Calvin College
Off-Campus Programs Office
Risk Management Protocols
Prior to departing on your semester or interim experience, please prepare by
completing the following:
During your orientation with students, discuss the topic of sexual assault and harassment. (See
accompanying student handout.) Goals for this discussion should include:
1. increased student awareness regarding sexual assault/harassment and
2. steps for students to take in reducing vulnerability to sexual assault.
Someone from the Sexual Assault Prevention Team (SAPT) may be able to available to lead this
discussion – contact the Broene Counseling Center for more information.
Review the following resources with students as part of your discussion:
o Definition of & information regarding Sexual Harassment:
o Definition of & information regarding Sexual Assault:
o Myths & facts regarding Sexual Assault:
Recommend the following steps to students, both male and female, encouraging them to exercise
discretion in reducing their vulnerability to sexual assault:
o Dress conservatively, paying attention to local cultural norms regarding attire.
o Avoid walking alone at night or in questionable neighborhoods.
o Do not agree to meet a person whom you do not know.
o Avoid alcohol abuse. Accept drinks only from people you trust, and do not leave a drink
o Be aware that friendliness can sometimes be mistaken for romantic interest. Recognize that
the stereotype of American women as morally loose and uninhibited about sex is quite
prevalent in other countries.
o Be straightforward, serious and firm if propositioned – you may have to deny propositions
multiple times. Avoid eye contact with unknown men. Don’t be afraid to be “rude.” Protect
your own comfort and safety.
o No one has the right to take sexual advantage of you. If you are victimized in this way,
be sure to get help from your program director and/or another person in authority. This
is important for your physical and mental well-being and to protect others from becoming
victims in the future.
Work to establish trust with students so they feel comfortable talking with you in the case of
sexual harassment or assault. For male instructors, identify a female contact (this could be a
mature student, someone from the host institution, or someone from a local NGO, or a mental
health professional) that would be available to offer support to female students who have been a
victim of sexual assault/harassment. For female instructors, identify a male contact that would be
available to offer support to male students who have been a victim of sexual assault/harassment.
Responding to Sexual Assault
If a student reports being sexually assaulted, contact Calvin’s Crisis Response Team for direction
and support as soon as possible. The Calvin Campus Security 24/7 line can also be used to
rapidly connect with support at Calvin. If someone other than the victim informs you that a
student has been sexually assaulted, communicate with the victim directly regarding the
Respond swiftly, giving priority to the provision of care and support to the victim.
Ensure that the student is in a safe place away from the attacker.
Encourage the student to preserve evidence by avoiding bathing, brushing teeth, or changing
clothes until an examination has been completed—if s/he does change clothes, request that each
item of clothing be saved in a separate paper bag.
Support the student in seeking medical attention in order to treat any injuries (using emergency
care from the nearest hospital if needed) and documenting evidence (in case the student chooses
to press charges). An exam is pertinent up to 96 hours post-assault for evidence to be collected.
Assure the student that s/he is not to blame, encouraging reliance on you and other supports
rather than attempts to handle the situation alone.
In the first 12 hours after the assault, provide the student with information regarding options
available for follow-up. While providing options is important in empowering the student after
victimization, recognize that s/he may feel overwhelmed and need your support in making
decisions based on individual needs. Options for the student may include:
o Making arrangements for counseling and/or hospital care at your present location.
o Making arrangements for initial support over the phone with a crisis center in the United
States (see resources below).
o Making arrangements for the student to return home or to Calvin. (Remember that the
victim should never be expected to make this trip by him/herself but instead be
accompanied by someone from the Calvin group.)
o Making arrangements for a family member of the victim to travel to your location.
o Assisting with reporting the assault to the local authorities.
Support the student in telling family and significant others about the situation, as needed. When
possible, the first contact with families should be made by someone at Calvin. The Crisis
Response Team and the Broene Counseling Center are both available to support the director
through these steps. Remember to honor confidentiality guidelines. The student has the right to
confidentiality and may not wish to have other program participants, program staff, and/or
family aware of what has occurred. However, the Crisis Response Team at Calvin must be
notified as quickly as possible in order to provide necessary support to the student(s), and inform
the required university officials.
Refer the student to local community resources for counseling and support of sexual assault
victims. The nearest U.S. Embassy can provide information regarding in-country counseling and
can assist with reporting the assault to the authorities.
Refer the student to internet and phone resources for long-distance crisis support as needed, such
o RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)
 24-hour confidential hotline by phone (1-800-656-4673) or online
 links to international resources at
o YWCA – West Central Michigan
 24-hour confidential hotline (616-776-7273)
Complete an Incident Report Form – document the assault and how you responded to the
Responding to Sexual Harassment
If sexual harassment toward a student is reported or suspected, ascertain if the harassment is
internal or external to the Calvin group.
o If the crisis is internal to the Calvin group, separate the individuals involved and consult
with the Crisis Response Team to identify next steps.
o If the crisis includes host country nationals, contact the local authorities immediately.
Encourage the student to follow the following guidelines in the case of sexual harassment:
o Say NO! Say it firmly without smiling or apologizing. You may also wish to write a
letter to the harasser clearly communicating your objections.
o Keep a record of what has occurred and how you responded. Include direct quotes, dates,
places, times, and witnesses to the harassment. Save all harassing cards, letters, voice
mail or answering machine messages.
o Talk to someone for support.
o Recognize that you have a right to report all incidences of discrimination, harassment, or
retaliation regardless of the offender’s identity or position. The I Will Report It message
line (616-526-4974) is a 24-hour service developed by Calvin College that is designated
for reports from students, faculty, and staff relating to sexual harassment or assault.
Student Life professionals, who are trained to assist callers with the reporting process,
monitor and respond to all calls. In addition, complaints may also be filed directly with
the Dean of Students for Judicial Affairs, Jane Hendriksma (616-526-6116,
Complete an Incident Report Form – document the harassment and how you responded to the
Follow Up Protocols upon Return from Semester or Interim Experience
Make sure that any students impacted by sexual assault or harassment are aware of resources
available to them on campus.
o Broene Counseling Center
o Judicial Affairs
o Health Services
Meet with the Crisis Response Team to review/evaluate how the situation was handled and if any
additional policies or procedures need to be put into place.
Important Contacts at Calvin:
o Don DeGraaf, Off-Campus Programs Director
 616-526-6225 (office)
 616-558-7245 (cell)
o Jane Hendriksma, Dean of Students for Judicial Affairs
 616-526-6116 (office)
o Broene Counseling Center
 616-526-6123 (front desk)
 616-526-6126 (Amanda Worst, SAPT faculty/staff sponsor)
o Calvin Campus Safety (24/7 line)
 616-526-6452
o Calvin Health Services
 616-526-7076
o Calvin I Will Report It ) is a 24-hour service developed by Calvin College that is
designated for phone reports from students, faculty, and staff relating to sexual
harassment or assault. Student Life professionals, who are trained to assist callers with
the reporting process, monitor and respond to all calls.
 616-526-IWRI (616-526-4974)
o Calvin Off-Campus Programs Office
 616-526-6382
Created 7/2010
Last Updated 9/10/13