Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms Vasiliki Skretay UCLA October 2005 Abstract This paper establishes that posting a price in each period is a revenue maximizing allocation mechanism in a …nite period model without commitment. A risk neutral seller has one object to sell and faces a risk neutral buyer whose valuation is private information and drawn from an arbitrary bounded subset of the real line. The seller has all the bargaining power; she designs a mechanism to sell the object at t, but if trade does not occur at t; she can propose another mechanism at t+1: We show that posting a price in each period is an optimal mechanism. A methodological contribution of the paper is to develop a procedure to characterize optimal dynamic incentive schemes under noncommitment that is valid irrespective of the structure of the agent’s type. Keywords: mechanism design, non-commitment, bargaining under incomplete information, optimal auctions, durable good monopoly. JEL Classi…cation Codes: C72, D44, D82. This work is based on Chapter 1 of my doctoral thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. I am indebted to Masaki Aoyagi and Phil Reny for superb supervision, guidance and support. I am grateful to an editor of this journal and to two anonymous referees, whose comments signi…cantly improved the paper. Special thanks to Kim-Sau Chung and Radu Saghin. I would like to thank Andrew Atkeson, David Levine, Ellen McGrattan and especially John Riley for very helpful comments. I had very helpful discussions with Marco Bassetto, Andreas Blume, Roberto Burguet, Hal Cole, Dean Corbae, Jacques Cremer, Jim Dana, Peter Eso, Philippe Jehiel, Patrick Kehoe, Erzo Luttmer, Mark Satterthwaite, Kathy Spier, Dimitri Vayanos, Asher Wolinsky and Charles Zheng. I would also like to thank the Department of Management and Strategy, KGSM, Northwestern University for its warm hospitality, the Andrew Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and the TMR Network Contract ERBFMRXCT980203 for …nancial support. A signi…cant amount of this work was performed while I was at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. All remaining errors are my own. y Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles; Box 951477, Los Angeles, CA 900951477, USA. 1 1. Introduction This paper establishes that posting a price in each period is a revenue maximizing allocation mechanism in a …nite horizon model, where the seller behaves sequentially rationally, and faces one buyer whose valuation is private information. It also develops a methodology to derive optimal mechanisms without commitment in asymmetric information environments that allows for the agent’s type to be a continuum or …nite or any bounded measurable subset of the real line. Our characterization extends the literature on optimal negotiation/selling mechanisms by requiring the seller to behave sequentially rationally, and it provides a foundation for take-it-or-leave-it o¤ers in the bargaining and in the durable goods monopoly literatures. Riley and Zeckhauser (1983) provide a characterization of an optimal selling procedure under commitment when the seller faces one buyer whose valuation is private information, and show that at the optimum the seller posts a price. Commitment requires that the seller will never propose another mechanism in the future, even in the event that the mechanism she initially chose failed to realize any of the existing gains of trade.1 Without commitment the seller can choose optimally another mechanism at t+1 if trade did not occur up to t: Sequential rationality implies that if it is common knowledge that gains of trade exist, parties cannot credibly commit to stop negotiating at a point where no agreement is reached. This is an old idea in economics and it dates at least back to Coase (1972), who conjectured that a monopolist of a durable good, who lacks commitment looses all her monopoly pro…ts. In the durable good monopoly literature,2 the seller behaves sequentially rationally, but her strategy is restricted to be a sequence of posted prices.3 The same is true in the bargaining under incomplete information literature,4 where the proposer makes deterministic o¤ers at each round.5 Often the right to make o¤ers is assigned to one of the negotiating parties. Suppose that the uninformed one makes the o¤ers. Would it be bene…cial for her instead of making a take-it-or-leave-it o¤er at each round, to employ more sophisticated bargaining procedures? Would that possibility allow her to learn the other party’s private information faster? What is the optimal negotiating process from the uninformed party’s point of view? The aim of this paper is to answer these questions. We show that an optimal allocation mechanism without commitment is to post a price in each period. Our result provides a foundation for posted prices in the durable good 1 Real world examples about the inability of the sellers to commit can be found in McAfee and Vincent (1997). 2 See Stokey (1979), Bulow (1982) and Gul, Sonnenschein and Wilson (1986). 3 McAfee and Vincent (1997) examine a closely related problem, where there are …nitely many buyers. They characterize sequentially optimal auctions under the assumption that the seller’s strategy is a sequence of reservation prices, and the buyers follow a stationary strategy. 4 See, for instance, Sobel and Takahashi (1983) and Fudenberg, Levine and Tirole (1985). 5 Bargainers do commit to the protocol within each negotiation round. “Non-commitment” means that bargainers do not stop negotiating if they know that gains of trade exist. 2 monopoly literature,6 and for take-it-or-leave-it o¤ers in the bargaining literature, since it establishes that posted prices perform better in terms of expected revenue than all possible alternative institutions. Another contribution of this work is methodological. Without commitment one cannot use the revelation principle in order to …nd an optimal mechanism. Moreover the extended revelation principle for environments with limited commitment by Bester and Strausz (2001) does not apply, because it requires that the type space be …nite. Here we develop a solution method that is based on looking for equilibrium outcomes and is valid irrespective of the structure of the type space; it can be …nite or a continuum, or any measurable bounded subset of the real line.7 This is the …rst paper that provides a complete characterization of optimal mechanisms without commitment, in an asymmetric information environment where the agent’s type can be a continuum. 2. The Environment In this section we describe the formal setup considered in this paper. We describe players and their payo¤s; the timing of the game; we then de…ne mechanisms, assessments, social choice functions, outcomes of the game, what we mean by implementation, and …nally our equilibrium concept. A risk neutral seller owns a unit of an indivisible object. Her valuation for the object is normalized to zero. She faces one risk neutral buyer whose valuation v is private information and is distributed on V according to F . The convex hull of V is the interval [0; 1]:8 Time is discrete and the game lasts T periods, t = 1; :::; T < 1 : Both the seller and the buyer discount the future with the same discount factor, . The seller’s goal is to maximize expected discounted revenue. The buyer aims to maximize surplus. All elements of the game except the realization of the buyer’s valuation are common knowledge. We now describe the timing of the game. Timing At the beginning of period t = 1 nature determines the valuation of the buyer, which remains constant over time. Subsequently the seller proposes a mechanism: The mech6 As shown there, the optimal sequences of prices depends on the length of the horizon and on the discount factor, and it is decreasing overtime. 7 If one wants to depart from the …nite type case, the nature of the problem forces such generality. Even if one starts with a continuum of types, because of the complexity of the strategy spaces the support of the principal’s posterior beliefs at t = 2 can be arbitrarily complicated, (whereas in the case where one starts with a …nite type space, the type space at the beginning of a subsequent period is again …nite). And since the game that starts at t = 2 is isomorphic to the whole game, with the di¤erence that it lasts one period less, we write our model directly for arbitrary type spaces. 8 All the analysis goes through, if the convex hull of V is [a; b]; where -1 < a < b < 1: 3 anism is played and if the buyer obtains the object the game ends, else we move on to period t = 2: At t = 2 the seller proposes a mechanism. The mechanism is played and if the buyer obtains the object the game ends, else we move on to period t = 3: .... At t = T the seller proposes a mechanism. The mechanism is played and the game ends at the end of period T; irrespective of whether trade takes place or not. We continue by de…ning what we mean by the word “mechanism.” Mechanisms A mechanism is a game form. A game form Mt = (St ; gt ) consists of a set of actions St and a mapping gt : St ! [0; 1] R that maps an action st 2 St into outcomes. An outcome of a mechanism is a probability that the buyer obtains the object at period t, rt (st ) 2 [0; 1] and an expected payment zt (st ) 2 R: A pair (rt (st ); zt (st )) is called a contract. The set of all possible mechanisms is denoted by M. The buyer can always choose not to participate in a mechanism, in which case he gets a payo¤ of 0: We include the choice of non-participation in the de…nition of each mechanism, by assuming that there is an option s 2 S such that (r(s); z(s)) = (0; 0): Now we can move on and talk about strategies and assessments. Assessments An assessment consists of a strategy pro…le and a belief system. A strategy pro…le = ( i )i=S;B ; speci…es a strategy for each player. In order to talk about strategies we need some additional notation. Let IS and IB denote the information sets of the seller and the buyer respectively. A strategy for the seller, S ; is a sequence of maps from IS to M. A behavioral strategy of the buyer, B ; consists of a mapping from V IB to a probability distribution over actions, (St ): A belief system, ; maps IS to the set of probability distributions over V: Let F (vjitS ) denote the seller’s beliefs about the buyer’s valuation at information set itS ; t = 1; :::; T: Sometimes when we are referring to a particular information set we simplify the notation by setting F (vjitS ) = Ft (v); t = 1; :::; T .9 For t = 1 we have F (vji1S ) = F (v), that is, the seller has correct prior beliefs. A strategy pro…le and a belief system is an assessment. 9 But the reader should keep in mind that there are many di¤erent histories that lead to no trade up to period t, and for each such history there is in general a di¤erent posterior. 4 Allocation Rules and Payment Rules Given an assessment, (not necessarily an equilibrium), the outcome from the ex-ante point of view is an allocation rule p( ; ) and a payment rule x( ; ): The rule p( ; )(v) is the expected, discounted probability that a v type buyer will obtain the object given the assessment ( ; ); T X t p( ; )(v) = 1ftrade at tg j( ; ); v ; t=1 and x( ; )(v) is the expected, discounted payment that a v type buyer will incur given ( ; ), x( ; )(v) = T X t=1 t 1ftrade at tg fexpected payment at tg j( ; ); v : It is possible that di¤erent strategy pro…les lead to the same allocation and payment rules. It will be useful to de…ne the outcomes of assessments at a continuation game that starts at t when the seller’s information set is iSt . The situation is isomorphic to the game as a whole, with the only di¤erence that the seller’s beliefs are now given by Ft (:jiSt ): Then we can talk about the allocation rule pt;iSt ( ; ) and the payment rule xt;iSt ( ; ) that arise by the assessment ( ; ) at the continuation game that starts at t; when the seller’s information set is iSt : They are the analogs of p( ; ); x( ; ) for the particular continuation game. As before, we will often suppress the notation ( ; ): In order to talk about implementation we de…ne social choice functions. Social Choice Functions In the environment under consideration, a social choice function speci…es for each valuation of the buyer v and each period t; a probability of trade rt (v) 2 [0; 1] and an expected payment zt (v) 2 R: Given a social choice function frt (v); zt (v)gTt=1 we can de…ne the corresponding allocation rule p and payment rule x by p(v) = r1 (v) + (1 r1 (v)) [r2 (v) + (1 r2 (v)) [:::::]] and x(v) = z1 (v) + (1 r1 (v)) [z2 (v) + (1 r2 (v)) [:::::]] : Allocation rules map valuations to expected discounted probabilities of trade and payment rules map valuations to expected discounted payments. The expected payo¤ of the seller and buyer respectively, from the interim point of view, are given by Z Expected Payo¤ of the seller = x(v)dF (v) and V Expected Payo¤ of type v buyer = p(v)v 5 x(v); where the integral in the expression of the seller’s expected payo¤ comes from the fact that the seller does not know the valuation of the buyer. There are many di¤erent social choice functions frt (v); zt (v)gTt=1 that lead to the same p(v) and x(v); and hence to the same payo¤s to the buyer and the seller. All such social choice functions are equivalent for our purposes and hence when we talk about a social choice function we will simply mean their “reduced versions” given by p and x: Now that we have speci…ed what we mean by a social choice function we can talk about implementation. An assessment ( ; ) implements the (reduced) social choice function p and x if for all v 2 V p( ; )(v) = p(v) and x( ; )(v) = x(v). The set of implementable social choice functions depends on the solution concept. In this paper we require assessments to be Perfect Bayesian Equilibria. Solution Concept A Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium, (PBE), is a strategy pro…le, ; and a belief system, ; that satisfy: 1. For all v 2 [0; 1] the buyer’s strategy is a best response at each itb and t; given the seller’s strategy. 2. Given Ft (:jitS ) and the buyer’s strategy, the seller chooses at each itS and t an optimal sequence of mechanisms for the remainder of the game. 3. Ft (:jitS ) is derived from Ft 1 given itS using Bayes’rule whenever possible. A P BE requires strategies to dictate optimal behavior at each information set. The nature the buyer’s and the seller’s information sets depends on what they observe during play. The buyer observes the mechanism that the seller proposes at each stage as well as whether trade takes place or not. We assume that the seller observes the action that the buyer chooses, s, as well as whether trade takes place or not. What the seller observes at each stage is called the degree of transparency of mechanisms. It determines, is some sense, her commitment power.10 Our objective is to …nd an assessment that is a P BE; and guarantees highest expected revenue for the seller among all P BE 0 s. In order to do so, we search for a social choice function that maximizes expected revenue among all social choice functions that are implemented by assessments that are P BE 0 s: The following section describes the technical di¢ culties of the problem at hand, as well as our solution method. If the seller does not observe anything, then all BN E 0 s are P BE 0 s and the “commitment solution” is sequentially rational. In “Extensions on Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms” we establish that our result is robust to the case where the seller observes only whether trade took place or not. 10 6 3. Technical Difficulties & The Procedure In this section we explain why one cannot employ the revelation principle in order to characterize a revenue maximizing P BE; and how we sidestep this di¢ culty. When the mechanism designer behaves sequentially rationally, information revelation is very di¢ cult because the mechanism designer, the seller in this case, cannot commit not to use it and exploit the buyer in the future. The buyer of course anticipates this, so in all but the last stage of the game, he will typically behave in a way that does not reveal his information.11 The earlier literature on mechanism design without commitment, (Freixas, Guesnerie and Tirole (1985), FGT (1985), Hart and Tirole (1988), La¤ont and Tirole (1988), and (1993)), observed that, with the exception of the …nal period of the game, one cannot use the standard revelation principle in order to …nd the optimal mechanism in each stage. Without the help of the revelation principle one may need to consider mechanisms with arbitrary message spaces, which is indeed what we do here, but then it becomes quite challenging even to write down the seller’s optimization problem. For this reason FGT (1985) characterize the optimal incentive schemes among the class of linear incentive schemes. LT (1988) consider arbitrary schemes but examine only special classes of equilibria, without characterizing the optimum. A remarkable result is derived in a recent paper by Bester and Strausz (2001), BS, who show that when the principal faces one agent whose type space is …nite, she can, without loss of generality, restrict attention to mechanisms where the message space has the same cardinality as the type space. This result does not apply to our problem because the type space can be a continuum. Indeed, it seems di¢ cult to translate the idea that it is enough to have one message per type in the case of a continuum of types. Moreover as BS illustrate, in order to …nd an optimal mechanism one has to check which incentive compatibility constraints are binding. In an environment with limited commitment, constraints may be binding “upwards” and “downwards.” Even if one could obtain an analog of the BS result for the continuum type case, which is indeed challenging, it does not seem straightforward to generalize the procedure of checking which incentive compatibility constraints are binding. When there is no a priori restriction to a canonical class of mechanisms, looking for equilibria is indeed very ambitious given the size of strategy spaces, (the set of possible mechanisms is enormous), and the complexity of the game. Mechanisms employed at t = 2; :::; T 11 To see why, suppose that at period one the seller employs a direct revelation mechanism, the buyer has claimed to have valuation v; and according to this mechanism no trade takes place. If the seller behaves sequentially rationally, she will try to sell the object at t = 2 using a di¤erent mechanism. And in the case that the buyer has revealed his true valuation at t = 1, the seller has complete information at t = 2: She can therefore use this information to extract all the surplus from the buyer. In this situation the buyer will have an incentive to manipulate the seller’s beliefs. One would expect, and it is indeed true, that he will not always reveal his valuation truthfully at the beginning of the relationship. This is established formally in Proposition 1 in La¤ont and Tirole (1988), where they show that there is no P BE where each type of the buyer chooses a di¤erent action at t = 1: Hence truth-telling with probability one cannot occur at any P BE at t = 1: 7 depend on the seller’s posterior. Along the equilibrium path the posterior is determined by Bayes’ rule from the buyer’s strategy, the mechanism proposed by the seller, and the action chosen by the buyer. There can be in…nitely many choices at t that end up in no trade since lotteries are allowed. Each of these choices leads to a di¤erent posterior and an optimal t + 1 mechanism. At an equilibrium the mechanism at t has to be optimally chosen taking into account, not only revenue at t; but also what beliefs the seller will have after each history where there is no trade at up to t, which in turn will determine the optimal mechanism for t+1 and so on: And in order for someone to …nd a revenue maximizing P BE; one has to …nd all P BEs of the game, then calculate the corresponding revenue, and …nally compare the seller’s revenue at each of these P BEs: A paper that looks for equilibria is La¤ont and Tirole (1988). That paper looks for Perfect Bayesian Equilibria of a two-period regulation game without commitment, where the …rm’s type is drawn from a continuum. LT (1988) provide some properties of equilibria but they do not obtain a characterization of an optimal equilibrium.12 Indeed looking for equilibria is very di¢ cult, even in our model which is in some dimensions simpler than LT (1988). We are able to sidestep the di¢ culties that arise in the analysis of LT (1988) by looking at equilibrium outcomes instead of equilibria. Investigating properties of equilibrium outcomes is much simpler. In one sentence, what we do is to characterize the properties of outcomes, p( ; )0 s and x( ; )0 s that are implemented by assessments that are P BE 0 s; and then choose the ones that the seller prefers: This idea was inspired from Riley and Zeckhauser (1983). Obviously the set of P BE implementable allocation and payment rules is a subset of the BN E implementable ones. In order to characterize this subset we examine what restrictions the requirement that ( ; ) be a P BE implies on p and x: In this way we obtain allocation rules and payment rules that satisfy necessary conditions of being P BE implementable. We then choose the p and x that the seller likes best among those that satisfy the necessary conditions of being P BE implementable and verify that there exists indeed a P BE that implements them. This is in line with the approach of the revelation principle which prescribes a way to obtain all the set of BN E implementable allocation and payment rules: “just look at the social choice functions that can be implemented by truthtelling equilibria of direct revelation mechanisms.” While our focus is still on equilibrium outcomes, rather than equilibria, we do not work with a “canonical family”of mechanisms. 12 First they show that there is no separating equilibrium, that is, there exists no equilibrium where each type of the agent chooses a di¤erent action at t = 1: Then they consider the situation where the uncertainty about the agents’type is very small, that is, the agent’s type belongs in a very small interval. In this case the distortion of a full pooling continuation equilibrium compared to the commitment optimum, goes to zero, as the length of the interval of possible types goes to zero. They also show that there exist other equilibria that have the property that the distortion compared to the commitment case goes to zero as the length of the interval of possible types goes to zero. These equilibria exhibit, what they call in…nite reswitching or pooling over a large scale. Hence for small uncertainty, that is when the agent’s type is almost known, these three kinds of continuation equilibria are candidates for an optimum. For the case that uncertainly is not trivial the authors do not say which equilibria may be optimal. 8 This alternative route in the case that we are interested in BN E implementable social choice functions is as simple as working with direct revelation mechanisms, but has the additional advantage that it allows us to obtain properties of P BE-implementable social choice functions. Focusing on outcomes renders mechanism design “without commitment” a tractable problem, even if one works with mechanisms with arbitrary message spaces. In the following section we formulate the seller’s problem. 4. Formulation of the Problem Here we employ the idea sketched in the previous section in order to write down the seller’s maximization problem. The seller seeks to solve Z max x(v)dF (v) p;x V subject to p; x being P BE implementable. We begin by examining the implementability constraints. First of all, p has to satisfy resource constraints. Since there is only one object to be allocated, it must be the case that p(v) 2 [0; 1] for all v: Second, at a P BE the buyer’s and the seller’s strategy must be best responses at each information set. For the buyer this implies, at the very least, that there is no type v that can bene…t by behaving as type v 0 does. For the seller this implies that at each information set her strategy speci…es an optimal sequence of mechanisms employed in the remainder of the game. Finally, from the fact that the buyer can always choose not to participate in a mechanism, we get that the buyer’s expected payo¤ for the continuation of the game must be non-negative. It follows that if p and x are implemented by a P BE they must, at the very least, satisfy the constraints of the following Program, which we call Program A: Z max p;x x(v)dF (v) V subject to: IC “incentive constraints,” the buyer’s strategy is such that p(v)v x(v) p(v 0 )v x(v 0 ); for all v; v 0 2 V P C “voluntary participation constraints,” p(v)v x(v) 0 for all v 2 V RES “resource constraints” for all v 2 V 0 p(v) 1 SRC(t; itS ) “sequential rationality constraints,”for all t; t = 2; :::; T; and for each information set of no trade at t, itS ; the seller chooses a mechanism that maximizes revenue: Z max xt;itS (v)dFt;itS (v) pt;it ;xt;it S S Yt;it S 9 subject to: IC(t; itS ) pt;itS (v)v xt;itS (v) pt;itS (v 0 )v xt;itS (v 0 ); for all v; v 0 2 Yt;itS P C(t; itS ) pt;itS (v)v xt;itS (v) 0 for all v 2 Yt;itS RES(t; itS ) “resource constraints” 0 pt;itS (v) 1 for all v 2 Yt;itS ; where Yt;itS is the support of the posterior Ft;itS : Belief s posterior beliefs Ft;itS are derived using the buyer’s strategy and Bayes’rule whenever possible. Summarizing, if p; x are implemented by an assessment ( ; ) that is a P BE; then conditions IC; P C, RES and SRC will be satis…ed. These are necessary conditions for p and x to be P BE implementable. In what follows, we will obtain a solution of Program A, p and x; and establish that there exists indeed an assessment that is a P BE and it implements p and x: We present the solution when T = 2: First we solve the problem without imposing the sequential rationality constraints and show that an optimum is implemented by posting the same price in each period. Then, we impose the sequential rationality constraints, and establish again that at an optimum the seller posts a price in each period. With sequential rationality constraints, the optimal sequence of prices depends on the discount factor and on the length of the game, and as it is shown in the durable good monopoly literature, it is decreasing overtime. By induction one can show that the same result holds for any T < 1.13 Omitted proofs are in the Appendix, unless otherwise noted. 5. Optimal Mechanisms without Sequential Rationality Constraints In this section we solve the problem without sequential rationality constraints. This problem provides a benchmark to compare the e¤ect of sequential rationality on the solution. It is also the problem that the seller solves at the beginning of the …nal period of the game when we impose the sequential rationality constraints. Without sequential rationality constraints the seller’s problem reduces to Z x(v)dF (v) max p;x V subject to: IC p(v)v x(v) p(v 0 )v x(v 0 ) for all v; v 0 2 V PC p(v)v x(v) 0 for all v 2 V RES 0 p(v) 1 for all v 2 V: Even though this problem is isomorphic to the problem in the classical works of Myerson (1981) or Riley and Zeckhauser (1983), their solution approach does not go through because 13 The complete analysis of the case where T > 2 can be found in “Extensions on Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms,” which can be downloaded from the author’s website. 10 it requires that the type space be an interval. The key step there is to rewrite revenue as a function of the allocation rule, which is the gist of the famous revenue equivalence theorem. That step relies on the type space being an interval, which is not necessarily true in our model, where we work with probability measures that have support arbitrary measurable subsets of the real line. The reason we allow for such generality is the following. When T > 1 and we impose sequential rationality constraints, SRC; then SRC at T imply that for all histories iTS , pT;iT and xT;iT solve a problem that is isomorphic to the current one: S S And because we allow for the use of general mechanisms by the seller and mixed strategies by the buyer, posteriors may be quite complicated indeed. How does one obtain a solution when the type space can be a “messy” measurable set? The idea is to solve an arti…cial problem where the type space is an interval, but its solution restricted to V solves the actual problem of interest, Program A. In particular, in the Proposition that follows we establish that we can obtain a solution of Program A by solving an arti…cial problem, Program B, where we require the constraints to hold on the whole convex hull of V; which is the interval [0; 1]: Program B: max p;x Z 1 x(v)dF (v) 0 subject to: IC p(v)v x(v) p(v 0 )v x(v 0 ) for all v; v 0 2 [0; 1] PC p(v)v x(v) 0 for all v 2 [0; 1] RES 0 p(v) 1 for all v 2 [0; 1]: Proposition 1 14 Let pA ; and pB denote solutions of Program A and Program B respectively, and let R(pA ) and R(pB ) denote the seller’s expected revenue at each of these solutions: Then R(pA ) = R(pB ): Before proceeding let us sketch brie‡y the proof of Proposition 1.15 Programs A and B have the same objective function since dF is zero on [0; 1]nV and they di¤er only in the constraint set. Program B has a lot more constraints than Program A therefore R(pA ) R(pB ): We establish that the reverse inequality is true by showing that a solution pA and xA of Program A appropriately extended on [0; 1] satis…es all the constraints of Program B. In particular we extend a solution of A, call it pA ; as follows. For a type v in [0; 1]nV we set the value of pA equal to the value of pA at the largest type in V less or equal to v: It is then easy to see that because pA is feasible on V and no real new options have been 14 15 The conjecture that such a result may be available arose from discussions with Kim-Sau Chung. More details can be found in the Appendix. See also Skreta (2005a) for full details. 11 added, the resulting allocation rule is feasible for Program B. It follows that the values of these programs are the same. Now that we have replaced the type space with its convex hull, we can obtain properties of feasible allocation and payment rules using standard techniques. Let U ; ( B (v); v) = p(v)v x(v) denote the buyer’s expected discounted payo¤ when his valuation is v given the assessment ( ; ): From Lemma 2 in Myerson (1981) we have: Lemma 1 If p; x are implemented by a BN E; they satisfy IC; P C and RES constraints and the following conditions must hold: for all v 2 [0; 1] (a) p(v) is increasing in v (b) Rv U ; ( B (v); v) = 0 p(s)ds + U ; ( B (0); 0) (c) U ; ( B (0); 0) 0 and (d) p(v) 2 [0; 1] for all v 2 [0; 1]: Using these properties and standard arguments, we can write the seller’s expected revenue as a function only of the allocation rule and the payo¤ that accrues to the lowest type of the buyer16 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 x(v)dF (v) = p(v)vdF (v) p(v)[1 F (v)]dv U ; ( B (0); 0): 0 0 0 From the analysis in Myerson (1981), we know that if p solves max p2= Z Z 1 p(v)vdF (v) 0 1 p(v)[1 F (v)]dv; (1) 0 where = = fp : [0; 1] ! [0; 1]: p is increasingg ; Z v and x(v) = p(v)v p(s)ds; 0 then (p; x) are optimal. Our objective is to choose a function p that is increasing and such that (1) is maximized. Because (1) is linear in p it follows that the maximizer is an extreme point of the feasible set. Extreme points of the set of increasing functions from [0; 1] to [0; 1] are step functions that jump from zero to one. The optimal allocation rule has the bang-bang property: the seller trades with zero probability with types below a cuto¤ of v ; p(v) = 0 for v 2 [0; v ); whereas trades with probability 1, that is p(v) = 1 with types v 2 [v ; 1]. The Proposition that follows states this result and provides a formal de…nition of the cut-o¤ v : 16 U ; If F has a strictly positive density, then we obtain the familiar expression ( B (0); 0): 12 R1 0 h p(v) v [1 F (v) f (v) i f (v)dv Proposition 2 17 Without sequential rationality constraints the seller maximizes revenue by posting at each t the same price v ; where Z v~ Z v~ v inf v 2 [0; 1] s.t. sdF (s) [1 F (s)]ds 0; for all v~ 2 [v; 1] : (2) v v The revenue maximizing allocation and payment rules are given by p(v) = 1 if v v = 0 if v < v and x(v) = v if v v : = 0 if v < v The proof of this result is relatively standard and can be found in the “Technical Appendix for Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms.”The revenue maximizing allocation rule without sequential rationality constraints can be implemented by the following strategy pro…le. The seller makes a take-it-or-leave-it o¤er in each period, t = 1; :::; T of v : The buyer’s strategy is as follows: for v v the buyer accepts the seller’s o¤er at t = 1 and for v < v the buyer rejects the seller’s o¤er at t = 1; :::; T: It is very easy to see that players’strategies are mutual best responses hence the given assessment is a BN E: This characterization is a generalization of the analysis in Myerson (1981) and Riley and Zeckhauser (1983), “commitment solution,” for distributions that have arbitrary support and not necessarily satisfy the monotone hazard rate property. When T > 1 and we impose sequential rationality constraints, SRC; it will be crucial for our analysis to be able to say how the price that the seller will post at the …nal period of the game depends of the posterior (see the proof of Proposition 8). The de…nition of an optimal cuto¤ in (2) allows us to obtain such comparative statics results, something that is not that obvious with the “ironing technique” in Myerson (1981). We now continue with the characterization of a revenue maximizing rule with sequential rationality constraints. 6. Optimal Mechanisms with Sequential Rationality 6.1 Formulation of the Problem In this section we solve for optimal mechanisms taking into account sequential rationality constraints. We analyze the case when T = 2: As in the case without sequential rationality constraints; we …rst show that it is without loss of generality to solve an arti…cial program where we replace the type space with its convex hull. Program B for T = 2 is given by Z 1 max x(v)dF (v) p;x subject to: IC p(v)v 17 x(v) p(v 0 )v 0 x(v 0 ); for all v; v 0 2 [0; 1] I thank Phil Reny for suggesting parts of the proof of Proposition 2. 13 PC p(v)v x(v) 0 for all v 2 [0; 1] RES 0 p(v) 1 for all v 2 [0; 1]: SRC(t = 2; i2S ) “sequential rationality constraints.”For each information set of no trade at t = 2, i2S ; the seller chooses a mechanism that maximizes revenue: Z x2;i2S (v)dF2;i2 (v) max p2;i2 ;x2;i2 S S S Y2;i2 S subject to IC(t = 2; i2S ) p2;i2 (v)v x2;i2 (v) p2;i2 (v 0 )v x2;i2 (v 0 ); S S S S for all v; v 0 2 Y2;i2 S P C(t = 2; i2S ) p2;i2 (v)v x2;i2 (v) 0 for all v 2 Y2;i2 S S S RES(t = 2; i2S ) 0 p2;i2 (v) 1 for all v 2 Y2;i2 S S Belief s posterior beliefs F2;i2 are derived using the buyer’s strategy S and Bayes’rule whenever possible. Program B is exactly the same as Program A for T = 2 but with V and YT;iT replaced S by their convex hulls [0; 1] and YT;iT , respectively. S Proposition 3 The value of Program A and Program B is the same. Proposition 3 is analogous to Proposition 1, but now we have to take into account the sequential rationality constraints. We sketch why Proposition 3 is true. By applying Proposition 1 to the seller’s problem at t = 2; we know that at each information set a solution of SRC(t = 2; i2S ) extended on Y2;i2 = [v; v] solves Program B at information set i2S : S Therefore, essentially nothing changes on the set of constraints described in SRC(t = 2; i2S ): Then, using exactly the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 1, one can show that a solution p and x of Program A appropriately extended on [0; 1] satis…es all the constraints of Program B. It follows that the values of these programs must be the same. Using standard arguments, Program B can be rewritten as Z 1 Z 1 max p(v)vdF (v) p(v)[1 F (v)]dv (3) p;x 0 0 subject to: =[0;1] = fp : [0; 1] ! [0; 1]: p is increasingg ; Z v x(v) = p(v)v p(s)ds and 0 p(v) 2 [0; 1] for all v 2 [0; 1]: SRC(t = 2; i2S ) “sequential rationality constraints.” For each history i2S 14 max p2;i2 ;x2;i2 S S Z Y2;i2 p2;i2 (v)vdF2;i2 (v) S S S Z Y2;i2 p2;i2 (v)[1 S F2;i2 (v)]dv S S subject to n o p : Y ! [0; 1]: p is increasing ; 2 2 2 2;iS 2;iS 2;iS 2;i2 S Z v x2;i2 (v) = p2;i2 (v)v p2;i2 (s)ds and =Y S = S v S p2;i2 (v) 2 [0; 1] for all v 2 Y2;i2 : S S Belief s posterior beliefs F2;i2 are derived using the buyer’s strategy S and Bayes’rule whenever possible. We now describe properties that (p; x) satisfy if they are implemented by strategy pro…les that are P BE 0 s. 6.2 Necessary Conditions at a P BE Fix an assessment ( ; ) that is a P BE and call p; x the allocation and the payment rule implemented by it. We start by drawing p from the smallest type, type 0. Let s denote an action that leads to contract (r; z): This is the contract with the smallest r; among all contracts lead by actions weakly preferred by type 0 at t = 1 at the P BE under consideration: Let [0; v]; v 1; denote the convex hull of types that choose action s at t = 1; and let F2 denote the seller’s posterior at t = 2 after she observes action s at t = 1 and no trade takes place. Since T = 2 is the …nal period of the game, we know from Proposition 2 that the seller will post a price, which we denote by z2 (F2 ): The Proposition that follows describes properties of P BE implementable (p; x): Proposition 4 If (p; x) are implemented by an assessment that is a P BE they satisfy (i) Lemma 1 and (ii) p(v) = r for v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )) p(z2 (F2 )) 2 [r; r + (1 r) ] (4) p(v) = r + (1 r) for v 2 (z2 (F2 ); v) p(v) 2 [r + (1 r) ; 1] where v 2 [0; 1]; r 2 [0; 1]; and z2 (F2 ) solves (2) given F2 ; where F2 is a probability measure that can arise at a P BE and has support a set with convex hull the interval [0; v]. De…nition 1 We call P the set of allocation rules that satisfy the properties described in Proposition 4:18 18 The de…nition allows for v = z2 (F2 ) in which case p(v) 2 [r; 1]: 15 For v 2 [0; v) it is surprising to see that the shape of p is the same as if all types in [0; v] choose action s with probability one. In that case the price at t = 2 after the buyer chooses s, call it z2 (v); would have been optimal given ( F (v) F (v) ; for v 2 [0; v] : (5) F2 (v) = 0; otherwise In general, z2 (F2 ) is optimally chosen given some posterior F2 whose support has convex hull [0; v]; but it is not a mere truncation of the original distribution. Now, for types in [v; 1]; the shape of p depends on the seller’s and the buyer’s strategy. But for certain, if p is implemented by an assessment that is a P BE; then it is also BN E implementable and it satis…es all the properties stated in Lemma 1. Hence it has to be an increasing function. With the help of Proposition 4, the following section establishes that a solution of (3) is implemented by a P BE of the game where the seller posts a price in each period. 6.3 Revenue Maximizing P BE The solution will proceed as follows. First, we restrict attention to allocation rules implemented by strategy pro…les, where the seller at t = 1 employs simple mechanisms that separate types into two groups: “high” and “low” ones. We call this set of allocation rules P : We show that a revenue maximizing allocation rule among P is implemented by a P BE of the game where the seller posts a price in each period. Second, we consider the general case, where the mechanism consists of a game form and the buyer may employ mixed strategies, where potentially non-convex sets of types choose the same action with positive probability at t = 1. We show that under certain conditions, the seller can without loss restrict attention to allocation rules in P : We conclude that if these conditions are satis…ed, at an optimum the seller posts a price in each period. In the …nal, and most delicate, step we show that the previously imposed conditions are satis…ed by all P BEs and our quasi solution is a real solution. We start our exploration with the case where at t = 1 the seller employs mechanisms that contain two options. Step 1: Revenue Maximizing P BE among 2-Option Mechanisms Here we look for the revenue maximizing allocation rule among the ones implemented by strategy pro…les where the seller at t = 1 employs a mechanism that contains two contracts: one targeted to the “low” types, (r; z); and one targeted to the “high” types, (1; z1 ). We show that at the optimum this kind of mechanism reduces to a posted price: the options available are (0; 0) and (1; z1 ): We look at assessments of the following form. The seller at t = 1 proposes a mechanism that apart from the outside option (0; 0); contains two contracts. Contract (r; z) is targeted to “low”types and option (1; z1 ) is targeted to “high”valuation types, where r 2 [0; 1] and z; z1 2 R. The buyer behaves as follows. At t = 1 types v 2 [0; v) choose (r; z) and types in 16 (v; 1] choose (1; z1 ). Type v is indi¤erent between choosing: (r; z) and choosing (1; z1 ) at t = 1; and may be randomizing between the two. Now at t = 2 after the history where the buyer chose (r; z) at t = 1 and no trade took place, beliefs are given by (5), and the seller chooses a price z2 that satis…es z2 z2 (v); (note that this allows for suboptimal behavior at t = 2 on the part of the seller): The buyer at t = 2 accepts z2 for v 2 [z2 ; v) and rejects z2 for v 2 [0; z2 ): This assessment implements an allocation rule of the form p(v) = r for v 2 [0; z2 ) p(v) = r + (1 r) for v 2 [z2 ; v) p(v) 2 [r + (1 r) ; 1] p(v) = 1 for v 2 (v; 1]: (6) De…nition 2 We call P the set of allocation rules have the shape given by (6), for some r 2 [0; 1]; v 2 [0; 1]; z2 z2 (v); where z2 (v) solves (2) given (5). Now we move on to establish that a revenue-maximizing element of P can be implemented by a P BE of the game where the seller posts a price in each period. Proposition 5 Let p denote a solution of maxp2P R(p): Then p can be implemented by a P BE of the game where the seller posts a price in each period. This step establishes that if the seller restricts attention to period one mechanisms that apart from the outside option (0; 0); contain two options: one targeted to the “low” types, (r; z); and one targeted to the “high”types, (1; z1 ), then at an optimum this kind of mechanism reduces to a posted price: the options available are (0; 0) and (1; z1 ): Now we proceed to solve the general problem. Step 2: If for all p 2 P it holds z2 (F2 ) z2 (v); then posted prices are optimal Here we assume that for all p 2 P it holds z2 (F2 ) z2 (v). Given this assumption, we show that a solution of Z 1 Z 1 max p(v)vdF (v) p(v)[1 F (v)]dv (7) p;x 0 0 subject to: p 2 P and x(v) = p(v)v Z v p(s)ds. 0 is an allocation rule that is implemented by a P BE of the game where the seller posts a price in each period. In particular, we show that each element of P, for which it holds that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v); is dominated in terms of expected revenue by an element of P . Then our result follows from Proposition 5. The formulation of (7) is analogous to program (1), where we do not impose sequential rationality constraints. There the only requirement of p is to be increasing and to satisfy p(v) 2 [0; 1]. We will employ the following auxiliary result. 17 Lemma 2 If z2 (v) solves (2) given (5); then z2 is increasing in v: We are now ready to state the main result of this step. Proposition 6 For each p 2 P with the property that z2 (F2 ) allocation rule p~ 2 P that generates higher revenue then p: z2 (v); there exists an Proof. We establish that each allocation rule p 2 P where z2 (F2 ) z2 (v), is dominated in terms of expected revenue by an allocation rule in p~ 2 P : Take an element of p 2 P; for which we have that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): First suppose that 0 < z2 (F2 ) < v: Expected revenue from p is then given by Z 0 + + Z z2 (F2 ) rvdF (v) Z z2 (F2 ) r[1 F (v)]dv Z v [r + (1 0 v [r + (1 r) ]vdF (v) z2 (F2 ) Z 1 p(v)vdF (v) v Z r) ][1 F (v)]dv z2 (F2 ) 1 p(v)[1 F (v)]dv: v We construct an allocation rule p~; that is an element of P and it generates higher revenue than p. For the range [0; v) we set p~(v) = p(v): For types in v 2 [v; 1]; we choose p~ optimally imposing the constraint that the resulting allocation rule be increasing on [0; 1] and ignoring all sequential rationality constraints: For types [v; 1] it is, in some sense, as if we are solving a “commitment problem.” Let Z v~ Z v~ v inf v 2 [v; 1] s.t. sdF (s) [1 F (s)]ds 0; for all v~ 2 [v; 1] ; v v then for the same reasons as in the case without sequential rationality constraints, discussed in Proposition 2, we would like to set p~ equal to its lowest possible value for the types v 2 [v; v ); which is now r + (1 r) ; and set it equal to its largest possible value, which is 1, for the region where the virtual valuation is on average positive, that is on [v ; 1]: The resulting allocation rule is p~(v) = r for v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )) p~(v) = r + (1 r) for v 2 [z2 (F2 ); v ) p~(v) = 1 for v 2 [v ; 1]: Now because v v; from Lemma ( 2 we have that z2 (v) z2 (v ); where z2 (v ) is optimal F (v) F (v ) ; for v 2 [0; v ] . Moreover, since we assumed at T = 2 given a posterior F2 (v) = 0 otherwise that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v), we also have z2 (F2 ) z2 (v ). Hence the resulting allocation rule is 18 an element of P . Moreover, by construction it generates higher revenue for the seller than p. So far we have assumed that 0 < z2 (F2 ) < v: If 0 = z2 (F2 ) < v all previous arguments go though since for for v 2 (z2 (F2 ); v) we have that p(v) = r + (1 r) : Now if z2 (F2 ) = v it is possible that p(v) < r+(1 r) : Again, all our arguments go through as before, since it turns out p(v + ") r + (1 r) ; for " > 0; arbitrarily small. To see that p(v + ") r + (1 r) ; we argue by contradiction. First, observe that type v makes zero surplus at t = 2 since z2 (F2 ) = v; hence p(v)v x(v) = rv z = [r + (1 r) )]v [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )]: Now let us consider type v + "; and suppose that p(v + ") < r + (1 r) ; then since at a P BE the buyer’s strategy is a best response, it follows that p(v + ")(v + ") x(v + ") [r + (1 r) ](v + ") [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )]; but since p(v + ") < r + (1 r) we have that p(v + ")v x(v + ") > [r + (1 r) ]v [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )]: This implies that there exists an interval of types (~ v ; v] such that p(v + ")v x(v + ") > [r + (1 r) ]v [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )] rv z for v 2 (~ v ; v]; contradicting the fact that [0; v] is the convex hull of types that choose s with strictly positive probability at t = 1. Hence p(v + ") r + (1 r) and all arguments are as in the case of z2 (F2 ) < v: Let us recap the arguments used to establish Proposition 6. We started with an allocation rule p 2 P where z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): Talking as given the shape of p for [0; v); we optimally choose p~(v) for v 2 [v; 1] ignoring all sequential rationality constraints and imposing only the requirement that the resulting allocation rule be monotonic on [0; 1]. Using the assumption that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v) and Lemma 2, we establish that p~ is an element of P : From Proposition 5 and Proposition 6 we can then conclude that: Proposition 7 If for all p 2 P we have that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v); then under non-commitment the seller maximizes expected revenue by posting a price in each period. Step 3: For all p 2 P that are P BE implementable it holds z2 (F2 ) z2 (v) The set P contains allocation rules that satisfy minimal requirements of being implemented by a P BE, since in establishing Proposition 4, we have required the seller to behave optimally at t = 2 only after the history where the buyer choose s at t = 1: Therefore, strictly speaking, P is a superset of P BE implementable allocation rules. Here we study further restrictions of P BE-implementability, and establish that for all p 2 P that are P BE implementable we have z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): Then our “quasi”solution of Step 2 is a real solution. The following Proposition essentially establishes that the seller cannot bene…t from “sophisticated” strategies of the buyer. The proof is lengthy so we give an overview here, and place the details in the Appendix. Proposition 8 For all p 2 P that are P BE implementable we have z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): Overview of Proof: Fix an assessment that is a P BE: From Proposition 4 we know that it implements an allocation rule in P. Recall that s denotes an action that leads to the 19 contract (r; z); the contract with the smallest r; among all contracts lead by actions weakly preferred by type 0 at t = 1 at the P BE under consideration: Recall also that we use [0; v]; v 1; to denote the convex hull of types that choose action s; and F2 denote the seller’s posterior at t = 2 after she observes action s at t = 1 and no trade takes place. Since T = 2 is the …nal period of the game, an optimal mechanism derived in Proposition 2 is to post a price, which we denote by z2 (F2 ): Clearly if all types in [0; v] choose s with probability one, then the posterior is (5) and it is immediate that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): The only possibility then that z2 (F2 ) > z2 (v); is when a strictly positive measure of types in [0; v] choose an action, other then action s; with strictly positive probability. Types in [0; v] can be choosing with strictly positive probability an action s^ that leads to the same contract as action s; namely (r; z); and/or can be choosing an action s~ that leads to a contract (~ r; z~); which is di¤erent from (r; z): For v 2 [0; v] let m(v) 2 [0; 1] denote the probability that type v is choosing at t = 1 actions that lead to contract (r; z): This implies that with probability (1 m(v)) type v is choosing actions that lead to a contract di¤erent from (r; z) . We assume that m is a measurable function of v; with m(v) 2 [0; 1] for all v 2 [0; v]: Now, for simplicity suppose that other than s; there is only one more action that leads to (r; z); call it s^:19 A fraction (v) of m(v) type v chooses action s and a fraction 1 (v) of m(v) chooses action s^: We assume that is a measurable function of v; with (v) 2 [0; 1] for all v 2 [0; v]: Thus the seller’s posteriors at the beginning of the period of the game after observing s; ( R…nal s (t)m(t)dF (t) R0v ; for v 2 [0; v] (t)m(t)dF (t) and respectively s^, are given by F2 (s) = ; and F^2 (s) = 0 0; otherwise ( R s (1 (t))m(t)dF (t) R0v ; for v 2 [0; v] (t))m(t)dF (t) . Since both actions are chosen with strictly positive 0 (1 0; otherwise Rv Rv probability, we have that 0 (t)m(t)dF (t) > 0 and 0 (1 (t))m(t)dF (t) > 0: When all types that choose either s or s^; all coordinate on one of the two, ( R s m(t)dF (t) say s, the posterior after R0v for v 2 [0; v] the seller observes s at t = 1 is given by F2m (s) = : 0 m(t)dF (t) 0; otherwise Let z2 (F2 ); respectively z2 (F^2 ) and z2 (F2m ); solve (2) given posterior F2 ; respectively F^2 and F2m : In terms of t = 1 allocation, actions s and s^ are equivalent since they lead to the same contract (r; z), but they may lead to di¤erent t = 2 options since it is possible that z2 (F2 ) 6= z2 (F^2 ): In the …rst step of our proof we show that this is impossible; in order for both actions s and s^ to be chosen with strictly positive probability at t = 1, they must lead to the same t = 2 options, namely z2 (F2 ) = z2 (F^2 ): We also show that z2 (F2m ) = z2 (F^2 ) = z2 (F2 ): In the second and …nal step of our proof, we show that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): The details can be found in the Appendix. 19 The case where more than two actions lead to (r; z) can be handled analogously. 20 Proposition 8 is a key step in our characterization: complicated strategies or mixed strategies of the buyer do not pay, in the sense that the set of possible posterior beliefs induced by such strategies does not allow the seller to support higher prices at t = 2; compared to the case where convex set of types choose the same action with probability one: We are now ready to state our result. Theorem 1 Under non-commitment the seller maximizes expected revenue by posting a price in each period. Proof. This follows from Proposition 7 and Proposition 8. Intuitively, the reason why simply posting a price is optimal, is that proposing a mechanism at t = 1 with more options has higher cost than bene…t. The potential bene…t from o¤ering a mechanism with many options, is that it may allow for more possibilities for types to self-select at t = 1; which in turn, in case that no trade takes place at period t = 1; provides the seller at t = 2 with more precise information about the buyer’s valuation: The cost is that by providing more possibilities to self-select also increases the possibilities to masquerade as another type. It turns out, that the cost of having higher types behaving as if they are lower ones, is greater than the gain obtained from having more precise information at t = 2. We proceed to compare what is the revenue loss for the seller, given her inability to commit. 7. Commitment and Non-Commitment: Revenue Comparisons In this section we compare expected revenue for the seller when she employs a revenue maximizing mechanism with and without commitment. Without commitment the set of feasible allocation and payment rules must satisfy additional constraints, since we require the seller and the buyer to behave sequentially rationally. From this observation it follows that in general RC RN C ( ); where RC and RN C denote the highest revenue that the seller can achieve with and without commitment respectively. The di¤erence in RC and RN C ( ) depends on the discount factor. When the buyer and the seller are very patient, (in this model the buyer and the seller have the same discount factor), the seller will …nd it bene…cial to postpone all trade to the last period of the game where she has commitment power. It follows that when = 1 expected revenue with and without commitment coincide. The same is true for = 0, which is essentially as if the game lasts one period. The seller posts at t = 1 the revenue maximizing price as in the environment with commitment; therefore RN C (0) = RC . For intermediate values of the discount factor it holds that RN C < RC : To get some idea about the magnitude of the di¤erence in expected revenue we present an example. Example 1 Suppose that T = 2 and that v is uniformly distributed on the interval [0,1]. The optimal mechanism with commitment is to post a price v = 0:5 in each period, and the 21 corresponding expected revenue is RC = 0:25: Now let us determine RN C ( ). Our theorem tells us that the seller will maximize revenue by posting a price in each period. Let v denote the valuation of the buyer who is indi¤ erent between accepting the price at t = 1; denoted by z1 ; and accepting the price at t = 2; denoted by z2 (v); that is v z1 = v z2 (v) z1 z2 (v) or v = 1 : For the assumed prior we have that, if the buyer rejects the price o¤ er at ( v v ; for v 2 [0; v] ; and the price posted at t = 2 is given by z (v) = v : t = 1; then F2 (v) = 2 2 0; otherwise Substituting this expression of z2 (v) into v we get that z1 = v (1 0:5 ) : Given the above relationship between z1 ; v and z2 (v) the seller will pick v 2 arg max(1 v)v (1 0: 5 ) + v v v : 2 2 The following table gives the solution for di¤ erent values of the discount factor. Discount Factor 0 0:3 0:5 0:7 0:9 1 Price at t=1, z1 Price at t=2, z2 (v) 0:5 0:5 0:46 0:27 0:45 0:3 0:44 0:34 0:46 0:42 0:5 0:5 v 0:5 0:54 0:6 0:68 0:84 1 RN C 0:25 0:23 0:225 0:222 0:232 0:25 8. Generality and Robustness of the Result Our objective has been to characterize a revenue maximizing P BE; in a game where the seller can choose a di¤erent mechanism in each period. The set of P BE-implementable social choice functions depends (i) on the generality of the buyer’s strategy (ii) on the generality of mechanisms that the seller employs (iii) on the degree of transparency of mechanisms, (or degree of commitment), and …nally (iv) on the length of the time horizon. Regarding the generality of the strategy that the buyer maybe employing, we have not imposed any restrictions. The buyer may be employing mixed strategies and non-convex sets of types may be choosing the same actions. Regarding the generality of de…nition of mechanisms we have assumed that a mechanism consists of a deterministic game form. The same is true in Bester and Strausz (2001)20 and in the earlier literature from Hart and Tirole (1988) to Rey and Salanie (1996). With respect to the degree of transparency, in this paper the principal observes the actions chosen by the agent, namely s. This is also assumed by Bester and Strausz (2001) 20 In BS (2001) the agent reports m and the outcome is x(m) in a set of decisions X: In our terminology m is s; x(m) is g(s) and the set X is [0; 1] R: 22 and by the earlier literature. In this case, the assumption that game forms are deterministic is without any loss.21 A recent paper Bester and Strausz (2004) studies mechanism design with limited commitment assuming that the mechanism designer does not observe s and allowing for the game form to be random. When the mechanism designer does not observe s; whether the game form is random or not, is crucial for the set of outcomes. In some sense, the ability to employ random devices, together with the ability to commit not to observe the action that the agent chooses, (or in the terminology of BS (2004), the message that the agent reports), increases the commitment power of the mechanism designer.22 BS (2004) show that in this case, the principal can do better compared to the case where she observes s: In the “Extensions on Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms” we establish that our result is robust to the case that the seller does not observe s; as in BS (2004), but in addition she does not observe g(s); 23 and observes only whether trade took place or not. In this case, the mechanism designer has more commitment than BS (2004), because she does not even observe g(s). The optimality of posted prices is therefore robust to alternative assumptions regarding the degree of commitment of the mechanism designer.24 Finally, in the “Extensions on Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms”one can also …nd the complete analysis for T > 2: The main structure of the proof for the T = 2 case extends to longer …nite horizons, but some of the details of the arguments become more involved. 9. Concluding Remarks This paper establishes that a revenue maximizing allocation mechanism in a T -period model under non-commitment is to post a price in each period. It also develops a procedure to …nd optimal mechanisms under non-commitment in asymmetric information environments. This method does not rely on the revelation principle. Previous work has assumed that the seller’s strategy is to post a price and the problem 21 Suppose that given an action s, g(s) is random, and with probability the outcome is (r; z) and with probability (1 ) the outcome is (^ r; z^): Given that the seller observes s her beliefs about the buyer’s valuation will be the same irrespective of whether the outcome of the game form is (r; z) or (^ r; z^) - in other words the second period price will be simply a function of s; call it z2 (s): Types below z2 (s) reject this price at t = 2; hence for those types the expected outcome from choosing s is p = r + (1 )^ r and x = z + (1 )^ z . Now types above z2 (s) accept the price at t = 2 and for those types the expected outcome from choosing s is given by p = (r+(1 r) )+(1 )(^ r +(1 r^) ) and x = (z+(1 r) z2 (s))+(1 )(^ z +(1 r^) z2 (s)); which can be also rewritten as p = r +(1 )^ r+ [1 r (1 )^ r)] and x = z +(1 )^ z + [1 r (1 )^ r)] z2 (s). These outcomes can arise by a deterministic mapping that maps s to r~ = r + (1 )^ r and z~ = z + (1 )^ z: 22 Recall that if the mechanism designer can commit not to observe anything, the commitment solution is sequentially rational. 23 Recall that g(s) is a probability of trade r and an expected payment z: 24 The result is also robust to the case where the mechanism is de…ned as a game form endowed with a communication device, mediator, so long as (1) either the seller observes the exchange of messages between the mediator and the buyer or (2) the mediator cannot force actions to the buyer. Details available from the author upon request. 23 of the seller is to …nd what price to post. We provide a reason for the seller’s choice to post a price, even though she can use in…nitely many other possible institutions: posted price selling is an optimal strategy in the sense that it maximizes the seller’s revenue. We hope that the methodology developed in this paper will prove useful in deriving optimal dynamic incentive schemes under non-commitment in other asymmetric information environments. In the future we plan to study the problem in an in…nite-horizon framework, which may be a more appropriate model to study mechanism design without commitment. This problem is involved with issues which require careful analysis beyond the scope of this paper. 10. Appendix Proof of Proposition 1 Let pA ,xA denote a solution of Program A and pB ,xB denote a solution of Program B. Let R(pA ); (respectively R(pB )); denote the expected maximized revenue at a solution of Program A, (respectively Program B). A priori it is not obvious, how R(pA ) and R(pB ) compare to each other, since a solution of Program A is an allocation and a payment rule de…ned on V; whereas a solution of Program B is an allocation and a payment rule de…ned on [0; 1]: We …rst reinterpret Program A in an appropriate way to make its value comparable to the value of Program B, and then show that R(pA ) = R(pB ): Step 1: Make R(pA ) and R(pB ) comparable. In order to make R(pA ) and R(pB ) comparable, we slightly modify Program A, by de…ning pA and xA on an “extended type space,”namely the convex hull of V; which is [0; 1]. So long as the value of pA and xA for a type in [0; 1]nV is an element of fpA (v); xA (v)gv2V ; it is …ne for our purposes. The “extended”allocation and payment rule still have to satisfy IC, P C and RES only on V: Essentially the only thing that has changed is the region of integration in the expression of objective function, but since dF is zero on [0; 1]nV , we have that Z Z 1 xA (v)dF (v) = xA (v)dF (v): V 0 Clearly this program is equivalent to Program A. Hence, from now on, when we refer to Program A we mean its reinterpretation. Step 2: We show that R(pA ) = R(pB ). A solution of Program A has to satisfy IC, P C and RES on V: A solution of Program B has to satisfy all these constraints on the extended type space, that is on [0; 1]. Since Program B has more constraints, it follows that R(pA ) R(pB ): R(pA ) R(pB ): We will be done if we establish that 24 (8) We argue by contradiction. Suppose not, then R(pA ) > R(pB ): (9) Now consider the allocation and payment rule de…ned as follows. For v 2 V we set pA (v) = pA (v); and xA (v) = xA (v) and for v 2 [0; 1]nV we do the following.25 Suppose that (vL ; vH ) is an interval in [0; 1]nV and let v^ 2 (vL ; vH ) denote the type that is indi¤erent between choosing the actions speci…ed for vL and the actions speci…ed for vH ; that is pA (vH )^ v xA (vH ) = pA (vL )^ v xA (vL ): (10) Such a type exists, since for vL we have that pA (vL )vL xA (vL ) pA (vH )vL xA (vH ) pA (vH )vH xA (vH ) pA (vL )vH xA (vL ); and for vH we have that then by continuity, there exists v^ 2 (vL ; vH ) such that (10) holds. On (vL ; vH ), pA and xA are de…ned as pA (v) = pA (vL ) and xA (v) = xA (vL ) if v 2 (vL ; v^) (11) pA (v) = pA (vH ) and xA (v) = xA (vH ) if v 2 [^ v ; vH ): Proceed similarly for all subintervals of types that are not contained in V: Now since dF (v) = 0 for v 2 [0; 1]nV we have that R(pA ) = R(pA ): (12) From (9) and (12) we obtain that R(pA ) > R(pB ): We establish that pA and xA satisfy all the constraints of Program B. First, from (11) one can see that from the buyer’s perspectives no ‘real’new options have been added since the menu fpA (v); xA (v)gv2[0;1] is exactly the same as fpA (v); xA (v)gv2V : Then using the fact that pA and xA satisfy IC on V; equality (10), and the observation that no real options have been added, it follows that pA ; xA satisfy IC on V . Now to check IC on [0; 1]; consider types in (vL ; vH ): From the fact that pA ; xA satisfy IC on V; we have that pA (vH ) pA (vL ): Then 25 It is without loss to take V to be closed. Otherwise, we can de…ne pA and xA on the closure of V by setting pA and xA equal to their limit values. It is then trivial to establish that the resulting pA and xA are feasible on the closure of V: 25 we know from (10) that all types below v^ prefer (pA (vL ); xA (vL )) and all types above v^ prefer (pA (vH ); xA (vH )): By the de…nition of pA ; xA it then follows that deviations within (vL ; vH ) are not pro…table. Now from the fact that pA and xA satisfy IC on V we can conclude that type vL prefers outcome (pA (vL ); xA (vL )) to all other options in fpA (v); xA (v)gv2V and type vH prefers outcome (pA (vH ); xA (vH )) to all other options in fpA (v); xA (v)gv2V : Then using (10) it is very easy to see that no type in v 2 (vL ; vH ) can pro…tably deviate by behaving like a type in [0; 1]n(vL ; vH ). Similarly, we can check that IC is satis…ed for all v 2 [0; 1]nV: It is also immediate that pA and xA satisfy voluntary participation constraints and resource constraints. Hence pA ; xA are feasible for Program B and moreover generate strictly higher revenue then pB , contradicting the optimality of pB and xB . It follows that the maximized values of Programs A and B are the same. Proof of Proposition 4 Consider a P BE assessment ( ; ) and let p; x denote the allocation and payment rules implemented by it. Point (i) in obvious. All P BE 0 s are BN E 0 s hence p and x satisfy Lemma 1. To see (ii) let s denote an action that leads to contract (r; z): This is the contract with the smallest r; among all contracts lead by actions weakly preferred by type 0 at t = 1 at the P BE under consideration: Also let Y denote the set of types of the buyer that choose s at t = 1 with strictly positive probability, and let [0; v]; with 0 v; denote its convex hull. From Proposition 2, we have that after the history that the buyer chose action s; and no trade took place at t = 1; the seller will maximize revenue at t = 2 by posting a price. Let us call this price as z2 (F2 ) and de…ne vL = inf fv 2 Y s.t. v accepts z2 (F2 ) at t = 2g : First we show that vL = z2 (F2 ); then we establish that for v 2 (vL ; v) we have that p(v) = r + (1 r) . Finally, we show that for v 2 [0; vL ) we have that p(v) = r: Step 1: We show that vL = z2 (F2 ): At a P BE the buyer’s strategy must be a best response to the seller’s strategy. This implies that [r + (1 r) ]vL [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )] rvL z: We now show that this inequality must hold with equality. We argue by contradiction. Suppose that [r + (1 r) ]vL [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )] > rvL z; then the seller can increase z2 (F2 ) by z such that [r + (1 r) ]vL [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )] z = rvL z and raise higher revenue at the continuation game that starts at t = 2: All types v vL still prefer to choose (1; z2 (F2 )) at t = 2 then to choose (0; 0): Hence the seller has a pro…table 26 deviation at t = 2; contradicting the fact that we are looking at a P BE: At a P BE we therefore have that [r + (1 r) ]vL [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )] = rvL z; (13) from which it is immediate that vL = z2 (F2 ): Step 2: We claim that for v 2 (z2 (F2 ); v); where z2 (F2 ) < v; we have that p(v) = r + (1 r) : We will establish this result by observing that if a v 2 (z2 (F2 ); v) is choosing a sequence of actions with positive probability, then it must be that the expected discounted probability from these alternative actions, p^; is such that p^ = r + (1 r) : Otherwise depending on whether p^ < r + (1 r) or p^ r + (1 r) ; either a type smaller than v, say z2 (F2 ); or greater than v; say v; has a pro…table deviation. Take, for instance, the case that p^ > r + (1 r) : Then, for v it must hold p^v x ^ [r + (1 r) ]v [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )]; which implies together with (13), that all types in (v; v) strictly prefer an action di¤erent from s; contradicting the fact that [0; v] is the convex hull of the set of types that choose s: Step 3: For v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )); z2 (F2 ) 6= 0 we have that p(v) = r: Again if a v 2 (0; z2 (F2 )) is choosing a sequence of actions with positive probability, then it must be that the expected discounted probability from these alternative actions p^; is such that p^ = r: Otherwise depending on whether p^ < r or p^ > r either a type smaller than v, say 0; or greater than v; say z2 (F2 ); has a pro…table deviation. Suppose that p^ < r; then for type v it must be p^v x ^ rv z, but then 0 has a pro…table deviation since p^0 x ^ > r0 z; contradicting the fact that action s is weakly preferred by type 0: The fact that p(0) = r follows from the fact that s induces the contract with the smallest r among all actions weakly preferred by type 0, so that p(0) cannot be less than r. Summing up, if 0 < z2 (F2 ) < v; from Step 2 we have that p(v) = r + (1 r) for v 2 (z2 (F2 ); v); and from Step 3 we have that p(v) = r; for v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )). Now if z2 (F2 ) = v; then p(v) 2 [r; 1]; (since p(z2 (F2 )) 2 [r; r + (1 r) ] and p(v) 2 [r + (1 r) ; 1]). It follows that if an allocation rule is implemented by an assessment that is a P BE it is given by (4). Proof of Proposition 5 Consider an assessment that implements an element of P : The seller’s expected revenue is given by Z z2 Z z2 R(p) = rsdF (s) r[1 F (s)]ds 0 0 Z v Z v + [r + (1 r) ]sdF (s) [r + (1 r) ][1 F (s)]ds z2 1 + Z v sdF (s) Z z2 1 [1 F (s)]ds: v In order to …nd an optimal allocation rule out of P we have to choose (i) z2 ; (ii) r and (iii) v optimally. 27 Step 1: At an optimum z2 = z2 (v): From the de…nition of an allocation rule in P we have that z2 must be less or equal to z2 (v): We now establish that at an optimum of P it will be z2 = z2 (v): Since z2 (v) solves (2) given beliefs (5) we have that for all z2 < z2 (v) Z z2 (v) Z z2 (v) F (s) dF (s) [1 ]ds < 0, s F (v) F (v) z2 z2 which since F (v) > 0 implies that Z z2 (v) sdF (s) z2 from which it is immediate that Z z2 (v) [r + (1 r) ]sdF (s) z2 Z z2 (v) [F (v) F (s)]ds < 0, z2 Z z2 (v) [r + (1 r) ][1 F (s)]ds < 0. z2 It follows that at an optimum z2 = z2 (v): Step 2: At an optimum r = 0 or r = 1: Di¤erentiating with respect to r we get that Z z2 (v) Z z2 (v) @R(p) = sdF (s) [1 F (s)]ds @r 0 0 Z v Z v + (1 )sdF (s) (1 )[1 z2 (v) F (s)]ds; z2 (v) which does not depend on r. If @R(p) 0; then at an optimum it must be r = 1 for @r @R(p) all v 2 [0; 1]: If @r < 0 then at an optimum it must be r = 0; and the participation constraints imply that z = 0: Step 3: Optimal v determines optimal sequence of prices. From Step 1 and 2 we have that an optimal allocation rule of P can be implemented by an assessment where the seller proposes a mechanism with two contracts (0; 0) and (1; z1 ); where z1 denotes the price that the seller must post at t = 1 to keep type v; indi¤erent between z1 at t = 1 and z2 (v) at t = 2; that is v z1 = (v z2 (v)) or v = z1 1 z2 (v) : Types [0; v] of the buyer choose (0; 0) at t = 1; whereas types (v; 1] choose (1; z1 ): Each v 2 [0; 1] determines z1 at t = 1 via v = z1 1 z2 (v) and the optimal price at t = 2; z2 (v); 2) via maxz2 2[0;v] [1 FF(z(v) ]z2 : In order to …nd an optimal allocation rule out of P ; the seller chooses v optimally. It is very easy to see that this is a P BE of the game where the seller posts a price in each period. This completes the proof. Proof of Lemma 2 We argue by contradiction. Suppose that v^ > v but z2 (^ v ) < z2 (v); then [F (^ v) F (v)]z2 (v) > [F (^ v) 28 F (v)]z2 (^ v ): (14) Since z2 (v) is the optimal price given beliefs (5) it solves z2 (v) maxz2 2[0;v] [1 F (z2 (v)) F (v) ]z2 (v) follows that [1 [F (v) [1 F (z2 (v))]z2 (v) 1 F (^ v) Multiplying (14) and (15) by > F (z2 (^ v )) v) F (v) ]z2 (^ 1 [(F (^ v) F (^ v) 1 [(F (^ v) F (^ v) F (z2 ) F (v) ]z2 : It or [F (v) F (z2 (^ v ))]z2 (^ v ): (15) and adding them up we get F (v)) z2 (v) + (F (v) F (z2 (v))) z2 (v)] F (v)) z2 (^ v ) + (F (v) F (z2 (^ v ))) z2 (^ v )] : (16) Now (16) can be rewritten as, 1 [F (^ v) F (^ v) F (z2 (v))z2 (v)] > 1 [F (^ v) F (^ v) F (z2 (^ v ))z2 (^ v )] ; contradicting the de…nition of z2 (^ v ): Proof of Proposition 8 Step 1: We establish z2 (F2m ) = z2 (F^2 ) = z2 (F2 ) Step 1.1: First we show that z2 (F2 ) = z2 (F^2 ): Suppose not, and without any loss, assume that z2 (F2 ) < z2 (F^2 ): Then for all v 2 V we have that [r + (1 r) ]v [z + (1 r) z2 (F2 )] > [r + (1 r) ]v [z + (1 r) z2 (F^2 )]; hence for all v z2 (F2 ) the buyer strictly prefers s to s^: But then when the seller sees s^; she can infer that the valuation of the buyer is below z2 (F2 ); which in turn implies that a price of z2 (F^2 ) > z2 (F2 ) cannot be optimal. Contradiction. This completes the proof of Step 1.1. Step 1.2: This step establishes that z2 (F2m ) = z2 (F^2 ) = z2 (F2 ): Assume wlog that z2 (F2m ) < z2 (F2 ): By the de…nition of z2 (F2m ); (given by (2), with F replaced by F2m (v)); it follows that Z z2 (F2 ) Z z2 (F2 ) Z s m sdF2 (s) [1 dF2m (t)]ds 0: (17) z2 (F2m ) z2 (F2m ) 0 R z (F2 ) R z (F2 ) But since z2 (F2m ) is not a maximizer for beliefs F2 we have that z22(F m sdF2 (s) z22(F m [1 ) 2 2 ) nR o R R R Rs z2 (F2 ) z2 (F2 ) v s 1 s (s)m(s)dF (s) [ (t)m(t)dF (t) (t)m(t)dF (t)]ds < dF (t)]ds < 0; or m m 2 A 0 0 z2 (F ) z2 (F ) 0 0; where Z 1 A z2 (F2 ) z2 (F2m ) 2 Rv 0 1 ; (t)m(t)dF2 (t) s (s)m(s)dF (s) 2 which in turn implies that Z z2 (F2 ) z2 (F2m ) Z [ v (t)m(t)dF (t) 0 Z 0 29 s (t)m(t)dF (t)]ds < 0: (18) Similarly, since z2 (F2m ) is not a maximizer for beliefs F^2 we have that R z2 (F^2 ) Rs ^ 0 dF2 (t)]ds < 0; which implies z2 (F m ) [1 2 Z Z z2 (F^2 ) s(1 (s))m(s)dF (s) z2 (F2m ) z2 (F^2 ) z2 (F2m ) Z v [ (1 (t))m(t)dF (t) 0 Z R z2 (F^2 ) ^ z2 (F2m ) sdF2 (s) s (1 (t))m(t)dF (t)]ds < 0 0 (19) adding (18) and (19) and recalling that z2 (F2 ) = z2 (F^2 ) we obtain that Z z2 (F^2 ) sm(s)dF (s) z2 (F2m ) which since Rv 0 Z Z z2 (F^2 ) z2 (F2m ) Z [ v m(t)dF (t) 0 Z s m(t)dF (t)]ds < 0; 0 m(t)dF (t) > 0 also implies that z2 (F^2 ) z2 (F2m ) m(s)dF (s) sR v Z 0 m(t)dF (t) z2 (F^2 ) z2 (F2m ) sdF2m (s) Z Rs z2 (F^2 ) [1 z2 (F2m ) Z 0 z2 (F^2 ) [1 z2 (F2m ) R0v m(t)dF (t) ]ds < 0; or m(t)dF (t) Z s dF2m (t)]ds < 0; (20) 0 But (20) contradicts (17). Now we argue that z2 (F2m ) > z2 (F2 ) is not possible either. To see this simply, reverse the roles of z2 (F2m ) and z2 (F2 ); z2 (F^2 ) and replace in the above inequalities “ ” with “<” and “<”with “ ”: It follows then that z2 (F2m ) = z2 (F^2 ) = z2 (F2 ): This completes the proof of Step 1.2. So far we have established that z2 (F2m ) = z2 (F^2 ) = z2 (F2 ): Now, we move on to compare z2 (F2m ) and z2 (v). Step 2: We establish that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v) First we …nd that only types above z2 (F2 ) can be choosing with strictly positive probability actions that lead to contracts other than (r; z): Then m(v) = 1 for all v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )): Step 2.1: We show that m(v) = 1 for all v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )): We argue by contradiction. Suppose that there exists v~ 2 [0; z2 (F2 )) that is choosing with strictly positive probability an action s~ that leads to a contract (~ r; z~) for which either r~ 6= r and/or z~ 6= z: Let z~2 denote the price that the seller will post at t = 2 after the history that the buyer choose s~ at t = 1: Now, from Proposition 4 we know that for v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )) we have that p(v) = r; therefore it must be the case that either (a) r = r~ or (b) r = r~ + (1 r~) : We show that case (a) is impossible, since r~ = r implies z~ = z; which implies in turn, that (~ r; z~) is the same contract as (r; z): To see this we argue by contradiction. Suppose not, and wlog let z~ > z: Depending on whether z + (1 r) z2 (F2 ) < z~ + (1 r~) z~2 or 30 z + (1 r) z2 (F2 ) z~ + (1 r~) z~2 ; there are two cases to consider: If z + (1 r) z2 (F2 ) < z~ +(1 r~) z~2 then, since we also have that z < z~; all types of the buyer prefer (r; z) to (~ r; z~): The reason is that the probability of obtaining the object is always the same under these two options, r = r~ and of course r + (1 r) = r~ + (1 r~) ; but payments are always lower at contract (r; z): But then the types that are choosing with strictly positive probability action s~, which leads to (~ r; z~); are not best-responding, contradicting the supposition that we are looking at a P BE: Now in the case that z + (1 r) z2 (F2 ) z~ + (1 r~) z~2 ; then all types above z2 (F2 ) prefer (~ r; z~) over (r; z): This implies that the seller posts at t = 2 a price z~2 strictly lower than z2 (F2 ) given a posterior with support [z2 (F2 ); v]: This cannot be optimal, which contradicts the fact that we are looking at P BE: Hence r~ = r implies that z~ = z. We now show that (b) is impossible. First if r = r~ + (1 r~) then it must be the case that z = z~ + (1 r~) z^2 : If z > z~ + (1 r~) z~2 than no type below z2 (F2 ) would choose s; contradicting the fact that [0; v] is the convex hull of types that choose s: If z < z~ + (1 r~) z~2 ; than no type would choose the sequence of actions that leading to r~ + (1 r~) ; and z~ + (1 r~) z~2 : Hence it must be z = z~ + (1 r~) z~2 : Now since v~ is choosing (~ r; z~) at t = 1 and accepts (1; z~2 ) at t = 2; it must be the case that z~2 v~: For type z~2 it holds that r~z~2 z~ = [~ r + (1 r~) ]~ z2 [~ z + (1 r~) z~2 ] = r~ z2 z: But since 0 z~2 and r~ r we have that r~0 z~ r0 z contradicting the de…nition of (r; z); which is the contract with the smallest r that is weakly preferred by type 0 at t = 1. This completes the proof of Step 2.1. From Step 2.1 it follows that m(v) = 1 for v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )): Then, it is immediate that F2m (v) = 8 > > > < > > > : F (z2 (F2 ))+ F (v) Rv F (z2 (F2 ))+ F (z2 (F2 ))+ z2 (F2 ) Rv z (F2 R v2 m(s)dF (s) ; v 2 [0; z2 (F2 )) ; ) m(s)dF (s) z2 (F2 ) m(s)dF (s) (21) ; v 2 [z2 (F2 ); v] Rv where F (z2 (F2 )) + z2 (F2 ) m(s)dF (s) > 0 since action s is chosen by strictly positive probability. Now that we have more information about F2m , and we know that z2 (F2 ) = z2 (F2m ); we investigate whether it is possible to have z2 (F2 ) > z2 (v): Step 2.2: We show that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): Case 1: z2 (F2 ) = 0 It is then immediate that z2 (F2 ) z2 (v): Case 2: z2 (F2 ) > 0 Since z2 (v) is the optimal price at T = 2; it solves (2) for beliefs given by (5). From the previous step we have that z2 (F2 ) = z2 (F2m ), where z2 (F2m ) solves (2), for (21). The 31 relevant expressions are26 1 = F (v) F (v) F v; v~ F (v) Z Z v~ sdF (s) v v~ (F (v) F (t))dt ; (22) v and (v; v~ jF2m ) " = F (z2 (F2 )) + Z # v m(t)dF (t) z2 (F2 ) Z v~ v Since m(v) = 1 for v; v~ 2 [0; z2 (F2 )); we obtain that "Z Z Z v~ v~ m (v; v~ jF2 ) = tdF (t) F (z2 (F2 )) + v v sdF2m (s) Z v~ F2m (s)]ds : [1 v v m(s)dF (s) ! # F (t) dt : z2 (F2 ) F F (v) more easily comparable with (v; v~ jF2m ), let us do some rewriting. R v~ By adding and subtracting v F (z2 (F2 ))dt to v; v~ FF(v) we get that To make v; v~ F v; v~ F (v) = Z Z v~ tdF (t) v v~ (F (z2 (F2 )) + F (v) F (z2 (F2 )) F (t)) dt: v Hence for v; v~ 2 [0; z2 (F2 )) (v; v~ jF2m ) and v; v~ F F (v) di¤er by a constant Rv z2 (F2 ) m(s)dF (s) in the case of (v; v~ jF2m ); versus F (v) F (z2 (F2 )) in the case of v; v~ FF(v) . Now because m(v) 2 [0; 1] and F 0; we have that F (z2 (F2 )) + F (v) F (z2 (F2 )) F (z2 (F2 )) + Rv z2 (F2 ) m(t)dF (t) which implies that v; v~ F F (v) (v; v~ jFTm ); for all v; v~ 2 [0; z2 (F2 )): (23) Suppose that z2 (v) < z2 (F2 ); then by the de…nition of z2 (v); it follows that z2 (v); v~ F F (v) 0; for all v~ 2 [z2 (v); z2 (F2 )]; which together with (23) implies that (z2 (v); v~ jF2m ) 0; for all v~ 2 [z2 (v); z2 (F2 )]; (24) and by the de…nition of z2 (F2 ) we have that (z2 (F2 ); v~ jF2m ) 0; for all v~ 2 [z2 (F2 ); v]; Rv 26 Multiplying by a constant, F (v), in the case of (5) and by F (z2 ) + does not change anything, because we care about the sign of the integral. 32 z2 (25) m(t)dF (t) in the case of (21); but (24) and (25) imply (z2 (v); v~ jF2m ) 0; for all v~ 2 [z2 (v); v]; contradicting the de…nition of z2 (F2 ): Hence we have shown that z2 (v) z2 (F2 ): The reason why this is true follows from the fact that only types greater than z2 (F2 ) maybe be choosing with positive probability an action that leads to a contract other then (r; z). 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