Sheet nº 233 January 2006 Volcanoes : looking back to their past to predict their future The volcanic arc of the Andes chain was generated by subduction of the Nazca oceanic plate under the South American continental plate. Since 1995, IRD scientists and their colleagues (1) have been conducting research on volcanoes in Ecuador with growing interest. Their aim is the study and management of volcanic hazard and improve prevention strategies. Recently they reconstructed the history of the Cayambe Volcanic Complex and mapped the area. This formation gives the appearance of being dormant. However, if its activity resumes this could be violent and bring 30 000 people under threat. Knowledge of its past behaviour is the key to an understanding of its potential future activity. he Andean Cordillera is exceptional as a kind of natural laboratory, useful for understand the structure, evolution and functioning of a subduction zone between oceanic and continental tectonic plates. The arc arose as a result of subduction of the Nazca oceanic plate under the South American continental plate. As the Nazca plate plunges under the continental plate, descending parts are subjected to increasing pressures and temperatures. This process leads to the formation of magmas which, rising up again in places across the continental plate, are the source of the Andean volcanoes. Since 1995, IRD’s Magmas et Volcans laboratory (UMR 163) (2) has been conducting a programme of volcanic research in Ecuador in conjunction with scientists from the Institute of Geophysics of National Polytechnic (Escuela Politecnica Nacional, EPN) of Quito and from the Jeune Équipe Associée (JEAI) recently set up there. Interest in volcanic hazard and its management is growing and this team has brought the subject, and improvement of prevention strategies, T ©IRD/Michel Monzier into focus. Reconstruction of the history of a volcanic complex is the foundation for this work; knowledge of the past behaviour of a volcano is the key to considered prediction of its future activity. In this context, the latest work published by JEAI and IRD researchers are the result of several years’ multidisciplinary investigation conducted on the Cayambe Volcano Complex. Its presentation as a dome, rising to 5790 m, and glacier-topped, along with the absence of manifest activity gave sustenance to the idea, held until quite recently, that the volcano was extinct. Covered by a thick ice cap, it represents the ideal case of a dormant volcano, but whose inactivity could be only temporary and reawakening extremely dangerous. Its activity at depth is similar to that of active Ecuadorian volcanoes, like Cotopaxi. Recordings have revealed strong seismic activity beneath the summit. The researchers have just finalized the first complete geological map of the Cayambe complex. ../... The exhaustive study of the formation began with investigation of lava flows and recent fallout events involving volcanic rock fragments (pyroclastic fallout), sampling and mapping of different parts of this volcano. The Cayambe Volcanic Complex is made up of two large edifices, which from West to East, consist of: 1) The Viejo Cayambe, a large structure consisting mainly of lava, highly eroded and aged about 1 million years (Ma); 2) The Nevado Cayambe, a less voluminous structure formed from about 0.1 Ma B.P., essentially composed of magma whose chemical composition contains between 63 and 69 % of silica (dacitic) corresponds to a more explosive form of activity. It is topped by an extensive complex of domes, partly Holocene, forming the peaks of this massif; the Angureal cone, aged about 0.4 Ma, corresponds to the transition between the two major formations; 3) The "Cono de la Virgen" is a relatively small satellite structure, probably Holocene, installed on the lower eastern slopes of Nevado Cayambe, which poured out sizeable flows of lava, and which was the site of the last eruption in 1785-1786. The first absolute chronological history of this imposing volcanic formation has been obtained, in collaboration with the research unit UMR Géosciences Azur (3), using isotopic measurements on argon, a rare gas entrapped in the lavas. These 40Ar/39Ar dating measurements complement data from the study of ash and pumice fallout on a mountain peat-bog. Carbon 14 dating was thus carried out at different levels of these deposits. Thus, over the past 4 millenia, the volcano Cayambe Nevado has been active in three eruptive periods each about 700 years long, separated by phases of quiescence of about 500 to 600 years. Before this the volcano had long remained inactive. chemical composition of the lavas is linked to a strong involvement of products of fusion of the oceanic crust plunging under the continental crust (and not only from mantle fusion as is usually the case). These results give clues for understanding the evolution of the eruptive style of Cayambe whose magmas become increasingly acid, in other words richer in silica, and more and more viscous –hence increasingly explosive. The eruptive styles which characterize the three large recent cycles are therefore those of a volcanic system with head domes. At least 23 eruptions were identified for a 4000-year period. They generated pyroclastic lava flows and eruption fallout forming a turbulent volcanic plume which often rises as far up as the stratosphere (plinian fallout). This corresponds to an average of little over one eruption per century. The time elapsed since the last eruption, in 1785-1786, is therefore not long enough to affirm that the latest period of activity has ceased. These results shed new light therefore on the threat this strongly glaciated volcano, hangs over populations living at the foot of that mass. In the case of an event involving the the volcano summit, an ice-flow catastrophe could occur and directly threaten the town of Cayambe and surrounding villages, along with the fertile plain situated west of the volcano. A population of over 30 000 would be under threat Disaster prevention measures have been published with a map of volcanic hazards threatening Cayambe and in a book in Spanish, intended for people living around the volcano in order to advise them how to live with this turbulent neighbour. All these efforts therefore are part and parcel of a general strategy going from the most detailed scientific study possible using the most advanced techniques, to the application of the results obtained with a view to reducing the risks run by the people of Ecuador. ________________________ The researchers also present results of petrological and geochemical investigations that show the evolution of magmas during the history of the volcano, resulting mainly from processes taking place deep under the volcano. The (1) Researchers of the Institute of Geophysics of the EPN of Quito and those of the Jeune Équipe Associée (JEAI) recently set up at the EPN. Redaction – IRD : Beatrice Le Brun/Sophie Nunziati Translation : Nicholas Flay (3) UMR Géosciences Azur; CNRS-IRD-Universities of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and Paris VI joint research unit. (2) UMR 163 Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans; IRD-CNRSUniversities Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand) and Jean Monnet (Saint Etienne) joint research unit. For futher information CONTACTS: Jean-Philippe EISSEN – UMR 163 Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, unité mixte de recherche IRD, CNRS, universités Blaise Pascal et Jean Monnet Université Blaise Pascal, 5 rue Kessler, 63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France; Tel. : +33 (0)4 73 34 67 53; Email: Pablo SAMANIEGO, Institute of Geophysics, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador and Jeune Equipe Associée at the IRD (JEAI) – UMR 163 Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans Université Blaise Pascal, 5 rue Kessler, 63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France; Email: / IRD Communication : Sophie Nunziati (press officer), Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 03 75 19, Email: REFERENCES Pablo Samaniego, Hervé Martin, Michel Monzier, Claude Robin, Michel Fornari, Jean-Philippe Eissen, Joseph Cotten, Temporal evolution of magmatism in the Northern volcanic zone of the Andes : the geology and petrology of Cayambe Volcanic complex (Ecuador), Journal of petrology 2005, n°46: 2225-2252; Samaniego P., Eissen J.-P., Monzier M., Robin C., Alvarado A., Yepes H., 2004 - Los peligros volcánicos asociados con el Cayambe. Serie Los peligros volcánicos en Ecuador, No. 2. Corporación Editora Nacional, IG-EPN, IRD, 94 pp. Samaniego P., Monzier M., Eissen J.P., Yepes H., 2003 – Mapa de peligros potentiales del volcán Cayambe. (1/70.000) : Edit. IGM-IG/EPNIRD. ILLUSTRATIONS Contact Indigo Base, IRD picture library, Claire Lissalde or Danièle Cavanna, Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 03 78 99, Email : The illustrations can be viewed on: