June 6-7, 1997
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Special
Workshop Meeting beginning at 12:00 Noon on Friday, June 6, and continuing on
Saturday, June 7, 1997, at the Houstonian Conference Center, 111 North Post Oak Lane,
Houston, Texas.
M. James Henderson, Chairman
John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary
Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary
Bruce A. Austin
Herlinda Garcia
Francisco G. Medina (Present 6-6-97)
Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman
A. J. Lynch
W. F. Russell
Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor
Elaine Adams, Vice-Chancellor, Educational Development & Interim President, Central
Sue Cox, President, SW College
Margaret Ford, Acting President, NE College
Charles Hebert, Acting Vice-Chancellor of Workforce Development
Zachary Hodges, President, NW College
Sylvia Ramos, President, SE College
Celia Gee, Executive Director, Bus. Affairs
Peggy Smith, Special Assistant to the Chancellor
Mr. Henderson called the Special Workshop Meeting to order at 1:15 on Friday, June 6,
1997, and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston
Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice.
Reorganization of HCCS Personnel Structure
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer indicated to the Board that she met previously with the three Board
Members who were unable to attend the retreat to brief them on the reorganization and
other matters. They voiced specific concerns which she addressed. Significant concern
centered around letters the Board Members have received from staff and internal
organizations regarding the reorganization. The Chancellor explained that misinformation
is responsible for much of the concern. She enlisted the Board's support and assistance in
disseminating accurate information about the reorganization.
At the System-level, Academic and Student Services were consolidated to make room for
a new unit, Workforce Development. At the college-level, some instructional middle
manager positions were eliminated and those duties and responsibilities disseminated to
department chairs or deans. No layoffs are planned.
The plan for reorganization was developed by a management team composed of
representatives from all college sectors, which has met weekly since October. These
meetings were open to anyone who wished to attend and information was disseminated
regularly through e-mail, meetings and employee newsletters. Forums were also held at
each of the colleges for the Chancellor to explain the reorganization and make progress
reports. The Board asked for a list of the members of the management team.
All materials included in the Chancellor's presentation are on file in the Board Services
Office, 22 Waugh Dr., Houston Texas for public inspection.
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Special Workshop Meeting, June 6-7, 1997 Page 2
The Chancellor reviewed current and proposed organizational charts for the System and
colleges and addressed questions from the Board Members. As a result of the
reorganization, there will be twelve less administrative positions in 1997-98 and a
savings of $173,924 in administrative salaries. Administrative salaries represent about
12% of the budget which is comparable to industry standards.
The Board Members questioned Dr. Burgos-Sasscer about the elimination of the middle
manager positions. She explained that the positions eliminated were not necessary and
the work will be reassigned to department chairs and deans. The savings will allow us to
increase the number of full-time faculty. The employees whose jobs were eliminated will
have the option of applying for lateral positions for which they are qualified or moving
into full-time teaching. In some cases, this will mean a reduction in salary. Another
option of an early retirement incentive is being explored.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer indicated she felt confident that these changes will not pose a legal
liability to the System. The end result of the reorganization will be effective fiscal
management; greater access and response to the needs of the corporate sector and
compliance with the accrediting agency requirements.
Discussion ensued regarding the process for applying for new positions. Dr. BurgosSasscer explained that interested persons must go through the hiring process and that the
process is fair and competitive. Questions arose concerning the vacant public information
position. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer explained she had offered the job to two persons who
declined for various reasons. She plans to review the qualifications of the position for
possible upgrade to attract qualified people.
The Board asked the Chancellor for clarification of lateral transfers and acting positions.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer explained that acting positions were sometimes necessary to fill key
positions; however, this is only a temporary arrangement and the person will eventually
have to go through the hiring process. No one named as acting has been promised the job
on a permanent basis. Lateral transfers are made from a "pool" of qualified staff. The
Board Members indicated they needed assurance that the process was fair and that all
qualified staff were aware of vacancies.
Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 3:08 p.m., notice having
been previously given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law.
He stated any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session
would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Henderson
reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 4:05 p.m., and entertained motions on matters
After reconvening into open session, the Board requested the following information:
1. A list of administrative positions indicating whether they are filled, vacant, or
acting (as of), as an information item for the Board; and
2. Clarification at the next Board Meeting of procedures for handling lateral
transfers that will ensure fairness and legality.
It was also decided that the Chancellor will inform the Board of future lateral moves at
the dean-level and above to ensure that the Board and Chancellor are demonstrating
responsibility and working together in a coordinated manner.
There was agreement among the Board Members that Dr. Burgos-Sasscer's
reorganization plan was economically sound and viable and that she should proceed with
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Special Workshop Meeting, June 6-7, 1997 Page 3
Status Report on SACS and Coordinating Board Recommendations
The Chancellor reviewed recommendations from both the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. She
addressed her desire to build diversity among the colleges and to conduct searches that
will bring in a diverse pool of applicants. The Board asked that the Board resolution on
diversity be emphasized and Goal 2.4 (Improve Student Access) of the Strategic Plan be
reviewed periodically for refinement.
Southern Association Recommendations
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer commented on the response to the SACS recommendation on
institutional effectiveness. She explained that the April 1996 Coordinating Board site
visit cited failure to fulfill SACS recommendations from 1992. The institutional research
office will improve accountability by generating accurate data to present to SACS. In
addition, a new Òfact bookÓ will be published in the near future. The Board discussed
the mechanism for measuring outcomes and agreed that employer satisfaction and
transfer data are critical indicators of success.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated she will recommend a candidate for the position of ViceChancellor of Workforce Development at the next Board Meeting. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer
asked for Board input on creating a new position, Executive Director of International
Initiatives. She explained this position would eventually become self-supporting and
would open access to grants from such organizations as the World Bank and the U. S.
Agency for International Development (USAID), and would allow HCCS to contract
with other countries for student and faculty exchanges and workforce training. The
Chancellor was directed to bring a recommendation to the next Board meeting.
Meeting Recessed for the Evening
The meeting was recessed at 4:40 p.m. on Friday, June 6, 1997, and reconvened at 8:36
a.m., on Saturday, June 7, 1997, in the Spruce Room
Status Report on SACS and Coordinating Board Recommendations (ContÕd.)The Board
had further comments regarding the recommendations. The section on Education
Programs (SACS) generated questions and comments from the Board. Mr. Austin
commented that students should be taught proper presentation and articulation skills. Dr.
Burgos-Sasscer agreed that these skills must be incorporated into the curriculum across
the board. Mr. Fonteno suggested relating assignments to the studentÕs desired vocation
or profession. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated that the workforce unit can revise the curriculum
to ensure that courses are interrelated.
The Board expressed concern over reluctance on the part of some faculty to implement
innovative teaching strategies. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer indicated that direction must come
from the top to ensure that directives are implemented. One of the goals of the strategic
plan states that full-time faculty must participate in 3 job-related professional training
activities. She also added that administration must support faculty who excel. Dr. BurgosSasscer pointed out that two of the most critical points of the SACS evaluation will be
institutional effectiveness and equity among the colleges in such areas as students
services and library facilities. The Board directed the Chancellor to bring in a recognized
expert on educational trends for a future Board retreat.
Regarding Educational Support Services (SACS), Dr. Burgos-Sasscer indicated every
college will have a library chair and uniform services, and a committee has been set up to
monitor this activity. Mrs. Garcia asked the Chancellor to indicate any recommendations
which pertained to policy changes so the Board could move quickly on these. The next
SACS sit e visit will take place in 2002, but the Institutional Self-Study push begins in
the year 2000.
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Coordinating Board Recommendations<BR>In December 1996, HCCS submitted a
response to the recommendations by the Coordinating Board on-site review conducted in
Spring 1996. The Board reviewed a condensed and updated version of the responses.
The Board Members indicated satisfaction that Board mandates and resolutions are being
carried out by the administration, in response to a recommendation on governance of the
institution. This led to discussion on the handling of unsolicited communications sent to
the Board Members. There was agreement that a brief letter of acknowledgment should
be sent within 24-hours, with a more in-depth reply from the Chancellor after sufficient
information has been gathered.
Mr. Austin noted it was important for people to know there is a mechanism by which
they can voice concerns. Mrs. Garcia added that it is important to have an established
process in place for responding to letters, as this establishes a trust level. Dr. BurgosSasscer remarked that it is her policy to respond to all inquiries.
Mr. Henderson suggested that another retreat be scheduled in the near future to clarify the
roles and responsibilities and the legal obligations of the Board and Chancellor. He noted
this would address the recommendation on the governance structure of the System. Mrs.
Garcia stated this retreat should take place as soon as possible. Mrs. Smith suggested that
video tapes could also be utilized for Board education purposes. It was suggested that the
proposed retreats might take place over two weekends in order to cover the issues
Regarding the recommendation on evaluating instructional sites, the Board discussed the
movement of programs to appropriate locations. It was agreed that placement of
programs must be driven by industry presence and needs. Concerning implementation of
ADA guidelines, Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated that a counselor will be placed at each
college to handle ADA-related issues.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated that the Board and staff would receive information on the
reorganization through newsletters. Mrs. Garcia asked if the Board Members were
receiving copies of all internal publications and Dr. Burgos-Sasscer assured her they
were. Mrs. Garcia also asked that the role of the Acting Director of Public Information be
clarified, in terms of services available to Board Members. Administration was also asked
to furnish the Board with copies of a report from the Manager of Board Services on the
structure of board services offices at various institutions.
Out-of-District Issues
Spring Branch ISD - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer recommended pursuing the branch campus
concept for this area. She added the other options are annexation or formation of a new
district. She plans a meeting with Dr. Guthrie, superintendent, by mid-June, and proposed
a meeting with board members from both districts. Mrs. Garcia recommended utilizing
proactive community leaders from the ethnically diverse area north of I-10.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer noted that an advisory committee is in place and asked for Board
participation on the committee. Trustees Smith and Henderson volunteered and Trustees
Lynch and Medina will be contacted about serving. Administration was asked to provide
the Board with the names of companies recently locating to that area, advisory committee
members, board members of the Spring Branch ISD, legislators for that area, guidelines
for branch campuses, and the demographics (voting and student population) of Spring
Branch and the other outlying districts.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer invited the Board Members to take part in a field trip scheduled for
July 29 to Blinn College at Bryan to observe a model branch campus in operation. The
Board agreed that the course of action recommended by Dr. Burgos-Sasscer was
appropriate and that she should proceed.
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Katy ISD - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer informed the Board that the groundwork has been laid for
discussions with the Katy superintendent and board. If they join the tax base, HCCS will
build a facility there similar to the one in Stafford. She indicated there is an advisory
committee in place there as well and Dr. Hodges works closely with them.
Superintendent Merrill is supportive and has asked for a meeting with members of both
boards to discuss bringing Katy into the HCCS tax base.
Further discussion took place on issues involved in maintaining service to the central core
while addressing the high demand from the outlying districts. Mrs. Garcia expressed
concern about the benefits of such an annexation to urban Houston. Mr. Austin raised the
question of voter dilution and felt that perhaps the Board should focus on making the
present structure a model to present to other districts. The Board asked for copies of a
previous Board resolution which set forth guidelines for annexation.
Mrs. Garcia suggested meeting the Board Members from Katy in a social setting to get to
know them personally as a first step in strengthening relationships. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer
agreed this would be appropriate for Katy; however, there is more of a sense of urgency
in Spring Branch to convince them of the viability of a branch campus.
Mr. Henderson summarized high points of the Board's discussion as follows:
Spring Branch - Pursue the branch campus concept and set up a meeting with the
superintendent and board members;
Katy - Spend time socially with the board to strengthen relations; be receptive and
express the willingness to build a facility; emphasize that we will not abandon the central
core of the district;
North Forest - Relationship will be strengthened; but we have to wait until they are able
to resolve internal problems;
Alief - Use the Katy strategy as a model, but at a slower pace;
Cy-Fair - Wait for a legislative referendum possibly in next legislative session. Dr.
Burgos-Sasscer advised the Board of overtures from the Jersey Village municipality; and
Missouri City - Seed site was opened in March, with 135 credit and 318 non-credit
students; nurture relationships with the mayor and city council; possible referendum as
early as 1998; set up luncheon and invite board members.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer stated she would like for Board Members to accompany her to
meetings with representatives of these communities. The Board agreed this was
appropriate; however, all Board Members should receive an invitation whether they are
able to attend or not.
Chancellor's Goals and Objectives
Due to time constraints, Mr. Henderson suggested a special meeting to discuss the
Chancellor's goals and objectives and her annual evaluation. It was decided that this
could be handled in executive session at the June meeting if the agenda was light. Copies
of Dr. Burgos-Sasscer's goals and objectives will be distributed to the Board Members
prior to the meeting.
Legislative Issues
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer announced plans to hold a reception for the legislative delegation in
mid-August. She reviewed legislation having a potential impact on HCCS. Of particular
interest is SB 148, relating to the core curricula of certain institutions of higher education,
including skills testing and development coursework, has been sent to the Governor for
signature. This legislation will have a significant programmatic impact on academic
course transfer, skills testing, performance interpretations, development course
assessment, student and institutional responsibilities, and wide-spread counseling
activities throughout the System.
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HB 1548 has also been sent to the Governor. This bill would give authority to the Board
of Trustees to allow a person who resides outside the district and who owns property
subject to ad valorem taxation by the district, or a dependent of the person, to pay tuition
at the rate applicable to a student who resides in the district. The Board may allow a
person who resides outside the district and in the taxing district of a contiguous public
junior college district to pay tuition and fees at the rate applicable to a student who
resides in the district.
With no further business to come before the Board, the Special Workshop Meeting was
adjourned at 11:58 a.m., on Saturday, June 7, 1997
Prepared by:
Linda Gray
Manager, Board Services
Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by:_________________________________John
Fonteno, Jr., SecretaryHCCS Board of TrusteesMinutes Approved as