Final Report Template Calvin Off-Campus Programs

Final Report Template
Calvin Off-Campus Programs
As you wind down your time as Program director please review the following items and let us
know how the semester went. Although time consuming, I believe that the evaluation process is
an integral part of delivering an off-campus semester offering a mechanism for us to monitor the
program and make changes where necessary. It also provides an invaluable resource to future
program directors. Feel free to use bullet points and to add topics to address. As always we
appreciate the work that you do/have done to offer “the Calvin Experience” throughout the
world. Please contact Don DeGraaf ( if you have any questions, concerns,
or comments.
Semester Program
Semester/Year of the Program
Director submitting the report
I. Highlights of the semester: What things went well? What did you enjoy? What were
highlights for students?
II. Challenges/Concerns/Areas to address: What challenges should Off-Campus Programs be
aware of? What concerns should we try to address as soon as possible? Please make sure to
include a report on any crimes or loss of property while off-campus.
III. Off-Campus Program Goals and Assessment: Please reflect a bit on the following chart and
offer your input on how and if we are accomplishing these goals. As we look to do more
assessment on our programs your input is greatly appreciated
General Goals
Specific outcomes
Promote disciplinary
and/or interdisciplinary
General knowledge of
the world
Broader view of the
Language acquisition
Relationship building
Independence and
Self confidence
Self awareness
Cultivate empathy
Exploration of Christian
Personal faith
Better understanding of
the Reformed worldview
connected to being and
Promote intercultural
social/emotional growth
Promote spiritual/faith
Strategic steps taken
to accomplish goal
Markers of Expected
IV. Appendices: Please use this section to add materials that would be helpful to future directors.
What do you wish you had known before doing your semester? The following is a potential
list of topics to address. Feel free to add or subtract from this list as you see fit.
Contact List: List of important contacts and a description of the capacities in which they assisted you.
Director logistics: Evaluate director housing and overall living situation of the semester. Any specific
changes that you would propose? Key contact information for setting up housing, etc.
Student Interaction: List any innovative ideas you used to foster student interaction with each other,
host families, host nationals and/or the overall culture in which you were a part.
Student Housing: Evaluate student housing, any concerns or possible changes.
Curriculum suggestions: Identify any suggestions for improving the overall curriculum. ?
Class Evaluations: For semesters where students have choices in terms of the classes they take at a
local university, have students rate their classes and instructors by writing a 3 to 5 sentence review of the
course. Future students may use this list to identify potential classes to take during their semester.
Service Learning Opportunities: Identify potential opportunities (if any) for service learning
during the semester. Who might serve as key contacts to set up service learning opportunities for students?
Syllabi: Include all syllabi of the classes taught during the semester.
Cultural Excursions: List, describe and evaluate each of the cultural experiences you planned for the
group throughout the semester. Any recommendations for the future? Include contact information for
setting up excursions whenever possible.
Partner Evaluation: Evaluate our relationships to partnering organizations (e.g. universities).
Process Evaluation: Evaluate the process of planning, implementing and evaluating your semester
experience. Any suggestions on how the process can be made easier or better for either the director or the
students (by future directors or the off-campus programs office). Please include any advice/tips for
recruiting students in future years.
Risk Management Info: Identify important information/concerns related to risk management.
Where are the local medical facilities?
What is the best way to contact the US embassy? Where is the US embassy?
Were there any medical emergencies during the semester? How were these dealt with?
Budget Analysis: Overall accounting of money spent – amount budgeted, amount spent – any special
considerations that need to be taken into account in preparing the budget next year? Any suggestions to
make banking easier for you as the director?
Connection to Admission: Any information related to activities students engaged in while abroad to
assist Calvin admissions? Any recommendations for Calvin admissions to encourage international students
to attend Calvin?