TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN CURRENCY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS When a U.S. company prepares its financial statements, it must include its foreign-based operations: a) measured in US dollars b) reported using GAAP The foreign operations may be: a) subsidiaries b) branches c) other investments of the US firm OBJECTIVE OF TRANSLATION PROCESS: Provide information that shows the expected impact of exchange rate changes on the US company’s cash flows and equity. STEPS IN THE TRANSLATION PROCESS: Receive financial statements of foreign subsidiary (reported in a foreign currency). Restate to conform to GAAP (on worksheet). Translate amount in each account into US $. Consolidate the translated accounts with the parent’s accounts. METHODS OF TRANSLATION PERMITTED UNDER GAAP: Current Rate Method Temporal Method Choice based on Functional Currency of the foreign operation. FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY: The currency of the environment in which the entity primarily generates and expends cash. [In highly inflationary economies, the Functional Currency must be the US dollar]. Tugas 12: Tugas Kelompok • Tugas 12 lihat A0642T12 • Dikumpulkan pada pertemuan selanjutnya