The University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Profitability... proudly presents this publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit...

The University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Profitability Impact Team
proudly presents this publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit industry.
Volume 5 Issue 2
May 15, 2014
Spring Observations from WyeREC
By Michael Newell
Horticultural Crop Program Manager,
Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station
Strawberry Plasticulture
Chandlers continue to bloom with
first harvest anticipated to be next week.
Sweet Charlie harvest began this week.
Runners are beginning in most varieties
grown here. Some bud clipper injury was
noted on the most recent closed buds. Loss of these
buds may help increase final size of the berries that will
form from the open flowers. Continue leaf and leaf
petiole sampling for nutrient analysis to optimize
nutrient applications.
Tree Fruit - Peach
Shuck fall in complete. Critical
sprays for scab control and
bacterial leaf spot for susceptible
varieties. Some early fruit thinning
reveled more bud loss from Winter
injury than was first noted. The 5
varieties of flat type peaches grown
here exhibited very little bud loss.
Tree Fruit - Apple
Petal fall is just about complete. MaryBlyt, the Fire
Blight prediction model, did not predict any infection
periods this Spring for our location. If you still have
bloom, the next few days of rain and warmer
temperatures may put your trees at risk of infection.
Apply a protective spray right away.
Make plans to attend the 2014 Strawberry Twilight
Meeting, Wednesday May 21 from 6 – 8:00PM.
Directions can be found at the Wye Research and
Education website at:
WMREC Tree Fruit Update
By Bryan Butler
Carroll County Extension Agent &
Mid-Maryland Tree Fruit Agent
University of Maryland Extension
Just a few thoughts from western Maryland as the
season begins. If you have used or plan to use Surround
on peaches for BMSB control be sure you get an early
start at shuck split, shuck fall. I have been using 12.5
pounds of Surround in 100 gallons of water mixed with
an insecticide. This is still a work in progress but it does
appear to be able to reduce BMSB damage if the
pressure is not too high. I feel this approach may have a
place especially early in the season for both apple and
peach allowing producers to limit the use of the “big
guns” and save them for application later in the season
when BMSB pressure increases.
As far as our tall spindle apples trees
we passed the top wire last season
and this year which will be our fifth
leaf have begun to attempt height
control. This is another work in
progress and we may begin to start
seeing differences in the Geneva
rootstocks this season. We have
added to the planting showcased at
out August twilight with a number of
additional Geneva rootstocks with
Aztec Fuji, Honey Crisp and Kingston
Black as the scions. Anyone is welcome to
come up and see the planting during the
Local Governments • U.S. Department of Agriculture
It is the policy of the University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, and University of
Maryland Extension that all persons have equal opportunity and access to programs and facilities without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin,
sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability.
Vegetable Crop Insects
Seed Corn Maggots
Bad in Some Fields this Spring
By Joanne Whalen
DE Extension IPM Specialist
By Jerry Brust
Extension IPM Vegetable Specialist
University of Maryland
Leafminers in Vegetable Crops
Each spring, we receive reports of leaf miners
attacking spring planted vegetable crops. There are a
number of potential species that attack vegetables
including the vegetable leafminer, serpentine leaf miner,
spinach leafminer and beet leafminer. Leaf miners can
be difficult to control and we have limited experience
with control strategies in our area. The following links
provide information on some of the potentially important
This cool spring has been good weather for a pest of
early planted seeds and bulbs—the seed corn maggot
Delia platura (SCM) and other seed maggots such as
Cabbage maggot Delia radicum (it prefers to feed on
cole crops) and Onion maggot Delia antiqua (it feeds on
crops in the onion family). The seed corn maggot is one
of the earliest seed maggots in a field and it has a huge
host range of seeds and plants that it attacks. Many of
our previous springs were unseasonably warm and at
times dry, two conditions that do not favor the maggots
and is why we did not see a lot of damage in those
Continue to scout for diamondback and imported
cabbageworm larvae. A treatment should be applied
when 5% of the plants are infested and before larvae
move to the hearts of the plants.
Continue to scout all melons for aphids and cucumber
beetles. Aphids can be found in some of the earliest
transplanted fields. As a general guideline, a treatment
should be applied for aphids when 20 percent of the
plants are infested with 5 aphids per leaf and before
significant leaf curling occurs.
Continue to sample for Colorado potato beetle adults
and egg laying. A treatment should be considered for
adults when you find 25 beetles per 50 plants and
defoliation has reached the 10% level. Once larvae are
detected, the threshold is 4 small larvae per plant or 1.5
large larvae per plant.
Snap Beans
All seedling stage fields should be scouted for thrips
activity. The thrips threshold is 5-6 per leaflet. Be sure
to also watch for bean leaf beetle feeding. Damage
appears as circular holes in leaves and we have seen
significant damage in recent years on the earliest
planted fields. As a general guideline, a treatment
should be considered if you defoliation exceeds 20%
Sweet Corn
Continue to sample for cutworms and flea beetles. As
a general guideline, treatments should be applied if you
find 3% cut plants or 10% leaf feeding. In order to get
an accurate estimate of flea beetle populations, fields
should be scouted mid-day when beetles are active. A
treatment will be needed if 5% of the plants are infested
with beetles:
The seed maggots overwinter as pupae in the soil and
in early spring (usually early March for SCM and midApril for onion maggot), the adults emerge. Adults are
elongated and dark greyish-brown, with wings that
overlap their bodies when they are at rest (fig. 1). Large
swarms of flies can be seen in the spring flying over
newly tilled fields. The flies mate within 2-3 days after
emerging and lay eggs in soil that has a great deal of
decaying organic matter, which includes any rotting
vegetation or manure as well as germinating seeds or
newly set transplants—SCM flies are not finicky and will
target the artificial media in the root balls of transplants.
The eggs hatch in 2-4 days in temperatures as low as
50o F. The larvae develop over a large temperature
range: 50o-90o F. However I have found that the flies do
not like to lay eggs in soil that has reached 71oF at a 4inch soil depth for 2-3 days in a row. Therefore, once
soils warm up the flies tend not to lay eggs any more.
IPM Threshold Guide for Vegetable Crops
ECONOMIC THRESHOLD - Level of pest activity when control action is
suggested to prevent economic injury Online at:
University of Massachusetts has a good publication on
maggots and lists the Growing Degree Days for
emergence of the flies in the spring, found at:
There is a good report on growing degree days in the
IPM report from May 12, 2012. It is available at:
Peak flights for seed corn and cabbage maggots
already have occurred with peak flight for onion
maggots just about ready to occur.
Management Strategy
As most of you know there is no rescue treatment
once maggots are found in the seed or plant. Fields with
moist, heavy-textured soil usually have the worst
problems. To reduce the appeal of a field to egg-laying
adults, disc or plow early in the season to incorporate
residues from the previous crop and allow time for
residues to completely decompose before planting.
Destroy any weed growth. Avoid planting a crop
following root crops or cole crops such as cabbage and
cauliflower or after fall tomatoes. Ensure rapid seed
germination by planting in moist soil not very deep when
weather conditions are good. Later-season plantings
may avoid the early season infestation of this pest. For
crops like onions or garlic row covers can be used as
soon as transplants are put in the field. Plants can
remain covered until the ground warms. Diazinon as a
broadcast application before planting can be used with
some vegetables (be sure to check the label for each
crop and see the Commercial Vegetable Production
Recommendations 2014 guide).
Larvae or maggots are yellowish-white, about ¼ inch
in length, legless with head-ends that are wedge-shaped
(fig. 2). The maggots complete their entire development
within the soil by burrowing into seeds or feeding on
cotyledons emerging from seeds. The pupae are brown,
oval-shaped capsules 1/5 inch in length (fig. 2).
Generally, seed corn maggots complete their life cycle
within three weeks and have 3-4 generations. It is the
first generation that causes the most crop damage in our
Commercial 2014
Vegetable Production
Maryland EB 236
On-Line at
Seed maggots cause damage by burrowing into seeds
or cotyledons and hollowing them out. Although it can
take 5 maggots per snap bean seed to cause significant
damage, once the seed has been opened up by the
maggots the seed becomes much more susceptible to
invasion from soil borne pathogens. The maggots also
can burrow into the bulb or stem of transplants such as
watermelon or cantaloupe as well as cole crops, garlic,
onions, etc. (fig. 3).
Treatment is rarely necessary for spittlebugs, but upick growers need to keep populations to one spittle
mass per square foot through prebloom to placate
customers. It will be necessary to spread plants and
inspect the crowns as well as leaves and stems. Control
is considered at one spittlebug per square foot for u-pick
operations and 5-6 per square foot (a high population)
for everyone else. Aphid control products such as Assail,
Nuprid, etc. will control spittlebugs too.
Spittle Bugs Found in Some
Strawberry Fields
By Jerry Brust
Extension IPM Vegetable Specialist
University of Maryland
Several strawberry growers have seen the meadow
spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius) in their strawberries this
year. The spittlebug is an annoying pest on strawberries
that under extremely high numbers can stunt plants and
reduce berry size. But they are more of a nuisance
especially to u-pick growers as the pickers object to being
wetted by the insect excretion (the spittle, even though it is
Spittlebugs can be recognized by the white masses of
foam found on leaves, petioles, and stems of plants (Fig.
1). The yellow-green nymphs produce this covering to
protect themselves from predators and desiccation. Initially
the nymphs feed at the base of the plants, but later move
up to more tender foliage. Feeding may cause leaves to
become wrinkled and dark-green. Although fruit may be
stunted under heavy spittle bug populations, yield loss
rarely occurs. High spittlebug populations are often
correlated with weedy (including legume cover crops like
clover) fields, so proper weed control is important. Nymphs
feed for five to eight weeks before entering the adult stage.
Newly emerged adults (called froghoppers) are bright green
and darken over time to a dull brown. They are very active
and readily jump when disturbed. Adults are present on
foliage May through November but do not produce any
spittle. Adults lay white to cream-colored eggs in the stems
and leaves of plants from July through October. These eggs
will overwinter and hatch next spring. There is one
generation per year in Maryland.
Survey of the
Spotted Wing Drosophila and
Other Invasive Fruit Flies in
Various Tree and Small Fruit Crops
David Biddinger1, Katie Ellis1, Bryan Butler4,
Leo Donovall2, Kathy Demchak3, & Neelendra Joshi1
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) fruit injury was
surveyed in 99 fruit samples taken at normal harvest
and adult emergence was followed with bait traps at 16
PA and 9 MD fruit farms in 2013. Samples were also
evaluated for the presence of African Fig Fly (AFF)
Crops evaluated: included small fruit crops, some stone
fruit, and mulberries as an alternate host (See first table
50 fruit were collected from 10 different locations
(trees/rows/sections) at each location as each crop
approached commercial harvest and were reared at
room temperature for 14 days in plastic containers with
screen vents and a sand layer for the larvae to pupate
Insect specimens collected from traps and infested
fruit samples were identified in the laboratory by the
Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture.
Fig. 1 Spittle on stems of plants, nymphs are seen under the
spittle (arrows).
Summary of Findings
 New invasive fruit fly pests were not found and, as
expected, the African fig fly is not a fruit pest. Like
SWD and other vinegar flies, it will persist on
dropped and rotting fruit like cherries to build
populations to attack later crops.
SWD is not a pest of strawberry, nectarine, or plum
in PA/MD and only a pest of late harvested tart
cherries and damaged apricots.
SWD is a pest of summer raspberries and becomes
worse in later crops like blueberries, blackberries
and fall raspberries.
Its status in grape is uncertain and the numbers
found could be from rotting berries due to black rot.
1 Penn State - Fruit Research & Extension Center, PA; 2
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg, PA; 3
Department of Plant Sciences, Penn State University, PA; 4
University of Maryland Extension, 700 Agriculture Center,
Westminster, MD
Disease Update:
Scab, Fire Blight, and Mildew
Oh My!
By Dr. Kari Peter
Penn State Fruit Research and Extension Center
Fire blight risk remains high through the week. When
applying streptomycin, it is effective for 24 hrs before
and 24 hrs after a rain event. Apple scab spore dispersal
is peaking, and with the predicted rain events this week,
we are in for a very rough, serious infection period.
There is potential for secondary spread if fungicide
protection earlier this year was less than adequate. The
humid conditions are also optimal for mildew and rust
Fig.1 Bacterial ooze from fire blight infection.
The weather this week has me excited for two
reasons: 1) it’s definitely helped the process of healing
from the Polar Vortex beat-down we had this winter,
and 2) as a tree fruit pathologist…well, you know…
However, I’ll refrain from exhibiting my enthusiasm too
much for the latter.
 Potential for secondary spread if fungicide protection
earlier this year was less than adequate.
 Apple trees at their most susceptible phenological
stage (many new terminal leaves, plus significant
potential for fruit infections).
It may be tempting to stretch fungicide coverage
this week in hopes of delaying the next fungicide
until petal fall sprays can be applied. Given the
high risks associated with the next infection
period, that could prove to be a costly mistake.
Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the disease
control measures needed right now, I want to bring to
your attention a blog Cornell Plant Pathologist Dr. Dave
Rosenberger has this season and folks are able to
subscribe to get alerts to posts he’s written at Cornell
Blogs. I’ve been mentioning this at the twilight meetings
this year, but if you haven’t had a chance to read his
nuggets of wisdom for disease control, excerpts are
included in the updates below for the diseases needing
attention at the moment.
To avoid problems with scab throughout the summer, be
sure to have fungicide coverage in place for rains
predicted for later this week.
Powdery mildew
I saw early powdery mildew infection in one of my
untreated blocks last week, so don’t forget about
controlling for powdery mildew (and rust). To refresh
your memory about powdery mildew: spores like high
humidity (no rain) and temperatures around 70ºF. From
Dr. Rosenberger’s post about mildew control:
Fire blight
We are in various stages of bloom right now, which
makes controlling for fire blight very important at this
time. Pollinators have been flying around carrying not
only pollen, but fire blight bacteria, as well. Insects
unknowingly deposit bacteria onto the stigma, and the
bacteria get washed into the base of the flower, into the
nectar pores, which is how the bacteria enter the plant.
According to the fire blight models, we’re in an infection
period for the next several days. From Dr. Rosenberger’s
post on fire blight control:
Those relying on protectant programs of
mancozeb plus captan should have already
applied at least one mildewcide. Where no
mildewcides have been applied so far this year, a
DMI fungicide (Rally, Topguard) should be
considered in the next spray because none of the
other mildewcides will provide both postinfection activity against mildew and excellent
activity against rust diseases that also pose a
high risk for fruit infection during late bloom and
petal fall.
It may seem counter-intuitive to apply strep a
second time, just two or three days after the first
spray. The rationale for the second spray is that,
with warm weather, many new blossoms have
opened since the first spray was applied.
A note of encouragement
This spring is a doozy for optimal conditions for
disease and insects, so in the immortal words of Jedi
Master, Obe-Wan Kenobi: May the force be with you.
When controlling for disease, weather and tree growth
conditions need to be monitored at a local level within
one’s own orchard.
Before chemical products are applied, be sure to be in
compliance by obtaining the current usage regulations
and examining the product label. Product information
can be easily obtained from CDMS. Specific chemical
recommendations are in the Penn State Tree Fruit
Production Guide.
Bacteria deposited on those new flowers by pollinators
or by splashing rain reach disease-causing thresholds
very quickly in warm weather. The only at-risk orchards
where a second spray may NOT be needed are orchards
where all flowers were already open when the first spray
was applied.
Apple scab
Our scab spore counts are through the roof this week,
indicating we are at peak maturity and dispersal for the
southern counties of PA/northern counties of MD (folks
north and west, you are a little behind, but not by
much). When you combine that with the predicted rain
events this week, we are in for a very rough, serious
infection period. From Dr. Rosenberger’s most recent
post on apple scab control:
Scab lesions resulting from infections that occurred April
29 to May 2 should become visible tomorrow or
Wednesday. That means that any orchards where
fungicide coverage was less than perfect for the April 29
to May 2 infection period may have conidia available for
causing secondary infections during future infection
events. Thus, rains predicted for the end of this week
pose a triple threat for apple scab:
 High levels of ascospore discharge if the orchard had
over-wintering inoculum.
Pesticide Labels and MSDS On-Line at:
Able to regulate pest mite populations well below
injury thresholds of less than 5 pest mites per leaf, it is
able to subsist on harmless apple rust mite populations,
pollen or fungal spores when pest mite populations are
low. Well adapted to living in apple, T. pyri do not leave
the tree during the season and once populations are
established, sustainable mite control is virtually ensured
when the predator to prey ratio is at least 1:5 and
probable at 1:10. This seasonal association with its
apple host, however, makes them very susceptible to
toxic pesticides. Because they do not disperse quickly,
they may take several growing seasons to re-establish
after extinction by harmful pesticides unless artificially
re-introduced. Once populations are identified or
artificially established, conservation is therefore very
important and applications of certain pesticides have to
be avoided. Natural populations are most likely to be
found in grower orchards relying primarily on
organophosphate and reduced-risk insecticides and
where pheromone mating disruption is being used.
Establishment of T. pyri into orchards where it is absent
is relatively simple and can be accomplished in 1-2
seasons once “donor” orchards with abundant T. pyri
populations have been identified as a source. Transfers
of T. pyri from these orchards can be successful by
physically moving blossom clusters or shoots in May and
June. (See Pennsylvania Fruit Monitoring Guide or PSU
Fruit Research & Extension Center website for pesticide
susceptibility and orchard transfer methodology).
If T. pyri is not present in particular orchards, they can
be introduced from shoots or blossom clusters cut from
PSU identified ‘donor’ sites.
Biological Control of Mites in
Pennsylvania and Maryland Apple
David Biddinger
Tree Fruit Research Entomologist
Penn State University
Bryan Butler
Carroll County Extension Agent &
Mid-Maryland Tree Fruit Agent
University of Maryland Extension
The two main spider mite pests of apple in the
eastern U.S. are the European Red Mite and the TwoSpotted Mite. They feed on the chlorophyll and other cell
contents in leaves that gather sunlight energy which is
then converted to food for the plant. The lack of green
chlorophyll causes a yellowing or ‘bronzing’ of the leaves
which generally occurs when spider mites reach 20-30
mites per leaf (mpl). The level at which ‘bronzing’
occurs, however, depends on many factors including the
time of the year, size and variety of the tree, drought
stress, and crop load. As a general rule in apple, a spray
threshold of only 2.5 mpl exists early season before
June; it increases to 5 mpl from June through mid July;
and up to 7.5 mpl through the rest of the season.
Higher levels of spider mite damage can reduce fruit
quality, color and size at harvest and reduce return
bloom the following season.
Penn State University is internationally known its
biological mite control program in apple based on the
small black lady beetle, Stethorus punctum. Developed
by Asquith, Colburn, Hull and Biddinger from the 1970’s
through the late 1990’s at the Fruit Research and
Extension Center at Biglerville. Around 2005, another
even more effective biological control program was
developed around the Phytoseiid predatory mite, T. pyri.
This was predator was new to Pennsylvania, but had
been an effective biological control agent of European
red mite (ERM) and two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) on
apple in New York, New England and Europe.
Discovered in Pennsylvania in 2003 T. pyri is by far the
most reliable and effective mite predator. It is
commonly found in apple orchards, but is an omnivore
and more closely associated with its apple host. It is
very active and moves very rapidly to consume up to
350 mite prey in a lifespan of about 75 days. Females
may lays up to 70 eggs each and have several
generations per season. Populations, therefore, can
build very rapidly in response to pest mite populations.
Most effective in the cooler weather of the spring and
fall, T. pyri is somewhat less effective in the summer
months. It overwinters on the apple tree under the bark
where it is less susceptible to dormant oil applications
and is very tolerant of Pennsylvania’s relatively mild
Although easiest to cut from
other sites on the same farm
that have been identified by
PSU to have T. pyri, in cases
where none exist or have been
identified, specific sites on the
PSU Fruit Research & Extension Center
at Biglerville are available to all Pennsylvania apple
growers for cutting and transferring shoots (contact
David Biddinger at In order to have
the best chance of establishing T. pyri populations in a
single season, transfers of shoots & leaf spurs are best
made early season after petal fall (May- June), but
before the hot weather of summer (July & August).
Transfers after July appear to be less likely to establish
populations. Also effective are transfers of flower
clusters during bloom when T. pyri are concentrated in
order to feed on pollen. Transfers should be made at 2
shoots or clusters to every 6th tree in high density
plantings and every 3rd tree in normal plantings.
Cutting with hand-pruners from a T. pyri donor orchard
and placing the shoots or flower clusters in the tree
canopy of a new orchard takes approximately 1.5 hours
per person/acre (exclusive of travel time).
in countries such as Brazil and India. Drill 20-30 lbs of
seed per acre. Sunhemp can produce very high amounts
of biomass (10 ton biomass is not unheard of in Florida
– amounts will be lower here on Delmarva, expect 3-4
tons). It is a high nitrogen fixing legume and can
contribute over 100 lbs of N to a following crop.
Sunhemp grows very fast in the summer, reaching 6
feet or taller in 8 weeks. However, a better way to
manage sunnhemp is to let it grow to about 1-3 feet tall,
then mow it and let it regrow again. If allowed to get
too tall and old the stems will become tough and fibrous
and will not decompose rapidly. Sunnhemp is a day
length sensitive crop. It will grow any time during the
summer, however it will not flower and go to seed until
the days start getting shorter in very late summer.
Summer Soil Improving Crops for
Vegetable Rotations
Gordon Johnson,
DE Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist;
Non Legumes
Where possible, vegetable growers should consider
the use of summer soil building crops. This can be
between spring and fall crops, prior to mid-season
plantings or anytime there is about 6-8 weeks of fallow
time. Use of these summer soil improving crops can help
maintain or increase organic matter levels, address
certain soil disease issues (fungal pathogens,
nematodes), add nitrogen to the soil in the case of
legumes, reduce weed pressure, and improve soil
physical characteristics.
Sorghum-Sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor x S.
Sorghum-sudangrass is a cross between forage or
grain sorghum and sudangrass. It is a warm-season
annual grass that grows well in hot conditions and
produces a large amount of biomass. Plant at 20-40 lbs
per acre drilled. Of all the non-legumes, it is the most
useful for soil building. Sorghum sudangrass will often
reach 6 ft in height. Like sunnhemp, it can be mowed
and allowed to regrow to enhance biomass production
and have younger material that decomposes more
quickly. Expect 3-4 tons of biomass addition per acre. As
a grass, to get the most growth you will need to add
nitrogen fertilizer (40-80 lbs/a). If incorporated at a
young stage, the nitrogen will be re-released for the
following crop. Sorghum-sudangrass is very effective at
suppressing weeds and has been shown to have
allelopathic and biofumigant properties. Research on
nematode suppression by sorghum-sudangrass is mixed
with some studies showing that sorgum-sudangrass
suppresses nematode levels. Choose finer stemmed,
leafy varieties when available. Brown midrib types will
decompose more quickly because they have less lignin.
Summer Soil Building Crop Options for Delmarva
The following are some soil building crops for summer
use that I recommend:
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
Also known as blackeye or southern pea, this crop is
underutilized in our area. It is fast growing with peak
biomass often in 60 days. Cowpeas can fix up to 100 lbs
of N per acre with biomass of 3000-4000 lbs/a. Cowpeas
grow well in poor soils and can handle droughty
conditions. Drill at 40-50 lbs per acre. Certain varieties
such as California Blackeye #5 and Mississippi Silver are
poor nematode hosts and will be beneficial in systems
where root knot nematode is a problem. See this site for
nematode ratings of different cowpea varieties Cowpeas also
can be harvested in the immature pod stage as a fresh
legume so can serve dual purpose in small farms.
Forage-type Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
Pearl millet is a tall summer annual grass that grows 4
to 8 ft. tall. It is well adapted to sandy and/or infertile
soils and does well in the summer heat. Forage types
are better adapted for soil improvement than the grain
types. Seed at 20-30 lbs/a drilled. Expect 3-4 tons of
biomass addition per acre. Again, as a grass, to get the
most growth you will need to add nitrogen fertilizer (4080 lbs/a). Pearl millet has been shown to suppress some
nematodes. Forage pearl millet can make a good mulch
for late-summer planted crops no-till or strip till.
All of the crops above can be planted from late May
through late July for soil improvement use.
There are many other possibilities for summer soil
improving, however the ones listed above are my
recommendations for growers on Delmarva to try.
Soybean can also be a good cover crop drilled at 60
lbs per acre. Forage-type soybeans produce considerable
biomass and make excellent cover crops. For nematode
suppression, use of root knot nematode resistant
varieties may be beneficial. Edamame types can be
harvested and sold in green pod stage and the residue
returned to the soil for soil building, again serving a dual
purpose on small farms.
Sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea)
I am very interested in having more growers consider
planting sunhemp as a summer soil-builder. This is a
tropical legume that is used extensively for soil building
Application Deadline is May 29
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) today
announced it is accepting applications through May 29 th for
a competitive grant program to fund projects that solely
enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops..
MDA will award $450,000 in grants for projects with a
minimum level of $15,000. Special consideration will be
given to projects that address food safety, market products
with Maryland’s Best branding, and have efficient distribution
systems. MDA intends to fund projects that can produce the
highest degree of measurable benefits to Maryland specialty
crop producers in relation to each dollar spent. Funded
projects must have support from specialty crop producers.
Grants will be reimbursement grants.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines specialty crops
as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and
nursery crops. Visit
for a comprehensive list of eligible specialty crops.
MDA is seeking applications from eligible non-profit
organizations, government entities, and for-profit
organizations for projects that promote or enhance the
production of and access to Maryland specialty crops.
Applicants must reside (or their business or educational
affiliation must be in) Maryland.
Contact Karen Fedor, Program Coordinator, at or 410-841-5773 to discuss proposal
ideas prior to the deadline.
Electronic grant applications must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on
May 29th . Paper applications must be postmarked by May 29th.
The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program was established by the
2014 Farm Bill. To obtain an application, or for questions about the
grant application, contact Karen Fedor at or 410-841-5773.
USDA Announces $78 Million Available
for Local Food Enterprises
“Historic Investment Will Support
Entire Local Food Supply Chain”
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that
USDA is making a historic $78 million investment in local and
regional food systems, including food hubs, farmers
markets, aggregation and processing facilities, distribution
services, and other local food business enterprises.
"The 2014 Farm Bill has given USDA new tools, resources
and authority to support the rural economy," Vilsack said.
"Consumer demand for locally-produced food is strong and
growing, and farmers and ranchers are positioning their
businesses to meet that demand. As this sector continues to
mature, we see aggregation, processing, and distribution
enterprises across the local food supply chain growing
rapidly. These historic USDA investments in support of local
food give farmers and ranchers more market opportunities,
provide consumers with more choices, and create jobs in
both rural and urban communities."
Vilsack said that $48 million in loan guarantees for local
food projects is now available through USDA 's Rural
Development's Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan
Program, and $30 million is available through competitive
grants via the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS)
Farmers Market and Local Foods Promotion Program.
The 2014 Farm Bill requires USDA to set aside at least five
percent of Business and Industry (B&I) program loan
guarantees for projects that focus on local food business
enterprises. Details on how to apply for local food funding
through the B&I program are available on the Rural
Development website. Applications are accepted on a rolling
basis. The B&I program has the authority to fund local food
infrastructure in urban areas as long as the project supports
farm and ranch income and expands healthy food access in
underserved communities.
Rural Development's B&I program provides financial
backing for rural business development in partnership with
private-sector lenders. It is one of several USDA programs
that help finance local foods projects. In 2013, Rural
Development supported more than 170 local food
infrastructure projects – from food hubs, to scaleappropriate processing facilities, to cold storage and
distribution networks. Entities eligible for B&I loan
guarantees include cooperatives, non-profit organizations,
corporations, partnerships or other legal entities, Indian
tribes, public bodies or individuals.
The 2014 Farm Bill tripled funding for marketing and
promotion support for local food enterprises by creating the
Farmers Market and Local Foods Promotion Program,
administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).
This new program makes $30 million available annually to
farmers markets, other direct producer-to-consumer venues,
and other businesses in the local food supply chain. Under
this program, $15 million is now available for marketing and
promotional support specifically for local food businesses,
including food hubs, delivery and aggregation businesses,
and processing and storage facilities along the local food
supply chain, while $15 million is for marketing support for
farmers markets and other direct to consumer outlets. Since
2009, AMS, which administers this program, has funded
nearly 450 projects totaling $27 million to support direct
marketing efforts for local food.
More information about how to apply is available on the
AMS website. Applications are due June 20, 2014.
These funding opportunities are cornerstones of the USDA's
commitment to support local and regional food systems.
USDA's Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Initiative
coordinates the Department's policy, resources, and
outreach efforts related to local and regional food systems
The Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass maps
nearly 3,000 local and regional food projects supported by
USDA and eleven other federal agencies. Secretary Vilsack
has identified strengthening local food systems as one of the
four pillars of USDA's commitment to rural economic
development, along with production agriculture (including
expanding export markets and improving research),
promoting conservation and outdoor recreation
opportunities, and growing the biobased economy.
May 21, 2014
Wye Research and Education Center
211 Farm Lane, Queenstown, MD
2014 “So. Maryland, So Good”
Farmers' Market Guide Released
The 2014 Annual Strawberry Twilight Meeting at
the WREC in Queenstown, MD, will be held
Wednesday, May 21 from 6-8 PM, rain or shine.
The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development
Commission (SMADC) has released the 2014 So. Maryland,
So Good Farmers' Market Guide. The guide helps consumers
find farmers' markets in their neighborhoods and throughout
the Metro DC region that offer genuine Southern Marylandgrown farm products.
University of Maryland and USDA specialists will discuss
current research, other small fruit growing topics, and
“program production” of small fruit.
The free, full-color brochure provides
the contact information and hours of
operation for over forty markets. Also
included is a handy regional market locater
map and a harvesting chart unique to
Southern Maryland’s veggies and fruits.
Many markets now have their own
websites; a great resource to get to know
your local markets' farm vendors and their
products and find regular updates on
‘what’s available at market’ and even new
‘fresh’ recipe ideas.
For additional program information, contact Michael
Newell, Horticulture Crops Program Manager, 410-8277388 or
We’ll have refreshments and pre-registration is not
necessary. If you need special assistance to attend this
program, please call Debby Dant at 410-827-8056 x 115.
See the Attachments!
1) Pesticide Container Recycling
The Farmer's Market Guide is one of
many resources created by SMADC in support of regional
agriculture to assist local farm-based businesses in their
continued growth and commercial viability. A related effort is
the upcoming state-wide Buy Local Challenge Week (July 19
- 27). Marylanders are challenged to pledge to include local
products (produce, eggs meat, fruit, cheese, wine, etc.) in
their meals for one week. Visit the Buy Local Challenge
website at for details on how
to take the pledge and the latest information about this
year's photo contest "Take the Challenge to the
Vegetable & Fruit Headline News
A timely publication for the commercial vegetable and
fruit industry available electronically in 2014 from April
through October on the following dates: April 17; May 15;
June 19; July 17; August 14; September 18; and October 23.
Published by the University of Maryland
Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources
Profitability Impact Team
Submit Articles to:
R. David Myers, Extension Educator
Agriculture and Natural Resources
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054
410 222-3906
The 2014 Farmers' Market Guide is available, while stocks
last, at participating Southern Maryland farmers' markets
and regional public libraries, or download the guide at
Download hi-resolution cover image here
The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission
(SMADC) is committed to: a) a market-driven and sustainable
farming future as Maryland transitions away from tobacco. b) a
Maryland where farmland preservation, and environmental
stewardship positively impact the quality of our air and water and
c) cultivating awareness among consumers and leaders of the vital
role our farms play in a balanced community, safe, nutritious food
and a cleaner and healthier environment. To learn more about
additional programs and resources, contact SMADC, P. O. Box 745,
Hughesville, MD 20637; phone: 301-274-1922, Ex. 1, fax: 301274-1924; email; or visit
Article submission deadlines for 2014: June 18; July
16; August 13; September 17; and October 20.
he University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any
person and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental
disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status,
genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or
Note: Registered Trade Mark® Products, Manufacturers, or Companies
mentioned within this newsletter are not to be considered as sole
endorsements. The information has been provided for educational
purposes only.
Kent County - Chestertown
Harford County - Street
Frederick County - Frederick **
June 13
July 11
Facility on
August 15
Earl Nicholson September 12
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
3241 Scarboro
June 6
July 3
August 8
September 5
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9031 Reich’s
Ford Road
June 24
July 22
August 26
September 23
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
Talbot County - Easton*
June 20
Regional Solid
July 18
August 22
Waste Facility on Barker’s September 19
Landing Road
Harford County - White Hall
8:00 - 12:00
8:00 - 12:00
8:00 - 12:00
8:00 - 12:00
Wicomico County - Salisbury
Newland Park
Landfill on
Brick Kiln Road
June 27
July 25
August 29
September 26
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
* Note - Because of legal restraints, only residents from Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and
Talbot counties are able to use the collection
site in Easton. Lower Shore residents must use
the collection site in Salisbury.
The Mill of Black Horse
4551 Norrisville Road
Facililty will be accepting clean, empty containers from June 1 through September 30, during
nomal business hours. Containers will be collected from their current customers, only. Call
410-329-6010 or 410-692-2200 for hours of
operation and drop-off instructions.
Containers must be cleaned (triple-rinsed or
pressure-rinsed) according to label directions.
Please remember to remove lids and label
booklets from the containers prior to drop-off.
 All containers must be made from
high density polyethylene (HDPE).
 The container must have held an
EPA-registered pesticide or adjuvant,
crop oil, etc.
 Any size container will be accepted.
containers over 30 gallons must
be cut prior to recycling
(contact MDA for instructions).
 Pesticide containers must be prop-
Washington County - Hagerstown
13219 Maugansville Road
June 10
July 8
August 5
September 9
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
9:00 - 3:00
erly rinsed (pressure-rinsed or triplerinsed).
 Caps and other non-HDPE parts,
such as metal handles and rubber
linings, cannot be recycled.
 Stained containers are acceptable
provided no material can be smeared
or removed when touched by a rubber
 Please remove lids and label booklets prior to recycling.
* * Note - Frederick County has agreed to allow
residents from outside Frederick County to submit empty pesticide containers for recycling, but
NO TRASH from outside of the county will be
accepted at the landfill under any terms.
Maryland’s pesticide container recycling
program is a combined effort of state, county,
and federal agencies and private industry
working together to protect the environment.
Rinsing and recycling empty pesticide containers will help to reduce the potential for
contamination of ground water and the Chesapeake Bay while saving valuable landfill
A schedule of collection sites and dates is enclosed. Triple-rinsed (or equivalent), clean,
plastic, pesticide containers will be collected
on the scheduled days and times at these
sites. Containers acceptable for recycling will
be chipped and transported by the contractor,
under contract with the Ag Container Recycling Council (ACRC), for processing at an
approved recycling facility.
To ensure a successful program, each individual container will be inspected by MDA
personnel and only triple-rinsed (or equivalent), clean, pesticide containers will be
accepted. Any container that is not clean will
be returned to the owner, who will be responsible for disposing of the container in a legal
Ag Container
Recycling Council
USAg Recycling, Inc.
Proud Member of
The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance (TPSA)
PERMIT No. 318
Annapolis, MD
Additional information on the rinsing of empty
pesticide containers and recycling program
can be obtained from the following MDA publications: Rinsing & Recycling Empty Pesticide Containers, and Pesticide Information
Sheet No.7 - Pesticide Container Recycling
Program. For further information, contact the
Maryland Department of Agriculture, Pesticide
Regulation Section at 410-841-5710 or visit
our website at
The Maryland Department of Agriculture,
Pesticide Regulation Section would like
to thank all of its private cooperators and
participants for making this a successful
and worthwhile program. We would like to
especially thank the Ag Container Recycling
Council (ACRC) and USAg Recycling, Inc.
Without their assistance and dedication, this
program would not be possible.
Maryland Department of Agriculture
Pesticide Regulation Section
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401
The Maryland Department of Agriculture
(MDA) is offering the empty plastic pesticide
container recycling program in 2014.
Martin O’Malley
Anthony G. Brown
Lt. Governor
Earl F. Hance
Mary Ellen Setting
Deputy Secretary