of having player 1 believe that player 2’s behavior was inadequate. Formally, a player is “Bad” with probability β, and “Good” with probability 1 − β. I abuse the standard terminology by using “bad” for what we usually refer to as selfish, while “good” is an individual who potentially suffers from feelings of guilt and shame. This asymmetric introduction of types for player 2 and not for player 1 will be enough to generate some testable hypotheses.4 As an intrinsic motivator, guilt would be a hard dimension to manipulate externally.5 Therefore, we introduce a type of player that is motivated solely by shame. The cost of shame is modelled as a positive cost which is proportional to what player 2 believes is the ex post belief of player 1 about the type of player.6 Namely, if player 2 believes that player 1’s ex post belief about 2 being bad is given by β 0 ∈ [0, 1], then the cost of shame is β 0 s where s > 0 is the intensity of shame. In a richer model with a more continuous variation of shame sensitivity, different people can have different levels of s, where s = 0 would coincide with pure selfish preferences. The full game is depicted in Figure 2. Notice that there is a departure from the standard definition of a game since payoffs are not functions of actions and types alone, but also of the beliefs that some players have about others. In particular, player 1’s belief about the type of player 2 directly effects the payoffs of player 2, which is the way in which the model captures shame. This is related to the small literature on “Psychological Games,” pioneered by Geanakoplos, Pearce and Stacchetti (1989).7 4 Of course, one can argue that by not trusting player 2, player 1 may be acting in an offensive way, which should potentially result in feelings of guilt or shame. I ignore this possibility for simplicity, though at a later stage this can be incorporated into a richer set of experiments. In particular, noise can be added after player 1 choose “trust” in a way that may cause termination of the game, so that player 2 who is not called upon to move will not necessarily know whether player 1 was not-trusting, or whether trust was followed by a noisy exogenous termination. 5 Psychologists have used the method of “priming” to try and modify the intrinsic feelings of individuals, so as to increase their feeling of guilt. (see XXX.) It is unclear whether priming can differentially change the marginal “guilt” cost of selfish behavior, which would be necessary to evaluate guilt as an incentive for pro-social behavior. 6 The cost of guilt can be given by some g > 0 that is incurred when a good player chooses to defect. As mentioned above, I cannot reliably manipolate guilt, and as such, will ignore this potential motivator. 7 In Charness and Dufwenberg (2006) the beliefs of player 1 also enter into the preferences of player 2, but their notion of “guilt aversion” is based on 2’s incentives not to disappoint player 1, which is different from the notion of “shame” I introduce here. 7 Nature “bad” “good” ß 1- ß 1 1 N T N T 2 v v C 2 v v D Nature p c/p c C D Nature 1- p 0 d p c/p c 0 c 1- p 0 d – sß' 0 c – sß' Figure 2: A Trust Game with Incomplete Information about Shame 2.3 Exposure and Inference To complete the structure of the game we endow player 1 with an exogenous “exposure technology.” This basically refers to player 1’s ability to decipher the noisy outcome of a payoff of 0, and attribute it either to bad luck, or to an uncooperative action by player 2. For convenience, I refer to “success” (S) as the outcome in which player 1 gets a payoff of C/p, which is a consequence of player 1 choosing to trust, 2 choosing to cooperate, and nature being favorable. I refer to “failure” (F ) as the outcome of player 1 receiving a payoff of 0, which is either a consequence (following trust of player 1) of player 2 defecting, or of player 2 cooperating and nature being unfavorable. I assume that with probability π ∈ [0, 1] exposure occurs (e = 1) and player 1 will observe the action of player 2. That is, if player 1 chooses to trust player 2, and the outcome is a failure, then with probability π player 1 will learn whether the payoff of 0 is due to player 2 choosing D, or wether it was because of nature choosing the payoffs (u1 , u2 ) = (0, c) following player 2’s choice of C. With probability (1 − π), however, exposure does not occur (e = 0) and player 1 learns nothing about the reason for failure. To foreshadow the experimental design, it is useful to emphasize two extreme forms of detection technology, namely π = 0 and π = 1. When π = 0 exposure never happens and player 1 never learns the source of a payoff of zero, whereas when π = 1 exposure is certain to happen. Clearly, if player 2 is exposed then he cannot “hide” behind the noise of bad luck as a source of low payoffs to player 1. As a result, a “good” player 2 will be more easily deterred from choosing D. This simple intuition is formalized and explored more carefully in the next 8 section. 3 Equilibrium Analysis I consider a natural adaptation of sequential equilibrium to the setting of this game where in each subgame, player’s are playing a best response to their beliefs, and these beliefs are consistent with Bayes’ rule.8 Solving Backward, we know that a “bad” player 2 will always choose to defect. The best response of a “good” player 2 depends on his payoffs, which in turn depend on his actions and on the beliefs of player 1 (more precisely, the beliefs of player 2 about the beliefs of player 1). Equilibrium analysis will require the beliefs of player 1 about the type and actions of player 2 to be correct, and that player 2’s beliefs about the beliefs of player 1 are correct as well.9 Clearly, a “bad” player 2 will never choose to cooperate. Let σ ∈ [0, 1] be the probability that a good player 2 chooses to cooperate. If player 1 correctly anticipates σ, and if he trusts player 2, then following trust, his ex post conditional beliefs depend on success (S) or failure (F ), as well as on whether he learns the action of player 2 through the exposure technology. Let β 0 (F, e = 0) ∈ [0, 1] be the posterior of player 1 about player 2 being a bad type following a failure, and no exposure of the reason for failure. It follows from Bayes’ rule that, β 0 (F, e = 0) ≡ Pr{bad|F, e = 0} β β = = ≥ β. β + (1 − β)[(1 − σ) + σ(1 − p)] 1 − pσ(1 − β) The expression for β 0 (F, e = 0) is easy to interpret: the beliefs of player 1 following failed trust are worse if the ex ante likelihood of bad types is larger (β is greater), if the good player 2 is more likely to cooperate (σ is greater), or if the Nature’s noise is reduced (p is greater). If, instead, exposure happens, then updating depends on what player 1 learns. If player 1 learns that player 2 chose D, then the Bayesian posterior is given by, β 0 (F, e = 1, D) ≡ Pr{bad|F, e = 1, D} β β = = ≥ β 0 (F, e = 0). β + (1 − β)(1 − σ) 1 − σ(1 − β) Finally, if player 2 observes a success, or if he observes a failure but through exposure learns that player 2 chose the cooperate, then he knows that he is facing a good type, that is, β 0 (S) = β 0 (F, e = 1, C) = 0.10 8 The analysis in Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2005, 2007) suggests that adopting the notions of sequential equilibrium to these kinds of games is quite valid. 9 Unlike Battigalli and Defwenberg (2005, 2007), higher order beliefs will not play a role in the game analyzed. 1 0 If defection has a probability of success that is positive, then as long as this probability is lower that the probability of success from cooperation, then it must be the case that β 0 (S) = β 0 (F, e = 1, C) < β and β 0 (F, e = 1, D) > β 0 (F, e = 0) > β. 9 I impose the following belief restriction: R1: Ex Post Beliefs. The ex post beliefs of player 1 must satisfy Bayes rule as described above. This restriction imposes beliefs for player 1 at the end of the game that are consistent with Bayes rule. The restriction is satisfied in a sequential equilibrium except for the case where player 1 chooses not to trust player 2, or if σ = 0. In either of these two cases, reaching a success is a zero probability event and Bayes rule does not apply. It is for these two cases that R1 imposes a restriction. Remark 1 A variety of refinements would imply the belief restriction R1. 3.1 No Trust/Defection Equilibrium I first consider the possibility of an equilibrium with no trust that is supported by the correct belief that any type of player 2 would defect following trust. Given R1, if player 1 believes that σ = 0 then a good player’s utility following defection is 0 0 0 uG 2 (D, β ) = d − s(πβ (F, e = 1, D) + (1 − π)β (F, e = 0)) = d − sβ where the second equality follows from R1 and from σ = 0. If instead a good player 2 would choose to cooperate (and depart from the proposed equilibrium), then his utility following cooperation is 0 0 0 0 uG 2 (C, β ) = c − spβ (S) − s(1 − p)(πβ (F, e = 1, C) + (1 − π)β (F, e = 0)) = c − s(1 − p)(1 − π)β where the second equality follows from R1 together with σ = 0.11 Therefore, defection is a best response if d − sβ > c − s(1 − p)(1 − π)β , or, d > c + sβ(π + p − πp) (1) This is, of course, straightforward. If shame was not a motivator, then all we need for defection to be a best response is d > c. However, since the good player is motivated by shame, there as to be a “cost of shame” premium over the pure monetary amounts. In particular, d has to exceed c by sβ(π + p − πp) > 0 for Defect to be part of an equilibrium. Clearly, a higher sensitivity to shame (a higher s) will cause this premium to increase. It is interesting to note two other intuitive comparative statics about this premium. First, this premium increases in π, the likelihood of exposure. 1 1 Recall that σ = 0 is used to determine the beliefs of player 1, despite the fact that player 2 departed from the proposed equilibrium. 10 This intuitively follows because more exposure carries more shame from defection. Second, this premium increases in p, the likelihood that nature does not cause bad luck. This intuitively follows because if nature is more “reliable”, then it appears that player 2 would bear more responsibility for failed outcomes. I continue the analysis with the parametric assumptions that guarantee some trust in equilibrium. Namely, that (1) is violated: A1: d < c + sβ(π + p − πp) The following claim is therefore immediate: Claim 2 “No trust” followed by “Defect” of all types cannot be an equilibrium if and only if A1 is satisfied. 3.2 Trust/Cooperation Equilibrium Continuing with A1, player 1’s utility from trusting player 2 is obviously increasing in σ, the probability that a good player 2 will choose to cooperate. Therefore, player 1’s willingness to trust is highest when he believes ex ante that σ = 1, in which case he would be willing to trust player 2 if β is not too high (the likelihood of a bad type is not too high). In particular, if σ = 1 then player 1’s strict best response is to trust if and only if β × 0 + (1 − β)c > v or β < c−v c . This of course is obvious: if the likelihood of a bad player 2 is too high, then even impeccable behavior by a good player 2 will not induce player 1 to trust player 2. The following claim is immediate: Claim 3 Trust by player 1 can be part of an equilibrium if and only if A2 is satisfied. Thus, to allow for some trust in equilibrium I must continue with the following assumption, A2: β <1− c−v c If player 1’s ex ante belief is that σ = 1, then his ex post belief must satisfy, β > β, 1 − p(1 − β) β 0 (F, e = 1, C) = β 0 (S) = 0, β 0 (F, e = 1, D) = 1 β 0 (F, e = 0) = Hence, player 2’s utility from cooperating is, 0 0 0 0 uG 2 (C, β ) = c − spβ (S) − s(1 − p)(πβ (F, e = 1, C) + (1 − π)β (F, e = 0)) β = c − s(1 − p)(1 − π) 1 − p(1 − β) 11 If instead player 2 departs from the proposed equilibrium and chooses to defect, then posterior be 0 0 0 uG 2 (D, β ) = d − s(πβ (F, e = 1, D) + (1 − π)β (F, e = 0)) µ ¶ β = d − s π + (1 − π) 1 − p(1 − β) Cooperation is therefore a best response if and only if µ ¶ β β c − s(1 − p)(1 − π) > d − s π + (1 − π) , 1 − p(1 − β) 1 − p(1 − β) or, d<c+s µ π(1 − p) + pβ 1 − p(1 − β) ¶ (2) As for the no-trust analysis above,³ this inequality is straightforward. If the ´ π(1−p)+pβ expected shame costs of defection, s 1−p(1−β) , are large enough then they outweigh the monetary benefit of defection, d − c. ³ ´ The comparative statics on the expected shame costs of defection, s π(1−p)+pβ , 1−p(1−β) are similar to those discussed above for the shame premium for a defection equilibrium. A higher sensitivity to shame (a higher s) will cause these costs to increase. Also, these costs increases in π, the likelihood of exposure and also in p, the likelihood that nature does not cause bad luck.12 It turns out that our previous analysis of conditions for which a no-trust equilibrium will not exist is useful vis-a-vis conditions for a trust equilibrium to exist: Claim 4 A1 implies (2) Proof. It suffices to show that sβ(π + p − πp) < = = = π(1−p)+pβ 1−p(1−β) . We have, π(1 − p) + pβ − β(π + p − πp) 1 − p(1 − β) π(1 − p) + pβ − β(π + p − πp)(1 − p(1 − β)) 1 − p(1 − β) π − πp + pβ − βπ − βp + βπp + βπp + βp2 − βπp2 − β 2 πp − β 2 p2 + β 2 πp2 1 − p(1 − β) π(1 − β)(1 − p) + βπp(1 − β)(1 − p) + p2 β(1 − β) >0 1 − p(1 − β) Intuitively, (2) is implied by A1 because when beliefs about the action of good types are better (higher σ) then the Bayes updating after receiving a 1 2 Taking the derivative of ³ π(1−p)+pβ 1−p(1−β) ´ with respect to p yields 12 β−πβ (1−p(1−β))2 > 0. payoff of zero is more severe (higher β 0 ) which creates stronger incentives for a good type to cooperate. Thus, if A1 is satisfied, this allows for the provision of incentives for a good player 2 for the worse beliefs about σ, which means that incentives are even stronger for higher values of σ. Remark 5 If A1 is violated but (2) is satisfied, then there will be multiple Equilibria (both pure strategy equilibria discussed above and a mixed strategy equilibrium.) In that case the comparative statics discussed below will still be valid. 4 Empirical Implications To fix ideas, let β satisfy A2 and imagine that there may be a distribution of good types with variation over s. Then, given any fixed monetary payoffs of v, c and d, it is possible to consider comparative statics on the effect of changes in π, the exposure technology, on the equilibrium play of the game. 4.1 The Power of Shame Recall from the analysis above that the “cost of shame” premium that was identified in (1) and (2) is increasing in the likelihood of exposure, π. Hence, it immediately follows that, Corollary 6 As π increases, the set of parameters for which cooperate is part of the unique equilibrium increases, and the set of parameters for which defect is part of any equilibrium decreases. This can be best seen by considering condition A1. For any given set of parameters, an increase in π will make it more likely that A1 is satisfied. This implies the following testable hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: The Power of Shame. If shame plays a role in the decision to cooperate, an increase in π should cause (weakly) more cooperation by players 2. I coin this hypothesis the “power of shame” since it identifies a manipulable intervention that affects the mechanism of shame that has been demonstrated in the model. Notice that if people are motivated by other social preferences that are not dependent on the beliefs of others, e.g., altruism, fairness, reciprocity and self identity, then changes in π should not have an effect on the outcomes observed. This is the first prediction that differentiates the theory of shame from other social preferences. 4.2 The Rationality of Trust The “power of shame” conclusion in corollary (6) has implications about the behavior of player 2 in equilibrium: a higher exposure to shame will create 13 stronger incentives to cooperate. As a result, equilibrium analysis implies that player 1 should anticipate the “power of shame” with a response of, loosely speaking, more trusting behavior. More precisely, for any given set of parameters, an increase in π will make it more likely that A1 is satisfied. As a result, a rational player 1 will trust player 2. It immediately follows that, Corollary 7 As π increases, the set of parameters for which trust is part of the unique equilibrium increases, and the set of parameters for which no-trust is part of any equilibrium decreases. This implies the following testable hypothesis: Hypothesis 2: The Rationality of Trust. If shame plays a role in the decision to cooperate, an increase in π should cause (weakly) more trust by players 1. I coin this hypothesis the “rationality of trust” since it identifies a manipulable intervention that affects the incentives to trust through the mechanism of shame. Thus, if shame is a motivator for player 2 then changes in π should not only have an effect on the choice of player 2, but they should also, through rational expectations, have an effect on the choice of player 1. This is the second prediction that differentiates the theory of shame from other social preferences. 5 Experimental Design The experimental design follows the theoretical analysis described above, and is based very closely on the experiment used in Charness and Dufwenberg (2006). Sessions were conducted at UC Berkeley’s X-Lab, in a large classroom divided into two sides by a center aisle. Participants were seated at private tables with dividers between them. Twelve sessions were conducted: two pilot sessions with one treatment each, four with four treatments and six with six treatments. There were 10-30 participants per session. No one could participate in more than one session. Average earnings were $x (including a $7 show-up fee), and each sessions took about 45 minutes to one hour. In each session, participants were referred to as “A” or “B” (for players 1 and 2 respectively). A coin was tossed to determine which side of the room were A players and which side were B players. Personal identification numbers were assigned to participants who were informed that these numbers would be used to determine pairings (one A with one B), to track decisions and to determine payoffs. The game played in all treatments had the same structure as in Figure 1 with the parameters v = 5, c = 10, and d = 14 and p = 56 . In each treatment, A players received a sheet with two options, “In” (equivalent to “trust” in Figure 1) and “out” (equivalent to “no-trust”.) B players received a sheet with two 14 options, “Roll” (equivalent to “cooperate”) and “Don’t Roll” (equivalent to “defect”.)13 In each treatment, first A’s recorded their choices and their sheets were collected. Next, B’s chose whether to Roll or Don’t Roll a 6-sided die. B made this choice without knowing A’s actual choice In or Out, but the instructions explained that B’s choice would be irrelevant if A chose Out. This guarantees an observation for every B player. After the decisions of B’s were recorded and collected, a 6-sided die was rolled (by me) for each B. This was carefully explained to the participants in advance, to allow for anonymity of B’s who chose Don’t Roll. This roll was relevant if and only if (In, Roll) had been chosen. The outcome corresponding to a success occurred only if the die came up 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 after a Roll choice (hence, p = 56 ). The first four sessions had four treatments each as follows: 1. Stranger-Noise (SN): In this treatment participants did not know who they were matched with, nor did A-players learn why they received a payoff of zero if they did (π = 0). 2. Stranger-No-Noise (SNN): In this treatment participants did not know who they were matched with, but A-players did learn why they received a payoff of zero if they did (π = 1). 3. Partner-Noise (PN): In this treatment participants did know who they were matched with (pairs of ID numbers were announced before the decisions and each pair acknowledged each other by standing). A-players did not learn why they received a payoff of zero if they did (π = 0). 4. Partner-No-Noise (PN): In this treatment participants knew who they were matched with (as in PN) and A-players did learn why they received a payoff of zero if they did (π = 1). The next six sessions included the following two treatments: 5. Stranger-Public (SP): In this treatment participants did not know who they were matched with. After the sheets were collected for each player B, I publicly announced what that player B had chosen. (This is like π = 1 for all player A’s, without knowing who they were matched with). 6. Partner-Public (PP): In this treatment participants did know who they were matched with. After the sheets were collected for each player B, I publicly announced what that player B had chosen. Starting with the first four treatments, there is a clear informational ranking between treatment PN and PNN: this is exactly the game described in the 1 3 It is customary not to use “loaded” words such as “trust” or “defect” for the actual experiment, and these are the exact terms used in Charness and Dufwenberg (2006). 15 theoretical analysis. Hence, the theory predicts that there will be more cooperation (the power of shame) and more trust (the rationality of trust) in treatment PNN. The same comparison applies for SN versus SNN, but now the shame is “shared” among all the B players, implying a kind of “free rider” problem in which the power of shame is not as severe as it would be if identities were known. To see this, imagine there were two players of each role, with priors β as in Figure 2. If players are matched randomly then a player 1 who receives a payoff of zero believes that he was matched with each of the two players 2 with equal probability, and as such the Bayes updating is “diluted” across the two players. As such, the theory implies that both cooperation and trust will be weaker in the stranger settings than the partner settings, other things equal. However, since other things are not equal it is not possible to infer the ranking of cooperation and trust between the SNN and PN treatments. What is known is that these will both have higher levels of cooperation and trust compared to SN, and lower levels compared to PNN. The last two treatments are an attempt to disentangle two effects: a possible “partner-effect” of having an identity of a partner revealed, and a “public shame effect”, of having the action of player 2 announced to all the participants in the room. If shame is the primary motivator, then it is the announcement and not the partnering that should matter, implying that the results in SP and PP should be identical. Intuitively, one might expect the behavior in the public announcement treatments to be somewhat more cooperative since then shame is exposed to all the players in the room. However, if the beliefs of players are that once the “word is out” then it percolates throughout society, then the results of SP and PP will be similar to PNN. 6 6.1 Experimental Results The Power of Shame Focusing on the “trustee” or player B, the experimental results corroborate the predictions of the theory. Table 1 presents the means and exact confidence intervals for each of the 6 treatments: SN, SNN, PN, PNN, SP, PP. These are the exact means and confidence intervals based in the binomial distribution. Variable SN SNN PN PNN SP PP Obs 85 85 85 85 51 51 Mean .2 .376 .4 .753 .725 .784 Std. error. .043 .053 .053 .047 .062 .058 16 Low 95% .121 .274 .295 .647 .583 .647 High 95% .301 .488 .512 .840 .841 .887 Table 1: Percent of B players who chose Roll (Cooperate) The results of Table 1 are also shown in Figure ??. Interestingly, the behavior of B players in the two public treatments PP and SP are statistically the same, and they are also the same as in PNN. This suggests that partnering per se does not affect behavior, and that exposure to one player seems to have the same shame effects as exposure to the whole group. means and 95% confid. intervals .887109 .121042 SN SNN PN PNN Treatments SP PP Percentage of B Players Who Choose Cooperate in the Six Treatments Table 2 shows the results from a linear regression for the behavior of the B players. With mutually exclusive treatments, the predicted values of yi will the expected value of Y conditional on the treatments, which is just the proportions of B players that played IN. Standard errors are robust Huber-White standard errors to account the heteroskedastic variance of the yi values.14 Column (1) contains the analysis for the first four treatments for all sessions. Column (2) contains treatments five and six (SP and PP, respectively) for the last 6 sessions. Both (1) and (2) yield almost identical results to the binomial analysis above. Column (3) pools all treatments for the subjects that underwent the last six sessions six treatments.15 The F-tests, assessing whether dummies for the treatments are jointly zero 1 4 More precisely, Yi ∼ Bernoulli (p = δ j Tj , j = 1, ...6). so that, E[(Yi | Tj , j = 1...4) = p = δ j Tj , j = 1, ...6). where V AR (Yi = 1 | Tj , j = 1...6) = p(1 − p), and is therefore heteroskedastic. 1 5 The subjects who underwent only four treatment without SP and PP drop out of the regression analysis all treatmets are pooled. 17 appear at the bottom of the table. The dummies are jointly significant (or, more precisely, we can reject the hypothesis, given the p-value of almost zero, that the dummies are jointly equal to zero) in the analyses in columns (1) through (3) Dependent variable: Player B chose Roll (Cooperated) (1) (2) (3) SN 0.200 0.196 (0.044)** (0.056)** SNN 0.377 (0.052)** - 0.411 (0.070)** PN 0.400 (0.053)** - 0.431 (0.070)** PNN 0.7531 (0.047)** - 0.804 (0.056)** SP - 0.725 (0.063)** 0.725 (0.063)** PP - 0.784 (0.058)** 0.784 (0.058)** Test F (4,336) F(2,100) F(6,300) F-stat value 95.93 156.98 100.68 Significance 0.0000 0.000 0.000 N 340 102 306 Robust standard errors (which equal WLS errors in this case) ** (significant at 5% level) Table 2: Behavior of B players ***TO BE COMPLETED*** 6.2 The Rationality of Trust Turning to the “trustor” or player A, the experimental results again corroborate the predictions of the theory. Table 3 presents the means and exact confidence intervals for each of the 6 treatments: SN, SNN, PN, PNN, SP, PP. These are the exact means and confidence intervals based in the binomial distribution.. 18 means and 95% confid. intervals .847432 .2079 SN SNN PN PNN Treatments SP PP Figure 1: The Precentage of A Players Who Chose Trust in the Six Treatments Treatment SN SNN PN PNN SP PP Obs 86 86 86 86 53 53 Mean .302 .558 .547 .744 .660 .736 Std. err. .050 .054 .054 .047 .065 .061 Low 95% .208 .447 .435 .639 .517 .597 High 95% .411 .665 .654 .832 .785 .847 Table 3: Percent of A players who chose In (Trust) The results of Table 3 are also shown in Figure 1. 19 SN Dependent variable: Player A chose In (Trust) (1) (2) (3) 0.302 0.340 (0.05)** (0.066)** SNN 0.558 (0.054)** - 0.585 (0.068)** PN 0.547 (0.054)** - 0.604 (0.068)** PNN 0.741 (0.048)** - 0.660 (0.066)** SP - 0.660 (0.066)** 0.660 (0.066)** PP - 0.736 (0.061)** 0.736 (0.061)** Test F (4,339) F(2,106) F(6,312) F-test value 121.8 122.98 87.72 Significance 0.0000 0.000 0.000 N 343 106 318 Robust standard errors (which equal WLS errors in this case) ** (significant at 5% level) ***TO BE COMPLETED*** 6.3 Monotonicity and Reciprocity The comparative statics derived form the theory go beyond the average statistics of the proportion of cooperators and trusting players. Namely, behavior should be monotonic: the more shame there is (the higher π, or knowing one’s opponent), the higher is the likelihood that a player B will choose cooperate and that a player A will choose trust. This, goes a step beyond comparing means as in the tables above, since it predicts monotonicity at the individual level, which can be tested using the fact that there at least 4 observations for each individual. Figure ?? offers a simple description of the individual level monotonicity vis-a-vis the experimental treatments. 20 SN PNN PP SP SNN PN More cooperation More trust Monotonic Behavior Accross Treatments To keep the environment constant, consider the subset of players that includes those who have gone through four treatments, and those who have gone through six but with the public announcements as the last two treatments. This offers us a set of individuals who were exposed to the same conditions, but with the order of these conditions varying. To investigate whether monotonicity is violated, we need to observe what a violation of monotonicity for an individual would be. For players B, cooperating in SN and not in SNN, PN or PNN would constitute a violation. The reason is that there is more informational content in either SNN, PN or PNN as compared with SN, so if the power of shame is string enough for the SN treatment, it must be so for the other three treatments. Similarly, cooperating in SNN or PN and not in PNN would constitute a violation. For players A a violation of monotonicity is more subtle: they may learn something in the middle of the experiment when the treatment is SNN or PNN. That is, if a player trusted in the session SNN and learned that he was defected against, the his posterior of the distribution of types is worse, and he may then not trust in a treatment with more information. This in turn implies that a violation of monotonicity by an A player can be rationalized by Bayes updating: if player A trusted in the SNN treatment and observed a defection, Bayes updating can imply that he will not trust a player B in the PN treatment. Turning to the actual play, in the four treatments SN, SNN, PN and PNN, players B exhibit a high level of monotonicity: only 3 out of 51 individuals have a violation of monotonicity. In these same four treatments, players A have significantly more violations of monotonicity: 20 out of 53. It turns out that a positive and significant correlation occurs between A players whose trust was abused, and the same players exhibiting a non-monotonicity after learning about their partner’s defection. What’s more important, is that out of the 20 violations, 19 are consistent with belief reversal, i.e., they occur after trust in the SNN treatment. An obvious question is whether a taste for reciprocity can explain this reversal behavior (e.g., Falk and Fischbacher (2006)). It is possible, but this is, in my opinion, less convincing because of the random pairings. For reciprocity to be a motive, the players should believe that the probability of re-matching is high enough, which is at the least questionable with group sized of 6 to 10 pairs. 21 7 Discussion 7.1 Shame and Reputational Concerns TO BE COMPLETED 7.2 Beyond Trust Games TO BE COMPLETED 7.2.1 Dictator Games • Dictator games and exit options (Dana, Cain and Dawes (2005), Lazear, Malmendier and Weber (2006)). (Also consistent with reference groups like in Fehr and Schmidt (1999)) 7.2.2 Ultimatum Games Ultimatum games are more complex than dictator games in that explaining the commonly observed experimental results suggests that some form of reciprocity may be present. Recall that in such games player 1, the proposer, offers some split of some pot of money x, say x1 for himself and x2 = x − x1 for player 2. Player two then responds by either accepting the offer after which the sums are distributed, or rejecting it after which both players receive no money. It is well known from many experiments that proposers typically leave significant amounts of x2 for the responder, and the latter typically rejects offers of x2 that are low (usually less than a third). See Camerer (2003) for a detailed survey. It is possible that the interpretation of preferences for shame as a reduced form “shortcut” for reputational concerns would be consistent with both first players leaving money for responders, and responders rejecting low payments. The challenge is to devise an experiment that would distinguish between reciprocity and preferences to appear strong, i.e., a shame not to be perceived as weak. A similar use of monitoring noise is possible. In particular, imagine that after a responder rejects an offer, with some probability Nature will reverse that decision and make it appear as if the responder accepted the offer. Now one can manipulate whether or not the proposer observes the choices of the responder and of nature, or whether he only observes the payoffs. If rejecting low offers are a consequence of some kind of shame-reputational concerns, then when noise about actions is introduced, responders would be more likely to accept low offers. 7.2.3 Voting and Public Goods Since the description of the “Voting Paradox” by Downs (1957), there have been many attempts to offer a rational-choice explanation for the fact that many people turn out to vote despite the fact that their voting does not really 22 mater, and that voting itself is costly. Common explanations have been similar to the conventional ideas behind pro-social behavior: people care about the “public good” through some sense of responsibility, and hence they show up at the ballots. This implies that if access to voting becomes easier, turnout should clearly not decrease, and most likely would increase. In an interesting recent paper, Funk (2006) investigates a unique natural experiment that offers facts flies in the face of this conventional wisdom. She collected data from Swiss elections before and after mail-in voting was introduced. Clearly, the possibility of mail voting must have reduced voting costs substantially. However, not only it did overall turnout not increase, but voter turnout decreased more in the smaller communities. She also shows that in communities where poll station operating windows were smaller (interpreted as an increase in the cost of voting due to the lack of flexible hours), turnout decreased more. Funk (2006) resorts to a signalling model of voters who wish to be seen as public minded. The kind of preferences for shame of not wanting to look selfish (don’t care to vote) would also do the trick and offer similar comparative statics. Namely, in smaller communities or in those with short poll operating windows, it is more likely that someone you know will be at the station at any given time. As such, not voting and offering a lie as to when you were there is more likely to be detected as compared with large communities and with flexible hours. By offering mail-in voting you can credibly say that you sent it in, and this noise will be the perfect cover for the selfish cost minimizing voter. Generally, it is easy to see how one can manipulate experimental games of public good contributions in a similar way to test whether preferences for shame appear to play a role in these games as well. 7.3 Implications for Strategy and Policy TO BE COMPLETED • Policy: — shame as a deterrent (“Johns” on billboards); — voting • Strategy: — shame as an incentive mechanism — Non for profits: fund-raising in churches and synagogues 8 References Andreoni, James (1990) “Impure Altruism and Donations to Public Goods: A Theory of Warm Glow Giving,” Economic Journal 100:464-77. 23 Andreoni, James and B. Douglas Bernheim (2007) “Social Image and the 50-50 Norm,” mimeo. Battigalli, Pierpaolo and Martin Dufwenberg (2005), “Dynamic Psychological Games”, mimeo. Battigalli, Pierpaolo and Martin Dufwenberg (2007), “Guilt in Games”, mimeo. 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