VOLTAGE CONTROL WITH SHUNT CAPACITANCE ON RADIAL DISTRIBUTION LINE WITH HIGH R/X FACTOR A Thesis by Hong-Tuan Nguyen Vu Electrical Engineer, Polytechnic University of HCMC, 1993 Submitted to the College of Engineering and the faculty of the Graduate School of Wichita State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science December 2005 VOLTAGE CONTROL WITH SHUNT CAPACITANCE ON RADIAL DISTRIBUTION LINE WITH HIGH R/X FACTOR I have examined the final copy of this Thesis form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering. _____________________________ Dr Ward T. Jewell, Committee Chair We have read this Thesis and recommend its acceptance: _____________________________ Dr Andrew Acker, Committee Member _____________________________ Dr Paul K. York, Committee Member ii DEDICATION To my parents who sacrifice their whole lives to encourage me to learn and to my family, my wife Huyen and three kids Chi, Emily, and Luke, for their lack of my care, as I was busy to complete this Thesis. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Ward Jewell, who led me from the very first year in my Graduate School, for his patience as well as the professional advices to help me to obtain this achievement. iv ABSTRACT A previous thesis [1] showed that the voltage on a distribution line with high R/X ratio will actually decrease as shunt capacitance is added. This thesis develops a new distribution feeder model and confirms this unexpected result. Then the IEEE radial test feeders are modeled to further study the effect and provide additional insight into voltage control on feeders with high R/X ratio. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………01 CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………02 2.1 2.2 Radial Distribution Feeder ……………………………02 Problem Formulation ……………………………02 CHAPTER III EXAMPLE SYSTEM ……………………………………08 CHAPTER IV LOAD IMPEDANCES ……………………………………11 CHAPTER V VOLTAGE CONTROL ……………………………………13 5.1 5.2 5.3 Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 LIST OF REFERENCES APPENDIXES ……………………………………………14 ……………………………………………15 ……………………………………………16 ……………………………………………………19 ……………………………………………………………21 APPENDIX A: IEEE 37-NODE TEST FEEDERS …………………………..22 APPENDIX B: LINE IMPEDANCES CALCULATIONS …………………….24 APPENDIX C: EXAMPLES CALCULATIONS vi ……………………………27 LIST OF TABLES Table TABLE 1 Page LIST OF R/X FACTOR OF EACH LINE SEGMENTS ON IEEE 37-NODE TEST FEEDERS SEGMENTS ………….09 TABLE 2 SPOT LOADS OF IEEE 37-NODE TEST FEEDERS ……11 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 1 Feeder Model ………………………………………………….…3 Figure 2 Equivalent Circuit Model ……………………………………………..3 Figure 3 Combined All Impedances in Zt Model ……………………………...4 Figure 4 Receiving End Phasor Diagrams ………………………………….…7 Figure 5 One line Diagram of IEEE 37-Node Test Feeder ………………….10 Figure 6 Results for Example 1 ……………………………………………….14 Figure 7 Results for Example 2 ……………………………………………….15 Figure 8 Results for Example 3 ……………………………………………….16 viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION As early as 1910, capacitor banks were applied to improve both quality and quantity of electric power transmission and distribution. Still today they are used to correct power factor in order to lower line losses, to raise power transfer capabilities, and to improve a line’s voltage profile. They can help control power flow through tie lines and reduce operating costs. In most cases, capacitor banks play the role of reactive power generator; however they may be considered as capacitive reactive loads too. This thesis extends the work of a previous thesis [1]. In this thesis, it was shown that injecting reactive power into lines with high R/X ratio (R/X > 2), sometimes cause the receiving voltage VR to decrease, not increase, as expected. That thesis [1] seeks to further explain these results, and also to extend the basic understanding of the operation of capacitors on a power system. 1 CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY 2.1 Radial Distribution Feeder A radial distribution feeders supplies all loads from only one substation. The feeder may have the following components: 2.2 • Three-phase main feeder • Three-phase, two-phase, or single-phase laterals. • Step-type voltage regulators. • In-line transformers • Shunt capacitor banks • Distribution transformers • Loads Problem Formulation: A radial distribution feeder was modeled as shown in Figure 1. Variables are source voltage Vs, line impedances R and j*X, and load impedances Rl and j*Xl. The shunt capacitor, which was paralleled with the load to inject rated reactive power, Qc, into the feeder, has rated capacitive reactance Xc. The negative sign on j*Xc indicates that capacitive reactive power Qc has the opposite sign to inductive reactive power Ql. The receiving end voltage Vl is supplied to the load, and the shunt capacitor is connected in parallel with the load. The source voltage is ideal; constant magnitude and infinite power. 2 ~ Figure 1. Feeder Model The equivalent circuit in Figure 2 puts the load in parallel with the capacitor, creating the new load with the complex impedance Z. Figure 2. Equivalent circuit model Equation 1 gives the new load impedance Z of Figure 2. 3 Z= j . xc . ( Rl Rl j Xl jXl ) ( 01) xc The equivalent circuit in Figure 3 combines the load, complex impedance Z, in series with the line impedance to form the new total complex impedance Zt, which is calculated in equation 2. Figure 3. Combined All Impedances In Zt Model Zt = j. xc . ( Rl jXl) Rl j Xl xc 4 (R jX) j . xc . ( Rl jXl) Zt = Rl j Xl xc jRl. xc Zt = Xl. xc (R jX) . Rl j Xl xc Rl j Xl xc R. Rl jR. Xl jR. xc Rl j Xl xc Xl. xc Zt = jRl. X X . Xl X . xc Rl j Xl xc R. Rl X . Xl X . xc j . Rl. xc RXl R. xc Rl. X (02) Rl j Xl xc Applying Ohm's law for load Z and again for total line and load Zt: Vl = Z .I Vs = Zt . I Assuming that Vs is the base voltage, its per-unit value will be Vs = 1 pu with an angle of 0, so the per unit receiving end voltage Vl/Vs does not depend on the current I, because the current I is eliminated from both numerator and denominator, as shown in equation 3. Vl Vs j.x .(Rl j. Xl) = c . RRl . XXl . . Xlx Xx c c . RXl . . RlX . j. Rlx Rx c c (03) Equation 03 gives the receiving end voltage in per unit The capacitive reactive power, Qc, at nominal capacitor voltage is used to rate a capacitor. Capacitive reactance, Xc, can be calculated from voltage and reactive power. The equation for the shunt capacitor reactive power is: 5 Qc =-kV2/Xc Where: Xc: Shunt Capacitive reactance (Ohm) Qc: rated capacitive reactive power (MVAr) kV: rated capacitor voltage (kV) The capacitive reactance Xc is given by equation 4. 2 xc kV Qc (Ω ) ( 4) The value of capacitive reactance Xc will have the opposite sign from inductive reactance Xl, and from Qc, which is positive when supplied to the system. Most loads are inductive, Figure 4a, and added compensation supplies reactive power, Figure 4b. In the case of overcompensation, the reactive power supplied by the added capacitive reactance is greater than that consumed by the load. The combination becomes capacitive, as shown in Figure 4c. 6 a/ Inductive load b/ Power factor correction 1 > pf’ > pf, adding shunt capacitor: I’ = I+Ic (c) Overcompensation Figure 4. Receiving End Phasor Diagrams (a) Without adding shunt capacitor. (b) With adding shunt capacitor. (c) Overcompensated 7 CHAPTER III EXAMPLE SYSTEM A feeder from the IEEE 37-node test feeder [5] is used as the example system in the rest of this thesis. Simple positive-sequence line impedances were calculated from the 37 node feeder data. IEEE 37 Node Test Feeder The positive-sequence R and X are needed for each feeder segment of the 37-node test feeder. From the available feeder data [5], the impedance matrix [Zabc] is placed into the modified Carson and the Kron reduction equations [6]: Zs 1. Zm 1. 3 3 Zabc 0 , 0 Zabc 1 , 1 Zabc 0 , 1 Zabc 1 , 2 Zabc 2 , 2 Zabc 2 , 0 The positive sequence impedance, Z11, is : Z11 = Zs – Zm The calculations for each segment are presented in Appendix B. The results are shown in Table 1. 8 TABLE 1: R/X FACTOR OF EACH LINE SEGMENT 701 702 702 702 703 703 704 704 705 705 706 707 707 708 708 709 709 710 710 711 711 713 714 720 720 727 730 733 734 734 737 738 744 744 799 702 705 713 703 727 730 714 720 742 712 725 724 722 733 732 731 708 735 736 741 740 704 718 707 706 744 709 734 737 710 738 711 728 729 701 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.25 0.05 0.11 0.02 0.15 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.14 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.06 0.04 0.24 0.08 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.35 Line Segment Data Positive Seq. (Ω/mile) r x 722 0.36 0.31 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 722 0.36 0.31 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 723 0.97 0.52 723 0.97 0.52 723 0.97 0.52 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 723 0.97 0.52 723 0.97 0.52 724 1.75 0.58 724 1.75 0.58 721 0.24 0.22 Config. Length (mile.) Node B Node A OF IEEE 37-NODE TEST FEEDERS 9 Positive Seq. (Ω) R X 0.07 0.06 0.13 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.03 0.11 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.15 0.08 0.11 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.25 0.08 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.04 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.42 0.14 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.10 0.05 0.17 0.06 0.31 0.10 0.11 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.10 0.05 0.12 0.06 0.17 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.09 0.03 0.08 0.08 R/X 1.16 3.02 1.88 1.16 3.02 1.88 3.02 1.88 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 1.88 3.02 1.88 1.88 3.02 3.02 1.88 3.02 1.88 3.02 3.02 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 3.02 1.88 1.88 3.02 3.02 1.09 799 724 722 707 712 701 713 742 704 720 705 702 714 706 729 744 727 703 718 725 728 730 732 708 709 731 736 733 710 775 734 740 735 737 738 711 741 Figure 5: One line diagram of IEEE 37-Node Test Feeder 10 CHAPTER IV LOADS IMPEDANCES Load data for a distribution feeder is commonly modeled as constant real power, P, and reactive power, Q. This load power data is converted to a constant impedance model by assuming a load voltage, and from the load data shown in Table 2 [5]: TABLE 2: SPOT LOADS OF IEEE 37-NODE TEST FEEDERS Node Load Model 701 D-PQ 712 D-PQ 713 D-PQ 714 D-I 718 D-Z 720 D-PQ 722 D-I 724 D-Z 725 D-PQ 727 D-PQ 728 D-PQ 729 D-I 730 D-Z 731 D-Z 732 D-PQ 733 D-I 734 D-PQ 735 D-PQ 736 D-Z 737 D-I 738 D-PQ 740 D-PQ 741 D-I 742 D-Z 744 D-PQ Total Ph-1 Ph-1 Ph-2 Ph-2 Ph-3 MW MVAr MW MVAr MW 140 70 140 70 350 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 85 17 8 21 10 0 85 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 140 70 21 0 0 42 21 0 0 0 42 21 0 0 0 0 0 42 42 21 42 21 42 42 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 85 40 0 0 0 0 0 42 85 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 42 21 0 140 70 0 0 0 126 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 42 8 4 85 40 0 42 21 0 0 0 727 357 639 314 1091 11 Ph-4 MVAr 175 40 40 0 0 40 10 0 0 21 21 0 40 0 21 0 21 40 0 0 0 40 21 0 0 530 Apply Ohm's law to calculate the load impedances: S = P - j*Q Then Z = V I V S = V*I = V. Z 2 So, Z = Hence, Note: V P j.Q Rl = Re( Z ) (Ω ) (05) Xl = Im( Z ) (Ω ) (06) V is in kV P is in MW, and Q in MVAr 12 CHAPTER V VOLTAGE CONTROL In this section, the effects of shunt capacitance on the receiving end voltage are illustrated in three examples. Because of its relatively high R/X ratio, phase a of the feeder at node 744 of the IEEE 37-node test feeder was used in the examples. Calculations for all three examples are presented in Appendix C. 13 5.1 Example 1: Substitute the feeder data into equations 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. Then plot the graph of Vr, the receiving end (load) voltage and power factor versus the rating of capacitor Qc. These are shown in Figure 6. Note that the capacitor rating is not the actual capacitive reactive power injected into the line, because reduced Vr lowers the actual Qc. So in some cases, a greater value of rated Qc may supply less capacitive reactive power than a smaller capacitor. Plotting of Received End Voltages 1 Received Voltage Per Unit 0.98 0.96 0.94 V pf c c 1 1 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Q c 1 Rating Capacitor (MVA) Figure 6. Results for Example 1. 14 160 180 200 5.2 Example 2: Increase the R/X ratio from its original value of 3 to 31. The results, shown in Figure 7 show that the higher value of k results in the receiving end voltage to starts decreasing earlier. Plotting of Received End Voltages 1 Received Voltage Per Unit 0.97 0.94 0.91 V c pf c 1 1 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.7 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Q c 1 Rating Capacitor (MVA) Figure 7. Results for example 2 15 160 180 200 5.3 Example 3: Example 3 repeats the case simulated in a previous thesis [1]. This example verifies agreement between the procedure developed in this thesis with the previous work. Results are shown in Figure 8. 1 Plotting of Received End Voltages 1 Received Voltage Per Unit 0.97 0.94 0.91 V c pf c 1 1 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.70 0.7 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Q c 1 Added Capacitive Power (KVAr) Figure 8. Results for example 3. 16 160 180 200 200 In all three examples, the line’s R/X ratio is greater than 2. In each, receiving end voltage Vr is observed increasing to its maximum value, and then decreasing, as the capacitor rating increases. Also in each, the plot of power factor has an M shape. In example 1, the concept of power factor correction capacitance, or reactive power generator can explain the behavior of the shunt capacitor within the first interval, 0 < Qc < 26.6. The reactive power produced by the shunt capacitor, compensated for the reactive power consumed by the load, which corrects the power factor, and increases pf to unity. In the second interval, 26.6 < Qc < 83.7, the capacitor reactive power flow is greater than that consumed by the load, so the power factor becomes leading thus and starts to decrease from unity. The voltage continues to increase with increasing capacitive reactive power. In the last interval, 83.7 < Qc < 200, the system becomes overcompensated; the capacitive reactance is greater than that consumed by the load and the line. The surplus capacitive reactance can be considered as a capacitive load. Then the capacitive component, Xc, of the load impedance Z becomes smaller and forces Z to do so as well. The voltage drop on the line inscreases, and the receiving end voltage starts dropping with increasing capacitor rating. The actual capacitive reactive power injected is decreasing due to the decrease in the receiving end voltage, returning the power factor to unity. In example 2, the R/X ratio is increased by lowering the line reactance X. That change also reduces the demand of reactive power that combine the 17 reactive load and the reactive power loss on the line. So the case of overcompensation comes earlier results in the receiving end voltage start dropping as soon as the rating capacitor is 30 MVAr. Example 3 repeats an example from an earlier thesis [1]. The results were the same as in [1]. This was used to verify the model developed in previous chapters. Future work: o As shown in example 2, the receiving end voltage drops earlier with increasing R/X. Further work should be done to quantify this effect. o Study the effects of placing more than one capacitor on the line. 18 LIST OF REFERENCES 19 REFERENCES [1] D. K. Mehdi and W. Jewell, “Reactive power on Radial Distribution Systems: Voltage Control and Line Losses,” Wichita State University, Electrical Computer Engineering Department 2004. [2] M.H. Shwedhi and M.R. Sultan, “Power Factor Correction Capacitors; Essentials and Cautions,” IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, vol. 3, pp 1317-1322, 2000. [3] B. Milosevic and M. Begovic, “Capacitor Placement for Conservative Voltage Reduction on Distribution Feeders,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 19, No. 3, July 2004. [4] R.T. Saleh and A.E. Emanuel, “Optimum Shunt Capacitor for Power Factor Correction at Busses with Lightly Distorted Voltage,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol PWRD-2, No. 1, pp 165 – 173, January 1987. [5] IEEE 34, 37, 123 – node test feeders please visit the website http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/dsacom/testfeeders.html [6] William H. Kersting, “Distribution System Modeling and Analysis”, CRC Press, 2002. [7] J. D. Glover and M.S. Sarma, “Power System Analysis and Design”, 3rd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2002. 20 APPENDICES 21 APPENDIX A IEEE 37 NODE TEST FEEDER PHASE IMPEDANCE AND ADMITTANCE MATRICES Configuration 721 Z (R +jX) in ohms per mile 0.2926 0.1973 0.0673 -0.0368 0.0337 -0.0417 0.2646 0.0673 -0.0368 0.1900 0.2926 0.1973 B in micro Siemens per mile 159.7919 0.0000 0.0000 159.7919 0.0000 159.7919 Configuration 722 Z (R +jX) in ohms per mile 0.4751 0.2973 0.1629 -0.0326 0.1234 -0.0607 0.4488 0.1629 -0.0326 0.2678 0.4751 B in micro Siemens per mile 127.8306 0.0000 0.0000 127.8306 0.0000 127.8306 22 0.2973 Configuration 723 Z (R +jX) in ohms per mile 1.2936 0.6713 0.4871 0.2111 0.4585 0.1521 1.3022 0.6326 0.4871 0.2111 1.2936 0.6713 B in micro Siemens per mile 74.8405 0.0000 0.0000 74.8405 0.0000 74.8405 Configuration 724 Z (R +jX) in ohms per mile 2.0952 0.7758 0.5204 0.2738 0.4926 0.2123 2.1068 0.7398 0.5204 0.2738 2.0952 0.7758 B in micro Siemens per mile 60.2483 0.0000 0.0000 60.2483 0.0000 60.2483 23 APPENDIX B FIND POSITIVE-SEQUENCE R AND X FOR EACH FEEDER SEGMENT OF 37-NODE TEST FEEDER SEGMENTS AND CALCULATE THEIR RATIO R/X: Configuration 721: Zabc 0.2926 i. 0.1973 0.0673 i. 0.0368 0.0337 i. 0.0417 0 0.2646 i. 0.1900 0.0673 i. 0.0368 0 0.2926 i. 0.1973 0 Using the modified Carson and the Kron reduction [6]: Equation 4.68 => Zs 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 0 Zabc 1 , 1 Zabc 2 , 2 Zs = 0.283 + 0.195i Zabc 1 , 2 Zabc 2 , 0 Zm = 0.045 0.025i Equation 4.69 => Zm 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 1 Positive sequence impedance, Z11: Z11 Zs Z11 = 0.238 + 0.219i Zm Ω /mile Configuration 722: Zabc 0.4751 i. 0.2973 0.1629 i. 0.0326 0.1234 i. 0.0607 0 0.4488 i. 0.2678 0.1629 i. 0.0326 0 0.4751 i. 0.2973 0 Using the modified Carson and the Kron reduction [6]: Equation 4.68 => Zs 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 0 Zabc 1 , 1 Zabc 2 , 2 Equation 4.69 => 24 Zs = 0.466 + 0.287i Zm 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 1 Zabc 1 , 2 Zm = 0.109 0.022i Zabc 2 , 0 Positive sequence impedance, Z11: Z11 Zs Z11 = 0.358 + 0.309i Zm Ω / mile Configuration 723: Zabc 1.2936 i .0.6713 0.4871 i .0.2111 0.4585 i .0.1521 0 1.3022 i .0.6326 0.4871 i .0.2111 0 1.2936 i .0.6713 0 Using the modified Carson and the Kron reduction [6]: Equation 4.68 => Zs 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 0 Zabc 1 , 1 Zabc 2 , 2 Zs = 1.296 + 0.658i Zabc 1 , 2 Zabc 2 , 0 Zm = 0.325 + 0.141i Equation 4.69 => Zm 1. Zabc 0 , 1 3 Positive sequence impedance, Z11: Z11 Zs Z11 = 0.972 + 0.518i Zm Ω / mile Configuration 724: Zabc 2.0952 i .0.7758 0.5204 i .0.2738 0.4926 i .0.2123 0 2.1068 i .0.7398 0.5204 i .0.2738 0 2.0952 i .0.7758 0 Using the modified Carson and the Kron reduction [6]: Equation 4.68 => Zs 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 0 Zabc 1 , 1 Zabc 2 , 2 25 Zs = 2.099 + 0.764i Equation 4.69 => Zm 1. 3 Zabc 0 , 1 Zabc 1 , 2 Zm = 0.347 + 0.183i Zabc 2 , 0 Positive sequence impedance, Z11: Z11 Zs Zm Z11 = 1.752 + 0.581i 26 Ω / mile APPENDIX C EXAMPLES CALCULATION IN MATHCAD FORMAT Example 1 : Node 744, IEEE 37-Node Test Feeder, using Shunt capacitor. From Table 1 , We have: R 0.0929 kV 4.8 X Line impedances( Ω ) 0.0308 R ( kV) X = 3.016 Calculate the load impedances (apply equation 04 and equation 05): p 42 ( MW ) q 21 ( MVAr) 2 Z kV p Z = 0.439 + 0.219i j.q Rl Re( Z ) Rl = 0.439 Load impedance ( Ω ) Xl Im( Z ) Xl = 0.219 Load impedance ( Ω ) Without adding shunt capacitor: capacitive reactive power = zero Q0 0 Z0 Rl j.Xl Zt0 (R Rl) j .( X Xl) (R Rl j .Xl Rl) j .( X Xl) V0 Load impedance (Ω ) Total load & line impedance (Ω ) Received end voltage V0 = 0.835 Add shunt capacitor Qc (MVAr); Qc delivers capacitive reactive power up to 200 MVAr. A capacitor absorbs zero real power, Pc = 0 W, and negative reactive power, Qc = -V^2/Xc var. Alternatively, a capacitor delivers positive reactive power, +V^2/Xc [6]. So, we have: 27 Qc = 2 kV xc 2 Capacitance reactance: kV xc (Equation 04) (Ω ) Qc Load impedance (Ω ) (Applying equation 01) j.xc .( Rl j .Xl) Zc (Ω ) Rl j . Xl xc Load & line impedance (Ω ) (Applying equation 02) Zt c Xl.xc R.Rl X .Xl X .xc j. Rl.xc R.Xl R.xc Rl.X j. Xl xc Rl (Ω ) The received end voltage per unit: (Applying equation 03) j .xc .( Rl j.Xl) Vc Xl.xc R.Rl X .Xl X .xc The power factor pf Re pfc j . Rl.xc R.Xl R.xc Rl.X (pu) 2 Vc Zc Vc 2 Zc Example 2 : Node 744, IEEE 37-Node Test Feeder, using Shunt capacitor. However somehow we can change the line impedance to force the factor R/X up ( by lowering X) R 0.0929 kV 4.8 X ( kV) 0.003 Line impedances( Ω ) R X = 30.967 28 Calculate the load impedances (applying equation 04 and equation 05): p 42 ( MW ) q 21 ( MVAr) 2 kV Z Z = 0.439 + 0.219i j.q p Rl Re( Z ) Rl = 0.439 Load impedance ( Ω ) Xl Im( Z ) Xl = 0.219 Load impedance ( Ω ) Without adding shunt capacitor: capacitive reactive power = zero Q0 0 Z0 Rl j.Xl Zt0 (R Rl) j.( X Xl) (R Rl j .Xl Rl) j .( X Xl) V0 Load impedance (Ω ) Total load & line impedance (Ω ) Received end voltage V0 = 0.851 Add shunt capacitor Qc: Qc = 2 kV xc 2 Capacitance reactance: xc kV (Equation 04) (Ω ) Qc Load impedance (Ω ) (Applying equation 01) Zc j .xc .( Rl j.Xl) Rl j . Xl xc (Ω ) Load & line impedance (Ω ) (Applying equation 02) 29 Xl.xc Zt c R.Rl X .Xl X .xc j. Rl.xc R.Xl R.xc Rl.X Rl j . Xl xc (Ω ) The received end voltage per unit: (Applying equation 03) j .xc.( Rl j.Xl) Vc Xl.xc R.Rl X .Xl X .xc j . Rl.xc The power factor pf Re pfc Vc R.Xl R .xc Rl.X (pu) 2 Zc Vc 2 Zc Example 3 : Reproduce one of the cases from previous thesis Line impedance Zabs = 0.05 pu, Zbase = 10Ω, R/X = 2.5 Sending Voltage Vs = 1.0 pu with an angle of zero, Vln = 7.62 kV Load S = 1.0 pu with Sbase = 100 MVA Line impedances 0.05.10 Zabs Zabs R 2 1 1 R = 0.464 (Ω ) X = 0.186 (Ω ) 2 2.5 X R X R 2.5 = 2.5 Calculate the load impedances (applying equation 04 and equation 05): p 100.0.7 3 p = 23.333 30 ( MW ) 2 100 q ( 100.0.7) 2 q = 23.805 3 kV 7.62 ( kV) 2 kV Z p ( MVAr) Z = 1.219 + 1.244i j .q Rl Re( Z ) Rl = 1.219 Load impedance ( Ω ) Xl Im( Z ) Xl = 1.244 Load impedance ( Ω ) Without adding shunt capacitor: capacitive reactive power = zero Q0 0 Z0 Rl j .Xl Zt 0 (R Rl) j.( X Xl) (R Rl j .Xl Rl) j .( X Xl) V0 Load impedance (Ω ) Total load & line impedance (Ω ) Received end voltage V0 = 0.789 Add shunt capacitor Qc(MVAr) Qc = 2 kV xc 2 Capacitance reactance: xc kV (Equation 04) (Ω ) Qc Load impedance (Ω ) (Applying equation 01) Zc j.xc .( Rl j .Xl) Rl j . Xl xc (Ω ) Load & line impedance (Ω ) (Applying equation 02) 31 Zt c Xl.xc R.Rl X .Xl X .xc j. Rl.xc R.Xl R.xc Rl.X Rl j . Xl xc (Ω ) The received end voltage per unit: (Applying equation 03) Vc j .xc.( Rl j .Xl) Xl.xc R .Rl X .Xl X .xc j . Rl.xc The power factor pf Re pfc Vc 2 Zc Vc 2 Zc 32 R .Xl R.xc Rl.X (pu)