vii TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 2 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Research Questions 4 1.4 Research Objectives 5 1.5 Scope of the Research 6 1.5.1 Theoretical Framework 6 1.5.2 Study area 6 1.5.3 Data Collection Method 7 1.6 Significance of the Research 8 1.7 Research Design 8 viii 1.7.1 Preliminary Stage 8 1.7.2 Data Collection 9 1.7.3 Data Analysis 9 1.7.4 Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation 9 1.8 Chapter Summary 2 11 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 Volunteer Tourism 13 2.2.1 Volunteer Tourism Definition 14 2.2.2 Concept of Volunteer Tourism 15 2.2.3 Volunteer Tourist and Typology 17 2.2.4 Volunteer Tourist Motivation 18 2.2.5 Volunteer Tourism Projects and Activities 19 2.2.6 Volunteer Tourism Impacts: Benefits and 21 Challenges 3 2.3 Perceived value and Volunteer Tourism Experiences 23 2.4 Tourist Satisfaction 25 2.5 Satisfaction and Future Behavioural Intentions (FBI) 28 2.6 Theoretical Framework of the Study 30 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Conceptual Framework of Study 31 3.3 Research Method 33 3.4 Research Instrument and Questionnaire Design 35 3.4.1 Research Variables 36 Volunteer Tourists‟ Motivations Volunteer Tourists‟ Expectations 37 and Experiences Performance Volunteer Tourists‟ Overall Satisfaction 38 39 ix Intention to Revisit 39 Intention to Recommend 40 Volunteer Tourism Experiences 40 Demographic Characteristics 40 Travel Behaviour Pattern 41 3.5 Study Area 41 3.6 Sampling and Population 43 3.7 Data Collection 44 3.8 Data Analysis 45 3.8.1 Online Survey Instrument 4 46 3.9 Reliability and Validity 46 3.10 Chapter Summary 47 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 Characteristics and Travel Behavior Patterns of Volunteer Tourists 49 4.2.1 Socio-Demographic Profiles of Respondents 49 4.2.2 Travel Behaviour Pattern of Respondents 50 4.2.3 Evaluation of Volunteer Motivation 52 Top Ranking of motivation items 52 Ranking of Motivation Attributes 53 4.3 Volunteer Tourists‟ Expectation and Performance Attributes 54 4.3.1 Expectations and Performances Gap Analysis 54 4.3.2 Importance-Performance Analysis 57 4.3.3 Gap Analysis for Volunteer Tourism Experiences Attributes 59 4.4 Volunteer Tourists‟ Overall Satisfaction and Future Behavioural Intention 60 4.4.1 Volunteer Tourists‟ Overall Satisfaction 60 x 4.4.2 Relationship between Overall Satisfaction and Future Behavioural Intention 61 4.5 Significance Difference between Year of Visit in Overall Satisfaction 4.6 Volunteer Tourism Attained Experiences 64 4.6.1 Best Experiences 64 4.6.2 Worst Experiences 68 4.6.3 Comments and Recommendations 70 4.7 Chapter Summary 5 63 72 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction 73 5.2 Main Findings and Discussion 73 5.3 Implications of Study 77 5.3.1 Theoretical Implications 77 5.3.2 Practitioners Implications 79 5.3.3 Policy Development Implications 80 5.4 Limitation and Potential for Future Research 81 REFERENCES 83 APPENDICES 92 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Volunteer Tourism Program at Batu Puteh Village 20 3.1 Variables Measurement Scales and the Sources 36 3.2 Statistical Summaries and Reliability Measures 47 4.1 Socio-Demographic Profiles of Respondents 49 4.2 Travel Behavior Pattern of Respondents 51 4.3 Ranking of Motivation Items 52 4.4 4.5 4.6 Descriptive Analysis of Respondents‟ Volunteer Motivation Volunteer Tourists‟ Expectation and Performance Mean Value Gap Analysis on Volunteer Tourism Experiences Attributes 53 56 59 4.7 Frequency of Overall Satisfaction 60 4.8 Determinant of Revisit Intention 61 4.9 Determinant of Recommend Intention 62 4.10 One-way ANOVA (Year of Visit and Overall Satisfaction) 63 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 2.1 2.2 TITLE Research Design Wearing‟s Definition of Volunteer Tourism (Source: From Wearing, 2001) Novelli‟s Category of Volunteer Tourism (Source: From Novelli, 2005) PAGE 10 15 16 2.3 A General Framework of Tourists‟ Satisfaction 30 3.1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 32 3.2 3.3 Location of the study area (Batu Puteh Mukim) (Source: KOPEL, 2011) Study Area within Lower Kinabatangan Sanctuary (Source: KOPEL, 2011) 42 43 4.1 Expectation-Performance Matrix 57 4.2 Volunteer Tourists‟ Best Experiences 64 4.3 Volunteer Tourists‟ Worst Experiences 68 5.1 Results of Tested Theoretical Framework 78 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS GVI - Global Vision Technology KOPEL - Batu Puteh Tourism Cooperative Ltd. MESCOT - NGO - UNESCO - WWF - World Wildlife Fund WTO - World Tourism Organization SERVQUAL - Service Quality Model SERVPERF - Service Performance Model VTO - Volunteer Tourism Organization Model Ecologically Sustainable Community Conservation and Tourism Non-Governmental Organization United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization xiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Sample of Research Questionnaire PAGE 92