Tipping and the Dynamics of Segregation in Neighborhoods and Schools September 2006

Tipping and the Dynamics of Segregation
in Neighborhoods and Schools
September 2006
David Card
UC Berkeley
Alexandre Mas
UC Berkeley
Jesse Rothstein
Princeton University
In a classic paper Schelling (1971) showed that extreme segregation can arise from social
interactions in preferences: once the minority share in a neighborhood exceeds a “tipping
point”, all the whites leave. We use regression discontinuity methods and Census tract data from
the past four decades to test for the presence of discrete non-linearities in the racial dynamics of
neighborhoods. White mobility patterns in most cities exhibit tipping-like behavior, with a range
of tipping points centered around a 13% minority share. Similar patterns emerge from an
analysis of school-level data over the 1990s. A variety of specifications rule out the possibility
that the discontinuity in the initial minority share is driven by income stratification or other
factors, pointing to an important role for white preferences over neighbors’ race and ethnicity in
the dynamic process of racial segregation. Finally, we relate the location of the estimated
tipping points in different cities to measures of the racial attitudes of whites, and find that cities
with more racially tolerant whites have higher tipping points.
*We are grateful to David Walton, Brad Howells, and Andrew Roland for outstanding research
assistance, and to Ted Miguel, Edward Glaeser, Joshua Angrist, Jack Porter, Bo Honore, Mark
Watson, and participants in the Berkeley labor lunch and the NBER Summer Institute for helpful
comments and suggestions. This research was funded in part by the Center for Labor Economics
at UC Berkeley and by the Industrial Relations Section at Princeton University.
Is racial segregation in U.S. cities mainly due to preferences or constraints? Many
observers have argued that the co-existence of nearly all-white and all-minority neighborhoods –
often within a few blocks of each other – can only be explained by discriminatory institutions
and practices, such as “steering” by real estate agents. In a classic paper, however, Schelling
(1971) observed that extreme segregation can arise solely from individual choice, even when
most whites will readily tolerate a high fraction of nonwhite neighbors. Schelling’s insight was
that social interactions in preferences can generate a non-linear system: once the fraction of
minorities in a neighborhood exceeds a critical “tipping point,” a cascade of white flight leads to
complete racial isolation. 1
Since Schelling’s paper, social interaction models have been used to explain phenomena
as diverse as macroeconomic growth (Cooper and John, 1988), restaurant choice (Becker, 1991),
and technology adoption (Durlauf, 1993). The unifying feature of these models is that individual
choices depend on the choices of others, potentially leading to complex dynamics with multiple
equilibria and tipping points (Brock and Durlauf, 2001b; Glaeser and Scheinkman, 2003).
Empirical evidence of social interactions is limited, however, with most of the evidence based on
estimates of the effect of peers’ exogenous characteristics on individual choices (e.g. Case and
Katz, 1991; Evans, Oates and Schwab, 1992; Kling, Ludwig and Katz, 2005) or of excess
dispersion in endogenous outcomes across social groups (Glaeser, Sacerdote, and Scheinkman,
1996; Graham 2005). 2 Importantly, neither type of evidence demonstrates the relevance of the
complex nonlinearities that have motivated much of the theoretical work. To date there is no
In the decades before Schelling’s paper, sociologists had documented the evolution of neighborhood racial
composition in response to the arrival of black families. Grodzins (1958) defined the “tip point” as the percent of
black residents that “...exceeds the limits of the neighborhood’s tolerance for inter-racial living.”
See Manski (1993) for a careful discussion of the difficulties in testing for interaction effects, and Glaeser
and Scheinkman (2003) for a review of many existing studies.
direct evidence of the tipping points or phase transitions predicted by many complex system
In this paper we draw on methods from the burgeoning literature on regression
discontinuity inference (e.g., Angrist and Lavy, 1999) to test for the existence of tipping
behavior in the evolution of the racial and ethnic composition of neighborhoods and schools. 3
We find strong visual and model-based evidence that neighborhoods in most cities exhibit
tipping, with city-specific tipping points ranging from 1 to 40 percent. To illustrate our
approach, Figure 1 shows the estimated relationship between the fraction of minorities in a
census tract in Chicago in 1970 and the change in the tract-level white population (as a share of
the initial population) over the next decade. We fit a local linear regression to the data, allowing
a discontinuity at a 5% minority share – the level identified by two alternative search procedures
as the most likely potential tipping point. The graph shows clear evidence of tipping: whereas
tracts just to the left of the 5% cutoff experienced substantial growth in the white population,
those with over 5% minority share experienced substantial declines. The non-linear dynamics in
Figure 1 are consistent with bi-modality in the distribution of minority shares across tracts, and a
high level of residential segregation, both common characteristics in American cities.
The major difficulty in testing the tipping hypothesis is in specifying the location of a
potential tipping point. We consider two complementary approaches. Our first approach is to
select the potential tipping point that leads to the highest t-statistic on the post-tipping point
dummy in a simple parametric model for the change in the white population share. 4 Our second
Recent studies by Easterly (2005) and Clotfelter (2001) of the evolution of the fraction of whites in
neighborhoods and schools, respectively, turned up little evidence of tipping behavior. As discussed in Section II,
we believe that several features of the empirical approaches used by Easterly and Clotfelter limit their findings.
This is similar to a procedure for identifying the timing of a structural change in a stationary time series
approach exploits the structure of the tipping problem more directly, and identifies the potential
tipping point as a sort of fixed point, the level of the initial minority share at which the predicted
rate of change of the white share equals the city-wide average. Both approaches involve
“mining” the data and are vulnerable to specification search bias (Leamer, 1978). To avoid this
bias, we adopt a split sample approach, using a random sub-sample of tracts in a city to identify
the most likely potential tipping point and using only the remaining tracts to estimate regression
discontinuity (RD) style models conditional on the identified point. 5 The potential tipping points
identified by our two methods are highly correlated, and in many cases correspond exactly.
Estimated tipping points for a given city are also highly correlated over successive decades in
our sample, which ranges from 1970 to 2000.
Having identified potential tipping points we turn to an analysis of the dynamic behavior
of white shares around these points. We pool the data from different cities by deviating the
minority share in a given tract or school from the corresponding city-specific potential tipping
point. As suggested by the pattern in Figure 1, our analysis provides strong evidence of tipping
behavior, in the form of large discontinuities in the white population growth rate at the potential
tipping points. These discontinuities are robust to the inclusion of flexible controls for other
neighborhood characteristics, including poverty, unemployment, and housing attributes. We find
similar though somewhat weaker evidence of tipping in the composition of elementary schools.
While Schelling’s (1971) original model treats racial composition as the source of
externalities in location choices, an alternative is that people care about their neighbors’ incomes
(Schelling, 1978; Bond and Coulson, 1989). Since minorities have lower average incomes than
model (e.g. Piehl et al, 2003; Bai. 1997).
Our method is similar in spirit to the split-sample method proposed by Angrist, Imbens, and Krueger
(1999) for eliminating the bias in instrumental variables procedures with weak instruments.
whites, such preferences will lead to some degree of segregation. Moreover, even in the absence
of concerns over neighbors’ characteristics, standard models of spatial equilibrium imply that
households will sort into neighborhoods with similar incomes, again leading to some
segregation. To distinguish race-based tipping from these alternative explanations, we augment
our models with tract-level controls for mean family income, average unemployment, and the
characteristics of the housing stock. These models continue to exhibit discontinuities in the rate
of change in the white share at the tipping point, suggesting that preferences over the race and
ethnicity of neighbors drive white families’ location choices.
In addition to testing for tipping behavior in white population shares, we look at several
other neighborhood outcomes, including average prices for owner-occupied homes and the
number of housing units in a tract. Values of owner-occupied homes show a modest
(insignificant) discontinuity at the tipping point that predates the population change.
Specifically, we find that tracts that tipped during the 1990s had lower home values at the
beginning of the decade than those that did not. There is also a significant discontinuity in the
rate of new housing construction. Both effects are consistent with a modified Schelling model
that incorporates heterogeneity in housing quality within and between neighborhoods. The data
suggest that both effects may have appeared well in advance of tipping. This would be
consistent with self-fulfilling expectations about neighborhoods’ future paths, a common feature
in models with multiple equilibria.
Finally, we relate the location of the neighborhood tipping point in each city to the racial
attitudes of white residents in the city. Specifically, we construct an index of racial attitudes
based on responses to four questions in the General Social Survey regarding inter-racial
marriage, school busing, and housing segregation. 6 Controlling for other city characteristics
(including region dummies, racial composition, and the mean incomes of different racial/ethnic
groups), we find a robust and quantitatively important link between racial attitudes and the
location of the average tipping point. This adds support to the view that the tipping behavior
identified in our main analysis is driven by white preferences over minority contact.
II. Previous Literature
a. Theoretical Models of Social Interactions and Tipping
Although Veblen (1934), Duesenberry (1949) and Leibenstein (1950) all presented
models with interdependent preferences, Schelling (1969, 1971, 1978) was the first to introduce
social interaction effects that lead to tipping behavior, and to link this behavior explicitly to
segregation. 7 His 1971 paper presents a simple model of residential location with heterogeneity
in white’s preferences but no land markets. Miyao (1979) and Kanemoto (1980) extended
Schelling’s framework and derived tipping-like behavior in models with explicit land markets.
Bond and Coulson (1989) present a model that combines neighborhood externalities with the
Muth (1973) – Brueckner (1977) model of “filtering”. We discuss a variant of this model in the
next section.
In the last decade there has been an explosion of new theoretical research on social
interaction models (see Glaeser and Scheinkman, 2003 and Durlauf, 2003 for recent surveys).
This approach is taken from Cutler, Glaeser, and Vigdor (1999), who correlate white attitudes with the
levels of segregation in different cities.
An earlier model of the boundary externality between rich and poor neighborhoods was developed by
Baily (1959). Schelling (1969) is closer to Baily’s model. Granovetter (1978) presents a model of the choice to
participate in a riot that is formally similar to Schelling (1971). This is referred to as a “critical mass” model in
Among the key insights of this work are the links between social interaction effects, statistical
mechanics models of particle interactions (Blume, 1993), and game-theoretic models of strategic
complementarity (Cooper and John, 1988; Milgrom and Roberts, 1990; Heal and Kunreuther,
2006). Durlauf (2003) notes that recent models, like the original Schelling (1971) model, are
often characterized by multiple equilibria and phase transitions. For example, in Brock and
Durlauf’s (2001a) model, each agent chooses between two actions. Depending on whether the
social interaction effect exceeds a certain threshold, there may be one or three distinct
equilibria. 8 In the latter case, two are stable; in dynamic versions of the model, they each have
large attracting zones. The third lies between the first two and defines the boundary between the
two attracting zones. This unstable equilibrium can be interpreted as a tipping point: points on
opposite sides of it converge to different long-run equilibria. We use the fact that the tipping
point is itself an equilibrium in our fixed point approach to identifying tipping points, discussed
Becker and Murphy (2000) consider social interaction effects in a variety of market
settings, including a neighborhood choice model with two types of agents and two
neighborhoods. (An earlier analysis is presented by Benabou, 1996). In this setting they show
that multiple equilibria are possible, and that a market equilibrium will exhibit greater
segregation than is socially optimal if the willingness to pay for neighborhood composition is
concave. 9
Glaeser and Scheinkman (2003) present an upper bound on the relative size of social influences that is
sufficient to guarantee a unique equilibrium in a model with continuous actions and finitely many agents. Horst and
Scheinkman (2006) extend this analysis to models with an infinite number of agents and “global” social interactions.
Becker and Murphy (2000) also consider a competitive multi-neighborhood model with two types of
agents and show that tipping behavior will emerge when there are some neighborhoods that contain only one group,
and that group has a higher willingness to pay for a marginal increase in the fraction of the other group.
b. Empirical Studies of Social Interactions
Empirical studies of social interaction effects have generally taken one of two
approaches. The first is to relate individual choices to the average choices and/or characteristics
of the peer group (an early example is Case and Katz, 1991). Given the “reflection problem”
identified by Manski (1993), identifying the effect of the average choice of the peer group – a socalled endogenous peer effect – is especially difficult, and many researchers have focused on
identifying the effect of the peer group’s exogenous characteristics. 10 Even here, non-random
sorting of people to neighborhoods, schools, and social groups creates potential biases. Leading
solutions to this problem are an aggregation strategy (Evans, Oates, and Schwab, 1992; Cutler
and Glaeser, 1997; Card and Rothstein, 2006), or some sort of experimental or quasiexperimental manipulation of peer assignment (e.g., Kling, Ludwig and Katz, 2005; Duflo and
Saez, 2003; Oreopoulos, 2003; Sacerdote, 2001). Although some studies find evidence of social
interaction effects, others find statistically insignificant effects, or effects in limited domains. 11
The second approach to identifying peer effects starts from the observation that if the
outcome of an individual depends on the mean outcome of his/her social group, then the variance
of mean outcomes across groups will be “too big” relative to the variance of outcomes within
groups (see Graham, 2005 for a careful explication). This excess variance approach is used by
Glaeser, Sacerdote and Scheinkman (1996) and Topa (2001) to detect social interaction effects
within neighborhoods in crime and unemployment, respectively, and by Boozer and Cacciola
Note that “exogenous” peer effects do not give rise to multiple equilibria. In the absence of exogenous
effects, however, the reduced form relation between peer characteristics and individual choices can be used to
identify “endogenous” peer effects (Case and Katz, 1991).
See Moffitt (2001), Glaeser and Scheinkman (2003) and Durlauf (2003) for more detailed reviews.
(2001) and Graham (2005) to measure within-classroom effects. These studies all find evidence
of endogenous social interactions.
Theoretical work on social interactions has often focused on their potential to produce
multiple equilibria. Modest social interaction effects, however, are potentially consistent with
the existence of a unique equilibrium (Glaeser and Scheinkman, 2003; Horst and Scheinkman
2006). Thus, while the existing literature provides some evidence of interactions, we are aware
of no direct evidence of multiple equilibria. 12 Tipping behavior is perhaps the most readily
observed indication of multiplicity.
c. Empirical Studies of Neighborhood Change
Building on the work of the “Chicago school” sociologists (e.g., Park, Burgess, and
McKenzie, 1925), Duncan and Duncan (1957) and Taeuber and Taeuber (1965) used Census
tract data linked across decades to correlate changes in the white population share in a tract to
the initial fraction of nonwhites, finding a generally negative effect. 13 A similar approach is
taken by Easterly (2005), who tests for nonlinear effects of the initial minority share using the
same data that we use here. Specifically, Easterly relates the change in the white share of tract
residents between Censuses (or over multiple decades) to a fourth order polynomial in the initial
white share. He finds strong evidence of “mean regressive” behavior, particularly for tracts with
initial white shares under 20 percent, but little or no evidence of discontinuous tipping. We
suspect that several features of Easterly’s (2005) analysis mask tipping behavior, including his
assumption of similar dynamic behavior in all cities (or in large groups of cities) and his use of a
Glaeser and Scheinkman (2003, p. 361) note that with existing approaches “it is difficult to separate out
extremely high variances from multiple equilibria.”
More recent studies by sociologists include Lee and Wood (1991) and Denton and Massey (1991).
smooth polynomial rather than a potentially discontinuous model. As shown below, we reach a
very different conclusion. 14
A closely related group of studies examines the racial composition of schools rather than
neighborhoods. Coleman, Kelley, and Moore (1975) study changes in white enrollment shares at
larger school districts that underwent desegregation in the late 1960s, and find a significant
negative effect of increased exposure to black schoolmates. 15 Welch and Light (1987) and
Reber (2005) likewise find significant declines in white enrollment following implementation of
court-ordered desegregation plans. A recent study by Clotfelter (2001) examines district-level
data for larger metropolitan areas of the US over the 1987-96 period, and explicitly tests for
nonlinear dynamics. Clotfelter concludes that the response of the white enrollment share to
increasing minority exposure is essentially linear over the relevant range. In the analysis below
we extend this analysis by studying data at the school level, and by allowing tipping points to
vary across cities. As in our neighborhood analyses, we find that this flexibility is important.
III. Theoretical Models of Tipping Behavior
a. A Basic Model
It is useful to begin by restating Schelling’s simplified (1971) model, which ignores both
housing quality and prices. Schelling assumes that whites are indifferent between
neighborhoods with minority shares less than m* but are unwilling to tolerate a minority share
A few recent studies have used panel data to examine how neighborhood composition affects individual
mobility, including South and Crowder (1998), Quillian (2002), and Mare and Bruch (2003). All three of these
studies conclude that a higher fraction of black neighbors leads to increasing outflows of white families.
Unfortunately the sample sizes in these studies are modest and given the uneven distribution of minority shares they
have limited power to detect nonlinear or discontinuous effects.
Clotfelter (1979) and Farley, Richards, and Wurdock (1980) reach similar conclusions.
above m*. He also assumes that minorities do not care about neighborhood composition.
Ignoring for the moment any heterogeneity in m*, an equilibrium then has the property that
families are distributed across two types of neighborhoods: integrated neighborhoods (with
m<m*) and all-minority neighborhoods. This equilibrium exhibits discontinuous “tipping”
behavior. A neighborhood with a minority share m<m* is stable, but if for any reason an
integrated neighborhood receives an injection of minorities that raises the minority share above
m*, all the whites will leave.
The assumption that all whites have the same threshold is highly restrictive. Following
Schelling (1971), assume instead that m* is a random variable, distributed across the white
population with distribution function F[ ]. The fraction of the white population willing to live in
a neighborhood with minority share m is 1-F[m]. Thus, if a neighborhood that initially contains
a random sample of whites sees its minority share rise to the point that 1-F[m] < 1-m (i.e. F[m] >
m), there will no longer be enough whites willing to live in that neighborhood to occupy 1-m of
the houses, and m will rise. Assuming a conventional shape for F, this leads to the situation
shown in Figure 2. Any minority share less than the point m** – where the distribution function
F cuts the 45 degree line from below– is a potential equilibrium. Any minority share above m**
is unstable. A neighborhood that found itself with m>m** would experience cascading white
flight, with the least-tolerant whites leaving first and thereby lowering the white share to the
point that even the more tolerant whites leave. m** is a tipping point. 16
Although Schelling’s model ignores housing prices, it is straightforward to include land
Note that in general m** ≠ E[m*]. In the simplified case of identical preferences among whites, however,
F is a step function at the common minority threshold m*, and the tipping point is also m*
markets so long as white preferences—and bid-rent functions—are discontinuous in m. 17 It is
perhaps not surprising, however, that such preferences produce discontinuous responses. To
demonstrate that similar results can obtain in a model with continuous preferences, we present a
modified version of the model developed by Bond and Coulson (1989).
b. A Model with Quality Heterogeneity
Consider a city with many neighborhoods and two race groups, whites (denoted by W)
and minorities (denoted by M). Assume that a family in race group r ∈ {M,W} has preferences
represented by the function Ur(X, q, m), where X is a numeraire consumption good, q is housing
quality (with ∂U/∂q>0), and m is the minority share in the neighborhood (with ∂U/∂m<0). For
simplicity, assume that all whites have income YW and all minorities have income YM<YW. 18
With free mobility, families of race group r will achieve the same utility level Ur in any
neighborhood that they choose to live in. This yields a pair of equilibrium bid-rent functions
br(q, m, Ur, Yr), implicitly defined by the equality Ur = Ur(Yr – br(q, m, Ur, Yr), q, m). We make
two assumptions about these functions:
∂bW(q, m, UW, YW)/ ∂m < ∂bM(q, m, UM, YM)/ ∂m .
∂bW(q, m, UW, YW)/ ∂q > ∂bM(q, m, UM, YM)/ ∂q.
These inequalities imply that white families have a higher willingness-to-pay than minorities for
marginal increases in q or marginal decreases in m. If whites and minorities have identical
Alternatively, one could assume that whites have a bid-rent function that is smoothly downward-sloping
in m and that cuts the bid-rent function for minorities from above at some minority share m*. This would yield
tipping, but in both directions: A neighborhood that had m<m* would tip toward m=0 just as one with m>m* would
tip toward m=1.
The results below also hold in a more complex model with overlapping income distributions where the
white share is increasing in income. The assumption that minority families’ utility is declining in m is also
unnecessary but convenient.
preferences but whites have higher incomes, (1a) and (1b) are ensured by a standard “single
crossing” assumption on preferences.
Consider now the demand for houses in a neighborhood with minority share m. Define
the quality threshold a(m) such that whites and minorities would both bid an equal amount for a
house of quality q=a(m):
bW(a(m), m, UW, YW) = bM(a(m), m, UM, YM).
By assumption (1b), minority families outbid white families for any lower-quality houses (those
with q<a(m)), while white families outbid minorities for higher-quality houses (q>a(m)).
Equations (1a) and (1b) ensure that a(m) is upward-sloping and invertible. Let H denote the
distribution function of quality q in a given neighborhood. If the neighborhood has minority
share m, a fraction H(a(m)) of its houses will attract higher bids from minorities than from
whites. Thus, for an integrated neighborhood’s housing market to be in equilibrium, it must be
that H(a(m))=m. If H(a(m))>m for all m<1, the only equilibrium has m=1; while if H(a(m))<m
for all m>0, then m must equal 0 in equilibrium.
It is convenient to recast this in terms of q and m=a-1(q). An integrated equilibrium
requires that there exist some q with H(q)=a-1(q); the neighborhood will then have minority share
m=a-1(q). A stable integrated equilibrium (q*, m*) is one for which H’(q*) < ∂a-1(q*)/ ∂q: If so,
for m slightly above m*, H(a(m))<m and demand from whites for more than 1-m of the houses
pushes m down. As in Brock and Durlauf’s (2001a) model, there are an odd number of
equilibria, with an unstable equilibrium between any pair of stable equilibria. Figure 3 plots
illustrative functions a-1(q) and H(q). 19 Point A represents a stable interior equilibrium. Point C
In this illustration, q is uniformly distributed on [q0, q1] H[q] = 0 for q<q0, H[q] = (q - q0)/(q1 - q0)
is also a stable equilibrium, with m = 1. At this point there are no homes close to the margin
where whites would outbid blacks. Between these two is an unstable equilibrium, B.
We treat out-of-equilibrium dynamics informally. When H(a(m)) < m, whites outbid
minorities for more than a fraction 1-m of houses, so we can expect the minority share to fall.
The opposite is true when H(a(m)) > m. In other words, sign(mt+1 – mt) = sign(H(a(mt)) – mt).
Thus, if mA < mt < mB, the minority share will fall and eventually the system will converge to
equilibrium A. By contrast, if mB < mt , the minority share will rise and the system will move
toward C. This means that the ultimate minority share of the neighborhood, as a function of the
initial, out-of-equilibrium share, is discontinuous at mB. B is therefore a tipping point. 20
Bond and Coulson (1989) explore the implications of this model for hedonic-style
approaches to estimating the demand for housing quality, and for the analysis of “filtering.” We
focus on a few implications. First, note that rents are constant on the a(m) locus and increasing
in the difference q-a(m). Therefore, equilibrium C in Figure 3 is associated with lower rents than
are A and B. Second, given any out-of-equilibrium initial condition and without additional
shocks, the long-run equilibrium is entirely predictable. Even with shocks, the probability of
winding up at C increases discontinuously at mB. If housing prices capitalize the present value
of future rents, there should be a discontinuity in prices at this point as well. Finally, because the
value of a new home will be higher in a neighborhood that is expected to stay on the a(m) locus
for q0 ≤ q ≤ q1, and H[q] = 1 for q>q1. We have used a concave a-1(q), ensuring that there are either 1 or 3 equilibria.
Bond and Coulson (1989) present an example with a Cobb-Douglas utility function in which a-1(q) is concave.
There is another form of tipping that occurs as houses age. As quality declines, the H curve in Figure 3
shifts leftward, the A and B equilibria move closer together, and the size of the attracting zone for equilibrium C
grows. Eventually, when H is just tangent to a-1(q), A and B meet and then disappear. This is known as a
“bifurcation” in dynamic systems modeling. A neighborhood that begins at the stable integrated equilibrium will
gradually see its minority share grow as the housing stock ages, then after the bifurcation will suddenly tip to the
now-unique equilibrium at C. As our empirical results are more suggestive of an unstable equilibrium interpretation,
we focus on that form of tipping.
than in one that is expected to move above this locus, neighborhoods with minority shares above
mB will have lower rates of new home construction than do neighborhoods with m<mB. 21
IV. Testing for Tipping Behavior
In this section we develop our empirical approach to testing for tipping behavior in
neighborhoods and schools. Most of the existing literature on neighborhood transition takes as
the dependent variable the change in the white (non-Hispanic) share of a neighborhood or
school, and as the key explanatory variable the initial fraction of racial or ethnic minorities (i.e.,
nonwhites and Hispanics) in the neighborhood or school. Let Pt represent the total population in
a neighborhood (or school) in period t, let Wt represent the number of white residents (or
students) in period t, and define mt = (Pt -Wt)/Pt as the minority share in period t. The stylized
tipping model of Schelling (1971) suggests that the expected change in the white share from
some baseline period t-j to the end period t, conditional on the minority share mt-j in the baseline
period, evolves as:
E[ Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] = a(mt-j) * 1[mt-j ≤ m*] + b(mt-j) * 1[mt-j > m*],
where m* is the tipping point, 1[ ] is the indicator function, and the functions a(m) and b(m) are
smooth functions defined on [0, m*] and [m*, 1], respectively. This specification models tipping
as a regression discontinuity at m*; the extent of tipping is the size of the discontinuity in the
expectation function, which is simply b(m*) - a(m*).
New construction and renovation also shifts the H curve rightward, raising mB. This creates the
possibility of self-fulfilling prophecies: A neighborhood that is expected not to tip might attract sufficient
investment to prevent tipping, while expectations of tipping could lead to lower construction rates that bring this
about. Note also that “un-tipping” a neighborhood most likely requires its wholesale redevelopment: C is a stable
equilibrium as long as there are some homes in the neighborhood with q<a(1), so absent a jump from one stable
equilibrium to another un-tipping can only be accomplished through non-marginal changes in the distribution of q.
Distinguishing White and Minority Population Changes
The white share in a neighborhood might change either because the white population
changes or because of changes in the nonwhite population. To abstract from the latter, we use an
alternative measure of neighborhood racial change that holds the denominator fixed:
Δ(Wt/Pt) = (Wt - Wt-j)/ Pt-j ,
i.e., the change in the number of white residents (or students) divided by the initial population of
the neighborhood (or school). We also present analyses of the corresponding changes in the
minority population, (Mt – Mt-j)/ Pt-j and the total population, (Pt– Pt-j)/Pt-j.
Identification of the Tipping Point
A key difference between (3) and most existing applications of regression discontinuity
methods is that in our case m* is unknown. There is as yet no consensus method for estimating
regression discontinuity models with an unknown point of discontinuity. We explore two
approaches, one that draws on the time series literature on structural breaks (as reviewed in
Hansen, 2001) and another takes advantage of the specific structure of our problem. We assume
for the moment that a tipping point exists (i.e. that there is a single discontinuity in E[Δ(Wt/Pt) |
mt-j]) and focus on estimation of m*. We return below to discuss testing for the existence of
tipping against a null hypothesis that E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] is continuous, in which case m* is not
Both of our approaches begin with the observation that in most cities the expected change
in the white population share conditional on the initial minority share takes a common shape,
although the level may vary across cities. 22 Typically the expectation function is positive and
reasonably flat for low mt-j values, then falls very rapidly to a negative value. Beyond the
(relatively narrow) range of transition, it is flat again, and finally, beginning around mt-j = 60%,
the expectation begins to trend upward, approaching 0 as mt-j →1. For our “time series”
approach, we assume that a(m) and b(m) are constant in the range of minority shares between 0
and 60%. Equation (5) then becomes:
E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] = a + d * 1[mt-j > m*] for mt-j<60%,
where a is a city-specific constant and d = b – a. We use a search procedure like that discussed
by Bai (1997), Andrews (1993), and Hansen (2000) to estimate m*: For each value mi, t-j in our
data, we set m* = mi, t-j and compute the OLS estimate of (4), using only points with mt-j<60%.
Our estimate of m* is the value for which this regression has the highest explanatory power or,
equivalently, that for which the absolute t statistic on d is maximized. Under the assumption that
(4) is correctly specified and with reasonable statistical assumptions, results by, e.g., Hansen
(2000) indicate that this procedure gives a consistent estimate of the true m*.
In practice, this procedure seems to work poorly in many cities, perhaps because a(m)
and b(m) are not constant. Our second approach takes advantage of the fact that a smoothed
estimate of E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m] – E[Δ(Wt/Pt)] (i.e. the conditional expectation of the white
population change, deviated from the city-specific mean) is typically positive for low m values
and negative for higher m values. Given this, it seems reasonable to assume that a(m)>
E[Δ(Wt/Pt)] for all m<m* and b(m) < E[Δ(Wt/Pt)] for all m>m* (except perhaps for m > 60%). If
Many cities experience sharp increases in their minority shares over our sample period, so that even tracts
with negative Δ(Wt/Pt) can be rising in the city’s W/P distribution. To abstract from city-wide trends, it is useful to
focus on E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] – E[Δ(Wt/Pt)], which equals zero when tracts are evolving in step with the city as a
so, it will be the case that for small ε > 0,
E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m=m* – ε] > E[Δ(Wt/Pt)] > E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m=m* + ε].
Equation (5) expresses the simple observation that if there is a tipping point, then the white share
in a neighborhood to the left of the discontinuity will grow faster than the average in the city as a
whole, and in neighborhoods to the right will fall relative to the city-wide average, in each case
moving the neighborhood toward the relevant stable equilibrium.
To use equation (5), we first smooth the data to obtain a well-behaved continuous
approximation, R(m), to E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m] on the (0%, 60%) range. We then choose as a potential
tipping point the level of minority share m′ such that R(m′) = E[Δ(Wt/Pt)]. In cities where R(m)
– E[Δ(Wt/Pt)] has multiple roots, we choose the root for which R’ is the most negative. 23 We
call this the “fixed-point” procedure. Note that if (5) holds, the identified point can be seen as an
unstable equilibrium of the dynamic system defined by (3). 24
Hypothesis Testing
If a city is indeed tipping (and if the above assumptions about E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m] are
correct), either procedure will consistently estimate m*. 25 If E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m] is continuous,
however, m* is not well defined, and it is not clear what the above procedures will estimate.
Moreover, the distribution of d from equation (4) under this null hypothesis is decidedly non23
In practice, a two-stage approach to estimating R(m) local to m* improves precision. First, we fit a cityspecific regression of Δ(Wt/Pt) on a fourth-order polynomial in mt-j, using tracts with initial minority shares below
60%. We identify a candidate m’ from the fitted values of this. Then we estimate a second fourth-order polynomial
regression on a sample restricted to tracts with mt-j within ten percentage points of the identified point, and use the
fitted values from this regression to obtain a more refined estimate of the fixed point.
We have also explored a third procedure, estimating E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] with local quadratic regressions
and selecting the point where the estimated slope is most negative. Local slope estimates were quite noisy, however,
and though this procedure agreed with the other two in many cities, in other cities it was poorly behaved.
For the “fixed point” procedure, the polynomial approximation R(m) would need to become arbitrarily
flexible as the sample size increases.
standard, as the chosen m* is not independent of the observations used to estimate (4). The usual
approach to testing for continuity (e.g. Andrews, 1993 and Hansen, 1996) is to use simulations to
approximate the distribution of dˆ under the null hypothesis—this depends on the distribution of
m, among other factors—then compare the estimated dˆ to this distribution.
We take a different approach that, to our knowledge, has not previously appeared in the
literature. We begin by randomly dividing our sample into two parts. We use one part to
estimate m*, using either of the search procedures described above. We then use the other
subsample to estimate equation (4). The estimated m* is independent of the observations in the
second subsample, so under the null hypothesis that E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m] is constant, a dˆ estimated
from this subsample has mean zero and a standard distribution, permitting traditional tests. 26
City-specific tests have low power: We have relatively few tract-level observations from
many smaller cities, and we use only a fraction of tracts to estimate dˆ . Across cities, however, a
finding that substantially more than 5% of the t-statistics on city-specific estimates of d are
below -2 will indicate that the null hypothesis fails in at least a significant subset of cities.
Our inability to classify cities decisively into “tipping” and “not tipping” categories has
implications for inference throughout our analysis: We cannot be confident that every city in our
sample indeed has a break, so cannot rely on results (e.g. Bai, 1997) for the distribution of break
coefficients that assume existence of a break. We therefore maintain the split sample approach
throughout our analysis, using our first subsample only to identify candidate tipping points and
relying on the second subsample for all further estimation. An appendix, available from the
The procedure can easily be generalized to higher-order approximations to E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m]. Too flexible
an approximation, however, risks absorbing any true discontinuity. Given the small number of observations in our
sample—70 in our “testing” subsample in the median city—and our investigation of the data, we conclude that our
relatively inflexible parameterization is preferable.
authors, reports full-sample versions of each specification.
Other Specification Issues
There are two remaining issues. First is the definition of “minorities”. For our main
analysis, we define all non-whites and Hispanics as “minorities”. Much of the older literature on
neighborhood transition focuses on white reactions to blacks. Moreover, several recent studies
have suggested that white mobility is particularly sensitive to the presence of blacks (e.g.,
Denton and Massey, 1991). We therefore present a supplementary analysis in which we redefine
the minority fraction to include only African Americans or only African Americans and
Hispanics (i.e. to exclude Asian Americans).
A final issue is the influence of other factors such as the average income of neighbors or
schoolmates that may be correlated with the initial minority share. These can be readily
accommodated. A generalized version of equation (3) is
E[ Δ(Wt/Pt) | δ] = f(δ) + d * 1[δ > 0] + γ * X,
where δ = mt-j – m*, f(δ) is a smooth function (implemented as a polynomial or as separate
polynomials for δ>0 and δ<0), and X is a vector of other predetermined variables. In our
analysis of neighborhood transitions we present models with controls for average household
income, neighborhood unemployment and poverty rates, and characteristics of the local housing
market. We also explore specifications that include polynomial terms in these characteristics
and in the distance to the nearest “minority” neighborhood. Fewer control variables are
available for our analysis of school transitions, but we are able to control for the fraction of
students who receive a free or reduced price lunch.
An alternative approach to potential omitted variables bias in our regression discontinuity
specification exploits geographic information, comparing a neighborhood with mt-j just above m*
with another nearby neighborhood for which mt-j is just below m*. This “within-neighbors”
analysis avoids bias from omitted variables that are smoothly distributed across space. In
contrast to twin comparisons for estimation of the return to education (Ashenfelter and Rouse,
1998), the “nearest neighbor” relationship is not transitive. As an alternative to fixed effect
estimation, we include in (6) averages of the independent variables across the five closest
neighboring neighborhoods (measured from centroid to centroid and capping the distance at four
miles). Denoting the average of 1[δ>0] across i's neighbors (including neighborhood i in the
average) as t n (i ) and the average of the terms in the polynomial f(δ) as f (δ )n (i ) , we estimate
E[ Δ(Wt/Pt) | δi, t n (i ) , f (δ )n (i ) ] = f(δi) + f (δ )n (i ) + d * 1[δi>0] + d' * t n (i )
In this specification, d is the “within-neighbors” estimate of the tipping discontinuity. An
estimate of d ≠ 0 indicates that even differences within narrowly-defined clusters of adjacent
neighborhoods in the beyond-m* indicator have impacts on the growth in the white population
The coefficient d' is of independent interest: If the Census tracts that we use to proxy for
“neighborhoods” do not correspond perfectly to the areas that enter into residents’ preferences,
this would produce apparent spillovers. 27 An indication that d' ≠ 0 would suggest that these
spillovers are potentially important. We find strong effects of having neighbors beyond the
This might be a particular issue in the later years of our tract-based analysis. Although Census tracts—
geographic units of approximately 4,000 people—were initially drawn with the goal of corresponding to sociallyunderstood neighborhoods, their boundaries may not have changed to keep up with shifts in true neighborhood
boundaries. Thus, by 1990 there could be substantial slippage between the units used in our analysis and those that
enter into residents’ preferences.
tipping point—indicating spillovers— but also strong within-neighbors effects.
As a final test for the possibility of specification error, we conduct a parallel analysis of
tipping in neighborhood poverty rates. The tract-level minority share is highly correlated with
the poverty rate, raising the possibility that what appears to be race-based tipping might instead
be capturing differences among neighborhoods of differing economic status. While the data
offer some support for poverty-based tipping, this is less robust than the race-based version, and
our estimates of race-based tipping are little affected by inclusion of poverty rate controls.
V. Data and Potential Tipping Points
For our analysis of neighborhood transition, we use Census tract data for the 1970-2000
Censuses from the Urban Institute’s Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB). We treat
metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs) as
defined in 1999 as “cities.” Estimation of E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | m] requires reasonably large samples, so
we consider only MSAs for which we can merge at least 100 tracts between consecutive
Censuses. In 1970, only the central areas of many MSAs were assigned to Census tracts, so our
analysis for the 1970-80 period is largely based on tracts in central city areas. Additional
outlying areas were assigned to tracts in 1980 and 1990, allowing us to include more suburban
tracts (and more cities) in these analyses.
Tract boundaries are generally stable between census years but are sometimes revised.
Although the NCDB attempts to hold tracts constant at their 2000 boundaries, this is not always
possible and there is little information about the quality of the matches. To test whether our
results are sensitive to mis-matched tracts, we used a block-level crosswalk to construct our own
panel of tracts between 1990 and 2000. Our results were robust to the use of this alternative
panel, to the use of 1990 rather than 2000 tract boundaries as the basis for the analysis, and to a
sample restriction that eliminated any tracts for which the 1990-2000 mapping was non-trivially
imperfect. 28
Table 1 presents summary statistics for our primary sample of tracts from larger MSAs.
The first row shows the total number of tracts in the U.S. The number of defined tracts has risen
steadily, from about 46,000 in 1970—nearly all metropolitan—to about 65,000—one fifth nonmetropolitan—in 1990. Rows 2 and 3 report the number of MSAs and tracts in our sample.
There are 104 MSAs for which we can match at least 100 tracts between 1970 and 1980, 113 for
1980-1990, and 114 for 1990-2000. Rows 4-7 show average (unweighted) demographic
characteristics of tracts in our samples.
The remainder of the table shows statistics for four subgroups of tracts, based on the
fraction of minority residents in the base year: 0-5%, 5-20%, 20-70%, and 70% or higher. In
1970, just under half of tracts—both in the nation and in our sample—had minority shares below
5%. By 1990, only a quarter of sample tracts had such low minority shares. This decline was
offset by growth in the other categories, particularly the 20-70% minority group (which rose
from 15% to 27%) and the 70% or higher minority group (which rose from 7% to 16%).
Comparisons across the four groups of tracts show substantial growth in the white
population in the two lower minority share subgroups but small or negative growth in the other
two subgroups. The difference in 1970-1980 growth rates of the white share between tracts with
We also experimented with alternative treatments of multi-race individuals in the 2000 Census (which,
unlike earlier censuses, allowed respondents to report more than one race). While the NCDB counts as “white”
anyone who reports at least one of their races as white, our results are very similar when we limit the white
population to those reporting only a single race.
5-20% minority share in 1970 and those with 20-70% is about 40 percentage points, falling to 24
points in 1980-1990 and 20 in 1990-2000. This is consistent with potential tipping behavior
around a 20% minority share. However, the table also shows that higher minority share tracts
have lower family incomes, higher unemployment, and more multi-unit housing, all factors that
may confound the effects of racial composition.
We use the two algorithms described in Section IV(b) to identify city-specific potential
tipping points. Figure 4 shows the identified points for several cities, using a solid vertical line
to mark the point identified by the “fixed point” method and a dashed line to mark the “time
series” method. (Where only one line is shown, the two coincide.) Both methods are applied to
a random 2/3 subsample of tracts in each city. 29 We also show on these graphs two
approximations to E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] computed from the remaining 1/3 subsample. First, we
group tracts by mt-j into 2-percentage-point bins and simply construct the mean of Δ(Wt/Pt)
within each bin. These are the “dots” in the figures. Second, we present local linear estimates of
E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j], computed separately on each side of the “fixed point” candidate tipping point.
The first panel of the Figure shows Los Angeles in 1970 – 1980. Both methods indicate
tipping points between 15 and 15.5% minority share in 1970. Tracts to the left of this gained
white population, on average, between 1970 and 1980, while tracts just to the right of the tipping
point lost white residents accounting for around 20% of their 1970 populations over this decade.
Note that the conditional mean of E[Δ(Wt/Pt) | mt-j] is above the unconditional mean (shown as
a horizontal line) everywhere to the left of m* and below it everywhere to the right, consistent
with an interpretation of m* as the dividing line between the attracting zones of stable long-run
We use a 2/3 – 1/3 split instead of ½ - ½ because the search procedures for identifying tipping points in
each city are quite data intensive. Once these points are identified, we conduct most of our analysis on a sample that
pools data from many cities, for which 1/3 subsamples are adequate.
equilibria at m=0 and m=1.
The next 7 panels of Figure 4 show other cities: Indianapolis and Portland (Oregon) in
1970-1980, San Antonio and Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon (New Jersey) in 1980-1990,
Nashville and Toledo in 1990-2000, and finally Pittsburgh in 1980-1990. All but the last of
these (to which we return momentarily) shows clear evidence of a discontinuity at the “fixed
point” candidate tipping point, and in each case the time series method indicates approximately
the same point. As noted earlier, the conditional mean functions are relatively flat on either side
of the tipping points, generally above the unconditional mean to the left and below it to the
right. 30 Tipping can be seen clearly in cities from all regions of the country, both “sun-belt” and
“rust-belt” and both the North and the South, and in cities with both large and small minority
shares. The final graph in Figure 4, however, shows a city that appears not to be tipping,
Pittsburgh in the 1980s. Although the white population growth rate seems to be a declining
function of the tract minority share for minority shares below 50%, there is no indication of a
discontinuity in this function.
Table 2 presents a more systematic overview of the potential tipping points derived from
the “fixed-point” and “time series” procedures. The first rows show the mean and standard
deviation of the points identified by each method in each decade. Average potential tipping
points are in the 10 – 15 percent range, though the time series method tends to select lower
values than does the fixed point method. Each method indicates moderate growth over time.
The third row indicates that the “fixed point” method fails to find a candidate point in only a
very few cities where it does not identify a fixed point with a minority share below 50%.
The rightmost portions of the graphs are exceptions. The lowest possible value for Δ(Wt/Pt), as we define
it, is mt-j – 100. In several of the plotted cities, the conditional mean lies quite close to this at the highest mt-j values,
indicating that tracts in this range lose nearly all of their white residents over a ten year period.
Finally, the lower portion of the Table shows correlations of the identified points for a city
across method and over time. These tend to be quite high, generally above 0.5 for the same
method in different years and for different methods in the same year. In each year, the two
methods select points within 1 percentage point of each other in about 1/3 of cities. 31
The statistics in Table 2 describe all identified candidate tipping points, without regard to
whether there is really tipping in the city. To give an indication of the prevalence of tipping, we
estimate city-specific versions of our simplest specification, equation (4), using the fixed point
method to choose m*, and compute tests for the hypothesis that d=0. We use our split sample
approach to ensure that traditional test statistics have their usual distribution despite the
estimation of m*. In 1980, we reject the null hypothesis that d=0 at a 5% level in 81 of 111
cities. This almost certainly understates the prevalence of tipping, as we have little power in
smaller cities. Figure 5 shows the scatterplot of the estimated t statistics against the number of
tracts (in the 1/3 subsample used for testing) in the city. In the smallest cities, the points are
dispersed around -2, and the mean becomes more negative in as the city size grows. The dashed
line shows fitted values from a linear regression of the t statistic on the square root of the number
of tracts. This is substantially downward sloping, and its maximum value in the sample is -1.99.
The evidence thus suggests the existence of a discontinuity in the great majority of the cities in
our sample, even if we do not always have enough power to detect it.
VI. Pooled Analysis
To permit more flexible analyses than are possible with the relatively small sample sizes
Our use of only a portion of the sample to identify the candidate tipping points heightens measurement
error; correlations are generally somewhat higher when the full sample is used to identify the candidate points.
available in each city, we turn to pooled analyses that use data from all of the cities in our
sample. In this section we present baseline specifications for the white and minority population
shares. Section VII explores the robustness of the results to a variety of alternative
specifications, Section VIII extends the regression discontinuity analysis to examine the housing
market correlates of tipping, and Section IX presents a parallel analysis of school-level tipping.
To pool data from cities with disparate candidate tipping points, we deviate each tract’s
minority share in year t-10 from the potential tipping point for its city. We begin with a
graphical analysis, for which we also deviate the change in the white share in the tract between t10 and t from the corresponding metropolitan-wide mean. We then plot the average change in
white population at each percentage point deviation from the potential tipping point. We also
use two approaches to smoothing the data on either side of the potential tipping point.
The two panels in the top row of Figure 6 shows the relationship between the 1970
minority share in a Census tract relative to the city-specific potential tipping point and the 19701980 change in the white share in the tract relative to the city-wide average change. We use
candidate tipping points from the fixed point method on the left and from the time series method
on the right. To illustrate, the first circle in each panel shows the average of the change in white
population minus the mean change for the MSA for tracts with initial minority shares between 29 and -30 percentage points from the MSA-specific candidate tipping point. The solid line on
the figures shows local linear regressions fit to the data on each side of the candidate point, while
the dashed line shows fitted values from a global specification that includes a global 4th-order
polynomial in δ and an intercept shift at δ = 0 (i.e. m=m*). 32 In both the unsmoothed data and
In most cities the potential tipping points are well below 30%, so not all cities are represented at points on
the smoothed representations, and using either method for choosing candidate points, we find
clear evidence of a discontinuity, with a magnitude around 15 – 20 percentage points.
The middle and lower panels of Figure 6 repeat this for the 1980-1990 and 1990-2000
periods. In each decade tracts with initial minority shares below the potential tipping point
exhibit faster growth in their white population shares than the average for their cities. By
contrast, tracts with initial minority shares above the potential tipping point exhibit substantial
relative declines in the white share. The discontinuities at zero, while clearly evident in 1970,
are somewhat harder to see in the later decades: The trends are relatively stable on both the left
and the right, but slope toward each other in the vicinity of zero. The latter feature means that
our most flexible estimator, the local linear smoother, can fail to find a discontinuity at m=m*, as
in the lower left graph. It is important to keep in mind, however, that m* is estimated with some
error. Small errors in the specification of the point of discontinuity, when pooled across many
cities, would produce the patterns seen here. The global smoother is less sensitive to
misspecification of the exact tipping point, and in each panel it shows a discontinuity. Taken
together, the figures suggest that on average growth of the white population share changes
discontinuously at the potential tipping point—by about -20% in the 1970s, -15% in the 1980s
and -10% in the 1990s—as predicted by a tipping model.
Table 3 presents regression versions of the graphical analyses in Figure 6. As elsewhere,
we use only the 1/3 subsample not used for identification of the candidate tipping points in these
regressions. We model f(mt-10-m*) as a pair of quadratic functions, one defined over positive
values (i.e. over tracts with mt-10>m*) and the other over negative values. This approach allows
the left side of the graphs.
the first and second derivatives of f() to vary discontinuously around mt-10 – m* = 0, and
estimates the discontinuity as the difference in intercepts between the two quadratics. 33
Columns 1-2 use the potential tipping points from the “fixed-point” procedure, and columns 3-4
use the potential tipping points from the “time series” approach. In each case we include a full
set of MSA fixed effects to capture differences across cities in white population growth rates,
and we cluster standard errors on the MSA. Columns 2 and 4 add to the specification five tractlevel controls measured in the base year: the unemployment rate, the log of mean family income,
and the (not mutually exclusive) fractions of single-unit, vacant, and renter-occupied housing
The estimates in Table 3 confirm that the growth rate of the white population share is
discontinuous in the initial minority share around the potential tipping points. When we use the
fixed point candidate points, in Column 1, we obtain precisely estimated discontinuities of -19%,
-18%, and -8% for the 1970-1980, 1980-1990, and 1990-2000 periods, respectively. Estimates
that use the “time series” procedure to identify tipping points are comparable. Inclusion of the
control variables shrinks the estimated discontinuities, by about a quarter, though the estimates
are highly significant with or without the controls. We discuss the role of the control variables,
which are potentially intermediate outcomes, below.
Table 4 presents parallel sets of estimates using as dependent variables the change in the
number of non-white residents and the change in the total population, each measured as a share
of the initial tract population. In each decade, tracts just beyond the tipping point saw only small
increases in their non-white populations (relative to the metropolitan area average), and total
The estimates are robust to a variety of alternative specifications of f( ), including the global fourth order
polynomial used in Figure 6.
populations thus shrunk by nearly as much as did white populations. Tipping appears to involve
reduced overall growth as much as it does the traditional expectation that non-white in-movers
replace white leavers.
VII. Robustness Checks
We discuss in this section several alternative analyses that demonstrate the robustness of
the results in Table 3. We begin with several approaches to evaluating bias from omitted
variables that may covary with our tipping indicator, then conclude with estimates that use the
tract fraction black—rather than fraction non-white—as the relevant composition variable.
Because results of all analyses are quite similar when we use the fixed point and the time series
estimates of the tipping points, we focus on the former for much of the remainder of the analysis.
Where convenient, we also report estimates using the time series candidate points; others are
reported in an appendix available from the authors.
a. Means of Other Neighborhood Characteristics around the Tipping Point
In a classic regression discontinuity (RD) design, the precise location of the “running
variable” relative to the potential discontinuity is assumed to be as good as random within some
appropriately narrow bandwidth. This assumption implies that other pre-determined variables
should be continuously distributed around the discontinuity, just as baseline characteristics
should be uncorrelated with treatment status in true random-assignment experiments. Evidence
of discontinuities in these variables is interpreted as an indication that the identifying assumption
fails (Lee, forthcoming).
Although tipping behavior leads to a model for neighborhood dynamics that shares some
features with an RD design, it is important to note that neighborhood composition is a dynamic
process rather than a single “experiment.” In any period, the racial composition and other
characteristics of neighborhoods are endogenous outcomes of interactions in previous periods. It
should thus be expected that a variety of characteristics are discontinuous around the tipping
point in any cross section. To help clarify the expected patterns of neighborhood characteristics
implied by a dynamic tipping model, imagine that residents of all neighborhoods have identical
distributions of some characteristic X with mean μ1. In-movers to neighborhoods below the
tipping point have the same mean, while minority in-movers to neighborhoods that have passed
the tipping point have a lower mean μ2. In this simple case,
mt ≤ m* ,
E[X | mt ] = μ1,
= (1 – (mt - m*)) μ1 + (mt - m*) μ2,
mt ≥ m* .
Note that E[X | mt ] is continuous around the tipping point, but its derivative is discontinuous. In
other words, if we assume that the post-tipping in-movers are different from the people who
would live in a neighborhood prior to tipping, then we should expect a “kink” in the relationship
between the mean of X and the minority share, with the kink point at the tipping point.
Indeed, there are trend breaks in a variety of baseline characteristics around the potential
tipping points. Tracts beyond the tipping point have lower family incomes and homeownership
rates, and higher rates of poverty and unemployment, than would be expected from the trend to
the left of m*. They are also closer to the nearest “minority” tract, defined as one with m ≥ m* +
10%. This suggests the possibility that the discontinuities estimated in Table 3 reflect the
influence of omitted tract characteristics that themselves vary discontinuously around m*. To
examine this, Table 5 presents models for the 1990-2000 growth in the white population share
that include controls for 4th-order polynomials in several tract characteristics. The earlier results
are entirely robust to the inclusion of flexible controls for the poverty rate, for mean family
income, for the unemployment rate, and for the renter share. When we control for the distance to
the nearest minority tract, however, the coefficient on the tract racial composition falls by a third
(time series) to a half (fixed point), suggesting that some portion of the earlier tipping results
reflected differential proximity to historically minority areas. Even when we control flexibly for
this proximity, however, the tipping estimate is large and significant.
b. Neighboring Tracts
Our second approach to controlling for potential omitted variables bias in our main
specification takes advantage of the fact that many potential omitted variables—including, of
course, distance to minority population centers—are likely to be smoothly distributed across
space. If so, tracts located near each other will tend to have similar values of these variables, and
comparisons between neighboring tracts will be relatively free of bias. As described in Section
IV, we group each tract with up to five neighboring tracts, and augment the specifications in
Table 3 with group averages of the minority share polynomial and tipping point indicator. In
this specification, the coefficient on the individual tract tipping indicator amounts to a withingroup estimator of the tipping discontinuity. Table 6 summarizes the results of this exercise.
Although inclusion of the neighborhood minority share variables somewhat reduces the
magnitude of the “own-tipping” coefficients, they remain large and statistically significant. Over
the 1980s, for example, when neighbors’ minority shares are held constant, moving a tract
beyond the tipping point causes it to lose 14.3 (= 12.3 + 12.2/6, from column 3) percentage
points in white share. The group average of the tipping indicator also has a strong negative
effect: In the same specification, a tract with all 5 neighboring tracts beyond the tipping point
loses 10.1 (=12.2 * 5/6) percentage points in white share relative to one with the same initial
minority share but no neighboring tracts beyond the tipping point. This result is consistent with
a simple measurement story in which the relevant neighborhood for a given household is some
average of the immediately surrounding tract, and other nearby tracts, but not with one in which
our earlier results are entirely due to an association between a tract’s minority share and some
omitted variable that is common across nearby tracts (including, for example, proximity to a
“minority” neighborhood).
c. Is There Tipping in the Poverty Rate?
In order to determine whether there is evidence of “tipping patterns” in other tract
characteristics, we performed a parallel analysis using the poverty rate in t-10 as the “running”
variable. We augment the models in Table 3 with controls for polynomials in the initial poverty
rate relative to the potential tipping point in that variable and an indicator for whether the tract’s
poverty rate exceeds the tipping point (estimated from the same subsample that was used to
estimate the minority share points).
Table 7 reports the results of this exercise. Inclusion of a potential tipping point in the
poverty rate does not diminish the estimated discontinuity around the minority share tipping
point. However, there also appears to be tipping in the poverty rate, albeit to a lesser degree.
For example, in the 1980s, we estimate that passing a threshold poverty level is associated with a
-9.5 (column 5) percentage point change in the white share, easily distinguishable from zero,
while passing the minority share tipping point is associated with a -17.1 percentage point change.
There is thus intriguing evidence of tipping in non-race characteristics. There is no indication,
however, that our results derive from specifications that privilege race over other neighborhood
d. Alternative Measures of Racial Composition
We have assumed thus far that tipping depends on the share non-white in the Census
tract. This contrasts with much of the sociological literature—much of which pre-dates the
recent wave of Hispanic and Asian immigration—which focuses on the fraction black. As a
final specification test, we estimate parallel versions of our tipping models that use alternative
measures of the neighborhood racial composition. We consider both the fraction black and the
fraction black or Hispanic in the tract. In each case, we compute new potential tipping points for
each MSA, then re-estimate our regression discontinuity model—retaining the change in the
non-Hispanic white population share as the dependent variable—using these new points. 34
Table 8 presents the results of analyses using these points. When we consider the various
potential tipping points separately, we find significant evidence of tipping around each.
Columns 4, 8, and 12 present analyses that allow for all three tipping points simultaneously,
along with paired quadratics in the deviation of each measure from its potential tipping point.
Every specification shows evidence of tipping, although the pattern of results does not offer clear
In the fraction black analysis, the 1990-2000 potential tipping points correlate only 0.27 with those from
our main specification, though this rises to 0.67 when we exclude cities—primarily in the Southwest—where blacks
are less than half of the non-white population and to 0.82 when we use all tracts in the city to compute the tipping
points. Potential tipping points for the combined black and Hispanic share are more highly correlated (0.84) with
our original minority share points.
guidance about which racial composition measure is most relevant.
VIII. Housing Markets
The above analyses have demonstrated substantial “white flight” from neighborhoods
with minority share in excess of city-specific tipping points. White exodus is not offset by
growth in the minority population of the tract, so the total population grows less quickly than the
MSA average in tracts beyond the tipping point. In this section, we examine the housing market
correlates of tipping. Building on the model in Section III, we focus on home prices and on new
construction, both of which are measured in our Census data. Our model suggested that the
implications for each depend on whether tracts to the left of the tipping point will inevitably
cross it as their housing stocks age, or whether new construction and replacement of older homes
can keep a tract’s minority share below the tipping point.
Table 9 presents a pooled analysis of housing construction during the 1960s, 1970s,
1980s, and 1990s as a function of a tract’s distance in 1970 from its city’s 1970-1980 tipping
point (first row) or its distance in 1990 from the city’s 1990-2000 tipping point (second row).
We measure construction in each decade as the number of housing units built during that decade
divided by the total number of units in the tract at the end of the decade. That is, the 1970 series
depicts the share of 1970 homes built between 1960 and 1970. 35
The first row indicates that tracts just to the right of the 1970 tipping point had slower
growth rates in every succeeding decade in our sample than did those just to the left of that point.
Interestingly, they also had slower rates of growth in the 1960s, though of course this could
We have also examined housing de-accession, measured, e.g., as the change between 1990 and 2000 in
the number of housing units built before 1990. We found no evidence of tipping effects on de-accession, nor on
vacancy rates.
simply indicate that they have been to the right of the tipping point for several years by the time
we observe them in 1970. The second row, focusing on the 1990 tipping points, allows us to
examine construction in the years before tipping. Tracts that were in 1990 to the right of the
tipping point had significantly lower rates of housing construction in both the 1990s and the
1980s than did those to the left of the 1990 tipping point. There is also suggestive, though
insignificant, evidence of discontinuities even earlier: The point estimate for construction during
the 1970s (column 2) is nearly as large as that for the 1980s, and even the 1960s estimate is
negative and reasonably large. Such anticipatory effects could be consistent with a model in
which developers are hesitant to invest in neighborhoods that they expect will tip in the future
but are more enthusiastic about otherwise similar neighborhoods where tipping is not expected,
and in which sufficiently rapid construction can forestall tipping.
Table 10 presents similar analyses of log mean values of owner-occupied homes in 1970,
1980, 1990, and 2000 as a function of a tract’s distance from the 1970-1980 or the 1990-2000
tipping point. The final three columns show estimates for changes in log mean housing values.
The results are again entirely consistent with the model of fully-anticipated tipping developed in
Section III. 1970 tracts that were beyond the 1970 tipping point had substantially (8.2%) lower
values in that year than did those just to the left of the tipping point. This gap grew slightly over
the next decade, but closed somewhat thereafter. In the second row, price effects are smaller,
perhaps reflecting the diminished degree of tipping in 1990 relative to 1970, and few are
significant. Nevertheless, the point estimate indicates that the change in values between 1970
and 1990 was lower for tracts to the right of the 1990 tipping point by 2.5% (nearly significant),
and this effect arrives primarily between 1970 and 1980. There is no further decline in prices
after 1990.
IX. Schools
Thus far, we have focused on residential tipping, and the evidence has been clear that the
racial composition of a neighborhood plays an important, discontinuous role in determining
white population growth. One plausible determinant of white preferences over neighborhood
composition is that most schools draw from the neighborhood population, so concerns about
race-driven peer effects in educational production might lead whites to prefer neighborhoods
with lower minority shares. In this section, we use the Common Core of Data, an annual census
of public schools with information on school racial composition since the 1987-88 school year,
to analyze tipping points in elementary school composition. Though there are many fewer
schools than census tracts, an important advantage of the school-level analysis is that the school
is a natural unit over which parents’ concerns about student composition may extend, while
census tracts may or may not correspond with subjective “neighborhoods.”
We restrict attention to 81 metropolitan areas with at least 100 elementary schools. We
again use our split sample approach, and focus on fixed-point candidate tipping points (though
candidates estimated via the time series approach yield similar estimates). Table 11 reports the
results of our analysis. When we control for a fourth order polynomial in initial enrollment share
relative to the potential tipping point, the discontinuity is estimated as -5.3. This falls somewhat
when we instead control for separate quadratics on either side of the tipping point and again
when we control for the fraction of students in the school that receive free lunches (Column 3).
Columns 4-6 present analogous models for the school’s total enrollment, and again show small
but significant discontinuities.
One reason for the smaller effects in schools than in neighborhoods may be that, unlike
neighborhoods, schools may be affected by intentional court- or district-managed desegregation
plans (e.g. busing, rezoning, etc.) that serve to minimize tipping. 36 Another potential
explanation is that neighborhoods are in fact the unit over which families sort; if so, we would
expect to see somewhat smaller discontinuities when using the school sample as schools
encompass broader geographic areas than tracts and may therefore be worse approximations to
VI. Attitudes of Whites and the Location of the Tipping Point
We have argued that a discontinuous relationship between the initial minority share in a
Census tract or school and the subsequent change in the white population share provides
evidence of a tipping point, driven by strategic interactions between the choices of white
families. To provide more direct evidence on the link between tipping and white families’
preferences, we use information on the racial attitudes of white residents in different cities from
the General Social Survey (GSS). 37 Simple theoretical models imply that the tipping point will
shift to the right if whites are more tolerant of integrated neighborhoods. We therefore test
whether our estimated city-specific tipping points are higher in cities with more racially tolerant
whites, controlling for other characteristics of the city.
The annual GSS samples are small, and the survey instrument changes substantially from
In future work, we hope to exploit changes in regulatory regimes coming from court rulings that release
districts from desegregation orders (Lutz, 2005) to investigate the role of desegregation efforts in school-level
Cutler, Glaeser, and Vigdor (1999) use the GSS data to examine the relationship between white attitudes
and residential segregation.
year to year. To develop a reasonably reliable index of white attitudes, we pooled GSS data
from 1975 to 1998 and selected white respondents who could be matched to MSAs. 38 We used
four questions that have been asked relatively frequently and that elicit direct information on
preferences regarding contact between races:
I: Do you think there should be laws against marriages between blacks and whites?
II: In general, do you favor or oppose the busing of black and white school children from
one school district to another?
III: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement: “White people have a
right to keep blacks out of their neighborhoods if they want to, and blacks should
respect that right”?
IV: Suppose there is a community wide vote on the general housing issue. Which (of the
following two) laws would you vote for:
A. One law says that a homeowner can decide for himself whom to sell his house to,
even if he prefers not to sell to blacks.
B. The second law says that a homeowner cannot refuse to sell to someone because
of their race or color.
To form an index of racial attitudes, we estimated linear regressions for each question of the
binary responses on year dummies, MSA dummies, and a set of controls for the characteristics of
the respondent (age, gender, and education). We then standardized the estimated MSA effects to
have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. As reported in Appendix Table 2, the MSA effects are
reasonably highly correlated across questions. Our racial attitudes index is the average of the
standardized MSA effects from the four questions. 39 This index has standard deviation 0.72.
We were able to construct a value of the index for 70 cities in our tipping sample, with an
average of approximately 177 GSS responses to question I and 105 responses per question on
The GSS uses a geographically stratified sample, with changes in the sampling frame in 1983 and 1993.
The mapping from Primary Sampling Units to MSAs is necessarily approximate; in many cases only a subset of an
MSA is in the GSS sample. Because PMSAs are inconsistently identified in the GSS codings, we assign all GSS
respondents to the CMSA and use a single CMSA-level value of the racism index for all of the constituent PMSAs.
Our analyses with the GSS are clustered on the CMSA.
We also explored using the principal component of the four sets of MSA effects. This put approximately
equal weight on each factor.
questions II-IV. City-specific values of the index are reported in Appendix Table 3. The cities
in our sample with the highest values of the index (indicating more strongly held views against
racial contact) are Memphis (value=1.44), Birmingham (1.31), and Knoxville (1.28). The cities
with lowest values of the index are San Diego (-1.06), Rochester (-1.05), and Tucson (-0.95)
Table 12 reports a series of models that take as the dependent variable the average of our
estimated tipping points in 1970-80, 1980-90, and 1990-2000. For reference, the first column
shows the mean and standard deviation of each of the independent variables. Our first
specification includes only the attitudes index. The second adds controls for the fractions of
blacks and Hispanics in the city. These have coefficients around 0.4 – 0.5, suggesting that
tipping points are much higher (but not proportionately so) in cities with higher minority shares.
The coefficient on the attitudes index is negative, but small and insignificant. Column 3 adds
region controls, identifying the attitudes effect solely from contrasts between cities in the same
geographic region. This produces a more negative and more precise significant coefficient on
the attitudes index. Column 4 adds the log mean incomes of blacks, Hispanics, and whites in the
city. Higher white incomes are associated with lower tipping points, and higher black and
Hispanic incomes with lower tipping points. The inclusion of income controls considerably
strengthens the attitude effect.
Given the small set of cities for which the attitudes index is available, we explore
additional control variables in several sets. Measures of the growth rate of the city and of the
minority share between 1980 and 2000 (Column 5) have no relationship with tipping, nor do two
“structural” characteristics of the local school system (Column 6) that may influence residential
location decisions: the fraction of 5-12 year olds in private school and a Herfindahl index
measuring the concentration of students across school districts (Hoxby 2000; Rothstein,
forthcoming). Column 7 controls for the city size (in 1990), density, and housing construction
between 1980 and 1990. None of the additional variables has significant explanatory power for
the tipping point, and none impacts the attitudes index coefficient. Finally, we consider an index
of the severity of riots in the city, as developed by Collins and Margo (2004), which might be
expected to predict white concerns about the stability of integrated neighborhoods. When
included in our basic specification (Column 8), this has the expected negative effect, nearly
significant, on the location of the tipping point. Its inclusion has no effect on the attitudes index,
however. Column 9 presents a final specification that excludes the attitudes index, permitting
use of a larger sample of cities. Coefficients are generally similar, though the riots index
coefficient is notably smaller.
To understand the magnitude of the coefficients on the white attitudes index in columns
1-8, consider the difference between a city in which whites have strong views against inter-racial
contact (e.g. Memphis) and one where whites are relatively tolerant (e.g., San Diego). The
difference in the attitudes index between these cities is 2.5. Multiplying this by a coefficient of 4 implies that the tipping point is shifted to the right by about 10 percentage points in San Diego
relative to Memphis. Compared to a mean tipping point (averaged over three decades) of 12.7%
and a standard deviation of 7.1%, this is a large effect. Assuming the same -4 coefficient, a
standard deviation change in the value of the attitudes index implies a 2.4 percentage point rise
in the tipping point, or a 0.34 “effect size.”
VII. Conclusion
One longstanding explanation for the prevalence and persistence of racial segregation in
is that white families are unwilling to live in neighborhoods, or send their children to schools,
with large minority shares. Schelling (1971) demonstrated that these sorts of preferences could
give rise to “tipping points,” such that neighborhoods whose minority shares exceed these points
experience sharp declines in their white populations. Modern regression discontinuity
techniques are well suited for estimation of tipping behavior. Applying them, we find strong
evidence for well-defined tipping points for both neighborhoods and schools. Although the
extent of tipping declined between the 1970s and 1990s, it remains statistically and practically
This is, to our knowledge, the first direct evidence of the highly nonlinear responses that
are the focus of much theoretical work on social interactions. Our analysis confirms that phase
transitions are an important feature of the dynamics of neighborhood change. These complex
dynamics are unlikely to arise in the absence of social interactions, so they suggest that location
decisions are made at least in part on the basis of preferences over the (endogenous) composition
of neighborhoods.
Several alternative specifications indicate that tipping behavior reflects the influence of
neighborhood racial composition per se rather than that of other neighborhood characteristics.
The location of the city-specific tipping point is moreover robustly correlated with survey-based
estimates of white attitudes about integration, reinforcing the inference that tipping reflects white
families’ preferences over the racial composition of their neighbors. 40 Finally, an analysis of
It is important to mention an alternative potential explanation, however. Lower tipping points mean that
white families in the MSA have less exposure to minority neighbors. If unfamiliarity breeds contempt, it may be that
causation runs from the tipping point to attitudes rather than the reverse. Given the small changes in tipping points
over time and our limited ability to measure changes in a city’s attitudes index, we are unable to test this alternative.
home values offers suggestive evidence that tipping is anticipated and capitalized a decade or
more before it actually occurs.
Data Appendix
The sample that is used to identify the candidate tipping points for neighborhoods is from
the Urban Institute’s Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB). We assign each tract to the 1999
MSA in which it lies. We exclude tracts where the population growth rate exceeds five standard
deviations from the MSA mean growth rate, tracts with fewer than 200 residents in the base year,
and tracts where the ten-year growth in the white population exceeds 500% of the base-year total
population. We focus on MSAs for which we still have 100 matched tracts after these
exclusions. We then divide the sample in each city into two random subsamples, one containing
2/3 of the tracts and the other containing 1/3.
We define the white population as the number of non-Hispanic whites, and minorities as
all other residents. Because the 1970 data do not separately identify white Hispanics and nonHispanics, we impute the number of white/non-Hispanics in each tract using information on the
share of black, white and Hispanic household heads. Specifically, we use 1980 data to estimate
a regression of white/non-Hispanic share in a tract on the black share, white share, and Hispanic
share. The R-squared of this regression is 0.99. Using the coefficient estimates from this
regression and 1970 data on the tract’s white share, black share, and Hispanic share in 1970, we
predict the 1970 non-Hispanic white share, censoring predicted values at 0 and 1. When we
compute changes in the non-Hispanic white population between 1970 and 1980, we use fitted
values in both years. We use a similar imputation procedure to identify the number of nonHispanic blacks in each tract in 1970 for our analysis of alternative tipping points in Table 8.
We use the procedures identified in the text to identify candidate tipping points in the 2/3
subsample. The “time series” procedure always identifies a point, while the “fixed point”
procedure fails to find a candidate point in a few cities where a polynomial fit to E[Δ(Wt/Pt) |
mt-j] never equals E[ Δ(Wt/Pt)] at any mt-j value below 50%. Once candidate tipping points are
identified, we use the 1/3 sample for all further analyses.
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Change in white population, 1970-1980
Figure 1. Neighborhood change in Chicago, 1970-1980
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Percent minority in tract in 1970
Notes: Dots show mean of the change in the tract-level white population between 1970 and 1980 as a share
of the total tract population in 1970, grouping tracts into cells of width 1% by the 1970 minority share. The
horizontal line depicts the unconditional mean. Fitted series is a local linear regression fit to the underlying
data, using an Epanechnikov kernel and a bandwidth of 3.5 and allowing for a discontinuity at 5.7%. This
point is chosen using a search procedure and a 2/3 sample of Chicago tracts. Only the remaining 1/3
subsample is used for the series depicted here. See text for details.
Figure 2. A Tipping Point in the Schelling Model
45 degree
Figure 3: Three equilibria in the Bond & Coulson tipping model
Figure 4: Neighborhood change and tipping points in several illustrative cities
Indianapolis, IN MSA , 1970-1980
-40 -20
-40 -20 0
20 40 60
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA PMSA, 1970-1980
Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon, NJ PMSA, 1980-1990
-40 -20 0 20 40 60
Portland-Vancouver, OR-WA PMSA, 1970-1980
Nashville, TN MSA, 1990-2000
100 150
San Antonio, TX MSA, 1980-1990
-40 -30 -20 -10 0
Pittsburgh, PA MSA, 1980-1990
Toledo, OH MSA, 1990-2000
Note: See notes to Figure 1.
t statistic
Figure 5: City-by-city tests (t statistics) for a discontinuity at the estimated tipping
# of tracts
Notes: X axis is the size of the 1/3 subsample of tracts in the city used for testing. Y axis is the t statistic
on the intercept shift at the estimated tipping point, computed from city-specific regressions without
additional controls. The “fixed point” method candidate tipping points are used. Dashed line is the OLS fit
of the t statistic on the square root of the size of the subsample.
Figure 6: Neighborhood change in a pooled sample of metropolitan tracts, by
relationship to candidate tipping point
1970-1980 -- Time series method
-30 -20 -10
-30 -20 -10 0
10 20 30
1970-1980 -- Fixed point method
1980-1990 -- Time series method
-30 -20 -10
-30 -20 -10
1980-1990 -- Fixed point method
1990-2000 -- Time series method
-30 -20 -10
-30 -20 -10
1990-2000 -- Fixed point method
Notes: X axis is minority share in tract minus the estimated tipping point in the city. Y axis is the change
in the white population over 10 years, expressed as a share of the total base year population and deviated
from the mean of this in the city. Dots depict averages in 1-percentage-point bins. Solid line is a local
linear regression fit separately on either side of zero. Dashed line is a global 4th order polynomial with an
intercept shift at zero.
Table 1. Summary statistics for metropolitan census tracts
0-5% minority in base year:
# of tracts (in MSAs, in sample)
Mean family income (nominal)
Unemployment rate
% single family homes
Growth in total population
Growth in white population
5-20% minority:
# of tracts (in MSAs, in sample)
Mean family income
Unemployment rate
% single family homes
Growth in total population
Growth in white population
20-70% minority:
# of tracts (in MSAs, in sample)
Mean family income
Unemployment rate
% single family homes
Growth in total population
Growth in white population
70-100% minority:
# of tracts (in MSAs, in sample)
Mean family income
Unemployment rate
% single family homes
Growth in total population
Growth in white population
# of tracts (nationwide)
# of tracts (MSAs as defined in 1999)
# of tracts in sample for 10-year comparisons
# of MSAs in sample
Mean % minority
Mean family income (nominal)
Unemployment rate
% single family homes
Growth in total population, t to t+10 (%)
Growth in white population (as % of base year
population), t to t+10
Table 2: Overview of candidate tipping points
# of MSAs without
identified points
1970-1980, fixed point
1970-1980, time series
1980-1990, fixed point
1980-1990, time series
1990-2000, fixed point
1990-2000, time series
Fixed point
1970 – 1980
Time series
1980 – 1990
1990 – 2000
Note: Tipping points describe the minority share in the census tract, measured in percentage points. Summary
statistics are unweighted. All candidate points are estimated using a 2/3 subsample of the original data.
Table 3. Basic regression discontinuity models for the change in white share around the
candidate tipping point
Fixed point
1970 – 1980
Beyond candidate tipping point (Yes = 1)
Two quadratics in deviation from candidate
tipping point (one on each side)
Baseline demographic / housing
characteristic controls
1980 – 1990
Beyond candidate tipping point (Yes = 1)
1990 – 2000
Beyond candidate tipping point (Yes = 1)
Time series
Notes: Dependent variable is the change in white population in the tract over 10 years, expressed as a percentage (0
– 100) of the base-year total tract population. Demographic and housing characteristic controls are the base-year
unemployment rate, log(mean family income), housing vacancy rate, renter share, and fraction of homes in singleunit buildings. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, and standard errors are clustered on the MSA.
Candidate tipping points are computed from 2/3 subsamples of the tracts in each MSA, and the remaining 1/3
subsample is used for estimation of the specifications presented here.
Table 4: Basic regression discontinuity models for the change in minority and total
population around the candidate tipping point
Change in Minority
1970 – 1980
Beyond candidate tipping point
1980 – 1990
Beyond candidate tipping point
1990 – 2000
Beyond candidate tipping point
Change in Total
Notes: Dependent variable in columns 1-2 is the change in the non-white population in the tract over 10 years,
expressed as a percentage (0 – 100) of the base-year total tract population. In columns 3-4, dependent variable is the
percentage change in the total tract population over 10 years. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, a pair of
quadratics in the deviation from the candidate tipping point, and the demographic/housing characteristics listed in
the notes to Table 3. Standard errors are clustered on the MSA.
Table 5. Sensitivity of 1990-2000 regression discontinuity results to additional baseline
Fixed point
Time series
Two quadratics in deviation
from candidate tipping point
(one on each side)
Baseline demographic /
housing characteristic controls
4th order polynomial in:
Poverty rate
log(mean family income)
Unemployment rate
Renter share
Distance to nearest
"minority" tract
Notes: See notes to table 3.
Table 6: Models with average minority share in neighboring tracts
Beyond potential tipping point
for minority share
Fraction of neighbor group
beyond the potential tipping point
Notes: The “neighbor group” is the tract itself plus the five closest tracts within four miles, measuring distances
from tract centroids. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, a fourth-order polynomial in the tract’s deviation
from the estimated tipping point, and the average across the neighboring group of this fourth order polynomial.
Standard errors are clustered on the MSA.
Table 7: Tipping in racial composition and poverty rate
Beyond potential tipping point
for minority share
Beyond potential tipping point
for poverty
Global 4-th order polynomials
in deviations from tipping
Quadratics in deviations from
tipping points (one on each
side of each tipping point)
Fixed point
Time series
-17.8 -17.1 -17.7 -18.2
(2.9) (3.1) (3.8) (3.9)
-13.6 -15.9
(2.9) (3.1) (4.6) (5.1)
Fixed point
Time series
-17.1 -15.4 -17.2 -17.1
(3.2) (3.3) (4.8) (5.1)
-15.8 -18.1
(1.6) (1.8) (2.5) (2.9)
Fixed point
Time series
Notes: Dependent variable is the change in the white population in a single tract, expressed as a percentage (0 – 100) of the base-year
total tract population. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, and standard errors are clustered on the MSA.
Table 8: Tipping in minority share, black share, and black/Hispanic share
Beyond minority share tipping
Beyond black share tipping
Beyond black/Hispanic share
tipping point
Two quadratics in minority
share deviation from tipping
Two quadratics in black share
deviation from tipping point
Two quadratics in black/Hisp
share dev. from tipping point
Tract chars from Table 3,
column 3
(10) (11)
Note: Non-Hispanic blacks are not separately identified in 1970 data, so must be imputed. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, and standard errors are
clustered on the MSA.
Table 9: Regression discontinuity models for new housing unit construction before and
after tipping
Beyond tipping point in 1970
Beyond tipping point in 1990
Percentage of homes less than 10 years old in
Note: The “fixed point” method is used to find the candidate tipping points. Specifications using the “time series”
method are in the Appendix. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, a quadratic in the minority share minus
the tipping point (in 1970 in the first row and in 1990 in the second row), and the interaction of this quadratic with
the “beyond tipping point” indicator. Standard errors are clustered on the MSA.
Table 10: Regression discontinuity models for housing prices before and after tipping
Beyond tipping
point in 1970
Log(mean value)*100
Change in log(mean value)*100
1970-80 1980-2000 1970-2000
Beyond tipping
point in 1990
Log(mean value)*100
Change in log(mean value)*100
1970-90 1990-2000 1970-2000
Note: The “fixed point” method is used to find the candidate tipping points. Specifications using the “time series”
method are in the Appendix. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, a quadratic in the minority share minus
the tipping point (in 1970 in the first row and in 1990 in the second row), and the interaction of this quadratic with
the “beyond tipping point” indicator. Standard errors are clustered on the MSA.
Table 11. School-level tipping between 1990 and 2000
Beyond tipping point (1=yes)
4th order polynomial in
deviation from fixed point
Two quadratics in deviation
from fixed point
Fraction free lunch
Change in white
enrollment, 1990-2000
Change in total
enrollment, 1990-2000
Note: The “fixed point” method is used to find the candidate tipping points. Specifications using the “time series”
method are in the Appendix. All specifications include MSA fixed effects, and standard errors are clustered on the
MSA. Free lunch variable is unavailable for most schools in 1990. 1995 or 2000 values are assigned when the 1990
value is missing.
Table 12. Relation of residential tipping points with attitudes
Dependent variable is the average of the 1970-1980, 1980-1990 and 1990-2000 tipping points (in
percentage points)
Race attitudes index
-0.5 -1.2 -2.7 -3.7 -3.9 -3.8 -4.1 -4.1
[0.6] (1.8) (1.6) (1.2) (1.5) (1.5) (1.6) (1.6) (1.5)
% Black
(0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.2) (0.1) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1)
% Hispanic
(0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1)
Log(per capita
-14.9 -16.0 -12.2 -8.7 -11.3 -7.0
income), whites
(5.2) (6.5) (6.7) (5.2) (5.2) (5.9)
Log(per capita
income), blacks
(7.0) (7.9) (7.6) (4.4) (8.0) (5.6)
Log(per capita
13.1 12.3 13.6 15.4 14.3
income), Hispanics
(4.7) (5.1) (5.0) (4.4) (4.6) (3.8)
Population growth
rate (1980-2000)
Change in % black,
Change in % Hisp.
% 5-12 year olds in
private school
Herfindahl index
(school districts)
Population density
% 1990 houses built
in the 1980’s
Log(1990 MSA
-1.5 -0.8 -0.8
(0.9) (1.0) (0.9)
Cumulative riots
-10.1 -8.5
(5.4) (6.4)
Region dummies (4)
0.00 0.39 0.61 0.68 0.70 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.67
Notes: N=70 in columns (1)-(8) and N=98 in column (9). Unless otherwise noted, explanatory variables are
measured at the MSA/PMSA level in 1990. The racism index is derived from responses to the General Social
Survey, and pools data for the entire CMSA over all available GSS years; see text for details. Standard errors are
clustered at the MSA/CMSA level.
Appendix Table 1. Correlations of MSA effects on responses to GSS questions
about racial attitudes
Correlations of MSA effects on
Note: Questions are:
I: Do you think there should be laws against marriages between blacks and whites?
Coded as “Yes”=1, “No”=0, “Don’t know”=missing.
II: In general, do you favor or oppose the busing of black and white school children from one school
district to another?
“Oppose”=1, “Favor”=0.
III. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement: “White people have a right to keep blacks
out of their neighborhoods if they want to, and blacks should respect that right”? (1 = “agree strongly” or
“agree slightly”)
“Agree strongly” and “agree slightly” = 1, “disagree strongly and “disagree slightly” = 0.
IV. Suppose there is a community wide vote on the general housing issue. Which (of the following two)
laws would you vote for:
A. One law says that a homeowner can decide for himself whom to sell his house to, even if he prefers
not to sell to blacks.
B. The second law says that a homeowner cannot refuse to sell to someone because of their race or
A = 1, B=0.
Appendix Table 2. City values of the racism index
San Diego, CA
Rochester, NY
Tucson, AZ
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA
Boston-Worcester-Lawrence, MA-NHME-CT
Minneapolis-St., Paul, MN-WI
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ
Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland, MI
Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV
Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA
Portland-Vancouver, OR-WA
Des Moines, IA
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA
Denver, CO
Tacoma, WA
Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City,
Sacramento, CA
Saginaw-Bay City-Midland, MI
Providence-Fall River-Warwick, RI-MA
Fresno, CA
Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County,
Syracuse, NY
New York-Northern New Jersey-Long
Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA
Fort Wayne, IN
Harrisburg-Lebanon-Carlisle, PA
Cleveland-Lorain-Elyria, OH
Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News,
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI
Houston, TX
Austin-San Marcos, TX
Lansing-East Lansing, MI
Richmond-Petersburg, VA
Columbus, OH
Fort Myers-Cape Coral, FL
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN
Fort Lauderdale, FL
St. Louis, MO-IL
Baltimore, MD
Pittsburgh, PA
Kansas City, MO-KS
Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, IL-IN-WI
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY
Dayton-Springfield, OH
Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, MI
Indianapolis, IN
Atlanta, GA
Oklahoma City, OK
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL
West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, FL
Jackson, MS
Charleston-North Charleston, SC
Nashville, TN
Jacksonville, FL
Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC
New Orleans, LA
Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol, TNVA
Knoxville, TN
Birmingham, AL
Memphis, TN-AR-MS