THREE-DIMESIOAL PRIMITIVE OBJECTS FOR EXT GEERATIO OF GEO-DATABASE MAAGEMET SYSTEM OR SUHAIBAH BITI AZRI UIVERSITI TEKOLOGI MALAYSIA THREE-DIMENSIONAL PRIMITIVE OBJECTS FOR NEXT GENERATION OF GEO-DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NOR SUHAIBAH BINTI AZRI A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Geoinformatics) Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2011 iv Dedicate to my family v ACKOWLEDGEMET In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians, and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis supervisor, Professor Dr. Alias Abdul Rahman, for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. I am also indebted to Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) for funding me with National Science Fellowship (NSF) scholarship for my MSc study. My fellow postgraduate students especially member of 3D GIS Laboratory should also be recognised for their support. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. I am grateful to all my family members. vi ABSTRACT A variety of issues and aspects need to be addressed and investigated during the evolutions of two - dimensional Geographical Information System (2D GIS) to three - dimensional Geographical Information System (3D GIS). Issues that need to be addressed are 3D spatial data modeling, 3D data management and 3D analysis. In order to construct objects in 3D environment, variety of 3D geometries are needed in Database Management System (DBMS). Most mainstream DBMS only supports several simple 3D geometries such as 3D points, 3D lines, and 3D polygons. Complex shapes and volumetric shapes are not supported by the current DBMSs. However in the real world, objects are modeled by various shapes of geometry and not restricted to simple shapes. The lack of various geometries in DBMS may give limitations to users to model and store some objects in the database. Thus, this research attempts to investigate and implement several 3D geometries based on volumetric shapes or known as 3D primitive objects. Four types of 3D primitive objects were used in this research and the objects are cone, cylinder, sphere and torus. New procedure to construct each shape were investigated and implemented in the database. Each developed procedure was tested using simulation datasets as well as real datasets. The constructed object should be able to provide users with some information by using simple query to the related objects table. This research work could be extended in the future by providing more geometry types in geo-DBMS. vii ABSTRAK Pelbagai isu dan aspek perlu dikaji dan diberi perhatian ketika evolusi Sistem Maklumat Geografi dua - dimensi (2D GIS) ke Sistem Maklumat Geografi tiga dimensi (3D GIS).Antara isu yang perlu diberikan perhatian ialah permodelan data spatial 3D, pengurusan data 3D dan analisis 3D. Untuk membentuk objek dalam persekitaran 3D, kepelbagaian geometri 3D diperlukan dalam sesebuah sistem pengurusan pangkalan data (DBMS). Sebahagian besar DBMS hanya menyokong beberapa geometri 3D yang mudah seperti titik 3D, garis 3D, poligon 3D. Bentuk kompleks dan bentuk yang berisipadu tidak disokong oleh DBMS buat masa ini. Walaubagaimanapun, di dalam dunia nyata, objek dimodelkan dengan pelbagai bentuk geometri dan tidak terhad kepada bentuk mudah sahaja. Kurangnya pelbagai geometri di dalam sesebuah DBMS mungkin akan memberikan batasan kepada pengguna untuk memodelkan dan menyimpan beberapa objek di dalam pangkalan data. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk menyiasat dan melaksanakan beberapa jenis geometri 3D berdasarkan bentuk yang mempunyai isipadu atau dikenali sebagai objek 3D primitif. Empat jenis objek 3D primitif sahaja yang digunakan dalam penyelidikan ini dan objek tersebut ialah kon, silinder, sfera dan torus. Prosidur baru untuk membentuk setiap bentuk diselidiki dan dilaksanakan dalam pangkalan data. Setiap prosedur yang dibangunkan diuji dengan menggunakan set data simulasi serta set data sebenar. Objek yang dibentuk seharusnya dapat memberikan pengguna beberapa maklumat dengan menggunakan pertanyaan mudah terhadap jadual objek. Kerja penyelidikan boleh diperluaskan lagi di masa depan dengan menyediakan pelbagai jenis geometri dalam geo-DBMS. viii TABLE OF CO TE TS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATIO ii DECLARATIO iii DEDICATIO iv ACK OWLEDGEME TS v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CO TE TS viii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIO S xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii I TRODUCTIO 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background to The Problem 3 1.3 The Problem Statement 8 1.4 The Aim 9 1.5 The Objectives 9 1.6 The Scope 9 1.6.1 The Objects 10 1.6.2 The Datasets 11 1.6.3 The Hardware and Software 11 Brief Methodology 12 1.7 ix 2 1.8 Research Workflow 15 1.9 The Thesis Structure 16 1.10 Conclusions 17 3D PRIMITIVE OBJECTS A D SPATIAL DBMS 2.1 Background 18 2.2 Primitive Objects 19 2.2.1 Sphere 20 Spherical Coordinates 2.2.2 Cylinder 24 2.2.3 Cone 26 2.2.4 Torus 28 Solid Modeling 31 2.3.1 Decompositions Model 33 2.3.2 Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) 36 2.3.3 Boundary Representation 37 2.4 Polyhedron 40 2.5 Polygon Orientation 42 2.6 Spatial Database Management System 44 2.6.1 Geometry and Dimension in Spatial DBMS 45 2.6.2 Volumetric Object in Spatial DBMS 46 Oracle Spatial DBMS 47 2.7.1 Supported Geometry Types 49 2.7.2 SDO_Geometry 51 2.7.3 Interoperability 54 Summary 55 2.3 2.7 2.8 3 21 MODELI G 3D PRIMITIVE OBJECTS 3.1 Background 3.2 Modeling Objects using B-Rep and 3.3 56 Spherical Coordinates 57 Constructing 3D Primitive Objects 58 3.3.1 Sphere 58 3.3.2 Modeling Solid Sphere 60 x 3.4 4 3.3.3 Cylinder 68 3.3.4 Modeling Cylinder 70 3.3.5 Cone 72 3.3.6 Modeling Cone 74 3.3.7 Torus 76 3.3.8 Modeling Torus 78 Conclusion 81 THE IMPLEME TIO OF 3D PRIMITIVE OBJECTS AT DBMS LEVEL 4.1 Background 83 4.2 Implementation Approach 84 4.2.1 Stored Procedure 84 4.2.2 Create Procedure 86 4.2.3 Load Procedure in DBMS 90 3D Primitive Objects in DBMS 91 4.3.1 Indexing of Spatial Data 93 4.3 4.3.2 Creating Spatial Index and 5 Spatial Index Parameter 95 4.3.3 3D Primitive Objects Procedure 98 4.3.4 Volume and Area Calculation 100 4.4 Rotation Element 110 4.5 Conclusion 117 RESULTS A D QUERY 5.1 Background 118 5.2 Visualization of 3D Primitive Objects 119 5.3 3D Primitive Objects in DBMS 119 5.3.1 Cone 121 5.3.2 Cylinder 123 5.3.3 Torus 125 5.3.4 Sphere 128 5.3.5 Half Cone 130 5.3.6 Half Cylinder 131 xi 6 5.3.7 Half Torus 132 5.3.8 Quarter Torus 134 5.3.9 Hemisphere (Half Sphere) 135 5.4 Rotation Element 136 5.5 Combination of 3D Primitive Objects 145 5.6 3D Primitive Objects and Real Datasets 151 5.7 Query 155 5.8 Surface Smoothness 157 5.9 Conclusion 159 CO CLUSIO A D RECOMME DATIO 6.1 Conclusion 160 6.2 Recommendation 164 REFERE CES 166 Appendices A-C 173-189 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE O. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Supported geometry types in Geo-DBMS 42 2.2 Valid SDO_GTYPE values Oracle (2007) 52 4.1 DBMSs and supported programming language for stored procedure (Wikipedia, 2010) 85 4.2 Parameters of 3D primitive objects 93 4.3 Rotation Matrix 111 4.4 Location of rotation point 115 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE O. TITLE PAGE 1.1 A procedure to store cube in Oracle DBMS 5 1.2 Missing procedure in DBMS 6 1.3 Polyhedron to construct a cylinder 7 1.4 Missing Objects in DBMS level 12 1.5 Basics syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement 13 2.1 Several 3D primitive objects 19 2.2 Extended 3D primitives objects 20 2.3 Structure of sphere 20 2.4 Spherical Coordinates 21 2.5 Location of point P by spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) and 23 rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) 2.6 Sphere with center (xo,yo,zo) and radius R 23 2.7 Points on sphere with radius r 24 2.8 Structure of cylinder 25 2.9 Right Cone 27 2.10 Simple Torus 28 2.11 Structure of Torus 29 2.12 Location of variable c and a in equation 2.29, 2.30 and 30 2.31 2.13 Location of variable u and v in equation 2.29, 2.30 and 31 2.31 2.14 Location u and v in torus structure with x, y and z plane 31 2.15 Exhaustive Enumerations 34 2.16 Quad tree models 35 2.17 Boolean operations on 3D primitive objects using CSG 37 xiv method 2.18 Modeling cube using Boundary Representation method 38 2.19 Baumgart’s winged-edge data structure 38 2.20 Right Hand Thumb Rules 43 2.21 Polygon drawn counter-clockwise 43 2.22 Direction of normal surface 44 2.23 Oracle Spatial Components 48 2.24 Geometry type in Oracle 11g 50 2.25 Conceptual class diagram of the SDO_GEOMETRY 54 data type 3.1 Location of φ , θ and r on the x,y,z plane 58 3.2 Radius r from centre point of sphere 59 3.3 Polyhedron on the sphere surface (up and bottom) 60 3.4 The degree of round circle is 360° 61 3.5 Divided sector angle is θ = 18° 61 3.6 New points generated along the latitude 62 3.7 Divided sphere diameter 62 3.8 New latitude with its centre point xn, yn, zn 64 3.9 Ten generated latitudes with the origin latitudes 64 3.10 Right triangle is formed after joining all the three points 65 3.11 Triangle in Theorem Pythagoras definition 66 3.12 The right triangle 66 3.13 Complete generated points along the latitudes 67 3.14 Generating Polyhedron from points to model Sphere 68 3.15 Cylinder with height h and radius r 68 3.16 Top and bottom surface of cylinder 69 3.17 Body of cylinder 69 3.18 Location of φ, θ and r. 70 3.19 Generated points at the bottom surface of cylinder 71 3.20 Generated centre points for the top and bottom surface of 71 cylinder 3.21 Generated Polyhedron from points to model Cylinder 72 3.22 Cone with height of h and base radius of r 73 xv 3.23 Collection of face to construct the body and base of cone 73 3.24 Location of φ, θ and r for the circular base of cone 74 3.25 Generated point along the cone base 75 3.26 Generated cone from several points 76 3.27 Torus with the main radius of Rmain and subradius of rtube. 76 3.28 Types of Torus 77 3.29 Constructed torus from rectangle 78 3.30 Collection of polygon faces to construct torus 78 3.31 Circle base geometry for torus 79 3.32 Illustrate the generated points on torus surface based on 80 the centre point and radius R 3.33 Generated points using sub radius r along tube cross 80 section 3.34 Polyhedron to construct torus 81 4.1 PL/SQL in Oracle database server Oracle, 2007 86 4.2 The basic syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE 88 PROCEDURE statement 4.3 Procedure is created in DBMS 90 4.4 MBR enclosing the geometry 94 4.5 Example of R-Tree index for a set of points 94 4.6 Storage of R-Tree spatial indexes 95 4.7 Area and volume value for cone 103 4.8 Area and volume value for cylinder 106 4.9 Area and volume value for torus 108 4.10 Area and volume value for sphere 110 4.11 Rotation on the axis x, y and z 111 4.12 The left-handed orientation is shown on the left, and the 112 right-handed on the right. 5.1 Data interoperability through Oracle and Bentley 119 5.2 Retrieved cone datasets through CAD viewer 122 5.3 The Geometry of Cylinder in Bentley Map 125 5.4 Retrieved Geometry of Torus in Bentley Map 127 5.5 Visualization of Sphere 129 xvi 5.6 Visualization of half cone from different views 131 5.7 Visualization of half cylinder from different views 132 5.8 Visualization of half torus from different views 133 5.9 Visualization of quarter torus from different views 134 5.10 Visualization of hemisphere from different views 135 5.11 Rotation of cone towards the axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° (right) 136 5.12 Rotation of cone towards the axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° 137 5.13 Rotation of cone towards the axis –z Rz(θ) = 90° 138 5.14 Rotation of cylinder for axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° 139 5.15 Rotation of cylinder for axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° 139 5.16 Rotation of cylinder for axis –z Rz(θ) = 90°. 140 5.17 Rotation of torus for axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° 141 5.18 Rotation of torus for axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° 142 5.19 Rotation of torus for axis –z Rz(θ) = 90° 142 5.20 Rotation of sphere for axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° 143 5.21 Rotation of sphere for axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° 144 5.22 Rotation of sphere for axis –z Rz(θ) = 90° 144 5.23 Simulation of tower structure 147 5.24 SALT building structure SAOO (2010). 148 5.25 Simulation of SALT building 149 5.26 Simulation of pipeline in various directions 150 5.27 Real datasets of building tower in Suleymaniye area 151 5.28 The real image (left) and the constructed tower using 3D 153 primitive objects with cube and faces (right) 5.29 Image of the experimented object 154 5.30 Dome in the AutoCAD format (left) and rendered 155 datasets from DBMS (right) 5.31 Retrieved record from DBMS through SQL function 157 5.32 Different Level of Surface Smoothness on Torus 158 xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIOS 2D - Two-dimensional 2.5D - Two-and-a-half-dimensional 3D - Three-dimensional CAD - Computer Aided Design GIS - Geography Information System DBMS - Database Management System SQL - Structured Query Language CSG - Constructive Solid Geometry B-Rep - Boundary Representation PL/SQL - Procedural Language/Structured Query Language xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS A - area Asphere - surface area of sphere Acylinder - surface area of cylinder Acone - surface area of cone Atorus - surface area of torus Awithout top or bottom - surface area without the top or bottom Awith top or bottom - surface area with the top or bottom Tcylinder - total surface area of cylinder π - pi = 3.142 r - radius Rmain - radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube Rtube - radius of the tube V - volume Vsphere - volume of sphere Vcylinder - volume of cylinder Vcone - volume of cone Vtorus - volume of torus θ - angle φ - azimuth h - height s - cone side/slant height c - c is the radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube a - a is the radius of the tube u - angle of torus longitude v - angle of torus latitude D - Diameter of sphere CHAPTER 1 ITRODUCTIO 1.1 Introduction In the past few years, Geographical Information System (GIS) has evolved rapidly due to a great demand on its application. These evolutions of GIS have also influenced the way we manage, store and manipulate our data. Primitively, we managed our data in two dimensional (2D) ways that are referred to as two- dimensional GIS. Due to the development of technology, user requirement and environment, people have moved forward from 2D GIS to 2.5D GIS and now to 3D GIS. This evolution of multidimensional GIS came about several years ago and has been discussed by Stoter et. al (2003), Abdul-Rahman (2006) and Berry (2007). Since then, several approaches towards 3D GIS have been implemented and today, various fields of study such as urban planning, underground construction, and telecommunication require the involvement of GIS in third dimension. It cannot be denied that GIS in 2D has its own advantages and roles, but its limitations for certain situations have made users to turn to 3D GIS. The limitations of 2D GIS for 3D situations have been discussed by Zlatanova (2004), Abdul-Rahman et. al (2002), Oosterom et. al (2002) and Stoter (2003). They discussed on how 2D GIS limitation confines the analysis, data manipulation, 2 visualization and information of the spatial objects and leads to incorrect understanding and information. Due to the restrictions of 2D GIS, users have begun using 3D GIS. 3D GIS can offer a better understanding and provide better information to users. With regards to this issue, several researches on 3D GIS have been done in the past few years. Zlatanova et. al (2002), Stoter et. al (2005), and Abdul Rahman et. al (2002) have discussed and done some research on 3D GIS concerning various issues such as 3D object visualization, editing, modeling and future direction. With these attempts, the existence of 3D GIS can be seen today in many applications, systems and software. For example, an attempt to realizing a 3D format and tool based on XML format. This 3D XML-based format known as CityGML, which is an open data model for storage and exchange of virtual city models. CityGML is a common information model for the representation of 3D urban objects, and was developed by a group of researchers in Germany (SIG 3D) in 2002. Mainstream GIS software such as ArcGIS (ESRI), PAMAP GIS Topographer (PCIGeomatics) and Geomedia Terrain (Intergraph) are also embedded with 3D elements, tools or functions. These 3D elements in GIS software have been discussed by Zlatanova et. al (2002). Given the effect of various attempts and approaches, 3D GIS has today emerged as a trend to provide information in various fields and applications. As widely known, one of the core components in GIS is the database itself. Database can be defined as an integrated collection of logically related records or files. While database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data according to Silberschatz et. al (2002). The main goal of DBMS is to allow for efficient storage and retrieval of information. There are two types of DBMSs, which are typical DBMS and spatial DBMS. Spatial DBMS contains a record or data related to geometry objects such as point, line and polygon while typical DBMS contains various numeric and character types of data. Spatial DBMS is more related to GIS, as it allows for efficient storing of 3 spatial and semantic attributes. In addition, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) created the Simple Features specification and set the standards for adding spatial functionality to database systems. Standards on a manner of representing, accessing and disseminating spatial information in a central DBMS were set by OGC as a benchmark for DBMS vendors in developing spatial DBMS. Thus, DBMS vendors such as Oracle, PostGIS and Ingres have developed spatial DBMS based on traditional DBMS. As a result, the current spatial DBMSs are able to maintain spatial data types such as point, linestring and polygon. As mentioned before, the current spatial DBMSs are capable of handling several geometry types such as point, linestring and polygon. These geometry types were successfully implemented in DBMS level. Moving towards 3D GIS means that 3D data have to be managed in DBMS level. Furthermore, 2D geometry type in DBMS level is almost complete while in contrast, 3D geometry type is not completely implemented at DBMS level. There are still other 3D geometry types that need to be implemented, such as volumetric geometry type. Thus, this research focuses on how to construct several missing geometry types based on volumetric shapes at DBMS level. 1.2 Background to the Problem Today, 3D databases are seemingly one of the important components in providing spatial information. More GIS users would like to incorporate spatial objects in such systems, especially 3D spatial objects. The problem is that current spatial DBMS are still in 2D environment and are quite unmanageable for 3D datasets. 2D geometry data types in DBMS are almost complete while 3D geometry data types are limited. For example, Informix DBMS supports three basic spatial data types of point, 4 line and polygon while Ingres supports the additional type of a circle besides the three basic types. Unlike Informix and Ingres, Oracle DBMS supports more than three basic types. The supported types are line, point, polygon, circle, arc strings and compound polygon. GIS and Computer Aided Design (CAD) are two different systems and both are designed for different purposes. The CAD system is designed for modeling and visualizing 3D objects and provides designing tools in many applications such as modeling, construction and industrial parts. Since CAD is developed for designing objects, a lot of emphasises was given to editing tools and 3D visualization without maintenance of attributes and coordinate system as stated by Zlatanova (2004). Meanwhile, GIS provides the integration of semantic, geometric data and spatial relationship; according to Stoter et. al (2003), this makes GIS the most appropriate system for serving spatial applications. Typically, GIS supports only a limited number of geometry types such as point, line and polygon while CAD system supports more complex geometry such as sphere, cone, nurbs and etc. However, all these complex geometries in CAD cannot be manipulated and are quite unmanageable for proper GIS purposes. It would be appropriate to have a system to act as a center of spatial information, so as to provide maintenance of spatial data and attribute in one environment. This integrated environment between CAD and GIS can be implemented using a system called DBMS. Thus several DBMS vendors such as Oracle, Informix and PostGIS have provided a spatial module based on existing DBMS. These DBMSs are capable of supporting and managing simple geometry, besides some operations and basic geometry transformations. 5 As mentioned in the preceding section, most of mainstream DBMSs support basic simple geometry type. Due to the increasing requirement for representing, accessing and disseminating data from CAD and GIS field, Zlatanova et. al. (2002) suggested that DBMS should give more support to spatial data type and its operations especially in 3D environment. There has been an attempt to provide a 3D environment in DBMS level by supporting 3D points, 3D lines and 3D face and recently a solid cube, by Oracle (2007). Although all these geometry data types have been successfully implemented in DBMS level, other geometry types especially those based on volumetric objects are still missing. Figure 1.1 shows the supported geometry of cube and its procedure in DBMS and Figure 1.2 shows a volumetric based object i.e. sphere which is still a problem for spatial DBMS. Thus the construction of volumetric objects such as sphere, cone and other shapes are investigated thoroughly in this research. • • x1,y1, z1 x2,y2, z2 SDO_GEOMETRY: 3008 – 3-dimensional solid, SRID NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1 – starting offset, 1007 – solid element 3), – Axis-aligned box, SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY( x1,y1, z1, -- first end point (x1,y1, z1 , x2,y2, z2)– second endpoint x2,y2, z2); Figure 1.1: A Procedure to store cube in Oracle DBMS. 6 New Procedure??? Figure 1.2: Missing procedure in DBMS. A few researches on implementing 3D objects at DBMS level have already been investigated by a few researchers. The first attempt of 3D spatial data type and corresponding operations in a spatial DBMS was investigated by Arens (2003) and Arens et. al (2005), and later extended by Chen (2008). The basic idea of these researches is that a 3D polyhedron can be defined as a bounded subset of 3D space enclosed by finite set of flat polygons; hence every edge of a polygon is shared exactly by one another. Here, the polygons are in 3D space because they are represented by vertices, which can be 3D points in a spatial DBMS. Another research related to 3D objects is the modeling of freeform curves and surfaces by Pu (2005). In his research, Pu (2005) attempted to manage freeform curves and surfaces in spatial DBMS. In the real world, objects are freeform and not limited only to points, lines and polygons. Objects such as roads, territory surfaces and earth surfaces need freeform geometry types or shapes to model it. Freeform shapes can be simulated by tiny line segments/triangles/polygons but this is quite unrealistic and inefficient, especially for complex surfaces and huge areas. Therefore, Zlatanova et. al (2006) introduced a mechanism or procedure to store freeform shapes directly in DBMS. With this effort, the possibility of developing a new 3D data types in DBMS has been made obvious. 7 In the preceding section, all of the researches were capable of proving the possibility of implementing more 3D geometry data types. One of the ways to store 3D object in DBMS is by a bounded sets of multipolygon or triangle on the objects surface, as shown by Arens (2003) and Arens et. al (2005) whereby by using this mechanism, coordinates on each faces would be defined manually. The problem with this mechanism is that it may be quite inefficient and time consuming to define points on the object surface, especially when one is dealing with complex objects with a huge surface. Thus a better and reliable method is needed to generate 3D objects, especially for volume based objects such as sphere, cylinder and others in DBMS level. Figure 1.3 shows an example of constructing a body of cylinder using polyhedron method. By inserting the coordinate manually, one has to define the coordinate for all faces to generate a cylindrical body. From the figures, it is clearly shown a large set of coordinates is required to generate that 3D object by using polyhedron method. •• • •• • • •• ••• • • • • • •• Figure 1.3: Polyhedron to construct a cylinder. As mentioned before, Arens (2003) had done some research on modeling 3D objects using the polyhedron method. Chen et. al (2008) extended this research by investigating a suitable way of developing a new 3D data type, polyhedron, for both geometrical and topological data types and spatial operations. By using this approach, more 3D objects or solid volumetric objects can be investigated such as Cone, Cylinder, Sphere and Torus. It is therefore possible to model objects using a certain modeling technique and construct them in DBMS with new procedure. 8 Based on the discussion above, it can be seen that there is a possibility of creating and implementing more 3D objects, especially 3D primitive objects, in DBMS level. This research focuses on how to model and construct 3D primitive objects, then implement the constructed objects in DBMS. 1.3 The Problem Statement Several spatial DBMSs such as Oracle, PostGIS and Postgres are able to manage simple geometries such as point, line, polygon, arc string and many more. Due to a great demand for 3D application, several spatial DBMSs have recently added and supported 3D simple features such as 3D line, 3D point and 3D polygon. In the past few years, several researchers have carried out investigations on how to incorporate 3D objects in DBMS level, as exemplified by Arens et. al (2002), Arens (2003), Pu (2005) and Chen et. al (2008). Arens (2003) had come out with a basic idea of 3D polyhedron, which was later extended by Chen et. al, (2008). This method is quite inefficient especially for modeling complex objects, as it is time consuming. Recently, Oracle (2007) added a simple solid cube in the DBMS but it is still limited for other complex objects and solid objects. None of the available procedures in current DBMSs are capable of creating the other type of solid objects, especially basic 3D primitive objects such as Cone, Cylinder, Sphere and Torus. Even so, it is important to have those objects in DBMS in order to have a full 3D environment in spatial DBMS; hence a better and reliable way to construct those objects in DBMS needs to be investigated. Thus this research area focuses on how to construct 3D primitive objects and implement the objects in DBMS level. 9 1.4 The Aim The aim of this research is to investigate new 3D objects representation based on sphere, cone, cylinder and torus, and incorporate all these objects with spatial DBMS. Queries are performed from the developed database. 1.5 The Objectives In this research, there are three objectives to be achieved and completed. The objectives are: 1. To design 3D primitives based on sphere, cone, cylinder and torus for geospatial DBMS. 2. To develop a database for the 3D objects. 3. To test the object by using real dataset and simulation dataset and perform queries from the developed database. 1.6 The Scope In this research there are three main scopes to be applied. The scopes are the objects, the datasets and the software and hardware used in this research. In the following paragraph, details for every scope are listed. 10 1.6.1. The Objects In this experiment, only four primitive objects are used to be implemented in DBMS level. The objects are Cone, Cylinder, Sphere and Torus. Each object is constructed with suggested minimum number of points on the object to get the exact shapes of the object. Every object may have different minimum number of points. The numbers of points on each object are: i. Sphere Minimum number of points along the latitude of sphere is determined to 20 points. 10 latitudes plus the origin latitudes are used to construct a sphere. Thus minimum numbers of points are 220 points. ii. Cylinder On the top and bottom of the cylinder, 20 minimum numbers of points is generated along the circular based. Total minimum numbers of points to construct a cylinder are 40 points. iii. Cone Along the circular base of cone 20 points is defined and 1 point is defined on the top of the cone. Thus the total numbers of minimum points on the cone surface are 21 points. iv. Torus Torus is divided into two parts of cross section. The main cross section is latitude cross section while the other one is tube cross section. Both are formed from circle base. For the latitude cross section, 20 points are defined. While for the tube cross section, the circle is divided into 10 11 parts for 10 points. Total minimum number of points on the torus surface is 200 points. 1.6.2. The Datasets In this experiment, two type of data set are used. The datasets are: i. Real datasets In this research, the datasets are derived from architecture drawings in CAD within Suleymaniye area, Istanbul, Turkey. Only certain parts of the building are modeled using 3D primitive objects in this experiment, which are the parts based on sphere, cylinder, cone and torus forms. ii. Simulation datasets 3D primitive objects are tested using simulation datasets. 1.6.3. The Software and Hardware The software and hardware for this research are: • Oracle Spatial 11g R2 as a DBMS to store spatial datasets • Bentley Map as a spatial viewer • PL/SQL language as a platform to compile new procedure in DBMS • Stored procedure is used as a platform to launch the created procedure 12 1.7 Brief Methodology There are five phases of methodology in this research. Each phase is explained in the following paragraph: Phase 1: Object Modeling i. In this phase, several 3D primitive objects are identified. The objects are: (a) Sphere (b) Cylinder (c) Torus (d) Cone Figure 1.4 shows several identified object are missing in DBMS level. (a) Sphere (b) Cylinder (c) Torus (d) Cone Figure 1.4 Missing Objects in DBMS level. ii. Every object’s formula is identified iii. A suitable technique to model the objects is investigated 13 Phase 2: Create a Procedure for 3D Primitive Objects and Load the procedure in DBMS. In this experiment, a function called stored procedure in DBMS is used as a platform to create and launch object’s procedure. Possible compilers such as Java and PL/SQL are used as a compiler to develop the procedure. The procedures are then loaded in DBMS. The following railroad diagram in Figure 1.5 illustrates the basic syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement using PL/SQL language in stored procedure: Figure 1.5: Basics syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement (Urman et. al. 2004) After creating the procedure, it is loaded in the database. Procedure is loaded only for the first time. After that, CALL statement is used to call the procedure. Wrapping the procedure into .plb format is easier than running the long procedure code and the procedure can be wrapped from command prompt. In this research, procedure is called the SQL*Plus interface. 14 Phase 3: Create a Database for 3D Primitive Objects and Call Created Procedure The table is designed based on the constructed objects in Phase 3, after which each created table must be indexed as a prerequisite for the created procedure to be ready for execution. Each table must be indexed with spatial indexes to speed up query on the tables. Spatial index is considered as a logical index. Several issues that should be considered in this phase are updating the user sdo geometry metadata and the index parameter. Phase 4: Integrating DBMS and CAD Viewer CAD viewer is a suitable viewer for visualizing objects from DBMS. There are several CAD applications capable of visualizing and modeling objects from DBMS such as Bentley and Autodesk. In this research, Bentley Map is used as a viewer. To integrate Oracle DBMS and CAD viewer, interoperability function is used to connect both of this system. Phase 5: Test and Query from the Developed Database i. Result is viewed using CAD viewer in order to test stored datasets in DBMS. ii. Query is performed from DBMS based on stored dataset. 15 1.8 Research Workflow Create Procedure Compile the objects Procedure • • Possible Volumetric Objects Create Table Update Metadata Indexed LOAD Execute Procedure Retrieve data using CAD Viewer Query Query the developed database Figure 1.6 Research workflow 16 1.9 The Thesis Structure Chapter 1 starts with the introduction of 3D GIS and issues related to spatial DBMS. This chapter also includes the background on the research aspects such as background of the problem, the problem statement, the objectives, the aims, the scopes, the methodology, summary of methodology and the thesis structure. Chapter 2 discusses and reviews some related literature. The related literature includes objects modeling, 3D primitive objects, spatial DBMS and its issue. From the reviewed literature, a method to construct 3D primitive objects is also discussed. Chapter 3 explains how to construct and model 3D primitive objects based on the reviewed literature. This chapter also highlights the conceptual model of 3D primitive objects. Chapter 4 is regarding the implementation of constructed 3D primitive objects in DBMS. The main process in this chapter is on how to structure data and map the conceptual model in DBMS. Chapter 5 discusses the test or experiment towards implemented objects in DBMS. The query is performed and the results are discussed in this chapter. Chapter 6 discusses the conclusion of this research. Several recommendations for future works are also listed. 17 1.10 Conclusion As previously mentioned, this research is an attempt to implement more 3D objects in DBMS level as there are several geometry types still missing in DBMS level. Therefore this research focuses on missing geometry types in DBMS that are based on volumetric objects, which are sphere, cylinder, torus and cone respectively. The combination of this shape may be useful in giving a better description of objects around us. This research might be useful to help users solve a certain issue or aspect in 3D GIS. Thus, this research needs to be continued as an approach to provide full 3D environment in DBMS level. CHAPTER 2 3D PRIMITIVE OBJECTS AD SPATIAL DBMS 2.1 Background In this chapter, several issues and topics related to this research are explained and reviewed. In the first section, primitive objects are defined. Each primitive object is defined together with its mathematical definition and equation, after which several techniques for modeling solid objects are reviewed and discussed. The techniques are Decomposition Model, Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and Boundary representation (B-Rep). The next section discusses on Polyhedron and Polyhedron orientation. Spatial DBMS is then briefly explained in the following section, which also includes the review of several topics related to spatial DBMS such as geometry, dimension and volumetric objects in DBMS level. The last section in this chapter discusses the ability, advantage and supported features in Oracle Spatial. 19 2.2 Primitive Objects The word primitive is also known as base or basic. In computer science, basic and simple solid models are known as 3D primitive objects. Primitive objects are a base for creating more complex objects. There are several types of primitive objects, with the most common 3D primitive objects being Cubes, Pyramid, Cone, Sphere, Cylinder and Torus. Figure 2.1 shows several commonly used 3D primitive objects. Figure 2.1: Several 3D primitive objects. According to Giambruno (2003), all basic primitive objects can be extended to other shapes, which are known as “extended” 3D primitives. Extended 3D primitive objects are more complex rather than basic primitives. Figure 2.2 shows several shapes of extended primitive objects such as Filleted Cube, Spindle, Bevelled Cylinder, Torus Knot, Capsule and Star Polyhedron, which are only available in several applications or programs due to their difficult-to-model-shape. These complex objects are actually designed based on the combination of primitive objects, and the combination of these objects are capable of forming man-made objects such as building (combination of cube, pyramid, cone, sphere), tower (combination of cylinder and cone) and utilities (combination of torus and cylinder). This research focuses only on four types of 3D primitive objects which are cone, cylinder, torus and sphere. 20 Figure 2.2: Extended 3D primitives objects (Giambruno, 2003). 2.2.1 Sphere Sphere can be defined as a round object in three dimensional Euclidean R3 space. It can also be said that the sphere surface is covered by several points that are located at equal distance from its center point. The distance from center point of a sphere to any given point on sphere surface is known as radius, r. Diameter is twice the radius r, and pairs of end point of diameters are called antipodes. According to Weisstein (2005), any cross section through a sphere is a circle. The maximum size of circle is the plane that defines the cross section passing through the diameter. The structure of sphere could be explained in Figure 2.3. r Figure 2.3: Structure of sphere 21 The surface area, Asphere and volume of a sphere, Vsphere are given by: Asphere = 4πr2 (2.1) Vsphere = 4πr3 3 (2.2) Spherical Coordinates Spherical coordinates are also known as spherical polar coordinates. It is a curvilinear coordinates system for describing location on spherical geometry. According to Weisstein (2005), in his spherical coordinates article, θ is the azimuthal angle in x y plane from the x – axis with 0 < θ < 2π, φ is the polar angle and is also known as zenith angle and colatitudes. φ is equal to 90° - σ where σ is the latitude from positive z – axis with 0 < φ < π and r is the radius from the origin or centre point. This convention is commonly used in mathematics. Figure 2.4 explains the location of r, θ and φ. Figure 2.4: Spherical coordinates (Weisstein, 2005). Several different conventions exist for representing three coordinates and the order in which they should be written. The use of (r, θ, φ) to denote, respectively, radial distance, inclination (or elevation), and azimuth, is common practice in 22 physics.To define a unique set of spherical coordinates for each point, one may restrict their ranges. A common choice is: r≥0 (2.3) 0° ≤ θ ≤ 180° (π rad) (2.4) 0° ≤ φ < 360° (2π rad) (2.5) However, the azimuth φ is often restricted to the interval (−180°, +180°), or (−π, +π) in radians, instead of [0, 360°). This is the standard convention for geographic longitude. The range (0°, 180°) for inclination is equivalent to (−90°, +90°) for elevation (latitude). According to Conrad (2011),a point P can be located by spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) as well as rectangular coordinates (x, y, z). The spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) are related to the Cartesian coordinates x,y,z by this following equation 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11: r =√ x2 + y2 + z2 (2.6) θ =tan-1 y (2.7) φ = cos-1 z rx (2.8) x = r cos θ cos φ (2.9) y = r cos θ sin φ (2.10) z = r sin θ (2.11) x This equation could be explained in the Figure 2.5. 23 Figure 2.5: Location of point P by spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) and rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) Petrov, (2005). Figure 2.6: Sphere with center (xo,yo,zo) and radius R, Petrov (2005) A sphere with center (xo, yo, zo) and radius R is the locus of all points (x, y, z) as shown in Figure 2.6. Such that equation 2.12 is explained a sphere centered at the point xo, yo, zo with radius R is: (x - xo)2 + ( y - yo )2 + ( z - zo )2 = R2 (2.12) 24 x,y,z Figure 2.7: Points on sphere with radius r, Wikipedia, (2010) According to Wikipedia (2010), points on sphere with radius r (see Figure 2.7) could be parameterized via equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15. x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) where 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π. 2.2.2 Cylinder The geometry of a cylinder is very basic, with a circular base shape on its top and bottom. In differential geometry, a cylinder is defined more broadly as any ruled surface spanned by a one-parameter family of parallel lines. A cylinder with a cross 25 section in the form of an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola is called an elliptic cylinder, parabolic cylinder, or hyperbolic cylinder respectively. A cylinder is called a right cylinder if it is straight, with its cross sections lying directly on top of each other; otherwise, the cylinder is said to be oblique. Figure 2.8 shows a structure of Cylinder. h r Figure 2.8: Structure of cylinder According to Weisstein, (2005) the surface area of cylinder Acylinder and volume of the cylinder Vcylinder of height h and radius r (see Figure 2.8) is explained by equation 2.16 and 2.17. Acylinder = 2 π r h (2.16) Vcylinder = π r2 h (2.17) If the top and bottom surface are included, the total surface area of a cylinder Tcylinder is then calculated by using equation 2.18 and 2.19 where r is the radius and h is the height of cylinder. Tcylinder = 2 π r h +2( π r2) (2.18) = 2 π r (r + h) (2.19) Cylinder is taken to mean a finite section of a right circular cylinder as stated in Wikipedia (2010), with its ends closed to form two circular surfaces, as shown in Figure 2.8. If the cylinder has a radius r and length (height) h, then its volume Vcylinder is given by the equation 2.20. 26 Vcylinder = 2 π r (r + h) (2.20) and its surface area is: • area of the top (π r2) + • area of the bottom (π r2) + • area of the side 2 π r h. Therefore without the top or bottom, the surface area could be calculated using the equation 2.21 Awithout top or bottom = 2 π r h (2.21) Whereas with the top and bottom, the surface area could be calculated using the equation 2.22. Awith top and bottom = 2(πr2) + 2πrh = 2πr (r + h) (2.22) 2.2.3 Cone A cone is generally a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat, usually circular base to a point called the apex or vertex, or otherwise identified as a pyramid with a circular cross section. A right cone is a cone with its vertex above the center of its base. However, when used without qualification, the term cone usually refers to a right cone Weisstein, (2005). Figure 2.9 shows the right cone. 27 s h r Figure 2.9: Right cone For a circular cone (see Figure 2.9) with radius r and height h, the formula for volume of cone Vcone could be obtained via equation 2.23 Vcone = 1 πr2h 3 (2.23) For a right circular cone, the surface area of cone, Acone could be calculated through equation 2.24: Acone = πrs (2.24) Where s is the slant height (see figure 2.9). s could be obtained by using equation 2.25. s = √r2 + h2 (2.25) 28 2.2.4 Torus Torus is also known as tori, and its geometry is generally a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three dimensional spaces around an axis coplanar with the circle. Torus is also available in the form of simple torus, horn torus and spindle torus. Figure 2.10 shows a simple torus. A degenerate case is when the axis is a diameter of the circle and surface is a sphere. The ring torus bounds a solid known as a toroid; it should also be noted that the adjective of toroidal can be applied to tori, toroids or, more generally, any ring shape as in toroidal inductors and transformers. Real world examples of approximately toroidal objects include doughnuts, inner tubes, O-rings and Vortex rings. Figure 2.10: Simple Torus, Moore and Smith (2003) According to Weisstein (2005) and Irons (2005), the surface area of torus ATorus and volume of torus VTorus can be easily computed using Pappus's centroid theorem (see equation 2.26 and 2.27): ATorus = π2 x (Rmain2 – rtube2) (2.26) VTorus = 1 π2 X (Rmain + rtube) X (Rmain - rtube)2 4 (2.27) 29 Where, Rmain is the distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus and rtube is the radius of the tube. Figure 2.11 shows the structure of torus.. + Rmain rtube Figure 2.11: Structure of Torus In Cartesian coordinates for a torus azimuthally symmetric about the z-axis, it could be parameterized by equation 2.28: (c – √x2 + y2)2 + z2 = a2 (2.28) Where c is the radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube which is Rmain (see figure 2.11), and a is the radius of the tube which is rtube (see figure 2.11). Parametric equations for torus could be parameterized in the following equations 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31 x = (c + a cos v) cos u (2.29) y = (c + a cos v) sin u (2.30) z = a sin v (2.31) 30 Where: c is the radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube a is the radius of the tube u and v is parametric variables in the interval [0,2π] All of the above variables in equation 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31 could be described in the following figure 2.12 and 2.13. Figure 2.12 shows the location of c which is the radius from the center of the hole to the center of torus tube. Figure 2.12 also shown the location of a which is the radius of tube. Radius from centre of the hole • Centre of the hole • Radius of the tube Centre of the tube Figure 2.12: Location of variable c and a in equation 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31 For the variables u and v where the value is in the interval [0,2π], it could be describe as the angle of latitude and longitude of the torus structure. Following Figure 2.13 explain the location of u and v (Irons,2005). Figure 2.13: Location of variable u and v in equation 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31 (Irons, 2005) 31 Figure 2.14 gives a detail description to obtain u and v value by describing the torus structure with x, y and z plane. From the Figure 2.14 we could obtain the value of u and v by getting the angle of both variables. Figure 2.14: Location u and v in torus structure with x, y and z plane, Moore and Smith (2003). 2.3 Solid Modeling Object modeling is a technique for constructing objects using geometrical functions based on its original structure. Mortenson (1997) defined geometric modeling as the method used to illustrate the shape of an object. Modeling is usually built to scale the real object and represent it into another detail. Modeling objects can also help users in interpreting and understanding constructed objects directly without having familiarity with the real objects. Modeling object in DBMS level does not only deal with the way the object is constructed; instead it is also about how the database stores the object’s structure. As mentioned in the previous section, 3D objects have yet to be fully implemented in DBMS level. Thus issues, problems and challenges pertaining to the modeling of 3D objects in DBMS level have been 32 investigated since several years ago by Stoter et. al (2002), Arens et. al (2003), Peninnga (2005), Pu (2005) and Chen (2008). In computer graphics and CAD, there are several types of 3D object modeling such as surface modeling, solid modeling, wireframe modeling and feature based modeling. This paper focuses on solid modeling to model 3D objects. Solid modeling is used as the ultimate tool in many fields such as manufacturing, engineering and industry, and was introduced since the 1980’s (Holly, 1999). Originally, basic solid models comprised of cone, torus, cylinder, pyramid, tube and sphere. These basic solid models are also known as 3D primitive objects. The characteristic of solid model is that it is not limited to the edges and surfaces of the object, and also the volume enclosed by those surfaces. According to Hoffman et. al (1996), any solid representation should admit the unambiguous, algorithmic determination of point membership. Given any point in the equation: p = (x, y, z) (2.32) The point p must be able to algorithmically define whether the point is inside, outside, or on the surface of a solid model. Each type of 3D object modeling has its own advantage in modeling objects. One major advantage of solid modeling is that the spatial integrity of the solid model can be verified computationally (LaCourse, 1995). By using solid modeling, it is easy for the user or designer to construct virtual or software prototypes for visualization and analysis purposes. The other advantage of solid modeling is the realistic and unambiguous visual display which permits the user or designer to see exactly what was created. Thus, solid modeling has become a preferred solution in modeling 3D objects. Modeling solid objects into the database requires several techniques to construct and structure the objects. Three dominant modeling techniques for solid objects are Boundary representation (B-Rep), Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and Decomposition models. Other techniques such as instances or parameterized 33 shapes, spatial occupancy enumeration, and wire frame representation are less widely used. 2.3.1 Decomposition Models In Decomposition models, solid objects are represented in a variety of decomposition schemes. Solid objects are decomposed into cells and each cell built with a simple geometric structure. According to Patrikalakis (2003), there are three categories of decomposition model, which are the Exhaustive Enumeration, Boundary Cell Enumeration, Space Subdivision and Cell Decomposition). • Exhaustive Enumeration Exhaustive enumeration is a representation using cubes with a regular size, orientation, and non-overlapping as shown in figure 2.15. For each object, three dimensional Boolean arrays is represented together with a volume of space for cell cubic volume. It is consider having a true value once a cell intersects with the region of interest. Otherwise, the value is false. As stated by Patrikalakis (2003), the representations are: Regular subdivision of space. Storing just one corner of each cube. The requirement of just a 3-D array, Cijk of binary data, and overall box/space coordinates for fixed space of interest are in the equation 2.33: 34 Cijk = 1 if the cube i,j,k intersects the solid (2.33) 0 if the cube i,j,k is empty There are several applications of exhaustive enumeration methods listed by Patrikalakis (2003) the methods are: The representation of underwater environment. Finite elements meshing. The representation of Medical 3D data. Speeding up operations in other representations such as approximating integral properties e.g. (volume, centre of gravity, moments of inertia, and distance transformations). All of these operations are done as a pre-processing representation. Figure 2.15: Exhaustive Enumerations, Patrikalakis (2003). • Boundary cell enumeration This is a boundary-based version of the previous technique, with only the cells that intersect region boundaries having true values. 35 • Space subdivision The incentives behind space subdivision methods include: Smaller memory requirements Quad tree representations leading to a recursive subdivision into 8 octants that can be represented as an 8-ary tree (see Figure 2.16) Figure 2.16: Quad tree models (Patrikalakis, 2003). • Cell Decompositions This model is often used to achieve finite element and scientific visualization, with the elements of cell decompositions involving other than cubes. By using this method, cells become parameterized instances of a generic cell type, eg. a cell bounded by quadratic curves and surfaces. Under this method, cells meet at a vertex, edge or face; otherwise the 36 representation is invalid and cells become disjoint and non-overlapping. The properties of cell decomposition methods are: Expressive power: very general and accurate Validity: requires an intersection test for verification Unambiguous representation Non-unique Generation: by conversion from other representations Concise: memory utilization is less than octrees Applicability: finite element meshing, multi-material, nonhomogeneous objects 2.3.2 Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) Constructive Solid Geometry is a technique to form new shapes by using 3D primitive objects (solid primitive). The most popular constructive representation, CSG involves joining or cutting 3D primitive objects such as cylinder, cone and sphere with Boolean operators. The primitive objects may be assigned multiple times with different parameter values, positions, and orientations. The primitive objects may also be transformed through rigid body motions such as by combining rotations and translations or scaling, and the resulting transformed objects may in turn be combined by using Boolean operations i.e. union, intersection, and difference. These operators perform the corresponding set theoretic Boolean operations, and then transform the result into the set by applying the topological interior operation and later by the topological closure. This procedure always returns valid solids. Furthermore, these three Boolean operators are convenient and sufficient as amongst the 16 different Boolean combinations of two sets, A and B, 8 are unbounded, 3 are trivial, and only 5 are useful for solid modeling: 37 • union A+B • intersection A ∩ B • differences A-B and B-A (Example, Figure 2.17) • symmetric difference, (A-B)+(B-A) A B Difference A - B Figure 2.17: Boolean operations on 3D primitive objects using CSG method CSG representations are concise and easily parameterized and edited. Many solid modeling algorithms also work directly on CSG representations. However, CSG representations do not include any explicit information on the connectivity or even the existence of the corresponding solid. Hence these topological questions are best addressed through some form of boundary evaluation such as Boundary Representation (Tsuzuki et. al., 2007). 2.3.3 Boundary Representation (B-Rep) Boundary representation is a method that represents the surface of solid objects. A solid surface is represented as a quilt of faces, edges and vertices. In other words, the object can be fully described by its boundary with each face acting as a subset of the complete boundary. Geometrically, the entities in Boundary 38 Representation must not intersect anywhere except in edges and vertices that are explicitly represented in the topological structure (Hoffman et. al., 1996). Figure 2.18 shows an example of an object as depicted in Boundary Representation. Figure 2.18: Modeling cube using Boundary Representation method. Boundary Representation models contain two parts of information, which are geometry and topology. The main geometric items are faces, edges and vertices. A face is a bounded subset of complete boundary, an edge is a bounded piece of a line and a vertex lies at a point. The important aspect of a Boundary Representation model is the connectivity present amongst the topological items i.e. faces, edges and vertices. The most popular data structure type in defining such connectivity is Baumgart’s winged-edge data structure. Figure 2.19 below shows the structure of Baumgart’s winged-edge data structure. Figure 2.19: Baumgart’s winged-edge data structure (Xu, 2009). 39 According to Xu (2009), the winged-edge data structure uses edges to keep track of almost everything and to traverse various entities in the model. This can be exemplified by the cube in Figure 2.18 forming 6 faces, with each face containing a loop of 4 edges. Two faces are shared by one edge, each edge is bounded by 2 vertices and every vertex is shared by three edges. Prior to modeling an object, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Several features may not be compatible or reliable in constructing the objects. Due to this, the advantages and disadvantages of Boundary Representation method were investigated and the properties listed in the following paragraphs: Advantages: • Closely related to traditional drafting • Can store very complex geometries • Easy to propagate changes to faces, edges and vertices • Can easily generate and store complex surfaces • Appropriate for constructing solid models of unusual shapes • Can be used to mimic CSG • It is relatively simple to convert a B-rep model into a wireframe model Disadvantages: • High level information is still not present in model • Requires large amounts of storage • Hard to recognize some simple features like a block Given its simplicity of structure compared to other methods, Boundary Representation has been widely used in modeling objects. Several researchers have attempted to model objects in DBMS level using Boundary Representation technique, such as Arens (2003), Stoter and Zlatanova (2003) and Arens et. al 40 (2005). Most of the utilized objects in those researches were based on simple structures such as cube and flat building. From these researches, it is seemingly easy and simple to model objects using Boundary Representation method. After comparing and analyzing all possible methods and techniques, Boundary Representation was chosen to construct 3D primitive objects in this research due to its advantages and flexibility in modeling complex objects, as well as its characteristic of easily propagating changes to faces, edges, and vertices. Due to its uncomplicated method, many systems support this technique such as CAD and Parasolids. Even if the CSG method was chosen, Boundary Representation can imitate the implementation of the technique. Thus, Boundary Representation seems to be the most compatible technique for this research. 2.4 Polyhedron 3D geometric primitives are a common basic geometry comprising of point, line, polygon, triangle, circles, spline, curve and ellipse. These have been successfully implemented in spatial DBMS, with the exception of geometry based on volume (3D primitive object). There are a number of geometric primitives and 3D primitives in modeling 3D objects such as Tetrahedron, Polyhedron and Polyhedron, combined with spherical and cylindrical patches. However, only certain models are compatible with the B-rep Method. As mentioned before, polyhedron has the potential for modeling 3D objects and modeling objects by using polyhedron has been successfully investigated by Arens (2003) and Arens et. al (2005). Polyhedron can be realized in DBMS by storing x, y, and z vertices, with the arrangement of vertices described by each polyhedron face. Polyhedron can be recognized by its own characteristics, as discussed by Aguilera and Ayala (1997), Aguilera (1998), Arens (2003), Chen (2008) and Chandra and Govardhan (2008 ). The characteristics are: 41 i. Flatness • Polygons that make up a polyhedron must have to be flat. It can be verified by the following equation 2.34: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 ii. (2.34) Single Volume or 2-Manifold • A set of polygons that make up a polyhedron should be bounded as a single volume. This can be done by following the rule whereby each edge must be shared with only 2 polygons. If an edge is shared by more than 2 polygons, the polyhedron may consist of at least 2 volumes that would defeat its single volume characteristic. iii. Simplicity • Each edge has exactly 2 vertices only. • The starting and ending points of a polygon is same, and is only be stored once. • Polygon must have an area. • Lines from a polygon must not self-intersect. • Singularity of polyhedron is not allowed, lower dimension object must not exist in the interior of higher dimension. • iv. The inner rings of faces are not allowed to interact with the outer ring. Orientable • Vertices of the face must be specified in counter-clockwise order, which means that the face is seen from inside to outside. • Vertices in inner rings of faces need to be ordered in the opposite direction (clockwise). v. Euler’s Law • Euler proved in 1752 that polyhedrons are topologically valid if they satisfy the following equation 2.35: 42 F – E + V – L = 2(B – G) (2.35) Whereby F, E, V, L, B, and G refer to the number of faces, edges, vertices, faces’ inner loop, bodies, and genus respectively. Equation (1) is known as the Euler or Euler-Poincare law. Open objects satisfy the following Euler’s law (equation 2.36): F–E+V–L=B–G • (2.36) To validate a B-Rep model, Euler’s law states that a polyhedron is topologically valid (or a sane solid) if the following equation 2.37 is satisfied, F–E+V=2 2.5 (2.37) Polyhedron Orientation In order to represent a solid object by its surfaces, the orientation of each surface should be defined to show the inside or outside of the object. By convention, the inside is the material and the outside is the void space. The direction of the face is often regarded as the orientation of the face; meanwhile the face that carries the orientation information is referred to as the orientable surface, which is constantly defined to be always pointing away from the solid. Since a solid is bounded by orientable surfaces, one can define solid objects by a set of faces. In this research, polyhedron is utilized to model 3D primitive objects. Polyhedron is stored in the database with several sequence oriented points on the polygon surface. There are two types of orientation rules, clockwise and anti- 43 clockwise. A clockwise rule is defined to show the inside of the object while an anticlockwise rule shows the outside of the object. Each polygon surface points outwards from the solid that it binds, and this can be illustrated by the right-hand thumb rule. Figure 2.19 shows the right-hand thumb rule. Figure 2.20: Right Hand Thumb Rules (Morse, 1998) From the Figure 2.20, it can be seen that the fingers would curl towards 90 degrees when the thumbs point in the positive Z - axis rotation. The direction of curling fingers shows the counter-clockwise direction. To define a polygon surface orientation, the right-hand should be held with curling fingers as the polygon surface in order to see from the outside of the object. As illustrated by Morse (1998) in Figure 2.21, a normal polygon is illustrated by drawing counter-clockwise. Figure 2.21: Polygon drawn counter-clockwise (Morse, 1998) 44 Spatial DBMS does not demand the orientation of polygon surface. For instance, it was stated in the Oracle documentation that the order of vertices is not stipulated in the Oracle DBMS. However it was implicitly specified that the surface is normally defined using the “right-hand thumb” rule. If the fingers curl along the order of the specification of the vertices, the outward thumb is the direction of the surface normal for the polygon (Kothuri, 2007) as shown in Figure 2.22. Figure 2.22: Direction of normal surface (Kothuri, 2007) 2.6 Spatial Database Management System Spatial objects is something related to space. The word spatial itself is derived from the word ‘space’. Geographic and geometry data are things that very much spatial-related, and can be exemplified by the earth surface (geographic data) or man-made objects or anything around us as long as it relates to space. These spatial data need to be managed, manipulated, stored and controlled by a system; however the advent of spatial database management system or Geo-DBMS has caused several problems regarding this issue (Guting, 1994). 45 Before the advent of spatial DBMS, spatial data was organized in two separated data management systems. The separated data management systems are Relational DBMS for administrative data and GIS for spatial data (Zlatanova, 2007). To date, most mainstream DBMSs such as Oracle, PostGIS, MySQL, Informix and Ingres offer spatial data types and spatial functions. These mainstream DBMSs are extended in terms of object-relational from Relational DBMS (Zlatanova and Stoter, 2006). From the database, users could query both spatial and semantic features. The supported spatial features in spatial DBMS are in two dimensional and three dimensional features, with the simple two dimensional features fully supported in the DBMS while the management of fully-3D features is still being investigated, especially in 3D modeling, analysis and presentations. The following section discusses supported geometry and dimension in spatial DBMS, after which modeling objects in spatial DBMS is discussed. 2.6.1 Geometry and Dimension in Spatial DBMS Different database vendors offer different numbers of supported geometry and dimensions in DBMS, but most spatial databases offer the same functions in managing spatial data. Basic geometries that are supported in spatial DBMS are point, line and polygon, which have been extended to other geometry such as circle, line string, arc and polygon. As mentioned before, two dimensional features have been fully implemented in spatial DBMS as compared to 3D features. However, most DBMSs including Oracle, Postgres, IBM, lngres and Informix support the storage of simple features in 3D space such as 3D point, 3D line and 3D polygon. Hence it is generally possible to store 3D features as a geometrical model i.e. polyhedrons using 3D polygons. A possibility of having a 3D geometrical primitive in DBMS level is shown by Arens et al. (2003). In this study, 3D objects as polyhedron were defined as part of the 46 geometrical spatial model of Oracle Spatial, including validation functions and spatial functions in 3D. The following Table 2.1 shows several mainstream spatial DBMSs and the supported geometry type. Table 2.1: Supported geometry types in Geo-DBMS Spatial DBMS Geometry Type Oracle Points and point clusters, Line string, n-point polygons, Arc line strings, Arc polygon, Compound polygons, Compound line strings, Circles, Optimized rectangles Informix Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString,MultiPolygon PostGIS Linestring, Polygon, Multipoint, Multilinestring, Multipolygon, Geometrycollection MySQL Point , LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon,Geometry Collection 2.6.2 Volumetric Object in Spatial DBMS Most of 3D features are volumetric objects. Volumetric objects can be used to model man-made objects such as building and utilities, and even natural objects such as geological formation. Until today, no volumetric objects have been implemented 47 in spatial DBMS. Only simple volumetric primitive objects i.e. cube was implemented in Oracle Spatial database (Oracle, 2007). To enable these volumetric objects managed in the database, users can choose to model the object based on created geometry types in DBMS or by creating userdefined types. These approaches were previously discussed by Zlatanova (2007). The first option can be realized by provided data types i.e. polygon or multipolygon, and simple volumetric objects that may be suggested for this option are polyhedron, triangulated polyhedron or tetrahedron. Users can choose to either store the polygon one by one, or store as multipolygon. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches have been investigated by Stoter and Zlatanova (2003). If the object is to be stored as a 3D multipolygon, it is identifiable as one object by front-end application i.e. CAD. This approach also relies on the one to one connection between a record and an object. The major disadvantage for both approaches is that the DBMS cannot recognize the object as a 3D object and as a result, no volume computation can be done due to this problem. Thus, it would be a great effort if this issue can be addressed through the implementation of 3D primitive objects in DBMS. 2.7 Oracle Spatial DBMS In the past five to ten years, database vendors such as Oracle have progressed into the area of spatial technology. Specifically, Oracle introduced the Oracle Spatial technology suite to support spatial processing inside an Oracle database. The Oracle Spatial suite is often referred to as Spatial and provides SQL schema and functions. Based on the provided schema and functions, both non-spatial and spatial attributes can be stored, retrieved, updated and queried. 48 Oracle Spatial is spread across two tiers: the Database Server and the Application Server. Figure 2.23 depicts the various components that make up Oracle’s Spatial technology stack, and indicates the distribution of the components across the Database Server and Application Server tiers. The basic components that are provided as part of Oracle Database Server 11g include the storage model, query and analysis tools, and location-enabling/loading utilities. Figure 2.23: Oracle Spatial Components (Kothuri, 2004) As shown in Figure 2.23, the basic component of Oracle Spatial can be described as follows: • Data model: Oracle Spatial uses a SQL data type, SDO_GEOMETRY, to store spatial data in an Oracle database. SDO_GEOMETRY is defined as a column in the table to store the locations and spatial extents of geographic entities. 49 • Location-enabling: SDO_GEOMETRY columns can be added to application tables and populate the tables with SDO_GEOMETRY data using standard Oracle. • Spatial query and analysis: SDO_GEOMETRY data can be queried and manipulated using the query and analysis component, comprising the Index Engine and Geometry Engine. • Advanced Spatial Engine: This component comprises of several components that cater to sophisticated spatial applications, such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and bioinformatics. • Visualization: The Application Server components of Oracle’s Spatial technology include the means to visualize spatial data via the MapViewer tool. MapViewer renders the spatial data that is stored in SDO_GEOMETRY columns of Oracle tables as displayable maps. 2.7.1 Supported Geometry Types In Oracle Spatial, the spatial feature is the geometric representation of its shape in some coordinate space. This is referred to as its geometry. Geometry is an ordered sequence of vertices that are connected by straight line segments or circular arcs, whereas the semantics of the geometry are determined by its type. Spatial DBMS supports several primitive types and geometrics are composed of the collections of these types, including two-dimensional: • Points and point clusters • Line strings • n-point polygons • Arc line strings (all arcs are generated as circular arcs.) • Arc polygons • Compound polygons 50 • Compound line strings • Circles • Optimized rectangles The latest version of Oracle Spatial (Oracle 11g) supports three-dimensional elements in the database. Figure 2.24 illustrates some elements and categorizes them into types supported in both two and three dimensions and types supported in only three dimensions. Figure 2.24: Geometry type in Oracle 11g. Each geometry type is uniquely defined in SDO_GEOMETRY column, which is known as SDO_GTYPE. The next section explains on the SDO_GEOMETRY column in Oracle Spatial. 51 2.7.2 SDO_GEOMETRY In a user-defined table, the geometry object or spatial object is stored within a single column of object type SDO_GEOMETRY. Any table that has a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY must have another column, or set of columns, that defines a unique primary key for that table. The tables are sometimes referred to as spatial tables or spatial geometry tables. Oracle Spatial defines the object type SDO_GEOMETRY as: CREATE TYPE sdo_geometry AS OBJECT ( SDO_GTYPE NUMBER, SDO_SRID NUMBER, SDO_POINT SDO_POINT_TYPE, SDO_ELEM_INFO SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY, SDO_ORDINATES SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY); The paragraph below explains each element in SDO_GEOMETRY: • SDO_GTYPE The SDO_GTYPE value is a 4 digit number in the format dltt. d refers to dimension (2, 3, or 4); l specifies which dimension (3 or 4) contains the measure value 3. tt refers to geometry types, for example, dl01 represents point, dl02 represents line/curve, dl03 represents polygon and others. Table 2.2 shows the valid SDO_GTYPE values. 52 Table 2.2: Valid SDO_GTYPE values Oracle (2007) • SDO_SRID SDO_SRID describes a spatial reference. If it gives ‘null’ values, the geometry does not relate to any reference system. • SDO_POI:T If SDO_POINT value is not null, the object geometry is only a single point; otherwise it is one of other geometries. SDO_POINT is utilized when there are only point geometries in a layer. • SDO_ELEM_I:FO SDO_ELEM_INFO stores the format of coordinates in SDO_ORDINATES by repeating the following attributes: 53 SDO_STARTI:G_OFFSET It refers to the starting offset of the current element’s first coordinate in SDO_ORDINATES; SDO_ETYPE The current element can either be simple elements or compound elements. Geometries that are not supported by Oracle Spatial can be represented by setting SDO_ETYPE to zero. Geometries with type 0 elements must contain at least one nonzero element, which should be an approximation of the unsupported geometry. SDO_I:TERPRETATIO: It is the interpretation for SDO_ETYPE. If it is a zero type element, the SDO_INTERPRETATION value for the type zero element can be any numeric value and applications would be responsible for determining the validity and significance of the value. • SDO_ORDI:ATES The arrays of coordinates are stored here with the format specified in SDO_ELEM_INFO. The shape of spatial objects can generally be quite complex as it requires a large number of connected points (or vertices). To represent such complex geometric shapes, the SDO_GEOMETRY type is logically implemented using an array of elements, as shown in Figure 2.25. 54 Figure 2.25: Conceptual class diagram of the SDO_GEOMETRY data type (Kothuri, 2007) 2.7.3 Interoperability Interoperability is the ability to communicate with other products. Oracle provided interoperability kits in their product that are capable of connecting, sharing and retrieving stored data by other products. Software vendors such as Autodesk, Intergraph, Laser-Scan, Bentley and MapInfo realized that by enabling interoperable access to spatial data stored in an Oracle database, they are increasing the value of their offerings by making it possible for organizations to use other applications simultaneously. This, in turn, indirectly benefits the user. 55 In this research, the interoperability function is seemingly important in visualizing constructed 3D primitive objects. Oracle Map viewer only supports 2D element to view stored objects. Thus, other alternatives are necessary if 3D objects are to be retrieved and viewed. With the availability of interoperability functions in Oracle database, this issue may possibly be addressed. Computer Aided Design (CAD) application is a powerful viewer in designing structures, models and utilities. CAD has also been widely used in many fields, especially in the engineering field. Since CAD vendors such as Autodesk and Bentley have enabled the interoperability function, it would be beneficial if both software can retrieve spatial column in Oracle DBMS and render the object in the viewer. Several researchers have experimented in their researches by communicating CAD and Oracle, for example Stoter and Zlatanova (2003), Arens et. al. (2003) and Pu (2005). The objects were successfully retrieved and viewed in CAD software. 2.8 Summary In this chapter, several issues related to the research were reviewed and discussed. Based on the reviewed literature, suitable methods or techniques and aspects to be considered have been revealed. Boundary Representation was chosen as a technique to model 3D primitive objects. As discussed in this chapter, 3D primitive objects are constructed based on mathematical definition and equation. As a conclusion, this chapter revealed the steps and suitable technique in implementing 3D primitive objects as described in Chapters 4 and 5. CHAPTER 3 MODELIG 3D PRIMITIVE OBJECTS 3.1 Background Before exploring on how to develop 3D primitive objects in spatial DBMS, it may be required for one to understand how to construct it with mathematical formula. In this chapter, each primitive object is constructed using mathematical formula and fitted with modeling technique, Boundary Representation (B-Rep). The first section in this chapter discusses the B-Rep technique to be used in constructing objects. That section also explains polyhedron as a geometric primitive to be used with modeling technique. Section 3.2 discusses the use of spherical coordinates in generating points on 3D primitive objects surface and making up polygon. Section 3.3 explains how to construct each 3D primitive object. 57 3.2 Modeling Objects using B-Rep and Spherical Coordinates Based on the discussion in Chapter 2, Boundary Representation (B-Rep) is utilized as a modeling technique to construct 3D primitive objects. B-Rep is a method to represent the surface of solid objects. Solid surface is represented as a quilt of faces, edges and vertices. In other words, the object is covered with several faces or shapes without any intersection and as a result, a flexible shape is needed to cover the object’s surface. Polygon is seemingly a suitable shape for constructing 3D primitive objects, and a group of polygon in 3D is known as polyhedron. The characteristics of polyhedron were discussed in Chapter 2. A polygon is made up of a composed sequence line segment, with a line segment connecting two points. Hence, polygon can be formed from a collection of points which are connected by a line segment. Most of the basic 3D primitive objects surfaces are based on curvilinear shapes. Thus, the points on an object’s surface can be generated by spherical coordinate equation as explained in Chapter 2 section 2.2.1. Points along the curvilinear could be generated by using the following equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) where (0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π) In the above equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15, xo, yo, zo is the centre point of curvilinear line with angle 360o. r is the radius from centre point to the line while θ and φ represent the angle of axis xy and yz. All of this variable is described in Figure 3.1. 58 z φ θ r • y x Figure 3.1: Location of φ , θ and r on the x,y,z plane. 3.3 Constructing 3D Primitive Objects Each 3D primitive object is constructed using B-Rep method and polyhedron. Objects are constructed using mathematical formula with several parameters such as radius r, centre point xo, yo, zo and height h. 3.3.1 Sphere Sphere can be defined as a round object in 3D space or described as a circle in three dimensions. The basic requirement in creating a circle is its centre point and radius, which is also applicable for sphere. Bourke (1992) gave a definition of a sphere surface by describing it with a set of points and equal distance (radius, r) which have been measured from a single point (centre point). Radius can be defined 59 as a distance from the centre of a circle to its perimeter, or from the centre of a sphere to its surface. The radius is equal to half of a diameter. Figure 3.2 shows radius r from centre point of sphere xo, yo, zo. xo, yo, zo r x1, y1, z1 Figure 3.2: Radius r from centre point of sphere. The difference between circle and sphere is only at its space of coordinates. A normal circle only deals with 2 space of coordinates (x, y) but a circle on sphere deals with 3 space coordinates (x,y,z). Points on the sphere surface must be satisfied previous equation 2.12 in Chapter 2. Following equation is the equation 2.12 with a condition of radius r centered from origin (xo,yo,zo). (x - xo)2 + (y - yo)2 + (z - zo)2 = r2 (2.12) Before modeling and developing the sphere in DBMS, the skeleton of sphere model that is based on polyhedron may give a better understanding on how it would be modeled. In the following Figure 3.3, the surface of a sphere is divided into two parts (half from top part and half from bottom part) and bounded by several faces of polygon that make up a polyhedron. 60 • Top of sphere • Bottom of sphere Figure 3.3: Polyhedron on the sphere surface (up and bottom) From Figure 3.3, it can be seen that polyhedron is made up of a group of polygons as discussed in Chapter 2. Every polygon is connected by a single line between two points. To generate a sphere using only its centre point and its end point of radius (as illustrated in Figure 3.2), several points need to be generated to form a group of polygon and make up a polyhedron. Using the previous equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 in chapter 2, points can be generated on the sphere surface. The next section briefly explains on how spheres can be generated and modeled using centre point and end point of radius. 3.3.2 Modeling a Solid Sphere A 3D circle in a form of a horizontal cross is known as latitude in geographical terms, or in other words latitude is a line that runs horizontally on a sphere. To generate points along the latitude using previous equation, the circle has to be divided into parts. As illustrated in Figure 3.4, the angle of a round circle is 360°. 61 360° r r Figure 3.4: The degree of round circle is 360° From the figure 3.4, the latitude needs to be divided into parts to generate points. As mentioned in Chapter 1 in the Scope section, only 20 points are generated along the latitude. More than 20 points or less than 20 points are still accepted to construct a sphere but in this research 20 points is best number to form a basic shape of sphere. Therefore the divided angle of each part is 18° as shown in the figure 3.5. The range of divided angle of latitude could be in 0° to 360°. 360 ° 18° = 20 θ θ = 18° Figure 3.5: Divided sector angle is θ = 18° Using equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 points are generated along the latitude as illustrated in the following Figure 3.6. x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) 62 xo, yo, zo r x1, y1, z1 New generated points Figure 3.6: New points generated along the latitude In this experiment, 10 new latitudes were created using Pythagoras Theorem equation. To generate latitudes the diameter of sphere D is divided into 10 parts, which represents 10 latitudes. Figure 3.6 shows the diameter of sphere divided into 10 parts. xo, yo, zo a r x1, y1, z1 r D a a D r a a a r a a a Figure 3.7: Divided sphere diameter. From the above Figure 3.7, it can be seen that the diameter has been divided into 10 parts. The diameter is obtained from the radius r as illustrated in the figure 3.7. The diameter of a circle is equal to two times of a radius. In this research, the diameter which is r plus r is divided into 10 parts. It is not a constraint to divide the 63 diameter more than 10 parts or less. Each parts have the same value a. a is an added value or deduct value of z to get the new z of new latitudes. Following equation describes how to get the value of diameter D and added or deduct value for every new z, a. D=r+r (3.1) D=a 10 (3.2) Where: D = Diameter of Sphere a = added or deduct value for new z In order to get the zn the value of a from equation 3.2 is added or deduct to the value of z centre point zo as explained in the following equation 3.3. zn = zo ± a (3.1) The value of xn, and yn are maintained because they are parallel with the centre point xo, yo, zo. Hence the new centre point of new latitude is xn, yn, zn ( see Figure 3.8) where: xn is equal to xo yn is equal to yo zn = zo ± a zo is a value of z origin a is added or deduct value for every new z 64 xn, yn, zn a New latitude xo, yo, zo Figure 3.8: New latitude with its centre point xn, yn, zn . The same procedure or steps is used to get the other latitude of sphere. Figure 3.9 illustrate the 10 latitudes generated using the above step. 1 2 3 4 5 The origin latitude 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 3.9: Ten generated latitudes with the origin latitude. Points along the generated latitudes could be generated using the same step which is using the equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15. 65 x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) In order to the equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15, the value of radius r for each new latitude must be acquired to run with the equations. Radius r for the new latitude could be aquired using the equation of Pythagoras Theorem. Centre point (xo, yo, zo), new centre point (xn, yn, zn) and end point of horizontal line from the new centre point (xn, yn, zn) are joined to form a right triangle as satisfied in Pythagoras Theorem. Figure 3.10 shows the right triangle is formed after joining the points. xn, yn, zn new r a r xo, yo, zo Figure 3.10: Right triangle is formed after joining all the three points. From the Theorem Pythagoras equation, a right triangle has one angle equal to 90 degrees. Based on the triangle in Figure 3.9, one of the angles is in 90 degrees at the adjacent side (a) and opposite side (new r). Here is the triangle in Pythagoras Theorem definition and Figure 3.11 explains the right triangle in Pythagoras theorem definition. 66 • The angle between right triangle must be equal to 90 degrees (adjacent side b and opposite side c). • The hypotenuse is the longest side on the triangle (the side opposite the right angle, a) • The square of a (a²) plus the square of b (b²) is equal to the square of c (c²) which described in the following equation 3.3 : a2 = c2 + b2 (3.3) a b c Figure 3.11: Triangle in Pythagoras Theorem definition Following Figure 3.12 shows the obtained triangle as illustrated in figure 3.9 before. xn, yn, zn a new r r xo, yo, zo Figure 3.12: The right triangle. Thus, the new r could be acquired using the equation 3.4 and 3.5 where: r2 = (new r) 2 + a2 (3.4) new r = √ r2 - a2 (3.5) 67 It is needed to be aware that the value of new r may vary for each new latitude. For example, the value of new r for the top latitude is different with the value of new r for the middle latitude. With the new r, points along the new latitude could be generated using the same equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 as before. x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) This method is repeated until all points are generated along created latitudes. As a result, the complete generated points are described as following Figure 3.13: • ••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • Figure 3.13: Complete generated points along the latitudes. In creating a solid object using B-Rep method and polyhedron techniques, bounded polygon faces need to be created first as discussed in chapter 2. Each face of the polygon contains three or four points and every two points are connected by a single line as illustrated in the Figure 3.14 below: 68 • • •• •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 3.14: Generating Polyhedron from points to model Sphere 3.3.3 Cylinder Cylinder also has a basic curvilinear geometric shape. Its surface is formed by points at fixed distances from a given straight line, and the solid enclosed by this surface and by two planes perpendicular to the axis. The basic shape of a cylinder is actually two circles and one rectangle. The body of cylinder is formed when one of the edges of the rectangle meets another edge. The circles then cover up its top and bottom surface. Figure 3.15 shows a cylinder with radius r and height h. h r Figure 3.15: Cylinder with height h and radius r 69 Constructing cylinder using polyhedron is much easier in comparison with sphere. The shape of cylinder is quite simple and uncomplicated. Modeling cylinder using polyhedron does not involve complex polygon shapes and uses less number of polygons compared to sphere. The top and bottom of cylinder (Figure 3.16) can be defined as a round polygon and the body of cylinder (Figure 3.17) can be defined by several rectangle patches. Figure 3.16: Top and bottom surface of cylinder Figure 3.17: Body of cylinder Based on the above figure, the points are generated as is similar in the process of constructing spheres. Points are generated using the same mathematical equation i.e. Cartesian coordinate equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 for top and bottom cylinder. x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) where (0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π) 70 All of the variables in the above equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 are same as applied to sphere. The different is, its only apply to the bottom and top part of cylinder since its shapes is curvilinear or circle base. Figure 3.18 illustrate the location of φ and θ for the circular base of cylinder. z φ xo,yo,zo θ r • y x Figure 3.18: Location of φ, θ and r. 3.3.4 Modeling a Cylinder The top and bottom surfaces of cylinder are a circular base. Thus equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 can be used to generate points along the perimeter of that surface. For an example, points along the curvilinear of the bottom cylinder are generated using centre point xo, yo, zo and radius r. this parameters are then applied together with other variables in equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15. Figure 3.19 illustrates new generated points from centre point and radius. 71 xo, yo, zo r x1, y1, z1 • • • xn, yn, zn xn, yn, zn xn, yn, zn Figure 3.19: Generated points at the bottom surface of cylinder To generate the top surface of cylinder, a new centre point is calculated using the value of height h. The value of height h is added to the z value of centre point xo, yo, zo to obtain the z value of top surface zt. The value of x,y coordinates for top surface xt, yt is maintained as the value of x,y centre point xb, yb for the bottom surface. Radius r is also maintained by using the same radius of the bottom surface. Same equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 is used to generate points along the perimeter of the top surface. Figure 3.20 shows generated points along the curvilinear shapes of top and bottom surface of cylinder. xt, yt, zt • • • • • • • h • • • r• • • • xo, yo, zo xb, yb, zb Figure 3.20: Generated centre points for the top and bottom surface of cylinder 72 In this research, points along the bottom and top surfaces are generated with 20 numbers of points. This number of points is the minimum number suggested to form a solid cylinder as mentioned in Chapter 1 in scope of work. More points or fewer points could be generated and it might affect the shapes of solid cylinder. To form a solid cylinder, the polyhedron technique is used to bind the surface with polygon faces. From the generated points, a close polygon can be developed by joining every point with a line segment. The top and bottom surface of the polygon forms a round face, while the cylinder body is formed using rectangle shape of face by joining parallel points from the top and bottom surfaces as illustrated in Figure 3.21. ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• Figure 3.21: Generated Polyhedron from points to model Cylinder 3.3.5 Cone Cone is a three dimensional pyramid object with a circular base shape. The difference between cone and pyramid is in their base shape. Cone can either be right circular cone or oblique circular cone; this experiment focuses on right circular cone. Right circular cone is a cone with its vertex above the centre of its base, and is 73 normally known as a cone. Figure 3.22 shows a cone with height h and radius r for circular base. h r Figure 3.22: Cone with height of h and base radius of r Modeling cone using polyhedron is simple as only two parts of its body need to be bounded with the face, its base and its body. The cone body can be designed with a collection of triangle face, and the base designed with a round face (see Figure 3.23). • Figure 3.23: Collection of face to construct the body and base of cone 74 3.3.6 Modeling a Cone Using parameterized previous equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15, points can be generated along the circular base of cone. By joining every point with the highest vertex point, polyhedron can be generated. The equation is: x = xo + r cos θ cos φ (2.13) y = yo + r cos θ sin φ (2.14) z = zo + r sin θ (2.15) where (0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π) All of the variables in the above equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 are same as applied to sphere and cylinder. The different is, its only apply to the circular base of cone. Figure 3.24 illustrate the location of φ and θ for the circular base of cone. z φ θ r • y x Figure 3.24: Location of φ, θ and r for the circular base of cone. 75 The following figures 3.25 show the generated points along the base cone using the same equation 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15. Points are generated from centre point (xo, yo, zo) and end point of radius r (x1, y1, z1). xo, yo, zo+h Highest vertex point xo, yo, zo h x1, y1, z1 •r • • • • • • Figure 3.25: Generated point along the cone base In this experiment, only 20 points are generated on the circular base cone as discussed in scope of work Chapter 1. Thus total numbers of points generated to construct a solid cone are 21 points. Each point on the base cone is attached to the highest vertex to form a solid model. The single highest vertex point on cone can be calculated by simply adding the value of height h to the z of centre point zo. x and y values for the highest vertex point are maintained from x and y centre point xo and yo as they are parallel with the x and y from centre point (see Figure 3.25). Solid cone is then constructed by joining all the points from circular base to the highest vertex point to form a polyhedron as shown in Figure 3.26. 76 • • • • • • • • • • Figure 3.26: Generated cone from several points. 3.3.7 Torus In mathematics, torus is a doughnut-shaped object, such as an O-ring. In general, tori can also have multiple holes, with the term n-torus used for a torus with n-holes. The special case of a 2-torus is sometimes called the double torus, the 3torus is called the triple torus, and the usual single-holed torus is simply called a torus. The main characteristic of torus is on its radius, with the main radius Rmain representing the radius from the center of the hole. The subradius or also known as radius tube rtube is the radius for the tube. Figure 3.27 show a torus with the main radius of Rmain and subradius of rtube. Rmain rtube + Figure 3.27: torus with the main radius of Rmain and subradius of rtube. 77 Three types of torus (Figure 3.28), known as the standard tori, are possible, depending on the relative sizes of rtube and Rmain. Rmain > rtube corresponds to the ring torus, Rmain = rtube corresponds to a horn torus which is tangent to itself at the point (0, 0, 0), and Rmain < rtube corresponds to a self-intersecting spindle torus (Weisstein, 2005). In this research ring torus is chosen as a 3D primitive object to be implemented in DBMS. Figure 3.28: Types of Torus, Weisstein (2005). Polyhedron is also utilized to model a torus, but with a torus the polygon needs to cover the entire torus surface. It is quite complex compared with other objects due to its curvilinear shapes. Similar with sphere, its entire surface is curvilinear. Torus can be constructed from a rectangle by combining both pairs of opposite edges together to form a tube. The tube edge is then connected to form a torus shape as illustrated in Figure 3.29. 78 A B Figure 3.29: constructed torus from rectangle. It is quite hard to apply a method in Figure 3.29 in computer graphics. Thus a group of faces are needed to cover up the entire torus. Figure 3.30 shows a group of polygon i.e. rectangle covering up the entire torus surface. Figure 3.30: Collection of polygon faces to construct torus. 3.3.8 Modeling a Torus The geometry of torus is basically formed from a circle. The cross section of torus is based on circle, as well as the cross section of a torus’s tube. The basic geometry of torus that is based on a circle can be described as following Figure 3.31: 79 + Rmain rtube + Figure 3.31: circle base geometry for torus. As shown in the Figure 3.31, the black circle with radius Rmain is the main circle for torus while the red circle with radius rtube is the circle base for tube. As explained in Chapter 2, from the Cartesian coordinates, a torus azimuthally symmetric at the zaxis can be described in this equation 2.28: (c – √x2 + y2)2 + z2 = a2 (2.28) The parametric equation for torus in Chapter 2, could described point (x,y,z) on torus in this following equations 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31 x = (c + a cos v) cos u (2.29) y = (c + a cos v) sin u (2.30) z = a sin v (2.31) Where: c is the radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube a is the radius of the tube u and v is parametric variables in the interval [0,2π] The definition of variables c, a, u and v in the above equations 2.28, 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31 are best described in the Figure 2.12, 2.13 and 2.14 in Chapter 2. 80 In the above equations 2.29, 2.30 and 2.31,the variables c is equal to Rmain and a is equal to rtube. Thus, point (x,y,z) on torus surface could be described by equations 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 x = (Rmain + rtube cos v) cos u (3.6) y = (Rmain + rtube cos v) sin u (3.7) z = rtube sin v (3.8) Using the above equations 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 points could be generated on the torus surface. The following Figure 3.32 shows generated points from centre point xo, yo, zo, radius Rmain. • • • • • • r R • • • • • • • • • tube main xn, yn, zn xo, yo, zo Figure 3.32: Illustrates the generated points on torus surface based on the centre point and radius Rmain. From the generated points, each point is pointed as a centre point xn, yn, zn for radius tube rtube. Using sub radius rtube and centre point xn, yn, zn for tube, points are generated along the circle cross section of tube. This can be described by the following Figure 3.33: • • • • • • • r • R • • • • • • •• • • • • • • tube main xn, yn, zn xo, yo, zo Figure 3.33: Generated points using sub radius r along tube cross section. 81 In this experiment points generated along the main circle are 20 numbers of points while points generated along the sub circle for tube are generated with 10 numbers of points. Thus, total generated points are 200 numbers of points. This number of points has been discussed in the Chapter 1 in Scope of work. It is not restricted to generates more or less than 200 number points, but the best minimum number to form a torus in this experiment is suggested with 200 points. Upon completion of the process, each parallel point is connected by a line segment to form a polygon face. Figure 3.34 shows the complete generated points and all of the points are connected by a line segment in constructing a torus. • • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • •• •• • •• • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • Figure 3.34: Polyhedron to construct torus. 3.4 Conclusion In this chapter, the way to construct primitive objects using B-Rep method and polyhedron is revealed. Every object uses a mathematical formula to construct polyhedron with the B-Rep method. Mathematical formula is important to construct each 3D primitive object. For an example, Cartesian coordinate equation is utilized 82 as a mathematical formula to construct sphere, cone and cylinder while the parametric equation for torus is used in a torus construction. CHAPTER 4 THE IMPLEMETATIO OF 3D PRIMITIVE OBJECTS AT DBMS LEVEL 4.1 Background This chapter gives a detailed explanation of how 3D primitive objects are implemented from constructed models that were shown in Chapter 3, and explains how 3D primitive objects can be stored in a spatial DBMS. Oracle Spatial was chosen to build 3D primitive objects, instead of other spatial DBMSs. Section 4.1 discusses the possible implementation approaches, and then explains how to create 3D primitive objects. Section 4.2 details out the implementation of 3D primitive objects, besides discussing the volume and area and rotation element towards the creation of 3D primitive objects. On the other hand, Section 4.3 shows some examples of how to manipulate created 3D primitive objects. 84 4.2 Implementation Approach Conceptual models as constructed in Chapter 3 can be implemented in Oracle Spatial with different approaches. Among the provided approaches, stored procedure was chosen as a platform to implement 3D primitive objects in DBMS. This section explains how this approach works on a practical basis in Oracle Spatial. 4.2.1 Stored Procedure Stored procedure is the available subroutine applications to access a relational database system. Stored procedure is also known as proc, sproc, StoPro, or SP; it also offers advantages in the areas of development, integrity, security, performance, and memory allocation. Typically, stored procedure is used to store procedures such as data validation or access control mechanism. Stored procedure is also used to consolidate and centralize logic that was implemented in applications. Large or complex processing that may require the execution of several SQL statements is moved into stored procedures, and all applications would thus rely only on these procedures. Stored procedures are similar to User-Defined Functions (UDF). The difference is that UDF can be utilized similar to any other expression within SQL statements, whereas stored procedures must be invoked using the CALL statement. The advantage of a stored procedure is that when it is run in response to a user request, it is run directly by the database engine that usually runs on a separate database server. As a result, it has direct access to the data it needs to manipulate and only needs to send its results back to the user, doing away with the overhead of communicating large amounts of data back and forth. Due to this, stored procedure was chosen as the possible implementation approach in this research. Most 85 mainstream DBMSs including Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL support stored procedure. Stored procedure can be also implemented in a variety of programming languages such as SQL, Java, C or C++. Table 4.1 shows the list of DBMS and supported programming language for stored procedures. Table 4.1: DBMSs and supported programming language for stored procedure (Wikipedia, 2010) DBMS Implementation Language Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL and various .NET Framework languages Oracle PL/SQL or Java DB2 SQL/PL Informix SPL PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL, also use own function languages such as pl/perl or pl/php Firebird PSQL (Fyracle also supports portions of Oracle's PL/SQL) MySQL Own stored procedures, closely adhering to SQL:2003 standard As shown in Table 4.1, Oracle Spatial supports stored procedure with PL/SQL and Java language. Users can use either PL/SQL or Java or even both languages, depending on several factors. According to Mensah (2006), selecting to use PL/SQL or Java depends on the goals, requirements, the available skills within the organization; and whether there would be a future need to migrate the code in question from the database to the middle tier or vice versa. Compared to Java, PL/SQL is much more straightforward and uncomplicated. Java can be preferable when data logic has moderate SQL data access requirements and moderate computational requirements or when users already have skills in Java. Java is also preferred when one needs to accomplish things that cannot be done in PL/SQL, such as interaction with ERP systems, RMI servers, Java/J2EE, and Web services. Since the implementations of 3D primitive objects are not related to any of this, PL/SQL was chosen to implement stored procedure in Oracle DBMS. 86 PL/SQL is known as Procedural Language for Structured Query Language. It provides a server-side, stored procedural language that is easy-to-use, seamless with SQL, robust, portable, and secure. Several advantages of PL/SQL are that it supports SQL, supports object-oriented programming and gives better performance, higher productivity, full portability, tight integration with Oracle and tight security. Besides that, PL/SQL stored procedures can be solicited from a number of Oracle clients, such as Pro*C or Oracle Call Interface, and from Oracle Reports and Oracle Forms. Figure 4.1 shows the architecture of PL/SQL in Oracle database server. Figure 4.1: PL/SQL in Oracle database server (Oracle, 2007). 4.2.2 Create Procedure The constructed model of 3D primitive objects can be mapped into DBMS by creating a new procedure using PL/SQL. In PL/SQL, procedures and functions are provided to allow users to create standalone procedures or functions that are stored in 87 the database. Both the procedure and function utilize parameters, which can be of any mode. In addition, the procedure and function are different forms of PL/SQL blocks, with declarative, executable, and exception sections. Both can be stored in the database or declared within a block. However, a procedure call is a PL/SQL statement by itself, while a function call is called as part of an expression. According to Urman et. al. (2004), the choice between procedure and function generally depends on how many values the subprogram is expected to return and how those values would be used. The rule of thumb is that procedure should be used if there is more than one returns value. In this research, procedure was chosen to implement constructed 3D primitive objects at DBMS level. A procedure was introduced by the keywords CREATE PROCEDURE, followed by the procedure name and its parameters. An option is to follow up with CREATE by OR REPLACE. When a procedure is created, it is first compiled and then stored in the database in compiled form. Parameter can be passed by calling the procedure; a procedure call is a PL/SQL statement by itself and is not called as part of an expression. When a procedure is called, control passes to the first executable statement inside the procedure. When the procedure finishes, control resumes at the statement following the procedure call. Figure 4.2 illustrates the basic syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement: The body of a procedure is a PL/SQL block with declarative, executable, and exception sections. The declarative section is located between the and the BEGIN EXCEPTION IS or AS keyword. The executable section is located between the keyword BEGIN and keywords or between the BEGIN and END keywords if there is no exception- handling section. In the case that the exception section is present, it is located between the EXCEPTION and END statement therefore looks like this: keywords. The structure of a procedure creation 88 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procedure_name [parameter_list] AS /* Declarative section is here */ BEGIN /* Executable section is here */ EXCEPTION /* Exception section is here */ END [procedure_name]; Figure 4.2: The basic syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement (Urman et. al. 2004) Just as how a table can be dropped, procedures can also be dropped. This removes the procedure or function from the data dictionary. The syntax for dropping a procedure is: DROP PROCEDURE procedure_name; 89 The full structure of creating procedure for Cone looks like this: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CREATECONE (TabName VARCHAR2, ObjID NUMBER, RxK NUMBER, RyK NUMBER, RzK NUMBER) IS ObjID NUMBER (2);*/ nAng number (15,3); nCenterX number (15,3); nCenterY number (15,3); nCenterZ number (15,3); Rx NUMBER (15,4); Ry NUMBER (15,4); Rz NUMBER (15,4); nCenterXbaru number (15,3); nCenterYbaru number (15,3); nCenterZbaru number (15,3); nNewX number (15,3); nNewY number (15,3); nNewZ number (15,3); nCenterXtemp number (15,3); nCenterYtemp number (15,3); nCenterZtemp number (15,3); nHeight number (15,3); i number (3); ID number (6); TYPE newX IS VARRAY(300) OF number (15,3); TYPE newY IS VARRAY(300) OF number (15,3); TYPE newZ IS VARRAY(300) OF number (15,3); newXagain newX := newX(); newYagain newY := newY(); newZagain newZ := newZ(); nSqrt2 number (15,3); iCntrPrint number (3); anoCone mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array; anoConeID number (15); nSisi number (15,3); nArea number (15,3); BEGIN **** see appendix 90 4.2.3 Load Procedure in DBMS After the procedure was created, it must be loaded in the database and is loaded only for the first time. After that, CALL statement is used to call the procedure. Wrapping the procedure into .plb format is easier than running the long procedure code; furthermore procedure can be wrapped from command prompt. In this research, procedure is called from SQL*Plus interface. Figure 4.3 shows the successfully loaded procedure in DBMS. Figure 4.3: Procedure is created in DBMS The same steps also apply to other procedures for 3D primitive objects such as Cylinder Procedure, Sphere Procedure and Torus Procedure. To describe created procedure in DBMS describe statement, desc description of implemented procedure for cone is: SQL> desc createcone; procedure_name was used. The 91 PROCEDURE createcone Argument Name Type ------------------------------ --------TABNAME VARCHAR2 OBJID NUMBER RXK NUMBER RYK NUMBER RZK NUMBER Explanation for procedure parameters: TABNAME OBJID is the table name. is id number of object. RXK is x-plane coordinate for point. RYK is y-plane coordinate for point. RZK is z-plane coordinate for point. The full method and example for calling created procedure and creating 3D primitive objects in DBMS can be found in Section 4.3. Prior to that, Section 4.2 discussed spatial column in DBMS table and spatial indexing for spatial column. 4.3 3D Primitive Objects in DBMS The 3D primitive objects procedure was successfully loaded in DBMS, along with the utilization of the object’s table. Without a table, a procedure cannot process any input or output for 3D primitive objects. The table in database is needed to store object’s attribute i.e. semantic and spatial. Spatial attribute is stored in spatial column, which is defined as SDO_Geometry column in Oracle Spatial DBMS. As mentioned in Chapter 2, Oracle Spatial defines the object type of geometry column (Oracle, 2007). The object type of geometry column is: 92 CREATE TYPE sdo geometry AS OBJECT ( SDO GTYPE NUMBER, SDO SRID NUMBER, SDO POINT SDO POINT TYPE, SDO ELEM INFO SDO ELEM INFO ARRAY, SDO ORDINATES SDO ORDINATE ARRAY); The geometry column in Oracle Spatial DBMS is a standard format to store spatial objects. It cannot be directly modified and requires user understanding on each SDO_Geometry parameter. Geometry column is usually created together with semantic attribute column in the same table, with the users allowed the freedom to create and name their own column. But in this experiment, table structure is fixed and cannot be used in other format, with only the table name decided by the user. This is due to the created procedure in the previous section. New columns, values and formats can only be modified if the created PL/SQL is modified too. The description of created table structure for 3D primitive objects is: SQL> desc PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS; Name Null? Type -------------------------------- -------- ----------ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(250) RADIUS NUMBER(15,3) RADIUS_SUB NUMBER(15,3) CENTREPOINT_X NUMBER(18,3) CENTREPOINT_Y NUMBER(18,3) CENTREPOINT_Z NUMBER(18,3) HEIGHT NUMBER(15,3) VOLUME NUMBER(15,3) AREA NUMBER(15,3) GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY In this fixed table format, users can create any of 3D primitive objects i.e Cone, Sphere, Cylinder and Torus. Objects are stored in a different row in the table while data can be stored using INSERT INTO statement. The parameter’s columns such as radius, sub radius, control point and others are considered as required value (depends on object’s parameter) to construct 3D primitive objects in the database. 93 Geometry, volume and area are left as a null value and are updated after procedure is successfully called. Table 4.2 shows object with required parameter to run the created procedure. Table 4.2: Parameters of 3D primitive objects. Object Radius Radius_Sub CP_X CP_Y CP_Z Height Cone * * * * * Cylinder * * * * * * * * Sphere * * * Torus * * * * - required parameter to create 3D primitive objects. Each value of parameter is utilised in INSERT INTO statement as following syntax. The syntax below shows how to insert cone parameter into the table. Cone parameters are radius, coordinate x,y and z of center point and height. INSERT INTO PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS VALUES ( 1,NULL,15,NULL,10.0,10.0,10.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. 4.3.1 Indexing of Spatial Data Creating tables for 3D primitive objects is not the only matter of concern. Each table must be indexed with spatial indexes to speed up query on the tables. In addition, spatial index is considered as a logical index and entries in spatial index are dependent on geometry location in a coordinate space. Oracle provides two types of indexing, R-Tree indexing and quadtree indexing. However, quadtree indexes are 94 discouraged and users are instead encouraged to use R-Tree indexing. A spatial Rtree index can index spatial data of up to four dimensions, and approximate each geometry by a single rectangle that minimally encloses the geometry (called the minimum bounding rectangle, or MBR). Figure 4.4 shows MBR enclosing geometry. Figure 4.4: MBR enclosing the geometry. For a layer of geometries, an R-Tree index consists of a hierarchical index on the MBRs of the geometries in the layer, as shown in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.5: Example of R-Tree index for a set of points, Kothuri (2007). As shown in Figure 4.5, points are clustered into three divisions: A, B, and C. Each division is associated with an MBR that encloses the points in the subtree, and these divisions are further clustered together into a ‘root’. In this manner, an R-Tree constructs a hierarchical tree structure using the MBRs of the SDO_GEOMETRY data in a table. It then utilizes this hierarchy of MBRs to guide queries to appropriate branches of the tree and finally to the rows of the data table. Figure 4.6 illustrates how the R-tree index is stored in Oracle. The logical tree structure is stored as an Oracle table that starts with the prefix MDRT. Each node of the tree structure is stored as a separate row in this table. 95 Figure 4.6: Storage of R-Tree spatial indexes. 4.3.2 Creating Spatial Index and Spatial Index Parameter The spatial index is created with a simple syntax, which creates a spatial index on a column of type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY. Example of syntax for creating indexes is: SQL> CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX; However, spatial index may fail due to unpopulated appropriate metadata for the spatial layer. To perform validation, index creation, and querying with respect to each spatial layer (in other words, all the geometry objects in a specific SDO_GEOMETRY column of a table), the appropriate metadata is required to be specified for each layer. This includes the following information: 96 • The number of dimensions • The bounds for each dimension • The tolerance for each dimension • The coordinate system This information for each spatial layer is populated in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA dictionary view. This view has the fields as follows: SQL> DESCRIBE USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA; Name Null? Type -------------------------- -------- ---------TABLE_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(32) COLUMN_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(1024) DIMINFO MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY SRID NUMBER In a DIMINFO structure of field, the attribute for MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY must be specified. The MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY is: SQL> DESCRIBE SDO_DIM_ARRAY; SDO_DIM_ARRAY VARRAY(4) OF MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT Name Null? Type ------------------------------------------------ ----------- ---- SDO_DIMNAME VARCHAR2(64) SDO_LB NUMBER SDO_UB NUMBER SDO_TOLERANCE NUMBER It is important to set all the specify attributes in DIMINFO field and specify the suitable tolerance. Detailed explanations on inserting USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA can be found in the Oracle Spatial User Guide and Reference. The syntax of inserting USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA 3D primitive object’s table is: SQL> INSERT INTO USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DIMINFO, SRID) VALUES ( USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA attributes for a created 97 'PRIMIITVE_OBJECTS', 'GEOMETRY', MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY( MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 100000, -100000, 0.005), MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 100000, -100000, 0.005), MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('z', 100, 50, 0.005) ), NULL); After USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA has been created, creating an index should be successful and not contain an error related to USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. Creating a spatial index can require an additional PARAMETERS clause that can be used to specify a number of parameters, including where to store the index information. The syntax for creating a spatial index, including the PARAMETERS clause is: CREATE INDEX <indexname> ON <tablename>(<columnname>) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX PARAMETERS ('parameter_string'); The parameter_string is a list of parameter_name=value pairs. Some of the parameters that can be used in user applications are: TABLESPACE Parameter WORK_TABLESPACE Parameter LAYER_GTYPE Parameter SDO_INDX_DIMS Parameter SDO_DML_BATCH_SIZE Parameter SDO_LEVEL Parameter In this experiment, LAYER_GTYPE Parameter was chosen as an index parameter. LAYER_GTYPE parameter refers to the type of data in the table. If the type is mismatched with the data, an error would occur. Based on the created table in the previous section and created metadata, the spatial index for 3D primitive objects can be described as follows: 98 SQL>CREATE INDEX PrimitiveObjects_IDX ON PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS(GEOMETRY) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX PARAMETERS('layer_gtype=MULTIPOLYGON'); Index created. 4.3.3 3D Primitive Objects Procedure This section shows the example of how to call created procedure after insert statements has been successfully loaded into the data. Primitive Objects is successfully created once the syntax shows it successfully created. Example: SQL> CREATE Primitive_Objects ( ID NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(250), RADIUS NUMBER(15,3), RADIUS_SUB NUMBER(15,3), CENTREPOINT_X NUMBER(18,3), CENTREPOINT_Y NUMBER(18,3), CENTREPOINT_Z NUMBER(18,3), HEIGHT NUMBER(15,3), VOLUME NUMBER(15,3), AREA NUMBER(15,3), GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY); Table created. Insert statement for 3D primitive objects i.e. Cone, Cylinder, Sphere and Torus are: -----Cone----SQL> INSERT INTO BUILDING VALUES( 1,’Cone’,15,NULL,10.0,10.0,10.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. -----Cylinder----INSERT INTO BUILDING VALUES( 2,’Cylinder’,15,NULL,20.0,20.0,20.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 99 1 row created. -----Torus----INSERT INTO BUILDING VALUES( 3,’Torus’,150,50,30.0,30.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. -----Sphere----INSERT INTO BUILDING VALUES( 4,’Sphere’,15,NULL,40.0,40.0,40.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. The created procedures only work if insert statement had successfully stored attributes in the table’s column. The procedure is called and run with four required parameters which are: • Procedure Name • Table Name • Object ID • Rotation Axis and Rotation Angle The examples of how to call created procedure to construct 3D primitive objects in DBMS are: Call <procedure_name> (<table_name>, <object_id>, <rotation angle for axisx, rotation angle for axis-y and rotation angle for axis-z>); -----Cone----Call createcone (‘Primitive_Objects’, 1, 0,0,0); Call completed. -----Cylinder----Call createcylinder (‘Primitive_Objects’, 2, 0,0,0); Call completed. -----Torus----Call createtorus (‘Primitive_Objects’, 3, 0,0,0); Call completed. -----Sphere----Call createsphere (‘Primitive_Objects’, 4, 0,0,0); 100 Call completed. The call procedure is completed when three columns in the table i.e. area, volume and geometry column is filled with semantic and spatial attributes. Simple queries can be done directly from SQL*Plus to check the availability of the column’s attributes. 4.3.4 Volume and Area Calculation The volume and surface areas are the information that would be gathered from objects, especially 3D primitive objects. As shown in the created procedure in Section 4.2, the volume is calculated and stored directly in the Volume and Area field in the created standard table. Below is the created table structure of 3D primitive objects: SQL> desc PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(250) RADIUS NUMBER(15,3) RADIUS_SUB NUMBER(15,3) CENTREPOINT_X NUMBER(18,3) CENTREPOINT_Y NUMBER(18,3) CENTREPOINT_Z NUMBER(18,3) HEIGHT NUMBER(15,3) VOLUME NUMBER(15,3) AREA NUMBER(15,3) GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY From the table structure, it can be seen that Volume and Area fields are created together with other fields. The created procedure as shown in Section 4.1 calculates the area and volume based on inserted parameter in the INSERT INTO statement. The 101 following syntax and expression shows the process of calculating the area and volume of cone in the creation of the procedure. (a) Cone INSERT INTO PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS VALUES ( 1,NULL,15,NULL,10.0,10.0,10.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. From the INSERT INTO statement, parameter values related to area and volume computation were extracted by procedure. The extracted parameter values for calculate cone area and cone volume are: i. Radius, r: 15 ii. Height h: 30.0 From equation (2.24) in Chapter 2, surface area of cone Acone is computed as follows: s h r Acone = π r s where, (2.24) π = 3.142 r = radius s = cone side s is equal to cone side value. It is not extracted together with other parameters value. Using the extracted parameter value, s can be calculated using Pythagoras equation where: 102 c2 a2 + b2 = c2 (4.1) r2 + h2 = s2 (4.2) √ r2 + h2 = s (4.3) a2 b2 s 2 h2 r 2 Hence, surface area of cone Acone is: Acone = π r (√ r2 + h2) (4.4) By applying the extracted parameter, surface area of cone is: Acone = π r ( √ r2 + h2 ) (4.5) Acone = 3.142 X 15.0 X ( √ 15.02 + 30.02 Acone = 1580.7882 unit2 The same process also applies to calculating the volume of cone. Based on the equation (2.27) in Chapter 2, the volume of cone Vcone is: 103 h r Vcone = 1 π r2 h where, 3 (2.23) π = 3.142 r = radius h = cone height By applying the extracted parameter, volume of cone Vcone is: Vcone = 1 π r2 h 3 Vcone = 1 X 3.142 X 15.0 X 15.0 X 30.0 3 Vcone = 7069.5 unit3 Figure 4.7 shows a query on area and volume field through the primitive objects table. Figure 4.7: Area and volume value for cone 104 (b) Cylinder INSERT INTO PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS VALUES ( 2, Cylinder',15,NULL,20.0,20.0,20.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. From the INSERT INTO statement, parameter values related to area and volume computation were extracted by procedure. The extracted parameter values to calculate cylinder area and cylinder volume are: i. Radius, r: 15 ii. Height h: 30.0 From equation 2.16 in Chapter 2, the surface area of cylinder Scylinder is computed as: h r Scylinder = 2 π r2+ 2 π r h where, ( 2.16) π = 3.142 r = radius h = cylinder height By applying the extracted parameter, surface area of cylinder Scylinder is: 105 Scylinder = 2 π r2+ 2 π r h Scylinder = (2X3.142X15.0X15.0) + (2X3.142X15.0X 30.0) Scylinder = 4241.7 unit2 The same process is also applicable for calculating the volume of cone. Based on the equation (2.17) in Chapter 2, the volume of cylinder Vcylinder is: h r Vcylinder = π r2 h where, ( 2.17) π = 3.142 r = radius h = cone height By applying the extracted parameter, the volume of cylinder is: Vcylinder = π r2 h (2.17) Vcylinder = 3.142 X 15.0 X 15.0 X 30.0 Vcylinder = 21208.5 unit3 Figure 4.8 shows a query on area and volume field through the primitive objects table. 106 Figure 4.8: Area and volume value for cylinder (c) Torus INSERT INTO PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS VALUES ( 3, ’Torus', 150,50,30.0,30.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. From the INSERT INTO statement, the extracted parameter values to calculate torus area and torus volume are: i. Radius, R: 150 ii. Tube Radius, r: 50 From the equation (2.26) in Chapter 2, the surface area of torus ATorus is computed as: + Rmain rtube 107 ATorus = π2 x (Rmain)2 – (rtube)2 where, (2.26) π = 3.142 rtube = Tube radius Rmain = Radius By applying the extracted parameter, surface area of torus ATorus is: ATorus = π2 x (Rmain2 – rtube2) ATorus = ( 3.142 )2 X ( (150)2 - (50.0)2 ) ATorus = 197443.28 unit2 The same process also applies for calculating the volume of torus. Based on equation (2.27) in Chapter 2, volume of torus VTorus is: + Rmain rtube VTorus = 1 π2 X (Rmain + rtube) X (Rmain - rtube)2 4 VTorus = 1 X (3.142) 2 X (150 + 50) X (150 - 50)2 4 VTorus = 4936082 unit3 (2.27) 108 The figure 4.9: shows a query on area and volume field through primitive objects table. Figure 4.9 Area and volume value for torus (d) Sphere INSERT INTO PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS VALUES ( 4, ’Sphere',15,NULL,40.0,40.0,40.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. From the INSERT INTO statement, the extracted parameter values to calculate sphere area and torus volume are: i. Radius, r: 15 From equation (2.1) in chapter 2, the surface area of sphere Asphere is: r 109 Asphere = 4π (r)2 where, (2.1) π = 3.142 r = radius By applying the extracted parameter, surface area of sphere Asphere is: Asphere = 4π (r)2 Asphere = 4 X 3.142 X (15.0)2 Asphere = 2827.8 unit2 The same process is also applicable in calculating the volume of cone. Based on equation (2.2) in Chapter 2, the volume of sphere Vsphere is: r Vsphere = 4 π r3 3 π = 3.142 r = radius By applying the extracted parameter, the volume of sphere Vsphere is: Vsphere = 4 π r3 3 Vsphere = 4 X 3.142 X (15.0)3 3 (2.2) 110 Vsphere = 14139 unit3 Figure 4.10 shows a query on area and volume field through primitive objects table. Figure 4.10 Area and volume value for sphere 4.4 Rotation Element The rotation element should be implemented together with the created procedure, due to the object’s location and condition. Given that objects are not necessarily in an upright condition, the rotation element is therefore needed when 3D primitive objects are stored. By implementing rotation element, users are allowed to specify the exact object’s condition and location. Nevertheless, the element of rotation and how it works on oriented plane need to be fully understood. It can be quite confusing when the rotation element is dealing axis and angle. Furthermore, the rotation is in three dimension matrix. 111 According to Wikepidia (2010), there are three basic 3D rotation matrixes rotate vectors about the axis x,y and z : Rx (θ) = 1 0 0 0 0 cos θ sin θ sin θ cos θ Ry (θ) = cos θ 0 -sin θ 0 1 0 Rz (θ) = cos θ sin θ 0 -sin θ 0 cos θ 0 0 1 sin θ 0 cos θ θ is the rotation angle for the axis x,y and z. It could be described by following figure 4.11 where the direction of the arrow in degree or radiant is θ for the rotation angle. Figure 4.11: Rotation on the axis x, y and z Bethel, (2003) 112 The direction of the rotation is as follows: Rx rotates the y-axis towards the z-axis, Ry rotates the z-axis towards the x-axis, and Rz rotates the x-axis towards the y-axis. The resulting coordinates (x',y',z') for a point (x,y,z), for each of these rotations can be described in the following table 4.3. Table 4.3: Rotation matrix. x' y' Rx(θ) x y cos θ – z sin θ Ry(θ) x cos θ + z sin θ Rz(θ) x cos θ – y sin θ y z' z cos θ + y sin θ -x sin θ – z cos θ y cos θ + x sin θ z Usually in 3D space y – axis is going to the right, x– axis is going to the front and z– axis is going up. Thus, these three rotations would be counterclockwise when the third axis moves towards the observer. This direction of the rotation can be determined by the right-hand rule. In mathematics and physics, there are two rules in rotation which are the right-hand rule and left-hand rule (see figure 4.12). z z x y y x Figure 4.12: The left-handed orientation is shown on the left, and the right-handed on the right. 113 By considering the angle and axis in rotation, element of rotation is implemented together with 3D primitive objects. This rotation element is embedded in the procedure for 3D primitive object as shown in Section 4.1. The user must specify the object’s axis and angle during call procedure process in order to rotate objects when needed. For each 3D primitive object, a point of rotation is different with one another. The rotation point of cone is set up to the centre point of its circular base. This is similar for cylinder, whereby the rotation point is located at the centre point of its circular base (bottom). For torus shape, its rotation point is located at the main centre point but care must be taken to not be confused with the centre point of the tube. Last but not least, the rotation point for sphere is its centre point at xo,yo,zo. Table 4.4 describes the location of rotation point for 3D primitive objects. Table 4.4: Location of rotation point. Object Object’s Figure Location of Rotation Point Name Cone Centre point of Cone base • Centre point of Cylinder base Cylinder • Torus • Main Centre point of Torus 114 Sphere • Centre Point of Sphere Using the equations in Table 4.3, objects can be rotated at the point rotation. The rotation of 3D primitive objects towards the axis x, y and z can be described in the following paragraphs and figures. The example is based on left-handed orientation. • Rotation on Cone When no value is set for the rotation element, the cone’s position is in the right angle towards the axis x, y and z. Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,0,0); Call completed. Z • Y X When the y-axis is rotated towards the z-axis, the x of x,y,z point is fixed. Only y and z would result in new coordinates. The row below from Table 4.3 describes the statement. 115 x' y' x Rx(θ) z' y cos θ – z sin θ z cos θ + y sin θ The following procedure shows the rotation element of axis-y towards axis-z. The rotation angle for axis-x Rx(θ) is set to 90°. Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 90,0,0); Call completed. The new position of cone can be described in the following figure. Z • Y X Rotation angle for axis – y, Ry rotates the z-axis towards the x-axis. Coordinate y for point x,y,z remains in its position. As taken from Table 4.3, the rotation angle at axis – y is described in the following row. Ry(θ) x' y' z' x cos θ + z sin θ y -x sin θ – z cos θ The procedure below shows the rotation element of axis-z towards axis-x. The rotation angle for axis-y Ry(θ) is set to 90°. 116 Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,90,0); Call completed. The new position of cone can be described in the following figure. Z • Y X When the rotation angle on the axis – z is set to 90°, it rotates the x-axis towards the y-axis. Rotation angle at axis – z is described in the following row: x' Rz(θ) y' x cos θ – y sin θ y cos θ + x sin θ z' z The procedure below shows the rotation element of axis-x towards axis-y. The rotation angle for axis-z Rz(θ) is set to 90°. Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,0,90); Call completed. Z • X Y 117 4.5 Conclusion In this chapter, 3D primitive objects are created. The procedure for each objects is created using PL/SQL language in Oracle stored procedure. All of 3D primitive objects procedures are based on the constructed models shown in Chapter 3. Before the procedure is called, the table had to be created and successfully indexed. The procedure is called using call statement in SQL*Plus. Several examples on insert statement and load procedure can also be found in this chapter, along with the implementation and discussion on the rotation element for axis x,y and z. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AD QUERY 5.1 Background This chapter explains some results from the tests conducted on the implementation of 3D primitive objects in DBMS level. This chapter is divided into several sections, with Section 5.1 explaining how to visualize 3D primitive objects from DBMS. In Section 5.2, 3D primitive objects are tested using simulation data and retrieved in CAD viewer. The combination of objects are also tested and discussed in this section. Meanwhile, Section 5.3 shows some samples of 3D primitive objects using real datasets while in Section 5.4, rotation element is tested. Surface smoothness and rendering is discussed in Section 5.5 while Section 5.6 explains some simple queries towards DBMS. 119 5.2 Visualization of 3D primitive Objects. Objects stored in Oracle DBMS can be viewed through their own interface i.e. Oracle Spatial map viewer. Unfortunately this interface cannot support objects in 3D due to the absence of visualizing objects in 3D. Interoperability function is also provided by Oracle to allow users to integrate data with CAD applications. There are several CAD applications which are able to read data from spatial column in spatial DBMS, as exemplified by Bentley Map that is capable of querying data from SDO_Geometry column in Oracle. This built-in connection is also available in Autodesk product i.e. Autodesk Map 3D. The data retrieval from spatial DBMS to Bentley is explained in Figure 5.1. SDO_Geometry Column Retrieve Data Interoperability Figure 5.1: Data interoperability through Oracle and Bentley 5.3 3D Primitive Objects in DBMS In Chapter 4, the procedure to create 3D primitive objects was briefly explained. The three main steps to create 3D primitive objects are: 120 • Create Standard Table • Insert Statement • Call Procedure As mentioned in the previous chapter, the standard table structure to create 3D primitive objects is: SQL> desc PRIMITIVE_OBJECTS; Name Null? Type ------------------------------------ -------- -------------------ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(250) RADIUS NUMBER(15,3) RADIUS_SUB NUMBER(15,3) CENTREPOINT_X NUMBER(18,3) CENTREPOINT_Y NUMBER(18,3) CENTREPOINT_Z NUMBER(18,3) HEIGHT NUMBER(15,3) VOLUME NUMBER(15,3) AREA NUMBER(15,3) GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY This structure is fixed, with only the table name modifiable. Parameter values were needed to run the INSERT INTO statement and created procedure. The syntax below shows the insert into statement and call created procedure: INSERT INTO <Table_Name> VALUES ( <Object_ID>,<Object_Description>,<Radius>,<Sub_Radius>,<CenterPoint_X>,<Cent erPoint_Y>,<CenterPoint_Z>,<Height>,<Volume>,<Area>,<Geometry> ); Call <procedure_name> (<table_name>, <object_id>, <rotation angle for axisx, rotation angle for axis-y and rotation angle for axis-z>); 121 5.3.1 Cone In generating a cone, several parameters with its values had to be included in INSERT INTO statement. The parameters and values used to create cone were: • Radius, r: 15 • Centre Point xo, yo, zo: 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 • Height, h: 30.0 SQL> INSERT INTO Cone VALUES( 1,’Cone’,15,NULL,10.0,10.0,10.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. The call procedure was done after insert statement was successfully created. The syntax below shows the call procedure syntax. The rotation parts were set as ‘0’ which means no rotation element. SQL> Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,0,0); Call completed. The cone geometry was retrievable through SQL SELECT statement once call procedure was successfully created. The following syntax shows generated geometry from created procedure. SQL> SELECT GEOMETRY 2 FROM Cone 3 WHERE ID = 1; GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(3007, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1, 13, 1003, 1, 25,1003, 1, 37, 1003, 1, 49, 1003, 1, 61, 1003, 1, 73, 1003, 1, 85, 1003, 1, 97, 1003, 1, 109, 1003, 1, 121, 1003, 1, 133, 1003, 1, 145, 1003, 1, 157, 1003, 1, 169, 1003, 1, 181, 1003, 1, 193, 1003, 1, 205,1003, 1, 217, 1003, 1, 229, 1003, 1,241, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(10, 10, 40, 5.367, 24.267, 10, 10, 25, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 1.187, 22.138, 10, 5.367, 24.267, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10,40, -2.131, 18.823, 10, 1.187, 22.138, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, -4.268, 14.63, 10, -2.131, 18.823, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, -5, 9.997, 10, -4.268, 14.63,10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, -4.266, 122 5.364, 10, -5, 9.997, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, -2.136, 1.185, 10, -4.266, 5.364, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 1.18, -2.133, 10, -2.136, 1.185, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 5.359, -4.264, 10, 1.18, 2.133, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 10.006, -5, 10, 5.359, -4.264, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10,10, 40, 14.639, -4.265, 10, 10.006, -5, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 18.818, -2.134, 10, 14.639,-4.265, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 22.135, 1.182, 10, 18.818,-2.134, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 24.265, 5.361, 10, 22.135, 1.182, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 25, 9.994, 10, 24.265, 5.361, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 24.264, 14.642, 10, 25, 9.994, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 22.133, 18.82, 10, 24.264, 14.642, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 18.815, 22.136, 10, 22.133, 18.82, 10,10,10, 40, 10, 10, 40, 14.636, 24.266, 10, 18.815, 22.136, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 10,40, 10,1.187, 14.636, 24.266, 10, 10, 25, 10, 10, 10, 40, 10, 25, 10, 5.367, 24.267, 22.138, 10, -2.131, 18.823, 10, -4.268, 14.63, 10,-5,9.997, 10,- 4.266,5.364, 10, -2.136, 1.185, 10, 1.18, -2.133, 10, 5.359, -4.264, 10, 10.006, 5,10, 14.639,-4.265, 10, 18.818, -2.134, 10, 22.135, 1.182, 10, 24.265, 5.361, 10, 25, 9.994, 10, 24.264,14.642,10, 22.133, 18.82,10,18.815, 22.136, 10, 14.636,24.266, 10, 10, 25, 10)) 1 row selected. Figure 5.2 below shows a visualization of cone geometry in CAD i.e. Bentley Map. Figure 5.2: Retrieved cone datasets through CAD viewer. 123 5.3.2 Cylinder The parameters for creating a cylinder are height h, radius r and centre point xo, yo, zo. The parameters and values used to create a cone are: • Radius, r: 15 • Centre Point xo, yo, zo: 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 • Height, h: 30. SQL> INSERT INTO Cylinder VALUES( 2,’Cone’,15,NULL,20.0,20.0,20.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. The call procedure was done after insert statement was successfully created. The following syntax shows call procedure syntax. The rotation parts is set as ‘0’ which means no rotation element. SQL> Call createcylinder (‘Cylinder’, 2, 0,0,0); Call completed. By using SELECT statement, the geometry of cylinder could be queried from SQL*Plus. The syntax of the generated geometry of cylinder from the created procedure is: SQL> SELECT GEOMETRY 2 FROM CYLINDER 3 WHERE ID = 2; GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) --------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(3007, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1, 64, 1003, 1, 79,1003, 1, 94, 1003, 1, 109, 1003, 1, 124, 1003, 1, 139, 1003, 1, 154, 1003, 1, 169, 1003, 1, 184, 1003, 1, 199, 1003, 1, 214, 1003, 1, 229, 1003, 1, 244, 1003, 1, 259, 1003, 1, 274, 1003, 1, 289, 1003, 1, 304, 1003, 1, 319, 1003, 1, 334, 1003, 1, 349, 1003, 1, 364, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(20, 35, 50, 15.367, 34.267, 50, 11.187, 32.138, 50, 7.869, 28.823, 50, 5.732, 24.63, 50, 5, 19.997, 50, 5.734, 15.364, 50, 7.864, 11.185, 50, 11.18, 7.867, 50, 15.359, 5.736, 50, 20.006,5, 50, 24.639, 5.735, 50, 28.818, 7.866, 50, 32.135, 11.182, 50, 34.265, 15.361, 50, 35, 19.994, 50, 124 34.264, 24.642, 50, 32.133, 28.82, 50, 28.815, 32.136, 50,24.636, 34.266, 50, 20, 35, 50, 20, 35, 50, 15.367, 34.267, 50, 15.367, 34.267,20, 20, 35, 20, 20, 35, 50, 15.367, 34.267, 50, 11.187, 32.138, 50, 11.187, 32.138, 20, 15.367, 34.267, 20, 15.367, 34.267, 50, 11.187, 32.138, 50, 7.869, 28.823, 50, 7.869, 28.823, 20, 11.187, 32.138, 20, 11.187, 32.138, 50, 7.869, 28.823, 50, 5.732, 24.63, 50, 5.732, 24.63, 20, 7.869, 28.823, 20, 7.869, 28.823, 50,5.732, 24.63, 50, 5, 19.997, 50, 5, 19.997, 20, 5.732, 24.63, 20, 5.732, 24.63,50, 5, 19.997, 50, 5.734, 15.364, 50, 5.734, 15.364, 20, 5, 19.997, 20, 5, 19.997, 50, 5.734, 15.364, 50, 7.864, 11.185, 50, 7.864, 11.185, 20, 5.734, 15.364, 20, 5.734, 15.364, 50, 7.864, 11.185, 50, 11.18, 7.867, 50, 11.18, 7.867, 20, 7.864, 11.185, 20, 7.864, 11.185, 50, 11.18, 7.867, 50, 15.359, 5.736, 50, 15.359,5.736, 20, 11.18, 7.867, 20, 11.18, 7.867, 50, 15.359, 5.736, 50, 20.006, 5, 50,20.006, 5, 20, 15.359, 5.736, 20, 15.359, 5.736, 50, 20.006, 5, 50, 24.639, 5.735, 50, 24.639, 5.735, 20, 20.006, 5, 20, 20.006, 5, 50, 24.639, 5.735, 50, 28.818, 7.866, 50, 28.818, 7.866, 20, 24.639, 5.735, 20, 24.639, 5.735, 50, 28.818,7.866, 50, 32.135, 11.182, 50, 32.135, 11.182, 20, 28.818, 7.866, 20, 28.818, 7.866, 50, 32.135, 11.182, 50, 34.265, 15.361, 50, 34.265, 15.361, 20, 32.135, 11.182, 20, 32.135, 11.182, 50, 34.265, 15.361, 50, 35, 19.994, 50, 35, 19.994, 20,34.265, 15.361, 20, 34.265, 15.361, 50, 35, 19.994, 50, 34.264, 24.642, 50, 34.264, 24.642, 20, 35, 19.994, 20, 35, 19.994, 50, 34.264, 24.642, 50, 32.133, 28.82, 50, 32.133, 28.82, 20, 34.264, 24.642, 20, 34.264, 24.642, 50, 32.133, 28.82, 50, 28.815, 32.136, 50, 28.815, 32.136, 20, 32.133, 28.82, 20, 32.133, 28.82,50, 28.815, 32.136, 50, 24.636, 34.266, 50, 24.636, 34.266, 20, 28.815, 32.136,20, 28.815, 32.136, 50,24.636, 34.266, 50, 20, 35, 50, 20, 35, 20, 24.636, 34.266, 20, 24.636, 34.266, 50, 20, 35, 20, 15.367, 34.267, 20, 11.187, 32.138, 20,7.869, 28.823, 20, 5.732, 24.63, 20, 5, 19.997, 20, 5.734, 15.364, 20, 7.864, 11.185, 20, 11.18, 7.867, 20, 15.359, 5.736, 20, 20.006, 5, 20, 24.639, 5.735, 20,28.818, 7.866, 20, 32.135, 11.182, 20, 34.265, 15.361, 20, 35, 19.994, 20, 34.264, 24.642, 20, 32.133, 28.82, 20, 28.815, 32.136, 20, 24.636, 34.266, 20, 20, 35, 20)) 1 row selected. The retrieved geometry datasets could be mapped to CAD viewer through interoperability functions. Figure 5.3 shows rendered datasets of cylinder from Oracle to CAD viewer 125 Figure 5.3: The Geometry of Cylinder in Bentley Map. 5.3.3 Torus Several parameters with the respective values had to be included in INTO statement. The parameters and values used to create torus are: • Radius, R: 150 • Sub Radius, r: 50.0 • Centre Point xo, yo, zo: 30.0, 30.0, 30.0 SQL> INSERT INTO Torus VALUES( 3,’Torus’,150,50,30.0,30.0,30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. INSERT 126 The call procedure should be done after the insert statement is successfully created. The rotation part is set as ‘0’ which means no rotation element. The call procedure syntax is: SQL> CALL createtorus (‘Torus’, 3, 0,0,0); Call completed. The torus geometry is retrieve through SQL SELECT statement once call procedure had been successfully completed. The following syntax is generated geometry from the created procedure. SQL> SELECT GEOMETRY 2 FROM TORUS 3 WHERE ID = 3; GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(3007, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1, 16, 1003, 1, 31,1003, 1, 46, 1003, 1, 61, 1003, 1, 76, 1003, 1, 91, 1003, 1, 106, 1003, 1, 121,1003, 1, 136, 1003, 1, 151, 1003, 1, 166, 1003, 1, 181, 1003, 1, 196, 1003, 1, 211, 1003, 1, 226, 1003, 1, 241, 1003, 1, 256, 1003, 1, 271, 1003, 1, 286, 1003,1, 301, 1003, 1, 316, 1003, 1, 331, 1003, 1, 346, 1003, 1, 361, 1003, 1, 376, 1003, 1, 391, 1003, 1, 406, 1003, 1, 421, 1003, 1, 436, 1003, 1, 451, 1003, 1, 466, 1003, 1, 481, 1003, 1, 496, 1003, 1, 511, 1003, 1, 526, 1003, 1, 541, 1003, 1,556, 1003, 1, 571, 1003, 1, 586, 1003, 1, 601, 1003, 1, 616, 1003, 1, 631, 1003, 1, 646, 1003, 1, 661, 1003, 1, 676, 1003, 1, 691, 1003, 1, 706, 1003, 1, 721,1003, 1, 736, 1003, 1, 751, 1003, 1, 766, 1003, 1, 781, 1003, 1, 796, 1003, 1, 811, 1003, 1, 826, 1003, 1, 841, 1003, 1, 856, 1003, 1, 871, 1003, 1, 886, 1003,1, 901, 1003, 1, 916, 1003, 1, 931, 1003, 1, 946, 1003, 1, 961, 1003, 1, 976, 1003, 1, 991, 1003, 1, 1006, 1003, 1, 1021, 1003, 1, 1036, 1003, 1, 1051, 1003, 1,1066, 1003, 1, 1081, 1003, 1, 1096, 1003, 1, 1111, 1003, 1, 1126, 1003, 1, 1141, 1003, 1, 1156, 1003, 1, 1171, 1003, 1, 1186, 1003, 1, 1201, 1003, 1, 1216, 100, 1003, 1, 2836, 1003, 1, 2851, 1003, 1, 2866, 1003, 1, 2881, 1003, 1, 2896, 1003, 1, 2911, 1003, 1, 2926, 1003, 1, 2941, 1003, 1, 2956, 1003, 1, 2971, 1003, 1,2986, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(230, 30, 30, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 211.148,-28.827, .624, 220.46, 30, .624, 230, 30, 30, 220.46, 30, .624, 211.148, 28.827, .624, 187.345, -21.097, -17.558, 195.434, 30, -17.558, 220.46, 30, .624, 195.434, 30, -17.558, 187.345, -21.097, -17.558, 157.968, -11.557, -17.552, 164.547,30, -17.552, 195.434, 30, -17.558, 164.547, 30, -17.552, 157.968, -11.557, 17.552, 134.2, -3.838, .6, 139.557, 30, .6, 164.547, 30, -17.552, 139.557, 30, .6, 134.2, -3.838, .6, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 130, 30, 30.02, 139.557, 30, .6, 130, 30, 30.02, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 134.196, -3.837, 59.393, 139.552, 30, 59.393, 130, 30, 30.02, 139.552, 30, 59.393, 134.196, -3.837, 59.393, 157.96, -11.554, 77.549, 164.538, 30, 77.549, 139.552, 30, 59.393, 164.538, 30, 77.549, 157.96, -11.554, 77.549, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 195.472, 30, 77.546, 164.538, 30, 77.549, 195.472, 30, 77.546, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 220.455, 30, 59.384, 127 195.472, 30, 77.546, 220.455, 30, 59.384, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 230, 30, 30, 220.455, 30, 59.384, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 184.121, -81.9, .624, 211.148, -28.827, .624, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 211.148, -28.827, -34.368, .6, 110.92, -28.753, 30.02, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 134.2, -3.838, .6, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 110.92, -28.753, 30.02, 118.65, -34.365,59.393, 134.196, 3.837, 59.393, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 134.196, -3.837, 77.549, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 163.901, -67.219, 77.546, 184.117, -81.898, 59.384, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 184.117, -81.898, 59.384, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 191.841, 87.506, 30, 147.634, -131.747, 30, 142.023, -124.032, .624, 184.121,-81.9, .624, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 184.121, -81.9, .624, 142.023, -124.032, .6250.874, 30.02, 94.435, -58.599, 59.393, 118.65, -34.365, 59.393, 138.869, -49.045, 77.549, 109.131, -78.806, 77.549, 127.326, -103.823, 77.546, 163.901, -67.219, 77.546,138.869, 49.045, 77.549, 163.901, -67.219, 77.546, 127.326, -103.823, 77.546,)) 1 row selected. Figure 5.4 shows a visualization of torus geometry in CAD i.e. Bentley Map. Figure 5.4: Retrieved Geometry of Torus in Bentley Map. - 128 5.3.4 Sphere The parameters and values used to create Sphere were: • Radius, R: 150 • Sub Radius, r: 50.0 • Centre Point xo, yo, zo: 30.0, 30.0, 30.0 These parameter values had to be included during insert into statement. SQL> INSERT INTO Sphere VALUES( 4,’Sphere’,15,NULL,40.0,40.0,40.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. The call procedure should be done after insert statement is successfully created. The rotation part is set as ‘0’ which means no rotation element. The call procedure syntax for sphere is: SQL> CALL createsphere (‘Sphere’, 3, 0,0,0); Call completed. The geometry of sphere was retrievable through SQL SELECT statement once the call procedure was successfully created. Generated geometry from the created procedure are: SQL> SELECT GEOMETRY 2 FROM SPHERE 3 WHERE ID = 4; GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(3007, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1, 13, 1003, 1, 25,1003, 1, 37, 1003, 1, 49, 1003, 1, 61, 1003, 1, 73, 1003, 1, 85, 1003, 1, 97, 1003, 1, 109, 1003, 1, 121, 1003, 1, 133, 1003, 1, 145, 1003, 1, 157, 1003, 1, 169, 1003, 1, 181, 1003, 1, 193, 1003, 1, 205, 1003, 1, 217, 1003, 1, 229, 1003, 1,241, 1003, 1, 256, 1003, 1, 271, 1003, 1, 286, 1003, 1, 301, 1003, 1, 316, 1003, 1, 331, 1003, 1, 346, 1003, 1, 361, 1003, 1, 376, 1003, 1, 391, 1003, 1, 406,1003, 1, 421, 1003, 1, 436, 1003, 1, 451, 1003, 1, 466, 1003, 1, 481, 1003, 1, 496, 1003, 1, 511, 1003, 1, 526, 1003, 1, 541, 1003, 1, , 1426, 1003, 1, 1441, 1003, 1, 1456, 1003, 1, 1471, 1003, 1, 1,2809, 1003, 1, 2821, 1003, 1, 2833, 1003, 1, 2845, 1003, 1, 2857, 1003, 1, 129 2869,1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(40, 40, 55, 37.22, 48.56, 52, 40, 49, 52, 40, 40,5, 40, 40, 55, 34.712, 47.283, 52, 37.22, 48.56, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 32.721, 45.294, 52, 34.712, 47.283, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 31.439, 42.778, 52, 32.721, 45.294, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 31, 39.998, 52, 31.439, 42.778, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 31.441, 37.218, 52, 31, 39.998, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 32.718, 34.711, 52, 31.441, 37.218, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 34.708, 32.72, 52, 32.718, 34.711, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 37.215, 31.442, 52, 34.708,32.72, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 40.004, 31, 52, 37.215, 31.442, 52, 40, 40,55, 40, 40, 55, 42.783, 31.441, 52, 40.004, 31, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 45.291, 32.719, 52, 42.783, 31.441, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 47.281, 34.709, 52,45.291, 32.719, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 48.559, 37.217, 52, 47.281, 34.709,52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 49, 39.996, 52, 48.559, 37.217, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40,40, 55, 48.558, 42.785, 52, 49, 39.996, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 47.28, 45.292, 52, 48.558, 42.785, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 45.289, 47.282, 52, 47.28, 45.292, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 42.781, 48.559, 52, 45.289, 47.282, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 42.781, 48.559, 52, 40, 49, 52, **** see appendix for full row)) 1 row selected. Figure 5.5 below shows a visualization of sphere geometry in CAD i.e. Bentley Map. Figure 5.5: Visualization of Sphere. 130 With this, 3D primitive objects have been successfully implemented in DBMS level. The objects procedure were extended and modified to be used with objects based on created 3D primitive objects. The procedure was also extended to create half of the cone, half of the cylinder, half of the torus, quarter of the torus and half of the sphere or known as hemisphere. This is followed by the example of call procedure in creating these objects, as well as figures showing the retrieved objects from Bentley Map. These created objects still used the same standard table structure, same parameters and same simulation dataset as shown in previous example. 5.3.5 Half Cone To create a half cone, the following syntax was processed through SQL*Plus. This process required a table name and object id as stated in the insert into statement. In the following syntax, rotation elements remained as having as no rotation. Call createhalfcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,0,0); Call completed. With the same procedure, the half cone geometry was retrievable and viewable through front-end application i.e. Bentley Map. In Figure 5.6, different views of half cone are viewable 131 Figure 5.6: Visualization of half cone from different views. 5.3.6 Half Cylinder The syntax below was processed through SQL*Plus in order to create a half cylinder. It is not that different when compared with the procedure for creating a half cone. The difference is only in the table name and object id. In this example, rotation elements remained as having zero value. Call createhalfcylinder (‘Cylinder’, 2, 0,0,0); Call completed. 132 By using the same procedure, the half cylinder geometry could be retrieved and viewed through Bentley Map. In Figure 5.7, different views of the half cylinder can be viewed. Figure 5.7: Visualization of half cylinder from different views. 5.3.7 Half Torus Half of the torus was also created by using the same procedure as cylinder and cone. The procedure was called and run using SQL*Plus. The syntax below shows the called procedure for half of the torus. 133 Call createhalftorus (‘Torus’, 3, 0,0,0); Call completed. With the same procedure, the half torus geometry was retrievable and viewable through Bentley Map. In Figure 5.8, different views of half cylinder are shown. Figure 5.8: Visualization of half torus from different views. 134 5.3.8 Quarter Torus The procedure to create a torus was also extended for creating quarter of a torus. Quarter of torus can be created through call procedure statement. To create quarter torus, the following syntax had to be processed. Call createquartertorus (‘Torus’, 3, 0,0,0); Call completed. Figures 5.9 shows different angles or views of quarter torus. Bentley Map is connected to spatial DBMS and reads spatial column directly through interoperability function. Figure 5.9: Visualization of quarter torus from different views. 135 5.3.9 Hemisphere (Half Sphere) Half of a sphere is more familiarly known as hemisphere. In this example, an extended procedure from sphere was named as ‘createhalfsphere’ procedure. This procedure was called by using call statement in SQL*Plus. The syntax shows the call statement for half of the sphere. Call createhalfsphere (‘Sphere’, 4, 0,0,0); Call completed. Figure 5.10 shows various angles or views of quarter torus. Bentley Map is connected to spatial DBMS and reads spatial column directly through the interoperability function. Figure 5.10: Visualization of hemisphere from different views. 136 5.4 Rotation Element The 3D primitive objects constructed were also experimented with rotation element. As mentioned in Chapter 4, there are three rotation axis for each objects which is x,y,z. Each primitive object was rotated at a different rotation point respectively. (a) Rotation of Cone The following syntax shows the rotation element of axis-y towards axis-z. The rotation angle for axis-x Rx(θ) was set to 90°. Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 90,0,0); Call completed. Figure 5.11: Rotation of cone towards the axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° (right) In Figure 5.11, the left figure shows the position of cone without element of rotation. By executing rotation element on the axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° the cone was rotated from the axis-z towards the axis - y. The position of rotated cone can be seen on the right figure of Figure 5.10. For axis-y rotation, Ry(θ) = 90° : 137 Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,90,0); Call completed. Figure 5.12: Rotation of cone towards the axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° The left figure in Figure 5.12 illustrates the initial position of the cone. Only after the rotation angle of axis – y is set to 90°, the position of cone was moved as shown on the right figure of Figure 5.12. For axis-z rotation, Rz(θ) = 90° : Call createcone (‘Cone’, 1, 0,0,90); Call completed. 138 Figure 5.13: Rotation of cone towards the axis –z Rz(θ) = 90° On the left of Figure 5.13, the cone is shown without any rotation element while the cone in the right figure is with the rotation angle Rz (θ) = 90°. No changes can be seen from the above figure even though it was rotated. (b) Rotation of Cylinder The syntax below shows the rotation element of axis-y towards axis-z. The rotation angle for axis-x Rx(θ) was set to 90°. Call createcylinder (‘Cylinder’, 2, 90,0,0); Call completed. 139 Figure 5.14: Rotation of cylinder for axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° In Figure 5.14, the left figure shows the position of cylinder without element of rotation. By executing rotation element on the axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° the cylinder was rotated from the axis-z towards the axis - y. The position of rotated cylinder can be seen in the right figure of Figure 5.10. For axis-y rotation, Ry(θ) = 90° : Call createcylinder (‘Cylinder’, 2, 0,90,0); Call completed Figure 5.15: Rotation of cylinder for axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° 140 The left figure in Figure 5.15 illustrates the initial position of cylinder prior to being rotated. Only after the rotation angle of axis – y was set to 90°, the position of cylinder moved as shown on the right figure of Figure 5.15. For axis-z rotation, Rz(θ) = 90° : Call createcylinder (‘Cylinder’, 2, 0,0,90); Call completed. Figure 5.16: Rotation of cylinder for axis –z Rz(θ) = 90°. In Figure 5.16, the left figure illustrates a cylinder without any rotation element while the right figure is a cylinder with the rotation angle Rz (θ) = 90°. No changes can be seen from the above figure even though it was rotated. 141 (c) Rotation of Torus The syntax below shows the rotation element of axis-y towards axis-z. The rotation angle for axis-x Rx(θ) was set to 90°. Call createtorus (‘Torus’, 2, 90,0,0); Call completed. Figure 5.17: Rotation of torus for axis –x Rx(θ) = 90°. In Figure 5.17, the left figure illustrates the position of torus without element of rotation. By executing rotation element on the axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° the torus was rotated from the axis-z towards the axis - y. The position of rotated torus is as shown in the right figure of Figure 5.17. For axis-y rotation, Ry(θ) = 90° : Call createtorus (‘Torus’, 3, 0,90,0); Call completed. 142 Figure 5.18: Rotation of torus for axis –y Ry(θ) = 90°. The left figure in Figure 5.18 illustrates the initial position of torus before being rotated. Only after the rotation angle of axis – y was set to 90°, the position of torus was moved as shown in the right figure of Figure 5.18. For axis-z rotation, Rz(θ) = 90° : Call createtorus (‘torus’, 3, 0,0,90); Call completed Figure 5.19: Rotation of torus for axis –z Rz(θ) = 90° 143 In Figure 5.19, the left figure shows the torus without any rotation element while the right figure shows the torus with the rotation angle Rz (θ) = 90°. No changes can be seen from the above figure even though it was rotated. (d) Rotation of Sphere The syntax below shows the rotation element of axis-y towards axis-z. The rotation angle for axis-x Rx(θ) was set to 90°. Call createsphere (‘Sphere’, 2, 90,0,0); Call completed. Figure 5.20: Rotation of sphere for axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° In Figure 5.20, the left figure shows the position of sphere without element of rotation. By executing rotation element on the axis –x Rx(θ) = 90° the sphere was rotated from the axis-z towards the axis - y. The position of rotated sphere is as shown in the right figure of Figure 5.20. For axis-y rotation, Ry(θ) = 90° : Call createsphere (‘Sphere’, 3, 0,90,0); Call completed 144 Figure 5.21: Rotation of sphere for axis –y Ry(θ) = 90° The left figure in Figure 5.21 illustrates the initial position of sphere before it was rotated. Only after the rotation angle of axis – y was set to 90°, the position of sphere was moved as shown in the right figure of Figure 5.21. For axis-z rotation, Rz(θ) = 90° : Call createsphere (‘sphere’, 3, 0,0,90); Call completed. Figure 5.22: Rotation of sphere for axis –z Rz(θ) = 90° 145 In Figure 5.22, the left figure illustrates the sphere without any rotation element while the right figure shows the sphere with the rotation angle Rz (θ) = 90°. No changes can be seen from the above figure even though it was rotated. 5.5 Combination of 3D Primitive Objects Objects in the real world were mostly developed by using a combination of several objects. Therefore, there is a need to experiment with the created 3D primitive objects by combining the objects with one another. In the DBMS, the objects were stored in one table and each object was identified by a different row. The table was developed based on a standard table structure. (a) Tower Simulation The tower was built based on the combination of cylinder, sphere, cone and torus. The following statement shows the insert into statement to the table Tower. --Cone INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(1,NULL,12,NULL,20.0,20.0,120.0,73.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); --Cylinder INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(2,NULL,15,NULL,20.0,20.0,30.0,140.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); --Torus INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(3,NULL,15,3,20.0,20.0,110.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 146 INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(4,NULL,13,3,20.0,20.0,115.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(5,NULL,12,3,20.0,20.0,120.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(7,NULL,18,5,20.0,20.0,-40.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(8,NULL,15,5,20.0,20.0,-35.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(9,NULL,13,7,20.0,20.0,-30.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); --Sphere INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(6,NULL,5,NULL,20.0,20.0,160.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(10,NULL,3,NULL,20.0,20.0,179.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO TOWER VALUES(11,NULL,2.5,NULL,20.0,20.0,184.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); With the Bentley Map and Oracle verifying the connection from the interoperability function and the connection, Bentley Map retrieved spatial column and displayed the geometry as in Figure 5.23: 147 Figure 5.23: Simulation of tower structure. In Figure 5.23, the combination of several primitives was successfully stored and retrieved. During the insert statement procedure, four types of objects were stored in the Tower’s table and retrieved through front-end application as one object. (b) SALT (Southern African Large Telescope) Simulation SALT is the Southern African Large Telescope. It is the largest single optical telescope in the southern hemisphere. The building structure of SALT is based on cylinder, sphere and several basic shapes such as rectangular. This 148 experiment attempted to model SALT structure based on implemented 3D primitive objects. Figure 5.24 shows the image of SALT. Figure 5.24: SALT building structure SAOO (2010). The statement below shows the insert into statement towards the table SALT. --Cylinder INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(1,NULL,30,NULL,20.0,20.0,20.0,60.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(3,NULL,15,NULL,-15.0,-15.0,20.0,20.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(4,NULL,5,NULL,-20.0,-20.0,20.0,65.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(5,NULL,4,NULL,-20.0,-20.0,85.0,25.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(6,NULL,5.5,NULL,-19.0,-19.0,110.0,1.5,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); --Hemisphere 149 INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(2,NULL,30,NULL,20.0,20.0,80.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(7,NULL,5.5,NULL,-19.0,-19.0,111.5,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); --Torus INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(8,NULL,30,1.0,20.0,20.0,80.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO SALT VALUES(9,NULL,5,0.5,-20.0,20.0,85.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); The combination of objects was successfully stored in SALT’s table, after which the connection between Bentley Map and Oracle was verified. From the connection of Bentley Map and Oracle, the model of SALT could be retrieved and viewed as figure 5.25. Figure 5.25: Simulation of SALT building. 150 (c) Pipeline Simulation A pipeline structure can be modeled using the implemented 3D primitive objects. The structure of pipeline can be basically developed using cylinder base shape. Using the respective simulation datasets, underground pipeline was modeled using 3D primitive cylinder and torus. The figure below shows the retrieved pipeline datasets that was modeled in Bentley Map. Figure 5.26: Simulation of pipeline in various directions. In Figure 5.26, quarter of torus was used as a connecter to connect pipe bars. It is shown that the combination of 3D primitive objects i.e. quarter of torus and cylinder is capable of modeling utilities based on cylinder shape such as pipelines. In addition, this experiment also made use of the rotation element due to the various directions of pipelines. 151 5.6 3D Primitive Objects and Real Datasets The 3D primitive objects were then experimented with by utilizing the real datasets, which were based on a building in Suleymaniye area, Istanbul, Turkey. The datasets were built in CAD format and further converted to the geometry representation of Oracle Spatial. From the drawing model, only certain parts of the building were tested with 3D primitive objects in DBMS. The parts were based on implemented 3D primitives such as sphere base, cone base, cylinder base and torus base. Figure 5.27 shows the real datasets in CAD format i.e. Autodesk Map 3D. Figure 5.27: Real datasets of building tower in Suleymaniye area. The datasets of tower were captured and remodeled in CAD format as shown in Figure 5.27. Several parameters were extracted from the CAD datasets and executed in insert into statement. The extracted parameters were: 152 For tower body (cylinder base): • centre point xo,yo,zo • radius r • height h For tower roof (cone base): • center point xo,yo,zo • base radius r • height h By using the same method in previous examples, the table was first created. The parameters were later stored into the DBMS using insert into statement. The syntax below shows insert into statement for extracted parameters. SQL> INSERT INTO Tower VALUES( 1,’Cylinder’,15,NULL,40.0,40.0,40.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO Tower VALUES( 2,’Cone’,15,NULL,40.0,40.0,40.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); 1 row created. The objects were then generated and modeled by the execution of 3D primitive objects procedure. The following syntax shows call statement in constructing the tower body and roof. SQL> Call createcylinder (‘Tower’, 1, 0,0,0); Call completed. SQL> Call createcylinder (‘Tower’, 2, 0,0,0); Call completed. To model the tower exactly like in real life, the cube and faces were stored together in towers table. The cube and faces were stored using the provided procedure in Oracle Spatial. To view and map the building geometry, Bentley Map was synchronized with Oracle database to retrieve the geometry column in towers table. In Figure 5.28, the results are described and compared with the real image. 153 Figure 5.28: The real image (left) and the constructed tower using 3D primitive objects with cube and faces (right) The next example also shows a part of a building in the Suleymaniye area. In this example, hemisphere and cylinder were tested together to model the roof part. Hemisphere was used to model the dome part while cylinder was used to model the roof base. Figure 5.29 shows the image of the building used in this experimentation. 154 Figure 5.29: Image of the experimented object. Real datasets were built in CAD format; hence parameters were extracted directly from CAD format. In this example, the hemisphere and cylinder procedures were utilized to model building parts i.e. dome and roof base. Thus, parameters related to 3D primitive objects were necessitated in processing the created procedure. The paragraph below lists the required parameters. For tower body (cylinder base): • centre point xo,yo,zo • radius r • height h For dome (hemisphere base): • center point xo,yo,zo • base radius r 155 Figure 5.30: Dome in the AutoCAD format (left) and rendered datasets from DBMS (right) In Figure 5.30, it can be seen that the roof of the construction building was successfully stored and retrieved. The construction objects were modeled from the shape of cylinder and hemisphere. As explained in the previous paragraph, the parameters were extracted from CAD drawing and executed with the procedures for cylinder and hemisphere. From the result, it can be proved that modeling the construction building with 3D primitive objects does represent the same shape as the original objects. 5.7 Query Query can be performed directly to the database. The result of the query is the information that is returned by the database, depending on the user’s question. By using structured query language (SQL), users can execute the questions on SQL*Plus platform from Oracle. The statement below shows an example of query on table SALT from the previous section. 156 SQL> SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION FROM SALT WHERE ID = 1 or ID = 2; The following syntax is the retrieved information from the database. ID DESCRIPTION ----------------1 Cylinder 2 Hemisphere 2 rows selected. Another example of simple query through the SALT table is: SQL> SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION, VOLUME, AREA FROM SALT WHERE DESCRIPTION = ‘cylinder’; The return result is: ID DESCRIPTION VOLUME AREA --------------------------------------1 cylinder 169668 16966.8 3 cylinder 14139 3299.1 5 cylinder 1256.8 728.944 4 cylinder 5105.75 2199.4 6 cylinder 142.568 241.934 5 rows selected. Simple queries on the database can also be performed from Bentley Map. With the provided query function i.e. Visual Query Builder or Search in interoperability function, users can carry out queries and view the related results. Through this function, the database interprets the query and selects the related rows and columns. From that, the geometry of selected rows and columns are mapped directly in the viewer. The figure below shows an example of a query towards a Pipeline’s table and the result is shown in Figure 5.31. 157 SQL> SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION, VOLUME, HEIGHT FROM PIPELINE WHERE DESCRIPTION = ‘cylinder’; Figure 5.31: Retrieved records from DBMS through SQL function. 5.8 Surface Smoothness In computer graphics, surface smoothness is one of the factors to be achieved in modeling objects. Various studies have been done in achieving a fine surface in computer graphics, for example by Rase (2000), Liao et. al (2003), Fontana et. al (2003) and Buelow (2004). By applying related algorithms, equations and functions these researchers provided approaches, ideas and suggestions to achieve a smooth surface. In this research, no algorithms, equations and functions were applied to the objects’ surface. The implemented 3D primitive objects were basically developed 158 using several polygon faces. As a result, the object’s surface is quite rough and bumpy. The only way to make it smoother is by generating more points on the objects surface. Another factor needs to be taken into consideration in order to achieve surface smoothness in time validity and storage size. From the generated points, polygon faces were generated by connecting points with lines. According to Alliez et. al (2010), the generation of more points decreases the size of polygon faces and increases the number of polygon faces. This can be described as follows: Number of Points α 1 Polygon Size Number of Points α Storage size Implemented 3D primitive objects were then experimented by increasing the number of points on the objects’ surface. Figure 5.32 shows a torus with two different levels of surface smoothness. Figure 5.32: Different Levels of Surface Smoothness on Torus. 159 In Figure 5.32, the different levels of surface smoothness on the torus’s surface can be evidently seen. The left figure shows the low quality of surface smoothness as compared to the figure on the right. This is due to the generated number of points while constructing the objects. The torus on the left figure was generated by 200 points while the torus on the right figure was generated by 96000 points. Thus, surface smoothness can be achieved by increasing the number of points on the objects’ surface. 5.9 Conclusion In this chapter, the implemented 3D primitive objects were tested and experimented. From the experimental results, it is shown that 3D primitive objects were successfully implemented in the DBMS level. The combination of objects were also tested and modeled in DBMS. The objects were then tested with simulation datasets to model several objects such as buildings and pipeline. Real datasets were also utilized in this chapter in order to further experiment with 3D primitive objects. After that, the surface smoothness of the objects was discussed in the last section. CHAPTER 6 COCLUSIO AD RECOMMEDATIO 6.1 Conclusion This research attempts to implement 3D primitive objects in DBMS level. Four basic 3D primitive objects, which were Cone, Cylinder, Torus and Sphere, were constructed in DBMS. Based on the mathematical equation, every object was designed in the conceptual model using stored procedure. The stated objective in Chapter 1 is answered by the following paragraph: Based on the first objective, four basic primitive objects were successfully created and stored in DBMS. The objects are Cone, Cylinder, Sphere and Torus. The objects were constructed using mathematical equations as described in Section 2.1 of Chapter 2. By using the mathematical equation, the objects were then designed and modeled based on the Boundary Representation technique. This technique was briefly explained in Chapter 2 and the designed model based on that technique was illustrated in Chapter 3. Boundary Representation technique was chosen due to its simplicity and flexibility in modeling complex objects. Based on the test case in Chapter 5, the constructed object based on this technique produced the desired result. 161 The conceptual model of those objects was developed using Stored Procedure module in Oracle Spatial DBMS. PL/SQL was used as a language to construct objects and map the procedure in Oracle Spatial. This method can be found in Chapters 3 and 4. By using Stored Procedure, each primitive object was developed with its own procedure and uniquely named such as createcylinder procedure, createsphere procedure and createcone procedure, createtorus procedure. Parameters were needed to execute the created procedure, with every primitive object having its own parameters such as radius, centre point, height and many more. Using a call statement in each procedure produced one of the 3D primitive objects. In Chapters 3 and 4, a brief explanation and method can be found regarding how to use call statement. The only way to prove that 3D primitive objects were successfully created and stored in DBMS is by examining the row in the database. The database for each object was designed by using a standard table as shown in Chapter 4. Users are required to use the standard table prior to creating and storing 3D primitive objects. Based on the created standard table, the second objective in this research has been fulfilled. However, several steps need to be made aware of when creating a database of 3D primitive objects such as updating USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA and indexing the table. All these issues were discussed in Chapter 4 under several sections such as section 4.2.1 Indexing of Spatial Data and 4.2.2 Creating Spatial Index and Spatial Index Parameter. The proposed 3D primitive objects in Chapter 1 i.e. Cone, Cylinder, Sphere and Torus were successfully created and stored in the database. To verify the stored objects, a front-end application i.e. Bentley map was used to query and render the objects. The objects that were tested and visualized are as illustrated in Chapter 5. In addition, utilizing the interoperability function that was provided by both Bentley and Oracle software allowed for the retrieval of the 3D primitive objects by accessing the geometry column. Other information and attribute could also be accessed by using this function. The results in Chapter 5 proved that both objectives 1 and 2 had been successfully implemented. 162 In this research, four primitive volumetric objects were proposed to be implemented in DBMS level. The objects were then extended to create various object shapes based on the original one. The extended shapes of objects were half of the cone, half of the cylinder, half of the sphere or hemisphere, half of the torus and quarter of the torus. With these extended shapes, users can have a variety of choice. The implementation of these extended objects is similar to the implementation of four proposed objects as explained in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. These extended objects were also tested and the result is shown in Chapter 5. The rotation element was also embedded in the objects procedure, as every procedure must be executed with rotation element along with parameters. In Chapter 4 a brief explanation and example of Matrix Rotation was discussed and reviewed. The rotation element rotates the object towards the axis x,y and z and users are required to understand the direction of rotation before executing the created procedure. Every object i.e. cone, cylinder, sphere and torus were successfully experimented with the rotation element, with the results shown in Chapter 5. The 3D primitive objects were also tested to be combined with one or more objects, given that the combination of objects could produce other shapes or objects. Several simulation datasets were built, and the results shown in Chapter 5. From the results, it was proven that the implementation of 3D primitive objects is not limited to producing single basic objects but could be extended to produce more complex objects. Furthermore, it is important to test the objects or created procedure with the real datasets. From the real datasets, only required parameters were extracted. This research utilized real datasets in CAD format, with the advantage that is quite easy and simple to extract parameters from the CAD format and transform it to the procedure order. The experiments using real datasets required the utilization of all the provided function and object’s capability such as objects rotation and combination. The test cases of this experiment were buildings from Suleymaniye area, Istanbul, Turkey. The test results are as shown in Chapter 5. 163 As mentioned in Chapter 2, the major disadvantage in using the provided method in DBMS to construct 3D objects is that the DBMS cannot recognize the object as a 3D object. Thus, no volume computation could be done on the objects. This research attempted to address this issue by suggesting and implementing a simple solution of calculating the objects volume and area from the object’s parameter. Hence users can simply retrieve the volume and area information through a simple query towards the DBMS. In the process of implementing 3D primitive objects, several problems and difficulties were found due to several weaknesses that need to be investigated in any future studies. A problem of 3D primitive objects is its surfaces, whereby they may look quite rough and bumpy. This problem was discussed in the last section of Chapter 5. To obtain a smooth surface, it was suggested that more points should be generated. To achieve this objective, however, users cannot simply add the number of points unless the procedure’s program has been modified. In Oracle, the number of points to be stored in geometry column has been limited to 999 points. But compared with the multipolygon method or face by face method in Oracle DBMS, the created procedure allows users to conduct more than 999 points. Users may face a problem when the table is restricted to a standard table. The standard table can be reviewed in Chapter 4. This is because different users may have different information to be stored in the table, and thus require more columns to store the information. The only solution to this problem is to add the required column manually using alter table command. Through this method, users can use a standard table and simply add on any required columns. Using a Bentley as front-end application may give an advantage through its interoperability function. However, the concern here is the compatibility of the version to be used with the Oracle DBMS. Problems may arise if the version of Oracle DBMS and Bentley are not compatible with each other, and as a result users 164 may experience several errors. For an example, a different version of Bentley supports a different type of index parameter. Index parameter has been explained in Chapter 4. In this research the utilized type of index parameter is parameter. The LAYER_GTYPE LAYER_GTYPE parameter was chosen due to its compatibility with Bentley Map and Oracle 11g. Nevertheless users may experience error if SDO_INDX_DIMS parameter is utilized with this version of Bentley Map and Oracle. According to Bentley (2010), only the latest version of Bentley products i.e. Bentley Power Map V8i together with Oracle 11g Release 2 database has resolved this problem. Thus it is necessary to check the compatible version and suitable index parameter in this research. From the above discussion, 3D primitive objects have been successfully implemented in DBMS level. The implementation and the development of the database were also successful. As a conclusion, both of the objectives in this research have been achieved. 6.2 Recommendation Several recommendations for further research could be made: • It would be interesting to have more 3D volumetric objects in DBMS. The currently supported 3D geometry types in Oracle are still limited, and this research only focuses on four 3D primitive objects. Other 3D primitive objects such as tube, pyramid and extended 3D primitive such as Filleted Cube, Spindle, Bevelled Cylinder, Torus Knot and many more could be implemented. • In this research, boundary representation technique was utilized as a technique to model 3D primitive objects. It would be interesting if 3D 165 primitive objects are utilized using other techniques such as CSG and Decomposition Model. • Boolean operation is applied in CSG modeling technique. One of the advantages of B-Rep method is that it can imitate CSG modeling. Thus the idea of applying Boolean operation with B-rep method can be of interest. Suggested Boolean operators are union A+B, intersection A ∩ B, differences A-B and B-A and symmetric difference, (A-B)+(B-A). • To achieve the surface smoothness for the 3D volumetric objects, suitable algorithms, equations and functions from computer graphics could be applied while structuring the 3D primitive objects procedure. Several researches from computer graphics on surface smoothness might be useful in addressing this issue such as Rase (2000), Tasdizen (2002), Liao et. al (2003), Fontana et. al (2003) and Buelow (2004). • No topological element embedded within the objects. Thus it’s hard to execute an analysis on the objects. 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APPEDIX A Procedure of creating object 174 APPEDIX A **Procedure of creating cone** CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CREATECONE (TabName VARCHAR2, ObjID NUMBER, RxK NUMBER, RyK NUMBER, RzK NUMBER) IS TabName VARCHAR2 (10); ObjID NUMBER (2); Rx NUMBER (15,4); Ry NUMBER (15,4); Rz NUMBER (15,4); nCenterXbaru number (15,3); nCenterYbaru number (15,3); nCenterZbaru number (15,3); nNewX number (15,3); nNewY number (15,3); nNewZ number (15,3); nCenterXtemp number (15,3); nCenterYtemp number (15,3); nCenterZtemp number (15,3); nHeight number (15,3); i number (3); z number (3); ID number (6); TYPE newX IS VARRAY(300) OF number (15,3); TYPE newY IS VARRAY(300) OF number (15,3); TYPE newZ IS VARRAY(300) OF number (15,3); newXagain newX := newX(); newYagain newY := newY(); newZagain newZ := newZ(); nSqrt1 number (15,3); nSqrt2 number (15,3); iCntrPrint number (3); anoCone mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array anoConeID number (15); nSisi number (15,3); nArea number (15,3); nVolume number (15,3); BEGIN /*TabName := ''; ObjID := 1; Rx := 45; Ry := 0; Rz := 0;*/ i := 0; 175 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT CENTREPOINT_X WHERE ID =' || ObjID into nCenterX ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT CENTREPOINT_Y WHERE ID =' || ObjID into nCenterY ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT CENTREPOINT_Z WHERE ID =' || ObjID into nCenterZ ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT Height FROM ' ID =' || ObjID into nHeight ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT Radius FROM ' ID =' || ObjID into nRadius ; FROM ' || TabName || ' FROM ' || TabName || ' FROM ' || TabName || ' || TabName || ' WHERE || TabName || ' WHERE nCenterXtemp := 0; nCenterYtemp := 0; nCenterZtemp := 0 + nHeight; IF RxK <> 0 THEN nCenterXbaru := nCenterXtemp; nCenterYbaru := (nCenterYtemp * COS (Rx)) + ((nCenterZtemp) * SIN (Rx)); nCenterZbaru := ((nCenterZtemp * COS(Rx)) (nCenterYtemp * SIN(Rx))); nCenterXtemp := nCenterXbaru; nCenterYtemp := nCenterYbaru; nCenterZtemp := nCenterZbaru; END IF; IF RyK <> 0 THEN nCenterXbaru := ((nCenterXtemp * COS(Ry)) (nCenterZtemp * SIN(Ry))); nCenterYbaru := nCenterYtemp; nCenterZbaru := ((nCenterXtemp) * SIN(Ry)) + (nCenterZtemp * COS(Ry)); nCenterXtemp := nCenterXbaru; nCenterYtemp := nCenterYbaru; nCenterZtemp := nCenterZbaru; END IF; IF RzK <> 0 THEN nCenterXbaru := ((nCenterXtemp * COS(Rz)) + (nCenterYtemp * SIN(Rz))); nCenterYbaru := ((nCenterYtemp * COS(Rz)) (nCenterXtemp * SIN(Rz))); nCenterZbaru := nCenterZtemp; nCenterXtemp := nCenterXbaru; nCenterYtemp := nCenterYbaru; nCenterZtemp := nCenterZbaru; END IF; newXagain.extend; newYagain.extend; newZagain.extend; newXagain (1) := nCenterXtemp + nCenterX; newYagain (1) := nCenterYtemp + nCenterY; newZagain (1) := nCenterZtemp + nCenterZ; 176 i := 0; for z in 1..20 loop nCenterXtemp := 0; nCenterYtemp := 0; nCenterZtemp := 0; nAng := 2 * ASIN(-1) * i / 360; --angle is 2 pi x i / 360. nNewX := nRadius * SIN(nAng) + nCenterXtemp; nNewY := nRadius * COS(nAng) + nCenterYtemp; nNewZ := nCenterZtemp; IF RxK <> 0 THEN nCenterXbaru := nNewX; nCenterYbaru := (nNewY * COS (Rx)) + ((nNewZ) * SIN (Rx)); nCenterZbaru := ((nNewZ * COS(Rx)) - (nNewY * SIN(Rx))); nNewX := nCenterXbaru; nNewY := nCenterYbaru; nNewZ := nCenterZbaru; END IF; IF RyK <> 0 THEN nCenterXbaru := ((nNewX * COS(Ry)) - (nNewZ * SIN(Ry))); nCenterYbaru := nNewY; nCenterZbaru := ((nNewX) * SIN(Ry)) + (nNewZ * COS(Ry)); nNewX := nCenterXbaru; nNewY := nCenterYbaru; nNewZ := nCenterZbaru; END IF; IF RzK <> 0 THEN nCenterXbaru := ((nNewX * COS(Rz)) + (nNewY * SIN(Rz))); nCenterYbaru := (nNewY * COS(Rz)) - (nNewX * SIN(Rz)); nCenterZbaru := nNewZ; nNewX := nCenterXbaru; nNewY := nCenterYbaru; nNewZ := nCenterZbaru; END IF; newXagain.extend; newYagain.extend; newZagain.extend; newXagain (ID) := nNewX + nCenterX; newYagain (ID) := nNewY + nCenterY; newZagain (ID) := nNewZ + nCenterZ; ID := ID + 1; i := i + 36; end loop; anoCone := mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array (); anoConeID := 0; 177 ID := 2; iCntrPrint := 0; for z in 1..19 loop anoCone.EXTEND (12); anoCone(anoConeID + 1) := newXagain(1); coordinate anoCone(anoConeID + 2) := newYagain(1); anoCone(anoConeID + 3) := newZagain(1); anoCone(anoConeID + 4) := newXagain(ID + 1); coordinate anoCone(anoConeID + 5) := newYagain(ID + 1); anoCone(anoConeID + 6) := newZagain(ID + 1); anoCone(anoConeID + 7) := newXagain(ID); coordinate anoCone(anoConeID + 8) := newYagain(ID); anoCone(anoConeID + 9) := newZagain(ID); anoCone(anoConeID + 10) := newXagain(1); coordinate anoCone(anoConeID + 11) := newYagain(1); anoCone(anoConeID + 12) := newZagain(1); anoConeID := anoConeID + 12; ID := ID + 1; iCntrPrint := iCntrPrint + 1; IF iCntrPrint = 19 THEN --ID := ID + 1; anoCone.EXTEND (12); anoCone(anoConeID + 1) := newXagain(1); -- 1st -- 2nd -- 3rd -- 4th -- 1st coordinate anoCone(anoConeID + 2) := newYagain(1); anoCone(anoConeID + 3) := newZagain(1); anoCone(anoConeID + 4) := newXagain(ID); -- 2nd anoCone(anoConeID + 5) := newYagain(ID); anoCone(anoConeID + 6) := newZagain(ID); anoCone(anoConeID + 7) := newXagain(2); -- 3rd anoCone(anoConeID + 8) := newYagain(2); anoCone(anoConeID + 9) := newZagain(2); anoCone(anoConeID + 10) := newXagain(1); -- 4th coordinate coordinate coordinate anoCone(anoConeID + 11) := newYagain(1); anoCone(anoConeID + 12) := newZagain(1); anoConeID := anoConeID + 12; iCntrPrint := 0; END IF; end loop; ID := 2; for z in 1..20 loop iCntrPrint := iCntrPrint + 1; anoCone.EXTEND (3); anoCone(anoConeID + 1) := newXagain(ID); anoCone(anoConeID + 2) := newYagain(ID); anoCone(anoConeID + 3) := newZagain(ID); anoConeID := anoConeID + 3; ID:= ID + 1; IF iCntrPrint = 20 THEN 178 anoCone.EXTEND (3); anoCone(anoConeID + 1) := newXagain(2); anoCone(anoConeID + 2) := newYagain(2); anoCone(anoConeID + 3) := newZagain(2); anoConeID := anoConeID + 3; iCntrPrint := 0; END IF; end loop; END; / APPEDIX B Table’s structure in database 180 APPEDIX B ************************ Table Pipeline******************************* SQL> DESC PIPELINE; Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------ID NOT NULL DESCRIPTION RADIUS RADIUS_SUB CENTREPOINT_X CENTREPOINT_Y CENTREPOINT_Z HEIGHT MATERIAL VOLUME AREA GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Type ---------------NUMBER(6) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(15,3) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) ************************ Table Tower_519***************************** SQL> DESC Tower_519; Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------ID NOT NULL DESCRIPTION RADIUS RADIUS_SUB CENTREPOINT_X CENTREPOINT_Y CENTREPOINT_Z HEIGHT MATERIAL VOLUME AREA GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Type ---------------NUMBER(6) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(15,3) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) 181 ************************ Table Roof_576***************************** SQL> DESC Roof_576; Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------ID NOT NULL DESCRIPTION RADIUS RADIUS_SUB CENTREPOINT_X CENTREPOINT_Y CENTREPOINT_Z HEIGHT MATERIAL VOLUME AREA GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Type ---------------NUMBER(6) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(15,3) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) ************************ Table Tower***************************** SQL> DESC Tower; Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------ID NOT NULL DESCRIPTION RADIUS RADIUS_SUB CENTREPOINT_X CENTREPOINT_Y CENTREPOINT_Z HEIGHT MATERIAL VOLUME AREA GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Type ---------------NUMBER(6) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(15,3) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) ************************ Table SALT***************************** SQL> DESC SALT; Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------ID NOT NULL DESCRIPTION RADIUS RADIUS_SUB CENTREPOINT_X CENTREPOINT_Y CENTREPOINT_Z HEIGHT MATERIAL VOLUME AREA GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Type ---------------NUMBER(6) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(18,3) NUMBER(15,3) VARCHAR2(250) NUMBER(15,3) NUMBER(15,3) APPEDIX C Example of query results 183 APPEDIX C ****************************** Query 1 ***************************** SQL> SELECT GEOMETRY 2 FROM SPHERE 3 WHERE ID = 4; GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------SDO_GEOMETRY(3007, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1, 13, 1003, 1, 25,1003, 1, 37, 1003, 1, 49, 1003, 1, 61, 1003, 1, 73, 1003, 1, 85, 1003, 1, 97, 1003, 1, 109, 1003, 1, 121, 1003, 1, 133, 1003, 1, 145, 1003, 1, 157, 1003, 1, 169, 1003, 1, 181, 1003, 1, 193, 1003, 1, 205, 1003, 1, 217, 1003, 1, 229, 1003, 1,241, 1003, 1, 256, 1003, 1, 271, 1003, 1, 286, 1003, 1, 301, 1003, 1, 316, 1003, 1, 331, 1003, 1, 346, 1003, 1, 361, 1003, 1, 376, 1003, 1, 391, 1003, 1, 406,1003, 1, 421, 1003, 1, 436, 1003, 1, 451, 1003, 1, 466, 1003, 1, 481, 1003, 1, 496, 1003, 1, 511, 1003, 1, 526, 1003, 1, 541, 1003, 1, , 1426, 1003, 1, 1441, 1003, 1, 1456, 1003, 1, 1471, 1003, 1, 1,2809, 1003, 1, 2821, 1003, 1, 2833, 1003, 1, 2845, 1003, 1, 2857, 1003, 1, 2869,1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(40, 40, 55, 37.22, 48.56, 52, 40, 49, 52, 40, 40,5, 40, 40, 55, 34.712, 47.283, 52, 37.22, 48.56, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 32.721, 45.294, 52, 34.712, 47.283, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 31.439, 42.778, 52, 32.721, 45.294, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 31, 39.998, 52, 31.439, 42.778, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 31.441, 37.218, 52, 31, 39.998, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 32.718, 34.711, 52, 31.441, 37.218, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 34.708, 32.72, 52, 32.718, 34.711, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 37.215, 31.442, 52, 34.708,32.72, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 40.004, 31, 52, 37.215, 31.442, 52, 40, 40,55, 40, 40, 55, 42.783, 31.441, 52, 40.004, 31, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 45.291, 32.719, 52, 42.783, 31.441, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 47.281, 34.709, 52,45.291, 32.719, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 48.559, 37.217, 52, 47.281, 34.709,52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 49, 39.996, 52, 48.559, 37.217, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40,40, 55, 48.558, 42.785, 52, 49, 39.996, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 47.28, 45.292, 52, 48.558, 42.785, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 45.289, 47.282, 52, 47.28, 45.292, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 42.781, 48.559, 52, 45.289, 47.282, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 42.781, 48.559, 52, 40, 49, 52, 52, 34.708,32.72, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 40.004, 31, 52, 37.215, 31.442, 52, 40, 40,55, 40, 40, 55, 42.783, 31.441, 52, 40.004, 31, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 45.291, 32.719, 52, 42.783, 31.441, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 47.281, 34.709, 52,45.291, 32.719, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 48.559, 37.217, 52, 47.281, 34.709,52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 49, 39.996, 52, 48.559, 37.217, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40,40, 55, 48.558, 42.785, 52, 49, 39.996, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 47.28, 45.292, 52, 48.558, 42.785, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 45.289, 47.282, 52, 47.28, 45.292, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 42.781, 48.559, 52, 45.289, 47.282, 52, 40, 40, 55, 40, 40, 55, 42.781, 48.559, 52, 40, 49, 52, 11.554, 77.549, 164.538, 30, 77.549, 139.552, 30, 59.393, 164.538, 30, 77.549, 157.96, -11.554, 77.549, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 195.472, 30, 77.546, 184 164.538, 30, 77.549, 195.472, 30, 77.546, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 211.143, 28.825, 59.384, 220.455, 30, 59.384, 195.472, 30, 77.546, 220.455, 30, 59.384, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 230, 30, 30, 220.455, 30, 59.384, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 184.121, -81.9, .624, 211.148, -28.827, .624, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 211.148, -28.827, -34.368, .6, 110.92, -28.753, 30.02, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 134.2, -3.838, .6, 125.111, .887, 30.02, 110.92, -28.753, 30.02, 118.65, -34.365,59.393, 134.196, -3.837, 59.393, 125.111, -.887, 30.02, 134.196, -3.837, 77.549, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 163.901, -67.219, 77.546, 184.117, -81.898, 59.384, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 187.381, -21.109, 77.546, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 184.117, -81.898, 59.384, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 220.221, -31.773, 30, 211.143, -28.825, 59.384, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 147.634, -131.747, 30, 142.023, -124.032, .624, 184.121,-81.9, .624, 191.841, -87.506, 30, 184.121, -81.9, .624, 142.023, 124.032, .6250.874, 30.02, 94.435, -58.599, 59.393, 118.65, -34.365, 59.393, 138.869, -49.045, 77.549, 109.131, -78.806, 77.549, 127.326, -103.823, 77.546, 163.901, -67.219, 77.546,138.869, -49.045, 77.549, 163.901, -67.219, 77.546, 127.326, -103.823, 77.546)) 1 row selected. ****************************** Query 2***************************** SQL> SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION, VOLUME, AREA, GEOMETRY 2 FROM PIPELINE 3 WHERE ID = 5; ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 cylinder .491 4.32 SDO_GEOMETRY(3007, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1, 64, 1003, 1, 79, 1003, 1, 94, 1003, 1, 109, 1003, 1, 124, 1003, 1, 139, 1003, 1, 154, 1003, 1, 16 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------- 185 GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9, 1003, 1, 184, 1003, 1, 199, 1003, 1, 214, 1003, 1, 229, 1003, 1, 244, 1003, 1 , 259, 1003, 1, 274, 1003, 1, 289, 1003, 1, 304, 1003, 1, 319, 1003, 1, 334, 100 3, 1, 349, 1003, 1, 364, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(4.88822313, 8.92651458, -. 251, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.74122313, 8.92651458, -.203, 4.68622313, 8 .92651458, -.148, 4.65022313, 8.92651458, -.078, 4.63822313, 8.92651458, -.001, ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.65022313, 8.92651458, .076, 4.68622313, 8.92651458, .146, 4.74122313, 8.926514 58, .201, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, .237, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, .249, 4.96522313 , 8.92651458, .237, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, .201, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, .146, 5.12622313, 8.92651458, .076, 5.13822313, 8.92651458, -.001, 5.12622313, 8.92651 458, -.078, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, -.148, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, .203, 4.9652 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, -.251, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.74122313, 8.92651458, -.203, 4.74122313, 6.42651458, -.202, 4.81122313, 6.42651458, -.238, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.68622313, 8.92651458, -.148 , 4.65022313, 8.92651458, -.078, 4.65022313, 6.42651458, -.077, 4.68622313, 6.42 651458, -.147, 4.68622313, 8.92651458, -.148, 4.63822313, 8.92651458, -.001, 4.6 ID ---------- 186 DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5022313, 8.92651458, .076, 4.65022313, 6.42651458, .077, 4.63822313, 6.42651458, 0, 4.63822313, 8.92651458, -.001, 4.68622313, 8.92651458, .146, 4.74122313, 8.9 2651458, .201, 4.74122313, 6.42651458, .202, 4.68622313, 6.42651458, .147, 4.686 22313, 8.92651458, .146, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, .237, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, . 249, 4.88822313, 6.42651458, .25, 4.81122313, 6.42651458, .238, 4.81122313, 8.92 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------651458, .237, 4.96522313, 8.92651458, .237, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, .201, 5.0352 2313, 6.42651458, .202, 4.96522313, 6.42651458, .238, 4.96522313, 8.92651458, .2 37, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, .146, 5.12622313, 8.92651458, .076, 5.12622313, 6.42 651458, .077, 5.09022313, 6.42651458, .147, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, .146, 5.1382 2313, 8.92651458, -.001, 5.12622313, 8.92651458, -.078, 5.12622313, 6.42651458, ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.077, 5.13822313, 6.42651458, 0, 5.13822313, 8.92651458, -.001, 5.09022313, 8.9 2651458, -.148, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, -.203, 5.03522313, 6.42651458, -.202, 5. 09022313, 6.42651458, -.147, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, -.148, 4.96522313, 8.926514 58, -.239, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, -.251, 4.88822313, 6.42651458, .25, 4.965223 187 13, 6.42651458, -.238, 4.96522313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, -. ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------251, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.81122313, 6.42651458, -.238, 4.88822313, 6 .42651458, -.25, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, -.251, 4.74122313, 8.92651458, -.203, 4 .68622313, 8.92651458, -.148, 4.68622313, 6.42651458, -.147, 4.74122313, 6.42651 458, -.202, 4.74122313, 8.92651458, -.203, 4.65022313, 8.92651458, .078, 4.6382 2313, 8.92651458, -.001, 4.63822313, 6.42651458, 0, 4.65022313, 6.42651458, -.07 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7, 4.65022313, 8.92651458, -.078, 4.65022313, 8.92651458, .076, 4.68622313, 8.92 651458, .146, 4.68622313, 6.42651458, .147, 4.65022313, 6.42651458, .077, 4.6502 2313, 8.92651458, .076, 4.74122313, 8.92651458, .201, 4.81122313, 8.92651458, .2 37, 4.81122313, 6.42651458, .238, 4.74122313, 6.42651458, .202, 4.74122313, 8.92 651458, .201, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, .249, 4.96522313, 8.92651458, .237, 4.9652 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2313, 6.42651458, .238, 4.88822313, 6.42651458, .25, 4.88822313, 8.92651458, .24 188 9, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, .201, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, .146, 5.09022313, 6.426 51458, .147, 5.03522313, 6.42651458, .202, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, .201, 5.12622 313, 8.92651458, .076, 5.13822313, 8.92651458, -.001, 5.13822313, 6.42651458, 0, 5.12622313, 6.42651458, .077, 5.12622313, 8.92651458, .076, 5.12622313, 8.92651 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------458, -.078, 5.09022313, 8.92651458, -.148, 5.09022313, 6.42651458, .147, 5.1262 2313, 6.42651458, -.077, 5.12622313, 8.92651458, -.078, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, -.203, 4.96522313, 8.92651458, -.239, 4.96522313, 6.42651458, -.238, 5.03522313, 6.42651458, -.202, 5.03522313, 8.92651458, -.203, 4.88822313, 6.42651458, -.25, 4.81122313, 6.42651458, -.238, 4.74122313, 6.42651458, -.202, 4.68622313, 6.426 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------51458, -.147, 4.65022313, 6.42651458, -.077, 4.63822313, 6.42651458, 0, 4.650223 13, 6.42651458, .077, 4.68622313, 6.42651458, .147, 4.74122313, 6.42651458, .202 , 4.81122313, 6.42651458, .238, 4.88822313, 6.42651458, .25, 4.96522313, 6.42651 458, .238, 5.03522313, 6.42651458, .202, 5.09022313, 6.42651458, .147, 5.1262231 3, 6.42651458, .077, 5.13822313, 6.42651458, 0, 5.12622313, 6.42651458, -.077, 5 ID ---------DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME AREA ---------- ---------- 189 GEOMETRY(SDO_GTYPE, SDO_SRID, SDO_POINT(X, Y, Z), SDO_ELEM_INFO, SDO_ORDINATES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.09022313, 6.42651458, -.147, 5.03522313, 6.42651458, -.202, 4.96522313, 6.42651 458, -.238, 4.88822313, 6.42651458, -.25))