Document 14914631

July Minutes
HCCS Home | Board of Trustees
July 22, 1999
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting
on July 22, 1999 at the HCCS Heinen Theatre, 3517 Austin @ Holman, Houston, Texas.
Christopher W. Oliver, Chairman
Abel Davila, Vice Chairman
James R. Murphy, Secretary
John Fonteno
Herlinda Garcia
M. James Henderson
W. R. Russell
Bruce Austin
Carol Smith
Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor
Sue Cox, President, HCCS-Southwest
Jack E. Daniels, President, HCCS-Central
Margaret Forde, President, HCCS-Northeast
Zachary Hodges, President, HCCS-Northwest
Sylvia Ramos, President, HCCS-Southeast
Patricia Fairchild, Vice Chancellor, Workforce Development
R. Mark Tiller, Interim Vice Chancellor, Educational Development
Patricia Williamson, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development
Joseph Fenninger, Chief Financial Officer
Winston Dahse, Executive Director, Materials Management
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Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson
Kelly Frels, Bracewell and Patterson
Jorge Rodriguez, Coastal Securities
Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens
Mr. Oliver called the Meeting to order at 4:25 p.m. and declared the Board convened to
consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the
duly-posted meeting notice.
Mr. Oliver called upon Mr. Fonteno to offer the prayer and lead the audience in the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Mr. Oliver gave remarks emphasizing the need to place the interest of the system and,
more importantly, the students, ahead of any personal or philosophical differences. He
called upon the collective efforts of the Board, Chancellor, faculty and staff to address
those issues that will lead this system successfully into the 21st century.
Mr. Henderson moved to approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 24,
1999. Mr. Russell seconded the motion.
Mr. Davila suggested tabling the minutes until Board members could listen to the tapes of
the June 24th Board Meeting due to the length of the minutes. He wanted to verify that
all statements in the Minutes were accurate. Mrs. Garcia said that it would be in the best
interest of the institution that all recorded comments should be scrutinized. Mr.
Henderson withdrew the motion. Mr. Davila seconded the motion to withdraw the motion
to approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 24, 1999. Mr. Oliver agreed to
give an additional 30 days for the review of the minutes by Board members.
Faculty Recognition Award-Dr. Mohammad B. Bazargan, a mathematics instructor
at Southwest College, is this months recipient of the Chancellors Medallion for
Outstanding Service. Dr. Bazargan, who has been with the college system since
1989, teaches all levels of mathematics, from developmental studies to Calculus
III. Many students and colleagues have observed Dr. Bazargans patience and
understanding with students and his unflagging efforts to promote a love of
learning in all of his students. One indication of his dedication is that in his nearly
11 years of teaching, he has not missed a class. Among his professional
accomplishments, Dr. Bazargan has published three well-known books and has also
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developed a successful calculus-tutoring program which is still ongoing.
Mr. Oliver gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and invited duly registered speakers to
present their comments.
a. Jim C. Kollaer, President & CEO, Greater Houston Partnership, addressed the Board
on behalf of the business community. He stressed the vital role HCCS plays in the
economic development of Houston as it trains students to enter the workforce and
enables them to compete in the global market. He emphasized the importance of
the Board working with the Chancellor to ensure that HCCS is an exemplary
community institution, providing the best possible training and education.
b. Dianne W. Bynum, Executive Director, March of Dimes, addressed the Board and
praised the greater acceptance that HCCS has gained in the community. She urged
the Board to work with the Administration to continue its efforts to make this an
ever more successful institution.
c. Felix Fraga, Houston City Councilman, addressed the Board to discuss the building
of a facility on the Milby Bus Barn property. He emphasized the need for such a
facility in the Second Ward, especially one that would promote economic
development there. He stated that he understood that HCCS had certain
environmental concerns in relation to the site, but requested that environmental
consultants from HCCS and the city meet prior to the release of any report
concerning the Milby property.
d. Michael G. Golden, Faculty Senate President, addressed the Board to discuss recent
events concerning the Chancellor and Board's relations. He expressed gratitude to
the Chancellor for improving employee morale and the image of the college. Mr.
Golden also thanked the Board and Chancellor for improving the quality of
education and student services at HCCS. He noted that for the first time in its
history HCCS has an instructional management system consistent with the
practices of the finest educational institutions. He reported, however, that the
Faculty Senate was concerned about the personnel action taken by the Board at its
last meeting, viewing it as an instance of micro-management that could endanger
HCCS accreditation. He also urged the Board to focus on the important educational
issues its members valued instead of allowing antagonistic and disrespectful
behavior, evidenced at Board meetings, to distract from the fulfillment of the
institution's mission.
e. Gisela R. Ables, Chair, History Dept., Northwest College, addressed the Board to
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express her support for the Chancellor. Ms. Ables also deplored the lowering of
morale among staff due to the current state of Board-Chancellor relations. She
urged that both parties work to improve these relations, noting that the hardworking staff at HCCS should not be subject to the distractions arising from the
current conflict.
f. Linda Comte, Instructor, Northeast College, addressed the Board to discuss the
diminution HCCS' public image as a result of what she views as the lack of respect
displayed by Board members toward the Chancellor and by Board members toward
each other.
g. James Partsch-Galvan, a citizen, addressed the Board concerning the resignation of
the Chancellor. He also requested that HCCS Board meetings be web-cast live on
the Internet, or broadcast on Access Houston, which would disseminate more
information to the public.
h. Sylvia R. Garcia, City Comptroller, addressed the Board concerning Administration
and Board relations and specifically the disputes which currently exist. Ms. Garcia
urged both parties to look ahead with a clear sense of purpose. Ms. Garcia
applauded Mr. Oliver for his opening remarks moving the Board and Administration
in such a positive direction.
i. Andy R. Montez, Director, Resource Development, addressed the Board concerning
what he characterized as the drastic improvement in the working environment and
employee morale directly attributable to the Chancellor during her tenure. Mr.
Montez also noted the tremendous increase in revenue to HCCS, as a result of Dr.
Burgos' efforts, from funding agencies directed at producing programs for the
underrepresented students in math, science and technology, and engineering.
j. Dr. Reynaldo Garay, President, Houston Chapter of TACHE, addressed the Board
regarding his citizen's statement to the June 24th Board Meeting. Dr. Garay
commended the Board for holding the Chancellor accountable for HCCS' alleged
administrative abuse of employees' rights. He also noted the importance of
employees' right to due process under federal law. Dr. Garay stated he had been
refused his Open Records request for information, which he had duly submitted to
the Chancellor. Dr. Garay stated that he will ask the Attorney General's Office to
investigate this matter further.
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Mr. Oliver greeted Trustee Bruce Austin via conference call. At this point, Mr. Austin
joined the meeting in a listening capacity.
Motion No. 933- Mr. Henderson moved approval of the consent agenda, with the
exception of items B3, B6, C19, C20, D23, D24, D25, which were set aside for further
discussion. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. The motion carried (7-0). The following
items were then approved:
I. Instructional Programs
Approved Health Careers Clinical Affiliation Agreements;
Approved Core Curriculum:
I. Purchasing of Materials and Services
Approved AW Consulting Contract Agreement;
Approved Payment to Bracewell and Patterson for Professional Services;
Approved Purchase of Property and Casualty Insurance:
Approved Linear/Non-Linear Video Editing System;
Approved Purchase of Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Equipment for
the Coleman Building;
Approved Purchase of Electrophoresis Equipment, Northwest College;
Approved Purchase of Physics Lab Equipment for the Coleman Building;
Approved Purchase of Scanner for Test Forms for the Coleman Building;
Approved Purchase of Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Products for the
Coleman Building;
Approved Purchase of Laboratory Products for the Coleman Building;
Approved Purchase of Food Equipment for the Culinary Services Department;
Approved Contract for Housekeeping Services for Northeast College/Codwell
Hall and Roland Smith Truck Driving Center;
Approved Purchase of Television Production Equipment;
II. Fiscal Matters
Approved Investment Report for the Month of June, 1999;
Approved Tuition and Fee Exemptions and Waivers;
Mr. Oliver asked Mrs. Garcia to address item No. D25, Approval for Sale of Student
Revenue Bonds. He wished to address this item first in consideration of Mr. Jorge
Rodriguez, who had a pending flight at Houston Intercontinental Airport . Mrs. Garcia
stated that the other items scheduled to be discussed might place this particular issue in
clearer context and therefore did not wish to waive the item order.
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Motion No. 934 - Mr. Davila moved approval of consent agenda item No. 3. Mr. Murphy
seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion carried 7-0.
Mrs. Garcia asked two questions with regard to the approval of an increase of payment
for media services: 1) Is this request in keeping with the approved Public Relations Plan?
Dr. Burgos answered that the request addressed a need to accelerate the payment for
these media services, which HCCS had scheduled for next fiscal year. She noted that the
purchases, which are a part of our plan, have to be paid by August 31st and comprised an
allotted amount in the general Public Information budget. 2) Has the final copy of the
Public Relations Plan been disseminated to the Board? Dr. Burgos answered that the
Marketing Plan prepared was the same plan disseminated to the Board. Again, Mrs.
Garcia asked if the Marketing Plan Board members were given at the Northline Board
Meeting was the final plan. Dr. Burgos stated that it was the final plan, though there have
been some modifications. Mrs. Garcia said that since there are modifications, has the
final plan with modifications been submitted to the Board? Dr. Burgos answered that
what she regards as the final plan has been submitted to the Board and that any
modifications thereafter have been minor and such modifications are made to any plan.
Mrs. Garcia suggested that it would be very beneficial to the Board to obtain the final
Marketing Plan with the modifications.
Motion No. 935 - Mr. Henderson moved approval of consent agenda item No 6. Mr.
Russell seconded the motion. It was decided to hold this item for Closed Session
Mrs. Garcia stated that several members had expressed a concern about this item at the
June 24th meeting. She asked Mr. Michel, HCCS legal counsel, if this was a resubmission
of that item or was it a separate item. Mr. Michel responded that this was a new item for
consideration and suggested postponing discussion on this matter until after Closed
Session because a representative from Feldman & Rogers would address the Board on
this item at that time. Mrs. Garcia asked Mr. Oliver if the Board had considered the
recommendation from the June 24th meeting in terms of setting timelines for this
particular firm to bring to closure the case that it is handling. It was noted that this would
be addressed during Closed Session.
Motion No. 936 - Mr. Henderson moved approval of consent agenda item No. 19. Mr.
Davila seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion carried 5-2. Mr. Oliver, Mr.
Murphy, Mr. Fonteno, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Russell voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Davila
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and Mrs. Garcia voted against the motion.
Mrs. Garcia asked if the Board has included this item in the 10-Year Facilities plan for
Board discussion. Dr. Burgos responded that in lieu of moving forward on the Milby Bus
Barn project, the administration felt it prudent to look for an alternative site and propose
this new site to the Board for approval. Mrs. Garcias second question referred to an item
on the June 24th Agenda that was pulled from consideration at the meeting, an item that
included a listing of facilities in the 10-Year Facilities plan. She asked whether or not the
Administration was holding this item for further discussion at a later date since it was
never voted on. Dr. Burgos explained that when the matter of a possible substitute
location for the Milby site had been resolved, the 10-Year Facilities plan item would be
returned to the table for consideration.
Next, Mrs. Garcia asked if additional projects would be considered in Phase I of the 10Year Facilities Plan since it had been pulled for reconsideration. Dr. Burgos said such an
addition was at the discretion of the Board. She said that as a result of a sustained
Facilities Committee investigation that culminated in a Board retreat devoted to this
topic, the top ten projects had been prioritized, so it would have to be a decision of the
Board to make any changes. Mrs. Garcia asked if the administration had considered
carefully the 1997-98 Institutional Effectiveness Report that was submitted to the Board
in March, 1999, that has reference to the manner in which HCCS proceeds with a 10-Year
Facilities Plan. She also inquired if the Administration in considering the facilities issue
had reviewed the request for legislative appropriations that had been submitted for fiscal
year 1998-99, with Mrs. Garcias signature and Dr. Burgos signature. In addition, she
asked, had the Administration, in making recommendations for the 10-Year Facilities
plan, considered the HCCS A Vision for the Future, Operational Plan, Institutional
Strategies for 1997/2000, as well as the SACS Report and the Coordinating Boards
Report. She asked if we had taken into consideration the very explicit language that was
expressed in these documents as we make recommendations for that 10-Year Facilities
Plan? Dr. Burgos responded that in A Vision for the Future 1997/2000, it was mandated
that HCCS develop a 10-Year Facilities Plan, and this was performed by a joint
collaboration between the Board and the Administration, through a Board Facilities
Committee (co-chaired by Mr. Murphy and Dr. Patricia Williamson) in which Board
members and administrative staff participated. This plan was brought to the Board for
approval, and all the required steps were followed. Mr. Oliver observed that several
meetings had been held relative to the concerns expressed by Mrs. Garcia, and the Board
had agreed to adopt 8 facilities included in the present plan, with the only one in question
being the Milby facility. In concluding, Mrs. Garcia said it was important for Board
members to read carefully the documents previously referred to as they proceed with this
10-Year Facilities Plan.
Mr. Davila asked the Board members to table this item. He referred to Councilman Fragas
comments on having the City of Houston work closely with the Administration to resolve
the problems surrounding the Milby sites alleged contamination. He noted that judging
from those remarks, the administration has failed to cooperate in this manner. Trustee
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Davila also referred to his receipt of letters of recommendation from State Senator
Gallegos and State Representative Noriega. Pointing out the Greater Houston
Partnerships reference to economic development, he noted that this emphasis is most
appropriate in regard to the Milby area because economic development is truly needed
there. He said that many of the citizens in that area who are in the workforce, or
destined to be, would definitely benefit from an HCCS facility built there. He emphasized
that this demand for the site concerned equity and everyone having the same educational
Mr. Russell stated that several million dollars had been spent in restoring top soil to the
Milby property, in fact, $10 million, and it is still contaminated, having sodium chloride
and vinyl chloride in the soil. He stressed that he for one does not want to incur the
liability accruing from putting students in a building on an at-risk site where they could
get sick from contamination. Considering these difficulties, he continued, we need to be
prudent enough to seek another piece of property. Chairman Oliver stated that he
respected Councilman Fraga as a public official and took at face value his statement that
he needs more time to consider the Milby issue; however, stated Chairman Oliver, the
time had come to resolve this matter one way or the other. Mr. Oliver added that if Milby
is contaminated, the Board should empower the Administration to look for an alternative
site in the same area as Milby. He then called for a vote on the item.
Motion No. 937- Mr. Murphy moved approval of consent agenda item No 20. Mr.
Henderson seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion carried 7-0.
Mr. Murphy observed that with this item HCCS was terminating a long-standing
agreement with HISD that had represented a good relationship with that school district.
With this voluntary separation, he continued, we are now moving forward on our own and
have done so without a tax increase and have built enhanced facilities thanks to student
revenue bonds and the support of the community. He expressed his pleasure at this
positive step for the college.
Motion No. 938 - Mr. Fonteno moved approval of consent agenda item No. 23. Mr. Russell
seconded the motion. It was decided to hold this item for Closed Session discussion.
Motion No. 939 - Mrs. Garcia moved approval of consent agenda item No. 24. Mr. Davila
seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion carried 5-2. Mr. Fonteno, Mr.
Henderson, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Russell voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Davila
and Mrs. Garcia voted again the motion.
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Mrs. Garcia mentioned a letter from Bracewell & Patterson sent to the Board a number of
years ago concerning Senate Bill 677, the Procurement Act. She then asked if other
professionals of like expertise and capabilities had been considered for this contract. Mr.
Fenninger, Chief Financial Officer, responded there were no other professionals
considered. Mr. Leach has been under this contract approximately one year and his
contract expires on August 31. The Administration deems it prudent to extend his
contract because the two major projects, which hes been managing&endash;288 and
3100 Main&endash;are due to completion and his qualifications are impeccable. In
addition, Mr. Fenninger noted that a second reason to extend Mr. Leachs contract is that
we have been unable to hire an Executive Director of Facilities and Mr. Leach has been
handling that job as well.
Mrs. Garcia asked if we have set a deadline for this contract, as previously recommended
by the Board to Administration, during discussions concerning the employment of
consultants on a month-to-month basis at a high salary, in this case $10,000 a month.
Such limits, she noted, have been recommended in consideration of HCCS taxpayers and
the cost-effectiveness for this institution. Mr. Fenninger responded that such a time limit
exists, that the contract deadline is December 31, 2000, which coincides with the
termination of both projects. He also observed that Mr. Leach is receiving one-fourth the
salary that a normal project manager would receive on comparable jobs.
Trustee Garcia asked if there was a duplication of services in the employment of HermesReed Architects? Mr. Fenninger stated this was not a duplication because this consultant
position is the on-site construction manager. Mrs. Garcia asked if consideration has been
given to the Capital Improvements Committees request for these types of contracts to be
sent to Mr. Davilas committee? Mr. Fenninger answered that the RFQ (Request For
Quotes) for Construction Site Managers was released and received only one response and
that individual did not meet qualifications. At this time we do not have any applicants for
that position, while Mr. Leach who is here has been prequalified by HCCS.
Mr. Davila raised the issue of cost for the extension of this consulting contract. Mr.
Fenninger noted the $10,000-a-month figure for Mr. Leach and observed that usually a
project manager receives one percent of the construction cost, which in this case would
be $500,000. Mr. Leachs contract, in contrast, will not exceed $150,000. Mr. Davila
reminded Mr. Fenninger that the C.I.P. Committee recommended that whenever a
contract involving a substantial sum came to the Board, Board members would consider
three firms. Mr. Fenninger agreed that this recommendation had been made, but he said
that when the RFQ went out in this case, HCCS received no responses. Therefore, there
were no firms to forward to the committee and Mr. Leach was already performing the job
Mr. Murphy noted that one reason to continue Mr. Leachs contract was the inability to
attract an executive director for facilities. He asked Mr. Fenninger to discuss the salary
for that position that candidates had turned down in his search efforts. Mr. Fenninger
responded that four candidates had thus far rejected HCCS offer for the position because
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marketplace offers are higher. Mr. Fenninger explained that if the salary were $98,000, a
figure still below marketplace rates, the cost to HCCS due to benefits would be another
25% on top of that figure, substantially above the $10,000 a month being paid to Mr.
Mr. Davila asked Mr. Fenninger if we already have in-house anyone that could handle this
type of duties. He stated that he did not understand why we have so many top-level
administrators. In response, Mr. Fenninger commented that this is a highly specialized
position, and the individuals being sought after by HCC have decades of experience and
professional credentials. An example of this expertise, noted Mr. Fenninger, is found in
Mr. Leach, who, as the master builder and the architect for the Katy ISD, has successfully
built 34 major buildings in the area of 400,000 square feet and is very proficient in the K12 laws and junior college laws.
Motion No. 940 - Mr. Henderson moved approval of consent agenda item No. 25. Mr.
Murphy seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion carried 5-2. Mr. Fonteno, Mr.
Henderson, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Russell voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Davila
and Mrs. Garcia voted against the motion.
Mrs. Garcia asked which projects were included in the student revenue bond offerings.
Mr. Oliver responded that 3100 Main and 288 were the two sites. Mr. Davila asked if an
appraisal had been done on the 3100 Main property. Mr. Fenninger replied that none had
been done because we are not required to do an appraisal on this type of property.
However, he continued, we did a detailed market analysis which demonstrates that after
the project is completed, we will have a buildout marketed at $58-per-square-foot
compared to a buildout of $120-130-per-square-foot on a building of comparable size in
the midtown to downtown Houston area. Thus, he said, we are getting excellent value for
our money.
Mr. Murphy asked Mr. Fenninger to explain the A2, A+ ratings HCCS received in our
recent bond rating trip and how we fared in terms of our cost of borrowing. Also, he
questioned why our bond applications were not just mailed in to the rating offices in New
York instead of the team of Board members and administration making a visit. At this
point, Mr. Russell, Chair of Board Finance Committee, who went to New York,
commended Mr. Jorge Rodriguez, bond counsel and HCCS financial advisor, on an
excellent presentation for HCCS to Standard & Poors and Moodys Investors. Mr. Russell
also thanked Joe Fenninger for what he termed a superb job in making the financial
presentations for the college. Mr. Russell noted lastly what he termed to be the very good
presentation made by the Chancellor on the educational aspects of both these buildings
and other activities were doing at HCCS.
In responding to Mr. Murphys questions, Mr. Rodriguez first addressed the option of
mailing in the presentation to the ratings agencies. He pointed out that this is what was
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done in the bond application for $23 million in 1998. However, with this issuance leading
to a total debt of close to $124 million, it had been his recommendation that district
representatives visit in person with the rating agencies. Moodys officials told Mr.
Rodriguez that when they first received the ratings package which was mailed to them
one week before the scheduled visit, they were concerned about the size of this issuance
so closely on the heels of the 1998 issuance of $23 million but that once the financing
plans and the use of the proceeds were discussed and defined, they had a clear
understanding of what this institution is doing. He noted that the A2 & A+ ratings are the
highest student-fee-based ratings in the state of Texas for a community college district.
Mr. Rodriguez observed that an analysis of the yield categories of comparable issuances
to the HCCS bonds speaks tremendously about how the market perceives the HCCS
credit. The reaffirmation of the two ratings by Moodys and Standard & Poors reiterate
their confidence in this institution, their appreciation and understanding of the fiscal
management that the Board and Administration have provided HCCS. Mr. Rodriguez also
commended the underwriting syndicate led by Southwest Securities which he felt did an
admirable job in marketing these securities. Notably, Southwest Securities was able to
actually increase the price of the bonds, thereby lowering the interest rate after the
original pricing period.
Mrs. Garcia commended Mr. Rodriguez on an excellent report, adding that the bond
agencies positive reactions were a definite reflection on this institution and HCCs financial
soundness for the last 10 years.
Mrs. Garcia said she had questions related to "Institutional Strategies, Goal #5: Strength
& Institutional Resources" in relation to this item. In regards to the 288 project, she
asked, did we develop in the projects planning stage an analysis identifying factors that
draw students to our facilities to address the needs developed by academic and
enrollment management plans. In addition, she asked, did we conduct a community
employer assessment of the 288 area? Dr. Burgos responded that the facilities plan that
was prepared included an analysis of enrollment growth and the need for programs. The
college presidents also met with their staff and our architectural consultant and
developed the programs that were to be offered in the new facilities. She added that we
also had enrollment projections from the demographic reports of the Coordinating Board.
Mrs. Garcia asked if this information would be available, namely the community employer
assessment of the 288 area and the analysis identifying factors that draw students to our
facilities. Dr. Burgos replied that the information would be available, most of it being
available in the facilities plan.
Mrs. Garcia referred to the Southern Association and Coordinating Board
Recommendation Status Report June, 1997, which indicated HCCS should take
steps to insure full Office of Civil Rights Compliance. Mrs. Garcia asked if we have
the latest OCR Compliance Report on file in this institution and is it available for
Board review? Dr. Burgos replied that HCCS does in fact have this report on file.
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Financial Activity-Mr. Joseph Fenninger, Chief Financial Officer, presented the
financial activity report for the period ending June 30, 1999. He first referred to the
Financial Statement of last month where he indicated that the financials which had
been provided had consolidated our ongoing operating revenue and expenses and
had consolidated into that our designated funds. He indicated then that the
designated funds needed to be split out and now reported that this has been done.
As a result, the financials this month indicate a pure operating budget, a pure fullyear forecast, and a pure year-to-date actuals. Mr. Fenninger pointed to the fullyear forecast which is now predicated upon the pure operating budget and noted
that we should be concluding the fiscal year with a minimum $7 million of revenue
that exceeds our expenses. He noted that this forecasts validity is strengthened
because we have split out the designated funds and because we are one month
closer to the years end figures. In response to Mr. Russells question, Mr. Fenninger
stated that he had only incorporated the month-by-month reporting starting in
February, 1999, but next year we will have the month-by-month figures to
compare with those of the previous year. Mr. Russell commended him on the
clearer reporting methods he has brought to the institution.
Mr. Fenninger turned his attention to the $17 million that the Board has designated
as one-time dollar amounts. This money is comprised of designated funds of
specific projects totaling $15.533 million and a one-time carryover permitted by
the Board to cover the 1999 budget where the expenses were expected to exceed
the incoming revenues by approximately $2 million. This was also a one-time event
where expenses were expected to exceed the revenues. Of the $15.533 million, Mr.
Fenninger reported there is about $2.8 million remaining. He emphasized that
these designated funds will carry over from one fiscal year to the other until the
projects are complete. In the report, he noted, the colleges indicate their specific
details for planning purposes which show opposite each project how much theyve
spent and how much remains.
Next, Mr. Fenninger said that he was pleased to report that the following projects
are all coming within budget: Codwell Hall; the Roland Smith Truck Driving School;
the build-out of the Pinemont Center; the Coleman Building; the Angela Morales
Building; and the refurbishment of the Felix Morales Building.
Mrs. Garcia referred to page 4 noting that the Student Services Budget was higher
in 1997-98 than the current 98-99 budget amounts, while the Administrations
budget has considerably increased, by an amount of $7 million in the 1998-99
year, over 1997-98 figures. She spoke of the importance of student services and
said there was a need to scrutinize such differences in light of HCCS goals for
education under the topics of Improved Student Access and Promote Student
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Success. She asked if we are going to continue to get higher in administrative costs
and lower in student services funding. Mrs. Garcia said that as the Board moved
toward approving the new budget, she wanted to ensure that administrative
growth is watched very carefully and that the available funds for student services
are scrutinized.
Mr. Oliver agreed that the Board should be fiscally responsible and follow
recommendations made by the Southern Association.
Mr. Fenninger provided a brief summary of the status of the budget process for
next year. He noted that before the next regular Board meeting, there will be a
special Board of Trustees Budget Workshop at which time the new proposed budget
will be presented to the Board. He stated that we are expecting operating revenues
in the area of $139-140 million, an increase of about $7.5-8 million from this years
revenues. On the expenses side, he noted, the preliminary estimates that are
coming in are in excess of that amount by about $17 million. Mr. Henderson asked
if the $17 million was over the increased budget amount or was it an increase over
last years budget. Mr. Fenninger replied the $17 million was over the increased
revenue amount, so the initial budget requests represent a $25 million increase. He
stated that in light of these figures, the administration realizes it has a lot of work
to do.
Mrs. Garcia stated that in the Annual Budget Planning 1998/99 planning process,
the Board received the HCCS 98/99 budget preparation guidelines, and she now
wondered if the Board would be receiving guidelines for the 1999/00 budget. Mr.
Fenninger replied that the guidelines which have gone out have only been
distributed internally as a working tool to provide instructions to budget authorities
on how to prepare the budget. It was not planned for these guidelines to be
distributed to Board members, but he will have the actual budget recommendation
for the Board at the Boards budget workshop.
Mr. Fenninger stated that he had reviewed the Minutes of the July Board meeting
and wished that Board members, particularly Mr. Davila, would note the
statements directed at him at that time by Mr. Davila in which, Mr. Fenninger
stated, that trustee said that Mr. Fenninger had made false statements. Mr.
Fenninger said that it was his hope that Mr. Davila, after reviewing the transcript,
would have further discussion with him, because Mr. Fenninger has been advised
that Mr. Davilas statement was a defamatory one. He requested that a discussion
be held and the record corrected.
Report on Election Maps-Mr. Paul Bettencourt, Harris County Tax Assessor
Collectors Office-The Chancellor welcomed Mr. Bettencourt and Mr. Randy Glover to
present district maps to Board members in compliance with members request.
First, however, Mr. Bettencourt informed the Board that HCCS received this year
$33.3 million, which is a record for tax collections for the college, being
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July Minutes
approximately 6.6 percent above last years collections. He added, as a member of
the appraisal district, that it is expected that HCCS appraisal rolls will be up at least
8 percent, also good news for the institution.
He reported that for the first time, the Harris County Tax Assessors office is giving
out jurisdictional maps. This is being done for the trustees at the Chancellors
request. The Tax Assessors office is also in the process of recoding its database to
show jurisdictional splits on a precinct level. This information will give trustees a
good idea of which voters are in each district, a matter that has been of concern for
trustees. Mr. Bettencourt informed the Board that all the voter lists in Harris
County will be on Internet in the next two weeks, so registrations and individual
streets of interest can be studied free of charge. Mr. Russell expressed his
appreciation to Mr. Bettencourt for his assistance. Mr. Murphy also complemented
Mr. Bettencourt on the efficiency of his office. Mr. Bettencourt concluded by
commenting that his office will continue to provide a response to any HCCS request
for information because it considers supporting junior college education to be one
of its top priorities.
Student Processing Information Network Report-Dr. Burgos announced that on July
1, the first PeopleSoft application came on-line when we implemented our webbased applications for admission. This was a long-awaited day for HCCS. She noted
that a recent article relayed how other colleges are beginning to pursue on-line
applications. Our leading role in the field may be seen, she observed, by the fact
that ours is a more complete service where we not only have the application online, but where an entire process is present in which students are asked specific
questions and then given responses, for instance regarding TASP. Students can
access this resource at home or through college computer labs. In the first three
weeks of operation, the Chancellor stated, 1300 new students applied for fall
semester 1100 of these on the web. Some applications came from China, Great
Britain and Trinidad. Dr. Burgos noted that special thanks should go to Dr. Dona
Harris and the SPIN staff for their good work.
HCCS Fact Book-Dr. Burgos noted that this year's edition of the Fact Book had
been sent recently to Board members. She stated that this book won an award in
its second year in print. Indeed, it was such a distinguished publication that the
state of Texas has decided to adopt it as a model and recommend it to all
community colleges. HCCS was the first community college in the state to do
comprehensive data reporting so that we can be held accountable to constituents
and taxpayers in general. Dr. Burgos called attention to a new item in this year's
Facts At A Glance that presents a list of the top universities to which HCCS
students transfer, with more than 7,000 students transferring for 1997. These
students, the Chancellor noted, are not counted in our graduation rates but they
are also success stories for HCCS, and we should be given credit for this
achievement. To this end, she stressed the need to work with our legislators to
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July Minutes
make sure that they allow us to incorporate this information into our data collection
so that we are given credit for these accomplishments. She also pointed out that,
surprisingly to many, the majority of all the HCCS students who transferred in
1997 were enrolled in technical programs.
Other-Dr. Burgos informed the Board that Dr. Charles Orsak, Director of
Institutional Research and the force behind the Fact Book, is leaving HCCS and will
be going to San Jacinto Community College as Vice President of Institutional
Research. Dr. Burgos thanked Dr. Orsak for doing such a wonderful job for HCCS
and wished him good fortune in the future. Mr. Oliver also commended Dr. Orsak
on doing a fine job for the college and gave his best wishes.
Mr. Oliver noted that there were no Ad Hoc Committee reports this month. He also
named Mr. Henderson chairman of the Naming Subcommittee to name the new
West Loop Campus and commissioned him to bring back suggestions at the August
26th Board meeting.
Mr. Oliver adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:30 p.m., notice having
previously been given, and reiterated by him, in accordance with the Open Meetings Law.
He stated that any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive
Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Oliver
reconvened the meeting in Open session at 7:40 p.m. and entertained motions on
pending matters.
Motion No. 941 Mrs. Garcia moved approval of payment to Feldman & Rogers for
Professional Services. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Mr.
Henderson left at 7:37 p.m.
Motion No. 942
Mr. Murphy moved approval of Depository Bank for the 1999-2000 Biennium. Mr. Davila
seconded the motion. Mr. Fonteno asked the Chancellor to send to him information on
the United Bank guidelines. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion No. 943
Mrs. Garcia moved approval of the Personnel Agenda, excluding the positions of Vice
Chancellor for Educational Development and Executive Director for Human Resources. Mr.
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July Minutes
Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Murphy moved approval of the Personnel Agenda position of Executive Director of
Human Resources. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion failed 3-3. Mr. Russell, Mr.
Fonteno, Mr. Murphy voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Oliver, Mr. Davila, Mrs. Garcia
voted against the motion. Chairman Oliver noted that the approval for this position is
tabled until the next Board meeting.
Mr. Russell moved approval of the Personnel Agenda position of Vice Chancellor for
Educational Development . Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Vote was 4-2. Mr. Murphy,
Mr. Russell, Mr. Fonteno, Mr. Oliver voted in favor of the motion. Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Davila
voted against the motion. A question arose as to whether the vote constituted passage of
the motion. After a period of consultation, the legal counsels reported that the issue
would have to be taken under consideration by them and could not be decided at this
Mr. Murphy offered a motion to reconsider the Personnel Agenda motion pertaining to the
Executive Director of Human Resources. At this point, Mrs. Garcia and Mr. Davila
departed the meeting. Due to the resulting lack of a quorum, Mr. Oliver said that this
item would have to be discussed at a future Board Meeting. Mr. Russell expressed
disappointment at the departure of the two Board members and commented that the
Board would have to hold a special meeting because this is the third time this agenda
item has come before the board for approval, and it is imperative that an Executive
Director of Human Resources be selected. Mr. Oliver informed the Chancellor that the
Board would hold a special meeting to address these personnel matters.
The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 26, 1999, at 4:00 p.m.
It will be held at the Administrative Center Boardroom, at 22 Waugh Drive, Houston,
With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Oliver adjourned the Meeting at
7:50 p.m.
Board of Trustees Home
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