HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM January 22, 1998 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on January 22, 1998, at the Heinen Theatre, HCC-Central, 3517 Austin, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT M. James Henderson, Chairman Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila Herlinda Garcia James R. Murphy W. F. Russell BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary ADMINISTRATION Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor Elaine Adams, Vice-Chancellor, Educational Development Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast Diana Morales Taylor, Chief Operations Officer Pat Williamson, Vice-Chancellor, Institutional Development Tom Kennedy, Executive Director, Public Information Office OTHERS PRESENT Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens CALL TO ORDER Mr. Henderson called the Meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (1 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 INVOCATION The invocation was led by Reverend Gail Williford, Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship, St. PaulÕs United Methodist Church. GREETINGS FROM CHAIRMAN Mr. Henderson welcomed guests to the Regular Meeting and Swearing-In Ceremonies and recognized public officials who were present including Vince Ryan, former City Councilmember; J. B. Whiteley, Chancellor-Emeritus, HCCS; State Representative Diana Davila; Justice Greg Abbott, Texas Supreme Court; Felix Fraga, City Councilmember; Roman Martinez, former State Representative; and State Senator Mario Gallegos. SWEARING-IN CEREMONIES FOR TRUSTEES Mr. Henderson announced the swearing-in of four newly-elected Trustees: Carol H. Smith, District I; Herlinda Garcia, District III; James R. Murphy, District VI; and Abel Davila, District VIII. Justice Greg Abbott administered the Statement of Elected Official and the Oath of Office to Trustees Smith, Murphy and Davila; and Representative Diana Davila administered same to Mrs. Herlinda Garcia. Standing with Mrs. Garcia were her husband, son and friend, Roman Martinez. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1998 Mr. Henderson called for nominations for Chairman. Motion No. 753 - Mr. Russell moved that in consideration of the job that has been done over the past year and the unique opportunities facing us in the next year, the present officers be re-elected for 1998. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-2, with Trustees Austin, Garcia, Henderson, Murphy, Russell and Smith voting in support; and Trustees Davila and Oliver opposed. Board officers for 1998 will be M. James Henderson, Chairman; Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman; John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary; and Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary. COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS a. Christopher W. Oliver commented on the election of officers, stating that each Trustee represents a constituency that must have a voice and that certain members of his constituency had expressed their confidence in him as a Board Member. He stated that the standard policy is for Board Members to rotate offices and felt that the previous action circumvented the process. Mr. Oliver added there has never been a chairman from District IX and asked for clarification of the policy, adding that he planned to run for chairman next year. b. W. F. Russell noted there is no policy regarding the electing of officers. He added there has been a precedent of electing the Vice-Chairman as Chairman; however, that precedent has not always been followed and the BoardÕs action was proper and legitimate. c. Abel Davila responded to Mr. RussellÕs comments saying there was not a policy, but there was file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (2 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 protocol. He observed that the Board minutes from the past two years indicated the ViceChairman is elected as Chair. He stated that a vote against a Board Member to sit in that capacity is a vote against that constituency. Mr. Russell responded that he had no problem with everybody serving as Chairman. Mr. Davila thenexpressed appreciation to his parents; wife Diana; his minister, Ramiro Vasquez; and other family members, friends, and colleagues for their support throughtout his campaign. He also thanked Senator Maria Gallegos, Councilmember Felix Fraga, Rep. Diana Davila, TACHE members, colleagues at TSU, his campaign manager Manuel Barrera; mentor Irene Porcarello and Mrs. Herlinda Garcia. d. Carol H. Smith remarked that her vote was not against Mr. Oliver. She thanked the other Board Members who appointed her in April 1996, after the death of her husband, Roland W. Smith. She noted, however, that it was gratifying to have been elected. She read the Vision Statement of HCCS which was developed by the Board, commenting that this had influenced her decision to run for election. She pledged her continued support to the Board, administration, faculty and staff in light of this vision and service to students. Mrs. Smith also expressed appreciation to her campaign workers; treasurer Patsy Sakowitz; children Allison and Roland; parents Bill and Claire Haring; father-in-law Elo Smith; other family members and friends; and to Roland for teaching her the value and rewards of community service. e. Herlinda Garcia noted that this occasion marked the eighth anniversary of the appointment of the HCCS Board Members, upon separation from HISD. She welcomed new members Abel Davila and James Murphy, expressed appreciation to sitting members, and paid special tribute to members of the founding Board, Mr. Russell, Mr. Henderson and Mr. Austin for their eight years of service. She stated that the BoardÕs mission is education and they are dedicated to this cause. She expressed appreciation to her husband Arturo; son David who have dedicated their lives, along with her, to the mission of service to the community as both educator and trustee. She paid tribute to Rev. Gail Williford for her dedication to humanity and her sensitivity to the needs of others. She recognized State Representative Diana Davila for her dedication to human issues which has been the driving force of her legislative career. She expressed gratitude to Rep. Davila for public service and community advocacy. Mrs. Garcia also paid tribute to her constituents and pledged her continued commitment to them. f. James R. Murphy gave thanks to God for being here tonight. He expressed appreciation to the residents in District VI; friends and family members for their support throughout his campaign; wife, Dr. Kathleen Murphy and sons Robert and Pace. Mr. Murphy became interested in serving on the Board to promote workforce development and file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (3 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 training and pledged support to this objective. He added that he has found HCCS to be a better institution than most people realize, with tremendously talented people addressing very complicated problems. In closing, Mr. Murphy pledged his support not only to the residents of District VI, but to all residents of the HCC District. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation of Certificates of Election - Mr. Henderson presented Certificates of Election to Trustees Smith, Garcia, Murphy and Davila. b. Recognition of Outgoing Board Members - Mr. Henderson presented inscribed antique gold eagles to outgoing Trustees A. J. Lynch and Francisco G. Medina for outstanding service and read resolutions in their honor. Both were appointed to office in 1989 as founding members of the HCCS Board and were subsequently re-elected to office. They both made the decision not to run again in 1997. c. Recognition of Chairman - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer presented a plaque and resolution to Mr. Henderson for outstanding service as Board Chairman for 1997. Mr. Henderson accepted the resolution noting that the System deserved credit for the accomplishments. HEARING OF CITIZENS Mr. Henderson gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and asked if anyone were present to speak. a. James Partsch-Galvan expressed concern over the earlier election of officers, the administration at Central College, and the lack of access to shower facilities. He also stated that he had not received an interview for a position he applied for several weeks ago. In closing, he congratulated Mr. Davila on his election to the Board. b. Arielle Luna welcomed the new Trustees and stated she had collected a number of signatures from students at Central College who are unhappy with the bookstore. They are concerned that the price of books and supplies are too high and the resale price too low, and that new editions make resale impossible. Ms. Luna pointed out that many students have limited transportation and must rely on the bookstore for their supplies. She requested that a committee be formed to investigate the price of books. Mr. Davila asked that the administration look into the concerns of both speakers. MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Motion No. 754 - Mr. Oliver moved approval of the minutes as submitted from the Regular Board Meeting of December 11, 1997. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (4 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Henderson called for consideration of the consent agenda. Motion No. 755 - Mrs. Smith moved approval of the consent agenda with the exception of certain items set aside for discussion or consideration after executive session. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. The following items were approved: I. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS ● Approved the purchase of training books and materials for the Independent Electrical Contractors Apprenticeship Program, HCC-Central, from the Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.; ● Approved the purchase of a video/audio-editing-studio-headend system, HCC-Southwest, Stafford Campus, from Industrial Audio-Video, Inc.; ● Approved the use of Oracle Professional Services Group to provide HCCS with Oracle database administration services. This is a temporary outsourcing contract for a period beginning February 6, not to exceed April 30, 1998; II. LEASES OR CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES ● Approved a Lease Agreement with PFP Post Oak, Inc., and authorized the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System. The lease shall commence January 1, 1998 and continue through august 31, 1998; III. FINANCIAL REPORTS ● Approved the Investment Report for the months of September, October, November and December, 1997; ● Approved the HCCS Investment Policy as amended; IV. OTHER ● Approved advertising signage in the left field pavilion section of the Astrodome for the entire 1998 baseball season; and ● Approved the naming of the new facility at Northeast College as the ÒDr. John E. Codwell Hall, Ó in recognition of the late Dr. Codwell, educator and community leader; adopted a Resolution on behalf of Dr. Codwell; and designated this as standard nomenclature for naming future file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (5 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 buildings at this site. LEASE/PURCHASE OF TRACTOR TRUCKS APPROVED Motion No. 756 - Mr. Murphy moved approval of the lease/purchase of five used tractor trucks for the Commercial Truck Driving Program from Ruan Truck Sales. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Mr. Davila stated he had requested information from the Chancellor on how the College selects which companies receive bids and which companies are capable of providing these vehicles. He added he was concerned that only two bids were received. Winston Dahse, Executive Director of Materials Management, responded stating that bids are advertised publicly in various newspapers and distributed to minority associations and organization. He noted there are very few suppliers of tractor trucks capable of supplying vehicles and meeting our guidelines. Mr. Russell agreed, noting there are only a handful of dealers in the country capable of supplying this equipment. Motion carried 7-0; Mr. Russell abstained noting an affidavit on file. CONTRACT WITH MOSELEY AND ASSOCIATES APPROVED Motion No. 757 - Mr. Oliver moved approval of the contract with Moseley and Associates, Inc. for architectural and design services for the Educational Center Project, Highway 288 @ Airport Boulevard. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Mr. Davila wanted to know the process used for the selection of architectural firms, if we received requests for qualifications, and the matrix used in the selection of architects. Mr. Dahse explained that bids are not necessary in the selection of professional services. In this case, the Board selected the architect in October and this recommendation is to approve the actual contract which was developed and reviewed with the attorneys. He explained that the selection of professional services rests with the Board after reviewing the recommendation of administration. Mr. Austin asked that the Board Members be provided with the professional services contract act and the HCCS policy for selecting professional services. Mr. Dahse acknowledged the request. Mr. Davila noted he had asked these questions prior to the Board Meeting, but they had not been answered. Mr. Russell asked that the list of approved architects be distributed as well. Motion carried 8-0. LEASE AMENDMENT APPROVED FOR SPACE AT NORTHLINE MALL Motion. No. 758 - Mr. Oliver moved approval of a lease amendment proposal with Northline Joint Venture for the renewal of the leased premises located at the Northline Mall and authorization of the Chancellor to execute the lease on behalf of the System. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Oliver asked if there were plans to expand the Northline Center. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer replied she would like to because there is space there for growth. Mr. Oliver thought this would be a good idea especially in light of the opening of the Magic Johnson theater at Northline Mall. Motion carried 8-0. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (6 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS ADOPTED Motion No. 759 - Mrs. Smith made a motion to adopt a Resolution approving procedures for the issuance of bonds in the amount of $23,500,000 for the purchase of real property and instructional equipment and technology. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Mrs. Garcia asked for clarification of the recommendation. Diana Taylor introduced Jorge Rodriguez of Coastal Securities, co-financial advisor, who explained the underwriter selection process. His company sent out requests for proposals to thirteen underwriting firms. Out of this group, eleven RFPs were received by the staff. Six firms were interviewed to determine the senior managing underwriter, including First Southwest Company, Merrill Lynch, Dean Rausche, Chase Securities of Texas, A.G. Edwards and Siebert Brnadford Shank & Company. Each analysis was reviewed for cost to the District in terms of interest rates and costs of doing the underwriting. Interviews were held and the staff came up with a ranking system and a recommendation. Mr. Rodriguez stated the firm is recommending that the underwriting syndicate be comprised of the First Southwest Company as senior managing underwriter, with Siefert Brandford and A.G. Edwards, as comanaging underwriters. There was no further discussion and the motion carried 8-0. NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Approval of Payment for Board Member Expenses Motion No. 760 - Mr. Oliver moved approval of reimbursement to Mr. Henderson for parking fees and meal expenses incurred in meetings with other Board Members in December and January. Second was inaudible. Motion carried 8-0. b. CEO-Board Relations Workshop - Mr. Henderson reminded the Board of the upcoming retreat in February and encouraged full attendance. He pointed out that the workshop were identified through the Association of Community College Trustees which provides consultant services to community colleges nation-wide. Mr. Henderson asked that the Board Members review the legal guidelines manual prepared by Bracewell and Patterson, paying special attention to the section on Board Member authority in relationship with staff. This manual has been provided to all Board Members and will be utilized at the retreat. Mr. Henderson noted that these workshop are invaluable, especially when all Board Members are present. Mr. Austin expressed concern that ACCT consultants may not be from comparable institutions and may not understand the diversity of issues facing this Board. Mr. Henderson stated that these individuals came highly recommended, adding that he had spoken with them both and felt they had put together a productive agenda. However, Mr. Henderson offered to made any adjustments file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (7 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 necessary in order to ensure an effective and productive workshop. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT a. Financial Activity Report - Diana Morales Taylor reported $46 million in investments and bond proceeds of $51 million. Her report indicated $52 million in year-to-date collection of revenues, tuition and taxes and $40 million in expenditures, putting the System ahead by $12 million. There were no questions and the meeting continued. b. Introduction of Dr. Daniels - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer introduced Dr. Jack Daniels, the new president of Central College. Dr. Daniels was selected after a nation-wide search and came on board January 1. c. Update on Enrollment - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer reported that the Mini-Session held over the Christmas holidays was very successful with 2,237 students enrolled, an increase of 379 students over last year. Semester enrollment is up 1.7%. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer plans an aggressive marketing campaign in March with the Second Start Program since that is when the base year starts. Our state appropriations are based on enrollment figures from March 1998 through February 1999. d. Coordinating Board Meeting - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer expressed her thanks to Trustees Smith and Murphy for accompanying her to the Coordinating Board Meeting earlier . They were to give a report on out-of-district issues regarding Spring Branch and Katy; however, the meeting ran long and they had to return. Dr. Zachary Hodges, president of Northwest College, remained to make the report which includes a recommendation to remove the enrollment cap in all out-of-district service areas throughout the state. The Coordinating Board will not vote on the issue until the April meeting. Mr. Austin voiced concern over possible voter strength dilution by annexing an area into the Houston Community College System and thought this recommendation should have been brought to the Board. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer noted that the Coordinating Board understands that any annexation move must have the approval of the institutionÕs board. Mr. Davila also felt the Board should be informed before going to the Coordinating Board. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer responded that the out-of-district initiative has been in her approved goals and objectives for some time and she was asked to find a resolution to the out-of-district issues. e. Hiring Policies - Diana Morales Taylor requested the BoardÕs consideration of reverting back to the procedure of ratifying hiring decisions for all employees below the dean level. Discussion yielded direction to the administration to clarify hiring policies and procedures and to present to the Board a list of positions that must be approved by the Board before actual employment begins. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer was granted authority to move ahead on certain positions. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (8 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 f. Hope Scholarship - Mr. Murphy asked if the Hope Scholarship initiative had impacted enrollment. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated we do not have that information at this point, because we do not have access to income tax information. However, the Colleges have been aggressively promoting this initiative. Mr. Henderson observed that the challenge is inform citizens of the availability of the Hope Scholarship. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Finance - Mr. Austin reported that the Finance Committee met and subsequently spoke with all Board Members. He recommended dissolving the ad hoc committee after the issuance of bonds and naming a new committee to address a facilities and development plan. Mr. Henderson noted that the ad hoc finance committee was appointed in December to address a specific issue and had completed its work. b. Naming of Buildings /Northeast - Mr. Austin asked that the family of the late Dr. John Codwell be invited to the next Board Meeting for presentation of a resolution in honor of Dr. Codwell. The Board approved the naming of the new northeast facility in honor of Dr. Codwell at the January 22, 1998 meeting. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:50 p.m., notice having been previously given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Henderson reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:20 p.m., and entertained motions on matters pending. PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Motion No. 761 - The Personnel Agenda was approved as submitted by a vote of 8-0. ESTABLISHMENT OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 26, 1998, at 4:00 p.m., at the HCCS Administrative Center, 22 Waugh Drive. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:21 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Linda Gray Manager, Board Services file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (9 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM] HCCS Regular Board Meeting - January 22, 1998 Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by: John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary HCCS Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Submitted: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20D...f%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/boardmin122.html (10 of 10) [3/25/2008 4:30:34 PM]