Wichita State University Libraries SOAR: Shocker Open Access Repository Wind Energy Reports, no.4 Center for Energy Studies Wind Characteristics of the Western Part of Kansas Mark T. Long and Gary C. Thomann Wichita State University __________________________________________________________________ Recommended citation Jong, Mark T. and Gary C. Thomann. Wind characteristics for the western part of Kansas. Wichita, Kan: Wichita State University Wind Energy Laboratory, 1978.-- 42 p. Digitized by University Libraries and posted in Shocker Open Access Repository Citable Link: http://soar.wichita.edu/dspace/handle/10057/5996 Terms of use: in the Public Domain WER-4 WlND ENERGY REPORT NO.4 HIND CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE WESTERN PART OF KANSAS by MARK T. JONG and GARY C. THOMANN WlND ENERGY LABORATORY WlCHlTA STATE UNlVERSlTY WlCHlTA, KANSAS FEBRUARY, 1978 Wind Energy Report No . 4 WER-4 WIND CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE WESTERN PART OF KANSAS by Mark T. Jong and Gary c. Thomann Wind Energy Laboratory Wichita State University Wichita. Kansas 67208 February, 1978 Sponsored by Wichita State University and the State of Kansas TABLE OF CONTENTS page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE WINO SPEED DISTRIBUTIONS AT THE VARIOUS STATIONS 1 . .. .. . . THE ANNUAL AVERAGE WINO SPEED AND THE ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND POWER OENSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WIND SPEED AND POWER THE HOURLY VARIATION IN IIIND SPEED AND WIND POIIER DENSITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 . . . . • . . . 16 . . . .. 16 THE WIND DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION AND THE ENERGY AVAILABLE AS A FUNCTION OF WIND DIRECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 THE AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION. . . . . . . • . . . . . . 25 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . 35 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 36 APPENDIX A . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 WIND CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE WESTERN PART OF KANSAS Mark T. Jong and Gary C. Thomann Wind Energy Laboratory Wichita State University Wi chita, Kansas 67208 INTRODUCTION A determination of the power which will be supplied by a wind generator operating in a wind regime requires knowledge of the statistics of that wind distribution. From such wind speed statistics, it ;s possible to determine the expected values of the total yearly energy the generator will produce (its plant factor), its expected output at different times of the day and at different times of the year . and the expected intervals when it will be producing rated power, no power. etc. The design of a wind generator also depends on wind speed statistics. The operating point (rotor speed) and rotor size are usually both optimized for the wind distribution the generator ;s to operate in. The wind direction distribution is also important, particularly for siting wind generators. Siting locations are often selected to enhance the effect of the wind from certain directions. The placing of a generator on a hill or ridge is an example. In a preceding report,l the wind distribution for Wichita, Kansas was estimated from "ata taken by the National Weather Service (NWS) during the years 1968 through 1973. There appeared to be considerable variation in the energy in the wind from year to year. To illustrate this pOint, the Wichita average wind power density for each of the years 1968 to 1973 is shown in Table I. These calculations are from measurements taken at a height of 25 ft. There is approximately a 30X variation from the low to high values Table I. The yearly average power density in the wind for Wichita, Kansas, for the years 1968 to 1973 measured at a height of 25 ft above ground level. Year Power 1968 193 W/m 2 147 W/m 2 1969 182 W/m 2 188 W/m 2 1970 1971 167 W/m 2 177 W/m 2 1~2 1973 1 2 for these six years. Because of this large variation it appeared that data taken over a longer period of time should be used to obtain a reliable estimate of the mean yearly energy in the wind and also to obtain a more complete idea of year to year fluctuations. It was also desired to obtain data for stations other than Wichita, Kansas. Enough data was sought to enable an estimate to be made of the energy in the wind over the western half of Kansas. in particular the southwestern quadrant of the state. since it appears that this is the best Kansas area for wind generated electricity. Data was ordered from the National Weather Service at Ashville. North Carolina. for the sites of Wichita, Goodland, Russell, and Dodge City in Kansas; La Junta. Colorado, and Dalhart, Texas. The location of these stations ;s shown in Fig. 1. These stations more or less encircle the southwestern part of Kansas. \ COLORADO Goodland KANSAS 0 Russell 0 0 La Junta 0 ~~eCj~ 0 Wichita OKLAHOMA 0 Dalhart TEXAS Figure 1. Location of the stations where wind data was obtained. 3 Data was obtained from NWS in the form of 9 track computer compatible tapes which contained wind speed and direction along with a variety of other meteorological data. Computer programs were written to strip off only the wind information for processing. Information about the stations from which data were obtained is shown in Table II. An attempt was made to obtain data over the period 1948 to 1975. For some stations, data over this complete range of years did not exist. Data for years later than 1975 is not yet digitized and available for distribution. The air density, used for energy calculations. was calculated from the average temperature and the altitude. This information is shown in the table also. At several of the stations the height of the wind measuring instruments was changed during the 1948 to 1975 period. The heights of the instruments at various times are shown in Table III. Unfortunately, during the time recorded data was available for Dalhart and La Junta, there is no record of anemometer height at these stations. This is also true of the Russell data for a few years. For comparison purposes, all data was scaled to a height of twenty-five feet. The La Junta and Dalhart data was not changed; it is hoped that the anemometer height was near 25 ft. All the Russell data was scaled as if the anemometer height was 29 ft. For scaling it was assumed that wind speed increases with elevation as the one-seventh power of height; this dependenc p appears to be reasona~le, although other variations of wind speed with height are also used. The mlS data was recorded hourly up through 1964 and at intervals of three hours for years later than 1964. Comparative calculations were made during these years to see if there was any difference between results obtained using hourly data and results obtained using only data every third hour. Calculations were made of annual average speed and power, monthly average speed and power, wind direction distribution, velocity frequency distribution, and speed direction correlation. There was no discernible difference in any of the calculations, so only three hour data was used for the Table II. The location of each of the stations from which wind data is presented, its elevation, average temperature, air density, and the years for which the data was available . WICHITA RUSSELL DODGE CITY GOODLAND DALHART LA JUNTA LATITUDE 37°39'N 38°52'N 37°46'N 39°22'N 36°01'N 38°03 1 N LONGITUDE 97°25 1 W 98°49'W 99°58'W 101°42'W 103°31 'W 103°33 1W ELEVATION AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AIR DENSITY YEARS OF DATA 1321 ft 1864 2582 3922 3989 4190 56.6 of 55.2 54.9 50.5 55.9 54.4 1. 18 kg/m 3 1. 16 1.13 1.10 1.09 1.08 54-75 50-75 48-75 48-64 49-54 48-64 4 Table III. Changes in wind instrument height at each of the stations. Wichita 32 ft (to 7/26/67) 25 ft (7/27/67 to present) Dodge Ci ty 58 ft (1/1/48 to 4/12/61) 20 ft (4/13/61 to present) ft (1/1/48 to 5/11/49) ft (5/12/49 to 6/9/60) ft (6/10/60 to 3/23/64) ft (3/24/64 to 5/18/65) ft (5/19/65 to present) Goodland 43 25 31 35 20 Russell 29 ft since 8/24/53 La Junta 20 ft since 4/1 0/64 Dalhart 23 ft since 4/11/63 calculations throughout this report. The only exception ;s that hourly data was used to calculate the variation in the wind speed throughout the day, since it was felt that three hour data would be too coarse for this analysis. THE WIND SPEED DISTRIBUTIONS AT THE VARIOUS STATIONS Wind speed distributions~ or velocity frequency curves as they are sometimes called, give either the probability or the number of hours per year that the wind will be in a particular velocity range. For the various stations Figures 2 - 7 show the number of hours per year and the probability that the wind speed will be in the one knot range centered around each wind speed. A listing of the values is also given in Appendix A. Units of knots are used because NWS records in those units. The hours shown for zero knots would actually be the amount of time the wind was between zero and one-half knot. The large number of hours shown for zero knots in comparison to the hours shown for the other low wind speeds may be due partly to starting friction in the anemometer. It would seem reasonable that the points in these figures should lie along a smooth curve. i.e., it doesn't seem that there should be any sharp breaks in the probabil ity curve. In these figures, the points do not lie along a smooth curve. probably due to the limited number of samples available. There have been some attempts to fit easily described curves to the wind distribution data. One distribution that has been used is the Weibull distribution described by Eq. (1).3 p(V)dV (1 ) 5 In the equation, p(V) is the wind speed probability density function, V is the wind velocity, and p(V)dV is the probability the wind speed is between V and V+ dV. a and 6 are scale factors that are adjusted to make the curve fit the data. A least squares fit is used to fit this equation to the observed data. and the curves are shown in Figures 2 - 7. Zero wind velocities are excluded for fitting the curves. As can be seen from the curves, in some cases the fit is not good, particularly in the case of Dalhart and Russell. The best fit is to the Wichita data. The sum of the squared errors is shown in Table IV. where the error is expressed in probability units. Table IV. The sum of squared errors between the velocity frequency data and the fitted curve. a a Wichita 12.0 2.2 Russell 12.9 2.4 Dodge City 12.5 2.4 Goodland 12.0 2.3 La Junta 8.7 2.1 1.81 x 10- 3 3.76xl0- 3 Dalhart 13.8 2.2 1.17x 10- 2 Sum of Squared Errors 1.01 x 10- 3 9.71 x 10- 3 5.34xl0- 3 THE ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND THE ANNUAL AVERAGE WIND POWER DEr~SlTY The average wind speed and power density for each station calculated from all available data ;s shown in Table V. The power density of the wind (the power in the wind per unit area) is given by Eq. (2), where P is the power density, V is the wind velocity and p is the density of the air. This equation holds for any consistent set of units. The values in Table V are determined by calculating the power density at each wind speed, multiplying this value by the number of hours in the year the wind was at that velocity, summing for all wind velocities, and dividing by the total number of hours in the year to obtain the average power density. The air density is in general a function of altitude, temperature, and humidity. For calculations here values of p were determined from the average temperature and humidity at each station. These values are listed in Table II. Essentially, the average power density calculation is done using Eq. (3) where 6 ...,., ~ m ,.,'" "- - ~ .~ ~ .0 m " 0 Wichita a = 12.0 knots a = 2.2 .<= 800 .0 0 ~ 0. .09 0 700 600 Figure 2. 0 0 .08 .07 Velocity frequency data for Wichita showing wind speed and the hours or the probability the wind is in a one knot range centered on that wind speed value. The curve is given by Eq. (1) and adjusted for a least squares fit to the data. 7 10t1 hrs ~ m """ ~ - 0 .~ ~ .~ ~ .c m .c 0 ~ 0 Russell 0=12.9 knots 6 = 2.4 ~ 800 0 0 ~ c. .09 70 08 600 07 0 .06 0 500 0 0 05 400 0 .04 30 0 0 0 .03 0 0 200 .02 100 01 o o 00 o °LL__L -__~__~__-L__-L~~~~O o Figure 3. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Velocity frequency data for Russell showing wind speed and the hours or the probability the wind is in a one knot range centered on that wind speed value. The curve is given by Eq. (1) and adjus ted for a 1east squa res fit to the data. 8 .-800 .c m .c o ~ Dodge City a = 12.5 knots .09 6 = 2.4 o o Q, o .08 .07 o .06 .05 .04 o .03 o 200 .02 100 .01 0 0 0 00 5 Figure 4. 0 00 0 10 15 20 25 30 0 35 0 Velocity frequency data for Dodge City showing wind speed and the hours or the probability the wind is in a one knot range centered on that wind speed value. The curve ;s given by Eq. (1) and adjusted for a least squares fit to the data. 9 o 919 hours ..c ~ .c o Goodl and • = 12.0 knots 6 = 2.3 800 ~ Co .09 700 .08 600 .07 500 .06 o .05 40 0 0 300 .04 0 .03 20 .02 10 .01 00 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 5. 5 10 15 20 25 0 0 0 30 00 0 35 Velocity frequency data for Goodland showing wind speed and the hours or the probability the wind is in a one knot range centered on that wind speed value. The curve is given by Eq. (1) and adjusted for a least squares fit to the data. 10 ~ .-.-- >, 1230 hrs "'">, ~ [, ~ ~ .a .a ~ '"0 ~ 0 ~ ~ Oa1hart 0= 13.8 knots 6 = 2.2 800 a. . 09 .08 700 o 600 o .07 o .06 500 .05 400 .04 o o 300 o 0 .03 o o 200 .02 0 100 0 .01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 6. 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 40 Velocity frequency data for Dalhart showing wind speed and the hours or the probability the wind is in a one knot range centered on that wind speed value. The curve is given by EQ. (1) and adjusted for a least squares fit to the data. 11 .05 400 .04 300 0 .03 0 200 0 .02 0 100 0 .01 0 0 0 0 Figure 7. 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 00 0 0 25 0 0 30 35 Velocity frequency data for La Junta showing wind speec and the hours or the probability the wind ;s in a one knot range centered on that wind speed value. The curve ;s given by Eq. (1) and adjusted for a least squares fit to the data . 12 Table V. The yearly and grand average wind speed, power density, pattern factor and standard deviation about the grand mean for the six stations. Year Speed m/ s Power W/m 2 Pattern Factor --- 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 ------------- ------------- 5.97 6.09 5.92 5.37 5.44 6.07 5.78 5.24 5.18 5.02 5.55 5.31 5.29 5.54 5.73 5.20 5.55 5.51 5.44 5.46 5.49 5.49 207 222 200 164 168 242 201 158 142 132 172 153 155 181 193 147 182 188 167 177 181 183 Mean 5.53 Stand. Dev. ,tand.Oev. IMean Dodge City Ru ssell Wichita Speed Power Ke Speed Power Ke --- --- ----- 241 194 162 178 185 230 211 208 189 200 157 204 208 190 143 181 256 203 216 213 199 160 193 210 165 209 233 249 1.77 2.02 1. 94 1. 73 1.64 1. 56 1.53 1.63 1. 56 1.60 1. 55 1. 59 1. 52 1.87 1. 73 1. 59 1.64 1.69 1. 70 1. 71 1.62 1.67 1.71 1.77 1.64 1.66 1.69 1.63 Ke --- --- 1. 67 1.69 1. 65 1.82 1. 79 1.86 1. 79 1.87 1. 75 1.80 1. 73 1. 75 1. 79 1.82 1. 76 1. 79 1.82 1. 92 1. 78 1.87 1.87 1.88 5.79 5.24 4.89 5.36 5.15 6.00 5.97 6.22 5.44 6.02 5.48 4.95 5.68 5.18 6.55 5.93 6.16 6.17 6.11 5.45 6.39 6.13 5.40 5.84 5.96 6.05 261 178 139 162 166 207 205 222 155 205 166 139 178 209 249 184 210 212 225 152 235 222 157 191 194 204 2.34 2.16 2.06 1.83 2.12 1.66 1.68 1. 61 1.68 1.64 1. 76 1.99 2.01 2.62 1.54 1.53 1.55 1. 57 1.72 1. 64 1.57 1. 68 1.73 1.66 1.59 1. 61 6.22 5.54 5.29 5.66 5.84 6.39 6.26 6.10 5.99 6.06 5.65 6.12 6.25 5.64 5.26 5.87 6.52 5.99 6.10 6.04 6.02 5.55 5.85 5.96 5.63 6.07 6.26 6.49 178 1. 79 5.73 193 1. 78 5.95 200 1.68 0.29 22.0 0.07 .465 33.2 0.268 0.33 27.8 0.118 0.0521 .124 .039 0.081 0.172 0.150 .055 .139 0.070 ----------- 13 Tabl e V. Continued. Dalhart Goodl and Year I Speed m/s Power W/m 2 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1971 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 6. 58 6.08 5.49 5.20 5.62 6.19 5.23 5.68 5.41 4.99 5.08 5.53 5.66 5.20 5.45 5.83 6.15 310 Mean ~tand. Dev. Stand.Dev. 1~lean 262 176 156 175 224 144 194 160 134 139 Pattern Factor Power Ke Speed Power Ke --- --- --- --------------------------------------- 109 104 121 80 67 63 157 172 2.62 2.92 2.95 2.59 2.49 2.89 3.06 3.45 2.42 3.11 2.84 3.45 2.93 2.43 1. 74 2.09 2.03 ----- ------------------------------------------- 4.26 4.05 4.24 3.85 3.69 3.45 4.57 4.53 4.41 3.80 3.66 3.47 3.37 3.73 4.30 4.01 4.51 Ke 2.00 2.13 1. 95 2.03 1.80 1. 73 1.84 1. 95 1.86 1. 99 1. 95 1. 92 1.83 1. 97 1. 93 1.84 1.80 5.76 6.47 6.79 6.83 7.27 6.88 218 328 354 338 431 354 --------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- 5.61 187 1. 91 6.66 337 0.439 46.5 0.101 0.513 .0782 .248 .0529 .on --- In --- Junta Speed ------------------------------------------- 181 151 170 198 228 La 2.11 2.24 2.09 1. 96 2.08 2.02 111 92 75 n 60 68 74 72 101 ----------------------- ----------------------- ------- 2.09 4.00 94.3 2.71 68.7 0.056 0.403 32.3 0.473 .204 .0269 .101 .343 0.175 --------- ------- --- 14 P = pVJ/2 where V3 is the average value of the cube of the wind. written as it appears in Eq. (4). P = pK e'fJ/2 (3 ) Eq. (3) could be re(4) where V is the mean wind speed and Ke is the energy pattern factor. defined as (5) If Ke ;s known, the power density can be calculated directly from the mean wind speed; the complete wind distribution is not necessary for power calculations. Values of Ke are also shown in Table V. Also shown are standard deviations for each parameter . The standard deviation. o . of a statistical variable is a measure of the spread of the parameter about the mean. Eq. (6) shows the formula for calculating the wind speed standard deviation. N "L (Vi -V) _ 2 a = 1 (6) N- 1 Vi ;s the average wind speed in the ;th year. N is the total ~umber of samples (years) available, and V is the averaQe over all years. Several conclusions can be inferred from Table V. As an aid in the following discussion, the overall average speed for each station, the overall average power density, the standard deviation about the average speed and average power density, and the average energy pattern factor are rewritten in Table VI. The average wind speeds for all the stations in Kansas are comparable. The wind speed at Dalhart is considerably higher than that at the Kansas stations. However, the measurement at Dalhart is based on only six years data and must be treated with some skepticism. In addition, the height of the anemometer at Dalhart during the measurement period is not known. Wind speeds seem to be increasing toward the southwestern part of the state. as indicated by the slightly higher wind speeds for Dodge City and the much higher speeds for Dalhart. This agrees with the data shown in Fig. 8, where power density is displayed for the central United States. This graph \','ns made from sUlTlllarized NWS data. 2 The power densities for the Kansas sta .. tions are all around 200 W/m2, and this seems to be a reasonable value to assume for the western part of the state, with somewhat higher power densities available in the southwestern part of the state and the nearby areas in Oklahoma and Texas. These values are for a height of 25 ft above the ground. At higher elevations, where large turbines would operate, the power density is greater. For example. at a height of 100 ft above the ground the power density would increase to 360 W/m2 and to 490 W/m2 at a height of 200 ft if it is assumed that the increase in wind speed is proportional to the oneseventh power of the height. There are indications that this relationship 15 Table VI. The overall mean wind speed and power density and standard deviations about these means for each station. Wichita Russell 5.53 a (speed). mls Power Density, W/m 2 Dodge City Goodland Dalhart 5.73 5.95 5.61 6.66 4.00 .29 .465 .33 .439 . 513 .403 178 193 200 187 337 94.3 a (power). W/m 2 22.0 33.2 27.8 46.5 68.7 32.3 Ke 1. 79 1. 78 1.68 1. 91 2.09 2.71 Average Speed. mls La Junta " 000 o o 8 0 o 0>0 Figure 8. Wind power density in Watts/m2 for the central United States calculated from summarized NWS data. 16 holds up to at least 500 ft over flat terrain. 2 At well selected sites. such as the crests of hills and ridges, higher densities might be available than those determined directly by the wind speed versus height relationship. The average wind speed and power density at La Junta ;s considerably lower than that of the other stations and little wind power appears to be available this far west. The decrease in power density in the westerly direction can also be seen in Fig. 8. The standard deviations about the power density mean in Table VI show that considerable variations in year to year power output could be expected. If it were assumed that the yearly average power density was normally distributed with an actual mean and standard deviation as shown in Table V, then the yearly power density would vary from the mean by an amount larger than the standard deviation 32% of the time. For example, with this assumption, the yearly average power density for Dodge City would be outside the range 170 to 230 W/m during approximately 30% of the years measured. An examination of Table IV for the yearly power densities for Dodge City shows that the power density is indeed outside this range nine of the twenty-eight years for which data is available. MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WIND SPEED AND POWER The monthly average wind speed and power for each station are shown in Table VII. Each monthly average is obtained by averaging all data in that particular month, i.e. all Januarys are averaged together, etc. The energy pattern factor for each month at each station is also included in the tables. Means and standard deviations calculated over the twelve months, and the standard deviation divided by the mean,3re also included. Typically, monthly data shows highest wind speeds occurring in the spring of the year, either March or April, and lowest wind speed occurring in the summer, either July or August. The power available in the windy months is about twice that available in the calmer summer months. Exceptions are Russell, which does not show quite as large a month to month variation, and La Junta, which shows a much larger change from spring to summer. It will be seen throughout this report that the La Junta wind characteristics differ considerably from those at the other stations. Dalhart shows a very high wind speed in June, but it would be hard to say that this is a long term trend because of the limited amount of data used for the calculation. THE HOURLY VARIATION IN WINO SPEED AND !IINO POWER DENSITY Typically, there is a considerable variation in the surface wind during the day in the great plains area of the United States. The data which was available at hourly intervals (before 1964) was used to determine the variation in wind speed and wind power density throughout the day at the six stations. The wind speed at each hour for the stations is shown in Table VIII. All the hourly data available at each station was used; the total number of years of data available is also shown in the table. This data is also plotted in Fig. 9. Examination of the table or the figure shows a considerable hourly variation, with a low in wind speed occurring in the early morning and a peak in the afternoon. The ratio between the maximum and minimum power densities for the stations is summarized in Table IX. As can be seen from this table, 17 Table VII. The average wind speed, power density, and power factor for each month for the six stations. Overall averages. the monthly deviation about the mean and deviation divided by the mean also included. Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Mean Stand. Dev. Stand.Oev. IMean V,m/s Power DensiV P,W/m Power Factor 5.47 5.71 6.33 6.44 5.73 5.52 4.94 4.96 5.14 5.40 5.42 5.32 5.53 174 198 258 262 189 170 116 121 143 170 169 167 178 .470 .085 Speed Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Mean Stand. Dev. :>tand.Oev. IMean V P Ke V P Ke 1.83 1.83 1. 73 1.69 1. 73 1. 73 1.65 1.69 1.80 1.84 1.82 1. 90 1.77 5.48 5.73 6.43 6.35 5.90 5.92 5.69 5.57 5.76 5.90 5.57 5.39 5.77 176 197 275 254 199 194 166 159 178 191 177 162 193 1.85 1.82 1.80 1. 73 1.68 1.63 1. 56 1.60 1.62 1.85 1. 78 1.80 1.73 5.79 5.99 6.66 6.72 6.26 6.12 5.50 5.36 5.79 5.79 5.84 5.76 5.97 194 206 294 286 227 212 151 143 177 179 198 182 203 1.77 1. 70 1.77 1.68 1.64 1.64 1.61 1.55 1.62 1.63 1.77 1.69 1.67 45.4 0.07 .329 36.1 0.104 .414 48 0.071 .255 .0395 .057 . 187 0.060 .0692 .235 .0435 Ke Goodland Month Dodge City Russell Wichita Dalhart La Junta V P Ke V P Ke V P Ke 5.40 5.59 6.35 6.38 5.95 5.79 5.31 5.23 5.48 5.18 5.45 5.31 5.62 176 189 286 276 213 189 145 140 162 144 195 164 190 2.05 1. 99 2.05 1. 95 1.86 1. 79 1.77 1.80 1.81 1. 90 2.21 2.01 1. 93 6.70 6.50 7.40 7.14 7.13 7.79 6.32 6.12 6.38 6.16 5.93 6.40 6.66 366 334 494 432 416 472 248 227 249 246 237 324 337 2.26 2.25 2.26 2.20 2.12 1.85 1.82 1.84 1. 78 1. 95 2.10 2.29 2.06 3.60 3.99 4.70 4.79 4.47 4.25 3.83 3.62 3.67 3.54 3.81 3.67 4.00 74 96 167 155 114 96 69 59 62 62 94 85 94 2.93 2.82 3.00 2.62 2.39 2.32 2.27 2.31 2.32 2.61 3.17 3.21 2.66 .415 48.3 0.133 .575 97.7 .200 .446 35.4 0.352 .0738 .254 .0688 .0863 .0971 .112 .376 0.132 .290 18 the power varies by about a factor of two for the Kansas stations. The variation at La Junta ;s higher . The variation at Dalhart ;s extremely large, a factor of over three between the maximum and minimum power densities. The reason for the higher ratio at Dalhart than at the Kansas stations is not presently known. Table VIII. The average wind speed and power density at each hour for the six stations. Every hour data available before 1964 used. Exact years of data used shown under each station . . Hour (CST) 12AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Wichita 1954-1964 Speed Power (m/, ) (W/m2) 5.02 4.95 4.86 4.84 4.78 4.74 4.75 5.01 5.51 6.04 6.32 6.44 6.53 6.59 6.69 6.71 6.64 6.30 5.81 5.32 5.10 5.09 5.09 5.04 135 134 129 129 126 125 124 139 170 210 236 247 258 265 275 275 261 233 190 154 141 140 141 139 ,I I ,, iI Russell 1950-1964 Speed Power Dodge City 1945-1964 Speed Power 5.23 5.16 5.12 5.12 5.07 5.04 5.03 5.21 5.65 6.10 6.36 6.46 6.52 6.55 6.57 6.54 6.37 5.98 5.55 5.13 4.98 5.07 5.18 5.20 5.65 5.58 5.53 5.47 5.44 5.42 5.44 5.49 5.82 6.17 6.41 6.48 6.54 6.57 6.61 6.58 6.44 6.26 6.00 5.74 5.67 5.72 5.75 5.72 154 150 146 145 141 139 139 149 185 223 249 261 268 269 271 267 245 212 178 149 138 144 153 150 168 160 157 152 149 148 151 159 190 229 254 265 272 271 275 272 255 235 207 181 176 175 175 174 19 Tabl e VIII. Hour (CST) 12AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Continued. The average wind speed and power density at each hour for the six stati ons. Every hour data available before 1964 used. Exact years of data used shown under each station. Goodland 1948-1964 Speed Pow~ Dalhart 1949-1954 Speed Power La Junta 1948-1964 Speed Power (m/s) (W/m ) 5.23 5. 17 5.15 5.05 4.98 4.95 5.12 5.49 5.81 6.08 6.24 6.33 6.38 6.43 6.44 6.34 6.02 5.75 5.38 5.22 5.26 5.35 5.36 5.31 148 144 146 140 137 136 146 172 203 234 251 260 266 269 267 254 224 201 170 156 158 162 159 153 6.06 5.87 5.70 5.57 5.51 5.41 5.37 5.54 6.06 6. 70 7.22 7.50 7.60 7.74 7.86 7.99 8.01 7.84 7.43 6.91 6.65 6.61 6.47 6.32 3.68 3.65 3.53 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.52 3.70 3.84 3.89 3.98 4.02 4.20 4.43 4.59 4.73 4.75 4.65 4.40 4.18 4.05 3.96 3.88 3.81 242 218 200 189 193 175 175 196 260 349 417 472 500 528 534 541 543 497 422 322 291 288 275 261 66 65 61 57 59 60 60 71 83 91 104 109 119 135 138 144 143 132 117 107 97 88 82 74 20 9 8 ,, 7 '- -, " ,, , 6 ~ e- • 5 "'" '" 0- '" "c 4 :. Wichita---- Russell---- 3 Dodge City- · - · 12AM 4 8 12PM Goodland- ·· - ·· Dalhart----La Junta--- 4 8 Central Standard Time Figure 9. The hourly variation in wind speed for the six stations . 21 Table IX. The ratio of minimum to ma ximum power density during the day for each of the six stations. Also shown are times when lowest and highest wind speeds occur. Station Ratio Wichita 2.2 2.0 Goodland Dodge City Russell Dalhart La Junta 1.9 1.9 3. 1 2.5 Time of Low Wind Speed Time of High Wi nd Speed 6AM 6AM 5AM 5AM 5AM 3AM 2PM 2PM 2PM 2PM 4PM 3PM THE WIND DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION AND THE ENERGY AVAILABLE AS A FUNCTION OF WIND DIRECTION In many cases the siting of a wind generator would consider the wind direction distribution. Optimum sites can usually increase the local wind speed when it is blowing from certain directions and it is advantageous to select sites to enhance the winds which occur most frequently. For example, the data to be presented in this section will show the wind in Kansas to be often from either the north or south, but less frequently from an east or west direction. Threfore. a site would usually be selected with emphasis on enhancing the north/south winds; a ridge running east to west would probably make a good site in Kansas. Of course, if a site can be found which enhances the wind from all directions it would be ideal; such sites are not always available. however. considerabl~ gork has been done on site selection and is reported in the 1i terature. 4. • Wind direction distributions for the six stations are given in Figs. 10-12. NWS groups directional data into 22 . 5° segments. so that grouping is used here. The wind direction distribution in each case is for winds equal to or greater than five knots; lower velocity winds are of little importance for wind turbine operation . The wind roses show that for all stations except La Junta the wind direction is southerly the largest percentage of the time and from a northerly direction the next largest percentage. For example, if in Wichita the directions S, SSE, SSW. N. NNE, and NNW are all grouped together, 66% of all the winds over five knots are accounted for. The other Kansas stations have somewhat similar distributions. except for Goodland, which shows somewhat more evenly distributed winds. Dalhart shows a distribution dominated by the winds from the S and SSW directions. with less of a north wind component . As usual. La Junta shows a completely different distribution, with winds from the east and west dominating the distribution. 22 N WICHITA 20% 15 E W :<! 5 knots S N RUSSELL 20% 15 10 w E ~ 5 knots S Figure 10, Wind direction distribution for Wichita and Russell for wind speeds greater than or equal to 5 knots. 23 N DODGE CITY O~ 15 10 E :;" 5 knots s N GOOOLANO o w Figure 11. 15 E ;;. 5 knots Wind direction distribution for Dodge City and Goodland for wind speeds greater than or equal to 5 knots. 24 N DALHART 15 ~ E w 5 ~nots N LA JUNTA 0% 15 5 10 E w ~5 ~nots s Figure 12. Wind direction distribution for Dalhart and La Junta for wind speeds greater than or equal to 5 knots. 25 It ;s also possible to calculate wind energy as a function of direction. This energy distribution is probably a better criteria for wind generator siting than is the distribution of the wind velocity. The yearly average energy density available from each 22.5° angular segment ;s plotted in rose patterns in Figs. 13, 14 and 15. The energy diagrams indicate essentially what the wind direction distribution diagrams do~ only more emphatically. THE AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION From Eq. (l), and the number of hours the wind is blowing at a particular speed it is possible to determine the average annual energy available in each wind speed increment. The results of these calculations for the six stations are shown in Figs. 16 - 21. Each point in one of these figures represents the average yearly energy in a one knot range. A Weibull distribution curve was fit to this data, with the two parameters selected to minimize the sum of the squared errors. The resulting curve is plotted as a solid line in the figure. Previously, a Weibull curve was also fitted to the wind speed data shown in Figs. 2-7. These curves can also be used to calculate the energy distribution. The results are also shown in Figs. 16- 21 as broken lines. As can be seen from these figures considerable amounts of energy are available at wind speeds well above the mean wind speed. This effect is. of course. caused by the power being dependent on the cube of wind velocity. Table X lists the total average yearly energy calculated from the actual data. from the Weibul1 distribution curves fit to the energy data. from the ~'Jeibul1 distribution curves fit to the velocity data. and the percentage errors between the energies calculated from the actual data and the curves. The actual energy calculations and those from the curve fit to the energy data agree very closely. However, significant differences occur between these calculations and the total energy which is estimated from the curves fit to the wind speed data. Since it is usually the energy in the wind which is of the most concern, curve estimations to the wind distribution should probably be done on an energy basis. Table X. The total yearly average energy estimated from the data, from the least squares fit of a Weibull distribution to the energy data. from a least squares fit of a Weibull distribution to the vel?city data, and the percentage difference between the energy estlmated from the actual data and that estimated from the curves . Wichita Russell Dodge Citv Goodland Dalhart La Junta Total yearly average energy from data 1560 kW-hr/m2 1610 1690 1700 2930 805 Total yearly average energy from fi t to energy data 1560 (0%) 1610 (0%) 1690 (0%) 1700 (0%) 2920 (-0.34%) 804 (-0.12%) Total yearly average energy from fi t to velocity data 1430 (-8.3%) 1610 (-3.6%) 1480 (-12.4%) 1280 (-24.7%) 2030 (-30.7%) 488 (-39.4%) 26 N WICHITA 400 kW-hr/m 2 00 200 W E S N RUSSELL 400 kW-hr/m 2 00 W Figure 13. E Energy/direction roses for Wichita and Russell showing the yearly energy contained in each 22.5° segment of the wind. 27 N OOOGE CITY 400 kW-hr/m 2 300 w E s N GOODlAND 00 kW-hr/m 2 300 w E s Figure 14. Energy/direction roses for Dodge City and Goodland showing the yearly energy contained in each 22.5 0 segment of the wind. 28 N DALHART 400 kW-hr/m2 W E N LA JUNTA 300 200 w Figure 15. 100 E Energy/direction roses for Dalhart and La Junta showing the yearly energy contained in each 22.5° segment of the wind. 29 WICHITA 0 120 energy fit 0 . .... E ~ ._-- -velocity fit \, \, '\ 80 "", '". ~ >- '" '"zw - \, ~, 100 N = 18.8, e = 3.5 a 60 w 0 \, 1 40 \. 0 , 20 i 0 5 ~ ~ ~ 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 WIND SPEED, KNOTS Figure 16. The energy distribution as a function of wind speed for Wichita. Each point represents the yearly average energy in a one knot range. A least squares fit to the data is shown by the dashed line with the solid curve showing the energy distribution curve resulting from the curve originally fit to the velocity data. 30 Isa 6 23S .7S 6 /\ , \ ~ 120 RUSSELL . ------energy fit a = 18.2, 6 = 4.1 -- - -- - - o o 0 \, ~ 100 N 0 E -~ ~ velocity fit 80 • '". 0 ~ > '"'"z '" '" 60 0 • ~O 40 0 0 0 10 0 • \ • ~• \ 0 , 20 ~ ~ a 5 10 15 20 0 25 0 ~ 0 ~ 30 0 00 '- 35 0 0 40 WIND SPEED, KNOTS Figure 17. The energy distribution as a function of wind speed for Russell. Each point represents the yearly average energy in a one knot range. A least squares fit to the data is shown by the dashed line with the solid curve showing the energy distribution curve resulting from the curve originally fit to the velocity data. 31 0 DODGE CITY 12 energy fit a = 19.3, , O~, 10 N -,. ~ 80 . ~ \ \ >- '"'"z "' "' 3.4 - - velocity fit - - \, \, E .c, - e= 60 , 0 , \ \, , 40 0 I , 20 0 \, 0 \, o 0 000 0000 /.... 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 WIND SPEED, KNOTS Figure 18. The energy distribution as a function of wind speed for Dodge City. Each point represents the yearly average energy in a one knot range. A least squares fit to the data is shown by the dashed line with the solid curve showing the energy distribution curve resulting from the curve originally fit to the velocity data. 32 o GOODLAND 120 ------energy fit o a = 20.7,8= 3.0 -- - - o - - velocity fit 100 , N E \ ~ '- , ~ 80 , '" ~ >- '"'"z "' "' 0\ 60 ~ , \ \ \ .I .I 40 , I , 20 , ~ 5 0 10 15 20 25 0 00 \, I 0 00 0 "30 0 0 0 00 35 0 40 WIND SPEED. KNOTS Figure 19. The energy distribution as a function of wind speed for Goodland. Each point represents the yearly average energy in a one knot range. A least squares fit to the data is shown by the dashed line with the solid curve showing the energy distribution curve resulting from the curve originally fit to the velocity data. 33 1 '"6 '19 rt' 'n 6 140 '\ j. DALHART 0/, \ 0 = 26.4. B = 2.7 I, 0 0\• 0 ---·-velocity fit , 0 120 energy fit a 100 0 N e ~ 80 , -" I I 0 , \ \ \ '" ~ - >- '" '" \, 0 0 0 ~ 60 I0 w , 0 J, I00 40 0 \0, o \ 0 , \0 , 20 • j0 , 10 0 0 \, 1 0 0 0 15 20 25 30 0 0 0 '-- 35 40 45 50 WIND SPEED. KNOTS Figure 20. The energy distribution as a function of wind speed for Oalhart. Each point represents the yearly average energy in a one knot range. A least squares fit to the data is shown by the dashed line with the solid curve showing the energy distribution curve resulting from the curve originally fit to the velocity data. 34 LA JUNTA 120 _ _ _ _ _ energy fit a = 18.5, 6 = 2.4 _ _ _ _ _ velocity fit 100 Figure 21. The energy distribution as a function of wind speed for La Junta. Each point represents the yearly average energy in a one knot range. A least squares fit to the data is shown by the dashed line with the solid curve showing the energy distribution curve resulting from the curve originally fit to the velocity data. 35 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Kansas stations show power densities of from 175 to 200 W/m2 at a height of 25 ft. Using the 3/7 power law, a 200 W/m 2 power density would increase to 360 W/m 2 at a height of 100 ft and to 490 W/mZ at 200 ft. There appears to be an increase in power toward the southwestern corner of the stat~: Confirming this ;s the very high power density at Dalhart, Texas of 337 W/m at an assumed 25 ft which scales to an extremely high 820 W/m 2 at 200 ft. However, the Dalhart data cannot be considered reliable since little is known about the station and data is available over only a five year period. It does seem reasonable to assume that power densities of at least 500 W/m2 at a 200 ft height are available in the southwestern part of the state. It is possible that areas exist with even higher power densities and it ;s almost certain that there will be individual sites with higher energies available, since the NWS station locations are not usually selected with high wind velocities as a consideration. The Kansas stations and Dalhart show energy direction distributions dominated by winds from the south and north and it seems clear that siting should consider enhanCing the winds from these two directions. The La Junta. Colorado wind distribution differs considerably from the other stations, presumably because it is further west. It is not known if a sudden change in wind characteristics occurs with western movement or whether the change is gradual, but it seems evident from this data and from other publi~hed data that the wind energy decreases in Colorado when compared with that available in the western half of Kansas. Further investigation will consider the study area in more detail. An effort will be made to determine if there are areas with considerably higher wind energies than those at the stations considered here and to locate individual sites with higher energies. A search will be made for more wind data in the southwestern part of the state and an attempt will be made to select individual sites from maps of the area. A measurement program may then need to be undertaken; the necessity for measurements will probably depend on the amount of existing data which can be located. 36 REFERENCES 1. Thomann, G.C. and M.T. Jong. "Wichita. Kansas Wind Characteristics Estimated from 1968-1973 NWS Data; Performance of the NASA 100kW Prototype Wind Generator in the Wichita Wind Regime." WER-l, ~Iind Energy Laboratory, Wichita State Universtiy. Wichita. KS, January 1977 . 2. Reed. J.W., "Wind Climatology," Proc. Second Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Washington, DC, 1975. 3. Justus, e.G., IIAnnual Power Output Potential for lOO-kW and l-MW Aerogenerators," Prac. Second Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Washington, DC, 1975. 4. Golding, E.W., The Generation of Electricity by Wind Power, Philosophical Library, New York, 1955. 5. Simmons, n.M., Wind Power, Noyes Data Corp. Park Ridge. New Jersey, 1975 . 6. Astley, J., et.al .• "Aspects of Wind Flow in Urban and Rural Boundary Layers," Royal Met. Soc. Canf. on Urban Meteorology. McQuarrie University, Sichey, N.S.W., February 1977. 37 APPENOIX A The velocity frequency distributions for the various stations showing wind speeds and the hours/year the wind is in a one knot range around that wind speed. Russell 1950-1975 Wichita 1954-1975 Oodge City 1948-1975 Speed (knots) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Hours IB5""" 4 43 227 385 525 619 686 712 617 687 484 544 493 487 442 342 316 240 180 148 93 86 58 51 35 22 19 10 8 7 3 2 2 1 0.4 Probabi 1i ty 0.0005 0.0050 0.0265 0.0449 0.0612 0.0721 0.0800 0.0830 0.0719 0.0801 0.0564 0.0634 0.0575 0.0568 0.0515 0.0399 0.0368 0.0280 0.0210 0.0172 0.011 0 0.0100 0.0068 0.0059 0.0042 0.0024 0.0022 0.0012 0.0009 0.0008 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 Hours 296 5 32 168 241 434 521 454 863 372 1061 256 766 326 483 597 437 272 513 76 280 38 88 41 31 40 17 7 21 4 13 2 3 2 1 3 Probability Hours Probabil ity 0.0006 0.0038 0.0198 0.0285 0.0513 0.0616 0.0536 0.1020 0.0440 0.1254 0.0302 0.0905 0.0385 0.0571 0.0705 0.0516 0.0321 0.0606 0.0090 0.0331 0.0045 0.0104 0.0048 0.0037 0.0047 0.0020 0.0008 0.0025 0.0005 0.0015 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0004 10 53 180 250 368 484 635 718 746 703 577 591 520 559 474 388 279 284 201 174 142 78 78 55 42 34 26 0.0011 0.0061 0.0207 0.0287 0.0422 0.0555 0.0729 0.0824 0.0856 0.0807 0.0662 0.0678 0.0597 0.0641 0.0544 0.0445 0.0320 0.0326 0.0231 0.0200 0.0163 0.0090 0.0090 0.0063 0.0048 0.0039 0.0030 0.0015 0.0017 0.0007 0.0014 0.0003 0.0006 0.0003 0.0002 47 13 15 6 12 3 5 3 2 Goodland 1948-1964 Speed (kngts) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Hours Probabi 1itv 10 52 257 332 438 518 618 644 660 919 522 523 502 375 424 308 347 221 135 195 81 103 89 53 48 36 19 28 13 25 5 9 8 4 7 0.0011 0.0061 0.0301 0.0388 0.0512 0.0606 0.0723 0.0754 0.0773 0.1075 0.0611 0.0612 0.0587 0.0439 0.0497 0.0361 0.0406 0.0259 0.0158 0.0228 0.0094 0.0120 0.0105 0.0062 0.0055 0.0042 0.0023 0.0033 0.0015 0.0030 0.0006 0.0010 0.0009 0.0004 0.0009 ~ La Junta 1948-1964 Dalhart 1949-1954 Hours t!T 15 67 313 220 370 294 527 301 672 1230 217 568 335 593 215 427 585 147 215 102 263 130 172 163 37 84 24 98 25 62 52 10 24 7 32 18 5 10 7 6 2 8 9 2 4 1 2 3 10 0 Probabil ity 0.0017 0.0076 0.0357 0.0257 0.0422 0.0335 0.0601 0.0343 0.0767 0.1403 0.0247 0.0648 0.0382 0.0667 0.0246 0.0487 0.0668 0.0167 0.0245 0.0116 0.0300 0.0148 0.0196 0.0186 0.0042 0.0096 0.0027 0.0111 0.0029 0.0071 0.0059 0.0011 0.0027 0.0008 0.0036 010020 0.0005 0.0011 0.0008 0.0007 0.0002 0.0009 0.0010 0.0002 0.0004 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0011 0.0000 tlffiS 28 161 666 691 877 769 793 659 623 823 257 358 213 197 221 139 137 88 44 67 22 34 21 20 21 17 4 9 2 11 2 3 3 1 5 Probabil ity 0.0035 0.0201 0.0831 0.0862 0.1094 0.0959 0.0990 0.0822 0.0777 0.1026 0.0321 0.0469 0.0266 0.0246 0.0276 0.0173 0.0171 0.0109 0.0056 0.0083 0.0027 0.0043 0.0026 0.0025 0.0026 0.0022 0.0004 0.0011 0.0002 0.0013 0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0001 0.0006 38