Board Minutes 09/17/1998 HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 17, 1998 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on September 17,1998, at the Central Administrative Center, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila Herlinda Garcia James R. Murphy W. F. Russell BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT M. James Henderson, Chairman John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary ADMINISTRATION Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest Jack Daniels, President, HCC-Central Patricia Fairchild, Vice-Chancellor, Workforce Development Margaret Forde, President, HCC-Northeast Zachary Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast Diana M. Taylor, Chief Operations Officer Patricia Williamson, Vice-Chancellor, Institutional Development OTHERS PRESENT Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens CALL TO ORDER Mr. Oliver called the Meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (1 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Oliver announced he would not be attending the seminar on Site-Based Budgeting which was approved by the Board of Trustees on July 23, 1998. MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Motion No. 834 - Mr. Murphy moved to approve the minutes as submitted from the Regular Meeting of August 27, 1998. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Mr. Austin stated that he did not agree with the format of the marketing plan presented last month, because he felt it was more of an outline than a plan. He shared with the administration a plan which he felt included appropriate elements of a true marketing plan. He encouraged administration to incorporate these concepts into the HCCS marketing plan. He added that when Board Members present information to the administration, it should be utilized. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer remarked that the plan presented last month was in the preliminary stages of development. Mr. Austin stated his comments today would be sufficient for the record. Motion carried 8-0. HEARING OF CITIZENS a. Elizabeth Spates expressed concern that she had just that day received a response to questions which she asked at the last Board Meeting. In her opinion HCCS should have an audit conducted prior to any bond election. She added she would keep the community informed. Secondly, she expressed concern that the Board was not following policy in regard to hiring practices. She questioned two positions for the Board Services Office and asked if these positions had been advertised so that both internal and outside people could apply for them. She also wanted to know if the positions of Director, Access and Equity and Director, Employee Relations were advertised. She questioned whether this was in compliance with law and Board policy. Mrs. Spates asked for information on how many persons applied and how many were interviewed. She commented that if public funds are expended, the public deserves the right to have responses to questions. In closing, she stated that community support is vital in passing a bond election and citizens deserve information when it is requested. Mrs. Spates asked for a timely response to her questions. Mr. Austin asked if there hadn't been a proviso from the Board at the last meeting on responding to citizens. The Chancellor replied that the minutes clearly stated that administration would respond to citizens, adding that a partial response had already been sent, and she is in the process of responding to other questions. b. Michelle McHugh stated that she and her husband have been homeowners in Houston since February. During fall registration she was informed she was no longer eligible for the waiver of out-of-district tuition, since the waiver had been discontinued. Mrs. McHugh called attention to the fact that this policy change was not reflected in the 1997-98 or 1998-99 catalog. She asked that students in her situation be grandfathered under the previous policy and their out-of-district file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (2 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 tuition refunded. Mr. Davila asked for clarification of the policy for responding to citizens. Mr. Oliver stated that the Chancellor should address questions with the Board's support. The Chancellor explained that the Board approved the discontinuance of the waiver in 1997, to take effect in the fall of 1998. However, the new policy was never published in the catalog, which she had learned only recently. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer noted there is a disclaimer in the catalog that Board policy supersede any other information. Mr. Austin was in favor of discussing the matter with counsel, because of contractual issues. Mr. Russell asked for clarification on the residency requirements to be eligible for in-district tuition and fees. The Chairman noted that Mrs. McHugh's point of contract would be the Chancellor and asked that she provide her with a timely response. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion No. 835 - Mr. Russell moved approval of the consent agenda, with the exception of certain items set aside for discussion or consideration following executive session. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. The following items were approved: I. Instructional Programs ● Approved the 1998-99 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) contracts with various agencies to provide services to the Adult Literacy Program under TANF federal funds and authorized the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System; ● Approved affiliation agreements with Stephen Watson, Jr., DDS; Ron Hickerson, DDS; Inner Change Program; and Jeffrey Y. Lee, MD for the clinical education of students in Health Careers Programs, Southeast College; II. Purchasing of Materials and Services ● Approved Pulse Travel Services as the System's provider for travel management services for 1998-99; ● Approved the purchase of a broadcasting studio package equipment for HCC-TV from Audio Visual, Inc.; ● Approved the purchase of a Digital Video Production System for HCC-TV from Industrial Audio Visual, Inc.; ● Approved the purchase of a Digital Graphic and Animation System for HCC-TV from Aves Audio Visual Systems, Inc.; file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (3 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 ● Approved payment to Bracewell and Patterson for professional Services; ● Approved the purchase of ArcView and Arc/Info Software site license agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., (ESRI) for instructional purposes; ● Approved and ratified upgrades of Adobe Premiere and Photoshop Software from The Douglas Stewart Company for instructional purposes; III. Fiscal Matters ● Accepted the Investment Report for the month of August, 1998. RATIFICATION OF EXPENSES FOR RENOVATIONS FOR SOUTHEAST COLLEGE Motion No. 836 - Mr. Russell moved approval and ratification of expenditures paid to Wallace Construction Company for renovations to the Testing and Counseling area at Southeast College. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy asked for clarification of this recommendation. Dr. Sylvia Ramos explained that space was inadequate for TASP testing and renovations were needed to accommodate students in order to administer the test. The renovations were done in compliance with new guidelines for TASP testing. Mr. Oliver asked how much the renovations cost and he was informed it was $17,810.00. With no further questions, the motion carried 6-0. HL&P EASEMENT REQUEST HELD FOR CONSIDERATION AFTER CLOSED SESSION Mr. Murphy had questions regarding the negotiation of the easement and real estate issues and asked to hold the item for consideration after closed session. GENERAL CONTRACTOR/ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER APPROVED FOR THE ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX Motion No 837 - Mr. Russell moved approval of the final contract with Southwest Construction, Inc., as construction manager/contractor for the Administration Complex, and authorization for the Chancellor to execute the proposed contract subject to final review and revision by legal counsel. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Russell asked for an explanation of the contract fees. Diana Taylor explained that this project includes the Information Technology Building, the Administrative Center and another building. This proposal is an estimate and fees will fluctuate. Motion carried 6-0. GENERAL CONTRACTOR/ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER APPROVED FOR BUILD-OUT file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (4 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 OF THE PIN OAK CENTER Motion No. 838 - Mr. Russell moved approval of the final contract with DiCarlo Construction Company South, as construction manager/contractor for the Pin Oak Center, Southwest College, and authorization for the Chancellor to execute the proposed contract subject to final review and revision by legal counsel. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Mr. Russell did not recall the estimate on the project cost of renovation and asked for clarification. Mrs. Taylor replied that the estimated cost was $5.2 million including the outfitting of the furniture. As it turns out, we have used less money for equipment and furniture and more for the building because of construction costs. Mr. Austin wanted to know the savings to be realized. Mrs. Taylor responded we would save rent paid to HISD. The cost of the property was $21.7 million, with $20 million funded with revenue bonds and $1.7 million from the fund balance. Administration also requested $3.3 million for build-out and $1.9 million for outfitting the property. This site will house students from three high schools. Mr. Austin recalled prior discussion that projected savings would flow over in costs that would not be incurred any longer. Mr. Russell commented that the money would be freed up from leases with HISD and could be rolled over into the debt service for the revenue bonds. Mr. Austin wanted to know when we would reach a "break even" point where we have sufficient recruitment and students at the facility that would take care of costs. Mrs. Taylor responded that at the rate we are growing now, we will probably increase much faster than the three-year anticipated turnaround. The issue is that we are currently building out only about 70,000 square feet. Mr. Murphy commented that this represents a net additional cost to have this facility converted. Initially, there are cost savings because we are vacating high schools. Mr. Austin noted this was an off-budget item that was not planned. He hoped that proper due diligence would be practiced for the Highway 288 property. Regarding buildout, Mr. Murphy felt that $67.00 per square foot seemed high and asked if that would be the cost for the remaining buildout. Mrs. Taylor stated that the HVAC system represents an up-front investment that was not anticipated. Construction will also take place on the outside of the building. Mrs. Garcia remarked that we are investing quite a bit of money and will only be building out so much. We do not know what the future holds in terms of having available monies to build out the rest. It is a good investment in terms of the property and location. She recommended that the Board be provided with a projection of costs from the projectÕs conception. She felt that concerns arose because it has taken five years to confirm the investment in the Highway 288 property. Eventually, we were able to find those funds; however, she was surprised that we were so easily able to find funds for the Pin Oak site. She explained that this goes back to the equity issue. She wants this to be a successful project in light of our investment. The Board needs a clear picture, what costs increased, where we are headed and file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (5 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 cost projections at this point. Mr. Oliver asked if there is a timeframe related to this project. The Chancellor responded there was, because we want to open in January. Mr. Austin stated his concerns were practical. He has noted the deteriorating condition of Central College and felt that perhaps old furniture could be used at the Pin Oak Center to free up funds for Central College. The Chancellor pointed out that there is not old furniture -- the furniture belongs to HISD. Mr. Austin noted that emergency conditions at Central College had been brought to the Board's attention previously; yet nothing more had been done. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated that we must take care of Central College as well. Mr. Davila asked if improvements to Central College were included in the revenue bonds. Mrs. Garcia stated that the Board saw a need and voted accordingly; however, she felt it was time to pay attention to Central College. She stressed that we must have equity among the colleges and this may necessitate looking to the fund balance to invest in Central College. She stated we need the Pin Oak site in order to vacate the HISD sites by December 1999. She stated that she and Mr. Austin were asking for short-range goals and long-range goals for Central College as soon as possible. She added that the Board could not wait for the Facilities Committee to issue a report -- they need the information immediately. If the need is great, other projects may have to be put on hold for a while. Mr. Austin was concerned that the Board's concerns are not always addressed and they are not kept fully informed on projects. Previously, Mr. Lynch had recommended a concessionaire for a parking lot at Central. At that time the Board did not move forward because it was felt that other vendors should be able to participate and develop a concessionaire agreement. This did not mean that administration should end the project; however, it never came before the Board again. The Board's intent was to issue an RFP and have vendors respond to that for a concessionaire agreement to build a parking lot. That is a viable issue that needs to be addressed. Mr. Murphy noted we have spent $20 million on the Pin Oak project and felt this was a very good initiative. However, we are planning on using only 20% of it. He felt that was not good financial management and administration must be prepared to look at what it will take to utilize this facility to the maximum. Secondly, he pointed out there is a marked difference between the Pin Oak site and the Highway 288 site because there are no students at 288 and we are not dislocating students. The Pin Oak facility involves the relocation of existing dollars and students that need a place to go. He felt the other issues are certainly germane and must be addressed in long-term planning. Mr. Austin wanted to know if Mr. Murphy had read the analysis of the Hwy. 288 area, addressing the needs of Sunnyside, South Park and the Third Ward communities. Mr. Murphy responded he had and is in favor of the Hwy. 288 project. Mr. Austin interjected that we do not have capacity at Central College. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (6 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 Mr. Murphy disagreed, noting that the Facilities Committee has found there is capacity at Central if we can move some things around. In terms of Central, he would be interested in seeing a plan from administration because of the crisis conditions at that location. Mr. Garcia asked for a legal opinion of the discussion. Mr. Michel advised the Board could talk in more detail in closed session, but it was permissible to talk in general terms in open session. Mrs. Garcia stated that the Board must take responsibility for the lack of a plan for Central College. She added that in light of the investment in the Pin Oak site and subsequent information that it would house only 1,500 students, it may have been wiser to lease a smaller facility and proceed with inner city projects. Mrs. Garcia remarked that this is the first time the Board has supported a $20 million project, and we must have a plan of action for Central College. With no further discussion, the motion carried 6-0. ADOPTION OF 1998 AD VALOREM TAX RATE AND CALCULATION OF 1998 EFFECTIVE TAX RATE Mr. Austin moved approval of a resolution to adopt the 1998 ad valorem tax rate and the effective tax rate and certification of the 1998 collection rate. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Austin stated he was not in favor of this recommendation because he did not feel it was a prudent decision at this time. Amended Motion No. 839 - Mr. Murphy offered an amendment to certify the current rate of $0.06615 on each $100.00 of assessed value of taxable property and to approve the certification of the collection rate of 97% for the 1998 tax levy and accept the calculation of the 1998 effective tax rate. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. As a point of information, Mrs. Garcia asked for an explanation of the original recommendation from administration. Mrs. Taylor explained that the effective tax rate is normally what most people follow. If the Board's pleasure is to go back to the current tax rate, there is not a problem. Administration is neutral on the issue and will follow the Board's lead. When making recommendations, administration does not always have the opportunity to discuss matters with the Board before the Board Meetings. Mr. Austin recalled that these issues previously come before the Finance Committee. With no further discussion, the amended motion carried 6-0. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS a. Faculty Recognition Award - The Chancellor presented the faculty award for outstanding service to Michael Golden, Art Instructor for Central College. Mr. Golden has taught at HCCS for eight years and served as the Department Chair for Visual Arts last year. He currently serves as president of the Faculty Association Council. Mr. Golden has served as grants panelist and reviewer for the Cultural Arts Council of Houston and has won numerous awards including the Bedichek Distinguished Service Award, the NISOD award and the Dr. Anthony Chee Teaching file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (7 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 Excellence Award. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT a. Enrollment Report - The enrollment increase of 5.2% reported last month held after the twelfth day. This may be the largest percentage increase among the colleges of the Gulf Coast Consortium. The Stafford Campus increased by 24% this year. The Chancellor thanked college staff and Tom Kennedy for the teamwork which has resulted in enrollment growth. b. Visiting Professor - The Chancellor introduced Professor Suli Sun from Heilongjiang University in China and her husband. Professor Sun is teaching at Central College this semester as part of a faculty exchange program. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Enrollment Enhancement - Dr. Hodges reported that the committee is studying current plans and new ideas that would contribute to enrollment enhancement. The committee provides the opportunity for administration, staff and Board Members to discuss strategies. Mrs. Garcia added that a report would be given at the next Board Meeting to bring closure to the committeeÕs activities. She agreed the outcomes of this committee are very positive. b. Facilities - Mr. Murphy reported that the committee is looking at programs -- what kinds of buildings we need for the types of things we are doing. The committee has compiled a series of maps and demographic tables which will be provided to the Board. They have put together trade areas around the various campuses to determine how many people live and work in those areas. Demographic studies have been done by age, income, etc., to determine our constituencies. Each of the colleges also has their own Facilities Committee to provide input. The final report will probably be completed by the end of the year. c. Finance - Mr. Austin reported on a joint meeting of the Finance and Facilities Committees to discuss vacating certain facilities and moving into others. One major issue that emerged from the discussion was concern over the Voting Rights Acts and its applicability to annexation initiatives in terms of dilution of voter strength and the fact that Texas is subject to that act. Mr. Austin discussed accountability, stating it is an issue of importance to the Board. He shared a paper with the Board to emphasize the need for administration to engage the Finance Committee with recommendations that carry a fiscal impact. In most organizations there is usually person who deals with policy in a program context. The Board sets the vision and mission and there are people who carry that out. He noted the institution would do much better in fiscal matters if issues were addressed through committees. He also shared a paper on Leadership and Purposeful Accountability , regarding accountability of the Board and their legal responsibilities. He requested that the following be provided to the Board: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (8 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 1. Formal presentation on the process for acquiring professional services under the Professional Services Contract Act; including what has already been established by the Board; 2. Capital Improvement Plan in updated form; and 3. Public Relations Plan. He asked if the information could be provided within 30 days. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated she would call her staff together to determine a timeframe for providing the information. Mr. Austin noted that his intent is to put the fiscal process in order and to improve communication between administration and the Board. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Oliver adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:40 p.m., notice having been previously given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Oliver reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 7:45 p.m., and entertained motions on matters pending. HL&P EASEMENT REQUEST APPROVED FOR THE NORTHEAST COLLEGE ACADEMIC CENTER Motion No. 840 - Mr. Murphy moved approval of the HL&P easement request for the Northeast College Academic Center, 555 Community College Drive, and authorization for the Chancellor to execute the proposed contract subject to final review by legal counsel. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0 (Mr. Davila had already left the meeting). PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Motion No. 841 - Mr. Russell moved approval of the Personnel Agenda with the exception of any directors or acting positions. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. RELOCATION OF WALTRIP AND SCARBOROUGH FACILITIES APPROVED Motion No. 842 - Mr. Austin moved approval of the relocation of Waltrip and Scarborough facilities according to the terms as discussed in closed session. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, October 22, 1998, at 22 Waugh Drive. ADJOURNMENT file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (9 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM] Board Minutes 09/17/1998 With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Minutes Prepared By: Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant Board Services Office Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted By: John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary Minutes Approved as Submitted: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20D...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/minutes917.html (10 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:36 PM]