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Ore Geology Reviews 44, 1-9. Impact factor: 2.079. 3) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2012 b). Identifying areas of high economicpotential copper mineralization using ASTER data in Urumieh-Dokhtar Volcanic Belt, Iran. Advances in Space Research 49, 753-769. Impact factor: 1.076. 4) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2011 b). Spectral transformation of ASTER and the discrimination of hydrothermal alteration minerals in a semi-arid region, SE Iran. International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6(8), 20372059. Impact factor: 0.554. 5) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M., Marghany, M (2011). Using spectral mapping techniques on short wave infrared bands of ASTER remote sensing data for alteration mineral mapping in SE Iran. International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6(4), 917-929. Impact factor: 0.554. 6) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2011 c). Application of Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data in geological mapping. International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6(33), 7657-7668. Impact factor: 0.554. 214 7) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2011 d). The Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite data for geological mapping, southeastern segment of the Central Iranian Volcanic Belt, Iran. International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6(33), 7638-7650. Impact factor: 0.554. 8) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M., Marghany, M (2010). Characterization of ASTER Data for Mineral Exploration. Proceedings of MRSS 6th International Remote Sensing & GIS conference and Exhibition, April 2010. Page 48. 9) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2010). ASTER Spectral Ratioing for Lithological and Mineral Mapping. Proceedings of Map Asia 2010 Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2010. Page 40. 10) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2010). Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals Associated with Copper Deposits Using ASTER imager with Principal Component Analysis Approach. Proceedings of Map Asia 2010 conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2010. Page 55. 11) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2011). "Remote sensing data analysis in the view of geologic mapping applications via ASTER, ALI and Hyperion sensors". Journal of Earth-Science Reviews. Manuscript Number: EARTH1761. Current status (under review). Impact factor: 5.8. 12) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2011). "Detecting hydrothermal alteration zones of porphyry copper mineralization using ASTER, ALI and Hyperion data in the Urumieh-Dokhtar volcanic belt, Iran". Geosphere. Manuscript Number: GS718. Current status (under review). Impact factor: 2. 13) Pour, B. A., Hashim, M (2011). "Evaluation of Earth Observing-1 (EO1) data for lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping". Advances in 215 Space Research. Manuscript Number: ASR-D-11-00698 .Current status (under review). Impact factor: 1.076.